Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Jun 1897, p. 4

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o warrant sll interested in expecting lid) confidence successful results. There is very genersl recognition of the necessity of a hospital. There axe cases wring every week where an institution i this kind would be of the greatest pos- fihle benefit. In many cases it would be s great blessing to all concerned to be his to remove s pstlent to an institution there the best treatment would be re- elved. Then my be an impassion abroad hat the benefits of s_ hospital would aco ,1 3L- 1_A There may be an impunion abroac; hat the benefits of a hospital would ac- me more largely to Lindsay and its im- zed'nto vicinity than to the county at L- _ the project has been very gratifying and moons-aging. While the scheme is not yet in a complete state, sufficient progress has been made in reaching definite plans 'mazed extent-ind sitedâ€"the benefit: The proposal to commemorate in a per- manent way in Lindsay the jubilee of her mjesty‘s reign by the erection of a hospital is a happy one, and it is one that appe'a‘b to all the nobler impulses. 30 form of commemoration more fitting, or more likely to do lasting good, could well be devised. The idea has received hearty and general support at the several public meetings that have been held. The public spirit shown in the discussion of J. E. EIIWHHDS 81 BI] LINDSAY BRANCH. anta on All parts of United sales 9nd Great Briuin bought and sold. iscounted. Highest rue 0! interest Fumors‘ Notes d n deposits. THOMAS BRODIE, Acting Manager. that LA WN MOWERB, TOOLS, GARDEN HOES, etc. Door and Window Screens are made from good seasoned lumber, and steel spring wire cloth. Prices are now within easy reach of every one who has a home to protect from flies. suruéw 103 303001. Taia mammal work at m is oalors and alarm her majast: p at: st the time or her swan . ,._- -- nI». nnmfl to- Screen Doors Cheap. PORTER’S Booksm mm Emmdiau goat. SCREEN DOORS ENDSAY. FRIDAY. .1ng 25, 1897 ONTARIO BANK I SUITABLE FOR SCHOOL ROOM. x13 mammal work at m is printed!!! tors and alarm her majastyushe: 3:3 st the time 0! her amnion ml 7 6 also 33 she appears to-day. Size of picture 21x28 Inches. FYI“ 25c. By mail 5c extra. THE VICTORIA HOSPITAL. by crown hut nobly worn; Yes, millions yet unborn Shun bless thy name) From :11 thy ust domain Com m assxrinz stain, Telling in full retain Our lanky: In"! thv reign his been; 6mm: the world has seen; Wife. lather. Widow, Queen We pny for thee. waxed o’er land and son not! Iovo‘n grant molody. ‘ “also. in history Sh!) five thy fame," Thy throne thou do» adorn; lost Gracious Queen, to thee In All sincerity We one! fervently This Song of Pnise: Lang ms, our 606‘: kind will Spa: thee, thy throne to fill. And subject: gown: stilt In wisdom's ways. (e Dealers in Blacksmith) and Carriage Supplies. Iron and Steel. WE HAVE THEM have a. School Teachers ‘$“'$’fiu“.\4\v\\‘ VICTORIA. L Beaumnl acumen Picture of and Trustees. ic‘ would be Very of such an 18'5“? was born in Co. Monoghun. Irelnnd. in the year 1820, coming to Canada in 1852 and eventually making his home in One. Here he married Bridget Connoily‘in 1857, the fruits of the ha y union being 3 Min; of family of eight chil an, cone three sons and five daughters; but one son survives. The above with the widow, and two sisters of. deceasedâ€"one in One and the other in Weeconeinâ€"ere left to mourn the ices of e iovigga tether, husband and brother. Mr. M be was a conscientious Catholic in religion end a etennch reformer. The funeral took piece on Tuesday morning to the new $3. Mary’s cemetery, end was very Israel! attended. ' Vâ€"Mauy friends In 01:8 and Lindsay heard with deep ragreo of the death of Michael McC;b_o, which 13ch pEace on annulus. bvav' __._ Sunday fiat, th’e accuse; b61153 one at the old mldeytsjr thprtiownsnlp. He '___‘-_ .1 1.. “U- Wv-Iâ€" -v ‘7, _ ell pom ot the county in untold won