Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Jun 1897, p. 4

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things combine to the voice of a friend a thousand miles, ‘ 31:09:50 Aflanhioanbecrouodinsix ”by“!!! not have been the Win all thy branchu'of MW and art, andnowsn_ thlnomblne to enhance the comfort, 3 We who are young know only by history’s teaching of the times when steam wee but a toy, when electricity was unthought of, when telephones were not, when photography wus wrapped in the swsddling clothes of infeney, and yet when our queen's young lips lisped “God save the King” such were the timesâ€"end she has lived end guided and governed until new, [when answou to meninges to thefuthesteudsof theearthcen be got his couple of hours,rwheu we can hen HER MAJESTY llueenlifilfllifl SUITSBLB FOB. scaoor. noon. This mutual work or m is printed in colors and shcws her majesty as she ap- pears at the time of her ascension 1111837 and also as she appears to-day. sm of picture 21x28 Inches. Price 256. By mail 5c extra. PORTER’S Booksm the empire in all its wide expanse more closely ; together the late Yankee blufl‘ at warâ€"the German's insulting telegramâ€" were met, the one with calm confidence, the other with the stern defiance of the Flying Squadron, and as old England stood in her splendid isolation, Canada, the Indies, Australia, and the colonies generally, hastened to lay at the foot or the throne their proofs of devotion to assure her that the arms. the lives, of the empire, only waited for the signal to help in all things. But none of these things-~neither threats of war nor India’s famineâ€"have so moved us, nor brought us into such close touch with the rest of the empire, as have the preparations made to celebrate this year, the longest reign in the history of the world. Truly the old Sun. in its daily march round the world, will watch with interest the celebrations of Britain‘s citizens, the heart-offerings of Britain's subjects to Britain's queen ; every minute of the day will salute him on some part of our wide empire as risen with shotted cannon; every minute of the day will salute him on some part of the posses- sions of her majesty as set with fireworks and the strains of the national anthem ; all day long. wherever he goes, the proud Union Jack will be unfurled and wave majestically in the breeze. Millions on millions of our Anglo-Saxon race have known no other sovereign than Victoria, Empreu and Queen, and few of us who owe allegiance to her throne have known I Prices are now within easy reach of every one who has a home to protect from flies. finy otl'x'er national anthem than “God save the Queen." LAWN MOWERB, TOOLS, GARDEN HOES, etc. LINDSAY BRANCH. Drafts on all parts 01 United Smes and Great Britain bought and sold. Fumcrs‘ Notes discounted. Highest. rate of interest. on depOsits. THOHAS BRODIE. Acting Manger. d-w J. 9. [WHERE flfl Door and Window Screens are made from good seasoned lumber, and steel spring wire cloth. LOOK OUT FOR CHEAP W’holesau Dealers in Blacksmith) and Carriage Supplies. Iron and Sled. Screen Doors Cheap. SCREEN DOORS country. When he of an empire, world- he looks up before a himself a man. There is no sentiment in this world so powerful in the heart of man as the senti- ment of patriotism, and when his patriot- ism is towards a country, that in no mean country. When he feels himself a citizen of an empire, world-wide in its dominion, he lnnks up before all the world and calls Such are we Canadians in this present year. We know that we are not the least important part of the greatest ration on earth to-dayâ€"the greatest nation the world has met seen, the strongest and most powerful race of people who ever