Oakville Beaver, 26 Apr 2000, Classifieds, C6

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER general help wanted E X P E R IE N C E D R e la il S a le s p e rs o n re q u ire d . N e e d s to be frie n d ly , energetic, motivated & able to w o rk fle x ib le h o u rs . A p p ly in p e rs o n w ith resume to: Lokert Bathroom Gallery, 4190 Fairview St., Burlington. M ATURE H andym an/ Nursery person needed im m e d ia te ly fu ll-tim e y e a r ro u n d . M u s t h a v e goo d c o m m u nicatio n s k ills with p u b lic & be dep endable. F a x re s u m e s : 9 0 5 -6 9 3 8734____________________ G EN E R A L Labourer, fu ll tim e , fo r b u s y lo c k s m ith shop. B e n e fits / unifo rm s. $10.-$14/hr. commensurate with exp e rie n ce . A p ply in p e rs o n at A c tiv e L o c k & S a fe , 2 3 8 0 S p e e rs R d., Oakville U -H A U L N o w h irin g fo r part-time Customer Service Rep/ Counter help. Please a p p ly in p e rs o n w ith re sum e to: 347 6 M a in w a y Dr., B u rlin g to n No Phone Calls Pleasel An equal opportunity employer.________ A T T E N T IO N : S tu d e n ts / H o m e m a k e rs . E x c e lle n t earnings for permanent P/T T e le m a rk e tin g p o s itio n s . D a ys o r e v e n in g s h ifts a v a ila b le . H o u rly w a ge plus above average bonus package. 905-681-8103 S A L E S p e rs o n (e x p e rienced)required for Oakville children's boutique. Parttime, 2 evenings/week & al te rn a te w e e k e n d s . F ax: (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -8 9 1 8 , P h one: (905)845-5181___________ HO USEK EEPIN G staff re quired part-tim e for luxury retirement residence, down tow n O akville. M ust have experience. Fax resume to (905)338-7117, Attn: Elaine Wood___________________ LEGAL R e v o lu tio n . Le a d e rs / T ra in e rs / Sales. N Y S E lis te d c o m p a n y la unches Canada. Unique le g a l s e rv ic e s plan. Recorded info by Ind. Associate, 416-763-9090_______ Y A R D w o r k - te m p o ra ry h e lp n e e d e d a p p ro x . 2 m o n th s . Run f o r k lift, lo a d /d e liv e r sod by hand, so m e o ffic e w o rk . G re e n h o riz o n s (9 05)8499639, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sat. LAUNDRO M AT attendantmature. Part-time. Oakville location. Days/ afternoons/ weekends. Call 905-8446162. Not suitable for stud ents_____________________ W ORK from home interna tional com pany seeking full & part-tim e am bitious peo ple. Up to $700/wk possi ble. Call 416-631-7144 HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. Call (905)-336-1489__________ AZ Driver. Immediate open in g , 3 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e . US/ Canadian. Fax resume a n d a b s tra c t (9 0 5 )3 3 5 9 1 9 7 , P h o n e : (9 0 5 )3 3 5 0867____________________ W EEKLY paychecks! Company needs workers to f ill o u t th e ir sim p le w o rk sheets. Call toll free 1-800279-0019._______________ L O O K IN G fo r w o rk ? A re you 16-24yrs old? O ut of w o rk & s c h o o l? W e can help! Call (905)681-1140 W A R E H O U S E p o s itio n s a v a ila b le in O a k v ille . $10/hr, students welcome. Call (905)333-2692 Wednesday, April 26, 2000 525 office-clerical 525 office-clerical 525 office-clerical TRACTOR TR AILER DRIVERS Required by Canada Cartage System Limited Full/ Part Time Positions Available Your Choice CALL CENTRE - Canada's Largest Natural Gas Wholesaler Do you have effectivei communication skills with good keyboard abilities? Can you haridle client inquiries efficiently and cope with a variety of duties? £to you possess a positive, upbeat attitude JomaWnrangTeamr S E N Community Health Care and can work in a team erivironment? Call centre experience ideal · Strong English comprehension a must. We o ffe r: Competitivie wage ; Mon. to Fri., 8:30am to 4:30pm; Shift required every 4th week, 12:00 Noon to 8:00 pm P LE A S E MAIL R ESU M E TO: DIRECT ENEERGY MARKETING LIMITED #2G, 344 Lakeshore R(j. E,, Oakville, ON L6L1J6 Fax:(905)338-8091 No Phone Calls Please SEN is a non-profit community health care