that would nuke lt In men the e merely town chit. not. ere neeeelu'lly may neldente tron ell put: 0! the county in the county town on gonad, legul or omciel bulineu during the you; there no many young people It the echooll end et the Cullegiute Institute; end nanny temponrily resort to the county town for vnioue reuone. In thil large lint cue! mult occur where it would be a. blessing to hem at command all the ndvuntegel of n hoepitel. If the queetion of locality end local benefits has any weight, it any be stated that Lindsey will neceuu-ily be 3153:5335? it's. iiiâ€"BEE had been tfiiioted with brain trouble during the winter but had enjoyed fairly good health. She we: flfay-e a years or age. The above nemedl ywae a former resident of Onkwood, also being a cousin of Mrs. W. Wallis, of Little Briteir. Obitum. â€"We take the following from the Wood- stock Sentinel-Review cf J one 10:h : Death only gave about twelve hcure’ notice to Mrs. Maitman, wife of Peter Maitman. Main-st. She retired about half past nine o’clock last night. A short time after her husband went to the room and spoke to her. He then discovered that she was in a hdnleaa condition from the effects of a paralytic stroke. A doctor was summoned but could do little to save her. She “new! ““1 93. "22531319‘; ‘92:" :22 Coming DR. Juan, (tormerly or New York). Eye Specialist, and Inventor of the famous Recherche Optometer, the latest and most improved instrument known to modern science for pointing out every detect and diseaee of the eye and eight. Cures glnn nletion and inflsmmetion oi! the ids, headache, uni straighten cuss-eyes, etc., without medicine or operation. A cure guaranteed in every one or money refund- ,,,,, ,.__ -..a -â€"-â€"nln-Q‘nn In. â€".â€"--_ V, the largest contributor in eetsblishing end maintaining the institutionâ€"though that is not the question. We prefer to th it on broader and more general grounds. - ' ‘ ‘ ' A, __L‘2- .u-L_ 6m;472'k.1. will no doubt have to deal with as a county scheme before long. Towards it the provincial government gives very liberal assistance. But we do not think it would be wise or just to endeavor to cmibine the two. For a hospital under proper conditions a very considerable amount in private contributions is avail- able. It is not likely that these could be drawn upon for the Home. The latter is justly regarded as an institution that the municipalities or the county should be bound to establish and maintain; and the time has come when this county can suu-uuuu- v -___ -_ ed. ConsulEtiéS-land exaiifnsilon free. Will be at Morgan’s drug store. J nne 23m. by Mr. J. A. Barron. Q 0., some months ago. for the Canadian Magazine, and which was afterward reprinted in T11}: Post. The Globe of Tuesday copies the article as from the London Daily Mail, but neither pap-r credits the proper authorship. It is excusable in the Globe, but it is surprising that the Mail publish- ed the article as its own. But the hospital is a different thing. It is for the whole county also. It is an urgent necessity; it will be an untold benefit. We need not go into an elabor- ate plea in support of it. for it is gener- ally admitted to be a necessity. The London, (Eng. Daily Mail, in its published references to Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier, copies two columns. word for word, from the article on Mr. Laurier Written no longer very well delay dealing with this question. The farmers of Victoria County have been fortunate in securing as their re- presentative a man so thoroughly wedded to their interests, and so capable of defending them, as is Mr. Geo. McHugh, member for South Victoria. On several occasions Mr. McHugh’e voice has been heard in important debates in the house, and his calm, sensible remarks have al- ways commanded attention and reepect. In another column we give the speech delivered by our member in the early stages of the debate on the tariff resolu- tions. Our farmer friends particularly should