R. N EILL We are now installed in our handsome new pre- mises, where we have every facility for work. end comfort {or our students. ‘ More students entered the ï¬rst two weeks in September of this year than ever before during the whole month , :__ 51.-....“in AI- IIH PE TERBOROUGH BUSINESS GOLLEGE. SEï¬SONABLE’ GOODS at Special Low Prices. Plain and Fancy Window Screens. Halters, 00w Chains, Axes, Cross-Out Saws, Lanterns, Mitts. McLennan 81 Go. WET FEET Peterbogg Removed Two Doors West. '5 This is an inducement well worthy the consideration of l shrer buyers. It simply means so much money “picked up.†{emember this is purely a Cash Oï¬'ering to every customer who buys of us. We positively guarantee our prices the lowest in this or any other townâ€"if you ï¬nd it diï¬erent in any case we will make you a gift of whatever that article may be. Besides, we have several heavy lines which are now marked at and below cost, to clear, and on these also weal- 4- low the discount. m Never before were the people of this town and country ". given such an opportunity of buying Dry Goods and Clothing @ so cheap, and nowhere can you make better interest ‘on the f, * Efï¬g- m l .r Graduates never disapponnt lineman“ v. .... exieve in and insist upon moxovsnxsssâ€"hence ll";l Rubbers and . . (hers/mes gflur Gram fllsunum Sale 3‘ NEILL, 25113.11 Saw. South Side of Kent-st. are injurious to the con- stitution andif you would preserve your health you had better lgeep your feet . . . . . Delivered It Love“ Price-f THE ONE PRICE STORE. ;0 cheap, and nowhere can you make better mteresr. on me investment of your money than by accepting the oï¬â€˜er we make. M. W.‘Kennedy 81 00., Scranton Goal which he is selling at RIGHT PRICES. has a full, line of PRIHGLE MOREA, allowed 011‘ on Every Purchase, Businessbdlege, Pew-borough, Onf. . DRY. R. Neil. Bus. College “5 per cent.†Our Assortment is Good. Our Prices are Right.“ be it Great or Small. Mantle Cloths, Ulsterings, Clothing, Underwear, Gents’ Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Furs and Babes u. E'Lxennadz dz Go . go . Kent-st representing us can earn $20 per week selling our Emmy : canola-grown hut-01y Snack. Perm anent position and salaries. Ex- clusive territory. Write at once for terms to l. o. GBAEAK. 8mm. Toronto, Ontario â€"80-13. Tnomu Bean. Issuer of Marriage License. Oï¬ice G. W. Bean's jewelry store, Kent. at Nothing Hunts 0111: 00m Like tight boots. Corns are very small affairs, but apply to them a pair of tight boots andall other concerns of life sink into insigniï¬canee. Tight boots and Put- nam’s Com Extractor (the great and col sore cure for ecrns) may go together, an comfort will be their partner; but don’t fall to use Putnam's Corn Extractor. brands, cheap, poisonous. and dangerous substitutes, are in the market. Beware or them. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Polson 8c 00., proprietors, Kingston. The Late nugn Workman. Ms. Hugh Workman was born near Mount Pleasant, Gavan township, in the year 1832. His parents die-1 when he was quite young, and he went to live with his uncle. the late George Workman, with whom he learned the carpenter trade, at which he became very expert. He worked at his trade until 1853, when he married Margaret Henderson, his now sorrowing widow. After his marriage he started a livery in Mount Pleasant, but .his ambi- tious spirit soon brought him to Lindsay. where he speedily acquired a large shareof the livery trade of this town, besides holding the contracts for :carrying the mails by stage to Beaverton, Fenelon Falls and Minden. He remained in the livery business till about six years ago, when, on account of his milling ‘ business in Minden. he sold out and occupied his time looking after the latter business and erect- ing the large building and livery barn now standin on the old Conway lot, north of ‘ the Aca emy of Music, in which he had resided at late. Last November he was taken ill on one or his business trips to Minden, which illness proved tatal. His __ n..