Oakville Star, 11 Jun 1936, p. 4

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THE O A K V IL L E EV Er.Y STAR P U B L IS H E D THURSDAY At tbe Office of Publication COLBORNE ST. O A K V IL L E , ONT TERM S OF SU BSCRIPTIO N-- $1.50 a year. TO SU BSCRIBERS-- No paper w ill be stopped until all arrears are paid, except at the option of tlie proprietor. A postoffice notice to discon tinue is not sufficient. To subscribers in the Uniti ii States. $2.(10 a year. J i.5 0 if paid in ad ADVERTISING RA TE S ON REQUEST FINE JOB PRINTING R. A. Forrester, Proprietor Thursday, June l l t h , 1936 C H A N G IN G OUR M E T H O D S Most of us are taught at an early age to adopt certain methods in our business, professional, or home life. As the world progresses, however, these methods often have to be changed to conform with modern require ments for quicker and more practical results. Sometimes we do not wel come this changing o f our old methods, which may be obstructing and limiting our progress. This is not because we, do not wish to be progres sive, but because we may believe it difficult to conform our thinking to new and untried ways. Y et as we recognize that fresh thoughts and-- ideas are necessary fo r the modernization and improvement o f our business or home meth ods, s'o it is necessary to change our thinking from a material to a spirit ual basis if we would overcome discouragement, failure, sickness and lack, or any of the difficulties which mortal sense dam s are part o f a material existence. Toda*y in our own human affairs, we may have labored long and des pairingly in the face of difficulties and failure to make a business or career successful, or a home happy. W e may have tried every matrial method within our reach in the hope o f achieving success. Or again, perhaps we have struggled hopelessly to find a remedy for some sickness that has been clouding our life and delaying our progress. I f so, let us here and now abandon opr fruitless search for success and freedom among the dark, unsatisfactory paths o f material thinking, which we have proved so useless, and wholeheartedly turn to the Christly method o f spiritual thinking-- the knowledge that man is made in the image and likeness of God, good, and is forever spiritual and perfect, possessing by reflection an un'iim 'ed supply o f good. W e sh mid realize what tremendous bless ings a:. 1 happiness come to all those who base their thinking on the allness of God, good, and the perfection o f man, the beloved son o f God. On page 52 o f " Miscellaneous W ritings" Mts. Eddy says, " Whosoever under stands the power of Sipirit, has no doubt of God's powr-- even the might o f Truth-- to heal, through divine Science, beyond all human means and methods." -- From the Christian Science Monitor. T H E N E W C.N.R. B R A N C H The House of Commons has given first reading to a bill authorizing the Canadian National Railways to build a 99-mile branch from Senneterre to Rouyn, in order to serve the new and rich goldfields in North western Quebec. O f the duty of Parliament t goive speedy sanction for proceeding with the work there can be no doubt. The only railway traversing the territory is part of the National Transcontinental, the building of which brought severe criticism to the Laurier Government and which has been a heavy weght on the Treasury. Now that an op portunity has come through mining to give this C.N.R. branch muchneeded revenue, it would be unreasonable and unsound to permit the Canadian Pacific to step in and take the cream. The C.P.R. has received a Quebec charter by which it would cover the route, but in every sense o f the word it is C.N.R. territory and should be so regarded. Mines are pot inexhaustible, and it would be calamitous, as Mr. Bennett said in the House, if two roads were constructed. Other fields both north and south o f the C.N .R. are likely to require transpor tation facilities in time, and surely the reservations will all be in favor o f the: system which did the pioneering and waited nearly two decades for remunerative business. SNIDER'S Mrs. .Page, of Toronto, is visiting at the home o f her daughter, Mrs. W. Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fish motored to Kirkwall on Sunday at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. W atson, formerly Mr. F. A. Forster, who has been Miss Etta Bell. W hile there they at visiting at the home of his daughter, tended the Presbyterian church and M'-s. E. P. Lunau, Oakville, is now had the pleasure o f hearing the vet eran missionary to China, Rev. Dr. with Mr. and Mrs. Lunau at their cottage at Fenelon Falls, Jonathan Goforth, who has lately re The 50th anniversary services o f turned from Manchuria. Mrs. Harry Dunn entertained on Wesley church will be held on Sun Thursday afternoon o f last week at d a y , June 21st, at eleven o'clock and a delightfully arranged shower in I eight o'clock, daylight saving time. honor of Miss Mary W ilson, whose A feature o f the services will be the marriage to Mr. Harry White, of singing by members o f the choir o f Whitevale. is an event o f Wednesday fifty years ago, with Mr. F. A. F or of this week. The romantic story of ster, the organist at the time the Sweet W illiam and Black-eyed Susan church was opened and who . played caused much merriment as it was un continuously for 42 years, again pre folded by Miss Trene Bentley, sister siding at the organ. A reunion tea of the hostess. Seated in a large chair and concert-will be held on Tuesday which was decorated with wedding June 23rd. Tea will be served at 6 bells and pink streamers, the guest of o'clock D.S.T. Mrs. Alpheus Fish accompanied honor opened the many gifts, which were presented in a gaily decorated Mrs. J. Switzer on her return to her basket. A dainty lunch was later home in Hamilton, .and 'is staying served by the hostess. Assisting there for a few days. Mrs. Dunn in the entertaining of her | Miss Grace Fish was appointed guesU w e e her sisters. Miss Audrey, delegate to the S.S. convention at Miss Bernice and "Mss Trene Bentley Mil'ton which is being held on W ed and A?iss Roberta Dunn. Among the nesday, representing Wesley Sunday pnest< which nun liered thirty, were 'School. the mother of the bridte-to-bfe, Mrs. Mrs. J: E. Dunn entertained the T . W ilson, and Mrs. G. Bentley, Wesley auxiliary of the W .M .S. on mother of tbe hostess. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H. S. Through the kindness of Mr. and Lovering was. in charge o f the pro Mrs. TT. Tnglehart, of Palermo, Mrs. gram. Roy Fish and Miss A. Marshall were enabled to represent the Wesley W. M jS. at the eastern sectional rally at Melville church on M'onday. The drive through the Melville and Belfountain district which was new to some o f the occupants o f the car was especially enjoyed. A t the June meeting of the Paler mo division, the results of the six* months program contest were an *** E L E C T R IC A L -C O N T R A C T O R nounced. · The group led by Fred E d P H O N E 841 -- O A K V IL L E wards was declared the winner over Old h ouses w ired care fu lly the other four groups, having present ed the best*programs at the meetings Mr. Fred H op cioft of Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnstc throughout the winter season. The visiting his sister, Mrs. E. Belyea. tended the funeral o f the late winning group is to be entertained On Tuesday, the Belyea fam ily held Beaty. at a strawberry festival at the home N o t a r y P u b li c a fam ily gathering at the mother's Real E sta te i f rs. C. K. Evans (nee Nore of Seward Jarvis in July. The pro Insurance Fulcher), who was married on Satur home. gram of Saturday's meeting included Money to L o a n day, has visited Wesley church and The Ladies' A id of the United papers by Morley Peacock, Mrs. It you have any money to Invest, I sung there on two occasions. While church are meeting on Thursday af- George Fox and Miss Jean M c here she was the guest o f her f rixw i*ltenioon at the home of Mrs. A .Wood, Laughlin, and a piano solo by Miss can place it Bafeiy on (lrat mortgage, at good lnterem. Mrs. Franklin Wilson. On Wednesday evening o f last Jean McLaughlin. ( Contributed ) Announcements o f the 50th anni week. Mrs. M. Dawson, Miss A. CudW e congratulate Donald W ood who more, Mrs. A. E. Pickard and Mr. versary of Wesley church are being is among the list of pupils of Oak C. Rayburn attended the Home and sent as far as can be ascertained to B arrister, S o lic ito r Sichool council executive meeting at ville high school passing on their all former members and adherents. N ota ry, e tc the home of Mr.s Wynne, Roselands. year's work. The union picnic of Munn's. and* Mrs. J. Lucas and Mrs. J. A n J f