read it carefully. a'vumâ€"u The scheme so far involves public aub- scriptione mounting to $8,000. The countyzcouncil have been asked to sup- ahouldflead cfl', n it were, or head the liar, with 82,000, not to be paid over or to be available until the remaining $8,000 is in hand. This is a safe and reasonable proposition, and we earnestly hope the county council my be able to fall in with this phn. We are confident public opin- ion throughout the gcounty will endorse them injfling on this line. They are not to pay over a cent until the success of the scheme is assured. But they can ensure its successâ€"or give it most valu- able assistanceâ€"by making the grant. able assistanceâ€"by making the grant, hedged about with the proper safeguards. In making this grant the county will be entitled to appoint directors or trustees to see that the money is properly ex- pended and the: hospital properly man- aged. We understand the question will be taken up by the county council at its adjourned session next week, and we hope they will; promptly make the reouired grant. GEO. NLHUGH, M. R, AND THE FARMERS' INTERESTS. c There is some talk about combining the hospital and the Home for the Aged and Poor, or the Industrial Home. The latter is an institution that the county _____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i__.__â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€" ...u u. mu, ma Max:431 SONS OF ENGLAND. SIR WILFRI D LAURIER. 56.533535 Salâ€"Huaeiaififihe University of Heidelberg, and has the distinction of the first Camedian wounn to take m . her doctors dfiree from any German Ciune is a niece of university ...... [as Mr. John Kennedy merchant, of thie townnrho visited Wukworth yesterday measly-to his clever young reintive “a Million! more. Germanysbouh four years sfigpb to take a nose-gr adnete course 1:: pl so phy And Teutonic phnology. returned edhemc lest week with the degree ct Ph..D Mice Ciune was awnrd uded this define with the _-... 1.....15. mun Inna." Ar TTnlvm-Ilt' A Talented Canadian Lady Student. The Wukworth (Northumbarlmd county) Jouxnal of June 17th says: Miss E. Clnne, of this village, who went to W. Heghan, would arrive by the 10 o'clock special from Belleville with the trophy, accompanied by Dr. H. G. Bingham. grand medical referee, and Messrs. R. J. Har- wood, of Cannington, and Mr. J. C. Ray, of Cambray. Arrangements were im- mediately made to give them a royal reception, and about 9.45 a number of the members, headed by the band, marched to the station. 0:: the arrival of the train the del tee were driven to the lodge room, to owed by the band and members. After all had gathered (including a num ber of ladies) Dr. Bingham was called to‘ the chair. and in his usual felicitons way madea neat speech, congratulatin L'J of the Valley lodge on their up and victory. Dr. J. A. White, Messrs. J. '1‘. Harrineton, T. Eula and E. Maxsom, each in a few well chosen words extended welcome to the dei tee, to which Messrs. C. W. Hnglmn, R. . Havwood, J. C. Bay R. E. Stinson and W. McWatters replied in appropriate words. A tew minutes were then spent in general congratalm tione, the gatherinz dispersing after sing- ing the national anthem ...... The can has, been on exhibition in the window of Mr. C. Hughan’s jewelry store. at. Your- Church mid“ to tho Door-mt Sand“ druids-cal Unnbio to out: Adminion. One oi the prettient end moetlmpreseive cox-vice: ever witneued in Linda, wee bold lest Sunday by the local Son! of En- lend Benevolent Society in connection with the world-wide uric. oi tel-vice- nun d by tint infloentioi end pluiotic order .n honor oi the. diamond Jubilee of her pejegtx Queen Victoria. L AL- fl-.. ._- -l ti.- anal-- 1181' numb-u Vq-vuu . ....--.... About 8 o'clock the memht to of the order and nprasantetlves of the board at eduoe- tlon and town oounell membled at the lodge room in Blackwell's block. end e: 3 30 merohed in procession to St. Paul's, heeded by the Lindsey bend In mlllm uniform. playing as eeleoblon tron: Mum's Twelfth Mean end Sacred Much No. 2 Over 190 cltlxene yore In the procession. Aâ€"â€"- __- 5......