- .â€"A ham“ mmaeu, wuxuu umuaa my... ...-__. case was a very peculiar one, 'and bamed not only the medical skill of this town, but also the most eminent surgeons of. Toron- to â€" Drs. Strange, Csmeron and Teskey being consulted. Following out the ad- vice of Dr. J. H. Cameron, of Toronto, Dr. Shier, assisted by Drs. McAlpine and Poole, operated on the tumor, which reced- ed to one-third the former size. at the some time giving great relief. So much improvement tookplsce that his medical advisers became hopeful of his recovery, butinafewweeksthereweresigns of an 1internal growth which completely ob- structed the bowels, end after a month of suffering caused his death Saturday lest. Deceased was a good citizen; few men, if any, have done more towards the building up of Lindsay then he ; losses did not die- courage him. He had no love for money no a. few men in this town and coon have been helped to their feet and t out of ï¬nancial dimcnitlee by his aidr In pantie as. mï¬wmwfï¬wï¬'mï¬ 0353.38 HERE AID THERE. EWN AND COUNTY. pout!“ LID "wuuunâ€""__ .F, _ a. cat workzr for his party. But above his hearssoemedtobe set on his family. with whom he was ever indulgent. Dur- {us his; letter weeks he sought forgiveness mg ms 15wa "Um uv v-.. ..- . from thee ever merciful Esther and for- give: of 31151118. Hisâ€"prayers were in- swered, and he experienced a. change of heart, and expressed a bright) hope of heaven as he kissed each sorrovring mem- berothistamil good-bye. He leaves an almost broken- carted widow, whonuraed him faithtully through all his illness, scarcely leaving his .bedeideulao ï¬ve amhtonendm sons, all «whom are men-led. They have the sympathy of my iriendeintheir great bereavement. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. NOV. 1. New A dvertzsemen ts. Carpets, Curtains, Corsets, Health Brand Underwear, Tailoring, Fancy Dry Goods, Staple Dry Goods. GLOTHINB. Smmdiau gust. THE CANADIAN POST LINDSAY. Wu: Sui-t 737mm†In [or “.000 The Mercantile Report of 00". um, at um that unit tor 85.000139 boon laud “slush W. 'W. n, «t Lbduy. by * studs J. Irwin. '1‘ a ground of the ac- tion Is not given, but will no doubt become public mm In 3 d3: or two. m1 maul. â€"Mr. Geo. Mstthom’ bum mm 150 boon to the Pacerboro sugary 311 Monday. wâ€"v v__7VV -3375 you malted 610. P. Mum nbantyourtarn. Corner Pulsndwmim- “5-82-th â€"Mr. Frank mm. H- P- for NM“ cum-to, died a nu home In Beaverâ€! on Thursday. Inspt ctor Danglu. â€"A choice shock at Memorial and: ot the latent md moat hundsome dulgn just xecelvod at Tum. Wilii nn-stw- 82-17“. '_ v v- -__ï¬, . â€"'l'he owner of a dog found in the skating rink last Monday evening will be given information of his whereabouts upon applying at this ones. â€"When diptheria is in the neighborhood use PILKm's DIPTKIBINI and prevent it spresdiog. An ounce of prevention .‘s better than a pound ot euroâ€"86, â€"'1‘he business man need have no cares A; to the disposition of his wares, Nor wait icr trade with wistful eyes It he will but advertise. -'l.'he funeral of the late Eiward Howe took place this afternoon and was yer! largely attended. The Citizens‘ hand, of which deceased was a member, was in attendance and escorted the procession to the cemetery. â€"â€"At the adjourned meeting of the Paterboro cheese hoard, held on Tuesday last, over 5,000 boxes were boarded. The sale price obtained by most of the factories was nearly a cent a pound better than was offered at the previous meeting. -A special train from Fenelon Falls brought up200 people to see Trll last Wednesday. Messrs.Swan. Perry, errin, Lee and Phillip) were the parties who pushed‘the thing along and got the train , -l..