67/ Ui/m’emza GRTABL ad V6523; ’C SHIR Home g min“. ‘* 5’ a Specid m seen that face before. or no me wlike it,†repeated Arnold ; “but mmember where.†itso very unlikely, after all, that should have met your father?†'Halka, with polite contradiction. auerman, was he not?†.but he lived in Mexico, and mold has never been in Mexico." 0::0 has been in Mexico;†'iace brightened with a faint tinge lion. “Perhaps he would re- :heface.†:Q’Y, RGER. z Peel-5t; Eve stack Youth '3 seen that face somewhere 'emarked Arnold, reï¬ectively. all have not, †Beats said, almost turning red under the quietly "; gaze of Halka’s eyes, qwhich 'upon her face, and looking round " an air of disquietude at s an object of general attention; ine, perhaps glad of an occasion aking off conversation with her ted count. had risen and come near‘ ‘53:. the locket, but to remain near ine. He. at all events, had not had I: conversation yet. is net very likely that you should ve met my father," Reata said, ring herself, and speaking more h, but the other half, the one with picture,†she called back. He was gfor it already under the frothy ,and drew it out after a minute. pron-air, which this accident had \mdosed, and which Arnold of course 13¢ of my old trouble I ever experienced. 1mg ï¬t or the fever, my mother gave â€new Pum'mydoctor recommending ‘W as being better than anything he ï¬ld prepare. I continued taking these ifâ€, and so great was the beneï¬t derived £1311 not give him the chance,†answered, coldly ; and she slipped ï¬mlocket into the safe harbour Egocket. gen down with bmous typhoid féver, and mu I_began to recover, I had tug wars} ,..., .- _ anot fail seeing, was that of an fly gentleman, painted on ivory, very and weak already, and rendered we so by the involuntary immer- l‘go the watery element. ‘ you,†she said, warmly, as he '2: damaged property into her Banting nearly thirty years I have had gone attack of my tome: trouble, which [M readily to the same remedy.†"“Wbbled and frothed 1* ’9“ k3!“ up a running convemhon on 'ith the air. Now and than ‘ “1° 3 jump from the Wit“ “7 danced gaily on the â€If“! If in With a. tiny lplllh. "1‘! er. 6ddying circles to mark the 1: M risen. A couple of . sud spread around; ind in ml “3! from one ruddy trunk '1’ “10 Oonvemuon tux-nod upon ring his dripping sleeve from the yr, and holding up half of the silver ;the hinge had sptun asunder in iolent descent. r11. but the 013116 (Continuefl from 2nd page.) ‘ : 31,“ had risen from the tree ath’ had coma towards the scene of action, had seen the disturbs-nee on Bean’s and heard it in her voice, and some ' c1; of curiosity, a curiosity which from nothing but a. vague empicion, be: to draw nearer. ~n ti! not gong!â€_shoul_:ed Angold, with- H12 just as you choose, of course. kenegg’s face can hardly be of ch interest to us.†zetting cold here by the water. better be going home, Halka," i0, provoked at the way he had ltflaaide. Halka. did ï¬nd it cool; Would. have been very glad to me, but curiosity and suspicion "ï¬nned wzzhin her, and she felt Waving Reata out of her_ Bight may â€a by Dr. J. C. Aye:- 8: 00., Lowell, Man. i {very Dose Effective ’- She had disliked her before “n Hake , and now there was 3 "mm the idea that there might W‘some shadowupo nReata’s We secret in her lifeâ€"which Md out, and serve to lower ha has a. secret, let her Woman’s ieal‘ans_ eyes, with unravel it and drag it AYE R’ S PILLS gym \ICAN BELLE. - 1 tlwufs firm. h. “‘1’ mmlr; but I atom again on the stones FMMP‘ Rents. picked up it M which she had dropped w [Mather Langenfeld picked “ï¬nd she began to make “For Years,†3. pretty E “fie of constraint on the PI-‘uode of the locket, and nguid. imam gust. FRIDAY. JULY 6 184. one Llyou have got, law itthu Y0u_liko my- make 3‘ â€"In his autobiography, P. T. Barnum tells the following story. illustrating his opinion oi the methods tor arriving at business sums". “A man said to me. 