- - "" On TEE-ad” lufdbout , nan. a. tel was received {but Mr. IgloWatters an the @egatep, Mung: RE “Stinaonn gpd C. UVBI' 1W Ululnuuu w‘.u “- .â€" At the church the crush wee eua. and fully three hundred persons were uneble to gain admission. The edifice had been prettlly decanted with firm, hunting end flowerr,by Mr. Thou. Walters and others. and the or t colors worn h the ladies enhanced t e efl'ect. A hen - some souvenir program. printed in colors. had been provided by the society in trder that all might follow the service intelli- gently, and the thoughiul not was heartily commended. __ . , o- h: I.-__.Ll1â€" In th- Another Cup Comes to Lindsayâ€"Won by Loyal Lily of the Valley Lodge- A Hearty Welcome to the Delegates; L I N D S A Y citizens, . a , ‘ ”6" whether curlers or mem , H,‘ ’13 bers of fraternal associa- tions, are hard men to down when their interest in any contest has been fairly aroused. At the last annual session of the grand ledge of the Canadian Order of Oddfellowe a silver cup, valued at $100, was “fired by the editor at the Canadian Oddiellow for com- petition. the lodge securing the largest number of members during the year to be awarded this valuable trophy. With the vim that characterizes citizens oi Lindsay, the members of Loyal Lily of the Valley lodge set to work with a will to win the cup, and their efl'orte have been crowned with succsss. At the meeting of the grand lodge held at Belleville last week, the trophy was formally presented to Lindsay lodge, and was reeeivedbyllr. Wm. MeWatters, deputy grand master of this district, whose reply it is said was one of the neatest and ablest addressee heard.» stand .1048!- , A, 9 ‘ ,. â€",, W, _ L_e-._n_ mmuuu CV. 00 The vast gathering joined heartily In tie prayers. res nsee and hymns, and t a rlotle an electing sermon dell lvercd _y therectorhfiex. C. 11. Mars 1:, stirred mun- and nmnbl no uuu hVQU'U'Jâ€"â€"r __ __ The fire broke out shoot a uarter to three o'clock In the stable of 1'. Bread. veterinary surgeon, on Pa l-st.. caused. In is sa'.d, by some boys who were smoking. Fanned by the fierce breeze. the fire me e rapid progresgl and of: one time the outlook L-_-_ -__...a t... M.- The 20 Year old Son of Mr. J. L. Read Lost His Life Tuesday While Bathing The jubilee pleasures of the people of Babcaygeon Tuesday were turned info -ou-nhfi cud-a o. a and Jinn-nine, nnnL dent. About noun Joseph Read, the 20 year old son of Mr. J. L Read. one of the leading citizens of the village. went bath- {mil with several companions near Petrie‘e mi , ,a short distance from the steamboat wharf. After being in the water about a quarter of an hour his companions heard him cry for aid, but they were some dis- tance away, and knowing he could swim well they believed he wasjoklng. When he sank and failed to reappear they became alarmed and one cf the boys dived but could see no trace of their companion. The alarm was at once given and hundreds of villagers flocked to the scene, but some time elapsed before the body could be re- covered. and life was found/to be extinct. It is thought the poor fellow was seized with cramps. The father was absent in Keene visiting his brother, and returned last evening, having been informed of the sad occurrence by telegraph. The funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o‘clock. lapnu VAUbAuvv uâ€".. - .