Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1897, p. 4

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.- ...-o -_4 A“ "Donnaâ€"u- PA “A 4A.. ..-061 -1 vv -' r1 9 Orv-even ’9! 94 P‘!!!“" octionof . ? ~ 3" 138289-3583”: sass 4 THE cannons WY. R. S. Porter. ____â€"_____â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 1897 111111111 Porter’s Bookstore. We are ready to supply you now with NEW SPRING WALL PAPER at very low prices PllllIEB’S llllflllfilfll MR. H. R. McLEAN 1 our only Collector and Canvasserzfor T1111: Cannons P081. and is authorized to grant re- coipts for subscriptions. etc. and transact all ordinary business- ‘I-Zlhr Canadian gloat. 'niiffissv, FRIDAY. FEB. 19, 1897." \ MAJOR M’GILLIVRAY. To touch or even hint at the irregulari- ties of last June in regard to the ballot stufiing affair of North Ontario, is' enough to set Major J .A. McGillivray afiame. So tender is he on this point that any innocent remark dropped by an opponent is apt to be construed by him into an insinuaticn that he was a party to the affair. Last Saturday one of our sturdy resi- dents from the north was discussing election matters in general, when the major became very wrathy at a casual remark dropped. This caused the major to make a show of himself, to the amuse- ment of the occupants of the car, and his language on the occasion was not very refined. His opponennhowever, was just as powerful a man as the major, and he quietly and coolly told him if he dared to repeat the language he had used he would smash his mouth. The gallant major thought discretion the better part of valor. ” _______â€"â€"â€"â€" EDITORIAL NOTES. The American senate has ordered a war-ship to Indiaâ€"but grain and not powder will be its cargo. There are two kinds of good lndian nowâ€"the dead Indian, and the Indian on the reserve who votes right. Those Manitoba farmers talk plain free trade. They are not afraid of the bogey of direct taxation, and they have respect for Canadians as being able to hold their own with any people. I: was very considerate on Major Beattie’s part to lend Peel $10 to flee from London and take refuge in Michigan. Peel certainly did what he could to get Major Beattie counted in. Dr. Koch thinks he has discovered a toxin which will lessen the virulence of the rinderpest. The disease has been annihilating great herds at the Cape, and if his seru'n should prove to be a success as a prophylactic it will be of immense alue. The Nevada legislature has legalized pugilism and defeated female suffrage, and, impressed by the ease with which the prize fight act slipped through. capitalists are now engineering a bill to legalize alottery. Nevada seems to _be making a bid for areputation of being the worst state in the union. So that Bradley-Martin ball did not cost the ambitious couple $500,000, but about $300,000, and all told not over $150,000 was spent. It was enough. Some of us have had as much real fun at a threshing floor “frolic,” where the music was furnished by an amateur fiddler and the "favors" were distributed at the end of each set. And they were not boquets of orchids or silver snuff-boxes either. Mr. Gage, the next secretary of the U. S. treasury, at a banquet last Friday night, spoke at some length on the economic situation in the S'ates. He gave utterance to this significant remark : “There are real mistakes to be corrected. We have violated the natural laws which govern the realm of economics with the same force and power that they do in the physical realm " Those are strange words coming from one who has been selected by McKinley, the high priest of the protection idolatry, to fill a cabinet office. Does it mean that even he sees the light and is about to turn toward it? At the New York bicycle show is ex- hibited the biggest wheel in the world. It is fiften feet high, twenty-four feet long, weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds, and has tires eight inches in diameter. rfect In construction it is a pe reproducti in of its manufacturer's regular size 1897 wheels. The costliest bicycle in the show is one built for the occasion. It Is a tandem and represents an outlay of $10,000. Ono maker has a sign 72 feet 10 , which contains 800 electric lights. 11The railing of another booth con- sists of the front forks and stems of wheels. Cue wheel shown has been ridden 34,338 miles in one year. The bicycle is “very much in it" these days. mayor of Lindsay had told town council were desirous of selling refuge house in which Ops had a third interest, and had appointed a committee to confer with Ops council regarding the sale. Mr. Currins Hopkins, that the reeve and deputy-reeve be a committee to act with the Lindsay committee on the muttonâ€"Carried. Currins, that the reeve and Mr. Hopkins consult the township solicitor as to whether Ops council or the railway company is liable for the removal of M r. and the building of a wire one at the Hopkins crossing,as the desired improvement should be made as soon as practicable.