Irv-u whu--â€"-vw _â€" v a V- _ , <; upon thoroughness in every line of Sun': of taking a. course in Baok-keep- Penmanshm, etc., who us for , ..... t . 33:9 Kantian Indivmu a lacunae: PRIEGLE MCBEA, McLENNAN C0. BRIAR HILL GOAL Best Grades of Blacksmiths: McLennan 8100. Orders for Egg-WWI W I†1.“ muscmco. 1“ng “'9' . DAL. , ~- av Iii guru'sâ€"- â€"v" â€"‘-~ “‘“ghcm hba hmado at cm?" . 0“}: t. a It. Ion low M IMel: hknandngg. deus “very muon- Bkm 3. :1“ 0 rebonnmm any 0:810 88 "I? Mbleprlcea. 3119 @311quth Quit Du: radiates Are Successfpl - Both In: run 08. P“angers on the Balm mm m M1,, a the tun am on m E the tickagsalge emailing!!!“ m "the meet!!! tttltude in one m â€a eu- rnlnq back about as“! . . q “‘1' 18m- be found that the man :mgd .1313 90.51?!“ and m “tract- TOWN AND COUNTY. “mm his sltlon and "'35 _°ntionl§ the other £1393“. FRIDAY. DEC. 20, "'1 â€User Impalaâ€"$13; {taâ€"wuâ€" m that-"- 3831' him b pershonfly man: $2M: mm :2 m be!“ no farhhar mmnhlm- um Peterboro Bus. College : We :Lve thâ€"e Sesfiésults in :11 dopartme ts on post regsonable terms. v: mu: 3. m've attendance 1.: present, made up 0! a grues- !. um those holding a. First-cuss Certiï¬cate new “in ac early educttion has been neglected. 1w. KENNEDY co. c... .â€" __._.-â€"â€" â€"-â€"-â€"‘â€" 89359410141939} 048525133123 AND TRIBE. SHE 325 Boys’ Overcoats, E1200 yds. Fine Dress Serge, WAN TED 1“ insigous o! chaining a thorough Busi- DRY GOODs, - CLUIHLNU. a: 5: mfg: -@ A flagâ€"Tam. 3% “DTSCOUNT SALE w I - ¥‘;1X(§é\:551Y[9â€".\. @JE‘E‘TTB Five 1152- cant oï¬â€˜for Cash. McLennani Go. COAL no HEAVY HARDWARE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. mm“. m. a: Pom-33's Bookstore. Kent-3c" Madam-14. C E LEBRA TED 75 pails Men’s Tweed Pants, neSS 2.:ng 50 yds. New Dress Tweeds, T0 Khuw £33 at 618311;] Hflflllï¬ï¬ï¬‚ Pliflï¬s .‘.GE.\'TS FOR THE BEST HOSIERY, BEST FURNISHINGS, BEST ROBES, â€"â€"-â€" â€"-'“4â€" BEST TWEEDS, BEST FLANNELETTES, BEST UNDERWEAR, BEST BLANKETS, BEST LININGS, nesq Col‘ BEST DRESS GOODS, harsher comglalntg' were 'QBtihand Education .IXege, Peterborough, Ont. Scuéh Side cf Kent-st «**» HERE ARE SOME PRICES. for Grates. M. W. Kennedy 3!: Co. Prices 950 to $1 50 regular $1.50 to $2.50, and5 ope:- cent of for cash. Price .9150. Doubt. mid. and 5 per «M. 017‘ for cash. Prices $2 to $3. 50. regular $3. 25 to $4.75, and 5 per cent. ofl‘ for cash. Price 960, regular 400 and 6m com a)? for cash. BEST FLANNELS, BEST GLOVES, Returned to Lindsay. Dr. E. S. Wilson has returned â€Om Bufl'alo, N. Y.. and located in Lindsay, William-st., south. The doctor treats successfully, and gives special attention to diseases peculiar to women, diseases of children, blood diseases, stomach diseases. private diseases, diseases of the nervous svstem and all diseases of men. Consulta- tion strictly private and canfldsntial.â€"87 At the last meeting of the C. M. B. A. the election cf ofliotra for the ensuing year resulted as follows :-Presldent, H. II. Harry; lst via-9., A. J. Kexr; 2516. vice, What 800 End. Mrs. E. Peek, E 155h street, New York city, visited Canada last year, and had the good fertune to pick up something which not only suited her, but her neighbors also. Writing the manuficturer ct Nerviliae: she says-: “I bought three bottles of Nervi- viiine while in Canada and treated my neighbors to some (f it, and all think it the best medicine for internal and external pain they have ever used." Nerviiine deserves each a cc-mmendation, for it is the most powerful, penetrating, and eer- tein remedy for pain of allkinds. Take Catholic MEIR: sénevolenc Lithuanian. C. Podger; racordin secretary, W. F. O'Boyle; asst. moor lug secretary, M. E. MoAulfl; treasurer. J. R. Shannon; ï¬asnc! seci'etary, J. O‘Riellyz‘ marshal, F. G. Barnatt; guard, M. henneasey; representative to rzrand council, Thos. Brady; altamate, R. P. Spratt: {rasteem J. A. Gmogley and Wm. Sierra. County Court and General Session. Tbecounty court sat on Tuesday and Wed- nesday last. There was but one civil meeâ€" Cherlea Milne v9. J. W. Howry 8: Song, of Fenelon Falls. This was a case for dam- ages for on injury received by pleintiï¬â€˜ while working for the defendents in their mill at Feneion Falls. The evidence went to show that the bolter in the machine was defective and out of crder pix-essence! t_h_e_‘protection over the saws _-L “mung!