Oakville Beaver, 11 Aug 2000, p. 44

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44 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, August 11, 2000 / 4 ft SPORTS M INDED PART-TIME RETAIL SALES PEOPLE w a n t e d f o r n e w O a k v i ll e S p o r t s S t o r e . Excellent custom er service s k ills required. Vletroland Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. SERVERS/ Hostess- parttime/ Full-time, Apply- Nick els Restaurant- 2345 Tra falgar (Hwy.5), O akville. ph:(905)-257-9888. Fax: (905)-257-1615___________ FULL-TIME mature relaible persons required. Days/ afternoons. Apply in per son: Tim Horton's, Oakville Place Mall. 240 Leighland Ave._____________________ WAIT Staff- required for new restaurant in Oakville. E xperienced required. Also Host/Hostess. Call (905)-845-0729___________ COFFEE Time Donuts is looking for full & part-time shifts. M onday-Sunday. Apply within. 667 4th Line Speers Rd._______________ OAKVILLE Restaurant Re quires Chef, and Cooks With Experience For Italian Cuisine. Fax: 905-8457393/ Call: 905-845-7396. M EXIC ALLI Rosa's requires experienced Kitchen Manager and Full time Cooks. Please call Mike Collis (905)333-1150 BUS Person- required. Omega Steak & Seafood House, Kerr Str., Oakville, or Call 845-9601. O A KVILLE M overs- E x perienced, licensed, insured. Two weeks free storage. Free estimates. Senior's discount. Quality Service. 337-9063________ PRO Movers. Short/lorig distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 I tutorial FRENCH tutor experienced teacher, Grades 2 and up. Burlington/ Oakville area. call 905-637-1227_________ BACK to school- perfecting your French grades! Have fun w ith gam es, great books, lots more, all ages. Affordable rates. Call Karen 905-827-9734 HELP your child catch up in reading & writing. Private tuto rin g by elem entary teacher. (905)825-9990 CAREGIVER required before school, for 3&5-yr old girls. Our home, 7:30am-8:45am plus 5-min drive to school. 5-days w eekly begining Sept. S.E. Oakville. 829-8919 EXPERIENCED c h ild care required for one child, my home. References re quired, no smoking Lakehore/ D orval area. (905)845-1508.___________ FULL-TIME Nanny needed for 2 boys, 8 and 6 years. Upper Middle/Eighth Line. Would p refe r live -o ut. Please call 849-0091 C HILDCARE needed for 5yr old boy, before/ after school, St. A ndrew 's School area, Oakville. 905339-2603________________ BEFORE & a fte r school care required for 2 children 7&9yrs. Palm er area. Please call (905)336-2620 DAYCARE wanted, my home or yours, 2 days per week. 4 & 2 year olds. Must pick up child from a.m. JK. 825-2714____________ EXPERIENCED caregiver needed for 15-mo. old & 4yr old, 2 days/ week, Sept.June. My home, downtown Burlington. First Aid, CPR, drivers license, references required. Please ca ll (905)637-8652___________ MATURE, reliable c h ild care, light housekeeping, own car, non-smoker. 37pm, 5 days/week in Sept. References. (9 0 5 )3 3 8 3619._________ RESPONSIBLE fu ll tim e care for 2-1/2 olds plus af ter school care for 2 older children. My home or yours in Strabane/Carlisle area. 6 5 9 - 4 1 4 5 ______________ RELIABLE mature caregiv er wanted, my Burlington home, Tom Thomson School area. M on.-Fri. 8am-1pm. References. 6813593.__________________ AFTERSCHOOL Mon-Fri , caregiver for boys aged 6 & 4 in our home. Mature, driv er, non-smoker. Child-cen tered duties. Start Sept. 5th. Glen Abbey. 847-6890 AFTER School care. Ma ture woman required, 35pm., (8 & 10-yr. olds). Re becca/ Third area. (905)465-2217.___________ BABYSITTER needed for 3yr. old boy. Warwick Court area. Non-smoker. 