ICorrespondence a! Tax Post.) Emmaâ€"The Wednesday night meet- ngs, held in the school room f Jr the past ew weeks. are a decided success. The object oi these meetings is to amuse mare interest in Sunday school work by mak- ing clear the cenuecting links of the various lessons. They are conducted by the superintendent, Mr. C. Here. who is an earnest,couscisnti3us christian worker. After each meeting a. choir przctice is held, and it is hoped that on the whole much good is being done among the rising generation of theage. S'rnnw Benn-On Thursday evening of at week Mr. John Kennedy was gladly surprised to find that a number of robust young men had gathered on his premises or the purpose of helping him in with a large straw stack. This pile of straw, though of immense propcrtions soon yield- ed to the muscular youths, and in a short time all were on their way to the house, where a number of selected young ladies were anxiously awaiting them. All went heartily in for a good night’s engagement. nwhich they were by no means disap- pointed. About 12 p. m. a. magniï¬cent spread was done ample justice to and utter LOCAL . NEWS-LETTERS a short continuation of the evening 8 amusements all separated for their respec- tive homes well pleased with the happy hours spent in each other’s company. SCHOOLâ€"The attendance at present is not as good as it has been in the past, owing to the large root crop in the section. The present teacher, J. D. McFadyen, has been engaged by the trustees of the section or another year's labor in our midst, and we only hope that as good success attends his earnest efforts in the future as he has had in the past school year. mer Cecaâ€"The ' turnip yield this year notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, has proven to be far beyond all expectations. Mr. John Hay, one of our most prosperous farmers. was much sur- prised in ï¬nding that on less than an acre he had a yield of over nine hundred bushels of good sound turnips. ' [Correspondence of In P0315] LIVn STOCKâ€"Out live stuck market continues to be his}. Deal! 5: Stone too! 3 eat a! choice hone in Home»: Sammy. and Bureau a: Amam 6! mixed am!) am! ta Tmaea an madam 62.1va 2m magmas has an m and 3196 mg "wee mm enema; and we mutate the barge? as a flaming W. " '7 __--An Wain goat. Ayer.’$.E“'§. v “I was troubled a long time with sick headache. I tried a remedies recommended for tins mp t; but it was not until I Began taking Ayer’s Pills ,‘ ~AA c.._-lh A ;___,_â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" f LINDSAY, FRIDAY; NOV. 1, 18%. PLEASA N T The ehntree stands lonely and hue. Its wee would cause us to sigh ; But we know that again it shall wear The green robe it was forced to by by. The flowers on the uplands have :11 Been destroyed by Jack Frost. and lie dead; ‘Till the blithe little robin shall all Them grim from their low. earthly bed. Norhnd, Oct. lath. G. 1123.3531- Axum that I receivevd permanent beneï¬t. A single box of these pills freed me from headaches, and I am now a well man." -C. H. Emacs, East Auburn, Me. Awarded Medal at World’s Fair "arms!“- or Winter " The winter is fast ccmius: on And the weaker is I‘m-Ky and culd , All the warm summer evening: are :1 And the plants ir. the garden look a The birds to warm regions mve nowu. And thou’my of bees with their hum Are withdrawn by their queen on the throne, â€rill again the spring blossoms shall come. The heave: are an faded and sear. And to unh they are failing quite last ; All ’round as this saying we hear, “"h- quite plain we‘ll hsve winter at In †Ayers Remedia- 'énérmmnm BLACK WA TBR. BYTAKING .ijTâ€"FBNELON. ions hue flown y and cold . miagv ue zone. anion 1001: old. have returned from Allandnle, where they 3 were the guests of Mr. and Ma. Rum. {formal-lye! thlsplaee......Mr. Robb. Mc- Daugall has gone home to London greatly Improved in health ...... Hrs. M. Modre 18 I mending a. few days with her son at 1 com WATER. ! [Correspondence of m 2031.] Tax ans.