provider, fully accredited with the Canadian Council of Health Services Accreditation and is a recognized leader in innovative community health care in Hamilton-Wentworth, Halton and the Niagara regions. SEN has recently been contracted to provide 30% of visiting nursing services for the Halton Region for the next 3 years. Due to this expansion, applications are invited for the following full-tim e & part-tim e positions in the Halton Region: Class AZ License, Dangerous Goods City/ Highway- Flat Deck/ Vans Days/Nights - Some hand bombing required. Apply R egistered N urses & R egistered P ractical N urses A t SEN Com m unity Health Care, you can: SALES & CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR $35-$37,000 Canada Cartage System Ltd. 1561 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T8 or call for appointment (416)259-5454 Oakville firm seeks previous Sales Admin experience to support Sales Team! 6-8 month contract; may lead to permanent! MS Office Suite, MS Project & post-secondary education preferred! Fashion Boutique Oakville · · · · · Provide care to people of all ages, from infants to the elderly; Learn from a wide variety of clinical experiences; Enjoy a high degree of autonomy with the support of a team behind you; Earn a competitive salary with exceptional employee benefits; Enjoy stability and job security within a unionized work environment (ONA & PNFO); We are looking for a mature ... and you w ill be w orking w ith a quality organization that: BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Recent Grads (2) - 1 year Contracts Fluency in French/ English required for our client's Mississauga-based Canadian Corporate Office. Strong communication skills, office exposure an asset! Recent grads are welcome! SALES A S S O C IA T E for P /T position. Call Anna (905) 845-0655 D O W N TO W N la d ie s fashion boutique requires full-tim e & part-tim e Sales H e lp . R e ta il e x p e rie n c e preferred. Fax resume to: 637-7721 or mail to: Village S p o rtiq u e 375 B rant St., Burlington L7R 2E9_______ Pro G olf B u rlin g to n - now hiring part-time sales asso ciates. Flexible hours. Ap ply 4031 Fairview Street (Walker's Line), or fax 905634-1129 Power We find the best in everyone and put it to w ork Mind MANPOWER www.manpower.ca Manpower would like to honour our employees' outstanding work as we celebrate Administrative Professionals' Day this April 26th. It is the dedication and quality each of our staff puts into their work that makes us proud to be Manpower. We're lucky to have such great minds on our side. Thank you. · Is thriving, expanding and highly innovative; · Has an 80 year history of faith-based caring; · Provides a comprehensive mentorship/skills development program with access to scholarship funding; · Provides a supportive employment environment with access to Employee Assistance and Staff Recognition Programs; · Is committed to providing full-time employment opportunities; · Is a member of the St. Joseph's Health Care System. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please join us fo r a personal interview at one o f the follow ing information sessions at the address below: LEASING ANALYST Join the corporate H.O. Weston area retail client, 2-4 month contract! Property management and accounting-related experience. Analyze rental agreements, liaise with landlords & R.E. Dept. W e d n e s d a y , M a y 3, 2 0 0 0 11 am to 6pm S atu rd ay , M ay 6, 2 0 0 0 11 am to 4 pm T u e s d a y , M ay 9, 2 0 0 0 4 pm to 9 pm RECENT GRADS ENTRY-LEVEL FINANCE Our East Mississauga finance-related client seeking previous banking, credit or financial related experience. MS Office & fast d/e skills. A valid driver's license and reliable transportation are required. New Nurse Graduates are welcome! Resumes & applications are accepted at the sessions or forward in advance by Friday. Mav 5th. 2000 to: THE SELECTION G R O U P R e c ru itm e n t & S ta ffin g S e rv ic e s 9 0 5 -2 3 8 -1 3 0 0 or (ax 9 0 5 -2 3 8 -0 7 5 3 email: jobs@theselectiongroup.com