â€" Carried . Hopkins, that William Skuce’s resignation thmaster be accepted, and that John trade promises to eclipse now busily outraged In putting them up, and Is receivin He represent t e Ontario Win 8: Pump 00.. of Torcnfo. as Hickson (lot 3, con. 7), be appointed path- master pro tem in his placeâ€"Carried, the pe east of the Lindsay corporation, addressed the council with much earnestness, that said streets were only nominal, and were simply used as dumping grounds for rubbish ; that they were willing to pay fc them if the council would only assume thom and make the transfer. council desired to close all useless by-roads, as the regular highways required all the money they could ex ceedtge localitydaréd ct.ib f h do an an e istr uticn o t oprocee of theysale oqf said lanes the council would M183 558'“. endeavor to comply with the request.“ the petitioners. 6 were present to oppose the transfer of the west pa tion to section 4, as requested by No. 6, and although three mile limit or so attempt is made todisguisethefactthat they are dismissed for political reasons only, as the three reformers are the only ones interfered with. The announcerhent was made a short , time ago, by some papers, thatihe bill for the branding of cheese and registra- tion of cheese factories and creameries, submitted last session to parliament, came into force Jan 1st, 1897. This is not so. As yet the bill has not received the sanction of parliament. In the course of this winter circulars have been sent out from the department of agriculture, pur- posely to ascertain, previous to presenting the bill a second time, what is the opinion of the parties interested as to the advisability of its being made law, but it is too early yet for owners of cheese factories and creameries to send in their applications for brands and registration numbers. â€".â€"â€"â€" The little island of Crete, south of Greece, 160 miles long by 20 miles broad, has a population of 200,000 Christians, 60,000 Mohammedans, 2,000 Jews and a few foreigners. It was conquered by the Dorians 1,000 B. C., by the Romans 67 B. C., by the Saracens 823 A. D., by Nicephorus Phocas 961 A. D. On the conquest of Constantinople by the crusad- ers, Crete was allotted to Boniface, Marquis of Montferrat, who sold it to the Venetians in 1:204 A. D. The Turks took the island in 1609. It was ceded to the Viceroy of Egypt in 1830 and restored to the Ports in 1841. The Christians re- belled against Turkish rule in 1858, and again in 1866, the European powers coin- pelliug submission to the Turkish authorities in 1869. If the powers keep out of the scrimmage this year,Greece will undoubtedly assist Crete to success in throwing off the Turkish yoke for good and all. A bill has been introduced in the local legislature which has for its purpose the lessening of the number of town councillors. The bill provides that in towns of over 4,000 in- habitants the council shall consist of 3. councillors to be elected by general vote, and two councillors for each ward. The council of towns of 4,000 and under is to consist of a mayor and six councillors to be elected by general vote, and the council of every incorporated village of a reeve and four councillors to be elected by general vote. and the council of every township is to consist of a reeve and four councillors, who shall be elected by general yote where the township is not divided into wards, and where the township is divided into wards, of a reeve who shall be elect- ed by general vote, and one councillor to be elected from each ward. ’ OPS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Regular Meeting Last Monday- Con- siderable Business Transacted. Pursuant to adjournment Ops council met at 10 km. All members present. The minutes of last meeting were read, and on motion of Mr. Hutton, seconded by Mr. Currins, were duly confirmed. COMNUSICATIONS. From Mr. Geo. Smith, township engineer, in reference to Reaboro village survey. From the Women‘s Christian Temperance Union of Toronto, asking aid for the maintenance of a refuge house for poor or unfortunate girls seeking em loymeut. A petition from Bugil obson, Joseph Staples and others, praying that tho council assume certain lanes or streets forming a part of the west half of lot 21, con. 7, with a view of having said streets closed. From pothmastcrs adjoining the Omemee road, stating the quantity of gravel taken from the Griffin gravel pit for Ops roads in 1896. mayor and two aonrrons’ nsronr. The auditors’ report for 1896 was sub- mitted to the council. After briefly review- ing the some, Mr. Currins movod, seconded by Mr. Robertson, that tho auditors’ re rt be received, that one copy be forwards to the department, Toronto, and the other fyled for reference; and that in view of the treasurer’s annual financial statement being printed, a printed abstract of the auditors' report is not neocssary.