__v -7- was very eerisus. A horse owned by Mr. Alex. Fisher narrowly escaped being ore- mated in the stable, and the poor animal's conditlan exelted the lively compassion of the spectators. We are unable to say what insurance Dr. Bread held an tlze burned building. by the rector, Dav. v. u. “my”, ..... the feeling: of 111. While and speaking the time set for singing the nation anthemâ€"4 15 o‘clockâ€"arrived, and the pent-u enthusiasm of all found expression in the ymn. “God Save the Queen." The efl’ect was inspiring. At the close, alter an impressive pause, Rev. Mr. Marsh re- sumed his sermon. He portrayed the queen in her womanly character as maid, wife and mother, and pa id a high tribute to her God-tearing conduct and constant good example durin the whole of her long and glorious re go. Many cf those present remarked that never had they heard Mr. Marsh to better advantage, but certainly the subject was well calculated to induce eloquence. The members of Westminster Lodge No. 20 have reason to feel proud oi the suacess or Sunday, which was merited by the painstaking work of the ofl’lesrs ot the scciety, from President Boxall down. Dr. Broed’s Stable Consumedâ€"A Seri~ on: Fire Narrowiy Aver-ted. The fire that occurred inst Monday in the neighborhocd of the curling rink should serve to direct the attention of citizens to the ill-judged parsimony of the town council. At the time the fire was discovered the (so-called) fire team was hitched onto the watering cart and was engaged in sprinkling the east end cf Kent-st The driver. we understand, did â€"ae usualâ€" his best to hurry back to the fire hall and hook onto the hose we or, but was handicapped by having n vio one horse to deal with. and in having to drive the lumbering water cert all the way to the hall, instead of being able to unhitch hig horgeehjump on their backsmnd hustle. ,,._ _ -_-_L-_ 5â€". MONDAY AFTERNOON’S BLAZE. BIRVIOI IN HONOR OF HIR MAJIOTY’O JUBILII. DROWNED AT BOBGAYGEoN THE C. O. O. F. TROPHY. W‘HTED-A ta for 'Queen Victoria Her 3nd Dhnond Jublloo." Over um: Into-t 3nd r'chen picturu, Conn-Ins them on and biognphy at Her Majesty. I'm: mum: flc We of not nauhbb nlgn. ad {all moon“ 0! the ad Jubilee. Only .150. Big book. Truncation: demand. Bum: (or mu Com. mission 50 roan Duty pdd. Credit given. blight Outfit free. Wmo quick (or cub- Ic nd armory I7. TEE DOIIMON COIPANY. Dcth 8:6 unborn-v. ,Chiago. -7l- 4' GS-ISd. The funeral took lace from the funin read- dence. Coboconk. on undu. J no 13th. CooxxAx.â€"£c the hoopla]. Toronto. on June 11th. Wm. Gunman. used 61 you-I. Mchsâ€"Ia Ops, oh Sunday, June sow. 1w. Mich“! XcCsbo. W 77 yarn. Cmmâ€"ansox -At ths midenco of the bride’s grants, on Tucodny. June 22:16. by Rev. J. W. mmmm. 8.5.. minted by Rev. L S. Hughson an. Jr. W. B. Coombce to Miss Helen Wilson. at! of town. McDochLL-lcllqu.-At the residence of the bride's father. on the 3nd inst" by Rev. P. A. cheod. B.D.. Alexander McDon not Belem. to Jane. daughter of Mr. Arc ibud McMillan. of Sonya. urn Jonxsmx-On June 16th. atthchoma of the bride's sister. by the Rev. A. H. Brace. Ir, George Wildrod Luke. of Ilu-lpoca. to at!” Sarah June Johnston. of Cuminzton. -Bnrrrox- A: the mideneeot otthe bride=a parents. on Wednesday. June 23m}. Rev. 8.J .Shnrey, Ir. WumBott. of Hldluufi to Misc Ida Britton, of Undny. Lisp Yâ€"STAPLES- 0n Wedneodlv. June v.8.J. Shore , Ir. (3. Undny to Miss Luella Suples. all a town. wlmx -At Port Hope. on Thundny. June 17th, 1897. the Idle 0! Mr. F, W. Wuhan, o! : non. Address and Presentation. 0:: Monday evening last. at the regular meeting If the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Cambridge-st. Methodist church, the re tiring pastor, Rev. 5. J. Shrrty, Was presented. on behalf of the members. with anicel worded address and a beautiful set of lyle’e works. as an expression in a slight degree of his past valued services to the society. The rev. gentleman replied in feeling terme. thanking the members for the gift and expressing the benefit the society had been to the church, as also to himseit. Very Sudden Death We regret to have to chronicle the death of Each Mallow, of the cast ward, the only brother of Councillor A. D. Mellon. which took place last Frldoy about 5.30 o‘clock. The deceased. who was In his 63rd year, wag a yeteran o! the American clvl} , a L_- __...