“ #aninnnfl Accoun- v. in. -vv -_-( - u: r -- W , beirg light and not properly fasfened. The case lasted all day Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Thejudge’a chart-a was strongly in favor of the plaintiff, and the jury, site: being out some time, brcughtin a unanimous verdict for the plaintifl' for $200 damages, which i; the full amount the county csurt can give. Mr. . A. M :- Diarmld, of Mchhlin 8c McDiarmid, acted far the uleint , and Me. W. Steers, of Enron 8:. Steers, for the defendants. . T" Here, local agent - for the Singer M'i'g Ca , wee driving down Cambridge-st. in e cutter. hie spirited driver be' , ‘1 came reetleee end . mede determined A attempts to run ewey. When he reached Metthew’e peeking home Me. Here oheemd sin-3e crowd of people etending on the roedwey oppoeite the market. end tearing that someone would be tum upon it he dreyp put‘he turned thgue‘nimei'e heed ‘-_n-_ 5- .mâ€" him min-h am") WE DO van-n- â€"â€" _â€"_._-“- to the west, hoping to run him against acme obstruction on the market square. Unluckuy. however. the beast got be Manors: control. and whenturned o the roadway he tore madly across the square, the cutter upsetting near the rear driveway leading Into the ï¬rehall. Mr. Bore was uhrown with terriï¬c toroe alneu the edge of the lattorm, the noun 0: the blow heard ï¬fty yarde away. Eb? substitufe. mail}; "1'11; was as once conveyed to m. Clarke’s other, where the wounds were , and later an in the evening he was e233)? it: his home. f{Pa-«la. 1we learn ‘ e progressing “on yâ€" newa that will rejs ce many friends in BEST FURS, Mmcat I. ran: Looms“. BOUl‘ 4 30 o’clack \- M; last Saturday even- CLOTHING. Mr. John THE CANADIAN POST, â€"A horse. with a cutter abtached to It, came down Kent- st. big about 6 O'clock on s .mrday avnnins m w ning style. Strik- ing a farmer's sleigh in front or Rabid: ‘,-L ,A_‘. .1 IL_ 1--) I.-I.I_J â€"Mi:s Gertrude Trotter, assistant in- structor cf elocution in the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. begs to announce that she is open for a limited number of evenings in Lindsay and vicinity, will give the whole programme,“ part. during Christmas holidays, Dec. 17th to J an. 7th. For dates and terms address Mrs. H. G. Whi- eside, box 227, Lindsayâ€"913 Iv. grocery. it left part or its land behind, but still continued on the even tenor of its way. The driver did not seem to be in It -â€"at least he was not in the rig, and had not showed up when latest reports were â€"Nor.wood Register: 0:: Wednesday of last week Alex. Calder sold his pet deer, which was capsured last summer at S-‘Jony Lake, to Dr. Uranhyatekha, of DeserontO. momma chief ranger ot the 1.0.F. ‘ Billy" “758 ““53.“ a crate and shipped to the Dr. lest umday. Whether the Dr. ln‘ tends making him the “qupmme bumper" cf the order we are unable to an . bug we would advise candidates for inï¬xmm to leak out for “Billy.†uuauu was». uvvvâ€"v, “w.