SEN, Human Resources Cathedral Square 698 King Street, West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1C7 Fax: (905) 522-5579 Phone (905) 522-6887 or 1-800-463-6612 V isit o u r w e b s ite at s e n .o n .c a S EN is als o h irin g fo r th e H a m ilto n -W e n tw o rth an d th e N iag ara R egions! Join Our Fam ily F/T PH ARM ACY ASSISTANT required lor SUN SHADES Decorating Centres We are now hiring sales people for blinds, drapes and shutters. Hourly plus commission. Will train. Call for interview: 9 0 5-827-1341 T a ll T re e L u m b e r C o m p a n y is O * V_y o a k v ille Oakville Parks & Recreation Department Summer Employment Opportunities TINY TOT INSTRUCTORS Recreation program for preshoolers 3-5 years old, 10-15 hrs/ wk. July-August. Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. Applicants must be minimum 18yrs old. Interested applicants call Susan Fanelli 905-845-6601 ext 3155 a w h o lesale lum ber com pany located in Oakville that has an opening in the Traffic Department. The ideal candidate will have five years of recent office experience, and provide a s sistance to the Traffic Department. Duties to include freight payables, monitoring rail cars, faxing, switchboard relief, filing and various other office duties. This is an ideal opportunity for an individu al who would thrive on the challenges and excitement of a busy team environment. You will be computer literate, have good problem solving abilities, superior commu nication and interpersonal skills as well as an excellent aptitiude for figures. An ac counts payable background would be an asset. We offer a competitive salary and benefits. Qualified applicants are invited to deliver or mail their resumes: Tall Tree Lum ber Company Shoppers Drug M art, 5353 Lakeshore Rd E,, Burlington. Healthwatch experience an asset. Fax resumes 905-637-0070 or mail to above address. Also P/T Cashiers needed O P T O M E T R IS T 'S A ssistant- reliable, friendly, re q u ire d fo r W est O a k v ille p ra c tic e . O ptic a l e x p e ri e n ce p re fe rre d . Fax resume 905-842-1738______ M ED IC A L S e c re ta ry / A d m in is tra tiv e A ss is ta n t for Psychiatric practice in Oak ville. Proficiency in comput er. Approx. 15 hrs/wk. Fax Dr. T re y v a u d : (9 0 5 )8 4 2 0453____________________ BUSY dental practice in Mil to n re q u ire s an experienced, energetic and fle x ib le a s s is ta n t/ re c e p tio n is t to w o rk 2 shifts) week. Please fax resume to: (905)876-3491 DENTA L A s s is ta n t required for busy O akville practice. Applicants should be friendly, energetic and self motivated. Please fax resumes: 416-635-4406. DENTAL Assistant required full or part-time for friendly O akville O ffice, no experi ence re q u ire d . Fax: 416783-9185 OVVS 0 N FAV0URITB, ----------------------------------- YCPU'LL BB A W I N N g f f / Join our MOHAW K team! We are an industry leader in the sports, gaming, and entertainm ent business and we're expanding. We need enthusiastic individuals who are flexible and dedicated to custom er service... RELIABLE Daycare avail able full/ part-time, 7 years e x p e rie n c e . R e fe re n ce s a vailable. Headon Forest/ H e a d o n Rd. (9 0 5 )3 3 2 7870. daycare wanted BEFO RE and after school care only in my home, car a m ust. Starting September. North Burlington. (905)3368103___________________ C H IL D C A R E provid er re qu ire d im m ediately. Per m anent part-tim e- 3 after n o o n s w e e k ly to provide c a re fo r 2 p re -s c h o o le rs (age 2yrs-4yrs). New St./ G uelph Line area. Refer ences required. 681-9544 S e rio u s in q u irie s only. Please leave message) RELIABLE babysitter re quire d pa rt-tim e Fri. & or Sat. evenings. W est O ak ville. References. Apply to Box#1749 c/o The Burling ton Post 2321 Fairview St. Burlington Ont., L7R 2E3 CHILDCARE needed in my hom e starting A.S.P. part tim e m ax 4 h o u rs /d a y 3 days/ week with full time 11 am -5 :3 0 p m For ju ly and August only. Non-smoker, m u st ha ve e x s p e rie n c e . N/E O ak vile area. C a ll (905)337-7607___________ D A Y C A R E p ro v id e r 45days/ week. For 2 child ren 4 & 15m o n th s old. Glen Abbey home starting early May. Must speak flu ent English. ECE students welcomed. 