made history. Later events have knit 3:37.112 qunulizm 35305.1. We have a. LINDSAY. FRIDAY fiNTAmo BANK HER WE HAVE THEM t. 5. Porter- MAJESTY'S JUBILEE School W I. Beautiful medallion Picture of 'l. WW‘Vfiofi-‘NW‘V‘ '3 USE 1s, 1397 of all unkind. Andwhe:hubeenhernhminnnthie progress? Bytheeidofhetoounuhher advice, by the flannel! of her W1», we hue hid pace in our time and our people h-ve had restâ€"the rest necessary for out development as a people. - “A LL_ brim of progress, hes she reigned over us, ' keeping touch with that progress. For sixty long years she has been giving the assent of n sovereign to acts which have made our Csnade the confederation thst it is, the empire the nation that we are. For sixty long years each year has seen her great influence thrown on the side of freedom of thought and action; until to- day as we celebrate the eixtieth anniver- sary of her accession to the throne, we {stand the freest, most enlightened. the [ mcst God-fearing nation, the sun shines } (Correspondence of In Poet) ‘ GONE Whenâ€"Rev. Hugh Currie left on 7th inst. to attend the general assembly of f the Presbyterim church held st Winnipeg. | PnsoNALâ€"Mr. A. D. McDonald has left here for the Soulsngee csnsl st Coteeu Jct.. where he intends spending some time ; working for Alex. Stewsrt, one of the Iago contractors of thst‘g ' genersl fsvorite wi both boys-ad girl: he Iwill be muchmiesed. Weellpininwigh. ing him success. r Gow.â€"We ere pleased to see Mr. Wm. ‘ MscKenzie. resident of the Toronto Street Ry 00., in; such on interest in the mam-.1 clniml ground here. We under- i'ng chins in t1 prospects good. part of the sum“ "doping incl am in thin YiCinitY' Take up the glass, you subjects of the grandest woman on earth, you citizens of a world-wide empireâ€"the toast is “Our Queeanod bless her." on. We congratulate the members of our county council upon having decided to purchase road-making machinery, to be loaned to the township municipalities. A stone crusher now, and perhaps a stenm roller next year. will have a pow- erful influence in bringing about better methods in road building. Shiloh. SOCIALâ€"The member. of the E worth League held an ice cream social on bure- day night. A very enjoyable time was spent. Proceeds $10.50. Examination Papers. [To the Editor oi Tue P031- 1 Sm,â€"-Teachers and others wishing to obtain examination papers from me will oblige me very much it they will let me know exactly what they want at least before the commencement of the examina- tion. J. H. hmom‘, P. S. inspector. Lindsay, June 15th, 1897. , ‘â€" Messrs. Horn Bros.. proprietors of the Lindsay Woollen Mills, have received on order from the Indian department for 1,000 pairs or blankets for the Indians at the North-west. This is a large order, and means that Messrs. Horn Bros. will re- quire a large quantity of wool to fill it, which they propose to purchase from the uu__. “F” “M â€"Miu Jennie Chambers has PERSONAL. gone to Stratiord, where she will make her home in the future. Some one will miss her ...... Mr. and Mrs. Dundee spent Sun- day visiting friends in Port Hope ...... M r. and Mrs. William McDonald, of Toronto, were visiting hog-6 for“? couple “of reeks. ,A There are Others. “Leafy June" is maintaining its record as a favorite time for weddings. During the past few days halt-e dozen couples have joined fortunes for life in this vicinity, and THE. POST extends hearty congratulations and best wishes to the following: Annie King and Then. Cour- tice, mnxried at Oakwood; Luella Maud Stratton and Rant. J. Breckenridge, mar- ried at Oakwood; Blanche Walters and Wes. Lyons, married in this town; Mida Foster and '1‘. A Newman, married at famllhresidence, Maripsse; Nellie