â€"Ot late we have had 1 very changeable weather, put of last week ‘ being ï¬ne and sunny, though frosty dur- ing the night. On Saturday and Sunday ‘ s snowstorm sat in. telling to the depth of 18 inches, which remains on Monday I morning. 7 -_-I_â€"-.- spmdlng a few days wanna; sun av Woodvillo. Burmaâ€"A hunting party†of Toronto sports spent a day in the swamp along the railway track, but did not got anythlng better than a tow poo: little red squirrels. stores were destroyed during the early morning of Saturday; theflre broke out at the back and before theenginecouldbe got out to work had obtained such hold that the greatest eflorts could show no effect towards saving them, consequently there was damage done to the amount of between $7,000 and $8.000, with insurance upon the same to about $6,500. The in- surance companies who snï¬â€˜ered loss are the L3ndon,Liverpool . Globe, and British America, whose inspectors have been up during the past week and arranged the claims of the suflerers amicably. A ï¬re brigadeisagreet necessity here, as it is folly to depend the work of the engine ,,,_ -1. A “no Dav-.4.â€" --v- _ BUILDmG.â€"The handsome newresidence now being erected for W. D. Levering. esq., tobe ï¬nished in about a fortnight, willbe an ornament to the south end of the town ..... Mr. Jos. Brown, J.P., has greatly improved his house, having erect- ed a solid brick addition which will com- prise kitchen, dining room, bedroom, etc, also large stables, barn, etc ..... Messrs. Sawyer Brcs. have made arrangements to erect four new brick stcres, which will he put up before . Christmas should the weather be favorable ...... Other buildings are in contemplation which would certain- AL 4.. -vâ€"J b .ingoone lay casual attenders at a. ï¬re, therefore our leading men of the town should lose no time in getting one formed. ~._lJ..-An 1y be LEHt-iiorthwith i! only another summer was tacked on to the 1381: instead of giving as a. wlgter. " ‘77?â€" _.__..l- UL an -.â€"a “w fl GUNPO'WDER PLOT.â€" Manning’s music ball will be the scene of a festive gather- ing of Orangemen on Nov. 5th. A hot supper will be provided and the neualloyel speeches given. The chairman will be H L Lovering, esq., and he will be well sup- ported. The hall has been beautifully painted and decorated by the Kitchen 7~â€"_|__ ‘AAâ€" Bros., and is as ï¬ne a. room as mnyzbe seen in the provinces. , mum-A clean bill is reparted far our villageâ€"no malignant or any other fever is there amongst us, and also the place is free from any serious accidents. CATTLEâ€"A11 kinds in large quantities have been shipped during the past two weeks, the prices being very low, however, and not at all pleasing to the farmer. [Correspondence of Tm: Pearl Pom Prawnâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith are very iii with fever ...... Mr. B. Scuch is learning the drug business with Mr. Char. Ailison . . . .Mr. E. Elliott and family, of White's train, have removed to Lindsay. CHURCH Norse-Baptist church services will be conducted by Rev. J. Cameron, of Uxoridge, twice a month ; and a. supply the remaining Sunday ...... Special servi- ces in Methodist church here at present, conducted by Rev. J. McCamus. Emc'rnxc RAILWAY SCHEME. â€"Reeve Cnrts has been able to raise most of the $500 by subscription, which was required as a grant from the town in order to pay surveying expanses in connection with the erection of a railway connecting Kincar- dine and Port Perry. Should the railway be built it will doubtless be convenient and paying for the town. Orr-Ions or S. or '1‘.â€"W. P., J. Me. Knight; W. A , Miss L. Moore; R. S.. L. Whithy: A.R. 8., Miss M. Thomas; F. S., J. Goudy; treas., J. Stovin; chap., Miss L. McConnell ; con., J as. Goudy ; A. com, Miss A. Hall ; I. S., W. Donaldson; O. S.. W. Bradburn; P. W. P., W. Hal- HzWAsmII.â€"Whflethreeyoun8 pro- tusedondmenwmoubtor a strolllsat Sunday afternoon on the all“! M northdthe tomonootthmwhno «mgsoulmbflllodwlfllmm Connect-Mr. J. 1501311, or Maria}, has tha contract of plumbing for Mr. Blong's new house. Pnnso: AL-Mr.Wakely returned from Detroit on Monday lest. . ; . . .Mr. and Mrs. McCaw returned on Monday or this week from their American trip ...... Wm. Arm- strong has gone to Collingwood, which town wil‘ be his future home. Poon Seamâ€"Guy Bros. had a good house Monday evening, but gave on interior show. A anmenon.