â€"Carried. HOUSE OF REFUGE. The reeve informed the council that the him that the the moved, seconded by Mr. .1 mixes mam Mr. Robertson moved, seconded by Mr. Hunter’s board fence mmxanox ACCEPTED. Mr. Robertson moved, seconded by Mr. OBJECIIOXABLE STREETS. Messrs. Staples and Dobson, on behalf of titioners for closing the unused streets On behalf of the council the reeve said the nd; A scuoor. cosmos. The trustees of public school section No. rt of lot 16, con. 5, from their ace- the owner, 12 ycun spend t e eveningstwlth our cstoomed pastor, Rev. F. B. As to the sexes, Mr. Edltcr- well, “there were six of one. and half-edema cf the other." The evening was bright and mild; the slclgblng good, and the drive was no doubt appreciated to the full extent. The young people s chat and in several games. amusement and song. ever-edible “oyster" was not fc the load, and formod a “refresh up" part Tl: the refreshments that were served. a ly dc evening's showing a spthal reference He will be absent about a month or st ,. weeks, by a host of admirers. that he would misslcnrr, presided. or persons interested, ccntrlbutod by the scholars. and Miss Rennie cf WIck,Bundlc famIlyof Sonya, 113'"ng ti buttneprl escom ugcocs c. cos y Times has added to his already popular cheap Mr. Wm. D. Hunter, who was also present. §:fi$}?t‘ifiafiw 31:27:: $.53: Mr. It was shown that the aggregate assessment do .11 kinds of tepalrfn ‘t of section N o. 4 is twice as large as that of 3011“. a” new war said liud I! within the cheaply done. Give him a hoolhouso No. 4, tho for yourself how cheap has three Order your spring suit at once so you will LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS LITTLR BRITAIN. [Warn-ram] Ceriumâ€"Tho Little Rush: Home Circlere have deeldodbcholdagrsndcon' certanrldayevenhIccfthIowesk. They havesecurodtbeservlcescftbelnlmltabls "Jimmy" Fax. Canada's most popular humorist, caricaturist and droll.perscna- tor. The famous Veale family, of Cart- wright,willbe present to furnish orchestral strains. Master Prank Busland, who has attained a local celebri . will render vocal selections, and Mlss Innis, of Llnd- say, so well and favorabl known, will sot asaccom tandcontrl uteinstrumcntal music. be public are cordially invited to attend. Banyanâ€"The special services held last week were the most successful yet held, several young men deciding to walk In the narrow way. The meetings continued un- til Wednesday, when the were closed. They began on Jan. 4th, I no lactic six and one-half weeks. Much good has done; the membership has been wonder- fully quickened and blessed, and over thirty persons have openly professed con- version. Parmesanâ€"Mr. Damon, of Bowman ville, Is here on an extended visit to his sister. Mrs. J. Blewett ...... Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Lobb, of Minn. U. 8., have been renewing old acquaintanceshlp, after an absence of 21 years. They speak highly of Uncle Sam's country and people-....Mlss S. J. Wickett, of Salem, spent a few days with relatives and friends here ...... Mrs. Graham, of Glandlne, Is the est of her cousin, Mrs. Gregg ...... Mr. ssley and Miss B. Cornish spent Sabbath and Mon- day with relatives at Prince Albert ...... Miss Stevens, our pular dress and man- tle maker, is hell ayirg In Lindssy. It Is a well earned rest ...... Mr. S. Tbcrburn spent Sunday at his h me, Salem. . . .Capt. (Vol-.15) Yersx, of the Salvation Army bar racks, of Morrisb . Ont, is home on furlough. Her healt Is slightly impaired through excessive work, but after a month's recruit she hopes to resume her duties. . .. Mr. S. and Miss A. Netherton spent Suc- dsy and Monds with Prince Albert friends ...... Mr. . Littlrprout. of Myrtle, is visiting friends In the village and vicin- ity. ..... Rev. F. B. Stratton spent Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday In Toronto, being sent as delegate from the Little Britaln Lodge of A O. U. W. to the grand lodge of Ontario ...... Mr. R. Jeffrey, of Kirktleld, Is looking up old friends again. ....Rav. J. S. Mcuulicn, accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Sailes, visited Bethanv on Saturday,returnln on Tuesday... Rev. W. B. Tucker, cf Ills, will preach here on Sabbath morning at 10 a. m. Snnvxcssâ€"The pul it of the Christian church was ably fill on Sabbath morn- Ing by Mr. E. A. Hardfi B. A., of Lindsay Collegiate Institute. e drew very many interesting lessons from the life and labors of St. Paul. . . .Rev. F. B. Stratton preach- ed an eloquent sermon on ‘ The race for life." Sunday morning....Tbe Rev. A. R. Delve discoursed from Numbers 10: 29, In the cveuIng....C.ptaIn Iorcx. of Morris- burg S. A. stud, assisted at both services. Cosvmvno .â€"The semi-annual conven- tion of Marines: Township local Union of C E. will be held In the Methodist church, Little Britain, on Friday evening, 26th Inst. Addresses are expected from prominent ministers of this district on important subjects. Papers will be read by prominent local workers on the various lines and departments of C. E. work. Full particulars will be issue. Meetlng will u at 7.30 p. In. 1': Ewanâ€"Our hotel-keeper, Mr. J. Jen- kins, bavIcg been charged with selling Intoxication liquor contrary to provisions of Local Option by-law. admitted his guilt without um, and paid over the duo amounting In all, we believe. to 855. Busmnss. â€" Professional business Is booming In our burg. Dr. Hall Is contem- plating tbe erection of telephone communi- cation wlth Valontla. The poles are alresd cut and out, and as soon as poaslb e the work will be begun. It will run by way of the 2nd concession and locate at W. Suggltt'e store. This will be a good acqulsltlcn to Valentin, as the line wIIl be connected so as to call up the groin warehouse, Oakwood, Lindsay. etc. Thls cute so is commendable, and will not