Oakville Beaver, 11 Aug 2000, p. 42

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42 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, August 11, 2000 325 DUFFERIN POOL table Regent, turned legs, ranch stained, slate 8 ft. re gulation, many accessories plus cover. 2 years old, Like new. 2300./best offer 637-7468 eve. 845-1833 days._______ ENGAGEMENT Ring- 46 carats, em erald cut, 14kwhite gold, W S 2 clarity, color G, w/appraisal, $3340. Brand new. $1600. Phone 631-1305____ ____ FREEZER- "Woods* deep freeze 46"x27` , 6yrs. $135. Kenmore deep freeze, 54"x27", 5yrs.. $150. Both excellent cond itio n (905)842-3824 FRIDGE & stove, GE.. al mond. excellent condition, $400 for pair 634-6034 FRIDGE white, excellent condition $350. 905-3328260 FURNITURE, sofas, kitchen chairs, lamps, coffee tables, baskets, d ishes... Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service. Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm ;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. FUTON: Solid oak, hand carved side panels. Extra thick mattress w/ one cover and bolster set in natural heavy cotton and one in taupe sueded cotton. Cost $1200. new, less than a year old. Sacrifice $800. Call (905)632-7405 GOLF set, Aldila graphite shafts, Men's Rights, used 2 months. Excellent condi tion. New-$400, now-$250. 905-827-0434 KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)971-1777. KITCHEN cabinets, (20* upper, 13' lower), medium oak, includes countertop, sink, faw cet. $800. (905)825-9727. _____ LADIES bike- V enture C ruiser. Like new, $90. Also; Swift Canoe, Osprey solo. $1650. 9 0 5 -3 1 5 9119___________________ MAYTAG gas stove, a l most new; Maytag fridge. Frost-free 5-yrs. old; wash er; dryer; gas lawnmower; garden tools; work bench. (905)815-0374 MOVING Sale Q uality items only! Pool table, hand tools, bedroom set. fam ily room fu rn itu re . 332 3513 after 6pm 1 , f* MOVING Sale: dinette, china cabinet, curtains and m ore... 6 8 1 -8 7 5 4 after 4pm. WICKER/ RATTAN Kitchen table, 4-chairs (black/white). sofa, loveseat, coffee/endtables (n atu ra l); Stove, w hite, corning cooktop; fridge, Kelvinator, white. (905)257-0174,__________ VILAS maple bedroom set, small freezer, card table & chairs, kitchen table & 2 chairs. Argyle rocker, car pets. drapes, misc. artcles. Reasonable prices, negotiable. 845-8032 WASHER & dryer. GE w hite only 2 years old. seldom used, $650. Call 634-9880._______________ WASHER & dryer, Whirl pool, stackable $500/firm (905)333-3750 WASHER, dryer, $250/set set of encyclopedias; small w indow air co n d itio ne r excellent condition, $100/obQ- (905)337-2498 WHITE truck to p p er for 1995 -2000 Dodge Ram. short box. Tinted glass, sliders. $590. (9 05)3379307 325 5Q5 WHY NOT ENJOY WORK! and make a difference! At YOUNG DRIVERS® of Canada w e o ffe r th e b e s t d r iv e r t r a in in g p r o g r a m in th e co u n try . We teach C o l l is i o n / r e e / TM D riving and we re looking fo r d rive rs w ho share o u r passion fo r excellence. If you love to drive, enjoy people, w an t flexible h o u rs and th e o p p o rtu n ity fo r a d v a n c e m e n t then D river Tra inin g is the career fo r you. The m in im u m re q u ire m e n ts are 5 y e a rs d riv in g e x p e r ie n c e w it h a c le a n d r iv in g r e c o r d . C andidates m u s t also be available to take a 5 w ee k YD In s tr u c to r T ra in in g C ou rse b e fo re becom ing licensed. A ll graduates are hired! Y o u r c a re e r c o u ld a ls o in v o lv e c la s s ro o m te a c h in g , C o llis io n / r e e / TM D r iv e r Im p r o v e m e n t P r o g r a m s o r y o u r o w n YD franchise. New insurance d is c o u n ts fo r both YD a nd