- 4.1.-.. A -mnln 2"er " Dâ€" - , _ â€"R. S. BAILEY’S French and American combination system for out ' and Children’s Garments. Simp e, perfect and always reliable. Cutting taught and systems supplied. Call or address Mas. NanE WILLIAMS (Agent), 52 Regent-at, Madamâ€"19 13 w. 7 â€"A. ignlfâ€"vcâ€"lnn has been organized In Petzrboro, with Dr. Bonoher as president, R. M. Dennlstonn, vlce-pms., and. J. B. Hudson, sea-tress ...... I: my b3 swell to noce that In rononnclng the word "gen" the letter ‘ l" ls omittedâ€"We just pzum “golf,†not golf or gollufl’. ‘nâ€" â€"A-â€"‘â€" A M.‘ people to give t5em_ a ipeg Pw-w bv-r â€"v- uâ€"n , .. â€"At present there is very nearly a coal famine in town. A oarload arrived to-day {or a local dealer. and every sound of it had been promised before han . Several orders from Baboaygeon have been held ‘Llosc; before they receive their supplies. 7 7-..!â€" LAJJU nun--v ._-, _ crop, 16 hogs, and a quantity of agricul- tural Implements. The loss will toot up nearly $3,000 ; insurance, $1,650. â€"-In the correspondence from Downey- ville in our last week’s issue of Tar: Post it was stated that the child of Mr. Fox died. or diphtherla. 0o enquiring we ï¬nd that the boy died of crane, but as it could non be dete rmlned whether tnis croup was of dlphtheritic origin or not, Mr. Fox,notwish- log t) run any risk, took all tnenrecau- tions that are made use of ln a case of diphtheria._ â€"Mr. Dan. ~MoGribben has purchased from Mr. Wm. Baln the two-storey brick dwelling on Francis-st, west of Mr. Jae. Keith’s residence. The house is a new one, and has just received the ï¬nishing touches. Dan's friends will no doubt form their own conclusions when they hear of his real estate deal. and should stand ready to offer congratulations in case their guess groves the correct one. . , J.-- -L-n-als“! “m- Sacco P" v v... -_â€"- n -A prominent city doctor strongly pro- tests against the burning of tree leaves and other garbage at this season of the year. He asserts that the practice is the direct cause of bronchitis, sore throats and lung maladies. A far better way or dis- posxng of the refuse would be to have it used as a fertilizer for gardens or ï¬elds. Thus the public health would not be menaced, and the soil would be beneï¬ted. â€"A. pleasant social evening was spent in the schoolroom of St. Andrew’s church last Monday in charae ot the social com- mittee ot the GE. Alter a few minutes of general 0 my: rsation a short program was rendered as follows : Solo, Miss . Gross ; recitation, Miss L. Davidson; solo, Mr. G. P. Mullett ; recitation, Miss King; solo, Miss McLean. All parts were well given. Alter the program reireshments were served. Rav. J. W. Macmillan occupied the chair. â€"One night last week the stable which Mr. Cotey, ot the east ward, uses as a hen- house, was entered by an unknown party, and sixteen hens were stolen. Near the the thieves emptied the rage and carried the hens 011’ in the sack. Mr. Cotey’s neigh- bors who own hens have got beat traps set, and those who have not got traps have got horse-pistols, and stand ready to give the thieves a hot reception if they visit that part oi the ward again. â€"Bicycle scorchihg on the business streets after dark is annoying Peterboro residents. On Thursday evening a rider collided with Mrs. M. A. J amieson, wife of the proprietor of the Little Windsor hotel, as she was crossing George-sh, and the 1 tell on the street car track in front of. an i ‘ approaching car, which the motorman did not succeed in stopping until the wheels were within six inches oi her head. The bicyclist did not wait to render any assis- tance, but, disappeared around a corner. â€"There are a number of vacant houses 1: town, the broken windows of which are adorned with “To Let" cards that serve