9 | Thursday, September 15, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com oakville.ca Notice of intention to pass a by-law to expand the boundaries of the Downtown Business Improvement Area In accordance with Section 209 of the Municipal Act 2001, the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management has requested that the Town of Oakville alter the boundaries of the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) to be consistent with the boundary of Downtown Oakville as set out in the Livable Oakville Official Plan. A BIA is established by municipalities to oversee the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned land, buildings and structures in the area beyond that provided by the municipality and to promote the area as a business or shopping area. These BIA initiatives are financed through a special levy, which is applied to all property owners in the area who can choose to pass the cost on to the business tenants. A by-law to expand the boundaries will not be passed if: 1. Written objections are received by the Town Clerk by November 7, 2016; 2. The objections have been signed by at least one-third of the total number of persons entitled to receive notice; and 3. The objectors are responsible for at least one-third of the taxes levied for the purposes of the general local municipality levy on rateable property in all prescribed business property classes (industrial and commercial properties) in the new improvement area. If the by-law is passed, the revised boundary will be effective January 1, 2017. You are entitled to submit an objection to the proposed expansion if you are an owner of an industrial or commercial property in the current and proposed expanded BIA area or if you are a tenant that is required to pay a share of taxes that the owner is required to pay. Landlords of commercial or industrial properties (business operations) are required by law to provide this notice to their tenants. Objections to the proposed boundary expansion of the Downtown Oakville BIA must be forwarded in writing or email to the Town Clerk no later than November 7, 2016. Vicki Tytaneck, Town Clerk Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 0H3 townclerk@oakville.ca For more information, contact Vicki Tytaneck, Town Clerk, at townclerk@oakville.ca, 905-815-2003 or visit oakville.ca and search "BIA Boundary Expansion." Downtown Business Improvement Area Current and Proposed Boundary Expansion How to reduce coyote conflicts Have you ever come across a coyote on your property? Visit the coyote page at oakville.ca for our coyote hazing video to learn simple but important actions we can all do to help reduce human-coyote conflicts. Coyote information sessions The town is hosting two coyote information sessions at the Woodside Public Library, 1274 Rebecca Street. Tuesday, September 20, 23:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 21, 6:308 p.m. A short presentation by the town and The Oakville and Milton Humane Society will be followed by a question and answer session. No registration necessary. For more information visit oakville.ca and search "coyote" or contact ServiceOakville at serviceoakville@oakville.ca or 905-845-6601. Coyote reporting form Check out our new, easier to use coyote reporting form, now compatible with mobile devices. The new and improved form also allows users to upload pictures and video, and share on social media. Help keep your community coyote-aware! Age-friendly open house Are you an Oakville resident 50 or older? Join us to learn more about what it means to be an age-friendly community. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about how to help older adults and seniors in Oakville live safely, enjoy good health and stay involved in their community. Monday, September 19, 2016 12:30 p.m. registration and refreshments 13 p.m. open house activities Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, 2302 Bridge Road RSVP: agefriendly@oakville.ca Accessibility needs? Please let us know by September 12, 2016 by contacting Tricia Lewis at 905-845-6601, ext. 3151, (TTY: 905-338-4200) or tricia.lewis@oakville.ca.