C o l l i s i o n / r e e / TM g ra d u a te s w ill create even m ore g ro w th in 2000. Please d ro p in between 10 a.m . and 3 :30 p.m . M onday to Friday to fill o ut an a pplication. Located in downtown Oakville at 2 3 5 L a k e s h o re R o a d E a st, S u ite 1 0 4 O a k v ille ( L a k e s h o r e / D u n n ) ESTATE A U C TIO N SALE TUES, AUG. 15 · Sale 6 p m * Preview 4 pm At the SHAFER AUCTION GALLERY 2004 Caroline St. (at Brant) Burlington Important auction sale consists ol quality antiques and colle ctib le s from various estates (in c l. Coulson & Carey) & private individuals. Antique oak & wal. turn., quality glass & china, etc. Contemporary furnishings & household effects Delivery available. Cash, Visa, M/C, D ebit. 5 % Buyers Prem. Dir. In Burlington, Caroline St. meets Brant between the QEW & Lakeshore. Ample public parking. In te rn atio n al M oving Com pany Due to expansion. Crown W orldw ide Movers has openings tor the following: · Driver/Crew Chief (D or D-Z License) · Household Goods Packers/Wrappers Experience in overseas moving desirable but nol essential as training will be given. Drivers must have clean abstract · Warehouse Supervisor/ Dispatcher Experience in shipping and receiving, good communication skills and forklift experi ence required. Must have ability to oversee warehouse staff and operation crews to ISO 9002 standards. All applicants must be bondable and self-motivated. We otter fulltime employment, good wage and benefit package. A pp ly to : SHAFER AUCTION GALLERY (905) 634-6300 Call for consignment or Estate Information: Edward 0. Shafer (905) 643-1616 PREVIEW AT: www.localbuyandsell.com Crown Relocations 1375 A rtisans C ourt, B u rlin g to n , ON L7L 5 Y 2 · A ttn: D avid W ebster BACK To School?? Ideal car for student or wife. 1989 Sonata, one retired owner, low mileage. Must be seen and driven. No triflers or dealers please. Asking $2,899. (905)845-9494. 1997 C hrysler Intrepid, loaded, new tires, 104K, very clean. C ertified. $11,000/obo. Call Peter, (905)849-2423___________ 1989 Sonata, autom atic, emissions certificate. Low mileage, one owner. Best offer. (905) 845-9494 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier2-dr, p/s, p/b, auto, 4cyl., 122,000Km. Certifed. emmission, must see! $2700. (905)681-8565 I cars wanted FRAMER- experienced for additions and renovations. Call Sharon Homes Construction. 338-6523______ HALTON R e n ta l. 375 Steeles Ave. E. Milton- Full time positions: Mechanic, small engine and light con struction equipm ent. M anager/counter person willing to train. Salary and benefits. Fax resumes to (905)878-5750 or call (905)878-5740___________ U-HAUL Now hiring for part-time Customer Service Rep/ Counter help. Please apply in person with re sume to: 478 Woody Rd., Oakville. No Phone Calls Please! An equal oppor tunity employer. CLIBLINO CORPORATION WANTED All-China, Silver, C rystal, cam era/ audio equipm ent, sewing ma chines... Doulton, Moorcro ft,Q u ilts, Glass, Watches, dolls, paintings, co lle ctib le s. estates. John/T racy-905-331 -2477 PAIN TING S, A ntiques Wanted: Furniture, Glass, China, Silver Ring Boxes, Addison radios, Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington. ANTIQUES Wanted: dining room s, bedroom suites, individual pieces including linens, lamps, silver, china. etc. (905)639-3639 ____ W ANTED: D aybed with trundle. Also, solid wood bunkbed with m atching dresser/shelves for boys room. 637-3159__________ W ANTED: fu rn itu re , ap pliances, dressers, dinette, bedroom sets, odds & ends. Must be reasonable. (905)525-9904 anytime. I pets, supplies Over 160 classroom s across Canada YOUNG DRIVERS*of Canada j l Your licence to survive. ww