as admirable targets for the small boys to shie stones at. A small advertise- ment in Tax Pos'r would secure tenants for these dwellings. Cards answer very well on leading streets, but,in the name or common-sense, what chance is o! a south ward man seeing a card in the window 0: a north ward dwelling. or vice verse. Landlords neglect their best inter- ests in this matter. -â€"-A very successful plowing be was held on Monday at Mr. James Twoheys farm, about two miles south-west oi town. There were about 35 teams E s§ vuuav v- Vi- , , A: the Priestley’s surpassed all others in their black dress fabrics, so they have new surpassed themselves with their new creation, the “Eudora.†Priestley's dress fabrics have a. world-wide reputetion for wear, for reï¬nement and distinction ct appeal-shoe, but the "Eudora" 13 e revele- tion of what the latest method smiths best taste can accomplish. A thing is â€"’I‘ha Digâ€"O iii: the Workman block-.31!- .10“ m Slop“ how, will start!) noem mule-e. .4â€. J. W. was): entertnlned 3 near herethulndyendnentlemn trlende he: Frldny evening at the ruldence of his mother, Cambridge“. The evening m spent in rune end other nuance an ebony! o' oak, when the happy put: du- _m-. a. Mom of Woodvmc. an» . m. m we: d»- Honda: “tending the Mall at hll mother-1343', Mn. Not-they. 4m aoplo are W van wflloonxsm mtlngrlnk thin m We nndmtnnd a new mull atm- It. â€"Somo of the ntepaym think the livery men ch edsooep wine-totals vehicle. ' for the Munoz“: Bowen celebs-at 7- - - â€a ,,-;_A ‘___ qvvvvâ€"c vâ€"v ______ â€"Mr. J R. Mark. of Klnlnonnt. has decided :6 make that vtï¬age his - ent home, and took his househol emote north last Monday. â€"Don't rut-ï¬t†read our advt. in this ad gape: ton another place. Since we ave started our cash business we are selling very cheap. S. J. SnnmuICo., Oakwood.â€"86 l. heneetcrth cconpy the entire basement. He Intends to Introduce dry goods In the new department. â€"We understand that Dr. P. P. Bur- rows has recently added to hlsu a hn-JIAMAI- hand volume anti rows has rooonuy um w a... nunâ€" .. handsome and volume ontltfod 1 ho ‘ Oar Edlhfo Tondawols nod Mushrooms: by W. Hamilton Gibson. â€"Capt. Rose, who has been lntown far a tow dun, left on Mondny lost for the north country to pat 1n the stop loss nnd back up the votes: In the diagram: m- emirs, for next won. :ï¬â€"Ehooiï¬enziee, oltheenet wad. who went to Toronto hoepltnl on Sept. 26th to undergo on operation of the eyes for enter-act, has returned fully restored, to the great joy of her mnn! â€"Mr. M. J. Johnston and funny, 0! Monnghen township, nnrrowly was.“ :13 Thorn y wees. People should eee to It that stove doorenre properly closed and thnt the mlon I: not broken. â€"Aa manic! our reader. nre no doubt . S. Wilson has resumed the cthleproteeslon In Linda: . He is: taken up'mldenee on Wmnm In the old Dnnstord homestead, when has hla ofï¬ce and pharmacy. â€"Messrs. Warn-us: Co. have found it necessary to open out another store in order to accommodate their immense stock of winter goods. and have leased the prem- ises known as China Hal), where a very complete stock will be carried. â€"Mr. Claes Amberg, the well-known Bobuygeon “punter†and fisherman. was in town last week. He stated that tour- ists had not been as numerous as usual in the vill this summer, and everyone suffered htly in consequence. When a girl wants topurehase a sacque, Of the newâ€! ads she keeps tracq no. And she goes to the place Where they take a good space To announce what they have for her bacque! -â€"Conductor Jack Britten is one of our most successful duck hunters. and has been having grand sport lately. Intwo atoernoons he bagged 66 birds ...... We are indebted to friend Britten f or a plump pair of black ducks, for which he has our thanks. ‘ â€"Menitoulin Expositor: Mr. H. R. Her- riman is