The society was organized on the 8th December. 1894, and the following eï¬ieers elected: president; Mr. D. Ray ; vice presidents. Hears. J.‘H. Knight. Thee. Connolly. J. n'wmters, J’. R. McNeillie ;‘ trea- surer,J. n. Billingaley ; secretary; Dr. w. L. Herri- man; council. Rev. Father Laurent, Rev. 0.3. Marsh, Rev. Mr. Shorey. Rev. Mr. Johnston, Rev Mr. Totten, Rev. Xr. Trotter. Messrs. E. Bowes, W. M.‘ Robson. J. L. Perkins. B. Ross. We Keenan, Irew, Weldon, Whitesides, Neolands, Kylie, McHngh, Sharpe. DeGrais'signrnot; temporary .home com†lesdames Keenan, Neelanda. Trev, Shape ; foster home com, Rev. llr. 'l‘otten, Messrs; Connolly,‘ Knight. Kore ; outing com . all~the resident clergy- man; audit com.. Mr. Knight. Hr. Bowes; hon. solicitors, Mr. A S‘Macdonala, Mr. John McSweyn.‘ The constitution and by-laws trained and recom~ mended by the nuthors of the â€Children’s Aid" not were adpoted after having been read and considered. The number 01 members whojoined since organiza- non-and paid their annual subscription was 40. The society have held eleven meetings, and interest in its work ha been well maintained. , The cases of about 25 children have been before the society for consideration. Deï¬nite action has been taken regarding several, and a number of others are still being considered by the proper committees. We have had to apply to the municipal council for ï¬nancial aid, and this has Always been given us cheer- lully. The council chamber has also been placed at Jur disposal for the purpose of holding our meetings. The members of the diflerent committees have realized the importance of the work unde'taken and here shown commendable zeal in carrying it on. A vast amount of misery and suffering resulting from vice md indoleuce has already come under the cbservation of the society. and there is pmaicelly an :nlxmitei ï¬eld for the exercise 01 charitable eflorts in this town and vicinity; ~ There can be no more. immnerative cells on the Th} zm was ably ï¬lled by Mr. D. Bay, the president. ' Annual meetingâ€"Presentation of Report- Interesting Address by Ir. J’. J. Keno. 0! Toronto. ucmnt's mom. A The secretary’ 9 annual report was tlien read as follows . . _, ‘ The report of the tester home committee wss read by Mr. Knight utollowa : Your committee beg to report that during the post year they have been celled upon to investigate thirzeen cases which have been brought to their notice in connection with the work_ of the society. In some mes your committee have met end reported to the society, but in the majority .01 instanues one or more members of the committee have done the necessary work, including a. vest mount 0: correspondence which has been founq lid Society of Endeav-_ #1:. Me! The annual meeting of. the' Children’s 16 Society was heldln the mm of ,. Peel’s church Thursday, 24th 111311., ad was addressed by Superintendent J. Kelso, cf Toronto, and several ~ nu-.. .N-uw. 4- The fourth use is ianday. A’yogmg girl 3331301» exposodto improper" ,mm m 3" 1’0de bemovedtoudfllereï¬ttndmhome. Thwisnotver‘yasï¬Mrfl'ymm ‘ -. ~~ 5- Themhmeia'stxmmount. A‘ woman. .deumdbyherhmmis-idm beï¬vinxin vies, mm children with w. Tho-cue could ho bmughtbelore tbecounty "mum pm â€Whemundwnnngtoby‘mmm -_ , ‘ Go‘Thestnhanminiboto-nddpdm: “11% Ammbzytomk “mus thiamtobgg.§mw~wk. nehusincemovedsw, ï¬.‘ .. ' maxim sympathy of a community than those which is institution is mnkinznn 9.11011: to respond toâ€" :r do we know of n more elective menu: of tender- w; aid and assistance to homeless. sud often worse an homeless children, than this vicinity presents. With great regret we rete: to ‘the death of Mr. 