w .youngdnvers.com We are C lu b L in k , C a n a d a 's largest ow ner, o p erato r and d ev elo p er o f p rivate and d aily fee g o lf co u rses and reso rts. R ight now, w e have o p p o rtu n ities fo r en th u siastie, cu sto m e r serv ice orien ted in dividuals to fill. Food and B everage serv in g p o sitio n s at o u r local g o lf clubs, R attleS n ak e Point G o lf C lu b in M ilto n , and G len A bbey G o lf C lu b in O a k v ille . T h ese p o sitio n s req u ire indiv id u als w ith strong co m m u n icatio n sk ills, h o sp itality ex p erien ce and the ability to w ork effectively as part o f a team in a fast-p aced environm ent. T h is w ork term is from A u g u st to D ecem b er, 2 000. If you are interested , p lease respond to: BE IN DEMAND! Personal Support Worker Program In response to an increased demand fo r graduates, Sheridan offers the RattleSnake Point Golf Club 5407 Regional R d. 25 M ilton, ON Glen Abbey Golf Club 1333 D orval Dr. O akville, ON L 6J 4Z3 Fax: 905-844-2035 E -m ail: jo bs@ clublink.ca FITNESS enthusiasts needed part-tim e w ee kends and days. Preferred personal trainer with sales experience. Fax resume to: (905)844-5127._________ OAKVILLE Florist Shop: We are looking fo r an experienced Designer to work with us on a freelance level or as a part-tim e em ployee. A pplicants should have at least 2 years experience. Design ing certificate a bonus. Con tact Maria or Em ily: (905)849-8885 i ox 2XS S0-S5000.Reward- Cars. Trucks. Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D eliveryFree Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville)________________ WANTED: Dead or Alive. 7 days - 24 hrs. Call 8764594, (905) 467-9484. Milton. I trucks fo r sale PT Night Housekeeper For luxury retire m ent residence. R esponsibilities include: general housekeeping services & laundry. Previous experi ence in com m ercial/ residential cleaning required. Drop off resum e or fax to: (905) 842-9229 M ichael Heffernan The Kensington 25 Lakeshore Rd W Fax: 905-693-1900 E-m ail: jo b s@ ctu b lin k .ca A ttendant S ervice W orker J O Y C E S C O T T N O N - P R O F IT H O M E S $ 1 1 .3 5 -5 1 2 .8 5 H O U R L Y People with good com m unicalion s k ills and good physical fitness are needed to assist adults with a physical d isability in activities ot daily livin g. The successful applicant must be able to work a variety of shifts, have reliable vehicle and be able to drive in all areas ot Halton. Training provided. Successful candi dates w ill be subject to a Criminal Check. Personal Support W orker Program w hich prepares graduates to help c lie n ts enjoy th e best q u a lity o f life p o s s ib le , w h e th e r in th e ir own hom es or long term care fa cilitie s. Cost: $1,308.75 (El recipients may be eligible for funding) Info session & Location: J u ly 19. 2000 @ 1pm, Sheridan College Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Road., Oakville S tart/ End: Sept. 5 to Jan. 19,2000 Contact: 905-845-9430 ext 8052 DALMATIAN pups 8wks. old. 1st needle, vet checked, dewormed. 905875-0475_______________ GERMAN Shepherd puppies, ready to go, CKC registered and shots M ales and fem ales 257-5927 GOLDEN R etriever pup pies- Pure bred no papers 1st shots & wormed Ready August 12th, $350 after 5pm 1-905-854-1262 I cars fo r sale 1988 black 2 door Jimmyauto, p/s, p/b, 2.3L, 235,000km . Em ission tested, ce rtified . Runs great. $2900. (905) 469-1736 Contact Program Manager 878-6722 or fax resume to 878-6449. S h e rid a n YOUNG CANADA S tore M anager Be part of a winning team! We are searching for a Store Manager for our B urlington M a ll lo ca tio n in Burlington. The qualified applicant must be a self