'have tried advertising and did not succeed. yet I have a gosdarticle.’ I said to him: ‘My friend. there may be excep- tions to the general rule, but how do you advertise? ‘I put a card in a weekly newspaper three times only. and paid 81.50 torit.’ I replied. 'Slr. advertising is like learning, a little is a dangerous thing.’ " â€"A curious inshnce ot the value of adver- tising is repeated ircm New York. There is a physician there who advertises largely. publish- ing his portrait in the newspapers with the advertisement. A few days ago he received a letter from the West. on the envelope of which here was not a word oiaddrmnothlng but the portrait eta man which hadbeenelipped from a paper and pasted on the envelope. E very clerk and Multan who handled the letter universal testimony given by those who have used Hand’s Sarsaparilla. as to its great merits in restoring and sharpening the appetite. in promoting healthy action of the digestive organs and as a puriï¬er or the blood. constitutes the strongest recommendation that can he urged for any medicine. Those who have never used Hood's Sarssparilla should surely do so this Narrowness oi mind is oiten the cause oi obstinacy; we do not easily believe beyond what we can see. â€"A sott. i'sirskinistheresult of pure blood and a healthy liver. to secure which. Ayer‘s Sarnparilla is the Superior Medicine. ladies who rely upon cosmetics to beauty their-coin- plexions. should makes note of this. bI-aring in mind that they can't improve upon nature. Archibald Forbesis oi the opinion that the war in Europe. which so many believe to be impending, will not occur until 18“. Piles! Plies Hum Plies. Symoxeâ€"ntcisture: intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by act-atom. I! knew the is“. and It WI! forwarded without 3 allowed to continue tumors term. which once moment's delay. People evidently. and remember what they see there. There is no such road to notoriety as the columns ot a newest. read advertisements. bleed and ulcerate. becoming v sore Swams 0m stops the 1.531; and W'J? ulcera‘t‘i‘cn. and in goat eases t 50am: Dr. Swarnelt so... Pangaea; Advertising Pointers. In learning to swim. it you have conï¬dence in mutual! end your powers end strike out strenu- ly. you will succeed. If. on the other hand. you make a tow wild movements and then stop. you will sink. So i: is in advertising. It's the men who knows whsthe is going to do and does it the: gets on in the advertising world. Some handsome lines or memorial cords now In nook at reasonable prices for one eodlwo dozen lore. Cell and enmloe or write to: osmium hie oflioe. "It is more likely that your mother in looking for you,â€said Arnold emphati- “Are you looking for your mother?