Oakville Beaver, 11 Aug 2000, p. 36

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36 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, August 11, 2000 G> 1. Second annualAdam Fedomk M em orial Tournament O A K V I L L E 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 NOTICE OF SURPLUS AND SALE RE PART OF LOT 24, CONCESSION I, SOUTH OF DUNDAS STREET, DESIGNATED AS PART 3 ON PLAN 20R-I3705 FRIDAY 5 JO p.m. Michigan Majors vs Erindale (Our Lady of Peace) Michigan Minors vs OAKVILLE MINORS (River Oaks) Kanata vs OAKVIIXE MAJORS (Postridge) 8 p.m. Ancaster vs Dundas (River Oaks, under the lights) SATURDAY 9:30 a.m. Michigan Majors vs OAKVILLE MAJORS (Postridge) Michigan Minors vs Erindale (River Oaks) noon Kanata vs Erindale (Postridge) Ancaster vs OAKVILLE MINORS (River Oaks) 2 JO p.m. OAKVILLE MAJORS vs Erindale (Postridge)' Ancaster vs Michigan Majors (River Oaks) 5 p.m. Kanata vs Michigan Majors (Postridge) OAKVILLE MINORS vs Dundas (River Oaks) * games between Mexico N.Y., Orangeville, Stoney Creek and High Park are being played out of High Park. SUNDAY (Consolation round) 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., consolation round semifinals (River Oaks) 2 p.m. consolation final (River Oaks) (Championship round) 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., championship division semi finals (Postridge) 2 p.m. championship final (Postridge) T A K E N O T IC E T H A T: T h e C o u n c il fo r th e C o rp o ra tio n o f th e T ow n o f O a k v ille at its m e e tin g o f A u g u s t 8, 2 0 0 0 d e c la re d c e rta in la n d s su rp lu s. T h e se la n d s are d e sc rib e d as fo llo w s: P a rt o f L o t 2 4 , C o n c e s s io n 1, S o u th o f D u n d a s S tre et, T ow n o f O ak v ille, R e g io n a l M u n ic ip a lity o f H a lto n , d e sig n a te d as P a rt 3 o n R e fe re n c e P lan 2 0 R -I3 7 0 5 . 2. 3. T h is n o tic e is in c o m p lia n c e w ith th e T o w n 's B y -law 1 9 95-71. C o p y o f R e fe re n c e P la n 2 0 R - 13705 sh o w in g th e la n d s to be so ld is av ailab le fo r in s p e c tio n a t th e o ffic e o f th e M a n ag er, R e a lty S e rv ic e s at th e ad d ress s h o w n b elo w , b y a p p o in tm e n t b y c a llin g 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 , e x te n s io n 3 0 2 2 d u rin g n o rm a l b u s in e s s h o u rs (8 :3 0 a.m . to 4 :3 0 p.m .). The second annual Adam Fedoruk Memorial Little League tournament will be held this weekend at three Oakville fields -- Our Lady of Peace, River Oaks and Postridge. The tourney is held in honour of the memory of former Little League player Adam Fedoruk who tragically lost his life in a house fire two years ago. Convenors for the tournament are Wayne Hanley and Terry Sears. The schedule is included (admission is free)... W o r ld C u p q u a lifie r o n ta p M a y n a rd M illm a n , A A C I, P .A p p ., M a n ag er, R e a lty S erv ices, L egal D ep artm en t T h e C o rp o ra tio n o f th e T o w n o f O a k v ille 1225 T ra fa lg a r R o a d O a k v ille , O n ta rio L 6 J 5 A 6 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6 Hendervale Equestrian Complex is holding the third of a series of three major classics this week. The annual Halton Valley Summer Classic, which also includes a world cup qualifier, will be held at the Burlington facility (which also straddles Milton and Oakville) through to Sunday (Aug. 9-13th). More than 600 participants are expected to compete in 125 class competitions throughout the five-day event, culmi nating in the world cup qualifier Sunday, 2 p.m. There is much to do at Hendervale -- watch the competi tions, tour the immaculate grounds, visit with the horses and riders and enjoy the refreshment tents and picnic areas. The Royal Bank Financial Group presents the OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tournament W ednesday · August 16, 2000 at W yldew ood Golf & Country Club G r e a t G o lf , G r e a t P r iz e s ... a n d a G r e a t F e e lin g . FOR GROUP BOOKINGS, HOLE SPONSORSHIP & INFORMATION, CALL: ADRIAN COOTE · The Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tournament c/o RBC Dominion Securities Book your group now for this highlight of the Charity Golf season, celebrating 20 years of support for OTMH! FINANCIAL GROUP ^OAKVILLE BEAVER B F G o o d r ic h (9 0 5 ) 8 1 5 * 8 2 7 0 OR FERN MICHEL (905)849-6518 p REGISTRATION FORM Name will be posted on tee or green, and names of all hole sponsors will be listed in the event program. Cost is $250 and we will invoice you for advertising. P le a secheck here if you will sponsor_ _ (p le a s ea tta c hb u s in e s sc a rd ). PIAYER(S): j Cost this year is $175.00' per player Enter your name and address or the name of your 1 twosome / foursome. Tee off times will be allocated on a FIRST-COME FIRST-SERVE BASIS. | You are encouraged to register early 1 Please indicate your preferred tee off starting time: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. HOLE SPONSOR: PRIZE DO N OR: All Prizes will be gratefully acknowledged in the event program. P le a s echeckh e reif youwill do n a tec a shor prize__ (p le a s ea tta c hb u s in e s sc a rd ). J F O RF U R T H E RIN FO R M ATIO NC A LLADRIAN C O O TEA T905-815-8270 OR F E R NM ICHEL A T 905-849-6518 P le a sereturn R egistration Formand P aym ent to: Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tournament c/o R BC Dominion Securities 239 Lakeshore R d. E.Oakville, ON L6J1H7 Attn: Adrian Coote Fax:905-815-8180 PLAYER(S) N A M E ADDRESS P H O N E NUM BER A charitable donation receipt will be issued for a portion of your entrance fee.

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