only a convenience In modlcal, but many other matters. Phenomenaâ€"We extend our congratu- Iven In next week's lotlons to Miss Anna Badman, of this vlllage, new of Toronto. on her success In the cIvIl service cxaquatIou, and the appolstmont to a pcoItIon in the office of the minister of agriculture, Ottawa, as rsonal secretary to Hon. Slcney Fisher, '1’. Burnâ€"On Monday cvcnln sporty of people came from galentla to rattan, and family. no the evening In social ment, and indulgence In The tteu In nests left at an early hour, apparent- ted with their reception and the yment. Norxaâ€" . John You had a wood-bee on Monday. and with a force of six saws his log-pile was rapidly demolished. The “tally” in store for the boys no doubt ved a great Incentive to hard work and to keen contests of muscle ...... Tafi' -pullr, Quilting and ran bees, etc., are all t a rage Jus week has been beautiful, and iustly re- deems February's unenvIable reputation. ...... The carnival advertised for Tuesday night has been postponed on account of the mild weather. . . .Mr. P. Conquergood. of Lindsay, has the contract of erecting a Brantford windmill for J. J. Campbell. . . . Mr. Whit-ismlth. of Manllls, paid our village a business visit on Tuesday ...... Mr. and Mrs. Blewett are now able toget out once more after a severe illness of seven weeks’ duration. now ...... The weather of the past Boomuo â€"ll!r. W. E. Yerex, cur genlsl and enterprising agent. has done a rush- lng business in many lines of machinery thls past season. but notably in erection cf windmills. But the coming season's all others. He Is orders all along tile I‘lhne. , u c On FOR U S.-D.-. A. E. Vrccman, our pulsr townsman, left on Monday fcr a flaw York city, where he Intends purauln course of study in the hoepltal wI lc clinics and surgery. and his genial face will be missed Concernâ€"The basket social and concert given In Hoover schoolhouse on Eldry evenin leg to gathered. Mr. Fred. Shaver. county com- was not very well attended, cw- clement weath' r. About 50 folks The program was Mr. Wostccmbe and other. were auctioned by Mr. Thor. realised were very low. who at tended expressed themselves as well repaid for their pains. A New Emmss â€"Mr '1‘. H. Morton store a first class boot and sbre dto etchcrtes; m - an ”ii-Isl) aild see he sells goods. road leading thereto is more t The conservative town council of Col- mun-.115 ”fifwl’omil" A"; ”:01; °E°°li°di have It 1“ timeâ€"544w. ' -, mutu ysstis actory to w ic t o counci __â€" lingwood has shown us soreness over the mud. ' Oh 1 Notes. state of the party in Domini" 'on politics by summarily dismissing every liberal in the employment of the corporation, al- though since the Domiuicn elections In Junotherehasnotboonasolitarychange In the government oflicials in the riding, and they are, all conservatives. The the council has caused a great doalcfillfeeling. Oneofthe cfidals dismissal is the chief of police. who has boananofidcnboficorforovor twenty years. main-t Hutton, that the following accounts he paid, namely : N «In: hate brought ted. “:01 bfigs‘gyhchno‘wb .Vlr. Currins moved, seconded by Mr. w. r. O’Boxns, 111.111. â€"Tho evangelistic services In the Queer» st. church are continued ths week, and willbeforapart of nextwock.oudpos- tilio old man. wgth ted tho v cos were con uc , R . J. W. Macmillan. by Wm sv from the thoolcgrl but from tho books of the law, his studies by the Holy Spirit. His words a meaning and authority above the quIbblIugs and llatlenossoo of the % gives this some help to any of His w and Itlsto thowllllng heart. rather than the high intellect that He reveals the beauty and wisdom of his truths. In the words of the l7ab and l8th verses we have a torso yet com to vlew of life, of every christian’s life should be ...... Tho sermon In the evening was for the curlers. Methodist parsonago, W I. l W13scu, of a daughter. Presbyterian church, on Wodnoodny ‘8ru.bytbo Rev. J. Oourloy. D.D, lies Jun le- Burno ,formorlvcf this town, was married to I: Ind Os MAY, he rein, law-By Elias Bawos,suctlou. Os lospav, Incl! Int, IU‘l-By Bliss Bower, sue .' Os benscsr, lsscs 8rd. 1891-!” Bliss Bowos. COMMUNICATIONS. no Poor or the North Country. I'Dtboxlltorcf'l‘ssml Smâ€"hycurlsouccuan. sou: appear- odwbatwaolncended. node-bi. to has "pend“ address given by no before the Gleancr's Unless of St. Paul's church Lledsay.anan.23od. ItIsvcymIsIoad- lug. howevor,aomyexact wordsworonot quoted, as the article wculdlod one to be- lieve, and mysemarks wero,lnocmecaocs. food so that to the unthinking per- scnthcymlghtbe taken to apply to tlo people In oral, rather thsntolndlvldu 1 cases. “ whacker," In his so races to reply, has evidently overlooked a fact that the word “some was used twice, and was no doubt Implied throughout the re- mainder cf the report. My remarks was not confined to the Esscnville dIstrIet, but If “Bushwhackcr” can prove his statement that there are 1 stores within aradlus of four miles in EssenvIlle, In any direction, and that the destitution Is confined to members of the Church of England, his remarks may have some wclgbtwtbe best proof that It Is not is the fact that a minister of one of the other denominations mentioned has been distributing bales cf clothing to the poor in this mission. I do not wish to prelocg this dlscussltn. Mr. Editor, but if “Bushwhacker” will come from under the covert of his ”Nam de plume" he will be shown many cases where he wIll be free to exercise his Im plied willingness and smiley to help those Indistresaâ€"Yours. etc, . H. Vases. Essen-lilo, Feb. 11th. 1397. ...