â€"Some person or per- sons in town will ï¬nd themselves in trouble one of these days for procuring liquxr far the Scugog Indians. They cannot get it from the hotels, but get some loafer to go and buy it for them. Wayne Pugâ€""Ma W; Batman has mam we earlaads ef May pm is managing Tax Mm TRABEFMGGDH: Baum. Whale: and Willard we sh! plug 1am enemies a! saying. 15 1 a like std “ms is see 98 men mam betas mew as} and ghlppsd fees) m wail: 9mm. 93 Heads; mum. QM last" twenty: 8w 9: mm Maud leaded wagons were “‘33; 9mm and: to! that! m; to In 1 'Lnsmr. â€"-The Public Libra-yuan“- ing room will soon be removed to the Penhdlblmhandw'ill be in more com tel-table and roomy quarters. "6651213 Usnawk.â€"Chulas Jones. son of W. M. Jones, lately with A. J. Davis, [5 now WM!) J “7 Gregory, druggleha. of Oshawa. _ . .. A. , Goon BUBIRHSS;;MSBSIS; mama: mum, at the autumn“ Women. are making lam gamma“; The"; mm was ensign: mass :5 Winnipeg gun ganja; ,,_-_ 5...... in some way exploded, setting the boat on ï¬re. Mr. Blong hed a narrow escape from being burned. The hour was 2 o'clock, when no one was near to render my eeeietnnoe. He came out without being hurt. There wee a smell insurenoe on the boot. After burning to the weter'e eigethehnnsnnhendenthetcenbeeeen is the smoheteok in Baeohenhuret boy. when ehe wee anchored. Hr. Blanche- loethle'nne mideneeonJohn-et. Bnoanm.â€"Large delivu-iee’ot hack- wheet one beingioeded on the out here norm. Downâ€, of Whitby. Prise! no “Eider Bnm.â€"Qn Monday menial. 213: loan. Mr. Jonathan Bums wan mm. his atom yacht tad! to an on a hymns Mp. m hula: oomgon tq E†a_ yap 1? [Spec‘al correspondence of TE: P0312] Con-rnac1'.-Mr. J. Bank, of Li: B UBhoSS; ;xeï¬sf§s MRI)!“ 8,2193†PORT PERR Y. SPECIATOB. of Lindsay, mod. mode a mie-etep and fell into the culvert up to hieneok. He medeepitiehie eight when he got out. end-eon made ,trecke‘dor hone. The worst hem of the accident was that theyonnsmn nearly mineds brand-new overeat thet he wore torthenrettiznethntdey. I on sorry tor W. A.,eshe ie one otonr iine young men nndietryingtonnkehie his mark in the wofld In hie ehoan pro- fession. Better luck next time, buyeâ€" very seldom you meet with on eeoident. Goon annmss. â€"0nr merohnnte end tradesmen have in large etooke of goods, and judging by the number at paroles and loads leaving town they are evidently doing a. good bneineee. 0173 HIGH SCHOOLâ€"$910111 pupils iron Whitby, Bowmenvilie, Uxbridge and other pieces are here attending out-high school. This spenksweiitor Mr. D. McBride, 8. A.. the principal. It is well-known our high school is one of the best in the pro- vince; the standing of this school oh the recent examination showed tint Port Perry high school etiil keeps at the head of the list. 03m Dxc'mn. [Correspondence oi TX! Post] Formicaâ€"A considerable number of our citizens went toLiudaey on Monday to hear Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. Weue sure that they were mom than satisï¬ed with the speech made by the eloquent leader of the opposition. [Correspondence of Tar. Post] . PEssoxm.â€"â€"Miss Sarah McConnell, ot the Monk Road, was visiting for a [few days last week at the home of Mrs. Gre- ham ..... Miss Clara. Day, of Tory Hill, our former teacher. was visiting Bear Lake friends last week. We hear that she and her sister, Miss Gertrude, leave for Teranto this week ...... Miss Main and Miss Evans were calling on Monk Road friends ashort time ago ...... Mr. Joseph Alsop was in Haliburton last week ...... Mrs. Joseph McConnell and daughter, Miss Bella, were visiting at Mrs. MeConneli‘s former home â€"Mr. Adam Graham's, of this place. Recovznm.