U“: DSC rcwd all VCI’V xcPl Ien L [CD‘S nl EII'S )I'ICK CXC e MC opu he am ï¬rs he rn )VC‘ for LINDSAY WOOLLEN MILLS. Thomas Robson is the proprietor of a. 'actory which is devoted to his businessâ€" Fa tanner and currier. It is an extensive 1nd frame structure, 52 x 40 and 50 x 26 Lively. in.addition to which there is a. muse, bail room, etc. The business has :smblished twenty years, and now gives ryment to sixteen hands, about one hun- hides per week being treated. Mr. m makes a specialty of light shoe leather, is quality of his goods is such that he has House, the leading one-doller-per- -1 of Lindsay. The house is a ï¬ne rec-storey brick building, containing as, well-ï¬tted up parlor, handsome oom, ï¬ne large sample rooms, well and on ground floor, large billiard room, bar, etc., while there isstnbl- pmmodation for a. large number of Everything about the house is ï¬rst- large brick structure is situated at the )f Bond and \Villiam streets, upon the nk of the river. Three years ago these we taken over by this ï¬rm, who then 1nd operated the Eden Woollen Mills pusa. The ï¬rm is composed of Mr. Alex. re, and Mr. James Horn, who are both icn who thoroughly understand theirbusi- ~lr. A. IIorn, sr., a silent member of the also worthy of mention. Sixty years learned his trade in Alloa, Scotland, practical and experimental knowledge Ullll'r‘d in the manufacture of fabrics him invaluable to the younger members McAdam; is the proprietor of the SIMPSON HOUSE. THOMAS ROBSON. A. Williamson is a manuracturer Ul d Heavy I'Iamess, and also a dealer ,mds of Horse Supplies, Trunks, Robes of all kinds, Bahy Carriages, ll’lS, Baby \Vagons, etc., doing an r large trade in the latter line. He all of the large brick building at No. and has been established in busi- :en years, giving employment to ï¬ve He carries a very large stock, all of in its class, and in addition to manu- does considerable in the way of _. employing the best material and L skillful workmen. His trade ex- m'er the district, and to facilitate it lliamson maintains branches at Cam- 1 Coboconk. Mr. Williamson has n Lindsay for twenty-one years, and hat time has built up a reputation as a 1 business man, and one who com- Lhe respect and esteem of his fellow- 51., CLJW. nature 03335: table is set with l. WILLIAMSON. manufacturer of THOS. ROBSON’S TANNERy J. McADAMS. P30" the best to be found in the market, all cooked and served to the Queen’s taste. In fact, the table is one of the best to befound in Canada; and this is a strong recommendation to a. traveller. Twenty hands are employed to minister to the wants of the guests. Mr. McAdams took charge one year ago. He thoroughly understands his business, knows L-___ .- .mnm me mum: comfortable. and is Luv: VIASA-n] â€"..â€"v_ --v how to make his guegs comfortable; and is highly popular with the travelling public and the residents of the togm. Free ’bus to and from time. built up a very extensive trade, mainly with the wholesale men, large dealers, and shoe manufacturers of Montreal, Toronto and other cities. The tannery, which is run by steam power, is ï¬tted up with every appliance neces- sary for the successful carrying on of the trade, and is second to none. Mr. Robson is a native Canadian, and has resided in Lindsay for the past twenty years. He has always taken a deep interest in all matters pertaining to Lindsays welfare, and has done a great deal towards building up the town. Personally he is highly popular among his fellow-citizens, and commercially he ranks with the best. of the ï¬rm, They manumctux and retail, Blankets. Sheetin1 Hosiery Yarn and Fancy Chet They give employment to :1 g workmen the year round, a immense quantity of wool, u from the c.mn:ry dealers and l farmers. Shoddies are not us their goods have a. wide-spread culatly their blankets and yan receive orders from all parts 01 the North-west. Every convr improved machinery is used business, which is steadily Messrs. Horn stand in the for of the ï¬rm, They manufacture, sell wholesale and retail, Blankets. Sheetings, Flannelettes, Hosiery Yarn and Fancy Check Horse Covers. They give employment to :1 goodly number of workmen the year round, and consume an immense quantity of wool, which is procured from the country dealers and directly from the farmers. Shoddies are not used, consequently their goods have a. wide-spread reputation.pnrti- cularly their blankets and yarn, for which they receive orders from all parts of the province and the North-west. Every convenience by way of improved machinery is used to facilitate the business, which is steadily increasing. The Messrs. Horn stand in the foremost rank of the business men in this section, and are held in the highest esteem by their fellow citizens. The ï¬rm of Fairweather Co. are manu- facturers of and dealers in all kinds of