â€" ,-_V,, __ he covered dimes: maï¬amexmm his warm“. -Io oonvomtion with I mum from the north in: week he aid thoproopeota (or timber were» bid that Hon-y 00. would undonhtodlymtoii operations. as the Gilmours on doing, but hr the not thot many of the setting have obtained deeds of the ,LLI‘_ -_._ --‘I OLA- an tanoatoruntheirlogahh unmughon thedrlvingtopayfwhnglnguxhepdoe happenstobalowatsenhs e. â€"E ven the Peterboro ï¬re brigade makes mistakes sometimes. A trait and candy store conducted by a man named Anthony caught ï¬re last Thursday evening, and the brigade wasted considerable time in watching the burning chimney of another residence before they noticed the ï¬re for which the alarm had been sent in. A fr: zan hydrant then caused additional de- lay. and it was only by hard work that the fire was prevented from spreading to adjoining property. â€"Yesterday about 40 horses and 150 sheep leit Lindsay to: the English us'xet. Mr. P. B. MeIllhnrgey being the shipper. In proof of the claim that the seller pays the "shot†every time we may say that as the new English cattle law provides for in=ueetion at the int of shipment. Dr. Kenny will reoe ve from Mr. Member-gay tor pessin the sheep tees amounting to $7 or 88. ‘ defray this expense the buyers stipulated that 56. per animal is tobe deducted at time of pay- ment, and it will. â€"M r. Chat. Sllver. eherlfl'e cmaer, returned on Wedneedny otlnebweeku-om a long and erdnnne tx-lp through the north country. On Monde mornlnnheletu with a horse end cutter oeummoneennmber of witnesses In the one at Qzeen n. Shookler. tried at the general eeulone guardâ€. and to reach some of them had penetrete to the extreme north-out comer of Card!!! township. Despite leer- tnl ed hie men Intune to made he reach hustle than down P! mu! rm. M8 Mn -11-- lâ€" -â€"m.I-- Dun 11.1: m we “DI-v â€"â€"-â€". v . settlers hue obtained deeds of the I â€"â€"Ccnsiderlng the condition of this month's magazines at the Public llbrary. It would be a good idea. if the papers were planed between mate'ooard covers. The Uclleglate and Y.M.C.A. readlng rooms have adapted this plan, and certainly their magazines In appearance would compare favorably with any in town. â€"-Mr. F. K. Begble. superintendent of the waterwexkv, is at; pzesenp sntfering from a. very sore feet, the resuzt or exces- slve zeal on the part: at a workman en:- pioyed to do eozue digging. Mr. Begbie placed his feet on the spot whtre be desir- ed opimtions to begin. and the next mo- ment received a “peek" on the too from a. heavy crowber wielded by a. pair of museu- lar arms. 01 course the men expected the foot to be removed. but I: wasn’t. -â€"We have bren Informed that Mr. E. D. Orde and Mr. N. H. chdry have signiï¬ed to a few friends their wmltgeess to offer their services to their fellow-citizens as the coming municipal elections as council- lors for the scuth ward. :We have been unabie to interview either of these gentle- men as to the truth of the rumcr, but. understand that stron measure will be brought, to bear upon t em to adhere to their partlyformed resolution â€"Ferav 1: ha wound up the model school term on examinations. Tout night and Saturday students mro buoy mk- lng pp and 1991va tor‘tholr homes. Mm --Peterboro Examiner: While cleaning the workshop Sgturdw morninz an em- ployee in tha Wm. E wgiiah Cc.‘s canoe faciory picked up a shaving, upon which was clearly outlined the natures of a man. So startling is the likeness that the curbs- icy is weEI worth seeing. a pleasant triontf and smiling ecqneini- anca will thus be lost to Lindsay Keopic. However, what is our loss is the gain and in their new homes and spheres c labor the model sohool clue of ’95 ere tol- iowed by the boob wiehee oi Tn: Poe-r. which will overtake an interest in their future doings and would be sled to hear from them at any time. â€"A hunting patty consisting of Captain McAnley and J chn Hawkins, Port Hope. who were shooting in the vicinity ct Reabcro tor a. few days last. week, were the guests of Mr. Geo Dinner. They euc- ceeded in killing about 25 rabbits. during the winter. -A number cf the Finlanders who have been employed on the canal at: Kirkfleld were givan their “walking tickets" last SagurQay. _ Only a {mall numbgr cf m‘en â€"Bay your oysters, biscuits, czkes oranges, lemons, bananas, dams, (us. nuts and canned goods from Gmosen Fox; N a. 114, Kent-st. Oyster and lunch moms always open.