is heldï¬in uie highest The ï¬rm of Burke Bros facturers of Shingles. Sta Barrel Hoops and Flour E large buildings, one 15 a cooperage and store-room j The firm of Burke Bros. are extensive menu- facturers of Shingles. Staves. Heading, Flour Barrel Hoops and Flour Barrels, occupying two large buildings, one 15 a mill, the other as u cooperage and store-room, the grounds cover- ing an area of one an d now give employment to from ï¬fteen to twenty hands. They turn out from 20,000 to 30,000 shingles, 8.000 staves, their full 'cnpacity being 18,000 staves, 16,000 heading and 10.000 hoops per day. ‘ -- ' ._ -â€" nnrnllt of one hundrefl twenty years, an 16,“ neaamg uuu .-,-t , _ This is in addition to an output of flour barrels per day, an amov shortly be increased to two hundr: They do all their own cutting forh heading and shingles, and have a: hole of this section of Or members of the ï¬rm are all native and have resided in Lindsay for rtion of their lives. As busine are the most progrcss've in Canm 7 - J A mam’l‘ lv citizens they 5; estimation of :1 towards the buil Mr. I. Riggs carries on a Illlbbcuu..-.._v trade, he being a dealer in Fancy Goods, Cigars, Tobaccos, Bicycles. Toys, etc., occupy- ing the whole of the ï¬rst floor of that spacious three-storey brick building at No. 6 Kent street. He has been established since 1873. A nt to one hand besides himself. He mrries a very large stock, as indeed he must to satisfy his many customers in Lindsay, and from the towns and villages of the surrounding country. Mr. Riggs may be regarded as one of the pioneers of the town, having resided here for nearly a quarter of a century. He ï¬rst mme to Lindsay in I870. and has been a constant resident ever since. During all this time he has kept on making friends, and is nowlone of the best known and popular men in the district. In business he is upright and straightforward;- while in private life he is highly regarded for his many good qualities as a citizen. Mr. Alex. Fisher is a duller m Blaprc a..- Fancy general Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed, etc., occupying the whole of the ï¬rst floor and basement of the ï¬ne large two- storey brick building on the corner of Peel and William streets. Mr. Fisher has been estab- lished in business for seven years. and gives employment to three hands. He carries a very large stock of the ï¬nest class of goods in his line, and does .1n extensive trade with the people of Lindsay and surrounding country. During his seven years’ residence in Lindsay Mr. Fisher has built up for himself a. reputation for fair dealing and honesty. so that his custo- mers know that they get precisely what they order. He enjoys a very high reputation in the commercial world. while personally he commands the respect and esteem of all classes of his fellow-citizens. __â€"â€"-â€" The firm of Calvert Bros., dealers in F resh and Salted Meats of all kinds, has only been established for a period of about ï¬ve months. yet in that short time a surprisingly large trade has been built up. They carry an extensive stock, their shop being in the ï¬rst floor of the opera house block on Lindsay street. Their trade is not conï¬ned to the town, but extends tar into the surrounding Country. The ï¬rm is composed of Mr. E. A. Calvert and Mr. W. Calvert, both of whom have resided in Lindsay for about ï¬fteen years. They had a great deal of experience in the business before setting up on their own account. and are highly popular with the many customers they have succeeded in attracting to their establishment. Mr. R. D. Thexton is a large dealer in Hay. Straw. Coal and Wood, his ofï¬ce being on the ï¬rst floor of the ï¬ne large three-storey brick building at the corner of Kent and Cambridge streets. He has been established in this