5728065 leave message URGENTLY required- Peo ple to work at home caring for children through a li censed childcare agency. You could easily earn (2 children- $1150/mo. or 4 children $2200/mo. 8253433 ext. 1 Sharon________ A loving responsible lady is required to care for our 3yr old in our home. Parttime hours with some even ings. Non-smoker. Refer ences required, please call 336-7853 LOVING daycare available before & after school in my smoke-free North Oakville home. 905-845-4884 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Credit and Collections R e p o r tin g to th e b u s in e s s m a n a g e r , o u r O a k v ille o ffic e re q u ir e s p e r s o n w ith th e fo llo w in g re la te d e x p e r ie n c e a n d s k ills . T h is p o s itio n is r e s p o n s ib le fo r m a in ta in in g th e a c c u r a c y a n d tim e lin e s s o f a c c o u n ts r e c e iv a b le in fo r m a tio n w h ile e n s u r in g th e c r e d it w o r t h in e s s o f th e c u s t o m e r r e f le c t e d w it h in a n d c o ll e c t ib ilit y o f t h e ir a c c o u n t s a n d m u s t a ls o p o c e s s th e fo llo w in g : · C o m p u te r L ite r a c y · C o lle g e d ip lo m a in a c c o u n tin g o r 2 y e a r s o f re le v a n t e x p e r ie n c e · S e lf - m o t iv a t e d w ith th e a b ilit y to w o r k in d e p e n d e n tly · E x c e lle n t o r g a n iz a t io n a l s k ills · A b ility to d e a l w ith ira te c u s to m e rs o r s a le s re p r e s e n ta tiv e s · A b ility to c o n t a c t a n d n e g o tia te p a y m e n t Please reply to box # 6291, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S1 EXPERIENCED full-time live-in Nanny required for 6-year old. Light housekeeeping/ cooking. Must drive. 332-3281 evgs. LIVE-IN Nannies/Housekeepers, in P hilippines seeking em ploym ent in Ontario. Min.wage, no fee to employers. Call O.E.A. (416)699-6931____________ LIVE-IN Slovak caregiver & British live-out seek imme diate positions. Call Pick A Nanny 905-692-5464 LOVING caregiver required in my R iver Oaks home starting mid-September to care for 5 old & 11 mo. old. Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm. Nonsm oker, references required, previous exp. or ECE equivalent preferred. Please call (9 0 5 )2 5 7 -1 3 7 2 540 restaurant help 540 restaurant help Fax before A ug ust 18th, 2000 to: Teri Casas, B usiness Manager Manager Trainee & Full it Part-tine Staff Jan our growing company ri a secure management posit on. We will train >cu valuable experience in tie opera tion of a Taco Bell Resraurant Possible advancement cpporunity. We are also locking fa inaviduals 1 1 1 fiil & partfm e posilons. To apply please see cne of our: M M A | daycare available EXPERIENCED Childcare provider has spaces avail able N utritio u s meals, crafts. Receipts. Headon Forest area. Call 336-0864 CHILDCARE available, full tim e only, 2 yrs+. hot meals, snacks. Lots of TLC. Upper Middle/ Eighth Line. (905)842-0619.___________ SWEET Pea Path re gis tered home daycare offers a secure, loving environ ment filled with indoor/ out door a ctivitie s, crafts & more! Excellent rates for your little loved one. Quiet Mt. Forest area. 336-6559 SHARE our N a n n y- or home / yours, Upper Middle & G rosvenor. C all (416)801-1008____________ ECE Mom has spaces available for 3+. before and after school. JK & SK. Tom Thompson/St Paul area. 333-1908 THE neighbourhood's fa vourite mom has spaces available for 3+. First aid. CPR, large fenced yard, playroom, crafts, walks & outings. Lots of fun. Before & after school care for JK/SK B ra nt/ Upper Middle Call 905-319-3875 EXPERIENCED daycare available. All ages Hot meals, near park. 6th /Upper Middle 844-7610 MOTHER of two in Ford/ Kingsway area available for fu ll-tim e care in her home. (905)829-9474. BABYSITTING available Full/part team. Canadian M artyrs. JK plus. 336-9491_________ BABYSITTING available immediately in my home. Full and part-tim e. Blue Forest H ill S treet, Burlington. (905)333-8519 ABC's and loving care in River Oaks! Fulltime. 