â€" 4-2n 92-2. ‘ â€"Hemy Fuller, an employee or the Canadian General Ezectric Works, Peter- borc. hsd his left hand badly crushed 132: inday. necessitating the amputatlan at several ï¬ngers. -â€"Mr. F. S Gordon, manager of the Tyrol- ean Troubadoura 00., was in town last: week and oompieted arrangements for the appearance of this company here on Mon- day, Jan. 13th. --R3v. Mr. Macmillan new a very 1n- atruotive eddtess on â€The Choice 0! Words.†at the llttnry saelety In counte- tlon with the Collegiate Institute lest- Ft!- day afternoon. â€"We would warn drlvera to hep shy at the corner ct Vlotorls-ave. 5nd Walla - ton-st. Thmls snugly but then“ It ls a very llkely place torn upset and runaway. â€"Rosldontl on Want-at“ Potorboro. lane oomphlnod to tho pouoo mum tho owneu at 1m hot-u. win but been using that thoroughlau u I speeding sauna. â€"'.l‘ln bond 0! mm.“ wlll nut n tho Gallo 1m mmm on Bunny. Duo. 2190. at 0. ma. tor tho purpose 0! murd- lna eel-uncut“ and othu bulltIll. â€"1‘hcro W» | wry Isl-go crowd u the rink Friday "min . Undu- Mr. Putin'- ublo mun 0mm 0 “undue. mum: to ba “on usu- unn luau «non. -3 in cold thou Mr. Andnw Bobortoon wm oppooo Mr. Johnston Ellis to: tho mmhlp o! 09: no the coming mnlo’psl olootlom. â€"u 3:: icon a: nun. m any n: um than I. I pullbulty cm Mada: omnu m“ hut n c ortult c: has Mu 03.11 am “‘93:. y “I -Ano%her an: 0! mm, numbnrlng than: 75 In all. «no down Iron tho Gilmour camp- lnt Sstudny. â€"A chaise stock at Memorial cardl o: aha late-h and mod: handsome denlgn just received n Tan Pm. extractingâ€"914‘. â€"'1'he teacher: In tralnlna ï¬nished their practical teaching last Friday afternoon. -Dr. Neelands, dentist, has great eno- oesa In treating ochlng teeth without can be obtained antâ€"any hour, day or night at Huem Colaâ€"$41. 1135532313131de ‘65" the works â€"We rearet to have to announce the death of Mr. Thee. 0 Reilly. of the east. ward. who passed away on Friday of last week. He was a well-known resident otthe east ward, and will be missed by many old friends. â€"Mr. Odell, teacher at the Cobcnrg C(1- legiaze Institute, has been unpainted to the vacant Inspectors!!! tor Northumber- land county, for whlc Mr. A Jewett. headmaster of the Campbelltard schools. was an app!!cant. â€"Bche In agitated for new men to guide the municipal ship. The townhaa a rate of taxation of 22 mine. Ichaaan overdrafo at the bank of ,C00 and owes $10,000 for law eosta. o wonder they want a change cf men. -â€"0ar enttrprising br'c‘slayer, Mr. Thou. Wai’er. who had the contract cf the brick work around the new boiler bein put in by Massrs'. Dundas 8: Fiaveiie groin. oomï¬ietod the work on Tuesday. â€"A farmer‘s rig was overturned last Thursday opposite the home for the an: d. and the spirited young haxsa made a deter- mined break for freedom, but was luckily caught berm any damage resulted. â€"We understand thet eeversi gangs ct destitute ehnntymen heve pneed through Babe xygeon during the ieet few deys. some at them haying walked 80 milee. On their way down they levied contribu- tlone on the settlers and msny hen-roasts were stripped. -_..- â€"v u â€"- -â€" ._v ___7 n-_ â€"-tc-day weleem Mr. R: misunderstood our reporter, end the l: nterencewns made to the reeveehlp. to: which position go! ligands eoiloicinc the upper: a! hi: on . â€"A Christin“ tree entextsinment will :0 held '1‘? Marinas: sagon o: the even- na 0 eedey. :c. . Dwain ooneietin of woe! end Instrumental mule. «LE: :eeeihetionl. etc, will be given. et 7 ML. cone-n commencing 7.30. Won: ndnlte. 15c. children, 10:. All ere cordially invited. â€"A concert will be elven on New Year’e evening, Jen. 1:0. 