Leddy and ichael Caughlin, married at St. Mary’s church. Cards have been issued for a number of jubilee day weddings. "ubv -â€"_, farmers in this locality. iCorrespondenco of Tm: P0511] HYMESBALâ€"On \Veduesday, the 9th, Mr. Henry Ryley, of Bethany. and Miss Minnie Magill, of Brunswick, were united in matrimony. May their wedded life be a ‘28pr one. ‘3- , 1i_._.:_ rVL-_L.._. L... The Jubilee Globe. Time and again has the Toronto Globe demonstrated by some great effort that it is the foremost journal in Canada. and when it announced that it was preparing a spacial jubilee number it was naturally anticipated that the issue would be worthy of the occasion. And it wasâ€"no better sample cf illustrated newspaper work has ever been turned out by any of the great American papers. It is pleasing to know that the demand for this jubilee sauvenir has been enormous. and has rendered necessary the preparation of a. fourth edition. Over 15,000 of the Globe’s hand. some colored lithograph of her majesty have been disposed cf, and the demand continues unabated. Truly The Globe is a great paper. and a credit to Canadian journalism. Church Notes. â€"Rev. J. W. Totten expects to say (are- well to his congregation next Sabbath. previous to his removal to the Workworth circuit in the Campbelltcrd district. He will be followed by Rev. J. McFarlane, who has spent three years on the Wark- worth charge. â€"â€"St. Mary's church was crowded to the doors Sunday at early mass by members or the congregation and Protestant friends anxious to witness the class of 43 boys and , AL!__ -_2 A”. nan-n. Ech U) buou. Hub-Hg n... . . .. In the afternoon" aiviio'efo‘ck fully 3.000 people gathered at St. Mary's ceme- tery to witness the ceremony of consecra- ICorresvondence of Tim P051.) Nonaâ€"Quite a number of our citizens took in the excursion to Guelph on Monday last. They report. a good time ...... Miss L. Gilchrist went to Toronto on Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. H. )chinnon. Cncxcn Normâ€"Rev. Mr. Bell, of New- market, will conduct the services in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath ...... An entertainment was given in the Methodist church here on Monday evening last. An excellent program was rendered to an ap- preciative audience. . . .The Sabbath school of the Methodist church here intend hold- ing their annual picnic on 22nd inst. in Beaverton. A good time is expected by all, as Beaverton is a favorite resort. QUIGG. uuaxuu: uu u lvuvu»~ â€"â€"- _.v 52 girls receive confirmation and first com- munion at che hands of his lordship Bishop O'Connor. His lordship’s address to the young people and their parents rela- tive to their dupes was zery impressive. . A'A‘AA“ can“ tiofi. COMTVIUNICATIONS. \lr. E. Wetherill spent Sunday at tho bushel! and the PmPfliw’ EDITORIAL NOTES. TO WN JOTTINGS. KIRK FIELD, A Large Order. IVOOD VILLE. LIFFORD. '. Thursday mama. f The public in respectfully um tint ' utter July 131: the merchants at Linday 3 will obeerve Thursday “team during ; July sud August as a halt-homily, closing at: l p.111. Buyers are rtquesudbooan ' early on those damâ€"710711. Canaan's tribute, I hm Souvenir Jubilee Picture at Queen Vicious; an! udgM-aowhyour’éhuawmm of than Mutual plenum In mag colors. Prlce 50 cents. Apply to 1!. 13m. mamas-m. solo flim- Lind- say distant. or no the In: omen at Tin: Pos-r.â€"7lw-tt.m.i-tt. Cricket. The Lindsey Cricket Club will play their tint match of the season on the morning of Jubilee day with a team composed of Helibnrton and all north. This will be :5 strong myogeiaion end an interesting L-;n-_ -- eh. ham. tmm Canonâ€"At d”. J an. 10th. ”finalist-It. Tom”. 