â€"..gâ€"uâ€" Shall Curfew Cease to Ring ‘.’ ”‘0 the Editor of Till Post.) Dxan Simâ€"It was with great surprise and sorrow that members of the W.C T.U. read of the notice of motion for the repeal of the bylaw regulating the ringing cf the bell at 9 n. m. each evening. It may not be generally ksown that the W. C. T. U. has a Curfew Bell department of work, and that considerable itfort has been put forth by many Unions through out the province In petitioning munlci- politics to_ adopt the by-law. Although our local Lulcn did not directly ask the council of 16 to move in the matter. still we are highly pleased with the curfew. and do sluccrely hope that trc present council may not abollsb It. Many belIeve the curfew b -law to be a step In . right dIrectIcv, an testify to Its good effects on the community. If there are good reasons why the by-law should be repealed we would be glad to hear them. Auythlng that ed’scts the weal or was of socie concerns us. The curfew by-Iaw as been adopted by the followin cities and towns of Ontario : Waterloo, In, Owen Siund. Sault Ste. Marie. Cornwall, Kingston. Orlllio, Lake- new. St. Thomas. Glcncoc. Wallaccburg, Gait, Cobourg. Colllngwood, Barrie. Kin- cardine,Ncrwch, Walkertcn. WIndscr,Amherstbus-¢ code Peter- bcro, Graveuhurst, Wlartcn. ton. Huntsville, Paisley, Ottawa, Strutfoed. At the present time a movement Is on foot to Introduce the curfew In the clty of Hamiltonâ€"Yours respectfully. Warn: Rise inn. Church Nob... -â€"'l‘he anniversary unless of tho Cam bridge-st. Methodist church wIll be held next Sunday. Rev. A. Burns. S. T. D , L. L D., of the Wesleyan Ladles' Collette. Hamilton, wIll occupy tho pulplt. lie Is a strong and thoughtful speaker. tic addresses awakcnlr his listeners to ro- nowed action and s . We expect largo congregations on thls occasion. â€"At the close of the morale: service In St. Andrew's church on Sunday.tbo ordluo tleu of tbs-so addlelonal ruling elders took place. The members appointed to this office were Messrs. Theo. Stewart, T. J. Ray and W. J. Williamson. The lesson In connection wltb this servlce was the 1.. chapter cf Titus, the text for the sermon being taken from John. 13b eba , last of 0th verso. "And Peter as unto Im. Lord. dost then wash my feet." ...... In the evenlulr the address was on tho evils of lyIn . the texts for wbch woro taken from pb. I: 25 “Wherefore. put- ting away lying, o ovary mantruth wIth bls nelgbbor: for we are mombors of one another ;" and In Col. 3: 9. “Llo not to one another, scolnfilthat ye have put 08' o deeds." Both sor- -â€"At the Baptist church on Sunday morn- Ing the pastor preached from John 7, 10 to 18. The words of the text are Christ's re Iytc the marvelllug of the Jews and sets at the ondom of His sayings. brIst had acculred an education, not cal schools of the day, Idod u scan for recognised teachers of the nation. whosoektcknowandtodolils tlcu of ChrIst's own life and of what -'l‘be pastor of the Cambridge-st Methodist church took for 111. text Sun'- fipyainorplug the words as found In I Cor. drlhk,'cr whatsoever ya do, slog of God." While eating and drlnklng other, thereforeayo eat or c all to the ad's glory may be a comparatively easy matter, yet whatsoever Includes everything coming under the attention of man. new members was held ...... The evening discourse was based on the masses Matt. 22 :35 40. In all the activltler, every motive, every purpoe.oebould be under the pontlrg of that one supreme aifectlcn, (ya ohrlstIan. I; controllc by that principle. and his life goes out supremely In love to God 0nd love to man-tho cardinal virtue. The comic the word If God. Is Chrlstliheness, growing up If our life Is centred In that direction we are safe for time and eternity. After the service the reception of In to God. The foal. perfect. Ideal man Is the Ideal of c one on remc test ntc Hlm. BIRTHS. Winsos â€"0n Thursda . Fob. lltb, 1897 at tho _ thowlfcofthr Rev. J. MARRIAGE H cuss-Twonxr.â€"At St. Mary's church. Lindsay, on Feb. 9th. by Rev. hther “obey. of Westport. Mr. David Hickey. (reroute Street Railway to Him Julia Twobey. of nudoay. Twcnnâ€"lnacnxnâ€"At 8t. lary's church. Lindsay. a1 Feb. 9111, by Rev. Father '1‘ . of Westport Ir. m Twcbey. to Him Bridget leach". both of 0pc. . brothel-cf the groom. Tomaâ€"Iowan" â€"-At Hamilton, In St. Paul's ovoolnc, Fob. Tuchor, of Hamilton. _ BALI 81018738. 0s 'l‘ncsscn. m m, IBM-By III-s Lewes, soc Implement; tleooor, valuablo farm stock and tho y of tho Iotolr. Blob-MT wg'ioc'aoonJmm aalootlo'clool up? cor, on lot! con. 14, Karim tho volmblo farm stock and implements of Ir. Archibald lc‘ Arthur. Solo to commence at I o'clock sbar- . I tlouoor form m on one Implemouts. tho property of Mr. T. G Bmursou, I» 19, con c, Iarlpcm. 8an at l o'clock sharp. suctlouoor, farm stock and Imp'asuts, ibo p-oporvy of Ir. Renard Prensa, lot Loon. M, Mormon. Bohetlo'clock sharp. Os Boson, Renaud, ISMâ€"8y Elks Bowman- Ilouoor. :an of homo and lot a. ""1? of Britain. at Ir. Jon Jun.