00 H “ï¬ï¬ 48 Kent many} '1! Igpecc. 0f {out Work la :2: 1 num Ibis ans 35M! being Mr '16 he IS )I' becoming ofhcers to: me compnn; Flavelle; Vice-Presiden Manager and Secretary The Sadler, Dundas 8: Flavelle Milling Co. (Limited), is one of the 'most extensive con- cerns to be found operating in the whole of the Midland district. They are manufacturers of Flour, and dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, etc., and Steamboat owners. The business was originally established in 1860 by Messrs. Needler Sadler, the present ï¬rm taking possession in 1884, turning it into a lointZstocl-{company in 1892, with'an author- ized capital of one hundred and ï¬fty thousand dollars, under the name of the Sadler, Dundas 8.: Flavelle Milling Co. On the ï¬rst of May last Mr. Sadler withdrew, the name then posed of Messrs.]. R. Dunda: and W. M. Flavelle. It w: notice were not taken of their wholesale dealers in Eggs, But in which line they do a large EGGS AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Above we h he ï¬rm or r the company as at present They Employ Many ve spoken ndas An Enterprising Lindsay Firm. DUN Flavelle Bros., com- Dundas, J. D. Flavelle It would be unjust if of their large interest as ggs, Butter, Cheese, etc. ., a large export business. Mr ‘lr. Preside of the enterprise 41m m>Urmm. UCZU>m ma TuF><mrFm 2:51.20 the following ent, Mr. W'- R. Dundas; D. Flnvelle. Tm SAL peas, and one hundred barrels of pot and pearl barley. They have also an elevator in con- nection, a large sheet-iron building, with a capacity of 90,000 bushels of grain, angl a flour warehouse with a capacity of 20,000 bags. Their saw mill and lumber yards cover an area of about ï¬ve acres, the mill cutting about one million feet annually. All are located on the river bank, the mill being supplied with both water and steam power. They are also the barrels of oatmeal, one hundred lmrr pens, and one hundred barrels of pol barley. They have also an elcvat neclion, a large sheet-iron lmildir Duxms water and steam power LER, DUNDAS During the season they keep two travellers constantly on the road engaged in the purchase of eggsâ€"covering the Midland division of the G.'l‘.l{. from llellevillc to Orillia, and a large staff in Lindsay selecting and packing the eggs for export. This line of trade has been estab- lished for ten years, and necessitates the occupancy of a large warehouse and cold- ctnmae. 1:0 x :0. on the rivet front. The storage, 150 X 30, of Their Business THE Hands in the Different Branches T32 AV ELLE CANADIAN POSTâ€"TRADE EDITIONâ€"‘ FLAVELLE Co.’s ROS mrrels or spu Dumm \VAREHOl inus’r MILLS FLM’EIM 00., (Limited) owners of one ï¬ne steamboat and six barges Their steamboat is registered to carry [75 people, and is nicely ï¬tted up throughout, being used for passenger traflic, towing. etc. The Palace Barge is used exclusively for pas- senger service. excursions, etc., on the river, and is a handsome boat, ï¬tted up with all modern improvements. and registered to may 5 so passengers. The barges this suson carried large quantities of lumber, lath and shingles and 8.000 Cords of wood to diï¬'erent points on the river. The company employs over a hun- dred men. Mr. Dundas resides in Toronto. the Messrs. Flnvelle in Lindsay. It will readily be seen that such anjmmense concern and 8.000 Cards 0‘ the river. The (:4 dred men. Mr. the Messrs. Flm WW", .. _ , must do :1 great deal in building up the town, er the control of such progressive business men head of nfï¬tirsâ€"men who are respected by all with whom they come'in contact trade extends all over the Eastern States. in British Columbia, and to Great Britain. Some idea of the extent to which this business has grown may he gained .when we say they expect their shipments to reach this season in the neighborhood of 4o,ooo,ooc eggs. Taken all in all, this ï¬rm may besnid to be the backbone of Lindsay commercially. and they richly deserve the reward they have achieved in such exten- sive business connections as they passes. ELEVATOR Williamson. Phoiol William-on. Phom Town OF LINDSAY. nachnodonbtinthcuinddmyooe utowhidiixlheLe-ding DryGoods Home ofthissection- memormaruvene Bmmmunbm. mammdim Furs. Houscfumishin; (both Ordered and R ing an immense stock extends far into the nci Furs: Housel'urnishings. Carpets. Clothing. (both Ordered and Rudy-Made). etc. carry- ing an immense stock and doing a trade that extends far into the neighboring counties. The ï¬rm occupies all of the large three-starey brick building at No. 38 Kent street. a store which Mr. P. Tully is a dealer in Fresh and Salted Meats of all kinds, Vegetables and all sorts of Garden Produce, occupying all of the ï¬ne, large two-storey brick building at No. â€9 Kent street. He has been establish- ed in business for twelve years, and gives employment to two hands. He carries a large stock, having a great many customers to supply, and his vegetables and fresh meats are always of the freshest, while his salt meats are cured in the most approved manner, he has lately added an outï¬t for making sausage. During his twelve years’ residence in Lind- say Mr. Tully has built up for himself a repu- tation as being a careful, painstaking business man, ever anxious to please and meet the n, L- Fancy Dry Goods, Millincty, Mam Illa-u, 5n.