starter, continuously responding to the challenges of a fast-paced, dynamic environment. The chosen candidate must also possess 3 years of management experience w ith a successful track record. Strong communication and excellent leader ship skills along with visual merchandising qualities, knowledge of providing outstanding customer service, enthusiasm and fashion awareness an asset. ALLSTA TE IN S U R A N C E We re growing in Oakville. W e 'r e l o o k i n g f o r s u c c e s s f u l s a l e s p e r f o r m e r s . Y o u h a v e e it h e r y o u r L ife o r G e n e r a l A g e n t 's L ic e n s e . W e o f f e r u n lim it e d in c o m e p o t e n t ia l, g u a r a n t e e d s a la r y + c o m m is s io n s . B e n e f it s a n d p a id e x p e n s e s . O p p o r tu n ity to ru n y o u r o w n o ffic e . S e n d r e s u m e to : V in c e D e A n g e lis , 2 4 2 7 T r a f a lg a r R d ., U n it 1, O a k v ille , O N L 6 H 6 K 7 · T e l: ( 9 0 5 ) 2 5 7 - 0 0 6 8 1988 Voyager van. Great condition! New tires, rebuilt engine, CD stereo, remote start. $3,995. (9 05)3365134,____________________ 1993 DODGE C aravan. V6. 3L. certified, emissions tested. Under 133,000 kms. $7,3 00 ./best offer. (905)338-8307 I m otorcycles Oakville, ON IQ *V m a u R «n re m < itq Q o m m » n i(ifi LIFESTYLE MAINTENANCE PERSON required part-time: Sun.-Thurs. 4-9:30pm. To arrange an appointment call: MOVING: Family room, 2 bedroom sets, sm all a p pliances, apartment dryer, freezer, various articles. 905-782-4477. 905-847~>vJ3664 ________________ NORDIC Trak- top model, $200. Children's clothing, boys/ girls, newborn-3, Osh Kosh, G ymboree, Gap, 634-1592. PIANO, Heintzman upright grande, painted funky terra cotta. $500.; built-in dish washer, never used, $300.; futon, $200.; office desk, $150.; beige leather couch & chair, $50/ea. (some water damage) (905) 333- 0868________________ PIANOS Wanted. Apt. size to Grands. Will pay cash and pick-up. Steve, 1-800633-7088 RENOVATION Sale in S.E. Oakville. Broadloom, dusty rose, like new; kitchen cab inets, counter tops, vanities, sinks, (416)241-1886 SOFA and chair "Palliser", excellent condition. 3yrs old. Hardly used. Beige/ burgundy/ Blue/green. $550 639-3350 __ __ SONY Trinitron 32" Stereo television with base. Ex cellent picture. $650. call 315-8856________________ STUDENT specials- furni ture. sofa's, records/ text books. Great deals! Reuse Centre. 3335 N .Service, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm;Sat9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. THE W aterbed G allery Store Closing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street. Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395 6 0 0 .________ __________ SALE Kayak Pool 20ft above- ground rectangular pool $4995. im m ediate delivery. Package includes: liner, ladder, sand filte r, pump & motor, vacuum equip. Decks optional. 1800-668-7564 _ ____ TWIN beds, linen includ ed; 2 desks. 905-842-6134. 1983 Topaz GS "C ER TI FIED" automatic, emerald metalic greert/silver, Grand Sport, am/fm cassette, cold air, power options, mag wheels, spoiler, lady driven, showroom condition. "Looks and drives like new:' Emis sions certificate, low kms. $4900 Oakville 845-5277. 1998 Ford W indstar GL. 82K, $14,450.; 1998 Mercury Sable GS, 4-dr, 78K, $12,450.; 1997 Mercury Sable GS, 4-dr, 84K. $10,950. Fully loaded, certified, warranty. Fairview Auto Depot, (905)637-1044 1994 MERCURY Sable C lean. Very good co nd itio n. Needs some work. $1800/best o ffer. (416) 347-3470 1993 Crown V icto ria LX white, blue leather, 140K.. mint condition, power eve rything. new brakes/ tires, $7900 certified 338-3619. 