f l c e . C o lb o r n e S t O a k v i ll e Mr. A. (! Boswell, who underwent derson were in Milton on Wednes Sheridan Sunday Schools will be held on Saturday, June 20tli, at La Salle a serious operation recently, is doing day last, where they spent a busy af park. Owing to Saturday being mar as well as can be expected. ternoon at St. Paul's Church Sunday ket day, Wesley Sunday School will The new coal sheds which are be School rooms assisting with the pack Barrister Solicitor Notary not be able to join them this year. ing erected by Leroy Sargant to re ing of the various W.M.S. bales for Money to loan on First Mortgage Several of the ladies o f Munn's place the former shed's which stood the Halton Presbyterial o f the U nit Security at Lowest Rates Women's Association spent the day for thirty-five years before being ed church. These will be sent to hos pitals and needy c ntres throughout at the church on Tuesday for the an torn down, are nearing completion. O ffice in Post O ffice Building The firemen announce their garden Northern Ontario and Western Can nual cleaning. · Telephone ada. party to be held on July 18th. A m ong those who attended the Residence 504 O ffice 306 About fifty merrbers of the W o Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Thurston, IIolstein-Friesian Association picnic men's Association and W om an's M is at Ferndale park on Saturday were Bronte, announce the engagement of sionary Society of the United Church Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Biggar, Mir. and eldest daughter, Margaret Lyle, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to Jack Rohmer, youngest son of Mr. FUN ERAL DIRECTORS Mrs. W . II. Biggar and family, Mr. W. G. Sargent on Friday evening to and Mrs. Elton McLean and Miss L. and Mrs. Frank Rohmer, Hamilton. felicitate them upon their marriage CEMETERY TENT Marriage to take pl'ace the latter part Conover. and present Mrs. Sargent with a H E A TED AM BULANCE of June. handsome floor lamp. An address, ap H O S P IT A L BEDS Mr. Walter McGowan, Mr. W . E. Mrs. Jennings and daughter, Mrs. Dent and Mr. Norman Campbell, ^ . John Belyea. were guests at a birth preciative o f the great interest and Opc-n Day and N ight M. Oakville lodge, were the guests day party for Miss Margaret Jen ready help Mrs. Sargent had given to both organizations and expressing on Saturday evening o f St. George's nings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phone 17 the sincere wishes of the members PORT C R E D IT Masonic Lodge, Toronto, at a demon Arthur Jennings, Burlington. for her happiness was read by Mrs. stration of degree work by a visiting P L U M B IN G & H E A T IN G Mr. and Mrs. L. Sargant, their Gilbert. Mrs. J,rts Anderson made, lodge from Cleveland. Ohio, and later daughter and son. Miss Shirley and the presentation. A pleasant social Contracting and G en eral at a banquet tendered the visitors. Bremner Sargant, visited with hour was spent followed by the serv This invitation was r/jceived by Mr. Repairing friend's in Port Hope on Sunday. On ing of lunch by the ladies. McGowan from his uncle, Mr. Thos. (E S T IM A T E S GIVEN FREE) their way they attended morning Mr. II. Inglehart motored Mrs. Stokoe, a past master o f St. George's church service in Oshawa and visit Tngldhart and Mrs. Geo. Fox to the lodge. ed friends there also. W.MjSr. rally at Melville on M on Miss A. Marshall attended the com Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Flumerfelt, day. Mrs. Fox supplied very accept Box 511 mencement o f the University o f Tor Bronte, announce 'the engagement o f ably for Mrs. E. R. Watson, Pres onto on Friday afternoon when her Phone 299 O A K V IL L E their daughter, Agatha Eileen, to Mr. byterial temperance secretary, and niece, i f iss E. Crammond, graduated vdirenee' W alter (T on y ) Fell, son Mrs. Inglehart, as presbyterial presi :r Arts. Mr., aipd Mrs. W. II. Fell, Bronte dent, gave the closing message. The following engagement will b Mr, and Mrs. R. Pelleterio and ights. W edding to take place the of interest to many Trafalgar r t o f June. child have moved to Zimmerman. dents who knew Miss Lister when The June meetings of the Band of ndrew Telford, o f Ottawa. fam ily resided on the Lister Sunday evening and lYopfe and Sons of Temperance were Dundas Highway- ? The at the' home of his sister-in- held cSiP Saturday aftm oon and Sat is announced o f Frances Ann, S E A L E D T E N D E R S addressed to Mrs. L. Sargant. Mr. Telford urday evening. ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Lis reached the anniversary serrrions of During the sessions of Hamilton the undersigned and endorsed " Ten ter, to Dr. Frank G. S. Christie, son St. John's Evangelical church, T or Conference, Mrs. (R ev.) Geo. A it- der for Public Building, Burlington, o f Mrs. P. II. McQueen and the late will be received until onto, on Sunday. Other visitors at ken, of Goldstone, has been a guest Ont." , Mr. George A. Christie, the marriage the same home on Monday were Mr. at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. 12 o ' c l o c k n o o n , d a y l i g h t s a v i n g , to take place early in July. and Mrs. Sydney Healy, o f Ottawa, Lawresice Hager and Mrs. T. Jordan. T u e s d a y , J u n e 3 0 ,1 9 3 6 , for the con Mrs. Frank Allen entertained sev who were married on Saturday and On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Aitken struction of a public building at eral o f her neighbors at afternoon were on their wedding trip to M ich visited their friends at their foruer Burlington, Ont. charge of Ballinafad and Melville. tea on Saturday to meet Miss Ethel igan . Plans and specification can be seen Marion, the wee daughter of Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Johnston came home and forms o f tender obtained at the Mrs. Fred Harris, Upper Middle on Friday to see his mother, Mrs. offices of the Chief Architect, Depart Road. Miss Noreen Allen, who was W. T. Johnston, who is very ill. He ment o f Public Works, Ottawa, the home fo r the week-end, assisted in returned to Wa'lkerton on Monday. Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide the entertainment of the guests. Street East, Toronto, Ont., the Care Mrs. F. Stansbury motored a party Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Biggar and Mr. taker, Post Office Building, Ham il of W.M.S. ladies, members of W al and Mrs. W, TT. Biggar attended the About seventy-five delegates of the ton, Ont., and at the Post Office, Bur ton Memorial auxiliary to the sec wedding of Miss Irene Carpenter in Woman's Missionary Society , of the lington, Ont. tional rally at Melville United church Toronto on Wednsda.v afternoon. eastern section o f Halton Pre^byTenders will not be considered un on Monday. Those attending were terial were present at the annual less made on the forms supplied by Mrs. Jennings, Miss Daemon, Mrs. rally which was held at Melville the Department and in accordance Davis and Mrs. A. E. Pickard. Mrs. United church, on Monday. Miss with the conditions set forth therein. Pick"nrd sang and also presented her Florence Bird, missionary to the report as Presbyterial corresponding Each tender must be accompanied Orientals in Vancouver, addressed by a certified cheque on a chartered Mrs. G. C. Atkins was "gain elect secretary. the afternoon session. Stressing the Several members of Bronte Sunday cosmopolitan character o f certain bank in Canada, payable to the order ed president o f the Halton County the annual S.S. schools in Vancouver, she cited of the Honourable the Minister o f Music Festival Association at the an schools attended nual meeting held in Milton. Mrs. convention at Milton on Wednesday. S`t rathe on a school, with an attend Public Works, equal to 10 per cent, Gordon Booth attended the meeting Traffic on the Hamilton highway ance of 1100, comprising 38 nation of the amount o f the tender, or Bear as the representative from the Mer was held up for nearly an hour two alities, 600 o f whom were Japanese er Bonds of the Dom nion o f Canada or of the Canadian National Railway ton Home and School Association. miles west o f here at 5.30 a.m. on and only 2 real Canadians. Last week Mr. II. Inglehart a t -. Tuesday morning. Dr. Bernetto was Mrs. McMonies, o f Waterdown, Company and its constituent compan tended the annuial meeting o f the having a large barn moved across gave a report o f the Branch meet ies, unconditionally guaranteed as to Hamilton conference o f the United from south to north. This job was ing at Galt, Mrs. Geo. Fox, of P a principal and interest by the Dom in church in Hamilton as lay delegate undertaken at the early hour to avoid lermo, ably supplied for Mrs. E. R. ion of Canada, or the aforementioned from the PalermoJ Bronte circuit. congestion of traffic, but at that 31 Watson, with a Temperance Talk, bonds and a certified cheque of re On Saturday evening friends of motor vehicles were kept back. The and Mrs. T). W. Shortill, of B'allina- quired to make up an odd amount. Note.