1896. In the 03:11!!!ng- st. Methodist church. under the “when of the Lsdlee’ AU. mu Trotter. e graduate of the Conservatory, Toronto†â€"Mr. Den. Stimson, cuter, met with an untortnnate accident Mandey evening while delivering a load 0: wood, his right am being broken. â€"Mï¬ny p60 'e goluc no Regent-st. are campelled to {in the middle at the road. as the snow-plow does not go all the way on Regent-st. to Albert-st. We hope this will be attended to. â€"Mr. W. J. Ceirnr, G. T. R. muster carpenter, returned laet Thursday with his etafl‘ of assistants from Geiert. having ï¬nished the work of reï¬tting the station there. The dwciling house connected therewith will be occupied by Statioumse- ter Brendon. ‘ â€"Seveitl W II I tow mile: out 02 Linda: ottended the eterboro who. lat Seturdoy. and returned ted. The! rapt“ tint over 300 of bee! were want! to: solo. my ct them wen sold for lee! then So 1%. 0n the some do! qauteu were con gossamymn etmmmmsm â€"1'he omen hoyvlth hie ehtee And Wk it henna oglcrloutlme on Kent-st. wee Toe roleinthet out at the town new In “to look before you lean.†The cltllene lmhet district ere nth" benevo- lent In their Idea end (1011': who to du- tub the boy: “1388 on they erjoy themselves onddo not work my eel-Ion! ' -m, J. Thornhfll. at the north wand, was suffering from a badly sprained ankle last week. V â€"Norti warden 03mph!!! at... the neglect of certain street electric he“, The light at the corner of Albert ann Regent-ate. has not been worklng properly or late. â€"The ‘Varslty students left far Orlllla on Wednesday. More than one Llndeey girl will give more lhm a passing thought henceiorth to the manly wearers o! the blue 'and white. â€"A detachment cf lccrl Salvationlsts, about ï¬fteen members strong, drove out to Little Britain Thursday evening of lost Week to take part in a concort, and report 3- V“! pleasant time. â€"In Tucsdag’a daily we announced that Mrk Buy ad tarot-mad our reporter that he W» In £111ng to: thy nymph! â€"Last Monday young man named Fred Mallory, who resides in the east ward, was brought before P. M. McIntyre charged with having stolen a watch from one Wm. Halliday about 221d October-last. It seems that on the evening c: that day Halliday and some iriends had hcen er j Jy- ing themselves at the Windsor hotel. and when he let; the premises with Mallory about closing up time he was not in con- dition to waix a clnlkllne. Next morning he feund that his watch and chain were missing. bur. did not mention the matter to Chief Bell until a little over a week ago. As areeull: of quiet investigation on the part of that cfllcer he located the watch in the possession of Hugh McGlnnls. hustler at the Royal hotel, who had loaned $1.60 on the time-piece under the impression that Mallory owned it. The chain was found in the possession of Mal- lcry's wife. The magistrate oonslderedthe evidence conducive and sentenced the prisoner ' to six months in the Conral prison. Mr. G. B. H’pkins appeared for the dcfn, Mr. A. P. Devlin tor the crown. â€"The break In the weather has put an end to skating tor the tune bet: 3. â€"0n Situndey. Mr. Alex. McGee. who lives between Powlee' Corners and Fenc- lon Falls, came into town in the hope of tracing a trump who had stoien his two:- ite dog. Cale! Bell informed him that the tramp and dog had spent the night in the lcckup and had 12 135 next morning presum- ably for 0111113. Receiving instructions to nonrehend the tramp hr the their, Chit! A elf placed himgel {in communication with .â€"â€"--â€" 7...- ._ _ _--, the 131092: ahthoiitles. and the mm was arrested In Cannington by Canstable Harwood. He said than he had sold the dog to an Ops farmer for 502.. and Mr. McGee ls still on the hunt for his pet. Polio. Cent: wonder. â€"A men nemed Kenneth Fergus». oi Max-1pc». wne nmsted in town on Sitar- dny evening by Chit! Bell on n wen-ant. ehnrgin him with having stolen $10 from :5 man :nmed D. Grant. living near Wood- vilie. , 0. 