1-yr to preschool. R eferences. (905)842-0636 ____ DAYCARE available Lov ing environment. TLC pro vided & lot's of outdoor fun! Near library/ park. 8 4 9 4419. ECE Mom has spaces a vailable in fun loving home daycare. Bronte. (905)469-0671 FU LL-TIM E position for 18mo+. Lots of TLC. nutri tious lunches, snacks, in door/ outdoor a ctivitie s. Third Line/ Speers area, fle x ib le hours. Mary (905)469-1649. daycare wanted PART-TIME,Nanny/ Housekeer required. Gen tle, creative, non-smoker. Car an asset Central Bur lington. Starting Septem ber Call 681-7063 PART-TIME caregiver re quired for 2 children ages 2-1/2 & 5 in my River Oaks home. 2-5 days/week 3:30pm-6:30pm. First Aid/ CPR trained Meal prepa ration. Long term commit ment, please call 905-2576657____________________ LOVING, responsible, per son needed to care for af fectionate 1yr. old in our home or yours. East Oak v ille / W est M ississauga area. Mon-Fri.. full-tim e Non-smoker. References required. 905-827-8564 PART-TIME childcare in my home. Central Burlington. Vehicle required. C all evenings 631-8258 (905)337-5566 W e re g re t th a t o n ly c a n d id a te s s e le c te d fo r in te rv ie w s w ill b e c o n ta c te d . NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER for three young boys age 811. N on-sm oker. Fluent English. Fax resume: (416)225-8472.___________ NANNY required, Burling ton. legals only, live-in/out m inimum wage, 8a.m.6p.m. plus some evenings/ Saturdays. Swimmer, driv er, non-smoker, local references. (905)315-9481. NANNY required for 2 girls (5 & 7 yrs. old) light house keeping. C all (905) 844-1509________________ FREE room and board in exchange for some even ings childcare (7 yr old). (905)257-7854, (416)8985519.____________________ NANNY, live-out, full time, (8-5) for infant. ECE or p rio r nanny experience. Non-smoker. Glen Abbey. Start Aug. 21 825-8758 Receptionist/Bookkeeping The area's leading carpel & Oriental rug cleaning company is looking lor an energetic, detailed oriented individual Strong customer service, bookkeeping and personal computer experience is a must. Responsibil ities include bookkeeping, helping customers on the phone, scheduling work, and managing the daily ad ministrative functions ol our office. We offer generous pay, benefit program, professional work environment and 35 hours per week. A n e x p e r ie n c e d , q u a lifie d SALES CLERK 4 days/ week to work in ladies wear boutique, downtown Oakville. $11/hr. Call (905)845-1398 o r (905)825-0208 after 7pm ELECTROLUX Corporation P a rt-tim e Secretary. Burlington. Able to wait on customers and enjoy busy environm ent. Pleasing telephone p ersonality. Telem arketing and com puter experience necessary. Good with fig ures/ typing. Salary/ bonus es/ benefits. Impress us at the interview and start Im m ediately. Fax resume: (905)634-3104___________ ASSISTANT Manager- P/ T Oakville Wine Industry. People skills, computers asset. Full training call 905-257-9463 Stoie Managers at Taco Bell, 546 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville or 270 North Service Rd W. Oakvilb. Family* Achievement ·Integrity ·Respect M ontessori Teacher re q u ire d b y le a d in g M o n te s s o r i S c h o o l in G le n A b b e y . P le a s e c a ll M arie at (9 05 )4 6 9-0 3 0 0 or (9 05 )-8 2 7-8 1 25 MONTESSORI Teachers S ECE required for expand ing Montessori School in Oakville. Please contact 847-1165 or fax: 905-8255266.____________________ BILINGUAL E.C.E. teacher required for O akville daycare centre. Preschool program. Full-tim e. Call 849-3614. Call Paul to schedule an interview, Omni Carpet Care Inc. (905)465-2337 We've got great things in store for you! M A P L E G R O V E C H IR O P R A C T IC C L IN IC has Donut Bakers Full-tim e (Night shift) Experienced or we w ill train Paid training-everything you need to do a great job Valuable experience -everything you need for a great future Good times what makes our customers happy is whal motivates our employees. Honesty, caring and a workplace that feels like home Apply today: in person at 2316 Royal Windsor Or and Ford Drive or call or fax resume for appointment 905-338-1966 im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r Perm anent P/T STAFF · Thurs and Fri evenings and Saturday mornings Please hand d e liv e r resum es to: 511 M a ple g rove D r., # 4, O akville Growing Oakville company requires the following lor full-time days. $10/hour, ACQUIRE Cash $$$$$ Take advantage of you In vestm ents. R .R .S.P, LI.R.A., L.I.F., or A Pension Fund from an ex-employer of 10k required to be approved. Free C onsultation. ` P rivate Financial Assistance. 