building a ï¬ne brick house at Honors from brick manufactured there. The oldest bricklayer-e say they are â€chod Mr. or!" as any bricks they ever saw. men is to be congratulated on being the ï¬rst to build a brick residence on the Men- itouJin. â€"Messrs. Williamson Bron, butchere, have removed into the more commodious prem'.» lately occn led by Miss Foster. which they are ï¬t: ng up in hendeome style. When the improvements con- templated are completed these lire, progressive business men will hsve a menu market worthy of the town. --o,,, lu unwed â€" -_‘ â€"-er. John Bell, collector of inland revenue at Peberboro. wee trlpped up by his umbrella while ascending the stelrs of his residence on Wednesday week, In consequence of whlch he lost his looting and tell heedlong to the bottom: H‘enre- 3110. "an ucuu-vu .. .- -_- --_,_, ceived a painful fracture of the jaw-bone in addition to many severe bruises. â€"Mlss Nettie Keenan, who has recently returned x‘rom Washington, is prepared to reorganize her class, for instruction on piano. Pupils wishing to take a course in theoretical music or harmony will be taught either in classes or individually as desired. For terms apply at the residence of Mrs. Keenan, Huron-stâ€"ll-dw-ti. -Another crowded market last Satur- day kept Clerk Callaghan "on the jump" for a while collecting ices and looking to the wantsof the pee e. Following are a few cf the prevailing ceszâ€"Butter. 16 to 20:; Eggs, 14 to 163; o iekens. 30 to 403 ; ducks, to 606; geese. 90 to 603; turkey, 9 to 10c par 1b.; lamb 63 per 1b.; fresh park. 7.: per 1 â€"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MoWillisms, of Pet. erboro, says the Review, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding on Wednesday evening week. Mr. MeWii- liens and Miss Eliza Jane Wilson. of Mariposa township, were married on Oct. 22nd, 1870. About 50 guests were present at the silver wedding. including several relatives from Lindsay. Toronto, is in town. He is try to arrange with some local society to un er- take a series of live high-class entertain- ments by artists whose services are at the command at the Bureau, or failing a con- tract with a society, to obtain a guarantee ist from citiz ans. Reserved seat tickets for the course will be sold for $1. â€"'.l‘hs funeral of the late Hug: Wor - man, whiehtookplaosMonday wasveryiagsiyattendedby eitinens and triends ct e deceased, among whomhe ;was held in vsrv h'gh esteem. The l ï¬ll-bearers were Senator Dohson. D. J. cIntyre. P. M , and Messrs A. Causpbell. J. D. Fiavelie, D. Brown, and . B. Knowlson. The Rev. S. J. Shorey con- ducted the services at the‘house. â€"A report rescued towuon Tneedeyeo the efl'ecu that Ceptsln Reynolds, at the Etr. Golden City, Stan Lake. who u wellknown in town. been drowned. Thursday’s Globe conï¬rmed the news. In seems that Cent. Raynolde let: Bum In a once home]: his steamer, which was at Deal-Bay withnhnnflngp .md 13 lean poeedhemceuxht by he: win stormthen raging end apnea. cmoeendpnddleewaeionudnextdny. . a n“ _L -Ormla people are greatly excited jut now over an uglv Boandll than hucomc to light. For some tune push to has boon suspected that certain citizens were land. [as young girls um , and a detective. vc mule disclosures in: cevcrcllaadlngcmmmdtho min- arylnm hubccnln mac-ll -â€"Mrs. Marlon But-hm! Crock Mammal-um. tantalum FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1395 Sim) .