Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Dec 1896, p. 1

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{upin sucoeu Is you . The Io. In mplete ! most I place lo who OPE. w Fwy MING on Our couflt‘ 1: beat 61°“? 1.00 1 right 1: here .tock of T61 'UGH from. think 3'2 to .75 .50 .75 Von W for: the HOLIDAYS. Gréanlma Ladies Black Cashmere Gloves tcr ................. . ......... special for the holiday trade. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves in Ten, Navy, Seal, Garnet. worth now two pairs hr ...................................... ' .33163' Colored Kid Gloves, lacing studs, for .................. the best dollar glove in the trade. alien's Line! Kid Gloves. extra special, for .................... Men's Fine Kid in Colored, worth $1 00, tor .................. Men's Mitts for .................. fiays‘ Lined Mitts .............................................. {lined Gloves, ladies', all leaders, for ............... . ......... L sdlea' and Children’s Borders, two for ............................ wias' Hematltched for ........................................... Ladias’ Initial. 10c each or three for ............................ . Ladles’ Initial. extra, 15:: each or two for ......................... Fine Ballste Embroidered, 253 each or two for .................... .. Swiss Embroidered. 200 each or two for ............................ Gents’ Pore Irish Linen. tape bordered, 180 each or two ton... {Ar-“es’ Hemetitched Sllk, each ................................. .. Ladies‘ Hemetitched Inltla‘. two for ............................... Ir ites’ Cream, Pale Blue, Pink, Hemetlohed Silk, extra fine, each Lawn Handkerchiefs. 2: each or three for ......................... Ladies' Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. each ........................... 2.: Lxdies‘ Hematnched, tor the neck, each .......................... Boys‘ Silk Windsor Ties, two for ........................... Ken's Dark and Light Ties. made-up, a. big bargain, each Extra Fine Corded, 153 each or two for .................... Beautiful Four-in-hand Ties, 15:: each or two for ........... Ken's Ties for Weddings, a. most complete assortment,_eo ASK FOR On: 1233 COLLARS. is week Holiday Trade will make a good start- will put off buying till later, but knowing ones have already commenced. Ken’s Union. Heavy Sox, 5 pair ................. Heavy Sax,lfioapalrorhwopalrtor........ ..... ....... Very Extra Heavy. 200 a pair or two pair for.......... Ken's Elastic Braces, nne web. crow Ken’s Elastic Web. leather stayed. .. Good Sensible Brace ................. Ken's Underw‘gar. Two-ply Flngerin Yarn. 21' lb ............. . ........ Heavy Faotmy urn. blao . per lb ...... A E’ix‘qerlng Yam. a stain ............................. L'Jmplato Assortment Cupecwarps, a. bunch ......... "HALO auu 09¢:an vuvâ€"J. "â€" ,_ . Ail Wool Plaid, single told. worth éo'o' ’p’e’r 'yu-a‘ Another Case to hand of our Celebrated Fianna Grey Flannel, all wool, per yard ............ . ..... may Flannel. heavy, all wool. par yard ....... Grey Flannel, extra hm, all wool, per yard... Nu; worth 250 per y . for ..................... A rmy Flannels, very heavy, per yard ........... . White and Scarlet buoy}, per 1%. 'L'::'_';;:.' .1 \naulder Shawls for little folk ..................... jéwlder Shawls suitable for elderly ladies ......... Ready for Chi/2191mm. Ready for H olz'day Shopfiers. Wide Double Fold Serge. black, navy, eeel. garnet, 3 decided lenders, . per yard ...................................................... 12h 150, 18.3 Huck. Navy, Seal. Green. Fewn and Electric Surges. ell wool, pet yd. 23c Eran Heuvy l‘weedr. worth 40:, for ................................... 