- wâ€"uvâ€" -- r ,,,,,, wishes of his customers, while is highly popular with all i citizens Goods, Dress Goods, Mantles. Millinery, etc. Mus. Silver occupies the whole of the ï¬ne large two-storey brick building, 75 x 40 feet. at Nos. 25 and 27 \Villiam street. She has been established in business for thirteen yars, and gives employment to four hands. She carries a very ï¬ne and extensive stock, and all her cloaks and mantles are imported direct. By this means she saves the middleman’s profits, and so can afford to give her customers the beneï¬t. Her trade extends all over the town of Lindsay and surrounding country. Mrs. Silver is a thorough business woman, and highly popular with all with whom she is brought in contact, either socially or commer- cially. Goods, Dress Goods, Manna. Mus. Silver occupies the whole “Io-storey brick building. 75 x 25 and 27 William street. Mrs. H. Silver is the propriclowss of the Ladis’ Furnishing Home, she being an im- porter of and dealer in all kinds of ladies' Dry Furs. Gentlemen's Furnishings, etc. They occupy the whole of the ï¬ne large two-storey brick store at No. t06 Kent street. where they have been established o yea and a half and give employment to seven! bands in waiting upon their numerous customers. They do a very large local trule. and count their customers by the hundreds wrong the peo le of the surrounding country. Their stoc is new end made up of imported and domestic goods. they keeping fully nbreut ol the market in All goods in their line. The senior member of the ï¬rm. Mr. P. McArthur. has been a resident at Undny for twelve years. and he: ever been known or on active. energetic and progrenive busines- men. while III a citizen he occupies a high place in the One of the lending stores in its line in the Midland district is that of Messrs. P. Mc- Arthur .5" Co., dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, House Furnishings, insursneecompsmos. Inciuumg uw mum." ter. London snd lanesshite. Sun Fire sod Eastern and Eeonontiesi. lie siso does sli sorts of privste banking business. sdvnncing money on notes. psying essh for mortgage! snd debentures. etc.. snd buying snd selling reel estste on commission. He will discount notes for any term not exceeding twelve months st msonsbie mes of interest. It. Soothersn has resided in Lindsey for twenty yesrs. and is known to sll usnhonorsble msn of business snd s sterling citizen in even respect. He served in the town council most accepnblyforsyesr.sndis Seetenryofthe Bosrdof'l‘nde. Thisisssuï¬eientgunnntee ofhisstsndingsssbusinessmsn. Ass gtiaelnheenjoystheeonï¬dencesndesteem QM“ a“ the Ill Savings am énergetic and program“ as n cimen he occupies esteem of I“ cluuu. ml. DUNDAS 8:. FLAVELLE BR08- LADIES' FURNISHING HOUSE. Mr. 1. ll. Sodium. curio- zononl lmunnco Agent. lu :.. occupying the whole «I III occupying uw Vlnuw m uw mu m Madame lwu-utuny brick Mlldll 9| Rom «Mn. Ilo ha been nub! Induy ï¬ve mu. ml ompluyu one a Mr. Soothenn I: agent for "w Mi mg: md Loan Co.. md all» for u mace complain. including the Mn hmdon and Win. Sun Fit P. McARTHUR CO . H. OOOTHIRAN P. TU LLY. ihile personally he all classes of our flanker me lit 'H e-Iahlhhc ling 0| mu established in till manly Express and ' and steamship Lindsay lot 1 served in the lhc: mayor 5 cl of which an} Taylor is an mtcrcsu desire u his nbil 3! bs! clan of workmanship. Mr. Cathro has my custom in amide plats. From his long expeti he has I W know- ledï¬l: the Insane-s. while his w reddenee in 'nyhuawedfothimu wide circle ofacquimances and (dads. all whom spakolhiminthchigheawus u a gende- mnof the strictest polity “Id 3 Gut-clu- Mr. F. C. Taylor «*1de Mr. A. C ! all oflh‘ IV! s is a rcsmc has read“ hc mo F. G. TAYLOR. ‘ll’ In A CATHRO. patents and (duties. aid at away with the ts of the hat they cannot )c undermld. chsidcnt of Toronto. Mr. ]. resided in Lindsay for twenty W. Flavcuc since 1877. They most popular business men 01 81 TC ll’ llv heavy â€0" merchant tail vcs employment to from hands. Mr. Calhm's omcslic ClothgTwecds, havin I’l Iii: Lts‘ m laiIOf. occul’)" y brick building been established and with the non! insur