'inters, one at our vice presidents, and n highly :eemed citizen, W. L. W. see. On motion of the secretary; seconded by “A- V. Yr“, ‘3. The :econd me was in the towni‘o! Lindsay. ‘ ild: en were_said to be in poor cirqunstanees nu. wiz'n bad surroundings. One boy hapbeen phced mtharespectable farmer who will ntobably provide immanent home toi- hun. Inch more might be done for the same hmily. ' ~ . 3‘ The thin: cue ioin‘Emily. mum ï¬ve children from 2 to 11 you: 0! me. Th0 Wu" sewratetiamd the children go beingeu‘ed let in diï¬erent families. . . . 1' ' ' , LI “-vv nay-w u."â€" 7. nesevmmmmhmbgufgm 35:: hldlenher tends-ow m “Managers; catamaran“ â€â€œ19 me by Col. Deacon, museum-who mw‘ â€WWW to conflict Wipm 93° â€nubdonefonheg‘fl, M by would and butane Ima- homo. Asyour WW Widvisemyoth‘orgoumnhohdmfl‘qm 84 mmmmmmm~4uxgmm “mum“. dd :o 5;. W The ti?! W hun‘hano has W may. hmwmmmammm as! {in «Ila! liiiï¬alafl' 2-: a}? ., as. guild-058a . .. .5353 - A â€2.9†3.8 s. . . , gun-ongoing 28;; .13. 35.3592 gunâ€"gong . .4 8.7.3. 3WERE Sarsa panlla CANCER ON THE .LIP CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY OF LINDSA Y, GLECTED CHILDREN. Sarsan‘aril‘la 9‘... 3‘1 mm min- WV 2': 1 3K; 3 Dan was “Thumb. :Neillle, the report u. FRIDAY. NOV. 1. 1395. ï¬rst. use was u. Ronda-Jo. 'Oneo! your was commissioned‘to go to the phce. md . though gm: much delay. Mr. Kelso and )to and withtconstable Short went to the my brought back two children. one of sent to Toronto, and the othér is in the Gawain- gas-t. Jam! fl. W doctors WW for “VF-33y 1 32.1.2!" â€Y 'S. m , Lina. In-a week or two 7 ed improvemenh Encour- ult. 1 persevered, until in a. A: sore 9.653“ to heal, and. 1 1. air.- aiv mnné‘uo Snagu'zatethem the World’s Fair; E’éance'r' disappearedfl; 02:, FIorenceville. N. B. was received Sarsa' >nth S 11; «Scam»- 123,93 WM tho Wm gem ch an an 'Iubun placed lu_m‘uully m nib h, ubousnyopuamllupy. 'm- m u a» Mmmdy’bopomnm. g " . ‘ , 1.13. The "amp onion.- sn 13>qu (or an ' .m o! 3 boy.. The munch-walla“ lp o! tendon, thou! two miles tron me w A . .‘bo'yv o! '18.; “ported undo; one nunilgu "0,1!†boil! sent. than. and h. likely to do 'wofl. 13.. Thin» we,“ on npphauon to: tho an at . mm. A boy'xbouv. 8 pom old' wouid bow root's: the parental." lout'o child U! thy-co. Tho may reside in Echelon, obout mm milouroln tie rub. {At what your botmnnuo hove no one]: child to reoommood. 1 ' - ._ A†n-__--_ . ‘ Committee Jon! Bon. - ... -.-.: V 'J.H Knox-1.1 -lelld£1y,_0¢t. 24th, 1896. . _ ' On motion the â€port: was rhue‘vpd‘ and adopted. - ' ' ‘ _' .. - onerous and praiseworthy work accom- .plishedhythemduringthisyear. Healso gave expression to the pleasure and :proï¬t. the society had received fromthe presence of Mr. Keiso on various' occasions. He said the work intended to be accomplished under the Children's Aid act lsof vaa't importance. and the carrying cut of its provisions could not have been committed to a more suitable person than the preseim superintendent. Mr. J. J. Kelso, who was about to address the meeting. - ' . ' 318.117.31.863 Annalee. ‘ Mr. Kelso gave an excellent address He said it was very pleasant for him to *visit the society and try to speak words of encouragement to them. It is often very hard for people to take hold of new work and carry it out successfully, but he was pleased to know that this society was doing well. Its work is mostly prevent- ,ive and thegood results will be manifes- ted only in future years. When