30o Yum Navy and Black Semen. per yard ......................... . ........ 35:, 40c Pine Assortment Fancy, Li ht Velveteene in Buttercup. Pink, Pale Blue end Fewn. unite e tor fancy work. eilk nnleh .............. 50.1 Lovel Chine Silk. newest ehndee, per ynxd ............................ 85o Grin Blouee Silks worth 45:: 3 yard. for ...................... 253 Hmdsome leek Silks end Setlne in N eweeb Weevee. very suitable for holidey preeenee. 3 very deeirable velnee ........ .905 $1 20, 81 40 UK!!! Tints in 0mm, Pink, Blue and Buhtereup Seeine, worth 55:. for 400 Single Fold Skirt Linings ........................................... 53. 70, 150 Double Fold Skirt Linings ..................................... 8:, 10.3. 12: Waist Linings..... .................................... .. .. ...10:, 12h. 15:: Dress Steels. the beat .............................. . .......... so TQM Spools Thread for ............................ . .................. 10: Jon Loc Dress end Mantle Butane. 2doxan ton... .................... 5o .1. Fine Children's Ulstqn go be 913351 at... ............. were double thence Our Mpn' s Envy F1103: "uvhvuu UAVM- " v- were double than brim. 0“ Man’s Heavy Frieze Costâ€"Our coat .1: $4 75 Is. bargain attend a trading the most wonderful ”9‘78 Boys' and Youth! Suite. for .......................... n, ‘ - â€" . cr_ ........ without exception. public. Lynn-.. v _r_-‘ adies‘ and Gentleman’s Fur Mitts, Robes and Men’s Fur Coats. See our assortment and get our figuresâ€"you’ll buv at once. e assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves, suitable for Weddings Ribbons by the Yard. Yarns. Yarns. Yarns. The Oldest in the District- Tha Largest. Submit” Now. .331:- A imam 1854- Vc'm' I.“ u 'vâ€"' " “ hfivy. each ................... . . “ “ extra heavy, each ........... extra heavy, each ................................. Flannelsâ€"all Bargains in Sox. Shoulder Shawls. §§§§§§ Glove S peeialties. UNDERWEAR. Handkerchiefs. Men's Braces a fine web, crown made. kid stayed back, for. g: . a leather stayad ..................................... ....................................... 15G, 20.: I. E. “7- McGafl‘eJ- atesb in Ties. Dress Goods. 0151 101' Due ”Ulluu v on.-. Tan, Navy, Seal,JGz;x-net. worth 25:: pair, ............................................ 250 . lacing studs, for ............................ 3 1 00 est dollar glove in the trade. :tra epeclal, tor ............................ . 50.x worth $1 00, lot ............................ 75c ...............; ..................... 503, 750, 1,? ..... '3. l '3 Ulsters. L .WOt'th 82200,:0: ...... . ........... .JOW t , tor ................................ 18 50 . for ................................... 4 (I) for ...................................... 3 00 .................................. 8 2 00, 3 00 ........................... :2 75. $3 26. 4 25 a satin lined, good sweep. worth g: for 18 50 u u u u for 22 50 all sweep,worah $45 00. now ........ . 32 50 b, now .................................. 18 00 0, now ................................. 21 00 3, now ................................. 29 00 yr ........................................ 19 00 , for ................................ 24 00 m m. :1 25. 81 50. 81 75, $2 00, $2 50 2 75 $3 250 400 o for ................................ 35c and, 186 each or two for ........... . i333 r ................................... 250 amstlched Silk, extra fine. each.... 45c tee for .............................. 50 each ................................ 253 each .......................... 25c, 35c, 403 ........................... 250, 300 .................... 