Lnd Rang; ntractors’ - ughing ' bbing. ty, and aim to I. ï¬ll. r outside of the :6, what a. com- known and ap- - smallest pur- nally, and with card. or small ml the supplies part of all, and p as possible. 170.; 368 from as told? DOERIES are of 73 any more than . wholesome meals :t cant as much as ad the meal hm IVE, md pre-em‘w AND 011011 IEEP - 3 POT ILING dsay ,ersélf that we ’t with us. y, “19!†w VII" UV I e of the Ste-aze'dt Scene. in “The Tomdo." wary 9%:9 tamer [ ooln J. cmer’a second gran: scgnlo play. is st Canadiaj 1’ Gallon. ' LEN, 3 / TOWN AND COUNTY. t 11 6 Best , 111.8st HERE um THERE. every way that (muster, deputy Men or the mdlodga. 9a.. I. 0. O. F-. delivered an Interesting Iddroa minnow ohhe um ottheorderuadtho MW realm tram membenhlp therein. mummm,wumm00mw@- Canned Fish. 1 lining madamâ€"14. ______â€".â€"â€"â€" Nations: Bum Collage. \. ant-av .onposue post ofï¬ce. open any and night instxuctions 1n Book-Keeping. Penmanship. u mhnnd. 'huawrmnz. Arithmetic. etc. Call cents eac MP, Imbntod solo: in their mun taking manner. while Mr. W. Robson divided the honors with 1:. WM Miss Trotter ave 3. humorous mam “A lac-west ProvosI."w1th - meaty a: m that hemmed metal plocnuon- â€magma Menu. Psalm-and Petty won “Winnie mocha. A: the conclu- dnnd WWMMwa-o served. .ma-wmchableambraum landmines pne- mud. Towards the manuals: 'u Interlaced, the ,ovonlna’a Ammonium maummmmunnuuummo m Indis- preseat hsve entered into lam: mumpmmmmmmnen w blunt mun. lodge cont. which hummmmdwu shown owing .umwmmm tho an by Oystm. .Beat selects. 40 cents Der quart. Eh: Gmmtlizm £051. ________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- LINDSAY. FRIDAY. FEB. 23. [884. 15. will be held Feb. 25th: Rev. W. J. Crotherll. 'on Hope. will address the meeting. Young cordially invited. Following is the programme to be rendered the Irish concert to be given in the Y. M. 0. room next Tuesday evening. Feb. 27:11. Mr. Kennedy. chairman. Admission 10 cents. there early if you want 3 mt. ‘ Programme. PART 1. to the yeniem: or “hip endahorteninkeeii. e the meet eweye from aide to side with the I] of the vessel, vivid flushes of lightning tnminete the scene. end one is in constant fear eeeins: a sailor either blown ewe: or tail to deck forty teen below. One targets they are a theatre and for the instant all is radium. e Tax-undo†will be et the Academy of [mic on many. March 2nd. Reserved seats yr sale at Porter’s bookstore. Prices, 255.. 35c. , >3. and Tim-984. Elone in whichsix old me ere ehown cling- Y. a. c. A. Home. â€"Bemember the Irish concert. February 27th. â€"Our new secretary. Mr. F. A. Robinson, rrlved on Wednesday evenlnz; young men Ill! around him. and give um a. kmdly rt. Hope via. Millbrook ...... ,-..1 40 pm uboconk, etc...9 55 a xn niburton, etc.10 35 a. m LToronto,etc.10 52 a. m LToronto, etc..8 00 v m 'GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Local TE. Table. 'AINTS lILS not-thud. Tspewflting. Arithmetic. etc. write to: circulm.â€"94-tf. iTAINS ’ARNiSH Guitar Dnet.....J. McAdam: tnd A. Roberts bum ......... . .................... mu Winters [Med Quartet†..... Club swinging ....... â€"The members of I. 0.0.F. lodge. No. 100. met-telnet! about 150 or their friends at an “At no" on Thursday evening or last week. It 3 a most pleasant Affair. and as tune! us their maximum enjoyed themselves exceedingly. meehmenu for both mind and bed: formed en momma part at the program. Mr. J. H. 