fur goods {or both ladies and gentlemen, Coats, Capes, etc., and also carry a full line of gentlemen’s furnishings. They occupy the whole of the ï¬rst floor of the ï¬ne spacious brick building at No. 96 Kent-5L, where they have been established four years, and give employment to several hands. The head ofï¬ce of the ï¬rm is at l’eterborough, but the extension of their trade to all sections of the district necessitated the establishment of a depot at Lindsay. The local manager in this town is Mr. Thomas Armstrong, who has re- sided here since the establishment of the busi- ness. He had previously been with the ï¬rm for a number of years, and was chosen for his present responsible position because;pf his especial ï¬tness [or it. He thoroughly. under- stands the business in all its details, and is, moreover, very popular with all classes. THE CANADIAN all trains, and boats in summer FAIRWEATHER CO- Willinmson. Photo. lelimmon, Photo POSTATRADE EDITION: The Mansion House is owned by the gentle man who keeps it, Mr. J. S. McCarthy.he having built it three years ago. It is a ï¬ne. three-storey brick building, containing twenty- one bedrooms, three sitting.rooms,parlors.aï¬ne bar. etc, and four hands are employed to look after the comfort and welfare of the guests. In the stable there is ample accommodation for twenty-four horses. It is a model hotel at the priceâ€"$1 per day. The bed-rooms are com- t'ortable and well-furnished, and the dining- room oï¬ers all that a hungry man may craveâ€" the best that the market offers. cooked in excellent style, and daintily served. Mr. Mc- Carthy has resided in Lindsay twenty-four years, two decades of which he has spent in the hotel business, he having kept a house for seventeen years prior to building his present ï¬ne hotel. He is very popular with the trav- clllng public, and also with the people of the (0 WI). Mr. W. G. Woods is a dealer in the best Coal and “food, Hall. Parlor and Cooking Stoves, Tinware and Dairy supplies. while he makes a specialty of Steam-Fitting and Plumb~ ing. He occupies the whole of the ï¬ne large three-storey brick building at No. 55 Kent street, and has been established in business twenty-three years. the business being originally established by E. Woods, afterwards succeeded by W. G. Woods. He gives employment to ten hands. Mr. Woods is agent for the Gurney 8: Co.’s, Buck and Moore 8; Co.’s celebrated Stoves, Ranges and Fumaces, doing a very large trade, which extends throughout the whole of the Midland district. During his residence of nearly a quarter of a. century in Lindsay Mr. \V'oods has seen the place grow from a small village to a prosperous town, and he has always beer: ready to do what he could to promote the interests of the place. He is an enterprising business man. fully abrerut of the times in all modern ideas, of correct busi- ness habits, while as a citizen he carries with him at all times the highest regard and esteem of his fellowtownsmen. a very large trade with the say and surrounding country, attention to the compounding prescriptions, he being a. skill Mr. Gregory has lived in Lim and enjoys in a. very high deg and conï¬dence of his felli only as a. business man, bu ownsman. Mr. G. A. Little is a most extensive dealer in Books. Stationery, Wall Paper, Musical Instruments, Fancy Goods. Toys, etc. He occupies all of the large two-storey brick build- ing at No. 108 Kent-5L. where he has been established two years. and does a trade that re. quires the aid of two assistants. He carries a very large stock, particularly in the way of wall paper. He does not only an extensive local trade, but also a great deal of jobbing. supplying the strxk for many of the stores in the surrounding towns and villages. Mr. Little has been a resident of Lindsay for the past eleven years. and in that length of time he has not only built up the extensive trade that he enjoys, but he has also succeeded in making a host of friends for himself, who ad- mire not only his ï¬rst-class business ability and enterprise, but also esteem him highly for his many excellent personal qualities. He is highly popular with all. Mr. G. A. Little is :1 mos‘ in Books. Stationery, Wall Instruments, Fancy Goods, occupies all of the large two-s Mr. E. Gregory carries on business druggist and dealer in general Drug Supplies and Smdries, Perfumery, 'J Articles, etc., occupying the whole c ï¬rst floor of the large three-storey brickl ing at No 64 Kent street. The busines established thirty-two years ago by father, Mr. Edmund Gregory, and employment to three hands. Mr. 611 also handles all of the standard propri medicines, and has several preparatio his own manufacture that are held in favor for their curative properties. He MANSION HOUSE Gregory carries on business as a and dealer in general Druggists’ and