209, 253, 350, 400 ‘ yard, for ................... 1230 'iannelettea, per yard ....... . o ,_ 1945 .......... 350, 40: 603 ........ 750, 90:, 61 m ..... 203, 25c, 30:: :â€"some 45c 53 206 100 150 180 200 183 35.} 100 100 20 Will issue round trip ticket- u (allows: GENERAL PUBLIC. . . . . . . Single Piranh- an going Deanne: 2‘ sad 6; returning utilnoeembuzsfisso. Going December 81 Ind ham 1: “turning until Jam: 8, 1M. TEA CHERS and STUDENTS. Williunuxdaut. COMMERCIAL TBA VELLEBS. (0n presentation of Conuorvcinl Tnvellm' Raiiny Corinna.) Single Fix-rt cl”: Fm going December 19 w 25; returning until 1mm 4. 1807. To :11 mum. in Cumin. O. P. R. New 40‘ Si: BSCRIBE One Doll“ pet STRAYED. -- undersiznediq TRAYED.â€"â€"Into the prenneee of the undersigned. on Lot 14. Con. 13. Emily. on or about. July last, 2 two veer old heifen, one red with white spots on the side up on the hack and the other a white heifer with red spots on head. Owner: on have same by pnflng property end pssinz All expenses incurred Apply to HR. PETER MURTHA jr, Pownevville â€" “Aw. Il.'.|.|I vu ‘â€" .,._ ._ - , .l" ofler for sale at my livery barn, York-st . on Thuredny, 24m inst“ 3t 1 o'clock slurp. 3 large sized Sylvester mke Cutting Box and o power (or one horse. A firsmlns 3nd complete rig. capable of cut- ting enough food in two haul-s to do 20 horses for cue week My xenon (or selling ls chm I propose to put in electric power. by which I can clip clam end cut tealâ€"A. J EWE‘IT. Lindsay. -44w-13d-f l. Miss BLANGHE éumseaum. TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. OR 03 communal ruyu v. .. 7 , Music; pupil of F. H. Torrington. Harry M. Field and W 0. Forsyth. Addreys_:_M_BS lg. §TI§EVA°§12 No.7 We are prepared to mnke loans on town and hm property from either private rsons or lowing corn- puies. u my be desiredy: in sums of 8500 snd up- surds to suit borrowers. with special privileges u to paying in instalments without. inereue in nu of Interest. Inherent and instsllnonts peynble nt our MONEY to LOAN HUGHAN 00., Why pay 3 higher nte 2 bESFRIBE FOR THE POST. ’ One Dolls: per year in ndnnce. fi’i New Ayertisemeng A: Palm: var IOMPIMCIMWM . . SIM 58.00““ 82580|1Imll . . . . 30m fimmbor 28 '0 25- nd Jun“?! 1 : "mm" (0n unmade! o! mule-to m PdlclpeL) Single W M nu mm: min! December 11 to 34. n“ "II ‘3'“ D" u I".-uâ€"â€"â€" comm. '{m'i- ‘c‘né’ suunsu or the Tnlctfoumeumr hum in. malice-1‘21; DEoombor ll 0-0 34. ....ou lung." 11. IN! T0 .u unul Jun-m 11. 'I "W luv. nuu‘- .- un “Tang: (3_ NO. OF msmm HR-ISTMAS hum 4. 1897- T° ‘ Auk your Agent {or ;. amount, 5cm. Total given during year l897, $19,500 SALE BY Aficrtoxil will L "5 -- !. “DU v. v'vâ€"â€"vr 5t Lawrence-at. â€" (MW-32- M.-INTYRE STEWART, Province ol' Quebec ,.'omoo. 52 Keats's- “MUD WU uuvv cur Boards 90c were slififcfim $125393 82.00. Helms, Parcheese and other 50c games reduced to 25c. Without doubt we have the best select- ed line of Bibles and Prayer Books ever shown in Lindsay. Think of a solid leather bound Bible, yapped edges, formerly sold for $1.50, now 75c. Pocket. Books, Card Cases, Fancy Goods and Dolls in profusion. . You make no mistake if you deal with us. 5.1}IE 0? DISTRICT .5. Sum sue. 3 Christina 0nd. December ”sad 8! .3 until Juan“! 4. LINDSAY. Burrinterr. LindnY. Lafl abian Hughan CO. Sunlight Sosa. HUGHAN 81 (LE returning We place on sale today 25 Lediea’ 6 size gold filled Watches, with Waltham movement, at the ridiculously low price of $8.00. Same as out. Every department is overflowing with choice and amenable goods. In China we have none lines that are especially inviting. 