09 Thu) :hc mam. LEM“ stmLâ€"In'nndny. on Sunday, Juno 1313,1891. Rev. Juno: Greener, And 85 yam. days ago, he has secured eduntemeou quarters mom which to View the Jubilee teetivitiee, and will a tour or five days in Laden enjoying e eight; strong agar tlon and an tutu-(sting game may be ookeJ for, as the home min. are getting right down to panties tor 0 event. The grounds are In good oondl . Honors for our Collegiate. From the recently published pass and honor lists of the University of Toronto we take the following: EA. enminntion -â€"A B. Hare, Miss . P. Brown (honor classic ). C. M. Keys (honor classics) Third yearâ€"Mine E. G. Finvelle (honor modern hiaton). C. Anld (honor mothe- mntics and German). Second yearâ€"E. . White (honor mathematics), W. F. McKay (honor political science ). First yearâ€"Miss A. J. Dickson (honor moderm). D.D.S.â€" J. L Sutton. Miss K. D. Book received her degreejs doctor of medicine from the r n-“-_.. w. New York. and called from this for E d on Sunday on the White gm s. S entenle. Re to purehue {all “dwmmgoodsforh firms ad will be absent spend: weeks.) As noted some _ .I___L‘_-__ â€"Bev. Father Spun, 01 Wolfe Ishnd. has returned from Bermuda greatly benc- ntted in health, and has been the guest at his brother, Mr. R. P. S fit, for a tow days. Wednesda they on with a of friends (11:: the over no]? ”fish 1: to away a y's fishing, w sport Fauher Spratt. Is very fond. â€"Mr. W9. .Dunde- 1°19. Mifim‘kz and. life. -â€"Evetythlng seems to indicate a very hrge audience Friday evening. The students are showingconsidmble interest. â€"Prof Dale's address is being eagerly looked forward to by all who know him. They all a. It. win he a least). _nI L- c..." â€";I'he souvenir program worth preserving. A full (1 be given in these notes tow the mix. uuv "V‘- â€"J dbilee seems to he in the air, and there seems to be every reason for thinking that a very large audience will greet Prof. Dela this (Friday) evening. -Prof. Clarke has been making good progress with the patriotic songs for this evening. He certainly has the isonlty of getting a. lot of work done in a very short time. u». “Mn-VV 7â€"- _ Woman's Mediéfii College. -Mr. MaeGechen left town Thursday week for Winnipegand was given a. hearty sand 03‘ by a. very large number of our citizens who had gethered at the station for the purpose. Mrs. MncGaohen end family joined him in Toronto. when they had been visiting iriends for [few Bicycle Notes â€"Some members at the lccsl club are talking or holding a “hard times" parade on Monday evening, June 2198. A good Idea. boysâ€"push ll: along. â€"Mr. J. R. Graham. of Pension Falls. 1.0.F. organizer for this district, attended the o 11 meeting of Court Linden last Tues by. Mr. G. claims that Dr. cod, warden of the county. and himself. are the two oldest members of the order in this county. __ â€"W. E. Houzhton beau all records (n Monday by climblng the long and strep mu just east of Omemee. He used J. P. Tay- lorsrRchle: _ge§re_d to 76,3116. 6 i121: nus-w. was: râ€"_, ,, â€"A despabch from Ottawa. received at the moment of going to rsss, states thst Mr. Cssey's bu , provld tor the free carriage of bicycles on ta ways. got the six months’ hole: In the senate. San-y. â€"Miss L. Russell has established a re- cord for the lady cyclists of Lindsay by riding to Omemee in one hour and eleven minutes, making the return trip the name evening in one hour and seventeen minu ‘ er. â€"Rev. T. and Mrs. Marsh ieit last week for the mission field at Bay river, Mackenzie district, and were met at the train by a let number or friends who had assemble “to say good-bye and wish Mr. Marsh and bride God-speed. -Mr. John Calder, at Toronto, rating inspector for the Canadian Fire Under- writere' Association, was in town Tues- day inspecting the manufacturinfi risks. and fixing the rating thereon. e left to-day for Bobeaygeon and Fenelon Fella. 101‘s nxuy mu. noun. m. .. ..-_ crank. The hul had never ,been climbed before with a higher Ree: hhan50 Gucuva uv n "awnâ€"v nâ€" _-._v car was fitted up for his motie}, wk?) 15 In a very low state of health. , â€"Mr. R. Heston and family, 0: Toronto. passed through Wednesday to Sturgeon Point to take possession of their cottage. Mrs. Easton ls stlll compelled to use a. cane owing to weakness in the llmb injured last fall. â€"Mr. Terence Spallman. formerly of Bobcaygeon, but now proprietor of the leading hotel in Omemee, called on Lind- sey friends Tuesday. “Tierney” is a good fellow and is making friends rapidly in Omemee and vicinity. Y. M. C. A. Notes. ~Entries are coming in hat. for the aquatic sports. â€"Decorate your houses and plum: or business J nbilae day. â€"Wetch for particulars re aquatic sports on Jubilee day. ‘ â€".\'umbere of the boys are hard rt prac- tice for the field contest; â€"-P.;rh Perry will run a monster excur- sion to Lindsay on the 223d. â€"Cis§zans will da well to prepare for Jubilee dayâ€"a big crowd will be here. -Mr. .‘. E. Cowdry arrived In town on Tuesday, and removed his family sud efl‘ects to Wagercoynppxt day, Agnew?! day â€"Numhers a! wathletes throughout the country are training for the day's sports. â€"A football match between Oakwood and the Y. M. C. A. Juniors will take plece on Tuesday, June 22nd. â€"The Y. M. C. A. returns thanks to the many gentlemen who are helping us in our celebration day work. â€"Aqua.tic sports beszin at 9 3.1m. and will be held below Lindsay-st. bridge. Lots of room for spectators. â€"Firemen’a competition begins at 10.30 a.m ; band competition and tug-ofâ€"wu immediateiy following. Personal. â€"Mrs. J. McPhee and son, or Alpena, Mich., are visiting her brother, Mr. E. Williamson. Ridout at. â€"1‘hoae interested In cricket may see the match, Hallburbon vs. Lindsay, on the school grounds. Football match in park in the morning. :All mor'ning sports will be run sharp on schedule timeâ€"no delays will be toler- ated. -â€"--The fan will start at 3 mm. Collegiate Institute Notes. -Tennls lawns are In demand at: present, . crickec is beginning to show signs ct $35135 to bear‘in mind re our Jubilee WEAQ program will be well rving. A full description will these notes toward the and of FOR SALE: DEATHS- BIRTHS. 0x Iona Jun tutâ€"B! “I W. 0.1.”; m.s.mmm mum “unwanvmw honing. sans lo'cl 'Mwlthomm. Flourâ€"The flour trade is quiet. and mix morally unchanged. Straight toners quoted at $3.35 to $3.45. Branâ€"Trade quiet. with bran quoted d $.50 to :8 west. and short: 89 to 89.3- mm! light and on'erings mu. Ben at]; otedatGScwc-stand wflteatm vest. ,,,_9_- 1 11.131159.”th M a: no - “HQâ€"Id “a j cows. etc... S ringers. etch... ilk cows each... Calves. each.......... Snoop. nor lb.............. Sheep. clipped, per 1b.. .. .. Bucks. cm-h............... ring lambs. oach....... ogs, 150 to 2001135....” " llzht ............... heavy .............' light fats........... sows ......’......... stazs ...... CI: “‘G'Jcia'ehlv‘ex w- an :3 to $6 each Hos.- “J‘E‘P‘L II )6 W W tau. In good denund and arm: thou Ho was? from 180 to 200 lbs. sold as up: u . per cwt. Funnel-a uc toolbh uflnthekhopwbenMcuxmm than price lhe weight: 35.62% per cut. D equal to $7.70 when killed. and dam the warm neither it would be better to sex! than an". The shipments he: C.P.R. were 5. Kam- fan 5 can. ll. Vincent 4 can A. .wam-ufl ca: :11 to: [anneal mum and R. We: 4 can. W. Mad 2 ca 9. an a- rt cattle. unhA. Shoflr'g 1 (at for 8!. 01m. II. B. ’11:: (allowing per 0.123.; W. mac: 3 ~ Williams a Hall 2 cars. a.