905-847-9200 S T A Y -a t-h o m e M om s! W e e W a tc h (u n d e r new m a n a g e m e n t). U rg e n tly s e e k in g P ro v id e rs in O akville. Im m ediate. 3379221 Donna_____________ BEFOR E/after school care req u ire d fo r 2 girls in my home. Live-in/ out. French an asset. 337-3692 evgs. Security Officers Responsible for providing security protection to customers, horsemen, and staft as well as ensuring the protection of our property and equipment, you must have a secondary school diploma or the equivalent work experience, ideally, supplemented with additional security courses/training. Sous Chef A "seasoned" professional with four to six years' experience at the Sous Chef level, you will motivate and inspire our team with your proficiency in cooking techniques, cost control, and kitchen maintenance. Detail oriented, creative, and organized, you keep current on food industry trends and enjoy participating in the creation and execution of new recipes and menu planning. Food & Beverage Supervisor You will oversee the entire beverage concessions and warehouse departments. With five years' experience as a supervisor in a related field, you have a relevant diploma and leadership skills that are second-to-none. W E A R E A L S O LO O KING FO R FULL & PART-TIME: · · 481 Morden Road Unit 2 Oakville, Ontario L6K 3W6 ATTEN TIO N : Office Manager Wholesale Lumber company in M ilton area presently accepting resumes for F/T TEM PO RARY SUM M ER P O SIT IO N S IN W AR EH O U SE & Y A R D . Our own transportation required. Please fa x r e s u m e to: (9 0 5 )8 5 4 -3 2 5 9 Scotia McLeod ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE Private Client Financial Services COME WORK WITH US! If you love food and want to learn more about it... we're the right place for you! We need..'.. LOOKING for hairstylist and apprentice. Full-tim e avail able. Eclipse, The Salon. 637-1041. CQQKS ·.DELI CLERKS.» CASHIERS in our grocery store. Permanent day time/ weekends/evenings. 15-37 hrs. We will train. START ASAP. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT... Licensed ScotiaMcLeod, one of Canada s leading investment firms, has an immediate opportunity in their Oakville Branch for an Administrative Associate, working in a team with a Senior Investment Executive. The chosen candidate will be self-motivated, possess strong organizational skills, and display exceptional client service abilities. The candidate will also be licensed or will have completed the Canadian Securities Course, and will have a sound understanding of the Financial Markets. Working knowledge of Excel and Microsoft is beneficial. Please fax your resume to the attention of Alanna Waugh, Branch Administrator at 9 0 5-8 42-5 74 3 · · FULL & PART-TIME · KITCHEN STAFF Apply at Oakville Town Centre II · · Cook I ($15.50/hr) Cook II ($12.75/hr) Driver "DZ" Head Salad ($ io .s s /h r ) Kitchen Help ($ 9 .9 0 /h r) Market Place Server Dishwashers w . / o m ($9.9o/hr> Lorrie or Jerry or Jeremy at (905) 844-2375 or FAX your resume to: (905) 844-2917 Alternatives Market, 579 Kerr St., Oakville Areas #1 Import dealer requires a FULLTIME Good driving record a must! DROP OFF OR FAX RESUME ATTN GEORGE CAIE Plumber/ Pipefitter Full-time G as license an asset. Call (905) 693-8932 Fax: (905) 693-1064 CET Mechanical or equival ent wanted for detailing ma c h in e ry u s in g A u to c a d . M ust be p ro fic ie n t in computer design & fluent in English, oral & written. You can see our equipm ent at w w w .a jm ix in g .c o m . Send re s u m e e -m a il or fa x : (905)827-5045___________ ELECTRICIAN wanted: Li censed electrician with res id ential e x pe rience or 5th year e lectrica l apprentice. Also electrician helper with willingness to learn, no ex p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . Fax resume to: (905) 689-8155. R O O F IN G S u b c o n tra c to r re q u ire d . M ust ha ve own tru c k , to o ls & c re w . C a ll (905)659-7755 I office-clerical BOOKKEEPER Approx. 