5 o’clock Tea Sets': formerly sold for $2 now $1.25. Nut Bowls were 95c, now 65c. bold decorated thin China Fruit Sets were $2.25, new $1.50. In Games we have applied the knife. Crokinole A‘ Aâ€" #__An M THERE’S BUT . . ONE WAY To get a correct idea of the com- pleteness of our stock of F O O T W E A R. Our talk won’t do it nor that â€"â€"of anyone else.â€" Our MEN'S, Bov’s, Yoo'ms’, Women’s, MISSES', Grumman's BOOTS are made by the most reliable manufacturers in Canada. FELT lllll BllllBEll mus M, H. SISSON,’ THE CANADA LIFE 1: Premium Inoomo...... Ton! Ineomo.......... 5.086 Tom Anon............ 19.01 Ton! manhoo- ..... 123,328. 3%: In other words, the Canada Life holds more than half as much insurance in Canada as all the other ten Canadian companies, whale its total income is also over half as great as the total income of all the other companies. In the com- bined requisites of a great company the Canada life has no compact in the Dominion. Its pt‘sition is unique. w a. meEss, F. c. TAYLOR, A fine thin: for You: Bon u long on you hon tight to no It or good m to enjoy it, in o aloe plant. in uSuiublo mm, or. M to Hitch In stock and on the my All mrietia at the Fine Art Sta-c. A Nice Present DRAWING OUTFIT ME compared with all the other canadian Compan’es together. Come and Sea Next Simpson House, 1 DoormtotDuyHOm For Your Son or Daughter M. H. Sigma. W. A- Good Wm- either in on or Water colon. Sfil‘llinht FRIDAY DECEMBER 18. 1896 1595.. ".8943. 19 H- )H 23 GOODWIN: lo othpr Companies £me 52 Kent-Sti, LINDSAY Kong 8:. o'thot 10 47. the grand jury Madden-pint: Samuel Since, for {randomly destroy!“ a nluble documut; taunt Wm. mu- chell. not pndnry; and m chug!- lode! School and hut-“limos".- Tnemombaotthemodduhool tor 18 took plm lat My "ulna. Dec. 11th. In the Central uhool. Tm- oonoert my “Mounted by the student:- wlth great picture, at! propauuonl woro torthwlth undo to auto It oubrlval ms at the provloun ym. The man ADDRESS ror we avenues was...“ -- JFK-{19. the games. the concert oper. copper. The princ pd gemee indulged in were ive croklnole and checkers. ‘ ed on with ‘ The former game was neat enthusiasm and pereeverence by the ‘ twenty-eight players that gathered eroend ‘ the diner-on: tables. Attern considerable length of time the concert proper was announced. and the students flied into Miss Werd'e room. where the program was to be rendered. The em wee splendidly given. end epp‘anse was not wanting‘ thrsueh not the evening. The chairman. Mr. Back. first called on Miss Myde Foster (or a recite- tion. which was beautifully and impru- elvely rendered. Mr. J. Smith. accom- panied by Miss Dely. . entitled “The Loot Child." the enthneiaetic appllnee of the audience. The clarionet eolo. next given by Mr. T. Brown. wee greatl‘ aphreciated by the etndente. A eolo. “ he an Behind the Plough." given by Mine Hyde Foster. wae iiy eteored by town and country entitled “Tr? 0 Beck and Blackwell. The next on the program was a dehete: ‘ Beeoived. that women enlrage ehonld be introduc- ed.” The ainrmetlve wee teksn by Hetero. Blackwell and Beck. and the negative by nears. Peel and Paraona. Mr. Back con- eluded the debate by a haety review. up- holdinghie aide by many Jadiclone - men‘e. Amending was then given by . McIllhergey. followed by en inerrnmentel hyMr. Brown. ”com led Mr. Smith. which 7 _e pp endid ale to the unruly moored students. A qn< Harpy Dsys wnl He. was well rand Irvine. Buck and I the prognm was flat woman «an ad.” The ummgth i5hioh tamed s Pplendld use to "In mauled part of the mill. Family. an “dues in: read Minn M. Graham, during which time Mr. isckwell presented a handful chair (aha is of the students) to Mr. G. E. Brads: ck. their highly awaken! [anti-um. Following is the man.