- bot Boiootio'cloek show. 0! WWAI'. P”. Hill. Mâ€"B lb flown, Henry Jackson and Thor. Downoy, for auditing ouch .................................. 7 slbl all of It. The attendance Is good auctions-rmuloH‘Im-n 7. the valuable «In-m Greer. supplmton. G 1d. 8380; L1. 00 cons’IdorIngallthoattrscIIcnstherosroIn “We,“ 0! Ir. AMT-rum. Powers. sans ................... . ..... see an. to". 1:11. mucus oacb‘ ovonr 3" “ 1 0% “whwm Goo GrinInJL‘mil ,forles .rdsgnvohccoyd 8 lb 138 .3 7.” p. I," or I003 mu. Us”. muslin mum 12111.) an 1 ed. m, min . "a oor.valuoblo has m and w, a. cumd' M" can!" m°'°d"'°°md°d by mar ho basex'cellouc headset “I” nil-1'11 "t'uw “"- H° “”1 111111.11...“me ii“ 111,; .‘nnpinuo “flex. am In...‘ “3.1...." ‘ dunno.“ on Monday. srch29thnoxt.wbonpotbmasters, he will M a built “an. and 0' ' u, If III-Dy n. 1000"“qu Poundkm Vin 5° ‘P‘ conduct a mass mas-11mm denser nuisances-shun..- .o I "°' “"‘m" "m m '° 3““ “m miners-.1“ "' °°" ‘ ”’3 J. P. Bygpy. Illilllllll PLllIIlIl} LINDSAY. Opp Kennedy, Davis 8' 5 011': Y FrameS, Sash, Doors, Blinu Mouldings, Trimmings, Et Call and get Prices and 1 met work before you bu SATISFACTION G UA RA .V] [1‘11 1) J. P. RYLE « Tmohone I22. 70711: 0331.111. - avvvvvvvu Bicyclej'EWalcbe5. FOR UNLlGl‘ll . SOfiWRAPPERS. For full particulars ecc- advu. or apply to LEVER BROS.. LTD. TORONTO 4‘1? LINDSAY, FRIDAY. 111?:15. 11- . Nut-0111111111 A Strong Delegation ' British Columbia llOW $0700 00 03,” v)v), 33.00 32.1 10 2%.00 2'2. 00 20, 00 15.00 14.510 0 o -.-r rm CUM MERCIAL NEWS- .â€"..â€"- TIIBY WANT A RAILWAY C. 1 TORONTO .VA IHI'IJI'S. ”mm It“ to Inn From Dorr- Illos and Top the Mining INsIrIrh -Who Wall Cuns?»lon. Ir. [Inner 1. . IllnAhohw ’I‘rnllo In flour «onlluum n-ry dull. \ 1111- Illlt‘llilllgl‘d. Sildlglli mill-1“ ar.-1;11..:1d :11 $31.75. 1 . ‘I’r111l1- «lull-I. “llll 11:".111 (IllUII‘Il (111l- snic “rel :1I $7 Iu 57.5" 11111! BLUIl.‘ all SJ. win-.11 111:11'Lu-1 Iii-d “Illlt'l “Infill I‘ Illlult‘sl I‘lvur 111-11 l-z‘iw Gel the Muslin Busy Ottawa. Feb. was a great Influx 01 11:1: :.l. 1 politicians to the c1111-. " Among tho-III 11.111 >1‘l...‘«.r 'l‘ ' Marines, his son, 1112. ' _ : . lanes. \\l1v;1I 'l'llv l~ quid-1 11ml l‘llllh'l‘ «11-lvr. :11 7k. and “Illn- :11 751‘. band I.~ dull 111 :50, .‘Il-llnml. licrkullral "rrlldt' is dull, qrt-Iu-d :11 :50 I0 260 outsldv. [I;:rli~_\'~'l‘lu- market ls uurlmngvd, No. 1 Is quoiml :11 311-. ,\'0. 2 :11 301- 10 2:0. No, 3 c-uru 111 24c 11nd No. 3 :11 ‘21-. Hut» .‘iurlml ls .Ilwliuugml, with cult-11 of \alllfv :1: 170 I0 lilac “-0.1, and misc-d ls 111:0:le at Itihjc. I'.a~~'l‘bc market ls Hood-v, \vllh salve at and III 401-, middle n. ”a ll - NH. 1 .\l:llhlnlul 11ml :1! ’.â€"I.‘L1\‘Cl.s 1, $1,011, were 81.50, $40.00 35.00 20.00 18.00 15.00 6. 5O 7 50 8.50 10.00 $2.75 COLLABS s 5.00 6.25 8 00 9.00 10.50 12.00 Some 20 odd Overcoats in Men’s and Youths’ to be 2.50, the snap of the season. early. These prices only last Ten Days. E. E. W. MGGAFFEY. New Advorruonon :1. ENDERS wannaâ€"r11.» ol Invites finders for Ibo orcctm. In the Tomb Cyncosslou 11 liner. for wh ch plum and apociflcatlrms may be arm as tho noidouoo «ITncs. Glonny, be" Glenaim, 50.6. or the undovsigrod at any time aIur the IN. on. The Ivy .1 or any tender not ”roundly au-qvtcd, B TRLlAbI, Sec" [Infield P. 0,â€"64-1. 1111's run GAPS: 0915 000!“ tons: 111119113 1 . l’url \\ lllinlll. ,\u. 2.’ hard .‘vlt‘ .‘lldlalld. \vllll car loll .ulfl Mir, noon. Van-11.1% , ... Dr. G. L. Milne, L1b11'11, cums. . Vlcboril 81 U11: 13-51 1'10 1. v , .1 . G. R. Maxwell, 211.11 1 ~ -:.-.. are hole to urge U1-- . name 1 111cm L0 soc-111w.- .1. 1.11.11".~; as substantial aid 10 111.- Vlcborlu. and Ethan Numgallon Compuly, to bu1ld a line through b‘alrview, Rolls Crcrlt, Hey, Boundary L‘f‘rx‘k, low... 1;». ~ East and “’cst liwtrlmy, In em boundary of 131111511 0‘»; 111:1. depufulluu say that 111111111 ment 1:; going 011111 South-~12. .11.; .. 1. cm British Columbia. :1 .1: .1 ~- ~: . gigantic Ill'upul'ilullr. sprung Up 11.1111 4.1.13.- 51.1‘1111-3. Thousands 01 - I‘I'Sldllll-i‘ in this 51ch 1111111111. . .2 . i-ullurnl country, 1111111131111; . Thousands of I1;:I1-'.\ 1.. 1 lm‘alvd and ll"\\ dlSl‘lJ‘x"i.":> . «\‘crl'y 1111)} 001113 CullllllUlllt'uLluil t'lLIvs 01' 121111511 I'vfull1lrl.1 11.1 .1 mom. of thm ununuy 1s H's-uni) '1 ‘ «d, us 1110 ag‘nuuliulh. ~; he \-1w11~~d up 1101‘ perils of Inumpurlullun Illerri'ol‘c llL‘f'u 11011 of (bus runway 11. .. '- IorlIL. Vallvouvvi' and nor may be plat-«1 “mun ..., . of tin. print 1111111111; 111111;: . Illc pl‘ullluicl‘fi 01 [110 null-.11} 1.11 Ultnwn for 11 charter, but \‘~-'I" it by the hallway (391111111111 ‘ that time Dr. Mll11~~_ \1111- . this deputation, uppusml 1~ on the ground which he was Ullr ul‘ 1,.. moterSVIhi- Burmrd 111.": . :.' River CU.â€"hflu.l a char-In: , ' SimmlL-l '13:. companies have ulllllleH. u . make u unlimi aim-1. . eminent for aid. bava an lnh-x‘view mom“: In a certain sense flit: TH regarded as a rival n. 1111 1‘1-~. . Pass lino, although LII“ l-tI-rm-l uvow any oppositmn 1.. 111. , Dr. Milne toldl >011? ~!'= 3.1119... MJ". 1111‘ were llO\V 31k; north and won't, heights. Coru- The market now 11vaqu at 11”.