1 da y per w eek fo r sm all O a k v ille w h o le s a le c o m pany. knowledge of MYOB System helpful, but not es sential. Apply to box #2098 T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r 467 S p e e rs Rd. O a k v ille ,L 6 K 3S4_____________________ R E C E P T IO N IS T fo r busy c o llis io n centre. M ust be self-m otivated & have cus tom e r service experience. K n o w le d g e o f in s u ra n c e c la im s a d e fin ite a s s e t. Able to work with minimum supervision. Call 905-6898262 between 8am-5pm. RECEPTIONISTS (two) re quired in Burlington office to a n s w e r phones, book ap p o in tm e n ts a n d g e n e ra l office work. Part-time. Must be willing to work evenings & weekends. Must possess p le a s a n t p h o n e m a nner. Fax qualifications (905)6393771.___________________ MEDICAL Office reception is t/ A ssista n t req u ire d for busy O akville Family Prac tic e . P a rt-tim e p o s itio n . Reception & computer skills preferred. Start $10. & up with experience. Fax: (905)845-7350________________ OFFICE/STO RE assistant. Ideal for university/college business student sum m er jo b . 8 2 5 -1 3 8 9 o r F ax resume to 827-7072. sales help & agents ^Trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, Scotia Capital Inc. authorized user of the mark. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc., Member CIPF THE BURLINGTON YOUTH SOCCER CLUB is Please forward your application indicating your position o f interest to: Human Resources Services, The Ontario Jockey Club, 555 Rexdale Boulevard, P.O. Box 156, Rexdale, ON M 9W 5L2 Fax: (416) 213-2129 e-m ail: am s@ ojc.com We thank all applicants for their interest and wish to advise that only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. PARTS DRIVER BURLINGTON TOYOTA 1249 Guelph. Line, Burlington Fax: (905) 335-4048 O a k v il l e B e a v e r REQ UIR ES dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of soccer amongst the youth of Burlington. Due to phenomenal growth we require the following paid positions: OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR: Perm. P/T, 12 hrs/wk: To perform general admin, duties incl., but not limited to, word processing, filing, mailing, etc. Considerable interaction with the BYSC membership & general pub lic required. Hrs: 3-4 evenings/ week + Sat. mornings FIELD MAINTENANCE STAFF (2): F/T, 35 hrs/wk, Seasonal (May 8th-Aug.4th, 2000): To mark lines on our fields using small paint-lining machine. Light field maintenance & clean-up. Car required. Mileage paid. APPLY BY MAY 5 /0 0 : 23-3455 Harvester RcL, Burlington, L7N 3P2: Fax: (905) 333-9127 FULL & PART-TIME HELP HIRING STUDENTS Apply in person to: 2410 Lakeshore Rd, BRONTE or 699 Guelph Li., BURLINGTON P A R T -T IM E B a b y s itte r/ N a nny re q u ire d fo r over n ig h t s ta y s , 3 c h ild re n , ages 11-14. Non-sm oker. Call 829-1026.___________ E X P E R IE N C E D nan ny/ housekeeper live-in/ out for 6 & 9yr old children. S.E. Oakville. Drivers license & references required. 416945-4275 or 829-0574 af ter 7pm. EX PER IE N C ED Nannies/ h o u s e k e e p e rs in P h ilip pines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931. E X P E R IE N C E : ca ring helper required, approx 3 d a y s /w k ., to c a re fo r 3 y o u n g c h ild re n . Light h o u s e k e e p in g . Nonsmoker. 847-6415. For m ore in fo r m a tio n , p lea se v is it o u r w ebsite: ESKIMO JOE S SPORTS BAR (West Oakville) www.ojc.com A D U L T CARR IERS routes available throughout Oakville Great for stay-at-home Mom, retired person or shift worker. Pick-up or have papers dropped to you. Limited inserting required. Wednesday, Friday & Weekend Delivery CLERK TYPIST- P/T Private golf club in Oakville requires an enthusiastic, detail.oriented person to carry out a variety of duties in a friendly, fast paced environment. Service to our private club membership is a top priority along with the ability to handle a number of tasks at one time. Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel & Access is a must. If you are interested in this opportunity fax your resume 905-845-0096 or email: sharfras@idirect.ca All positions & shifts avail, immediately. Call 8 4 5-4 926 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL (905) 632-4440 OR FAX (905) 632-8165 services S W IM M IN G L e s s o n s Authorized Red Cross Pro vid e r te a ch e s A q uaQ u est le v e ls · g iv e s b a d g e s ! Lessons in your backyard p oo l. In d iv id u a l o r g ro u p lessons (get together with neig h b o u rs). C a ll Ruth at (905)257-4045.___________ (Monday or Tuesday) OR fax 845-6054 W m i( daycare available W ait S taff required for upscale re tirement residence in Oakville. Must be ex perienced, friendly and service oriented. 20-25 hrs/wk. $10.31/hr. Fax resume R. Osborne: (905)338-7117 C A T E R IN G C o m p a n y / Restaurant in hotel setting is s e e k in g m a tu re , responsible staff to fill the fo llo w in g p o s itio n s :R e s taurant/W eekend Breakfast S e rv e rs (6 a m -1 1 a m ), B a nquet S e rv e rs - w e e k ends (P /T ), B anquet S e rvers, m id-w eek (P/T). Fax resume attn. Suzanne, (905)634-4398___________ THE Slye Fox Public House requires Kitchen M anager & Line Cooks. Great wag es, fun atm osphere, room fo r a d v a n c e m e n t. A p p ly w ith re s u m e b e tw e e n 24pm at E a s tw a y P laza (New St/ W alker's Line) or call M anager fo r appointment 905-639-3900_______ L IT T L E C a e s a rs ---N ow H irin g - D a ytim e in -sto re help. Mon-Fri. Please ap ply at 405 5 N ew S tre e t., Burlington or call 905-6322311, ask for Teresa______ SERVERS/ K itc h e n H e lp e rs , f u ll/ p a rt-tim e , Mon.- Fri., day & evening shifts, for cafeteria at 403/ D u n d a s . C a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 9 8002; (905)815-9171 W IN C H E S T E R A rm s re q u ire s p a rt-tim e e x p e ri ence d Line C ook. A pply with resum e to Tim: 2371 Lakeshore Rd.W., Bronte. G E R A L D O s at L a S a lle Park requires experienced W ait S ta ff, B a rte n d e rs & Dishwashers. Fax resume to: (905)631-8432________ C O O K S - (e x p e rie n c e d ) Prep and Short Order and D ish w a sh e rs, fu ll & parttim e . W ill tra ta ! C a ll (905)847-1566 Please call The Circulation Dept. (905) 845-9742 leave message STU D EN TS W A N TED for Wednesday, Friday and Saturday deliveries Shifts: 3:30 to 7:30pm & Sat. 10-3pm Call A n d re 844-0577 leave m essage A ll candidates who apply will be contacted. Come Join A Winning Team JACK IS LOOKING FOR KITCHEN SUPERVISORS & FLOOR SUPERVISORS Apply in person to: 3537 Fairview St., Burlington. C O O K, expe rienced parttime/ full-time. Also, Hosts & Buspersons. Nickels, 2345 T r a fa lg a r' Rd. Fax: (905)257-1615/ Call: (905) 257-9888________________ J U D G E & J u r y - requires experienced Line Cooks for evenings & weekends. Call Kevin 319-1655, fo r inter view. I companions ATTRACTIVE 5`9-1/2" dark haired, personable, down to e a rth , d e c e n t s in g le guy lo o k in g fo r an a ttra c tiv e , sensitive, considerate and sweet com panion between 3 2-44. P le a se w rite : Box 6268, c/o O akville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., O akville, ON L6K 3S4 MOM of 2-1/2 and 1yr old, Lon gm o or- 5 m inute walk to St. R a phael's. P refer 1 ye a r+ . F u ll/P a rt-tim e , be fo re / a fte r s c h o o l. 6 3 1 - M O N E Y P roblem s? G a r n ish e e s? T o o m any pay m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 8868 For BILINGUAL POSITIONS ENGLISH / FRENCH Our clients, Burl. & Miss, based equipment finance co.'s, require 2 F/T Bilingual Customer Service Rep.'s (Burl /Miss.) and 1 Collections Rep. (Miss.) contract position. Experience a MUST. Preference given to prior leasing/financial services experience. Please forward your resume to: Burlington Post R EQ U IR ES ATHAY SERVICES Fax: (905) 338-1225 · E-mail: athay@idirect.com A D U L T CAR R IER S to deliver the Burlington Post