0. 0. l'. -1‘ho oonal-onnool olootlon ond Inocoit- ouon o! 0.0. 0.3. omoon woo hold roo- do: ovontnl oI tho lodco :oom. ond tho touow- lns won olootod ond only lnohllod : N. 6.. E. 8. Soon"; V. 6.. W. Honor: ooo.. R. E. Sunoon: Imhm. J. A. White: oon.. W. o Md)»: W. ‘1‘. north: L. 31.. W. Brown. R. s. s. ï¬nnsmnm s.s..a.c.-un-; R. S. N. 0.. G. Johnoton; L. 8. N. 0.. w. Lolï¬h' R. b. V. G. D. Szofmonoon; L 8. V. G.. .‘Ktllnbv: onnitoxs. . Bnygortn. W. Lolqh. W. MoWntcox-e; unsuoc. W. Foo. G. Johnoton, J. Hepburn. D. D u. 31.. W. MoWottu-o. omdnoted the Installation. on‘ .10an n urinal-fan lop-ad u danm'o s’ulde, n Manuela-ampliï¬es. 'noo much much on «Id In In at tho Funny Build tad Wool! 4 en. la la A an“ paw. n u a» on! one: rlu. mama. to t 0 now per ha on. cradlnbto to the Dunln on. ad mu mummy to the subscribers. who ï¬nd on. ct than low tum-uncut- um mm Immune dlvldondl to tho Inbuoubor. A Grant Lacuna. A manual: grub mm: In tho Fun!!! not-dd and Weekly SM. 0! Neutral. 1: u a nompnpar. a mun-X99. n gnaw. Hm lone. ' â€"Dec. 22nd mgh cad public echoola, close; 26:11, annual school meeting In rare! 3 section; slat, reports from trustee. to! Inspector due; Jnln. 3rd. 1113!: cm! public: schools re-open 41.11 mun: m from town bonds :9 mticpntment due; 5:11.011: meet-lug (f public echonl nlbcude Influence; , 21c: .. provincm normel echoole open. I Inns: of mm Llama. 05100 G. W. Bean's jewelry store. Ken: 31:. Local Brown“. â€"- vâ€" __ -v r» ï¬rst-335’s mwcil'hlont â€"Mr. G. W. Rmney 0.8 , o! Peta-ban. hu returned from tile north country, when he hid been Inpedntendlog the workontheLB.O.B.B. â€"Mr. W. F.0'Boyle, of town. and Mr. Donut“: trick. of West Oomratnrmd from a £3" v13“: to cum. and violnltv. Int m" momma. â€"Mr. L. E. Sum, leon PM]: man- ngzrtor we nawxanmz. wu In town on wetland†on I: my homotnm Ph h~ do‘p‘ahmhm he had bomvhlflnx hunch. â€"Mr. J. Hon any. rapt-cumin. Lomdale. Bald o. Moan-ed. wu In town but Tuesday calling on M: custom- ers um! lots on the north train (at Halibu- â€"\lrr. John Koowloon. who bu tom midlnz with be: m. Mr. W. S. Tynan. ot Cmpbollï¬ord. to: o oooplo ct month- 3;" went through to Toronto lat Thou- -Mr. John Bond. con o1 can: o! Panto Road. of mm. In: boon «god to principal of m Khmonnt to next I._I‘_ - ‘_‘ AI-.. â€â€˜I._.A 53317713 "am. am olsss «ammo sad ls on mason: sttsndlnu tho Nor modsl school. Fwa‘ld'? 933% "' 13:" m o w ss - .4 ’flm’iumn‘ Duo. 8131. Ninth?! sod Coon: Tucson: mm to also:- lnzjorou account’s mods. no lo- ccracd homo on sum. .11 Pub: Dull. ct. N Gosh. " lsst'l' lim- sup cl men comm, Mm!!!- Mammoth! hsdoosuochosnd muons allot-communal "â€"un. J. 1). Fisher (Israel-11 mu Annlo MLCmdmd), a! Run. Malta who has been 10ml alum, her muni- md mnv I: I by he: orrlyd_ug Ryan: 09 _S_\!u_dp E9" Mr. L;_ -- 3:.ijâ€"Fl'ï¬l5-HEO‘5 atâ€" 31?. 1533:- Fisher. this ion. â€"Pro!. J. C. Smlth, nthletlo lns‘ruobor. Toronto, In In town for thwarts» ct â€rooï¬ng o mtllngmtoh eh Mr. W. H. Simpson. Henlson’r stakeholder. â€"Mr. Geo. S. Thom of this town. returned lut Thu 3] from Sndhury. when he hed for the past few months been eelllnz his book with good succeed â€"Mr9. J. Flood and son ieit on Monday for Kingston to Join Mr. Flood. who holds a situation in the post cm» inspec- tor's department. â€"Mrs. R. S [or [at for Montreal iut weak to m a her daughter. Moe. Cal-Hale. a short visit hetero aha depart. tar British Columbia. -â€"Mr. Chen. O'Leery, who was so severely Injured In the nu": yard hat week. in now thin to be shut min. but the wound- m not yet heeled. ‘ â€"Mr. Char. Fall-balm. M P , was In Mwn â€Wednesday, havingoome by way at Fenian. Bet-anon. thodeoghlngnryaood betweon Bobumeon and Fenian Faith Luise Della J swell. who has been of.