__ --- aunsndn yuan, no: a Inaugu- U. U-â€" ____~e war. and bent two years ago aucaeeded ln establishing his claim to a music-n and back pay. or late he had been 5an act to weak spells Induced by heart disease. and last e‘venlnz, after a trip up town. be com- plained of intense fatigue end oppressed breathing. Early on Friday he became much worse, and D55. White and Blanchard were summoned. but he passed away a few minutes after thelg arrival. The funeral took p‘eca on 'Aturdsy mgmlng to SS. Imke'e cemetery. Dame’- ville. Barleyâ€"The-mnrket is quiet. with limited demand. No. 1 Is quoted at 30c. No. 2 at 25c and No. 3 extra at 23c to 2+0. Food bar. le dull at file to 290. 3' “(zermrammw axafiréfl warm Ogdcnebnrg. N.Y.. Jum litâ€"Offerings on board t0~da ' :r: lots: :44“ bun-s; 8w: bid; no sales a otwards on stroot. Several fucturlvs sold she: probably an will dose factories sold She; probal put. London, 0nt.. June 194m.“ Thirty- ono fur-Ionics (um-led 51:.» hows Junes. Sales._ 112 at 8% c.265 at.“ u-ltk'. law at M. 7‘” at 87-16(3190 a: Sin. Market. ._, _..-. mama“ \HW firflflwu‘l 01 mbfied_ nt20c “hI'O 'h freight; "PESi-ihâ€"e' aux-ken; arm. with sales 1:013); and west at 40(: and middle freight; it C. “Oz-siixx'mlâ€"Thc market 15 quxet and prices atqady a_t_ $255 30 §2.90_t9rrcnr lots. "563â€"339 tradé is ’thét and prices am. Cars sold ~21; 28c west. lot: "WheafLThc market ls quiet. and the feeling somelvhap Irregular. Red winter is , ._. 11-L:.- _IJ 4. on- Lev-Any. wunuâ€"â€"- ",V, r , , ,7 , 7 quoted at 67c west. White said at 68c west. No. 1 Manitoba hard ls quoted 3.: 2c. Fort Wflllam. and at 76c Midland. No. _2 Mnnltqba hard 73c to 74¢ Midland. Flourâ€"Trad: remains lnactlve.wlth unchanged. Sxmlght rollers arc “0:2ng 53.30 to $3.35 west. MEXBmCTg'd; quiet wit: bmgaquotml at ,5 'o . a was an at 50 h . Shorts 59 w 39-50 be"?- m 'â€" éhckwineatâ€"The demand In Hm] niece} noggnnl. ,, 396. "d i Sifif‘ifififi 3 SOgMPPER5. i New Advertuemu ts. COB M M ERC-I AL N EWS. SWIJIR 803D- MARRIAGSB. nit: MARKETS DIATHS. BIRTHS. FRIDAY. JUNE 95» OMOOHD‘NMNUOI 1 4 883d$88€8888 ......... Ledles' end dChildren'e Gloves from Extn goad nlnes et ........ 15.20 Put B'eek Cotton nose ............ Heavy Welsh: Cotton Hone .......... Louis HermedortDy Dy‘e. od" ........ Louis Hemedort Dyehm e Threei. . Sunless Cashmere ............ Lullee' Venue st ...................... 893cm Vests. mtg: 15c for .......... iADVERTISE IN THE WEEKLY POST AND PROSPER 814.00, for .................... $5, 06. 7.50 Men‘s Puts. 3t ........ 75c. 90c, 8M!) 1 25 Boys‘ Pumeommence a ....... .. 25c Clothing Bois' 2 piece Nsvy Serge, 5 to 8 jun. 990 Boys' 2pieoe Tweed Suits. 5 to 8 yrs. 81.25 Youth’ 3 place mu, ................ 2.50 Men's Suits. It ........................ 2 50 Men'l Suits, st. . ...................... 2 75 Men's Suits. st ........................ 3.15 300 Spsdnl Suits, worth from “.00 to Carpets and (minin- Specfd Mu Bunion in Union Carpet: .3 ........ 29c, me, 45c, Hemp Col-pets at ............ 10:, 12k, Loco Cum 2; yuda long, per poi: Lace Gaming. 2; do do Lace Cur-ulna, 3 do do Lace Curtains. 3; do do Lace Carolina, 3} do do ‘ Panels .9 ............................ me Puuolsas.............., ............. 23c Parmtnt ............................ 40: Punch“ ............................ 50c thmulu :1 (I). for ........... 75:: Pmsols. regal" 1.85, tor ............ 95c T. B. Shirt paint in at. at ....................... 75c. 3100, 81.25 Also cheaper grades. EVERY PRICE A VERY LOW ONE. Gloves. Hosiery and Vesta Parasol: and Shirt Wants HEMP CARPETS. UNION CARPETS. WOOL CARPETS. TAPESTRY CARPETS. BRUSSELS CARPETS. MOQUETTE CARPETS. CANADIAN and ENGLISH OILCLOTHS and LINOLEU‘MS In all Widths, coloringsfand grades. CARPETS AND House Furnishings iii}: fine (in-mics tt ..... A most complete range of Hard and Soft Hats for menfyouflzs and boys. Bicycle Caps, Boating Caps, Base Ball Caps, and Caps Jar large and small. . . . A Merchandise will never be cheaper than it .is now. More Dress Goods Sellmg Seill ngthfina atpri Lindsay’s Leader Low Gas/7 Prices Dry Goods House. Selling them at prices to clear and close out quick, that’s our way of doing, Don’t expect to come here in a month and find what we adver- tised six weeks back; the best lines will be gone. If you want Dress Goods come at once. We’re offering $1.00 goods for 500; 750 goods for 500 ; 40c goods for 250. KEEP THESE PRICES IN 293371541911), 15c. 81.