we re- vmove children from bad surroundingsmr influence heads of families to do better by their children, we may be sure that great good will follow. If we allow children to ‘ yew up in vice it is hard to reclaim them when bad habits have been established. He said in his short connection with the work he has seen many painful evidences of that fact, and related instances of the continual downward course of neglected young girls. THE POLICE COURT reveals the work. of sin upon the young in an alarming mannerâ€"children cannotbe- expected to‘ rise above their surroundings without the aid of outside influences to counteraotthe vicious effects on. bad’ home. Every child should have the Oppor- tunity or leading a good life. Every child that becomes, a criminal is not only a burden to society But a source at danger to everyone as individuals, as well asoom- munitios, hence communities should bear a share '0! the cost of the work. which is chiefly a benevolent. work and should be most cheerfully carried out until it become recognized in the country as one of the most important works of the government. Everybody can take'part in it and not wait for athe work to be done by the oï¬oers. Kindness and good usage will cften do more for a child than whipping cr sending it to a reiormatory, and moral 'suasion will sometimes in’fluence parentsuin the interest 0! their children betterthan a resort to law. Here the speaker related instances in his ownfexperience illustrat- ing the truthfulness cf his statements. 27 300mm m ammo. s and each is expected towork in unison with the other.. Peterbcrough had a. girl 10 years old that should be placed ina home distant from that town. A family at Barrie wrote me they wanted such a girl, so I (placed her-there at oncezthat was nine .months ago, and she is doing well ever since. This day I sent: child 18 months old to the Manitoulin Islandâ€"it. will have a good home with a family that wanted just such a child. ; There are now We have lots of homeless children in Torontoâ€":they drift there from the coun- try and we want to place them beck into the rural homes thntwlll be ï¬lled with imported children unless we get our own homeless children there. The speaker congratulated the society on the work It was doing, and advised- to keep up the monthly meetingsâ€"a few earnest persons banded together for good work can accomplish great resultsâ€"a few zealous ones can often do'more than an army. After a few more warden! encour- agement he concluded an Instinctive address which was well received by the meeting. mums B; ’m mum. nit 'n'uem vim ohud'lb In.‘ to mind ob one It, adj: great lojhutloï¬ placid up“ who cum-unto tho world to anti“. lope. and-tbtptom will be cm. The sddn‘ss ‘ and lmpï¬s'sin,‘ ' - 3° . does goodto all. He spoke in 'greatpraise of its act 'nnder {man the 3ch works as 'an evidence 'cf'progreesiwe civilization all tenths, good of hu‘nmrlit'y. this law' enables us' to rescue the- child‘ from . tyrannical audbadparent; it gives the state a claim on the child which tonnes-ly- only the parent held; the'childnan new be protected from wrongs and remoyed abso- lutely from the'psrent’s control .when the good ct the child demands it. . ‘ . WHAT WE own the 50cm. . . ‘ Mn. KNIGHT followed and laid plainly before the {nesting the duty otall persons, 'not only torassist the society by-Joining. it and thus aiding it ï¬nancially, but to seek out good homes for homelessphlldren and then report them to the society. worm Lawrnn. SPEAKS. Solicitor McSweyn also made an' able address, and placed this society in its capa- bility for good in strong rivalry with many _}othercâ€"evcn councils and trustee boards and 'courts of law. and said the country will be forever thankful that such a law was was made enabling this society .to do its good work for time and eternity. He said the reports did not give an idea of the amount of work done by the society.