- tending the model oohooi. "turned to her home in Stonn'vilie lat Thorodey evening. â€"Bev. W. McConn, o! Omomee, return- ed tron: Mloden Moods! morning. hoviog conducted divine service there on Sundoy. â€"Mr. G. H. M. Bsker, loal agent for the Rnthlmn 00.. 1e“ luc Tuesdcy for the Arm'- headq actors nu Dacronto, where he wlll remain sever-:1 days. (on _Mn. Rabat-t Rakes. of Panama. '3 10. has been vultlng her-lam, Mr). F. dauy‘w“ She returned home 133: Mon- â€"Mr. Goo. mum. at Poterboro. m In town on Smut!" . or u; we mother-mis‘ï¬dï¬i 333%?! â€"Mr. J. W. Smith. of Woodvmo. who was on 111: an at the December sessions. gsve Tun osr a pleasant: «11.11:» Wed nuday weak. â€"Mr. Jnmes Smith, 0! 0mm, returned to town Sitnrdny evenin and will remain far a couple ct weeks coking etrer his business here. â€"Mr. J. L. ang. of Toronto. Is In town lookln steer some Improvements contem- plated the Doheny block premises. -RQY. J. So Is WM m it!" 0‘ wmred. ls unending s few days In town, the guest of Mrs. Dyer, of csmbrldge-st. -Meeeu. J. B. rerun end Mr. Seth Calvert were :- ane city lest week select- Ing “vent Instruments far the new head. -â€"Itlsxumcred that the Canon, 3nd Onkwood Praebyterlsn church» a». ï¬lled the pulpit moans: wlth Rsv. Mr. McKenzie. “Mr. nod Mn. Alt. Lido have tuba up residence In Mr. Duncan‘s house on Bond- at., east ct Cantu-Ideas). â€"Mr. J omen Adams, of Onemee. we: In town lest Saturday and geve Tm: Posr e pleeeent cm. â€"Mlee Music Armstrong. who Is residing with her sister. M :e. L. Archean- henlt, to very m. -Mr. A. B. Mar wln. manager fer the Van Amburg Fun“: of Enertalnere. was In town on Tueadsy. â€"Mr. Joseph an Ice, one of tho proprie- tcrs o! the Klrkfl (1 mm mills. was In town on Saturday hat. â€"-Mr. John Midwinter. of Maven. lelt on Mandsy last for Talmlde, Cal. a. town 400 miles weo: of Dave. â€"Mrs. P. P. Rxwllnnon. cf Khmoun‘. Dazed through town last Saturday to Havelcok to visit friends â€"Mr. Ssnfleld Slamâ€. of Bothsny want Saturdï¬y ma Sand. wlth Maud Ma. R. J. cLsnghllc, opd-at. â€"Mr. 85 ran Rablcson. aunt far 531":- terBrosq 5’6")er last Sstnrduy tram a business trip to Halibut-ton. â€"Fatlier Setnlan. or the otthednl. Peterboro. paid Vicar-Gen. Lsnrent I mu last. week. â€"Mr. Alex Watssn. one o! Klnmount‘u most enterprising mtrshnnts. m In town last Friday. -Mfl. W. Pym. of Halibut-ton. m In townon Saturday. manual“ by Mrs. C. Pym. â€"M'. J. H. Anderson. of "Tory Hill." Monmouth township, was In town last Saturday. '1' Mr. w. s. Immdugoadd'mmm of Campumord. wu [noon on Thursday: â€"‘.\!r. E. Mugravc. headmutor of th: Kit-koala school, was In town on Sunday. â€"Mr. J. Blond-on. Ccnnvllle. spent Saturday sod Sandsy with (dead: In t9“. â€"!r. J. D. Thornton. lumen mac. 0mm». mat 8mm!†In to". -Msuu. A. E. and W. Bottom. 0! Bob- oxnoon. mu in town lat Fruity. _uro R J. 10’3â€. “I“ mu“. Cobcemk. ms in town on sunny. â€"Mlu Bud at Bahama. In at :- onu tho cum 2:: Mrs. J. G. Bums.†- o n O O #ï¬rwnaum B. HeQude o: Ban: â€"Mn. .1. loft on Manda Lt Hunt“ to m: 19%;...“ town on 'rnudu. â€"Faum mean. u Baum-Ida." In can I.» me». -Mr. J. W. am. at Potable. m In ton on Sunday. â€"!r0 ‘0 011830. uni". 0‘ “MIX. upon. 8»me In W. â€"Mu. J. Thompson. a! Hume. was In to" Samv. -B:v. an. hum-um. of madâ€. m In Iowa on 'ruodu. â€"Mr. 0. Wow V» In Baum. lat Monday. -M‘. W. 0. Wood. val In Kkfldd In: not. 'Lmusm Lucy In walking radon Mn mm mmwmmmamu Manama-untamed mum- mammmammmm “minimum hum-no.0“. All“ “malted Into “(Input-Ian! 00mm." annulmlhoun Ml DECEMBER 20, 1895 mt. no... M Burro: 3303.. Jewellers. Foot ct Kent-It. Hudsonâ€"01. a. n. 1). mm. o: mm. m to â€-7-7Wo are planed indeed to be lb): to auto that. Mr. John Hon. tbs victim 0! Inc smmy- act-lou- lununy Mont. lo pr {nu-ably. sad I: mm- “on not uneven. will nah 3 mm -â€"Mr. 1:. WW. and! W In tho "2.5. n. x. name an». - 0d thrown on WM 0? fmï¬w-m ."