â€"We are glad to eee, Mr. Fssnk Winn out again after his severe illness. ' Pawnsâ€"The Rev. Mr. Puffer. of Wilber- force, occupied the pulpit Sunday, 19th, and preached our annual missionary ser- mon from the text found in Ii Timothy 2:3: “Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier or J esus Christ.†Mr. Pufl’er gave a. grand discourse on the above, hold- ing the congregation in rapt attention. BUILDING.â€"Mr. Brookman Alsop has improved the appearance: of his farm very much by having his residence repaired and also by building a. new shed. MARIPUSA. [Specialto Tin Postl Coon-r or Melonâ€"Council met on the let day of October. 1895. Present, Messrs. Lownsbrongh, Shaver and Mark ; absent, Messrs. Adam and Swain. Min- utes of 'last meeting read and approved. The members present subscribed to the oath required by statute as members of, a court of revision. Rs McArthur’s drainâ€" the report of the engineer was read. Mr. Adam entered and took his seat as a mem. ber of the court of revision, after having subscribed to the oat-h required. The following appeals were read and presented by the acting clerk: 1W. Meinnis, over- charges for beneï¬t; A. Anderson, over- charges for beneiit; N. MeTaggsr-t, over- charges tor beneï¬t; D. McKay, cost not equally distributed. The appellants and several witnesses having been sworn and heard, the appeal of W. Moinnis was withdrawn; 4. Anderson‘s assessment Was conï¬rmed; N. Me'l‘aegart‘e assess- ment was reduced $23171; D. McKay‘s assessment was eeeflrmed. listed by Me States. seeaedea By ï¬r. Meek. that we was be deeeeted team it. Me‘reggm'e assessment is the KeAltBiil‘ drain and added to hassle @iietrist‘e assessment. said assess massing Ma‘l‘asgert'e eeeeee= meet it!!! ii and said sea sit a te ï¬eeeid Giieiiiiet. ted the alert at the Deities interested in this eheege.=©enied. Mama by tie. Adam. eeeeeded g his. Knit. test the engineer. Mr. eem Smite. be iesteeeted to theme the present leestiee e! the Meevteer deals as new ieeeted esteeetiie e. i at tile w. i 9! lot 16. see. 15. ted eieea the side iiee between 15 end it, cesitaedpeetei eeiddreieeeei let 15. see. 1!. see ieeeteii teen the m‘ net 8.1.11. culvert seem eed senile! tethemlieete the east limit «the miuiotlmmla. and ime them culvert southerly and parallel? to the “I inmntï¬e 5111 soon be completed In thls neighborhood, and from all comes the welcome tidings, “good crops." Wm.â€"Tho autumn days have came and 3.1th gone agaln once more, and scan nature will be gently sleeping In her snowy bed. [Arrived boo Into for but week | BEAR LAKE. MANILLA. mugmmmmnmmm‘ the 1m! In favor of the follow!†â€surï¬ng road- : I Him-2mm. «h â€......umwt as an J PoniLbrukingstonmooulom 13...... I!“ Whitman. mvoanbtaoon 13........ 88 10 WSW†work. coal as u Dsum. mm..." ........ . ......... a so DXcKinnon.tl'-vdnu, mi 3...... ........ u 15 A Hoover. culvert. lot 11 con 1.. ............ 12 on nmeIn-GMIQS s.............. u u Anoommnlnrglotnm 1.. ............ non 4511-1011. Gannon .ndjournfd to no“ gain on the second Monday ,In November next a a. court»! revision. to War hnln, and for general human. A- -I-_I_. from odomel or other Influx-mu drum, being composedentlrelyot the but not- ublompulanta. Broadcloth took in me Iron: in unusual width. â€"Mrs. T. S. Huwkins. (BMW Tm, says, “Shiloh? Vitalizer “Saved my Life.’ I couidcr it thebestrm for a debilitated system I ever used. " For Dyspepsia Liver or Kidney trouble It excels. Prloe75cts. Sold by A. High: bothum. Emu-ell mans, my you (no or tnvol well . â€"Knu.‘s Cwm Boar. no 5"“ ms to the Complaxinnmdmmi’ "amusemmmnnoo. Sold ‘3 A' . rue-i rune! Item Plies. - Symonâ€"M )leture; Intense itching and stinging, most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate. becoming very sore. Swenm‘e Oun- nx'r stops the itching and bleeding. heels ulceration. and in most cases removes the tumors._ Atjimggistg, or by mail. for 50 “LII-A-I_LI- ZE‘KWDET'SVZï¬XE' 'anj'Phuadelphu. Lyman, Sons 3: 0., M antral, Wholesale Agents. The Steamer ESTURION, Single tickets between Lindny end Bobavgeon. 75o Return tickets. 81. Single tickets between Lindsey end Sturgeon Point 35c. Return tickets. 