- a great deal had been done that could not be reported nor determined by the number of children placed in homes. It is impos- sible to tell what great good may result from rescuing one child. The object is good, and we may expect a blessing to follow the work. He spoke in high terms ot the work of the members generally, especially mentioning Mr. Knight, Mr. Connolly and Rev. Mr. Totten. In conclu- sion he moved a vote of thanks to tho veri- ous committees for their zeal and labor. THE LADIES communal). DR. Hummus: wished to second that' motion, for from his position of secretory, he was broughtln close relation to the various works, and 'wished to emphasize what had already been said, and especially to speak of‘the work of the ladies who were on the council and,workers‘ on the committees. Their work had often taxed them severely, but they were always ready to act andndid great service to. the society and the cause of the~little ones. He spoke enthusiasticallyin their praise. They were good women - and true; the society wanted more of the kind, and did not need any better ones. The minute- book rev ealed '9. vast amount of work that had been done [that could not well . be embodied in a report, but" it was open to Inspection. 7, 7 _.__-_- WILL CONTRIBUTE TO mntmnns. , Sheriï¬â€˜ Malamute spoke strongly in favor of the work done by the society, and said he was always readiv to assist it in any way heeonld, but had not heard the report of the treasurer and there'fare did not know how the funds stood. ' . . . Mr. KNIGHT; one of the anditors.-'said the books had been examined and found all right, but there was no money when]. L~__‘.-__ uu-- Dâ€"‘ - Mr. Billingeley Expected to have been here with his repcnb but must have been unex- pectedly_ aptained. ' The president than edlled‘for nomina- tions_' 0! ctï¬cers and a. cannefl, and the following were appointed :‘ President. Duncan Rsy,‘ I'd-elected; vice-presidents. Meesrs; Knight. Connolly, Baxall, McNeil- . ‘1‘ ‘Il-uuy-‘uu ""â€"â€"x:r'* , lie; treasurer, Mr. Sisson, in place qt Mr. Billingsley, who resigned; secretary, A, S. Machnnell, Dr. Herriman having dc- clined rc-‘ncmlna'ticn. Thc'old council or 20 members were then rc-elected, substitu- ting Rev. Mr. Hughson for Ray. Mr. Trotter, cud-Rev. Mr. Macmillan for Raw. Mr. J ohnaton; hon. collcltors, A. S. Mac- Don’nell, John McSweyn. n--- ..‘7, â€Ulla-v.4, v -‘_7 _ The various committees will be appointed at the next monthly meeting. on the ï¬rst Friday in November, at three pan. ' . , vow or mama ' - Avoteoithanke was passed to th church wardeneof St.,Pau1's church tor the free use of the echoolroomv for the meeting. - _ - Movedby Rev. Mr. Mush, seconded by Sheriff Mctnnnan. that a. vote of thanks be givento Mr. J..J. "Kelso for his visit »andeddress.