†asked Beats. As they walked home the prince began looking about him nervously. He had a. great number of forget-me-note in his button-hole, and was walking at Resta’e side. At her other side was Arnold. as to the others. That would never do. She sprang forward, and tumbled all the remaining boquets down into the running water, declaring that the gentlemen did not need flowers. Splash, splash, the little blue bunches dropped in, and sailed along quickly or slowly, as the water caught them. There was an outcry. Langenfeld and the prince went racing down the rocks, ï¬shing out the bunches ‘of draggled flowers with their hands- pursuing them down the stream, laughing and growing exciwd over the chase, like a couple of school-boys as they were. Fiche and Cheri, always ready for any excitement, went mreering along the bank, barking at the little blue spots as they were drifted past on the foamy surface. Arnold also looked after the flowers as they sailed away; but he did not pursue them or run races for them. Arnold could hardly be called aschool- boy. f The ladies were all provided with forget-menus now. The prince put out his hand with a half-implonng, half-injur- ed air. Langenfeld came down the rocks quickly, declaring he would not be the last. Otto followed more slowly. Sudden- ly it flashed upen Reata’e mind that she would have to give flowers to Otto as well and began distributing them mum! *0 Madame de Schwerendorf, to Heryxge, to Fraulein Melanie, to Balk; hm. took here as readily as the others did. She would have much preferred trampling it under foot, as coming from Betta; but blue was her favorite oolor, and forget- meâ€"note are blue. And 30 Bella: took the little bunch with a smile, and stuck it into thejront of her dress. “Oh yes, quite done," said Route, starting. She had all but forgotten the flowers, that were lying in ablue heap on her lap. She gathered them up qdclrly, deu?’ ’ sharper sting- “We really mustbe going home,†ex- claimed Madune do Sohwerendorf, start- ing to her feet, in nervous dread of something unpleasant. “You heye done fi‘hmwur flowers, have you not, my “l dereuy not," said Rents, under her breeth and between her net teeth; and with another pang Halka felt that her own words coiled herself up with a sharper rtfng- _ _ _ _ “Probably he will not remember. He did not even mention having seen you in Mexico.†“Ask your husband if you want to know,†flushed out Rests, temper getting the better of prudence; and if Helka’a suspicions had needed conï¬rmation, they were conï¬rmed now. "Perhaps Fraulein hckenegg hes ‘another reason,†suid Haiku, turning suavely to Ream. All this time she had been inwardly writhing with rage at oil the fuse which was being made of this girl. She did not see why she should have a. prince crouching at her feet in this absurd fashion, and offering her horses. “Perhaps you cennot ride?" inim- â€0:3“ lmpemeptibly; Arnold drew ‘ 3 eye we together very mum and threw a stick 1t oneof thereto? angels. There evidently was a joke between these two which no one else understood. - ‘ “There are such delightful rides hug,†went on the prince, eagerly; and um his growling ball. 8| 130 they: did when 1y impresive. one of my horsel wemxght make up 3 Why, and" “D’fke that ruin further up $9 dey.