- : To Ir. 0. E Broderick, Principal Lind- m Nodal School, -A.. ..,-h. ‘L. -by0 an ”new“ afloat our the on. downuoutorv the Idol School. and '0 mm '0 «mm mood to you: In“ tn I. agarâ€"fir humâ€"don we. Im'oto I the Way any good mu m our won]. and our your a in mm» ”“0th mouwoltu w. nhouId b0 mu 1 clone «Kim-m: union would ‘0 Ci“? had mhlmdulngthoput can no 030an tho new sphere at 11:. upon which the student» a “when. wet. ontclna. and W h!- doco hopqthst new might “and tho dorm of .11. After thom the “dance nun» alto the hsll. whco manhunt. were served. the much sud mt at which unm credit on the young who who pn- ed. Mar do!“ 3mm to the nun-human, sod “Auk! Igujg‘snun" the “Waugh-grad to we! in his 66th yrsr. end was well-known thm bout Ontulo. In his esrly em he site ed the old Grsnchsm emy oz St. Cosh-lines. end subsequently Toma? University. where he took s degree oi A. He studied lsw in Toronto. end wss celledtoihebsrin 1856. He snows-hail? dies! in Homilaon “It“ll. when he wss n [need oonn crown st- torne snd do: of thepesoe :- Lincoln. In re he use n Romsn Cstholic. snd innolitiessnerdent reformer. Be nnsne- ossstnlly contested Linoolnin 1871. Two sis.” survive him one being the wife of Shall Dswson. 0 Lincoln county. the other s resident of Chicago. He wss Insrriedin 187910 Eiissbeth Dwis. sister otBev. Wilma! fledoe. who peeoedsdhitnto (hep-eve in April lest. Ir. leKeown no I. W iron 8:. “mummumm at '1‘!) Pm-mom'mmboxoudn.whllo mumuonwmum ot'tnlnu. I Imlon om min-Al. â€"-'1‘he patent algal! um I. u the cation new tom ll tin and finn'fifif‘h‘?» â€"Kr. John McKoown. ctnnty crown “some! and clerk at the peace tor the county of Lincoln. died so the Hotel Dion. Rum-ton. on Thu-uh] 0min; Deco-Ibo: Bulwuv flout. â€"Tu W undu- Sanctum- donia Flilhuch. oi the middle division. hue been aim tall power- mr .ii mutton needing maps-Won. including m ot mint. con. man. 092er ad «sax cm“. with tho right 0! dis- ml â€"1'he lam; hut-locking switch 'and gland In new awn-mover: on as tho melon MI hridgu. Undertho now In it will hompauihlo to cm tho until the dun: amp :1 min. coming iron tithe: until tho'umbphcua no down sad . The am out the G. '1‘. 8.00..“0” :nl nucleic! they?” (gr m , Ll- immacu- new PRESENTATION. mag t. m P33353523: ran Ends-Lu well-known this phoa. ha um‘ovod wi3ro::o§.... J. Johnson bu alto removed hlo bully (can here; ha ha gone to Mnlpcn Samoa. SKATING â€"-flr. S. Kit-thud 1s pupa-In; the skating rink tor the winter's spars. Port Perry. um luv. u. u..._... .. --_- Inca. cxw pnlpltc on Sabbctb. 1m on manna; lamaâ€"Rev. Dr. aunt. of 02mm. to c locum In the Prawn:- Inn church on Thur-d” owning a fill subject can ‘Thc cvcnzc mm.” the [cowl-c was 31m undcr the auspices of thc Mcchlmcf Insurance at n‘m phcc. -- .v "-I' -- ”Oil". 1' Bohnygeon end Duns 8 h lost. The inductory servicce oom- meneed et 130 pm.. sud were largely “tended. The R v. Dr. Terrence address- ed the minister, the Rev. John A. Tuner. of Omemee. sddnessed the people. the Rev Jss. Potter, of Peferboro. presched the sermon‘ end the Rev. A. C. Beevee. ot latched. presided. After the Induction wee over the people repslred to Mr Alex. Trotter's Imitute hell. where m was served. The Indies o! the co egetion Iw‘! prepared e spread tin-t won d tempt the meetlsnzuid the. end every per- son present seem to do emple juettee to themed before them. steer which 8. Ice Burmaâ€"Mr. o XcNem had his ice hoes out on Pigeon ke last week. end utinelively time on the ice. as it wen u fine condition for boating. Tau: Bun Tu.â€"T_he True Blue.) lave ,_A-_.-l_...-_s A- 1303 DLU. Lu.