â€"Carried with a. ~standing vote. 2 f ‘ Circular Issued by the Crown Lends Department â€" Lumber-men Werned Agnes: xuun'e noon. » , To better facilitate the â€enforcement oi the game laws, and with e,.view of dis-- seminating eknowledge‘ot the same, the ‘ chie! gsme warden for Ontario is sending out the todlowing ndtioe,- which twill 'he pasted up at all known resorts for huhters: - Notice t9 beatenâ€"Section 2, sub-section 1, of the ‘fOptuio Game sts" enacted as follows : No deer shall he. hented, taken or killed‘between tne'l5th dey. of November and the ï¬rst day “of Nevemhei' of the fonowing year. Sub-Section ‘3â€"No one persoxishelhduringenyoneyeerorseeson, km or take therein all then two‘deer. Section 151, subsection l-Nuxuereon not us resident and domlcfleï¬ in the province ct Ontario M'stbeoahfllhoenuuedmmt. ‘teké, mwcdnderdestrcy deer‘irithont the prosecution. The W acï¬â€˜vfllbestrbï¬lyentogojk. ‘ Toronto,0ct.81 m v ' - mummmmmw thalumm'gnd‘mï¬mmz- ms: «is: $01 Novenbetotthhnowha w,;basmmm my W and} ,MIQhM-Gkn m 0"- WARNINGTO HUNTERS. r'ï¬nve meeting than adjoug-ned, NTARIO GAME LAWS TO' BE . ‘STRICTLY ENFORCED. _- - NEW OFFICERS. W, Ohio! Wild!!!- and“ is. m mild try n, majonoiontï¬o paid upon an 5! ï¬lm, world to look and, to thing-0mm M133 address W“ â€â€œ0““ POST," nuns-Am ONT; ' FRIDAY, caribou apply hater: or until theflrst dsy '0! November. 1900. _snd no mm. elk. reindeer or csribbn shall be hunted. token or killed, before the '25th dsy of October». 1900; ' 53 Vic" clasp. 108, sec. l.- The penalty for violation of this law Is SEQ. I now beg to point out that care has been tnken this year to place omzers at all. points neces- sary to the discover-'7' oi violstions of the low in the manner shove mentioned. and further beg to intimate'thst the severest. penalties will be imposed wherever 'viols- tions of the above section are discovered- I_trust that instead of either permitting or conniving at the violations of the low you will sld thetflicers o! the department in strictly enforcing its provisions, both ss respects moose end othe some. I shell regret extremely' ifI am clued upon to put the luv in motion. World's JAQQL-psyux E. Tucson, Chlof' Warden. Fish and'Gomo Combslon, Tomato. Oct. 10m; 1395;.- . - * g The Hos. Commloslonor of Crown Lands 13:31“ sondhgout the following drool“. with a 1710* to inflectuglly puttingnnondto any Violation. of the-laws: ‘ ‘ ' Notice ’ to wood rangers, crown loads mute, crov'vb umber agenteï¬lro' wardens, ï¬shery Inapootnri, or overseer! and con- ‘ahdbloaâ€"By section 16,01 the ï¬sh and some w '_-v_ protection act, 1898, all constables. wood ranger-i, crown land agents. crown timber agents, ï¬re wardens and'llsherrlnspeotors or overseen are are vested with powers as deputy ’game and ï¬sh wardens. and are authorized to enforce the provisions of the act, and to necelve for their servlces the same fees asideputy geme wardens. I; has been represented to the department that, instead of aiding the game wardens In the enforcement of the law, some of, the cm- oers aforesaid decline to, do ‘ this, and that others Winkat known'violetlons ofthe law by hunters, lumbermen and others. The nndesigned desires, therefore, to drew the attention of all the oflimrs above named to the importance in the public interest of seeing the geme laws duly 'enforeed,, end of their eurying out the intent and exiirit of the provisions of the net in so tar as it sifeotejthem; indeed, should it he brought home to any of the said omeers that they either connive 'et or have e knowledge of the violation cf the gems lows, without either taking action themselves, or imme- diately reporting the some to the gene wardens erother omeenohergedwiththe entoroement of the luv, the depertment willteke, omeiel notice of their neglect. ud wheresnoh neglect iewilhl or system- atie, or where they no themselves guilty 0! a violation oi the low. or eonnive at its violationby others, the ones will he 're- ported tor such action (even to the extent of removal from woe) es my be deemed In: and proper under the eimtnisteneee. .