line ‘of business for the past three years, and has built up not only a very large trade with the people of the town, but also considerable with those of the surrounding country. Mr. Thex- ton presses hundreds of tons of hay and straw yearly, and gives employment to many hands in this branch of his varied business. paying farmers good prices for all they an supply. By far the most important of his many lines of business is that of lumbering, which he has pursued for several years pas . He owns extensive and valuable timber limits on the shores of Ball Lake, about 3 5. miles from Lind- say. on which he cuts immense quantities of wood, sawlogs, telegraph poles and hemlock bark every winter, a large gang of men being engaged in the: work. in addition to those employed by local iobbers under contract with him. All this forest produce is brought to Lindsay, the Wood going into his own yard; the logs are acid to local mill-men. and the telegraph poles and posts are disposed of to outside parties at remunemtive prices. The towing is done by Mr. Thexton’s powerful little tug, the Eva, which was entirely reï¬tted last season, and is one of the best on the lakes; he also owns a well-appointed steam pleasure yacht. the “Nouns. Roy,†and has a summer residence on Ball _Lake.,_near his limits. Being , at-.. :- m-“Jrnnï¬n. an old resident, Mr. Th and his reputation is that the strictest hqnor, 111i]: the whole of ï¬ns secuuu V. V.-.†s of the ï¬rm are a]! natives of Canada, ' ed in Lindsay for the greater As business men they in Canada, while av. they stand desewedly ‘high in the lsay, Inc WINU ‘Vlus u..- e, _ logs are scld to local mill-men. and the graph poles and posts are disposed of to {de parties at remunemtive prices. The ng is done by Mr. Thexton’s powerful : mg, the Eva, which was entirely reï¬tted season, and is one of the best on the Inks; lso owns a well-appointed steam pleasure It, the “Nouns. Roy.†and has a. summer lence on Ball Lake. near his limits. Being >ld resident, Mr. Thexton is well-known, his reputation is that of a business man of strictest honor, while personally he enjoys respect and conï¬dence of all. BURKE BROS CALVERT BROS. ALEX. FISHER. etnployinent to They turn out 8,000 staves, sed t: two hundred and ï¬fty. ' own cutting for hoops, stava, agles. and have as their trade 'this section of Ontario. The ï¬rm are 3.1! natives of Canada, d in Lindsay for the greater lives. As business men they ‘ " , J- "J.“- 21¢ u RIGGS- 'Ul-m-qur ,, ‘- is long residence in Lind- made I. host of friends, not but among the fume-rs as mes of the community he ..b W Mr. Fisher has been estab TH EXTON. :sident ever since. is kept on making be best known and . In business he is ifwhile in private for his many g miscellaneous Vancv Goods, manufacturers of Agricultural 1 Hmting Machinery. This industrial stablishmenl of Li ofihe Inga! ofits kind to bei o: the “'8‘“ V‘ “' "'"‘,‘ The («:1on 9'0pr “ building, 190 x 45 feet. with a wing exclusive of the blacksmithin moulding shops. 120 x 45. all being tu in height. The business has been es for twelve years. and gives emplm some eighty hands. It an be seen what an immense factor it is in thn trade of the town. The ï¬rm make a of the Sylvester Steel Binder, an it some trade of th Mr. G. E. Mam: Victoria Flour Mill storey structure of ‘ 30 feet in area. will barrels of flour per turned out are “8: Mixed." ‘ ‘Stamlanl and kom nu Meal, I‘cfll 3' w†originally Haley. who ‘I The Lindsny Planing Mill is the property 0! Mr. Geo. Ingle, who is an extensive manufac- turer of Frames, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mould- ings. etc., his establishment being located on the corner of Cambridge and Wellington streets. He also does all kinds of planing. The factory is a large two-storey brick building. 