†‘ "Yes, I should have liked it," said Rents; [out I have got no habit." “You ' would (To be continued) numeral anal; Sunlight Soap. Archibdd Forbes in of the opinion an: them in Europe. which so may believe to be impending. â€will not occur until 18%. â€"A non. hit-kin {arboretum of mm blood sad I healthy liver. to accrue which. Ayah Sunni-m. la the Superloz- Medicine. India- who rely anon cosmetics to beauty maroon:- ploxlonu.ahould makeunoto at this. Damn: mind that they can't Improve upon nature. A Good Appetite Always sooompenles Rood henlth end on sbsence at spnetlte Is an Indication of come- tblnz wrong. The loss of e rational desire tor food is soon followed by lock or strength. for when the supply cl fuel is out of the are born. low. The system gets into a low stote end ll lleoletosevorcotteoks otdloeeee. The universe) testimony elven by those who hove used Reed’s Sussperllle. se to Its greet merit: in restoring and shsmning the eppetlte. in promoting heelthy notion of the digestive ms and as s puriï¬er or the blood. constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for sny medlolne. Those who hove never used Hood's Bumped": should surely do so this There an Mann ex-govemorl now occupying-at: in the United am- and three in the home. This is now quite unnoooonry! mo mm others. you man have your bcby (at. Inching 3nd happy. it you cm In Scott's Emu-Ion. 80qu take I: like exam. SHNLIGHT Has proved by its enormous sale that it is Then an 187 pound- ohdt In “on o! m tom the Dads“. In theAu-nuc tholmonnthu pound- to every ton. DEATH RATE REDUCE. Min: Rem oi the m fluent Weenâ€"rat! per cent rower Denthe in Gena“ Lee: You then he: Benn. Mun. Jnne ï¬lmâ€"The lee: 'repofl of the Heelth aneeu lure oonteine the highly entity, in: intelligence ihet the deeth reteincenede during the leet reex- wee lowar thee in en: previou- yeer since Coniederetion. being within e {motion oi forty per cent. lower then the bee: you ever before reported. Closer exeminetion reveeie the: the grates: deoreeee wee in deethe i'zom Bright'- dieuaee. Diebetee, 0mm: Heert dieeeee. Rhenmetism end other dieeeeee eeueed ‘ by dieerdered or dleeeeed kidneys. Fnrth ‘ inveetizetien ehewe thet where the ceeee otenoh dieeeeee heve deoreeeed. the people heve within the you made free nee of Dodd'e Kidney Pine Consequently it in am to eey the: the tel in: ad in Cenede'e death rete is due to nothing but Dodd’e Kidney Pills. of any soap in the arket. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. Itbn'ngsthemlas , labor..me ,. Do the women who claim all the rich“ and privileges 0! men really mm. to hatch their "spender: withstand. mu. "When our beby Willie wee $70 months old my wife wee nneble to nurse it 071“ to'illneee. Baby declined in .heelthand elthongh etbended to by omI decaf, It 31‘" weeker end seemed to nine ewe_'- Alter 'trylng everything we could think“. '0 hem of Lencem Food end geve it I “- ‘Beiore hell e 25 cent tin wee neati Nb! wee quite improved. Willie in no" 03" leer old end hen need e greet dal 0‘ Leoteted Food. He out ten teeth diam the hottest pert oi the enmmer end "2° herdly knew he wee cutting them; he in Q hed no dyeentery end is very iet em. nmp; ell theee good results we eeeribe to eeteted Food. We wish you much woe- perlty in your work." Lsctstad FEW-T; The only mun: nugjment that fully promon- baby'- growth 5nd hellthy developmoï¬z our boat physician m3 prescribing i: dint. Ind sound in pulses to even mother. m. Goo. 13. Thompson. of Fat Eric. on, tells how 111- taunt son was Inc-‘4 W 1492;“ Food. He grim n: 1911017- 3'7. At. this season bsby'n security cud I-lmlon depends upon a duly am of Lichted Food, the only moved food “30°!!!t9k°_‘hepueo of_mo¢h°!""