'ileon. or L fford. mg several of his Donnie: elodiee in excellent voice, and being ï¬rst on 3 program sent the already good-humeral memento more of laughter by raining in as his lamenting from friends lnlrelend Id eubeequent thrilling adventures till he Peterboro TRAINS ARRIVE. School of Shorthgnd Peterboro’, . Excellent courses, experienced 5’. Students have been_ in attend- -.....:,..,.,, n†nLEflNAN 8:60. W: 'An Irish Trifl".... ..-...... .0 OTUUCIIUS IIMUO Vvvv-.r. r from Montana, Loumana, Da :, Michigan and New York States, I Quebec and the North West itories and mqny parts of via. Send for Circulars. A. BLANCHARDL ~ ,. n-o. cLENNAN C0. Hardware, coal and Iron. ideal Fé‘b;22nd- 1894.â€" of the Mill Saw, South Side Kent Street, ‘- uuu-- 'â€"__, ‘ Chutereu account." 01 Ontn-lo, Pr nclpa rï¬cLennan 0c: at Pon'rxn's Somme. ............ ...-......MasterGoo. Ball ‘ "rue Tornado." o .- .o....-.on...... Port Hope via Minbrook _.........5 45 gm Coboconk. etc. . .6 20 a. m Haliburton, etc..3 00 a :11 Ex. Toronto etc 9 12 a 11: Ex. Toronto, etc.6 02 p m P u 1' e Lmseed Oil, Turpentine D 1-1’ 9 rs. Hard 01'] Finish. 011 S t a. 1' n s . F1119 V a. r n 1' s h e S . :.~ t o v e Pip 6‘ W 11 1 t a Lead, Dry Colors,F1're Pr 0 o 1‘ Pain t. Whiting. Kal- somz‘zze, Grain- z'ng Cozoz-s, Gold leafan dBronze. Artist’s 31-51511- es and Colors. Brushes, John- s t 011’s Mixed P a 1' 1: ts , Etc. TM 1 5'8 DEPART. nï¬ TIRE-Y’s.â€" M's m In feeding the Old English Gmdltbn Powder Comma tor Triad. G. F. Wilson, the Kmmount pow rflloo cloth charged mm atoning money tram a registered A. HIGIXBO-rnAx.â€"1 next «sizes. We clip the following from the Not-wood Register of last week, knowing that it will interest many in this section :â€"“1‘be ceremony which united in holy bonds of matrimony Miss Dorcas Stinson. daughter of the late Daniel Stintonmt Norwood. and Richard Jackson. of. Ops township. was witnessed by a large number or our citizens at Christ church. on Tuesday afternoon or last week. The Gordian knot was tied by Rev. J. Gibson. M. A., assisted by Rev. C. H. Marsh, of Lindsay. The bride was sciat- ed by her sister. Miss Maggie Stinsen. and the groan by James Jacchn. ot Credit Forks. During the service the choir sang the "Dons Mlsereatur." and the hymn “The voice that breathed o’er Eden." The chancel was beauti- fully iestooned with evergreens and flowers. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home oi the bride’s mother. where the wed. ding breakfast was served.a large number of the friends of the contracting particsbeing presentK The happy couple left on the 4 o’clock train for Western Ontario upon their honey‘ moon. amid good wishes and showers of rice. They will return to town on Friday. for a brief visit.be!ore settling down to the realities of I lifefl Church Notes. â€"Rev. N. Hill. poster or the Queen-st. church, will occupy thcpulplt of. the Port Hope Method- int church Sabbath next. â€"Pope Leo XIII. celebrnted the lust mean of the j ubllee your in St. Peter’s. Rome. Sunday. in the presence of over 100,000 persons- â€"£hepeetor will preach no both services on Sabbath next in St. Andrew’s church. In the evening the subject will be “Luke- wnrmneee." The sermon will be the Inst of the course on the epiatlee to the seven churches. â€"Meesra-Crcceley and Hunter, the evangelists. ere holding very successful meetings It present in Brockvillc. The Methodists, Presbyterian: and Baptiste have combined forces, and the revival in proving one or the greatest ever experienced in that town. evening, March let. in the Cambridge-at. Methodist church, u a splendid pregame I: being provided for end a. and time is expected. Deon will be evened It 8 o'clock. uweu u..