24 hrs. Call Toll Free 1-888800-0085 Fax 1-877-7545251. ·IN SID E SALES REP · CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Must be out-going, friendly and enjoy the challenge of sales and customer service. Excellent English language skills required. Call Lori/ Michelle 905-827-8230 to apply. POLISH Cleaning lady available to clean your home, apartment or office. Call Eva, 467-1579. PROFESSIONAL cleaning lady will clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)631-1306 I lost & found FOUND: Budgie. Third Line area, July 29. Call to identify 845-1551_________ FOUND one man's watch at Home Depot, Monday, Aug. 7th. Call to identify, 6324444 ext 248 FOUND: Grey cat with white tip on tail. Roseland Plaza "Magnum*. 637-7325 FOUND: Calico cat, Brant & Upper Middle ` Cecile' 6377325 ________________ FOUND:Cockatiel, Bronte area. July 25 Call to identify. 845-1551_______ FOUND tropical bird, downtown Burlington. 637-9016 FOUND: Box on road: high school year book & various belongings. Call & identify, 336-7433. T U ttH odbuA . An em ployer you can count on MISSISSAUGA CATERING COMPANY HIRING: COMCARE HEALTH.SERVICES Accredited by the Canadian Council on Health Accreditation Services is NOW RECRUITING: 2 CATERING ASSISTANTS To help with inside sales, on-site function service and management. MONEY Problems? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 · OFFICE CLERK for inventory/ shipping and collections. Must have word and Excel experience. Send resume to 905-825-2163 1 CHEF APPRENTICE Looking for a career in cooking? You w ill be learning hands-on in a three year program. We are looking for energetic people who are eager to learn and are customer service oriented. A-1 Credit Repair. We fix bad credit. Guaranteed!! 905-709-6275 ext.35 530 I sales help & agents 530 sales help & agents PSWs · HCAs HSWs Lvl 1,2 & 3 RNs · RPNs MORE REAL Estate Sales. L i censed or not. Training. Free commission advances. Retirement Plan. Call Lloyd, Exit R ealty N egotiators, (905)465-1010. ASSISTANT Manager and Fulltime Sales Associate for novelty/ gift store in Burling ton. Must have retail experi ence. Fax resume to: (905)634-3551 Those interested in tak ing Comcare's Home Support Lvl 1 Course quality lor employment with Comcare. 1355 Plains Rd. E. Burlington, L7R3P7 Tel: (905) 637-5271 Fax: (905) 634-4661 FULLTIME, friendly, team spirited Certified Dental As sistant required to join our team oriented general practice Fax resum e to: (905)632-2442 or mail to Maple Mews Dental Office. 1235 Fairview St., Burlington, L7S 2H9_____________ OFFICE RN- Thursdays & Fridays in family doctor's of fice. Guelph & New Str. area, 516/hour. Send resume to: Dr. T. Johnson 402 Guelph Ln. Burl L7R 3L4, before Aug. 28th. RECEPTIONIST- Required im m ediately for m edical practice in Oakville. Per manent, Part-time including evening hours. Fax resume with salary expectations to 905-849-3712____________ FULL-TIME receptionist re-' quired immediately at Oak ville Laser R ejuvenation Clinic, a busy state of the art laser care centre. Knowledge of MS Office required. Fax resume to: (905)842-4849___________ PERSONAL Support Work er. Needed fo r Oakville Area Reliable transporta tion. Call Holly Odoardi at SEN 905-522-6887 ext 2358 Fax your resume to: (905) 272-5670 EMPLOYMENT D R IV E R S W A N TE D W e d n e s d a y , F r id a y & S a tu r d a y M o r n in g & a fte r n o o n s h ifts a v a ila b le . · G o o d s ta r tin g w a g e · C a r re q u ire d In d u s t r ia l m a n u f a c t u r in g c o m p a n y lo c a t e d a t s o u t h O a k v ille / M is s is s a u g a b o a d e r . Bilingual Inside Sales Rep The id e a l c a n d id a te w il l have c u s t o m e r s e r v ic e e x p e r ie n c e a n d is b ilin g u a l. R e s p o n s ib i li t i e s fo r th is p o s itio n in c lu d e : · h a n d lin g in q u ir e s f r o m d is t r ib u t o r