‘ ' m S. HABDY.'_ . Commissioner of Crown Lende. Depertment of Crown Lends, Toronto, Sept. 20th,’,1895. ' - , ' Copy. ‘ Lament, 0x12. Oct. 23nd, 1895. Gmm,â€"1n the Teso‘hsra' Institute for October! underthe heading of “Inter- esting Notes." referring to" the Aissh baundary,‘ I ï¬nd the relieving: “E-glsnd should' be made aware that she is not dealing with Venezuela nor with Attics." The above is s mistske.'snd should read thus :‘ “America should remember that she is not dealing withthe Sshdwieh Islands. Please correct in you: next issue.-Yonrs, 1.11 Knxaa'r, P. S. Inspector. Messrs, E. I-g._K_ellog 8c 00.. 61 east 95!: at" New York, U. S. Wrappek. Sullght 50819. u Apparent mt [01;sz CHANGE MEB_E_LY. Black! Green, ‘ 00/009, Ceylon, Biotin mount-£200“ WATERPROOF doonsn MPEDK‘ I“. Tentstmngsjai SPORTING GOODS AND AMMUNLTION. New Designs and Lowest Prices The ‘Rathbun‘ Co. and m at Double Hanna: and â€I: for same. ' Good mane†NORTH END of ' ' Marat. BRIDGE 838 all ’3} 030mm: 81. PETERSOBOUGK. ' - ONTARIO, CANADA. ' You SAHTC GoTo SLEEP NC HURCH . IF YOUVE GOT A BAD COUCH. SORREI. PONIES WES Hill flflllï¬ES VAN CAMP Thé Compnhy huve‘ for 3‘19 3 - well Matched Téim of ' NOVE MBER.‘ ‘ 1.. 1895 rum wishingtoseotheponielwith Samoan Ody; Boa/4 and Wood. Tagaome It 'is not by’chan'cc that our TEA a’n'd' COFFEE busmess .nas grown to its present l'arg‘c proportions. Thorough'knowledgc of the business; .good goods and low prices havcdone it, and it-has taken time. ‘ . ._ ‘ whati‘tluy buy from’ eaters..- ' Our Teas arid 'Cofl'ees are guaranteed pure and if nofas retire? sented-canbe'returned. . We are now offering special reduc- tions to partiesht‘aking 5,10 and 20 1b,- lots-just what 'is wanted for the country. In Cofl'ees we take the lead. as usual. We have blends at different prices, each the.’ best to the Indiana“ TEA AND COFFEE IMPORTERS. Epannnnm smumnv Humans ann SIEfllll HITEBS. TEAS. and COFFEES Hot Water Heating and Hot Air Furnaces a speouuw. All kinds of Rooï¬ng. 100 and Sheet Iron Work. Dave Tro‘ughing made and put up Stove-Piping and General Jobbing â€romptlu attended to. Pumps. Drains and Ctsterns put in and repatred. We keep all kinds of Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Cyunder and Machine Oils 1; specialty. Paint om at Bottom Prices. I 8t 8'. mr- Chute! .....'. ..... ' 2 Idbodht'Church.... Mj_ : ............ 8mm: hm Goon. Ma ...... â€".â€" John-D Hamlin..-" ,.. 03m 'voun Pinnmc AT “THE. Past: and-y. An. N. 1895* Have you c; dam to 9nd Spun: 0.3111011. SMITH .G'. woons is the man [to do it. Gwc u‘ Gum! oombimflon Dick’s Blood Purifier Pun “Mutton ho‘ druid!!!“- xsaca 15. KENT-ST.. LINDSAY. Dick: gloat! 31121215: Jlâ€"out'~ work speaks for itself. 27.58. smith a: Go. make “Li/c worth living!" your Mme properly , hot drudhot 0......" a I I a’n'd' COFFEE business .has i. Pan Edi lil' tux-awe '-â€"v* oo‘eonibmbxo am we only c um. mare an: no !urmoo {Into-{Ila :lapans, Young Hysons, Assams and Blends. SMITH 8E woods J‘ . hot tit. . Vim Ron! I 0 Church ...... Thou Sud}gr..:..;...._.‘.. .. .. water a 00...“ Lindsay Open 3‘ (Mane! Demon... Bead the tale act st once. 4¢r Furnaces a specialty. of its kind he Roam Kutï¬old in} i' i‘e'ii hash“; boy A: ind‘ nag-n 800mg hqt-drhfm ...-d-o..-.....~... OPP. It’ll-BY “‘3‘ '- r" Ifyou have. Mad own oflzun! Ill hot m combination Gurney hot. Mr W .......Entim_bomm ==§=..==...=..__=_=======§=§§§i u :-w.nmu PWW "mm-u: