Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 May 1893, p. 3

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re rich or poor, rwelry. also dl from Chicago. a '. now being exh 'Stl’ 1’. 2. 593â€"556 ts, Oils, 6 . £162 . id to make a. change in â€" tan be bought dm’illtd"1 Loot-St, ML!- :o matter whetlgef I {Sing with a think you have} required is just $0 md‘ LT: evéry uhéw. and Medan“ mgr: m secured. night. in proceed to Louis Burl}! :thencc to‘.......... 3‘ :hence home, when he VIII- ing noncav morning. ‘awill be continued duh weather permitting. rub the hon-e. Finot '- slfiéfi tn: )1. W'. Dam a. L’ 5, men 3pm M um. owner. The shove” Izci by the preset); 0'11;ch R my, 16 hands high. I. Bibs: registered boot-‘3 to). F or extension 0! W 1, mil leave his he”. cab. and proceed $0.7m n 10. Thumb, {n.- noon; M Brechin, for night. proceed to Michael MI I: pzergrove Hotel torn“ ' will proccea to Ihthbm .1 right. Hotel for night. will prnccu! to John we to L) Hv'aua, Kidney,“ roceed by the way. ......... to: noon- thence to. :0)! AND P1371683: 0! RATE.“ DAY. rum, Pension. men during: the sewn 0" u follows; d J W! NOT LION ”UTE. ce of the s the bug een awn“ hence NA!” “1,4151% wig before “"33 Mimi 3%? WNW” ‘d "W0 My EHU .l". â€"â€"â€" â€"â€".___, canoe. On their way back near the millage the cmoe upset and Neabltt was drowned. Canaan and McLsren succeeded In Ron- in: m shore. New!“ was a son of Rev. Mr. Naaom of Sutton. ~Unleze the wee‘her changes It once it will be impossible for navigation to open in Thunder Bey before the lee: week in Key. The ice is as mick an in February, and xenon: from onzeide in to the ei‘ieot the: the ice bridge from Port Royeie to Pigeon Paint. which neneliy bunks up in March, is an!) solid. A blizzard from the south-see: raged en Wedneedey night, end the snow was eix inches deep in the Ivan]. mru vv u.“.- - W. A. Cameron and “firm;- VMoLaren; wont upAthe- rgve: some distance in u bnrk , g- -n. _-__ oh- -IIl-nA -\}eome Jeremiah oi Columbue, Ohio, he Applied for a petent for n killing me- ehine. which, he claims, will be no painless in opermau as is compatible with sure work. The machine simply severe the mined from the body in the quickest possible 9. â€"Eighteeu members at n etudents’ society in S'. Petereburg have been arrest- ed for having murdered a collegiate who Mixed from me society and betrayed some or its secrets. The young man’s mutilated body was found under leaves in aim-eat near this city. â€"Jahn Salton of San Augustine, Texas, we: found dead in his house. eleven miles from town. last week, having been shot to death. H13 wife and seven children were missing. He had been insane for n num- ber of years, and it is supposed he butcher- ed his whole family, secreting their bodies, Ind then committed suicide. 77-31;; drowning accident occurred at Rearrew Ssturday evening last. Three Loan: mgn Waller 1339.93“. bankrclerk, -|.-_ M- nun Nell. -â€"Jumea Houston’s More and dwoluua It Dresden. Oat" were gamed by are one morning In: week. Houston and wife llvlpg {n m; puck put at} the m‘und floor, A..- ___â€"sA-‘ Ind Mrs. Mooney And two daughters Occupying rooms above the non. barely hard wizh their lives. Tho occnp-nto own their lives to Mr. Han-son’s lind- m in giving o night's 10¢an to on aged 30800. who gun mo dorm o! are jun in fine (or an to oecona. TA dynamite bomb exploded at 10.40 o’ciocx 1m . Fridly night in duo qnoonogio 0! the Four Couru. Dublin. Tho explosion won heard for mixer. Moo: windows were bmkan.buz uthofwhio no mango was I‘ 1' manor od nut somebody throw tho b over was roiling in o mom: or bundle. “7 won the oiovonlh anoint-or, oi ‘30 Mw-jnotion oi Lord Frodoriok Coven. 11!"! 3nd L ode: Secretory Burke in Pawn: -Mlee Bertha Milne, e popular young My who lived near Klneerdlee, Ont" committed suicide Sande] morning by tubing poison. No reason for the rub eel: fleknown. -The president of the World’s air has decided that any body of men. no matter how large, wlll be permitted to march In- eldethe fair grounds provided they have peld their entrance tee. â€"ered Hill, 5 negro, who had stolen two hcaze. was sold yesterday by order of the County Court. to: a term of eix months to Pat Burton, 3 Wealthy stock dealer. for $50. Burzon was the men to whom Hm tried to nail the bogs. -So:no lam-eating Baum annual the w n swan! gnu humming-l exams- m «Inn in The Chicago Inter 000m. A‘ "'0 Cry-u! palm. Manon. the" were 833-950 equuo ton: of spoon unkind (or “What-mung In on. bulldlnu .z hum Ink more "01,277,059 - qua look of I”. ‘3 III the building. 8,712.“ oqnm (at 01 W0 “5. Includtnc the Mann: sad It“. We». neuly 12 (130.000 mum to“ of w to he fled by exublu. The floor 3". 0‘ tho mmmtw wading dong; -P:1me Mlnlazor Gladstone has oflered m 913cc or 03:15 lsnrenm, made "can: by the deuth 0! Lord Tennyson. to tho dinin- xnhhed an cxmo, Mr. John Ruskin. A cu__‘ __‘ -I: is stated in Paris that the Sinmeso hm resumed the ofl’ounlve min“ Fauna 3nd 1: la charged mu Enallnd is support- ing the action at the government of Slum. _ __ .. 1 7L,A_ u"..â€" 7 -I'm; consolidation o! the priming! hit lather manufacturers a! the United 3.". 1m been accomplished, with a capl- u o! $120,000,000. ~- . A“ A 1A; -5.--) -31" 1L339.35°:II£%W of my Kenn tn ouncommznud sue raga-fix“; m '_ monster who ”93ng 6d lsittlo kl: 'uunght by ID Duluth’ mug on Susi:d I . wand ‘.° the limb o! 6 tree and ad ’ Wrbhllets. ’50 later 03...“ :51} '“yu. '00” "cramming the 0:33:33”! of Rama. ‘3 186?. London Ind moth" leo’l In]! this 1391.800 lqwo (an at my 10' â€":25cnitkine girl. 17 yws old. ha been rescued in Bazorodekg, not! Moscow, the: being buried in :11; snow for 51 days. She r_x _ JA_ ‘__-L- A! subst'smd on snow 173E CAXADIAN POST 51: James Andereon died et London, gland, Eddey leer. He was tor my a commodore or the Cunard mean-hip ‘. end u one time commended the Greet ;c it heals the irritation of the W031 and builds up the body md "gnomes the difi'xculty. ICA fl!ox."-â€"Bonn o lab-um beat: arm! by 800". t “ 92333373'131‘1 by .u arm!“ " Name they can ”datum: my “nun! onuuuy good. It When 1m bcucficiai {or COUGHS AND VOAOLDS m ti makes (at and gimatreagth. I! g, bcncticmo for -- AI... ---ll .nvngnsx‘gg 351-13.. fingaheu’ No tics. §icKLY CHILDREN 560“ 14' 1? Oil and nypophuphim h “l W: me u nmedz. 1m as a ht producer an at the time We: vial {one to the It is much“! 12‘ 'c'Ousumpnou 0f -A woman named Carson, residing near Like Kuahagna, N. Y., henna apparently died or heart disease, wee laid out in a coffin, and while a “wake” was being held Monday night week those in the death- ohamber were horrified to see the enpooeed corpse slowly rise to an erect position. Nearly allot those present were women, and they ran out screaming in terror. A daughter of Mrs. Carson tell outside the house and expired. The mother in a he- wildered manner elowly emerged from the eoffin and gazed about her upon the can- dles end other evidences otdeath. She did not seem to mind the death of her daugh- ter, and is now about as usual, though in a dazed way. ~Patrick MoVicher. engineer, of Col- lingwood, was the victim of a deplorable able accident on Tuesday iorenoon last. McVicker was attempting to tighten a belt on a circular saw here whenarivet caught his clothing and drew him him in, hurling him on the saw hetero. As a re- sult hie left leg was out clean of! about 10 inches above his heel, while the leg above was terribly mangled up to the knees. He also received a cut above his left eye, and two cute under his eye. He iell on the pile of eagduet below the saw, and his a.â€" ALA I-" 5.13 n-.- M. â€"Fconk McLeod. whose homo is non Txlbury Centre, met a hordblo donth in Slckleflooi’s new stnvo mill at the village or McGrogor, a short dtstunce from Essex. 30 had boon for the put few days om loy- od no I otnvo cutter, and Friday, whl o he won trflng to shift the belt which runs the coming machine, the stick ho was using caught in tho wheolond the natal-tonne man woo drown about the ohm wnh terriblo tot-co. His let; sun and shoulder war: torn from his body, exposing his lung. His head was terribly crushed. the hono- or the taco Doing .n broken. He died in about on hour. being qnlle unconscious. Helena: 5 young wife ond onlnhnt babe. yuv v~ vâ€"v-wâ€"vâ€" -77- , 7 , _ mm was broken by the fall half way be- tween the wxlso end the elbow. Notwith~ standing his terrible inj axles iii is thought he will recover. â€"-'1'he experiences of the holder of a. com- binadon ticket in New York are not with- out interest: to those who occasionally think it. would be a good thing to follow the plan. so common in many centres, of living out oi tOWu. He writes to one oi the newepnpere that he lives 25 miles from New York and hoe consequently to travel 300 miles per week. He puts in a. day of ten hours’ work end sverenee seven hours 3 week overtime, spending 4,420 hours s yes: in work and travel. Burma Sundays there are in 3 year 7,528 hours. Deduction item these the total spent in work end ttsvel end he hos lert 3.108 hours in the year for test. recrestion, "the service of God, relief of the distressed," and the en- joyment of a rural home. This way or totalling up is certainly a somewhat novel ~Aeslstnnc Engineer Bank, of Windsor water works, Chet-lee Green and William Snowden, a railroad man whose home wu In Toronto, were crossing from D: trek to Walker-ville last night in s rowboat. When about the middle or the river they 3): between two towns and the swell- oomlng together omeed the and! boot to caps'za. The men were 0113006 swimmers and struck out torehore. _I_3:nk, who had â€"A doubts anon! named m 9000!. 0! Same. Wu)». on Sunni: lut. Nol- Iontou Bmdborn shot 3nd kn ea Mn. M. Jen-on. 3nd thou kwed Maul! In ”no «mo mmnef. Mrs. Jonun us I widow worth $100 000. and 50 you: old. Sud- bom wu 36 you: old. He bu «hum: been her gum”. but bu rally bun H'- to; with ”.105 she put 015M you-I. Mn. ,_A‘_ A- ‘ _____ Lnn “nub- Canto I common: wnvcn Ill" Inuwwu won a undue «mum Tho up” couple that downed, cum on ohm- mm mm gunfight. and he was no mum to! tho undu- Bobbi o! m. and Mrs. on” he with 3 Man an “mt-darker than with“. A mam-um the - Builoh Ooionhio ooilon hovo ooh out too Ihoir oooooo'o opontiooo in tho North- on home. Sono ciao no it woo «on! tho Jopoo woo pronoun oaoinoi iho op- oroiiooo oi Common and oihoroio Jo- ooo onion. rho common! oi \ho olood hoo dooidod to hovo o opooioi now in tho noiahhorhood oi iho ohioi uoorvoo. Forum voooolo onioido iho mind limit will not ho intoli’oud with. IJi‘ho ohioi oihodoro onion tho low of iho ioiond oro tho Joana-o: mommvoo. who reunion] void tho roux-vol in: oooio. m an. own. Part: In 1030 m avwmm F“'8.‘“...n," ”" ' 12.000000 «$3.. an. I: 2mm; 0am won «out 81,000 oxuomslnPulo about 000' on: n Jookoon put um. will a. 00.000uuuuwmmmm undo to Woo: Vlflhh m mm M o! In! not. no pelt-onus. 48 In honour. on now on MM 00 Ola-Ileana. Anon tho when" no two woman can an“: out! In Baton-ll who Inn Boon Moo- lnly noun sod noon-tn! In not!“ “mount: an" to: unto! om pm. rm won-ll annual up In ammo" county. sod MI om“ uncanny brook- 335:? with. outnu- In that portion I o A been rowing, rammed hold on the oars. Ho nnd Green come together nnd with the assistance of the can monogrd to roach the Canadian shore. Bonk nod Green «cured anolher boot and rowed around trying to find Soc wden. The: recovered the cop-Sud rowbonc. but no: 3 tune or their oom- punlon could be found. I: won st fins thought tho! he sworn to ‘ho America: Ihoro, but ho ho: not yet been hard trom. â€"Joloph Robinson. 3 woxlthy tumor ond loco! pnnohor o! Lounlngton, Ont., hos out some of his confidence ln hnmon nature. Lu: Sumo-y man: week 3 man with o olulool out of futures called 3: h!- honu. reprmntod him-alt .- a preacher. and aid tho: he wu on NI “f to Berlin. He odd ho was very tired; won (I Mr. Bob- lnoon halo a brother ln dlncreu and allow him to nmnln _oll nlghfl The refine-t woo 77777 A-.. sL- hlzn to rennin .u nigh} The toque-c wu nudity granted. And for unnl hour- the two alkod at upmzull thum- nnd datum deep qua-noun or thooioay. At 10 o‘clock there In“ knock n! the door. The now- comu wu - mun. Ho mudbflnd n damn-n. n he tncl nu computer). n mung woman. won nnxxonn tc b0 nur- rlod. “Why." unld Mr. Roblnm “In has n punch" fighb hm in the one. nnd u inn hue n Ileana no can Join you.” Tho noxtou couple gladly “W the hon... 5nd 11:. file theologian want of words 0! through an and can count! thunk“ to be vim-ul- Kraut! In. Robin-on consented to sown M or animal! pnquanmxod that! aim- Ln-‘ ALA- .- meggtmn, Is 1867. M m 'wh'rh Robin-on “In I in the on». s cm Join you.” By oat-Nd tho theologian want 130 e! of words. 0! Any! act-u. Kraut! 3‘“. I. ”mum“. I man ‘ mu tc b. w- to 11 p0 1111 :htlir. é. Weetoott oi Beeverton hede close above of losing 1 leg 3: the grist mill Fridey lest. While helping at the splicing of crepe which was to he need no a belt the rope caught in the ensuing and like 3 flesh stoned to revolve. Mr. Week ott‘e leg was entangled in the rope and he wee thnwn about with great violence. Fortu- tnnetely the rope broke or the consequence might hove canned tote]; as it was Mr. Westeott nee been confined to his bed our mince. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_____._______.__ â€"The “Rebel Queen,” now eppearing in Huper’s Bazaar, is said to be the best story Mr. Beau“ hns yet written. So says The Bookmn. London. “:ihe‘ body oi Dennis Moon-thy was found out and msoaled on the New Your Control trucks on Niozsrs on Wedneedsy week. The shall use ireclured end one is“ cut on'. The deceeeed was the son at Mr. sud Mrs. John McCsuhy. He was born st Benetton. Connie. in 1860, moh- ing him 33 years om. â€"Mr. Wm. Bruce, one of the pioneers ct Csrswrisht township. died Thursday lee‘ ioBowmsnville in his 63rd year of pneu- monia. oiier one weeks illness. He wss one oi three brothers. who. with their tether. helped to clear 500 sores oi Iorest in the: township, but for the post six years he had lived retired in Bowmsnvilie. â€"0n the night of Tuesdey, the 2nd, burg- lars broke into the poetcmce e: Snlntfleld, a. smell vulega three miles eouth 0: Black‘ water. and stole the contain at n regletet- ed letter containing 850, end else the looee ehnnge 1n the flu. bu: do not eppeu to have take any etempe. They let: behtnd them eohlael the: had been taken from a. bleekemlth’e when in the vlllme, end hld been need to tone open the door and the an in the noetoflice. â€"John Gemeon. e Bldont settler. went to the bum to do lame chopping, end not returning home tor bl: dunner u the nuns! hen: blends became nneeei end want to look to: him. The: tonnd In) under the butt 0! elndged tree, hll need end hend badly mnnsled. Be hed apparently been deed eevenl ham-e. - Bell will“? {mutual “3}?3 “a ‘1 “$53 ”3309 5th“ 39 «QM $6.: :0 ti ‘own. â€" 2: 3d , he 2‘ " gma°£r1¥°33ufim fifflfiééfi yard 93' he 6 I R. s; magnum In on rid-fa" East.1“.m rem-Inn ware may a: 1 1!! «6d. Remix.“ Indicates who be w“ r; 'IhOl’Ou was (tom. It it supposed he and been no suns 0 rldo so tuna-3:: mm It tore cg! his moon- ! hm Mb lent. Mr. 11me wow- ed 1: I coolan- b mung MI tag: to than the logs down, I. be via dll rig «2. â€"An outcry h“ mom been up“! Galifgrjia. -'l'ho¢naa Sullivan. a hirad nan waking on tho iam at an. R. P. Irving. ahnnl awn nilaa inn: Gunmetal. nada am amok! upon hia w.iia wiih a and” I‘ll- ay a Moon. on ulna an iaoa. naah and handa in anal Haul- Tm waaaalona in iha dald at mum-ca it not ban in: ha! ariaa. which hronnhi a noizhborinn iarnlar lo hat aaalalanna. ill-a. Sullivan would hava haan hillad. A dawns”; Gall waa an! int. who as noun a woulda vary dunno”. noi mainly ialal. â€"hir. O. Danni. Milan ioa iha Bann- aon a: Waaion Lumbar 00. on Baa! rim. had a narrow aaoana iron drowning whlia working Friday with hia nan ahon lha dam. In aoma nnaoeonniahla manna: ha aligfad inlo lha raging waiara and waa aw ily oaniad the h aiall aoina aixlaan (act or man. but w nal pnaanoa oi mind ha threw him clan iron: lha nndar-cnnani and waa away! down lha min; crook nnlil ha raaohad an addy and Ion dry land wiihnnl aaaiaianna iron: la man. On aooonni oi hia manna oi mind and wonderful agility ha aaeapad with vary lilila my, only a law hrniaaa on hinlaaa. W lo paaaln down he on caught on n his aloha and a walar no annual and mm: tars 93!. All. .132"! “and rank- mm at. Dan“ 0 to m mm. Al for Watcher on n In mm M 10. wt: noun“ not. not again, and “any. will be my coup Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet rom fly on thekidneys, iver and owe , cleanses the sys- tem efi‘ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevegs and ogre: habittphsl consti ation. p o igs is 6 only rgmedy oiwi‘tis kind ever ro- duoed, pleasing to the taste an ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly; bene cial 1n its AW luv-ova.- vâ€"â€" -â€" V eflects, pre redonl from the most healthyan agreeab esubstanoes, its manxfiexoellentqualitiesoomngendit to and have made it the most po ularremedy known. . p of Figs is for sale in 75c bo es b all leading druggxsts.’ Any reha' {ale «in? who may not have it onahan will procuye‘ it» ONE ENJOYS swam! Mr. $ng Hill, {Inâ€""But. fathcr, young a y ou mt me to may strum dreadfully! Mr. Mun-w Hill. Stuâ€""Thu who no difl'orence. She is rich. and lful' you on untried I. tittlo you will find that lb. will all: in: enough to nit yank-[Tm- sud bribing them by offerings and music to hound the culprit to death within the yeer. It continues for three days end nightsâ€" ifthe terrified thief does not confess and make restitution before that time, 3 result very frequently achieved. Europeans liv- ing in China. have tried this method, but not with much success, as the gouging end other discordant sounds which constitute the “ music ” so effectually drive ewsy sleep that the neighbonrin foreigners insist on its being intermitted urin the night, and so, say the Chinese, spell t e chum. Of late years, Chinese newspapers on the European model have been stsrted, end ere well supported in the mutter of sdvertiseâ€" meets. So now, the loser of beak-notes or other portable preperty csn, end very fre- nently does, snnounce his loss in hinese in the columns of one of the lending dailies, ofi'ering suitsble revsrds for the recovery of his mgrty end the detec- tion of the thiel. ClPhe uro settlement menlt st Shsn he; alone of tans of Chinsf emp aye re ctectives st e o the ratepayers When, if ever. the guess government will follow the exemple set them 'y this “ western ” community, it is impos- sible to predict. um, .vu. When any article disappears from n pri- vate house and one of the inmates is suspect.- ed of purloining it, in is usual. before having recourse to the magistrate, who under-fin amt huge fees fox: doing ‘ayy‘tl‘xing, or :29 - ing, to c1511 it}; vpjriierstragd bald uâ€"éommina- non service. This consists in INVOKIXG THE EVIL S?“ Vu Iluv Dw~--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"° was found to be an inch shorter thm the rest, as the thief had, under cover of the darkness, endeavoured to circumvent the gupposed divine power by biting n bit 03 1; another ease, wth several servants were suspected of theft, each man was given a bamboo of the same length, marked with his name, which had tobe deposited in an urn before a small shrine in the outer prison where they were confined. The ofieer announced that the culprit}: rod would grow, by interposition of Providence, one inch during the night. ‘The'pri‘eonere were then ,n A, AL- _.__ {oz-1:25 up, noowatdrbcifiti kept on the On the reguseprling 9f ‘ e‘ court, one ,, LI. _.. came, he tried to outwit the gods by rubbing his finger on the bottom of the saucer : but, to his horror, when he reached the light, his face was all over black marks, the wily commander having held the saucer over a him) before commencihg the experiment. _-_.-._.1 _‘â€"-n6- KNWNG BEFORE THE MOB, and, dipping his finger in a nucer of water, to smear his face all over, being warned that, if he Were guilty, the divinities would mnke his face uppeu: streaked with black. When the Ehief'a‘ turn tune. Before mic dame. ho mama ‘. solemn service, which m 9wlongod till evening. When night; fell, ho mustered the crew and called t em one by one into the dimly-1i hted cabin. Hero each m had to make so emn declaration of his innocence, vv vluuv Auun vva- ___, vo obdurste. 111nm“ no o'dlod. From one no oath or affirmation h denuded the breaking of a smear find 0 her {amt 19$ 63111111151011 n11 oath to a imam 1|! own1n Eu 3!: law-130m: 1min alto un~ ghbwn 011111950 courtl. 8 glaciation or refuse. to 1mm 1- 1110 "1:313 1110': we: 110113â€"101-1 he is ju so, 5111:, m4 ci-owi qpo ae‘titor ‘al1 ‘ and 110' cdu' 1101‘boo 1 0'0 fiaéence 136.1 age -15 912111311an 811‘ 01' 111 e 831111031. on o 8 1°18 m 1:63 “““ 1:1” 1” 1111 in legitnms Shouf‘fi‘gi 8 qcé o ls {0113‘ 0" aqncc‘, 1‘3““ 11 2211 1 .3111: __ .11. L mm JUDXCIOUI TIRMRIBINC to elicit a lull confpulon of hi: 3111?... q "W“ , rover eleeeee bola“ him! eupmtuloue. :13“ judlehl lav:- dgflh: Theda; "It". plan 3 e um hell ll e lolty bu M of wood. un- eelled. end here 0! Hum lure eeve for use rel-ed dell e: the north end. vhere lueeted glen-«e. “tended by hle the meaningful! eeoreterlee. the. end Mason. The only )1qu oomee tron peper lumen- or eotm eke in oil oupe pe, which but. eem to by!“ promlnence the weird ehulom emu; eboub may. more end lurking mm the Woodwork ol the tool. Sllenoe {revenge}: low Ipeotwoie ruch- the proceedings landing llke tunnel. The wound . dCh ed hen the (let-kneel and filth o! a Way-1m in forced w kneel before ehe udgment- an throng been the trial ened by!“ tmtment end appalled by Inn on “per- ltltloue lmeglnlnge, he oft ten requires only cruel hut-en to "mn mum Chin u n0 01'3““th (grams? «mom unmann- vb“ h Mb. the some of A notable urine for flu o! tasking lnquirkl. and spin m omn lookod up with mm d prhon- ,ntotf’toyormi out: Hill! mt. Tho I“ .-_--l.. -.. --â€"O.I'Au- 01mm IN MINA. How the crimQaTa are Drama. A fluent Conveifitioufilt. W8“ I! he AmumOMK-fl“ Km '0 I." m DUB 8 FEET HEMLOOK [UMBER Konstantin“ Dachtoototmnu-It» Bill Timber, Lumber, Shinulex. Lath Cement, Plaster at Paris and Gharwalinbnlk, Em. Etc. Farmers and Builders THE HATHBUN BUY Mum-sleuth“ 'glEmâ€"Elq an Efics E 0118930 ghghiimc}! on] 399 arsapanna " ' mm 32%‘932933" It. is on my job to put up A good wheel- borrow and it costs only a. "tnflo. Buy a. whodifyoubuno-o .1!de: who! a {tune like thil_ox_ae,_u_sing tough .mtlipg !hexn end the lever, Fig, 4. Fig. 3 is In on 3: shown in the cut, with 1 piece noi ed m one side to form e book. and holds it in place when the wheel in taken 05. This Sock should be mode of hard wood and an be ogented with one bond-G. E. Hun- in the bottom board. A nail will secure the door shut. Excsute s couple of inches of din in the open spsce. E. for one or more steel traps. Before fixing the imp in place i)“ e ooupie of live chickens in it. end shut. hes: in. I cough: a. vessel the first nighs end s skunk the second. In one ease I covered the trap with light dirt. in the other with chsfi’. The entrance st. E my be narrowed if wished by s smell stoke st eseh sideâ€"Fern: end Home. thong box fining over both handles and wheel may take its placeâ€"one the! "will hold 5 to 8 bu. The end board 1.: the handles should slide in and our. sad the umgcment will be found most hmdg. Legs mode like these elide Along on t 0 ground and do not bmk easily. My wagon jack is nude of inch Iumbor. or ”dye. Fig. 1 shows the bed. piece. abonc. t. it long. Figs. 2, 2 no braces sad “and“ 5. one on each aid: of the bed piece, to flu: a. half-inch bolt. pusu through "Two you: no 1 had 3 severe time: 0! the Grip, which left me in a terribly weak and do- mum agitation. _ Lu: ylnggr Lhul ngomgr b1 tinted comma. Lu: wink!” hul no or 111'} on. my 11 §wm§u fiwvozb‘ “t W {13.3 52»? {Jim W3 ‘3: .fitfl". ' Wigwam g noises In m mw,,115e :1 mm: 23 so had sex ere hem aches nu ~â€"PM« m m Wu. “ To C. I. Rood Co.. Lowell. Mum: Tremendou- Bolrtug (n the Road n 0. Oglfim Like a Waterfall amt Suzanna After the Grip Hood's Smapuflla. 2?” 11min); h y55111130“; much 3 31?? Efies one??? gansaz The Rathbun A Homo-Mode Whoolbumw. on: 5E0!“ m: cm have“ Sinking Palns‘ All Buy Working Jack. at Lindsay, mmm 2%“ Incl-MI. 5 TO 6 PER GEN T. run” up 008er runs. to” M O to '1 per ml. inm- an. 81' GB 116%. Payment: Also on an m M 8m tram twowtwenw: Alum : mwslmofu ‘1. Into 9!._ 3T _G_B§”Im. “4:0an 1‘. Mn“, U10?! 0! me MIDI- ot Mun. Annex-lay flm... U W “â€"794,- HIAP HONEY TO LOAN IN SUMB it”! 3.0, $1.53!: “.0 to 7 W ocnt- 1MP!- nu thaw-Nomad 01707 him i "an. D EAGLESON, o w man: of mum Book at um um written nu. Statement: at Account made out. Baum cheats prepared. anmmmwuunzu bookobytbe Manama. Boohoponed orbustnoaamen game WMJflQQ #0 Wymut. uncut. tdjnnod‘ All and: of mum Ingtruguon tum Indonble gamut on sand. Aha-contact thoIUTUAL RESERVE Fund mmmeumumnl ruminants comm lathe world. Patio-w o Intendto hare will-pg my bgugnonzing In an. MONEY '1'0 LO_A_N fl‘é’w“ n the u: Int. n m: on! 1‘0 LOAN. IMO-1' I HONEY TO LOAN Good um and town mu 3: .bovo um. mmwumount tad «exam . ambulan- sad «but uonrluu accented. B. J. k X. H. UCLAUGBLIN. W. to" Baker's Block, Lindsay. Bent. u. Intâ€"23. m m 38“ i await. mm 1m " magma I. 0- am. P. I. Woodflna J.ooncmruunmsmmau ”weaning-min!!! V . MUNICIPALITY or 093. "so:- AICI AG”! “to. hue Ind Aostdut. but Won. H0!” 10 LOAN. Prim other hand. .: Lowest Rm Gm Amman Rob! was Amt. etc. Once. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. LINDSAY. AnfltlfiSSVâ€"fl-ly. mama! 3.099321% Wu“ “K 25‘ A _;A_ n __4_. D" 39".“ um. And the Minted“! . wâ€"v an ‘5’, antinuclear-oh REMEDY.‘ who 7 n wax in éfmnum'l acumen??- Mug: uh_u_oh' {W gig?” LO H’s CATARRR M. A“. 1. “-17. ”W "glued ANDIRBON no now I!" Museum: both print. um M m 9 tom: outrun! ru- mm. Nov. 1'. flat-:5 39p. a. was amour 1.0"! A! m: I0"? um um New Advertisements. Veteginary Surgeons. ‘I It‘ll :11 1‘ I .4 80 U¢.l¢30 0“ 80...! 395.0 44‘ h‘ Urns: TO mm; on. Mom: ONIY TO LOAN. 3: mm 019;]: o!_ the ME!“ r. O'BOYLE, CLERK 015 mg: Bumess Cards lonor, tokém_.- a -WW£.$ Vu‘fii’éz'i ”hafig’orfl mags twat 969‘s, emu!- KENNY, G.M.V. ,0 ,c-Pn Wmm' fifi‘ffisfi; ELSA: gm“: J. unnnglgnfi. .. m WWW mm“ W um Holman...uT..i.§it53 m.iad1tolo.ll. Lindon. Aprils. 1391.48 yr I! m m 0!.- dam-ta. 66?.“ crown tanned. T y m§;‘£;“‘”fim‘ ' "'3 gfimg 3:43.53" 1% can». a?” u u. 1: 0e can 1mm 0» uhmi m ”an. sud 10099.31. ‘1' communication. r -"w- {M57H3mRYQ'CHfimgotâ€"hyaw ngoou. 99mm hwfil’nygcgwtqug‘ok Aiiiumfimnf-m’ Guild Trunk 8 Hndaay Dis ct Oflco sud reddanoo. m gnumg now $991 otAYork-ot. pylon yuan. [at «I. unmo- studied am On. was: Ah. unu- Dr. Cotton at New Vaughn on: :1 cu to: “mount mm luau: that no to 'Jut m MB. and fin 10117.88: Donut. m: on: an mum: hu [Man um [u 11an move: :5 son: to my mun-umn wllhout pain or Mun-1.11“!" tooth o mam-“a4 mm“ mm w '- and: made by Mr. Nnu’mm to: out : ugh (mm-m. tom 6 51mm vm m gm! toucommg, omco comm U 7 no 0! Unsvénu ot Trum' conq- Tot-now: 140mm 0! 04.9869! Ph? .9“! ‘3! bastion. June flit. lamâ€"534:. D. 3mm am. men Block. Kan-n; Lind-y. Ontu'lo. A lame amount. 02 may to loan .5 lowest mm at “:2th and mm- 0 on“ borrowera. Linduy. Sept. 14. 183.311. "nun! DENTIST. mum, ,- - can DR. WM. WW, 0. M. MEDICAL, mum to m. awkwmoqm Goodw' mb"'1in£'"-ii' it’miiirom ' ’ .' lb " vellum um commodionu ample rooms. Inn- nu. Oct. 28. 1m 4m". U x. “mm”. mom. I lave lasted this Commun- Hotel on Linden-0L. and term-Manon ud rented the gumbo: throughout. Thu Bar will be on“: with Best Brad or Liquor: and Clean. om- oubung 3nd 3mm!" Medan. um. Dec. um. 1891â€"3643. 36:33: ism." "Luisa: Oilâ€"0310mm me mm.“ 0.3. mm. 0.0. 1mm!- __ d '12:}- Dominion maxi nines in the New pomuon Bud: humans. William-0L. Una-m mam, em. 00ch o Ontâ€"384.7. 8.8. homers. D 3. Canon. l ’ imam a: Morisonâ€"m mm on. 000., Wuhan-0L. may I'- D. loan. M 1m. xmun mm M- won current at. I! III! . 0a. 12. lm-g-yr. doom-to amaze mini Architects and Sm meg”. H HARALD. 8., 0 EN TI 8 '1." oumwwcmamm aw. H. 08088. LE8. DENTIST. M. 8m. 1.3974”. CIA". mm" M! KM M oSWEYN ANDERSON, sun-can. m. m. Ofim immefl'akl opposite the Duly House. 'ent m Jam: uaSwny, , 99;!“ a. m. wammrw 1m DIOKBON, 0HN_ A. BARRON Q_._ 0., (Solid!!! LUMAN HOUSE, mmwf .OMMERCIAL HOUSE, may. Ann-qua. 1892.~17. n. smpgox. BHstgux, 9:36:1- DY AL’ 1101317: W4. H2089. Freud-:2“; . , Swims-13.99: OPKINS CHISHOLM, (succes- Ion to MARTIN HOPKINS Baub- 1803110031959. 0000. No. 6. William-ct. 1713 m 46 STEWéRT. DAB-31.3- OORE JACKSON (Sacco-onto P. DW,_BABR£S§I:EB, SOLI- J. a M: a. DICPAUGELDL V2793! Ff'ii'." ._ - tâ€" B 'ooavuxef'iuy 7 43533“? Barristers. Etc. animus-aw. IONEY TO LO”. Phyucnns. Hotels. Den :1: try 1:002:sz

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