“ export; n. Rees 2 can for Kingston and R. unn- a: 1 _load bqggperl’ male for London. (£1. _L-|-- :4 Ah o- u BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool, June 15.â€"S rim: wheat 5595:]! to 59 1034.41: red. no at : No. 1 0a).. 63 4d tn 5‘1: 90:8. 45 2d; corn. new, a 8% pork. 503 for eastern and 419 Gd for western: lard. 195 6d: bacon-Lo. bony, 156 0d: 110.. light. 245 6d: (10.. short cut, M 6d: tallow._1_?s Qd; gnome. ngw, «340d. Liverpoolâ€"Spot wheat qukt: futures am at 56 M for July. 58 714d for Sept. and 5. 734d for Dec. Lulu arm at 23 835d for July. 25 Stud for Au. and 23 9366 for Sept. Flour 205 lid. Parisâ€"Wheat 23! 60c for July; flour 45! 45c 10: Ju!y.__ _,, -,. - wLondonâ€"Cioseâ€"Whoat on passage am. Haizo onwpasgage 3mg. “A A- . .- nun-u. v.. "m-- ___ Parisâ€"Wheat firm at fit 60c for July flour 46f 100.1'01' Juu. _ . Lindsay Market Prices. con-m mm Liverpoolâ€"Clown”: firm It Se 81a! for July. 59 61! for Sept. and 5| 756d for Dec. Mnlze firm at 23 SW! for July, 2s d 10,“ Aug. and 24 Md for Sept. Flour W: luuu-w, “a w, \ru‘w\' .. .. .. v... Londonâ€"Wheat ofl coast Bria. on p0 rage rather firmer. English country mu- kcts steady. Maize on passage rather finn- O l'. GRAINâ€" EOTMMERCIAL NEWS. s’oeMAEEEBS- i For full particulars see LEVER BROS.. LTD. BicyclefiV/akbgs. ”0.04 8.4" 33018138. THE 1 gin-{071. u former quomdou MARKETS advts. or apply to TORONTO pawn. JUNE 18: mm Carpets ananrioinl Speck! May Box-guns in Union Carpet: st ........ 29c, 30c, 45c. Hemp Carpets st ............ 10c, 125e, LwoCnrtungfiyudnlongper pok- Laoo Curtdns. 2i do do Lace Cox-tum, 3 do do Luce Curtdns. 3; do do hoeCnmmnfl do do I P3113013 M: ............................ mo Puuolssh....: ................ 3...", 25¢ Pam's at ............................ 4b Pmlsut ............................ 50c Pmsols. regular 81 oo. tor ........... 75o Punchhrfiubr 81.25, for ..... :- ...... 95c T. B. 8 Wm“. pertcot in at. at ....................... 75:. $1 (I). 81 25 Also cheaper grades. Extrs gocd "loss at ........ 15. 2 Pass B'sck Co ton Hose.... ...... Envy Weight Cotton Hose ........ Louls wHermsdol-t Dye, ‘gcod" ...... Louis Hermsdorf Dye Lmle Thmi Seamless Cashmere ose .......... Lodies' Vests at .................... Speck! Vests. worth 15c. for. . h. . . . . Extxs flne qusflzies st .......... 15 Parasol: and Shirt Wants CARPETS Clothing and Hats. mo House Furnishings ms S ”Afr QTTTFDQ HEMP CAB.I=ETS. UNION CARPETS. WOOL CARPETS. TAPESTRY CARPETS. BRUSSELS CARPETS. MOQUETTE CARPETS. CANADIAN and ENGLISH Ladles'and Qhflgmn's _ Gloves 1mg EEEEE PEIEE A VERY LOW ENE; Glove‘s- Hosiery and Vents " OILCLOTHS and LINOLEU‘MS In all widths, cola‘ingsfand grades. A most complete range 0/ Hard and Soft Hats for malfyoutlls and boys. Bicycle Caps, Boating Caps, Base Ball Cups, and Caps jor large and small. . . . ARTER - Merchandise will never be cheaper than it is now. Lindsay’s Leader Low Gas/2 Prices Dry Goods Hause. 15. so. smo pm g Paulie Brother BMMmSOLmhafic, (on. 85c Bmummtotlcn' M Dre-Shirt- ...... uGOc,75c..81m. 8125 madam-93. ...... Sc. we Ken’s rural-hinge Wov weehln Tic-e ...... 10c. orator act-or ........... 2 for Men'- end Boye' Unleundered Shim. Spechl Unhandered Shh-u, Linen .............................. germanium; wu:.m.snm.... 36 inch Fcctory ........... an inch Bleached Canon. .. Sinker mm ........... Towellnp, “com," a ..... Towels st ................. Exm Torch. . . ... so Inch suing .......... Fat. Color Gloghun- ..... “Wévwvrvlih on to know tint we waiving great burn: a in tho but line or good: w. on: sold. Come enly 3nd gee pt. You will find our New Stock mode 11 entirely of good- um ere trustworthy on serviceable. end our complete assortment. [mum ptrtect uthtecdon end my teleptioo.