1993 Ford T a u ru s- Au tomatic. red, air, cruise con tro l, 4-new tires, new brakes, low km's. (905)510-0450___________ 1989 Ford Tempo- 142K, c e rtifie d , $2,700. Good condition. 905-332-8281 1989 Topaz, 4-dr, auto, psJ pb, 90K. Good condition. $850/as is. (905)845-5215 1991 Topaz, rebuilt motor New rear stgruts. $1,0009 Tony 257-5548 1992 Buick R oadm aster o rig in a l owner, power equipped, immaculate con dition, safety/ emission cer tified. Private. $5,700. obo (905)845-0346.________ 1992 PONTIAC Sunbird. 174K, new tire s, tim ing belt, c e rtifie d and e m is sions passed, Alpine ster eo system , $4950. (905)330-7531. 1994 Yamaha Virago, excellent condition. 4200km 's. low seater. $3600. Evenings & weekends (905)847-4635 Pinsetter Attendants Pinchasers & Cust. Service Full & Part-time Training Provided Retirees Welcome! 639-1024 COUNTRY INN, OAKVILLE Small, friendly hotel on the Oak. / Miss. border requires f LaserAfetfworks W e h a v e a n im m e d ia te o p e n in g in o u r a c c o u n tin g d e p a r tm e n t. R e sp o n sib ilities to in c lu d e : A / P in q u irie s a n d p ro c e ssin g , c h e q u e ru n s, s u p p lie r re c o n c ilia tio n s a n d th e p r e p a r a tio n a n d p o s tin g o f d e p o sits. ^ auto parts. supplies & repairs HONDA Brand New/ Never used still in box, CRV rims (4), 08W1 5-S10-300F, Complete $250.all Reuse C entre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm;Sat9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. For Appointment: Call Ruby or Rob, (905) 681-2727 or drop off resume: Burlington Bowl 4065 Harvester Road Burlington, ON If you would lik e to jo in a dynamic team th a t can o ffe r you a com petitive salary and bene f i t s p a c k a g e , p le a se fa x yo u r re sum e to : (905)631-6447 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer M ust be a strong team player to join our Oaki'ille location. P lease f o rw a rd y o u r re s u m e b y e m a il to s n a d e a u @ la s e m e tw o rk s .c o m o r b y f a x (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 4 7 1 P/T Night Auditor & F/T Front Desk Clerk ' W ill train successful applicants. Please call: TYPING /W .P. S ervices available. Resumes, Re ports, Spreadsheets, Pre sentations, copying, etc. Please call Linda (416)251-1392. Leasing C on sultant Perfect part-time professional position. Weekends and some evenings. MATHESON Malheson Valves a leading stocking distributor ot process valves and instrumentation products requires (905) 829-8020 MacLachlan College P A R T -T IM E L IB R A R Y A S S IS T A N T Responsibilities w ill Include providing assistance lor the operation of the M acLachlan College Library. Training in Library Procedures w ill be provided by the Librarian. Experience in a library environment is desirable as well as being computer literate. Sue's BED & BATH JOIN OUR TEAM !! M a tu r e s a le s a s s o c ia te w ith e x p e r ie n c e . Applications Engineer / Technologist The ideal candidate w ill be a graduate of a post secondary engineering program with 1-2 years of inside sales experience. We seek a results oriented achiever who can work with minimal supervision in a last paced environment. Excellent communication and superior computer skills are essential. Please forward your resume to: M r. Brooke Tinkess, M atheson Valves, 1173 N orth Service Road West, U nit D -5, Oakville, ON, L6M 2V9 o t fax 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -3 4 1 4 general help wanted NO Fee! C areer Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. Funded by HRDC. For infor m a tion / to registe r call Grace (905)333-3499/ (905)878-1240 A re y o u o u tg o in g , p e rs o n a b le a n d in te re s te d in a s a le s c a re