}n.k- , The best value for the consumer ‘ Stun sud watery cow’a milk, sad poorly mound and indlgatlblo foods, no and in too may homes. We know aha terrible tenants. Dnentery, diarrhea: and chalet. Inhntum 31mm: inausdlatcly (allow when such foods are administered, nud there Is mglg 11qu (or the wuk lube. , J Thou-3:163 0! gm: anal; 3:31:33, â€in use, 1 an ngua- a We 9! mowers ‘11:! nurses In £21193 mg helpless n4 hangout llama. _ Tho tender intuit cannot be neglected during the hot mthar. 1:; die: I: the moat Important: muttor for the mothers “ï¬ction npd cmldcrazlon. The Right Infant Diet for Hot Weather. Was Pining and Frett- ing Away. UGTATED FOOD MADE IT FAT, PLUMP AND HEALTHY. A Pucy and mm Envy. â€mz'cANADm POST. WY. ammo. HIDAY. JULY 6 1394 HERE AND rm. A FORT ERIE BABY. WILLIE THOMPSON. â€"PLACI I'W‘ 0W \ GREGORY’S Pharmacy ’ KENNEDY. 0,1 â€8 (fl SON It will build up your "Item md rid you of the sick hudnche sud dizinen. This is positively thy but spring medioine,md the price, 25 out, is within the rungs of ant-you. which, perhaps, you hue not hound very much :bout; however, it speck! for itself once tried. Do not be discouraged if you hnve been trying everyhting you ever hem! ofendgotnobeneï¬t;hymotherremedy, Grggory’s L/Vffl TON/0, That Tired Feeling. Wm. M97 103. ISLâ€"M; agaa eegg% éiaéggmé ‘ 3,,“v’ 31108-1“ _ OAEDï¬ré Sold In [.13ng M A» Bill!†cor. Kent and William-8b. KILLER use ,. PERRV m ’ 30%;}. DAVIS imam HOW TO GET RID “mummumm'w “alum x m vahnmï¬u-ln Cu: mammm.“ufl mummwm 1:! mummww . was». mammal! oh ’ m down that than. my; mnmm" Seve ePain 'n ShouldetZ'YarF's Cured ThggéL3Menmol Hester; \ 7'3, ï¬yiu‘iï¬â€˜mb «8’91:- man-um l- n- a. uâ€"l-dh- a :- guy-ml “*0â€- db‘ï¬? . Df‘ï¬h":% Ollboria is DI. Samuel Pitcher-’3 pmcription for m â€"' and Children- It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Emotio substance. It is a nannies substitute for We, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor on. 313le Itsguaranteo is thirty ycan'nso by Mom offlothers. Castorindatmys Worm and-nun foul-mules. Castor-{a prevents vomiting Sour Curd. " m inst-rm and Wind Cone. Custom muon- Nerve Bea E. angry; Pun Killer. moon-com,an 0P- mgr?“ flatworm; JROUBUES. maxim \ Ooh-u.“ Sold Everywhere" ‘ ."25'cieacï¬. mama: “mommaâ€: ._ “mama-l Adm’ Tutti Frutti â€Mm ‘ 12cm Pain Killer. Wha ‘3'. a†10118. m m rm...†LUIBIR. BEINGL LATE. BILL nun All K‘m 0‘ [Iglo’s Hui. Lumber T6 INTENDING BUILDERS. Bad-Cy. UM ht. Kennedy. 1. sue-ovum“ mum m â€"mcx I†own mm. at Bobcuyn mas-mum _ v M!" roam. was DIOE$TIOM memm. 'sh. louldinga and latched and all inside Hamid]; Gram ELAmI. n. mamma.mx.t. E; HOMER]!!! Custom .â€"‘1-_ E'Ebhcco do. .. ._ ' 0n Sun-berry ll‘l funnel. n numhrr 0! Milton. which Is “It pubUc cook hum". “Mono: 0! a \ ur bun. mm; H um mundu. aw. ‘ lur 000 or 700 w- ulcl . M Minx. 'm de are the bend. lake My on “a 00 um um we hue mom don “run than lldlund dmflm. cum“. und "cl JOB! or Goo. D. Ellis mum, nonvemm dommpl to I. C. (or K. and N. W. Ii Midland dh‘Mon G â€"â€"-â€"â€" uvm ab Son. ' LUMBER. awn, ud WOOD. LINDSAY FOUNDRY “ï¬r“wvbyktwmu Savoury! [100. W. J. '. yum. mun. Dun-t. m mama-s mm m: 78:6. I'm-"V" M, (1 Steamer, “0 R I L L I A 9" 0(pr ‘ unn- W NJ. (Mt mu 9.... uflm had It Lu L... 0mm 8mm! 5.“. 313.. 6.†pp" | I. ‘w. 10.“u. "gm Illp and. ondny If a We no u u . Imvlnc v . p I. "ï¬fi'LW W at “Gabon.“ mud rid: mums EACH WAY AT .manox POINT STR. NORTH KING a. a: 8:1! 8. vs 8.. 65:... use 83: .3 3.88 .8 3... .. 