--â€"vâ€" _--__ -__ â€"Inspootor Banjo did um. of Fusion. mu tho CW concoct In: Wod- and†at». -â€"Mr. W. W. Cmpnl). who um nou- wul have on Doc. 19* to: the old 8m angry. when he lam-pond the stunt. Hnwmullonflu Ma‘s. of woman. _ m. Rant-st" utm- nn “some at who min: to cyan. which we an and unusual. .1 '1‘ mm» rand tor her this tau-m will: -â€"lln W beacon ed n a.» v-Dr. finuon will b. It the 3m homo. Llnday. on sum†Doc. 21». â€"Mn. 8. Inez-Ln. o! William-It. north. Maud from Goldwater WM {an town on Wodondly. â€"-Mm Nomadic. at Toronto “Inn-my. In home to:- the hollows. â€"Mr. John 8. Cum. 0! 00mm. w to town on Wodoogdgy. andâ€. 'Ofltlu. -Ml‘. C. J. Pain" In to" on Then as to TIE Dowxs, BLANKnrs, TABLE Cnoms, SHEETINGS, Towns, NAPKINS, CHENILLE CUR-Mme, LACE CURTAINS and hundreds of other useful household comforts. We show an immense assortment, and we cordially "_invite your inspection of our offerings before making your Christmas selections. (lined or unlined), cashmere or won), prices and qualitlcs guaranteed. of Fur Capes, Caps. Muï¬'s, Collars, Men’s Fur Coats, Robes, etc. {or WE: Gentlemen, we have a very complete assortment at right prices. Child’s Lawn, colo§ed Border, 2 for 5c., to the ï¬nest of ï¬ne Silks at $1.50 each. GENTLEMEN'S Tn-zs, SCARVES, OVERCOA'I‘S, BRACES, Socxs, WHITE AND FANCY SHIRTS, COLLARS, Carr‘s, ETCâ€"In all these lines our assortment is very complete â€"-â€"the latest novelties just to hand. pattctns from 5c. to $2 per yard. HOSIEflâ€"A grand stock, full range of sizes from the lnfants‘ Booties to the ï¬nesthuality of Cashmere for Ladies. G" We are ready for a My Christmas trade With the Prices cut to the Core. WARNER 8: 00., Read our C othint Advertuomong A terns, from soc. to $2.50 per yard. to suit any person. happiness can be secured and no money wasted. Among the thousand and one useful articles, we may suggest a MANTLE. We have hundreds to select from at prices V This being the case, by buying something useful and serviceable {or CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, much WARNER GO.’8 Yfllll Hflliflfllj PllIGflflSBS Eflflfl [GRAND HOLIDAY ASSOITIENTl GLOVES AND MITTSâ€"Dozens of Boxes of Kid LAB“. 0! Port 369?. SOMETHING IN FURS.â€"Look through our stock SOMETHING IN UNDERWEA§:For Children, HAN DKERC HIEFSâ€"By the thousands, from the A DRESSâ€"Thousands of yards and hundreds of MANTLE CLQIߤ~by the yard, dozens of pat- From the Immense Stock of Ueetul and Fancy .4"!qu now 1::th in LINDSAY AND WOODV ILLE. That " TIMES ARE HARD" is pretty generally conceded by data one. PM†t ey’sâ€" Montreal. MAKE- Warner a Go. mun “1330 matters an 70“! flat man! ‘W 71563 than t1“! olnewherg 1n thinr gape; mm chm once. -â€"Ls tha dny of our great munici i chance is quickly drawing you. we doc to remind 1.11 the women voters cf an. a mpmibiiity which not: upon They inn been entrusted with tho mam. and it II their duty to use it and retrdn tram wm “humus-y v..- râ€"-.__-_.,, _ flow of tho paople who hue formed the Mt of buying on Szturduy nlghb m 000de todo no. The Saturdsy night pw aunt ha 0mm been madam object on to early closing. butwocmnot «0 why It should. 1‘3th It. tor mud ch“ 3 “runs mu: In mid his wago- 0 night. had the nanny deer he receive- mused ha . thin curt-ml! would bosom an to was aux-ted to buy on m. but! mod no: account!) occur â€"Now but tho W. C. T. U. bu disposed of the only closing question. our mu step will tag :9 an up on)! 91:33:93de â€"'1‘he nun: “36346.5: 0! our Nerootio depirzmenc is mekina n greet. eil'arc to nl work during her eeeonplleh same nee! c appointment. The distribution 0! herein†on Net-notice is now the chief work belnz done by the committee. of the literature will be sent to newly nll the societies u town.nnd the onion! 0! each ecclety are regretfully noted to mks the but pose! e neeot iv. o. r. u. not»