“) Dundu, m .................................. Buck Gunmen Sax. wank 35c. for” Begnutlgggortmcnt‘gtlg'c M chen wuhln Tie- ...... lOc. or8 for sm: Knot- or rby: ............ 2 for Men'- md Boyl' Unhnndend Shh-u. Sperm Unhnndered Shins. Linen Boson .............................. Perfect Fitting White Dru- Shlrc. . . . See cur Imperial W sun. ..... Fine Summcr Shirt- nd mm. . . . Funk Rubi-lynx: sum and Draw DmShlrti. “50¢ 7513.81“) 8125 swamm-m ..... 30c. 50c Winch Factory ........ 36 Inch matched Canon Shaker Flnnhel ........ Towellnga, "snaps," at. . Towels n: .............. Exm lune Towels ..... 561nch Tnbllng ....... Past Calor Gingham... Heavy Shining ........ Cottonndu It .......... We wish on to know tint we mglving melt mm as in LII. but line of goods we ever sold. Come early sad nee us. 33-badezto 1:13;: a. ......... 25:. me Bantu-181ml Lauren 3: 25c. 35c. 403. 50c Black Sienna u .......... 25c. 35:, 45c. 60c Shot Lumen at ...................... 39c Bicycle Suiting: n ............. 40c. 50c Black Vdcm cl: ........ 33¢. we, 50:. 60c chy cflech from .................... 24c You will find our Nsw Stock made I: satk'ciy 0! seeds thst sze trustworthy sn servicesble. sud our complete mot-talent insane ptrtect ssthtsqtlol and easy selection. Bl job us: to had 122 km all wool K j _ Segue. fixfl (neg. 7 u. M, Mon”. I. E. 'W- HcGafl‘er- MCGAFFEY, Our Newfitook M. J. Carter. Dre-I Goods Stnplel 1m mun Bremen. Clothing and Hats. You’ll require G'urpets, Cur- tains, Blinds, at an early date. Look over our assortment; learn our pl'_i0€8 â€" it will possibly be' an adrantage to you. MEN'S SUITS. BOYS’ SUITS. YOUTH'S SUITS. CHILDREN’S SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS. BICYCLE SUITS. WEDDING SUITS. WORKING SUITS SUMMER SUITS. COI’TONADE SUITS. 2 toi- 3 for and Suits for everybody. smraum»...l..........; ..... : smnunnuu ................... Bow.- Pedal-HAL. ........ FurFodmwmfitor .......... Gouda: Bennett am. usually sold so $250. tor ........................ Mm» o! WHklnsonCos W Emu: Foams tad Coast .......... 10c.15c.20:.25c. 45c. Smwnmkom ................ 5c to Printl and Cotton Good- 139nm: l'loklng tor Whlto Cup» Wm. “bunch" ....... £5: Color“ Guru W . "bunch" ...... l 15 fits Vgluui (£003 a ............ 25: Fat Col-r Print- at ..... 5c. Sc. 10c. 1‘ Rest damn in Buck uni Grey": gt. 1‘ Tartan Beds,"{ut gnd pretty. u. . . . Chutles. in non: natal». 0.2.. ...... Linen elects .......... .. . gauge “impart-Ja- mere m ........ Jrquflh um Dunn's. from ........ Beautiful “'31: of Colored Drew Muslim for ................ 3c. 23c. 1 3?. .".£’ 53377153732332. 's'lt'éowu 25 See our 90: Cone: clan-tug s! ....... 65c Met Whitafiontpn Iggy Gawn'. "VIâ€"fii‘fl'ui'fifg 11)] '21 Mun-mu Bed Smudmfze 76x90, weigh; Oorseiu 3nd White Wou- Cram pton ad ET ..C Corsets. tectpln no. none better. in V: nee hoe trimmed uid tucked. n...:..' Inger While Cotton Cone: Conn In ................................ Ladla‘ White Co‘ton Chemise frcm Ludies' Whit. Canon meen from remu- Tlokll: for ..... Wynn 921p» _u-p. “bnnch"_ Est- gnd Caps Staples mmmm 253 OUR SUMMER C( PRINULE 5 MCLENNAP SCRANTON‘ nComplimener a luttons written and engrossed- All 93‘1ch Scales, Carriage ”01!de Blacksmith Horse Sh Chums, Artists'colors Windsor Paints and o Whiting, Kalsomine, Painters' Bru: Signofmll We offer a Soeci Telchm Ind Student; sum: 1' vacation. Those who V Book- keeplrir 80¢ uke up bhonhm mm and It to then with us. persona'i AT LOWEST Priz gle 1121M “.00 901' m McLennan Peterboro Spades and 6’4 [27m Wat

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