50c. Single tickets between Bobceygeon end Sturgeon Point. 40c. Return tiekete. 50c Kuulu. w... ...vâ€"_ â€"-_-.w Family tickets md “coma! flckou st ndueod rues can be tan-cured u. the Post 013cc. Bobenmm. ad on the host. out: an be rude on very kvonbl‘ tor excursions of Iron 100 to m person: on trip. of the non. .. n,,,_ V. N. 00:. Bowm- Sturgeon Point. Lambs;- and 3111 Stuff. Limo. Lï¬ï¬hg 311153195.- T119 and flows;- Pipe at Bottom Pmâ€: HARD AND BOPT WOOD Lave Boacnanos u:......... Arrive LINDSAY a: . Leave LINDSAY n........... Arrive Boscnonos It......... r W. DIAflEN‘l‘ pumr. Bsbv was troubled with son. on Mud 1931. [tried “Pdmo-Tu Sow." In t very short arm the sore- diuppemd. akin becsme smooth and flute, sad the child (93 Pegectly well. n... A.-a‘â€" 903mm! to mncfl M mum u have“ We UHISA‘! AND BBBGAYGEOH. OdymBixM “In". Porilolio No. 2: 1: Annnu Mono k Fruit; Flown and Bull L! m: Portfoho 7: Chin- Dot-mu. Thu Ono of tho Colored Pluc- g‘m n with t BIINHP' m far 3896 â€FAFEB 391112 1:34;; Wm: Colon a: mu- " l' Best Scranton or Lehigh Valley will run as f Balmc-Tar Soap- Joe. Maunder. CALLING EACH WAY 'A'r Na v;gat102 2 VARIE 7138. FLYING BETWEES ass-r Baa/s Soup for aligtke '6“ *L Dd‘w'swsms- 308. mama}; Au. “omens Wad Hm: USED Ipuma TARSOAP us until further nouee. ° . .800; m. ....... “1030 " t perfectly wen. . Baum. Cfldi ONT» FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 coxmcxxo ox SATURDAY, 1m In 11.th M Tu“ W I3 THE nonfatal nuns. as m: I“ â€0......0.â€' d 18...... ll. 18......" 38 10 non TAL: AELAMQHJ‘; {luau-tun 1Ҡm I . ml mind n ~th tutu- u o â€1!:1!) tin-WC. V mu“ swig. oopinl. dc “ï¬ll an Kinds of LUMBER. wanna. swam. mm. mm. swan. um: and woon MW ‘3?an ‘lt you don!» the In e. 0! null ugh. how men manual: h In can fly. In um light: Tawnnroo'rg‘ng‘mm _A L.- i; ii" 75ml. naught My I that GREGORY’S DmStore. mum. KennedLDavm _§q§._ Car. Sussex and Peel-cu. Lindsay. . J. WETHERUP. MW: at Bobcat/00°â€- J. J. We {:11 61-119; . It is is surprising how little attention is paid by the average housekeeper to the purchase of the salt for domestic use. The grocer cstches itâ€"-snd justly eoâ€"when the pepper is found to be adulter- nted, but almost anything in the line of Salt goes unchsllenged The situation will be diï¬â€˜erent when the merits of WINDSOR SALT become fully known. No purer suit was ever taken from a. wellâ€"99 per cent. is the standard of quality, which is from 20 to 30 per cent. better then the usual grsdes sold. Its appearance alone is suï¬cient to‘commend it as against the poorer kinds, as the beautiful spark- ling crystals delight the eye, and odds a savor to food not imparted by the inferior kinds. Then again, the price will be found no her to the use of the better article. This is an impOrtant point of courseâ€"thut’s why we mention it- Ask for Windsor Salt, and at our counters. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WINDSOR SALT? '1‘“ GLII'OO'I' ._.wnl:xm E. Gregor); In hum n J‘OI BALI 3Yâ€" [2‘ is Me Sal/2‘ of Me Edi/2% wmm 33? m 0"â€" ltflll“. unnanr. WHETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOT. . 1895 Eru- en Iron Founder lo prepared to do :11 kinds of Casting and Eonndry Work. Raven-ins ct Implements and Machinery em. Setting-up Steam Engine: and Boiler:- R.Bâ€"rwomw‘uu w an mute-looms m» I “W“QW Will be centered in your heme if yqu “:51 m a†WWW In your kitchen. The Manitoba School QuestionEB,., "Imh 501' m ‘0' the next few months, but “GOOD CHE he J " Wm Don’t forget the Stove, the Man 9‘ ‘ -Nhfl9.-nd it will pay you ifyou W Hutu do it. , BOXALL: i» 5 E60K AT THIS CUT A. CAMPBELL. "' GOOD CHEER.†Tron. 033223011. Luyggmt So: 2. Jun on 302311 John Magni- W G Woods. FOR SALE BY W. G. WOODS - LindsaY' MODERN. H AN [MINISS [If flXfflflfl BASE BURN ER. HUNDREDS IN USE IN LENDSAY AND VICINH'Y. PM unqulbd by poople who use them. Even main unche- Mao. Every Stove a Double Heater. M LNUFACTURED BY The Gurnev Foundrv 60., TORONTO The Oven Works to Perfection. William-at. Nor-tn NDQOME. POWERFUL if!on I r. not. och Ind and rcpu viu