‘ _ _ _ 33 abide: to cl'e'sj' st 33 same: to ones: a .............. an. auc Bountiful Black Lustre. 3: 25c. 35c. 10c. 50c Black Sienna 3t .......... 25c. 853. 46c. me Shot Lustre. at ...................... 39c Blcvcle Suiting: ............. 40c. 50¢ Buck Vslom 8:9 ........ 33c. 15c. 50c. 9c Blgjob just to band 182 lcces 311 wool Serge. 35x42 meg. __ _ .u, M, chy cfl'ecte from l. E. W- HcGafior Our New Stock MCGAFFEYJ M. J. Carter. Dress Goods Stnplel You'll require Carpets, Cur- tains, Blinds, at an early date. Look over our assortment; learn our pricesâ€" it will possibly be an advantage to you. MEN’S SUITS. BOYS’ SUITS. YOUTH'S SUITS. CHILDREN’S SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS. BICYCLE SUITS. WEDDING SUITS. WORKING SUITS. SUMMER SUITS. COI‘TONADE SUITS. and Suite for everybody. I Saturn-um” ”Faith“ ................... I Goodman .............. v Mm mm... ............. Fu- mflJor ............ Gallon Hits. usually 60111 M W: o! Wilkinson I: 005 W HA“ In Federals an Prints and Cotton Good! Eutha- Tbklr tor .......... White Cum: up. “banuh'. Cow Carpet W ‘ bunch Bk VIIIIII In T I It. ...... “33:01:11.!” Bod Syntax“. TM‘ 8 Spoon Cost' I Tan“ ....... 4 Paul M ................. Put. Col‘r Prints 3% ..... 5c, Sc. Me, 1 Net design-In Black sad Grcya n .1 Tutu: Redo, “hat. nnd prettyfu. . .. 19! Ghana. in nut patterns. st .......... J Linen elect- ..................... . 19‘ Pllue at .............. .. , 12.5, 1“ Culunere Imperial. .................. It Juguudc Ind Dlmltys from“ “a. 1* Beautiful at of Colored I? s! Muslin: just ............ 20c? " v Lxdloo' White Cotton Chemise from Lidia' White Cotton Drawer: from Corset- snd White Crompton and E. T. C. Ctr-nets P” tee: In an. none better, in Him ...... mesa 75c. 95c. $10081? Seoourwc tcleu-lng , . 05' Lgdiel' White Cottpn Nigh: ti *n.’ m hoe aimed and tuck'e'd. arm. . wiu' White Cotton Corset Coven LINDSAY Staples 10c. 15c. 30:. ‘35? “d Caps «too am '1‘. ' semi; own [31:12 But I: 1': Let r. (so: that 1 my gr lard municipality? In the but In 3 conceding so the returns furnished Blue one made by neurlv c on. nearly suamouw bod MD on [the to 10.0mm) dup’ statute l. E? â€"-l$ wu- dry no niyuldum tonndauon ; men maul jun be apt-end and so com ‘_ _A -L- .n-M '1" nhed the WA“.- Iuvo produced benea- road-n 1 n hove. He mu! m and could say that he won! willing to me the $45,00u,tm um. pended In tan yours and gumn Manila every road in the prom. The mount: of good roads depe hugely upon the Implements need. 1): mum of course one or the flruc prhao Icon 0! this enormous mode a. can Kai daaluuly accessory to prov mod mode lest wees before l “d town councilw. They were courses. and conveyed ‘Lfnrm wlll be worth thousands of doll nunlclpellues ln thls count) i! I had the methods advanced are a they doubtless wlll be. 'l‘hl meat 0! a specialist in road In the government of thls prcurc vlnca Is endorsed by men a! nll oplnlonand lu select-[nu Mr. A. ball. 0.12.. to llll the Dosltlon a m baboon mlde. Although a )- he II“ had great. experluua, m ”when“ a [fault or the p done by Illa) In S’. 'l'bonus ( ht 7“”. cnflflxement fl~ mm 0‘4!!! 3|!!! roads or that .4” .14- _.....x.ll....lll Win! a House? TOWN ROADS AND ROAD-MAKE ROUNDLY CONDEMNED. pm near Wellington 3 $053.. {or cud-aide muni Ir. Cnnpbeli's opinions n. received! climb :13}: Welch _ \l- l‘.‘ A BIA-menu Wave of Money Perpot. od Yearly -'1‘he Methods 0! R1 Touchburn. for Eight Years (.1: mu: of the Board of Works. 1 Wood War-e than Useless is‘ [embers or the Board "Know All" and Can't. be Taught cm; take Part In the Discussion Declare for Good Roads and Be Methods-‘The Dawn of a. New meking.‘ '1‘!