}- Io 201‘ “mu. ‘I‘I1r market I,- dull, wlib fair offer- Thon- were sales 10-day 111 :Ck- 011111. Ushm-nlâ€"The marks-I ls quiet and prim-s Cur lols. $2.83 u. $3. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. The offerings at Ibo Wests-r11 Tunis 10 day were about on our lands. was IIrnu-r. with a gum! dvillulnl for 1h:- bvsl bulvbers' slos‘k. Ilrm, ...-1 \H. \ ..1.l1\_‘uu\1' lLil. v1 .n_ ,1111 p- 1111 unchanged, Wllb . 808E8- “ “1.11;. from L’un‘tuu Um gin-at 11111111.}, 1.1111, “yo Inn. 1;..1‘1'” ulvclmnged. ’I‘bi- milli- maria-1 $3.00 3:151. at less than (’- at :14 00 .-1,ll0 0.25 I , 1.1 ‘50 “In 111118 I LADIES All! Gil MEII8 (IVEIGOAIS : do do do do do Export cattle.- vn-n- selling and boat and Slackers sre quot Bulls bring 21.0 to 3m- pi-r lb_. 116- Ilutchi-ra' IIIIII' Ilmu-r. for fuel quulllll-e. “Illt’ll sold 11! 1254‘ lo 3‘2..- mullum pa-r lb. .‘iflc (‘IUII‘ :11 2‘41' I0 30 pm wllh 1w liDRElI’S SIOIII were lilac. .\ 011 .- during sale do do do do do cording to quslliy. your. 31. . lb.: . Mllrll gum! Io 3.1:, 11110 Inferior a! 21‘ mun-1 sell 111 82.5 to $3.3 ('Il‘lJ, and valves :1! $4 to $9 each. Sin-op Dt'!‘ 11.1111 .Irv \\ 11h pldlt)’. and lamb- cloudy. with race! us of 200 hNd. Choice 11th cold at 3c lo 3 lb., and butchers' at 2‘;«‘ t0 awe. are firm, 111m.- bclng Miles at due to 15.x pol; 1b., accorailng torquallly. on are rmer or rholoe ll ht u if- ties. The best sold 111 4-...- lo ‘ q 11 wrlxbod of! cars; 111ch his or 8,‘ . weights at It lo the. cows at so to 3:“. and press at 2c lo 2',“- [n-r lb. IIItl'l‘lslI MARKETS. Liverpool. l-‘eb. illâ€"Spring when (lo 6%;11-0. no stock; No. 1 Col}. M 611,0; puns. 4s ' ; Ilutvn, per Ln rubs Tim I. in 1.11 madp i-Ver, that, way per lb.. llghi- cleared at 3 Como U111 .1 arcs LN: I“ ‘ I . (loo 5: 31‘ Ill» . heavy, led; corn 601i“ durdll i1“ 2 ca ; 0.. 3 I. '0 : 110., $0.. heavy. 23. 0d; Isllow. 18s 0d; chi-coo, h mans. “m t w Ito and 11 cuâ€" es on postage stead . E - llsh country markets steady. NIIM’OD pi: rather nrmer. ..v'm. ...â€"“1°... ‘1'”1’." '1'- er s . or are and do 4 f . whlle July Is 93d lower st mix: 0 for .21 "-1 for Feb. 450 l.. :1- c' or: futures ls‘d that for March. a: or July. 2f Ms so 2s and 2s Dd Paneâ€"Wheat «If we fairâ€"{flai'clnwh W 'ooeâ€" eat ’d lo 0 2‘4d for Feb. and March. 2: 3'56. {bu-“Isa; "a :1 “...:°1.1::1-."s" 2- an a or 11 . and “As [andrzuéoaeâ€"m When ’ a,“ to, on t on In: Ilttle dolnx. "also on pause: e van Paris-4‘Iauu-va-at weak at 2! 251: for blurb. Flour 10! 25c for March. Flour New Advertisements. I ANTED.â€"â€" Formor'o Indusu'louo porno .75 a mouth would be on Induce-out oorun a few ladle-at tbolrowu bomoo T. H LIN- UCO'IT. Tomato. Out~ Dr. T. Popham McCullough, _ mm'cm‘mw iMONEY TO LOAN Cor. Gowns and Hump-eta, Peta-bore. I OFFICKHOURS:9wu u. III-:1” 5 9.1 m.:"ltcop.m. lad-hos. saw-smog ‘ Ml38 BLAllllllE CHAMBERLAIN. TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. 23: Flour cons or other ilcular route. as of fair oducouou to whom I could aloe 'il one for Feb. c nous 'l‘lr July. \\ 1131 I '» 1.11:de Mas-hot Prices. m anus] Ject. out that all wanted was that if K111111131} .. Is to be tapped {10111 12... railway line Lhmugh 1!... . thereby giving qurivrn « . . . - .. Northern British (\>I11111‘1;.‘, ' 1-1 '1. dues also (ix-sin- , 1 have equal {w‘illllos fur >.;: 11 trade of the mining dl>lilVL mucous construction 11‘ ' Burrsrd Inlet. The Department or 31111111 der consideration the lu-1 1 ingot fifteen thnziix WbICh have jun: The desire 1.» i. deceive a. use of them as pus~‘ of woven will a! 1.0m Rates on low Socuni on approved Incomes Notes. y' or that m $31!!888832l2:8885388838883‘3383838883334 No ooooua...‘ ...-o1- ..- MW... .. .. o if I owns DISCOUNTED torus - not oxecoilu Ouch Advanced on Farmers Sale notes Ouch Paid for Mortgages and Debeniur MORTGAGE CHANGED. ' O orlvlhrv- . l '0' W twelve her-11w- that Certificated Pup; pit Mute of . Torrinsnon. and w 0. Bowen. Address: M88. J. G. STEWART. No 7 St. m-mâ€"uwfi UEEN VICTORIA: salesman historic work, 11.11. on sight to ? Ibuumuds. Loni Dolor-In Introduces It to Canadians ‘ bay to mako 820.00 a week..‘ [any make more In spro _ as rurular omployusout. , yours Grout lax-gonna Celebrations are boom- ;aémsamnvu- 1 onscreen . 1M . 'l'osono en “‘31..“- ANTED.â€"Earnest 11.11 .1111 Women 1 to circulate ‘ The Sword of Islam : or Bulor- I Ing Annuals." a thrilling book if the Mn question, the Turk..A1mouian. and Iohammodonlsm. Numerous startling Illustrations taboo on lbespot «B limos. onlv 819). Atoms moko Clo to 830 Books on time Prcopoc sen. THE BRADLEY G.RKEI‘SON Co. Toronto, Ont â€"“u-, lumc- £4 0! N-unymcnt on straight t to Isl-moss and others desirous of mums boir mark-cos. and having their Inicrm 1-1: cod vos-y lowmt rate. The cost In small amuse totbo-vingdoctod. nan "EAT! "ET. LII-‘8 AND o W Clover, Alulko, por bus... 1111‘. Clover. Rod .............. Enslsnd lit and sold on J. H. SOOTHERAN, General Insurance Kent UCTION In glowing wot-Is some mako tu'Ico tbo'. Limo than during the a” be kept oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "I. . Books on time. 