- â€"' vâ€"â€"-_ __V V , â€"0n Tuesdsy evening. Feb. 27th. a series of stereoptican views will be exhibited in St. Andrew's church. illustrating Trinidad. the customs prevniling. and mission work in the island. The members of the W. F. M. S. extend special invitation toell interested in mission work. A collection will be taken. â€"The revival services that have been curled on in the Queen-st. church, during the pest two weeks were brought to a. termination on Tues- day evening lest. The meetings throughout r--; -A ---|. u av _..- _, , â€"Mieolonery sermons will be delivered in Queen-at. and Cembridge-et.Methodiet churches next Sabbath. In the morning Rev. W. J. Crothere. of Port Hope, will preach in the Queen-at. church. and in Cambridge-w church in the evening. and Rev. Mr- Yonng will con. duct the morning service in the Cambridge-at. church, and the evening service at the Queen-5t. church. Interesting addresses may be expected. â€": nbncth school conventione will be held throughout the county on the tollowing dates by Maseru. Alfred Day and Rev. John Melliwon. Renata! secretary. nnd normal secretary of the provincial Sabbath school convention: â€" At Omemee, for Emily. on Thursday. March lot; at Bobceygoon, for Verninm. on Friday. March 2nd; at ll'enelon Fells, for Fenelon. on Sabbath. Much. 4th; It Ooboconk. for Bexleymn Thur- dny, March let; nt Woodville. tor Eldon. on Friday. March 2nd; at Onkwood. for Marine“, on Sabbath. March 4th and 5th. Addreeeee will be delivered at nil meetings byioonl workers and resident ministers. an; vim. .w" _ were full of interest and many stood at each service end expressed a desire to lead better lives. Rev. N. am, mater. wee sedated throughout the meetings by Evangelist Rogers, who is an earnest and devoted young Inna. Personal. â€"Mrs. (Own) Lane spent last week with Panerboro mends. â€"D:. C. E. Email, of Boboaygeomiwu in town Mondny last. â€".‘:Iisa proule. oi Patel-bozo, in at present visiting friends in town. â€"Miaa O’Brien left Wednesday for Buffalo on I. week's vial: to rantings. A. ,-,_A1_ u "w...â€" ._._- __ 7,, â€"Mr. W. J. Read, Bobcsygson's enthusiastic curler. was In town Tuesday Inst. â€"m. Goo. Sister. of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday in town with his parents. â€"Wsrdsn Bottum, 0t Bobonygeon. wns in town Tuesday last on county council business. â€"1m-. Adm Clarke, 01 Tax-onto. spent Sunday last with his brother. Dr. W. H. Clarke, Cm. u-.-u- _ V . â€"Mr. F. H. Dobbin. of the Peta-hora Review, wna in town Thuxaday last, and gun THE POST a. friendly call. -Dr. W. B. Hartman. of the 011111; asylum medical out!) spam Sunday In town. a guest or histather, Dr. W. L. Herrimnn. â€"Rev. Father '1'. Spam. 0: Wolfe Island, was in town Thursday or last week on a bun! via": to his brother. Mr. R. P. 8911“. -â€"Rev. Father Casey. late or Campbemord. tonâ€"iii}; Mme marl-zoo! her sister. Mine Cornell. Sue curled withhenhe wood wishes of 3 large olrcle or menu. ll well In numerous gifts. to present no the bride. â€"Pe:erboro Review: “Mr. F. T. Matthews. 01 Geo. Mame" 8: Soul. pork pecker-a, m: Manda morning to: New York. where he wul sail to: Liverpool. He will be absent to: shout ï¬ve ween and will look utter the nrm'e‘lntam: 1n Greet Brush." -Mr. R. Fee. the abusing ms book- keeper lu Sealer a: Co's mlll, hue returned homemm Toronto, where no hudbeeu under method treatment for some ween. He is much unmoved in health. and expects Ibex-fly so be able to resume his duties. _ -Mn. E. H. Dnnhun. o! Manned. open: Sum-yin town with her W. w. W. B. .L,Â¥_,_ â€"Mr. Barry Knowiaon. moot-ding to a. Bow- manviilo paper. sported I very rich costume as s carnival were last Week. He appeared as n "bag at golc,"snd had 311 :he young indiu a: his icon. â€"MIBI Annie Cornea loin Tuesday for Buii’flo pointy. She in woodwind homo b! In. an! Mn. Wright Goodwin. ct Imam. The tumor nu unoo rammed. but Mr “3‘ Wm Simpson. Hat vial; wu occasioned by news or the serious tunes 0! ha- hthet. Mr. John Simpson.“ C‘meromtrommnmmflon. We mplundwharheunowmhc. an. Goodwmnmnedmotmbweek tron: niavgimndod and very plea-Ins vim with Mendl at union. 3mm “51m but: now chancellor at St. Peter's can! Pameumtown lat wanton- SPECIAL PRINT OPENING Next week.’ Great. display on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 27th and 28th, and foflowingdsy Come and see them. ,, 1-st- Wedding 3031.. the Cambrian-I‘- â€"Tho Pun Obtnnder used by HR. Nmmns in me but for unusual: menuâ€"w 8. 4'» mile two a Pompom cumin! In: waek WIB won by lax-(A. mm of this town. â€"Buvar Tobncoo is clean md WM; It sweeten- the breath. mu m the only gentlemen'o chow .â€"92-13. “ ' â€"A -u In. or the Inca “work. -A regular meeting of the baud of heuth will be held Monday evening next a: 8 o'clock. In the council chumbcr. -â€"Llndsu’a favorite camedlsn. the Rental Hum Hadley. in About to produce 3 new Inch WA_I- __ol.I-l‘ HUUmUn-n-wâ€" ___V 7- â€"Lediee, cell and enmino our new BLACK Danes Goons. new Colored Dreee Goods. new Prints. new Embroideriee. new Leeee end Trimmings. KERR 8c Co.-t9. â€"Dr. W. Brenner. of Toronto. whose nerd ‘ Invests in another column. will be at the Benson house from 8 p. m. Fridny, mane. eolo nmSaturdey.Mnroh 3111. ~Ladlee. cell and amine our New Wool Serge- .» 25.). See our New Prime end Em- broideria. It you went a good. contortehle corset. eee cur amenâ€"Km 00,-96- â€"'1‘he liabilities of Theme: Adan. mono! lender at this town. who recently designed. ere exid to be close upon 330.000. Creditors have received an utter oi 75 per cent. on their claims. â€"Pror. Edmonde. our well-known preelidi- gateur and venu-lloqulet. opened on engage- ment in the Academy of. Music Monday evening. A fair endleuoe wee preeent. end the professor's clever worn wee nbernlly applauded. â€"Peoplo troubled with nick end nervous heedeehee will ï¬nd a mom eï¬leeeloue remedy in Ayer’e Cnthnrue Pills. They eurengtheu the , , -~_A L--In|.- my. 1:: (our new. written by nimaelt. e 4160 the man to: Gunny." â€"Ludiea, can and exams our new a--. “Heavyâ€"ï¬ve , stomach. stimulate the liver, restore healthy action to the digestive omens. end thus sirotd speedy end permanent: relief. â€"ALBERT ann'rr hes added 3 good cab to his liver: business. All orders lot: at the Simpson house will receive es prompt nttention esif let: with himself. The driver’s name is Fred Oliver. en obiizinz and “native young man. Telephone the Simpson house-984. â€"The regular monthly meetlnzot the Church of England temperance society will be held in St. Paul church school room on Monday even- ing, Feb.26:h. at 8 p.m. Avery interesting me will he tarnished. Allare invited to come and help in the aidot the society. â€"Mr. J. H. Wilson. the well-known horseman. isnewpeylnshissnnualvlsitto his many patrons along last year’s routes. He was in town Tuesday evening. and reports his“ grand Clydesdale. Lewie Gordon. and uerman Coach horse. Elias. as being in ï¬rst-class condition. â€"Mr. A. Knowlson was in Peterboro last Thursday. and acted as referee in the hockey match between Queen’s college. Kinneton. and Peterboro teams. The Examiner says: “Referee Knowlson's decisions gave unbounded satiatao- , ; AL-_‘ _-_ no kicking." ~â€"Eeoh enooeeelve number of the book or the hit. by Hubert Howe Bancroft. lets us more and more into the plan of the work. which is such, while welding too lengthy description... to cover the entire stand with sufï¬cient (let-ii. and preeentinpetmnnentiom ultne aha-nour- ietice o! the great exposition. â€"‘i‘heneweesewindleie aid to he a ehodd: -m..- cloth swindle. I: In done in this m:’1‘no ohoddypodlnrouloupon gnu-mot ondpropooa buying his wool in odvonoo o! anon-Ina. and aims n his price for 1:. To bind the bargain he pays down n dollar. By this tune the tumor 1a In good humor. and than the padlor produces the cloth. and gets in his work. - ‘,___ mewâ€"wâ€",_, â€"Mr. James can, the well-known has buyer of Victoria and South Ontario. shipped a on- load of hog! on Tuesday has tron: Marina“ Button to Mr. Geo. Matthews Peterboro packing house. From the 16th of J mum. 1893. nAn_ L-- performance! and Pubs In tho Pot-thorn un-culedeon hon-eluswuk. writ- tome Enmlner canon-nine the m Wad louot litoukolytoeme In one dud-m â€"Moeers. Johnstonmlie. John Earthen: and James Moore. three 0! the beet known tanner: in West Ops. intend erecting substantial tum reeidonoee in the spring. end their teens are now healing the bricks required. Mean. 3m- 53d Moore patronized Mr. Fox; Mr. 3mm lei: his order with Mr. F. Goran. Both woken tnrnonnvery superior quality of hrion. nod ï¬nd no diflionity in disposing of all the, con mmnlootnre. -A horse end cutter helm to Mr. mono Fee. o! the City livery eznhle. woe being driven Around town on Wedneedny eveninc by two young men. end when means the m rink on Lindsey-et- eome mischievous boy struck the horse with o snow-hell. coming i: to run om. Tearing up Kant. it took to the lidownlk on the south side. when the cutter woe noon demolished by coming in eons-e8 wixh tele- phone end teieiznph poles- The hone conned of ï¬re. "No exit anywhere except hy two Goon loading to one sum-and thn on 3 third floor." It I: had “ouch for Powhoro talk: tohavo to warnycumbtouthkdnn when shuwhhtoheunmd without ham to amount utn rub. We m that. donation come up And lanes them: â€plumes at our Mm: at undoâ€"than thanwm ho Magnum“. Thugs: mohathamndnoordoc. -Now mum Dominion com-Int. um motdohyï¬uflnflymmeflcdhhorm Fall-bridge MunhaunthhMm WNW-Bother manwmum uncouth-manna! them club at m Isuzu-cumin» habitatâ€- am II not mod-t1: Inn to adult tho "puma" on mug-3:. are tut 'nndor the mud! blown entitled. Ami“ anheobhlnodstm W. 07.13““ “ Kwanzaa-haw nd even “gm tend the 01d Eat“!!! 0mm Powder. m. n Slams-'- this ï¬rm in going to 110.6un to: their good- in order to pine themselves on u: equi- it: with the best houses in the province in. gran “name no the Linda: public. Collegian Wt. Not“. â€"'l'ho following etudente hove obtolned honorable needing in the weekly exeminotione o! the Genuine mediumâ€"Junior leaving tomzAflthmeuq-F. Cohen. L. J. Bowen. J. B. \Moore. F. E. Burgess. A. E. Silverwcod. D. W. Clerks. W. Porter. Mieeee I'l‘. Blob. A. Come:- on. M. Klrley. L. Philp. Alaebm-F. Cohen. J. H. Moore, D. Met-Ann. D. W. Clarke. l1. Armenong. Mieeee A. Cameron.L Shanon. A. Dioxeon. Primary forms: Arithmetic.- W. Greer. D. A. Gun, A. Fen-anew. J. D. M!- Fadyen. M. A. Kennedy. 11. J. Thompson. Ilia L J. Vonoe. Algebraâ€"B. Colleghen. A. Shnver. J. D. McFedyen, W. E. Petdue. R. W. Clarke. mesa L. Eltord. J. Skuce. M Gmhem. S. H. Tolmle. A. Cempbell. L J. Vence. H. Campbell: Second term: Algebraâ€"Mine G. Grendell. â€"‘l‘he regular monthly meeting of the literary , A..- -v-W society was held lent Friday afternoon ln the Assembly hall. The president. Mt. Calhoun. occupied the chair. The attendance of the members we» not large. owlnlz. Whine. to counter ntmtlone. The mm was tarnish ed by eeetlonNo. 1. end reoelvodwordeot pulse nonmepreddenultoonnluedoten instrumental.†Klee E. Flavelle. which we: exceedingly well rendered; an may on “Houn- keenlnc." rend by Mr. Stacy 1n n very plenum: .Ilvu-v- m -. _ was, , entitled. "A Bachelor's Dream," which elicited great applause from the nudlenoe; and a song by the glee club. The meeting closed with the national anthem. chew or Canada-9343. â€"On mum: Mudflats magma hold I . - n. _,; “reception" at the police court. Chic! snort hnvlnz charge of the Introductions. Conver- cnuon turned principally upon events ninth: to n recent disturbance upon the make: oqunrc. Batu-c leaving the young men mm In :1! shout :50 upon the chic! in recognition at his praiseworlhy efforts In the cause at law and m â€" tornado behind the twilight: and a mighty numotappianectromthcaaiimtothe orchestra seats of Baviin’a theatre were "not phexio disturbances attendant upon no introduction of Lincoln J. Cute" new scenic melodrama. Packed to the doors the tempera- canon the 3mm boy with the palm-lost In W sale. With 3 rushing. mains torn-do uproom trees and cumin: um houses; with two vessels column: In mid-coon; withummtodnat mm m huh causal-cum manual 1. all-don can“ with golden m w: on o am able. that :- ml: to PM the no: man: prtndml chmteu um am from n mun Wisconsin Mullet: through “most every dam of 1nd mason. Adah alloy In Chicago am the too: of Randolph-at. viaduct. with sky- ocranlni handball: the hominid. ue bit-of ,- .l, W.-- .;- w. -' new; Bum the course of the pl†the “mo: m odled to: voougxoqun Arte: ‘ tow momentsoboudodmmlnm ablation:- mpped before the curtain. bowed sad round unld 3 3mm 0! swlonna. An smolodnm with not once mommies ‘:'l'ho Tom-do’ promises cocoonâ€"[Tho Chic-co Recon. Tua- du. May 30. 133 ...... “The Tornado" will be at. the Academy 0! undo on Friday. Much m Reserved no»! no:- sale st: Penn‘s boom. Pdoeu. 250.. 350.. 500. um! 75c.â€"w-1. Toronto Tuesday but to ploy on oqul number of Gannon. The! were date-ted by 43 photo. â€"Twolvo flats of Pomboro curlers. or 48 In on. wean tarot-onto Mum: to enjoy. sodas ot Romeo with an oannl number of Qnaon cm none-Drum â€"Is In: men scanned tho: l ouflor alum olSthnopuu-oboutotooor guano to tho moodotthoflnklnnmdguno. sod bum swooping Ind following was nd volts obou: o â€.Jrno and struggle to: me 1894 o: tmhrdtookphooln Toronto not week. Grime. Peterboro end Oehnwn men fought herd ior the trophy. but the Toronto Grnniten won. the tine! seine being e very eloeo Ina exeltinz one. â€"A joke in coins the round ehont n iceel curler who recently went through e seine while in e ntnte oteemnunbniiein. it weehie lend shout: to the skip. eating whet ploy he wented thno ewoxe the honeehcld. when he wee ale- eoyered in the midst at his imaginery m.- Bieeweepinaweleo vigorouthetthennp wee wcrnecinnietelyoli'the carpet. Otconreehe â€"In the Winnipeg bonnie! the Cenndinn rinks curled ofl' en the prizee except the Inmetienel mphytwhich wee won hrtwo rinhoi AmericensmmstPenLekipped hy NettletoniinthilrinkJnok lamina piny- edthirdetone).theotheri’remDnlnth. shipped by W. Smith. The Cenedinne were rem hyG Humuthe Winnimmnitee.“ A. Kelly. oi Nettlelon. wee pitted ecu-t Wendbeethimhyneeereetlston Smith end Kelly tied. the American winning htiehotl. â€"Dnrin¢lentweekthe locnienriere wan kepthmwimwmndmheuthh week to record ecneiderehle chemo in the eundina of. the clnhe. 