“th V18“ of Mr. A. \V. («my wovlnclnl rand instructor. will he pm the of flood and lastirg rt‘Eu‘h i- molmone whales 0! all who had plenum of heninghl: able addreaue: L..... .|.- nm The County Council Urge Buy Improved Road Mak ing Machinery, “SIT 0F ROAD INSTRUCTOR CAIPBE Imvvâ€" ~. --_ At 2.30 Thursday Mr. Cnmpbc More the members a! the u-Ou and a. number of k adlcg cm opunty equncll chm‘naer u I he ( "" ‘A “a “'n wuuu, Wu..-" V._.. lie was intruduoed by 13'. who “Id he had been lrn them something about i which the county stood end the town else. Mr. Cempbell said be u ind not been able to in-p the county end the metal but no doubt the comm-2 to those not with eleev been told the county coum pumhuhz some improved undu- en atonement wi: othamunioipalitiemend u going further to under-am the eoheme as outlined h; .30 would the."- know “‘1: u t nubjeot 0! road mu mohgpog. ‘_ , t A ly New Dry Kiln fill! Eflflfl Hflflfl mun awn-- Mt. Guhun uphined 12m: the can out town cannons had not ouLand muleâ€"MnCnnpbfll had been hwlu them In order that they m poulbly come to some mugeman own Idea was that me two corporat should we to purchaw homo of nodern_rosdmskln§ machimry. but 1 The Agitation (iivvn Start in This Count} mfi-llâ€"kâ€"elome advice renaming me and the metal to be dealt with in Um I: tax a! good roads. Would I: he Wise purchase such machl: Y ad loan It to the dllfcrent municipal“ an county to engage the skined help an mention to Day the bare on; nu â€"_ -mm nail“! the machines 6 “‘- W'rv-â€"-v* , the man whuc using the mac mfldpslitiea are not ame Inch Mlnery. and it mizh the county to do so. OJ hi~ csygoon the dny followup, M iv passing over the roads mum. would gain a (air condition _of the other roads __2 _.lnhv h. . D paw-- -.__ dmrwould gain a (air idea ch condition of the cube: roads through one county, and might be able in lieu further edviee at some (nun-e dag M1. Cunpbeli said he was glad to]: am the question of better roads had reform to by Mr. Grahamâ€"he {aqua itweseimoat. 3 wave or [1 observed to disease improved modulating W the people of eome municipeiicioa. ‘ eleo toned tint very onen : monument is looked upon as a m gee-flood mire moneyâ€"met unless wee plenty of the latter it we», unit‘s think a! Wfllnf the rmdr. TM WLE an Dimes-Jinn In the ml of may that country roads were. hum emu inbr‘r. but I: it Let r. (w: that in‘ my grams are made by ne-irlv c ‘ rural muniuipaiityi In the last, in 3% -54 mlnrnn furnished dry ulu «dean foundation ; than c spread and so comps be a: two will shed the waur w m If dirty [gr-aural ls used wAims! coma m the ordmsry gravel pin. m with custard 9011â€" the roadbed wlll 1 all right In dry weather. but as soc: who all: so: In the mad becomes soft, nono- fink In the wet coll. and the and churns m wsy to the it. water In puddles. the wheel fili- al: deeper and decptr. and . He had I The mania“ 013°“ " my” upon me Implement m was of comm One or the x » -I-.-In mam-fin “one all)!“ 004.3111 It can an mill will not run And him 1. l0} nln '1 E1 3' E»; ~: 5 E’m’nsn. FRIDAY Only other bundlng out. up a malted thlc summer 2 N u.- to decide yhut you wan a. to We whut you want 1 “y. I will be most hum you “to: Ind any ower m that llen In my pawer and "It is over Wm: me. 15.”. being built on the Inn lines. No warpmp or rpl «possum when lumber 1: dried ”Kiln. Many of the old “anion and“ designed yen-5 ago are nlnu nelson. Don't throw my money swayâ€"4 ad an my prices. J. P. RYLEY J. P’ legx'. at. with m and wulld Rhoda 01' at Years 0h of Works. n UseleuwSO M '- Know mughtnCflJz Dtscusslon pads and Bet. 'n of a New M't ‘ that the not out“: tor nap-m. Lu ohm mlll In some I! A. he can enlan lo: 39L I EDP we» 1m

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