53.... 33:. 3:88 is. .0 .282. a .18 B...â€" u: c.8523: SE5 .5 ‘3 i i i l. J. IANâ€. “Ct- J. H. SOOTHERAN, Cum-“MM" maths “Warns-r0“ an 30:00 “mum.- m We MONEY T0 LOAN HR in mum nun-a com-o: an an“ mu mm. at! to Budhrd, AIR-adult, lbrrig. Orillhf you": STRAWBERRY IILANDo JOHN MAKINS. lnâ€"mmw‘u-mmuh-hm ummaÂ¥m_m' 0' MWHMMOOMOI H OTIS DISCOUNTED EJMWi'V‘IVPéhk than by a onus-w AKIOETARIO BAY OF QUINTE I W100. um. Mum Hum R E N T VALLEY NAVIGATION COIPANY. alum.) MORTGAGES CHANGED. Wound mWMuva “I I“ WW F8888! J. E Soothoran. SAILING OMK’H Joan mmr. muggy nut plum-drum on him at: «mamas. I 31"]. 3.4M magnum-aunt. H .dh‘ldomorlr V. PLYING BETWEEN ‘1'? 1! Sunday W. KOCAIUB 00.. an“! Inn! NORTH. 9.!» nm SAILING SOUTH. z the I†ESTURION 1M mend†W 805 Hem“ "M hon! “our. W‘ w D. 0. Pan. tor IIIICING 0K J94: Hanna. 10-00 F 6mm. luv- mint-nun" meow I. "1"“. LA , luv: MM in Canada... ..... Rum and premium. as low M a @06me company. The sesame: my! um “hard. The resources a of an. new: afford than 1114 mm my MB... L!!! 039an Amos exhumed with or without you loam-ta rum Four mm at prom: given O policy hoidm For arugula-Io! mm apply†f. 0. ram; w to: nod-av and Vic-59¢: 00. H. MULLIGA No uh. m:lb' ‘l'hoNorth halfofLot! lathe! Minimum-"WM from Int Instruct Brick. out a « been within â€1 undamaged: oocn 'A‘ wm"! I 3;“ the a number of tuna. which I for and. at mm In the toilowinn Town] Haven. 00!. Fonoloa nut! Eden. Thus 0(me not or punch-co will and that law- to anneal: me. C. CE I TTI CK Grain and Stock Farms 00w: tie M tum. will be at m flown to .u um v hm mu mum“: on M. of 112mb. FAR! Why u: rem When ycu can b: mutant! uncritbymom time the mm will 7 for I. willow-n | home! 0 hnw bonus. monlly now. which ‘ my mmmna. watch wuz a m a {enough}: rgat‘ 3E5 23! A abate!- nm In loan. «imam! conw â€"WO In N: a hand!" fl “A very choke farm mm amen ot Kukt mum building. are Valuable PROPERTIES F01 I have had consume ho the touowk VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- 1) -On W1!!! Compton's Hon ll“ muzwlu taunt. or weak D. In Y 6: CO. I ARM FOR SALEâ€"In the TOWN- SHIP at ONNABEE. 100 m man or â€Julian-outbound Powhatan“ madman“. Auoaood buildup. W". or wmmut, own Fm- umuhu “an. ï¬rsaqqyu.“ go} mâ€"Io Baa-pa. U Show». lot 16. d Gum. enor'ubootmémnot'ï¬ny.m Ion ad thmc-nold. .Onosnatavn maid. 'I‘Mowut qmwwom Mom puma“. Monk-1m!â€- LIHTIOH“l TE! roughâ€"Pu: m m III. (M a law uï¬mtm I PM. .wlll †v4.4â€. uni-oh nuns-um Unduy W, 0 um um. um VHF I lhl‘ The Baum Hotel. ITRAYED fl. mm W: crummy. JOHN HORE.Gonml Agent. OFFICE.â€"No; Known. hasn'tâ€"{l}; 1023764143 [Jung grams. ESIBA BI “demand in. tor «I umber of Now Advertisements. FIRE AND LIF Ihe Andrew Wilson Farm The P4 MS FOR SALE Bummer Residence H SA! FOR SALE 7/19 Fitzgerald Farm June ’at lasv 'J ‘erms. J. H. BOOTBERAN’. Of! e of nudity-ct. Lin 1m euremodeik mm)! by the u: nod mount; will he I ch bu ‘bom thru tor next, mm in good order x fun“. haw.†1mm u “KIWK 0 POOL AND LUNDON a: INSURANCE (:0qu '01: Connor Farm C. CHITTICK. Into the pronun- qf_ll._ I. which I obi. mt. nuwdcu: [N mâ€" Victoria. Baliburu me Is law no any other I.- The summon: o! lo.- l‘ho resources and standing DWELLING TO RENT Fusion of l a, my hand- stnumbu- d wulorentoroeiLundnlIo placed in my mum: :31 EM Mont t g )0 7th E a? M (shell RENT. Tho want but! of W of all humour. 3} 310,000,000 wn 1mm ind'flil :haln LIN. m- n nber of 5:51! on out In std“ 0'9! use! 8E