-- The Department, through Mr. and Mrs. E. Darlington surpris barn measured 50x75 feet, was moved fad brought thoughts from Dr. Kagathe Chief Architect's office, will sup ed them at their home, com ing to do on rollers, two winches mounted on wa's address at Guelph. honor to their twenty-fifth wedding heavy trucks doing the trick. The Reports from auxiliaries and ply blue prints and specification o f anniversary. work was completed without mishap bands were encouraging as were also the work on deposit o f a sum o f Mrs. H. Inglehart attended the W. by A. J. Goodale of Hamilton, with short reports from eight department $10.00, in the form o f a certified bank cheque payable to the order o f M jS. convention on Monday and Traffic Officer Allie Jackson in charge Presbyterial secretaries. Tuesday at Milton. of the traffic situation. The members were welcomed by the Minister of Public Works. The Mrs. G. C. Atkins and family, who Mrs. A. O. Foreman, with reply by deposit will be released on return o f has been visiting friends in New Mrs. Geo. Nurse, of Ashgrove. The the blue prints and specification with York for two weeks, returned home worship periods were taken by Acton in a month from the date of reeeption Monday. and Aslhgrove auxiliaries. Mrs. T. o f tenders. I f not returned within Ice cream for the children, a box Hubert Irwin of Toronto spent C. Dales o f Milton conducted the that period the deposit will be for social, and a baby show were part of Sunday with his mother. Quiet H alf-hour at the morning ses feited. B y order, the varied menu served up for the sion. Duets were given by men Ibers Mr. and Mrs. Belford Savage o f Melville and Ballinafad auxiliar J. M. S O M E R V IL L E enjoyment and entertainment o f the by friends Secretary. Merton Home and School Club at motored, accompanied ies and a solo by Mrs. A. E. P ick the regular meeting held in the from Hamilton, to visit in Kitchener ard, of Bronte. At the morning ser Department of P ublic Works, school on Tuesday evening. Lively on Sunday. vice, two minutes of silence was ob Ottawa, June 6, 1936. instrumental music was given by Mr. Robert Kelly motored a num served for a lately deceased member Messrs. Cliff. Speers and Stewart, and ber to the S. S. convention at M il o f the Rally church, Mrs. McDonald. the Woodlands Orchestra, while the, ton on Tuesdi/'. The courtesy committee recom and to Mrs. E. R. Watson, o f Free vocal entertainment was provided bv mended that thanks be extended to all man and Mrs. W . D. McKeown, of Both tame and wild strawberries who had contributed to' the success Freelton, who have been ill for sev Mr. Frank Atkins, guest artiste of the evening. Mrs. Robert Meares of are now ripe and very tempting. o f the Rally, to the officials of 'the eral weeks. An invitation for the Palermo officiating at the judging o f Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair spent Sun church for the use of the building Rally to meet at Palermo in 1937 the babies. Mrs. Russell Lawrence day with Miss Lucy Sinclair of Tor- and to the Melville ladies for their was accepted. Mrs. Earl Wilson, o f Ashgrove, oresided. The Home and School hospitality. Miss Maisie Sharp, of oto. Club will close its activities for the Melville, was appointed secretary for first vice-president of the presibyterThe S jS. picnic is to be held on the com ing year. Letters of sym ial, presided. Mrs. H. Inglehart, season with a picnic for the school children at the end o f the school Ffcturday, June 20th, at La Salle pathy were directed to be sent to Mrs. presbyterial president, gave the clos dark. term. G. I. Stephenson, recently bereaved, ing message. ««*«««««********** ******** « 4 « * « N E IG H B OD N E W S * * * * * .* .fe« .M-* * »J» * * * * * * * ******** PALERMO E L E C T R I C W IR IN G For lighting, M otors, r a n g e s and a p p lian ce s D. RICHARDSON TRAFALGAR BRCTTE W. S7 D A V IS W . Alee. C h is h o lm DUNBAR M. HEDDLE S k in n e r & C a v e n E. BAMBER Presbyterial W .M .S . Meeting MERTON SHERIDAN

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