'Iorrl fast. I. Bankor and 1mm 91 Wt. Lind-v. SALE OF \‘sll rams mores-nee. Under and by virtue of the weru .I ~~ talued in two certain registers m011211_1~ pmdp‘uood a: 35%“ mlc, one 1.7- : when made, th-w “-3- I? {limb-o {analogy Popblic Auction at (I... . II VI ~ 1 : Victoria, on Lindsay, In 1111 ‘ Tuesday, 2nd day of M arch 1897. at one o’clock In In at! - , valuablo lands and pressings. $13011, ‘ i The 80th bl" 0‘ 140i lllll. E1 - EIg-bth Concession of the TOI'nshlp 01 III “to County of V1320“! conmmng 11m acvos, more or loss. This propsrt dinaut about son handling of these guns, .- the permanent COl‘Ds an 1115111.. be assigned to such city ms,»- 1 dedre to secure :1 Maslm. . will not be sufiicicm gun: to g v. to each city battalion, n the Interest which di manifest In learning the mes 01' :1 Maxim as to whether or not on. these guns be assigned {.1 them. gular oourafi of instruc given, with compotit'ne founded thereupon, and on tho the Maxims will b..- allotted to tin- hmnt battalions. The Free Press says: it that a. motion “'1“ next session with the poi-pus.- deavor-Ing to cause U'uulllo 1'1: tilt 1; ernment ranks (Over tn..- schuul qua It will affirm the ]vi‘lllt'.lllw Remedial Legislation, and is 51-1-1 designed to arouse I'm-11111.; among Liberal members “-110 Vulod 11. port of the Remedial bill at last “1 bar's session." Hon. Mr. Fisher has rviurm-d to t dly and will in: hero until the session. ““10 the question of 114.111 patents branch of INS tit-111111111111: II ”UBOQO that ii will be 111 111-- llc interest If sumo change: or. in the classlfiastinns. conditions, If tln- cxzunim-r.» du-xm. me and rCSI'ilf'CIl “Illi‘ll Ir 4 before n-porling Ull any 111‘“ 111\~‘11I1 they will DUI. be “III“ in l1111.11‘. ; business that Is conunuuusl} There are 111 Ill.» 111-1;l11~.1:1...d Ill“ 7 mil . lhel an..." .. _. communn. ’” ABLE oo .... ........ flour. new pales-23km. 100 lbs.. .. menu. mixed, 100 lbs Flour... ... ... . “000.000.”...OMDNOOOOOQOOOO l' loco ' Bu...“ no Onrblc uut Boiled Oats cornmeal ........ . ....... Wood, hard................... . Wood.ocft .............. ... ......... Brahma. 100 lbs.... . poi 100 lb- .iwpell fi‘I-x‘rui (011 1 111:» it “:1; which Ml:l:b rue with bonlble macros. will be ddault in in- fro: to canvas- lubed} woolly. Ltd . 0 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888838888‘8888 11011 will €XiLKI'IlHIIil0I rosul Shorts, Mix ........ Buckwheat flour... Chickens, per III-Ir ............... .. Apples. per bag ..... pples, winter, pot b Ducks ............... 1 .2 winfi OOuooianuâ€"uovouneooo;o.eou: . 2...". o 838:383885033830838 $88§8§88;=;;;;;;;E;3383 lllllllll ll. lllllllSE, m, Canbrsdotst.’ Methodist Church. on 11011011111111! dkw. Owes- m. I“! CZOO'I "lit‘pvri h‘ lllll‘U‘iute 1.1 ........'I.'.' 11f CI Parent I. . , 1 11.1100. - sored °"°¢'“°B°n.â€"us n Jw: well Mbll d (Inf: 1: 'OIII the Town 111 ' :1' :3?! on mid to be crecun then-011 11 -:. “an.“ M Sollisaclzlj 11.”. 'm‘ ”Wm-Md 10% 111:11’11' ' half 0' Lot number Il.“, ,1 , 0‘ "to Towpchup .1 : ‘ U ‘M. containing um :... '1'. more or loss. Ii. dill")! About scum 1. and has erect.- lo and Poems Barn. don). 838:8888 88338338888838 , . . . . . , 900609069.â€" 006009 on O oâ€" MIN.“ Bookandsn" Ordcrafurboek-blndlngobouldbeuc attblscflce. Itloourprlslnghowm . volumccan bomodooftheoomscaslnov, "'0 "'0th In somewhat scllod frommuchbandlluv. - New Advertisements. â€"â€"â€"._. Cullillluflur.) 11 1~ from 1. 1,11\'. ' lmruvu I s 1,1 III ,11..}\|n lia- ‘ :11111;.1:1g ll I‘mlv'r « U- opply to 1111111, 110138. ‘mOLD. Vondors' SOI'L‘II-nr~_ l‘nchild “I! Midi-s. Toronto, Ontâ€"53.: 11>.HL ' -'|l'l ' L. ,V. O’CONNOR, BI, Banister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc. Oflcssovorcutos’sbryOocdeo a.“ Libby, our. ' ‘ ’ 0801'" no Lou t ‘w Intent on may for. ef repay-obtains“... d ANADlAâ€"N ,‘PACI FIC RUBBER SHIPS, RUBBER STlllPS. lot-II ' '.',r> lithe mitodtI-ooplylwlllmokclm. .ump' mp STAMPS. In. “.000 Canadian putt-11m, 1111.1 Will hive to be raised, 1111.1 11:111'. made up at Printing Bureau. Five iliuums... lara will covor the additional -.\11 11 man. The Finance Department 111.: 11-1-1- od aletter from United States, in which a vim-(1111- t 815 II enclosed as CODSClc‘lloe 11101119 '11: writer says that he was cnuug h 40111! work for the Govenunv-nt the Northwest Rebellion 1111.1 11.111111 ed the Dominion revenue to 1110 .11).» mt. When he did so be \\:1.~ 114 I'm 0! the real extent of the “I which he had committed. ho became converted, and In new, m The letter is 1101 11111.1 private, and the name and address the writer are given. lie «mum-1.- position In one of tho citl although the 1 21A 11111110 In. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. resldcu: ”u"........... 0|th the-o. WP. CORNER STAMP "Id-lull: In ton days, etc, 8111.; ...... 51.1... 111.1 In; ‘ washout of the American Republlc, III. working hard ror a small sale during the Northwest Rebellion ‘3 I996! has been entered In II C. of Bell v. Ottawa. Trust Complm O mute between the heirs of the ls! ‘l O Keane “mandbusinrv‘ g ........ 01. $1.50. :2. P meuw. 5:. $3” ........._ .3" l‘hwfl-oand ..wwuiocowloo.§ -- no so Mhnumfi !e~.‘~un 0! Hand and 901" bummed: om 1"“ 1‘ “horde.“ of atcovt. , as m “w 3. mama. so: ass. W'” n for no In: of no "I!“ " 7*..-

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