s & e n d u s e rs · p r o v id e t e c h n ic a l r e c o m m e n d a t io n s t o c u s t o m e r s · p r e p a r e f o r m a l q u o t a t io n s T h e s u c c e s s f u l c a n d i d a t e w il l h a v e th e a b ilit y to le a r n t e c h n ic a l i n f o r m a t io n , b e a t e a m p la y e r , h a v e g o o d c o m m u n ic a t io n s k ills a n d b e s e lf m o t iv a t e d . A u t o m o t iv e e x p e r ie n c e is a n a s s e t. A C o m p e titiv e s a la r y a n d e x c e lle n t b e n e f i t p la n o ffe r e d . P le a s e send r e s u m e w it h a F r e n c h a n d E n g lis h c o v e r p a g e a n d s a la r y e x p e c t a t io n s to : HCA/PSW required parttime for luxury retirement residence in downtown Oakville. Must be available all shifts including weekends. Fax resume to Elaine at (905)338-7117 DENTAL H ygienist re quired for established fami ly practice in Oakville. 3 days/week. Fax resume: Dr. Stephen Shaughnessy, (905)845-5841 ECHO/STRESS/ ECG TECH required part-time/ full-time for cardiologist of fice in Burlington. Please fax cover letter with resume 905-639-0516 ____ DENTAL Receptionist re quired full-time, with great hours, for a modern Oak ville dental practice. Please fax resume to: (905)827-0282___________ MEDICAL R eceptionist/ Secretary- part-time even ings and weekends. Must have experience and good communication skills. Fax 905-338-3144 ____ SECRETARY required for Oakville Doctor's office. 2 days/ week, (possiblility of extra hours). Experience preferred. Please fax resume to: (905)842-8001 W AITSTAFF end of Au gust full-time/ part-time, 2 m inutes from Sheridan C ollege, Apply with re sume 386 Iroquois Shore Rd. (905)845-7937. BROOKLYN Bar & G rill at Burlington Bowl Cooks* Fulltime & mature part-time: Call Pearl (905)845-3824, ext. 281 (Leave Message) O a k v il l e B e a v e r Burlington R)st R E Q U IR E S A M Wait Staff Cook's Assistant Bartenders Buspersons Call Moira, 2-6pm for appi LARGE and Small Renova tions and Repairs ... One Call Does It All! Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall, more. Professional work. Frank (905)637-5570___________ 681 -1000 ^ painting & decorating ASSISTANT CIRCULATION MANAGER The Burlington Post Is seeking an individual who's highly motivated and results driven, confident with strong communications skills plus a background in a custom er service oriented organization to lead and motivate staff to meet company objectives. The ide a l c a n d id a te w ill have a co m p u te r familiarity and proficiency with software such as MS Word and Excel. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Please submit your resume to: BUSY B ritish Pub now hiring for both Oakville and Burlington locations. Full/ Part-tim e Servers, H ost/H ostesses, Line Cooks, Dishwashers. Call Andrew 905-8 4 2-3 0 7 0 after 6pm or fax resume 905-842-5901____________ DONUT and Muffin Bakers required. Full-time. Nights and Days. Paid training. Benefits. Good E xperi ence... Tim Hortons. 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville. THREE Judges hiring Line Cooks & Wait Staff. Mini mum 3yrs. exp. Apply with full resume. 167 Lakeshore Rd. East, or call 905-8497898 Paul or Derek. EXPERIENCED Painter. Commercial & Residential. Interior & exterior, window cleaning/ repairs. Low rates. Troy, 634-3501 100% QUALITY Pro Paint ers = 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416)793-3339. The Burlington Post A ttn : S te v e C r o z ie r , D is tr ib u tio n D ir e c to r 2 3 2 1 F a ir v ie w S t. B u r lin g to n , O N L 7 R 2 E 3 F a x: (9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 -1 0 2 4 We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. B o x #4329 T he M is s is s a u g a News 3145 W olfe d a le Rd. M is s is s a u g a , ON L5C 3A9 GOING to Move? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas. 847-0178. JIM 'S Moving & Storage. Local & long distance. Flat rates available. Call Jim. (905)659-4064 f---------------- --- ...i

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