0n hidny night Fieveiie'erinkenil'ereddeieet et the bundle! Knowlnon'erlnx.endineoneeonenee it innow --__. week debut! j; 7'01! Don: Edward- and mmqhhdnknowm human†Alana with null“ unl Kmhon’a. Io '0" "-vâ€" .â€" Io-u- mbtdbmdohlobvrhvdhw. Item nd m with Ix mud twin-notch. Gum during week aiding M. 37th. W.lclannul.. ..'.. ..13 J. I. W" .. ..ll am ........ ..11 K Wu" ......il w nm.. ..25 J. C m........ 1 I unmannn .15 1? gm ..... ... 7 J W. Hanan-n" .... "14 G. A. um..." ....« 1‘ J. n. mug»..........xo ‘n .1. Wyn-wâ€. ...... . ..16 W. a. salvo-.... .. L. lento-h. ....... ..19 J 0. w" ......n mvmmm. Hardship. '13:. In“ Ava-go -Beavor Tobacco In the man!!! mum†' cum News. â€"'l‘welve this of Peta-bore out-Ian wenï¬ to “I rand probably for the any time thll ens. A. E. Silvana-0d. D. W. .Mlaaeo rl‘. mun, A. Cunar- Phllp. Algebra-F. cavern. [ct-dun. D. W. Clarke. R. s A. Camel-om!» Shanon. A. ry forms: Arithmeuc.â€" W. In. A. Ferguson. J. D. M!- nnody. H. J. Thompson. m: Algebraâ€"B. Ctllsshsn. A. 22L ' \ ‘wjn; 89â€.“. con-'5... The season is rapidly approaching head-gear and don a new SPRING obligatory to go to the cities for the has purchased for the spring trade a stock of 2 Quality and Style to anything shown in the Dornin city prices. Those goods which have just been pla prise all the latest styles in Derbys, Senators, Fedora and from such world-renownedmakers as Wilkinson, Dunlap and Lincoln Bennett. If you want a ï¬ placed before the public. Men’s Furnishings in ARM TU MAN L.â€"l‘ U: - wuâ€" v. I ___ ‘ a m: ’ mks“. L“ 3°23-1mm1 1 °"' mm" â€mm . u on w y. wee shoutmecreecleu'edmdlnagood sum N'EWRAPPED' of enluvnflon. There we on the premises 3 M 80°“de ; hold word. Pricstl good creme house. and! o . wells. For particular: _ Gm: Bnmin, whil two nnnlv DANIEL IN N16“. 09 the 919ml!“- m; U“ lw- w ERAy‘gco. Nov. m. mâ€"m- â€one. .I'V ."v V‘ .pply to DANIEtJ‘l] Juana-y 501. Will» WWW uw MW â€mummwmmmmm m SATURDAY, tlo 10th day of lamb, MORTGAGE SALE â€"â€"0Fâ€" Valuable Farm Property, New A d vermemen ts. G NOBBY HATS FOR MEN. g H A ï¬WmWWmamu‘:wumw § Our Fancy White and Colored Dress- Shirts '. Feb. 2431:. matâ€"94. '. Fob. 23rd. lastâ€"84- 40 Kent-st. 1 and 3 York-st. 23 1894. he spring trade a stock of HATS AND CAPS equal in # o anything shown in the Dominion, and at 50 per cent. below goods which have just been placed in stock this week com- :yles in Derbys, Senators, Fedoras and all makes of soft Hats, .-renowned makers as Wilkinson, Woodrow, Wakeï¬eld, Leslie, 1coln Bennett. If you want a ï¬rst-class fashionable Hat at a nominal price, call on CARTER. and caching when it will be necessary to discard winter SPRING HAT. Gentlemen in former years found it ; for the latest styles, but that is required no longer, as Min Foster, Fashionable Dress and Mantle Maker, will diSpluy a handsome and couple“ line of I‘dies' White Wear, which for Quality, Style and good work is uncut-pulled. Prices will be tound moderate end prospective pumhasers will bouncedoouweously. Cdlmdaeeourlargesbockofnmsmm h... M Ito. Remember the dnte of our opening, 22nd and 23nd Feb- mm. Comm-econ:- beautifulgoodamdleamprioee. Extraordinary Announcement To the Ladies of Lindsay and surrounding country. all Departments is a leading feature with 1.771}. W. Ho Gafl'eg Grand Opening, for 2 Days, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 22, 23. ‘ stock 1 Pnea tley.â€"â€" Hon treal. MISS FOSTER, Miss ng ter- â€"'-v '0. 58 Kant-It» North “'1" are the nicest goods ever