â€"-â€"v --_- _-_. - 7, announced a m and enterzdnmcnt on Chrmtnu night. They we add to be BALLYDUFF. leans-voodoo. at In Poor I Emotions. -â€"Toe amp nan tcr the county oonnolllonhlp for mu division. and the township oonnol'. promises to be worm am you 1: reports he con-ooh. We learn thou an an ”plant- tron this towmhlp oboe. and tumor tour tron Conn. tor the county not. Joe will hove to battle to not than. W. .100 lea-n thottortbe monthly than on that undiagno- out My. moan than bolus Drovgr Elg- st ‘3' a? and out but. Thoumou Woods. at ' ’fifi'fl ‘ d, n. I. . cam m mugs , 7“ Hannah!!! tel hll [nun Inga! Qua. boobl at and . g 023: 8 32a 3523: 38:8a3? cone. Noraâ€"P1000! of and um! bud rud- m .u the nu. mnudm....uonur- mummmotmrm- huthnehmwmhoholdhuunw tutu". Winston. Baum: Gownâ€"Our local merchant, Ju. Wmumnoo. hm not In an houdgy goods sad It now and: u: tho wads. En- oourm homo Madam-m. MALâ€"Now that the Mullah .5...- ......m-. In. hm mud. we would Canton, â€"1 wusuw luvâ€"v -â€"â€"â€"â€"__ v V Pouncu.â€"Now nut the Multan E Comm-re -â€"We learn thet Fowler Bron. ct Benn: am. have eccnned e con- tact of cutting umber Into eordwood on' eeverel none from he. Mitchell. luncmnmâ€"D Bard bee net cam- pleeed hle cable nnder hle been. ech- eleon doing the carpenter work ...... um lying open ell enamel- our trueseee hnve bed the echocl mode eneloeed by e new knee. Then le mum tor Improvement sun 01% SON YA. aw v- vâ€"-~ 'â€" MoLsgd. ””311th 113mg mama: TERMS; $1.00 PER YEAR ______. _ -â€"-4_â€" Id their action" . “Won.“ I). more am 31' toomplotod Inthuvlolnl v0 00. Inn 1-» two ht ma a 17.36». I “a“: triumph. of 5“ Luke Q and oath. I , the w the rev. muo- t In! of Christ. 83. van 3 mutual-1!. than the J m 0! I‘ll Pu.) Nor-.â€"Wo lure not much news (no. ban the put weak, but tun. we up»... u cannon with all vllbgas ...... Chilly "the: “Id rough roads. but am: does not punch the men tram attending to that! duflu ...... Came. I: a and sheep pus thmugh out n age to flu I n to be shlppod away to shout-go market. ...... Wheat comes In slowly. Al- alho sag nglqlovgruogiledaagoodmu- 7 â€"4 _--‘ Lâ€"J II.- __,- ,, n m In Sunderltnd...-We hue good bul- nul am: here ...... We see Mr. Philip Reynolds hate man. He comes from Goa!!!“ with his produce. as. he and. Sandals“ thy begt market he has struck 7 __J LALbA-n yet. and can buy hero cheaper snu ovum ohm st my other lace. mullâ€"Hr. uke Swltxrr In working long boon. sod no la kept busy. onetomen coming 3 loos: distance. He Is assisted by our genial friend, Mr. Dclenry. who u known to be _o_nr_sc qlogs moo. 7 _ ___- -1 L.._, heoring. fie explained the Lord'a prayer In 3 wry thot ew can cap: with. file whbkeu ere white as snow and he loot: on though he bordered on hle bur-score years. Mannaâ€"We beer um Mirl Aggie Patterson u lnlng to strength; she ha been oonfln to her bed to: some blue poet ...... mu Nellie Welsh ls also recov- ering. by she I: can very mt. ,__l-l__l ..... Illnâ€" ‘IIUWII w w u- â€"â€"v Vâ€"v- taxman-We had theâ€"pibisure of heur- lng 89v. Dr. Cumoron on Sunday evening. He is a good 92°53‘93“! well worth 7 r “A“. .____._ "K: "LAST" "libifi'nhimpa‘ 60:10on are holding their last meeting of the you. sad they ahgke hands with even the poor aid the Shake buds v men It has s vote. COBOOONK. IW oi ‘1‘- Pe-J Hot Supra-A grand display of towl will be carved up in elegant style “the Presbyterian church on New Year'- ni h. followed by a d concert which wl be mm to and young. Janinaâ€"J. Keys 1m I. velusble mm o few daye ago ...... Last week J es. Web elln lost one of his chestnut mores. which breaks up his well-matched teem, on well uloejhignenpehoge ...... Kr. Weuoo, . n n- _.