e r? Fax resume to: (905)639-0996 LANDSCAPE Maintenance Person- F/T. Experience preferred. Drivers license, neat appearance, reliable. Growth opportunity with ex panding conpany. Position will lead to crew Supervisor for the 2001 season! Please call 905-257-5619, leave message or call after 6:00p.m. INTERNATIONAL Pool & Spa C e n te rs - Here we grow again! O ntario's largest Pool & Spa Dealer is looking for short/long term staff. Positions a vailable for: Service Tech's, SVC/Assistant & Managers, Retail Sales & Sales Person. Please fax resume to: (905) 849-7721 Please subm it a cover le tte r & resume to : P. Keery, Librarian, 337 Trafalgar Rd., O akville, ON L6J 3H3 MATURE Drivers required for Sept. An hour or 2hrs. per day. Mon-Fri to drive children to Sunnydale School & other local schools in Oakville. Racquel 905-257-2753________ JOCUS Educational ToysSupplement your Family In come working from home selling Quality Games. Toys & Crafts. Excellent Income. 1-800-361-4587 ext. 9381 HOUSEKEEPER required part-time for luxury retire ment residence in downtown Oakville. Must be available all shifts including weekends. Fax resume to Elaine at (905)338-7117 MAINTENANCE Person. 200 unit highrise in Burling ton. All skills required. Must live in. Call (905)334-0392. M-F, Noon- 8pm CARPET Layer/ helper ap prentice required fulltim e immediately. Non-smoker. C all Frank at (9 0 5 )3 3 3 5928 __________________ SU PERINTENDENT re quired, 80-unit apartment com plex. Downtown Ha milton. Live-on site (2-bdrm apt), rent geared to income and utilities. Must be avail able weekends and alter nate weekends, own tools, m o tivate d, experienced. Reply to Box 6292 c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington L7R2E3 D ro p o ft re s u m e : Burlington Mall Attn: Joanne GROOMERS Wanted- for Mrs. Paws Mobile Pet Grooming. Full & part-time a vailable. Call Sue at (905)336-8898 FINISHING Carpenter- ex perienced for residential additions and renovations. Call Sharon Homes Construction. (905)338-6523 CARPENTER Helper. 2 yrs. minimum experience. Must be willing to travel. Hand tools and own trans porta tion required. Fax (905)632-2064___________ MOTEL-6 hiring, full-time and part-time Housekeep ing staff. Please inquire at: 4345 North Service Rd., Burlington i---------------------- :________________________________________________ i 510 510 general help wanted C ABLE-PULLER experi enced for voice and data cables. Fax resume (905)469-8698 _____ PART-TIME Delivery helphours flexible. Ideal for student or person with another part-time job. Sat urdays necessary. Some heavy lifting. Training pro vided. Im m ediate start. Call Swiss Interiors 905844-3530___________ ___ SHORT term programming project, 2wks. $100/ per day. Ideal for student. Ste phen 905-825-1375 SALES A ssociatesStephehensons Rental Inc requires full-time Customer service oriented people for our O akville/ Burlington equipment rental locations. Starting at $10.30/hr +benefits after 3 months. Cus tomer service experience , mechanical apititude are definte assets, able to work weekends. Fax 905-8428087_________ __________ KENNEL help. Reliable, mature, own transportation. Weekends a must! Call 257-5927 WAREHOUSE Person...... required F/T- Shipping/ receiving/ packaging etc. Good command of English. Good m anual dexterity. Basic math skills and ability to lift over 60lbs required. (Oakville Company). Call 905-842-5035, fax resume 905-842-5329____________ FLEXIBLE Permanent Parttime, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm. Telemarketing in friendly Oakville office. Will train. Call 9am-3pm weekdays, ServiceMaster (905)8479216

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