Smdries, Perfumery, Toilet etc., occupying the whole of the 3f the large three-storey brick build- 64 Kent street. The business was i thirty-two years ago by his Ir. Edmund Gregory, and gives at to three hands. Mr. Gregory les all of the standard proprietary , and has several preparations of manufacture that are held in high their curative properties. He does rge trade with the people of Lind- irrounding country, paying special to the compounding of physicians’ ms, he being a skilled pharmacist. er has lived in Lindsay all his life. sin a very high degree the respec: dence of his fellow-citizens, not business man. but as a worthy ’. G. WOODS- i. A. LITTLE- GREGORY. m-Fitling and Plumb- lole of the ï¬ne large ing at No. 55 Kent .tablishcd in business siness being originally Williamson, Phowv .TOWN OF LINDSAY. ML]. P. RyleyisthcproprietotoftheVi - todaPhningMill,vhacisaniedon the manufacture of Sash, Doors. Blinds. Moulding. etc, in :11 its bandits. The mill. which is situated eat of Wellington-st. bridge. is: Inge sheet-iron builditgg, two stqreys in height, 60 hizsinamwitvhan 'neroomz6xzo. while the yard covets hal an aereof ground space_._ The business was. established on the lst It is unnecessary to speak of the position the Bank of Montrenl holds unong the ï¬nancial institutions of the world. Its rating and stability are too well known to require extend- ed comment. The Lindsay branch of the Bank of Montreal has been aublished for the past thirty yars. The Bank is identiï¬ed with all the lading concerns of Lindsay and the THE VlGTORIA PLANING MILL. Lindsay boasts of as ï¬ne an talcctnc ngtu service as is to he found in any town in Canada. Mr. B. F. Reesor is the owner of the plant, and also of the power house. which is a Inge two-storey brick building 70x60, on William~st. It is furnished throughout with all the latest and mmt apptoved appliances in the way of electrical generation. and has two compound condensing engines of too horse The most extensive daler in furniture in this section is Mr. H. Holtorf, who occupies the whole of the large two-story brick build- ing, 65x24. at Nos. 105 and 107 Kent-5L. with store-house in the rear 40x24, all owned by himself. He also has a stable where he keeps his own hearse and horses, he being an under- taker as well as daler in furniture. He has been established in business for thirty two years. and gives employment to from two to six hands. Mr. lloltorf wries an immense stock of plain, medium and fancy furniture. and also caskets of all sizes for the undertak- ing department. The trade territory of Mr. Holtorf extends all over the Midland district, his stock being nowhere surpassed. Mr. llol- torl' has long been a resident of Lindsay. and has done a great ties! to help build up the town. He is one at the commercial main- stays of the district, and in his private relation: has troops of friends. all of whom regard him with the highat degree of esteem. bothssnsueoesdulbnsiness manandas a citizen. Kilns; jï¬ly, and now gives employment to LINDSAY ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. BANK OF MONTREAL H HOLTORF. ring an under- ilurc. He has for thinytwo to from two to RE} citizen bats the higba will (crud: Mr. Rqu employment old resident at Lindsayana mu: with the Bank roe over sixteen yet an expenenocd (innate! and man ¢ mh:lb em a citizen he commands the an ex while all. am: three-stony highly 3 occupy“! London. Englnnd; the Gore Fire Insurance Co.. of Galt. Ont.; the Waterloo Hamel. Wnterloo. Onm the Phoenix of Hnrtford. Conn. It will be seen by the flame tbnt Messrs. Middleton 6: Son hnndle ell manner of Insurance. end in only the best of companies. They have been edeblished twelve yeus. They nuke 3 specialty of the Ontnrio Mntnnl. which is the only “and Co. in Ontuio, end for the name they control three counties in this district. employing ï¬fteen loal agents. Mr. T. Middleton. senior member oftbe ï¬rm. was born in Irelend, coming to Canedn when ï¬ve years of nge. He come to linden, twenty-ï¬ve year: ago and hes resided here ever time. Mr. Herbert A. Middleton wuborn in Linda-y end hureeidedherenllbislife. Tbeyue highly popular queens. Waterloo. On†the I Conn. It will be ï¬e! Messrs. Middleton é“ 5 minding towns. It is W‘ï¬n a ï¬ne I: three-duty brick buildingon William- andthebusincssdmeisso lug: that the .onmeot of six dab ism. Mr. F. D. MacGwhen.theloalnamcet. ism resident of Lindsay. and has been identiï¬ed 1 the Bank for over sixteen yarn. He is :xpcrienqqd Ronda and man of Maine“. uilding lowed It T. Mid it“ '. MIDDLETON 8: SO"- )l' leton 67' Son at [nuance AW†0510:! in the three-store! bfl'd‘ outed u :03 Kent-st. They â€e - the Old Ontario Mum-d. Won md Accident Instance Con 0‘ mm Remnant. ‘ :11 the detailsof gives Lindsay In a macaw: lcmupriiincumd s. Mr. Rear- Ncmrkct Il' wes