- w" 412.. J. 3. Emma a mum: unad- In Bamvnh. wh'f’n'mï¬ on Lionday. ' -â€")[r. J. E. Boyd. oi Bani: Ste. Marie, was in town on Saturday. â€"Hre. Bar-tons. oi Roasneath. is visit- ing Mrs. Waits. of Most. â€"Mr. J. Staples. liver-yuan. at Wood. ville. was in town Monday last. â€"3ir. John Daniel. at Bassdnie. visited Lindsay on Satndsy on business. â€"Mr. A. E Bottnna. hardware merchant, Banaygeon. was in town on Monday. -â€"Mise Finance anin. of Crasswell. is visiting friends and relatives in town. â€"Mayor H. A. Ward, oi Part Hope is in town on Monday on legal bnaineaa. â€"Miss Stanton and Miss Billions. of Pension Fails, were in town on Saturday. â€"hirz. '1‘. Dorm, ct Gshooonk. went a few_ days visiting friends in townshia -Mr. E. D. Ordo left on Fridsy m for Winnipeg. He will be MI. â€veal â€"3[rs. Sum of leon Full. uvulungherdnngwr,Mt-u. W. n. Wnbh. â€"Mr. Ju. Hobbs, of Innetvmo. m In town Sctudny Ind undo animated! on Tax Poe-r. â€"Mlss B-rthn Shier. at Cunningham II Wiggaw day- wlth her brother. Dr. 41:. win. Grim. o: Lind-n plld OW friend: 5 flyingvult on and" on his "biks." _ __-_ ,7; â€"Mr. iiiadhope. of 0mm. nt- lng the Tndhape cm. Works, :1 ton on Wedneadny. â€"lllsa Lytle, at Echelon Falls, m mm the may mm“ from the narth on Sum-d†Int. vo- Uflmvw‘ __ â€"Mr. Thee. skin». the eihbie traveller tor W. R. Brock Co..'l‘oronto.m in town Wedneeduy. â€"Mr. W. O. Riohudeou. merchunt tenor. rp-ut Suede! iuet ut the perentel home in Pickering. â€"Mies Cooper. of Monti-ea]. who hue been visiting mend: in town. left {or home on Blond†evening. â€"Mr. Bobt. C. Smith unveiling rem- eentetive of The Globe, forento gave Tn Post e pleasant cell on Wedneeée ~Mr. Gerdluer Hunter. proprietor of the Bobby house. Bobeuygeon. wee in town Tueedsy equipping himeel! fertile â€" in J. Kennett. who he: been vieitina her sister, Mrs. J er. Sheeheu. for the put wet-h. returned to her home in Huntsville on Tueedey. “ .,,-A LL- "Jigpéoo. Gun. hte patter ut the Bensonhouse. iettou Mann-y for 011111: to take a similar position 3: the Duly â€"Dt. T. Neelends. of Port Hope. passed through town Them en route for Ember- ton, where he wflljo n n huntlng party at Toronto gentlemen. â€"Mr. J. B. Egg and um!) . of Crime, hove been epe as a few' ureintown. They left terdoy ntternoon tor Fenelon Falls to v It friends. â€"Mu. James Polling. 0! Toronto, re- turned home on Frldny. otter 3 three weeke‘ visit with her uncle and nnnt. Mr. end Mrs. Cuff. north word. â€"Mr. G. Wilder, of the G. N. W. Tue. graph Co's. omoe heme. end Mrs. Wilder. returned lest Wedneede from en extend- ed trip through North skate. â€"Mise Lag Alger left town Wednesday morning on e 9 o'clock trein tor Toronto, where she will spend tvo or three monthe with her friend, Miss Wickhnm. â€"Mise Sneie Perkins, who hes been visiting friends in Penetens. Midlnnd end other northern towns, returned home he: Migithy' ether enjoying e very t. V 1w.â€" â€"Mr. Alex. Rue returned lest evening from Pembroke, where he hed cherge of 3 critical tjob for several weeks put. Tgepreepeot of early curling is a â€"The Mieeee Bovea, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wimun Bones, of Keane City. who have been visiting friends in cm are new the guests or Mr. endure. J. J. Wetherup, Sussex-st. â€"Mr. Herb. Gregory. of Jun Gregory. drmiste. Oshun, reached Linden Shear dey even on his “bike" en event Sundev vi» his mother. returning by train Mondny WW VISIVWB n... v.-._._ Vin for some weeks left for home on Mondsy. It is voseible she my return sud spend tne winter in Lindsey. â€"Mr. end Mrs. D. G. Doses, of Little- wood, count of Middleee ere visiting reistim in indeey. Mrs. s is s sis- ter of Mrs. N. R. lamentsnd Mr. J. W. Bichsrdv, of TB Poa‘r mm â€"Mr. H. Fetter. who ha been misting the Rev. Mr. Mush la Lindsey for the pest yeer is shout to lesve for Sseketeheâ€" wen. KW!!!" where he will enter upon miseionsry work. We wish him sueoess. â€"‘Iir. Wm. Shes-men. re resenting J. W. Bisir, menses: or H. . McCsirre . of Demo. NJ†the well-known er in , s- _...