77 x 45. n two-storey fume building, 75 x 40, and a {tame drying kiln, 40 x no. He has the only proper dry kiln fox drying lumber in the county. There is also an extensive yud. The business ha' been stnblished for the put twenty-one years, nnd gives employment to twelve hands, the pay-roll running close on to one hundred dol‘ Inn per week. The trade tenitow is very mworbue THE LINDSAY PLANING TER'S IMPLEMENT MACHINE wonKs- I! are "I ‘ 'Stamlar W35 SliCCt‘l.‘ Martin is with a c per day. “Bakers ‘Pl mn rim! the lending Tl" who "9 IO MILL. urge, covering the w mill is lined with he property of approved modem n she manufac' steam power. Mr. 1 3001's, Mould- pioncct in Lindsay, l mu located on wt {any-one years. AND of the Ill tick whidllmuu b the Wm d “china! 0 nml‘lion- mu‘de 6“ AKIN inst forty-one yan. He has always taken :1: active intent! in ull lint pemins to the wellire of the town. and served aediubly in the town council for {our team. during one of which be ï¬lled the ofï¬ce of depuly-reeve. His municipal mcotdhis ngoodone. and pettoolllybepunds very igh. being energetic. emerwsmg' ' and full of public ssiril. He done the finishing of Lhewood-wot forthcï¬mlxickhoueem etededinthe tormmdhnbeeniditiï¬ed with in pumped in my ways. via: nytoiupcuenthighmdngnumdmid and residential cam rge, covering the whole of Ibis an ill is 61ch with 111 the law the oï¬ice of depuIy-n' a is a good one. and] high. being energeti‘ I public s iril. He dc wood-wot: for the ï¬n cd in the mm. M its MW in ' he of Candi :donforthcfl M 3V" :d Mocha: Pn- 31:00!!me ; .nd utilil)’: ills Rn, DEC": M ‘lhcr kin IV wok ‘CI’C no an is run 5| “(2 I“ C 1f If m a“ m a “I: IIIâ€"v Wu No.33Kcnutn byaobenndacemnndooe has linoleum flooring. Th tidied (we yan- Ken mock. asking vet! luv . celebl'fled Priestley": Bu and do 3 very trade. u people of Lindsay. N“ “'3 pnnndinfl cuumry as well. the Values. etc floormd bl He has been esubli the snrmnndm an exceptionnl ics of the very satisfaction in residence of l inlet in Mr. White for being I deg class: Mr. W. L. White is m1"! Mr. T. Md )Vl.‘ Hotel. 33h: viciéicy. He landles nothing but the ' in» bushels on his own account. In: a wide aequinnnceship, and is highly popular with everybody. He is a. ï¬rst-class him um. and enjoys the mat of all his friends. of the very best makers. r diction in every insane: deuce of [wemy-four yea: . White bu nude (or himsel being I. business mm whou ended upon. and whose gm to the murk. He has um nllv. md is held in high Mr. J. R. .3an null deder in Wine god hu been «uh three years. He occupies me ï¬rst floor end basement of (h: money brick building I! No. l8 'm be employs one uni-am self. He cuties a. very large named end Done-tie WineS. lug: trade. which mend} over we whole of the vicinity. He hsndieinothing but the RICHARDSON unts n the lhc rmof Rich†Khan op LINDSAE KERR 0°- mm of the ï¬ne three-storey brick 33 Kent meet. which is lighm‘ cent and one are lights; the slot: loan-inc. The! have been estal) ROYAL HOTEL- JAMES CONNOLLY. ld gives empla m n vety “'8‘ customers by the a oounlry. Mr. rhllll’ Ind Shoes. 0"“ mpyiog the who‘ en! of the comm haw [ding 1.! 310- 4° N“ Lblished in business (0 I aim emolovmem but in mmunity If rnsm‘ met ncss man. 0‘“ l as : rcpuuble C He occur)“ mhlisbc . SHANNON nly WHITE. manufnctum coamsu. very Hi 1 fl Kent str: I!“ Uurir M l WC! men TC 1‘ 1c The Ohmic Bank is one of the ï¬mdal-instimtiom in {bebomni‘ eds. It has been eunbï¬shed in L the pot thirty years. Its W occupy the whole of the flux floor. Mr. Ins Housch TV of be whilc THE ONTARIO BANK 1“ {COD W JAS. H. LENNON HUGHAN 8:. CO H. HART. 0' D' s Hart horized u! Th when III} I" MORTON ll cans' residence .. :II the reputation xofcssional man, uncmorepopuhx‘ Ml‘ a! dime Br )W tin 1hr hesi‘ \K‘