door to door in Aldershot. Gas allowance. INVENTORY CONTROL Milton area. Large distributor requires a minimum of 3 years hands on experience in inventory tracking and reporting. Must have the ability to handle very high volumes and be a self-motivated team player. Knowl edge of computers and Excel is a must. Forward resume w/salary expectations to: Please call 632-0588 Bob, ext. 264 LIFT Installations/ Deliver ies. If you have technical apptitude, DriversLic., abili ty to w ork in depend ently, take d ire c tio n a lo n g w ith excellent people skills. Will train. C a ree r opp ortunity. C a ll M rs. B a ker at S ilv e r Cross 905-847-5504 V IL L A G E M a n o r R e tire m ent Home is seeking an Activity Director to fill a ma te rn ity le a ve p o s itio n . (24hrs./wk.) Minimum 3yrs expe rience. Fax resum e a lo n g w ith re fe re n c e s to 6 8 9 -8 2 1 0 b e fo re M ay 4, IN D U S T R IA L J a n ito ria l Company, Sun.-Fri. even in gs, a ve ra g e 25 hrs/w k. Perfect for post- secondary student! Drivers Lie. an as set. Heavy lifting part of the jo b . E x p e rie n c e no t re q u ire d . C a ll (9 0 5 )6 3 2 5225; Fax: (905)632-0012 PET H otel needs en e rg e tic, w e e ke n d and h o lid a y s ta ff. O w n tra n s p o rta tio n n e c e s s a ry . H o u rs 7am l2 n o o n app rox. S u itable for senior students. Animal experience an asset. East B u rlin g to n . F ax re s u m e : (905)336-3687 TOW Truck Operator- Re quired for busy tow ing co. CA A an asset. E xc e lle n t wages & benefits based on exp. D riv e rs a b s tra c t re quired. Please apply within @ 24 Dundas St. E., Waterdown. A ccounting M anager P.O. Box 70, M ilton, ON L9T 2Y3 or fax to (905) 875-4744 O A K V IL L E C h ris tia n S ch ool re q u ire s an in te r m ed ia te le ve l te a ch e r fo r S e p te m b e r 2 0 0 0 . L a n gua ge arts and com puter skills are assets. P lease send your letter of applica tio n and re s u m e to th e Principal, Oakville Christian S c h o o l, 112 T h ird L in e , Oakville. L6L.3Z6 I teaching opportunities FAST FAX service, your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. FOUND: male, long haired w h ite cat in Kingsw ay Dr. a re a . W e c a ll S q u is h y . Please call 637-7325. PART-TIME SALES required for china & gift shop. Experience in sales preferred. Please drop off resume in person. Attn: ASTAOSTERGAARD 530 I sales help & agents EEil sales help & agents SALES I LEASING CO NSULTAN TS Bring your experience and expertise to an expand ing professional environment with an opportunity to earn an above average income. Salary & car allowance commensurate with experience. Forward resumes to: D U TC H c le a n in g la d y a v a ila b le to c le a n y o u r house or apartment to your sa tis fa c tio n . R e fe re n ce s. (905)561-2849. I personals LIFE w a s n 't m eant to be lived alone. Misty River In troductions, Ontario's tradi tional Matchmaker. Toronto (4 1 6 )7 7 7 -6 3 0 2 , E a s te rn (6 1 3 )2 5 7 -3 5 3 1 , W e ste rn (5 1 9 )6 5 8 -4 2 0 4 , C e n tra l/ Northern (705)734-1292 2000 .________________________ MALL interviewers wanted by national market research company. No sales, casual part time only. Days, even ings, w eekends required . E x c e lle n t in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills , flu e n t e n g lis h e s s e n tia l. E x p e rie n ce an a sse t. C a ll S h irle y at 632-0737. PRO M overs. S h o rt/lo n g distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estim ates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 DANIA UNIQUE 3350 Fairview St., Burlington No phone calls please FAX: CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, com fort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab rics, ta b le / c h a ir a c c e s s o rie s . C a ll S h e rry , 6 3 4 6706. Fairview Chrysler Dodge Jeep Attn: Bob Urauhart 2377 Fairview St. Burlington FAX: (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -4 4 5 4 P H O N E : (9 0 5 )6 3 2 -9 8 5 5 632-8165

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