__s_.. -s oh. Elma. "m'ivérs, ct Philudelohls. who been vlsmng per p139“: Mr. J 0:. Ca! -â€"4- ._ “-- USW, “-1... m wwâ€"v~-_ _-,V,, telegraph poles. is stopping at the Simp- son house. He Is here so nuke cosmos- wlth local putt“. â€"Mr. D. J. Johnston. rspmentlng the Mason 8: Bush Plum 02.. of Toronto. w to: a tow ds s In tbs mar» mt thufl MrJ will. hole “'0’ m. n o . W ‘ ‘ And humsdswy trlsnds 33% L _ .777 ‘__‘_ â€"Mr. S. A. Gallon left on Tuesday lust fox-Smith's Falls. whom he ins a to oonduno 5 comments! we. r. Canon's experience in can on with odmional work mould nuke him 3 unable uquisition to tint town. â€"Mr. John Swsin. of Valentin mourned tcomathmnouths'vuittounitoba to- day. He “dang“ withthomn â€"oo much so that hut decided on his home in am mun-y adv pol-in . a. visited with Mr. John Gibon, 39.0th while in the m - L_-_ ha 011th so any hour. thy or slab! u Roam a: Com-$41. Walter; at: town on flood†«Garwood. Consisting of Men’s, Youths†and Boys’ Overcoats and Ulsters, Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Pea Jackets, Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, Separate Coats, Vests and Pants. Etoï¬e Pants, Cotton and. Woo Tweed Jumpers, Overalls, etc., to these premises, where we commence at once A Great Sacriï¬ce Sale of Clothing. Remember we are no sham advertisers. When we make announcement it can be depended on. The die is castand our Clething Stock must go. Price is a secondary consideration. China Hall Old Stand, where you can get the Best Barga Ready-Made Clothing of all kinds ever offered in this -â€"â€"-part of the Country. Our Great Gash Business Our books are closed now until the let of April next, when we willl give credit through the summer months if people wish. We are going to make it pay you to buy tor cash. If you read our udvt, every week you will see some of our prices, end if y0u come to our store you will ï¬nd everything msrked seoordingly. W0 hsve been bringing down prices ever since we opened out in Oukwood, but we sre going to bring them down so low now that other merchants will have to fsll in line or else fell out altogether. WV, ‘-vâ€" -â€" , _ a. wonder to me the: when they bougnt a eeruu not pay the ml: instead of giving e bill of sale per cent intereet on the money. es eecurlty, u think that they could do e good deal better :11: 301!» Yellow Smu- ............... 8100 2? “ ExtrenghtYelloangex.... 100 Bis 22 “ Granulated Sugar ............ warm 5 “ Currant; ...................... 25 To: 4 “ Raisin! ...................... 25 For 6 “ Rlee .......................... :5 Pee as othap ...................... 2% Bo: urptiee r .per .......... (Bu-«o! w Soap .......... 5 Ba: uBmJohnBull'e TolletSoeo . g g: All our PATENT “ENGINES will be sold as low a the ac 90c: Beet Iron and ï¬ne Pun-Celery Impound tor 5mm . '1" Cough Care, (or we, regal» 250. Spa _ nu---._-_‘ TAIIAR ï¬lth REMEMBER THE PLACE, and have moved our Entire Stock We Set the Pace, Others Follow. ’Flruclui' Pepper 10' GREAT SACRIFICE SALE WARNER 00., FIRST 0F THIS MOI/TH. 3 fully determined to oï¬â€™er our Immense Stock at Bargain Price until the whole lot is disposed of. LINDSAY AND WOODVILLE. 8. J. SHERIDAN 00,, -WAS STARTED ON THE nn'e advt. last week in the Weechmm they tried to mske the hev could sell cheaper then we couldâ€"it they can it is a wonder alwsys buy for cashâ€"if they do it is- n ma out some timengo ant they did ------------- .............. '37). Snorzdan a: Go- Warner: re a. One line in dmoet every line of and the them due in â€memderml ; t in]: of itâ€"we b cent per yard. Skirt for 6 cents, Cashmere eel! you we ere selling everything cheener than ever dmrmezother'pheeewhen ouceneevelï¬to mm mrmmmthew cementedmmthb winterâ€"M lswhy OF General Merchant. pdm on old stock on sell lold stock. You will wash and wadeâ€"we cake “1 week. ........ Biscuits per can get the Be§t_Baggains in of Ready-Made Clothing Lawn-e. Toilet. Sewn, etc... all open; the price- tn these are sway down ; mistake it you don't see our goods and 5c; novg