|.._ .u â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"‘ _v---r on returning from Fenelon Falls. when choc: iuzr miles from Cohoccnk one of hi- horeee I ask sick. end is now under trest- ment of Chas. Thorne. The horse is pro- neeeing wry elowly. and ice recovery is very doubtful ...... Oh. by the way. who relieved list. of hie com; he got more for the doiier thou hie wagon would hold. Summaâ€"Dan't forget the done of the L. B. cheating match which will be held on Christina day, when 3 good day's epcrt it expected-Lwect-h‘r blot-able. 7 â€" â€"-_. Alggb-J ll Elwuwuâ€"w van-u -.. â€" v v- Onzcns Emcrm.â€"The omcere elected for the ensuing you for LOL. No. 1.254 ere es follows: A. McKee, W.|(.; Wu. Weme. DJL; Henry Inglee. chen; Gee. “buckle. an. end rec. eec.- J. E Jeokeoe. true: Geo Boeeen. D. of 6.; Alex. Drehe. lec.; Wm. Drake. Joe. Bovine, Fred. Bee. eell. committee. Snoo'mzo Heron ~10. Woodcock. of Normal. held e very euccee-tol “00% mach the other dey. whtch m encoded byeuthe locel sports. The ehoottoc wee the bee: eeen for some time lnthlepert. Amhednoehowtore guys” who could not hit the centre of the Sinai-any. lash. Gama or Ammtmâ€"Kr. B. I. who. who molds: a mile north of tho value. not with opooullu' “olden: hot 83mm] on he won upon-log o plotter-l on tho runny old nou- hls phoe. It ooomu he ollwad to tell on 3 pick. out Frost's om......Luo Friday It. Join Omit-mo. who wu working In tho Quinlanâ€"Ir. Thou. Eaglub. who dbl molded In tho township of Sonia-vino. It hit "slam lug Tupi-'51” morning. , 7 _ -_.-n.._ fall's-Bye. anx‘ of flames: Putnamâ€"Jog. cram wee lencthy and varied. end coneiet- ed of tittyâ€"one conga. recitetione and dialogue; ae each part cf the program wee ven the audience were more and more hted. Special mention might he e of a coin, "I‘ll tell pin! on yon." hyEvaCaldwell. e little tot oi eeven years. A eons entitled “The brook.” wee given by Miee Clare Weiietood. A solo called “A bedtime eo " wee rendered by Tillie Damon. S mention must he made of the eonge given by the senior glee club. es they were given with great pne- clelon and harmony. Mr. J. E. Knight. P.S.I.. gave a rattling eddreee oi eoont 10 minotee; aleo Mr. Steven. ct Lindeey. cave the addreee of the evening on educa- tion which was both inetrnctive and emne- ing to little once. The program wound why the echool children 8|!!!an “Bed hite end Blue." and everybody went home well and eatieaed that the time event y the children in tting up the pron-am wee well epent. an will give them moragement to overcome the routine of dotiee et echocl. oeeede ot the evening were eomethin; he Mattereuexpeneeewerepaid. The n wiliheneedinxetting a clockend itemaiior t_h_e echog‘LL Mr. J. H. A -ALAJ -- § W‘sâ€"“iii” no home ...... Fred. wag-on In home from New You for I Siennaâ€"Good lee on the pond now, and billet?” end girl- ene akin; edm- m.â€"llre. Fred. Weteon preeentel hernnebudwlthe fine boy one day lee. Scnooz. Em'rmm.â€"The enter- tainment given In the Renata-9' hell lest F evening ”the beet It has been our to heve “bended In this piece galaxy-1e. trio apacloulenehdmbow: en me: we grab the about. end teachers to find um their ell'ort; were no; In yew. _The plug 3115)?!) a “van- 2123 8 UNDERLAN D. 3:601! 3-33â€"15; Rive} camshaft KINHOUNT. or L0. L. No.1 :51 dies, WJL; Wu. insist. chub: 580- .E Jonkson. 0163" Alex. Dub. Bowins. Fred. an -.l[r Woodcock. st snooss-tnl shooti V. which was 11ml mam. Tu cur-MA nu. north of tho nun: ”olden In. W a but“ not: MI 100- [I tell on n plot. at gush on choice. ‘ under Dr. 8.8. Fad” Mr. John m _In

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