Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2000, Classified, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 19, 2000 D R Y C LE A N IN G plant re q u ire s fu ll- tim e e x p e ri enced counter person and shirt finisher. Good wages, Call 905-338-9695_________ SU R FAC E P R E P A R A T IO N Hamilton »Stoney Creek»Burlington»Oakville Put your specialty tood/deli experience to work in the fast-paced, customer focused environment. Your or ganizational skills and proven leadership ability along with your background in retail sales make you the ideal candidate for the following positions (F/T & P/T): HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. Call (905)-336-1489___________ CARPET Layer/ helper ap p re n tic e req u ire d fu lltim e im m ediately. Non-sm oker. Call Frank at (905)333-5928 W EEKLY paychecks! Company needs workers to f ill out th e ir sim p le w o rk sheets. Call toll free 1-800279-0019._________________ B U R LIN G T O N s w im m ing pool c om pany re q u ire s 2 (two) labourers, call 905333-5520__________________ GOLF course help wantedSuitable for university stud e n t. W a g e s n e g o tia b le . Call (905)827-7750 (Oakville) LA N D S C A P E R S required im m e d ia te ly , fu lltim e , by O a k v ille base d com pany. Call Chris at (905)828- 6767 I l f telemarketers G RO W W IT H US l/SF Surface Preparation is the world's leader in p ro rid in g equipm ent fo r industrial surface preparation. Due to rapid growth we are offering excellent opportunities fo r highly motivated individuals to jo in the USF Surface Preparation Team in our new state-of-the-art 100,()(W square fo o t engineering/m anufacturing facility in Burlington, Ontario. We have the fo llo w in g positions to be filled immediately: Do you like to have fun at work? Then we are looking for YOU. With competitive wages, there are staff outings / parties, reward programs, and semi-annual wage adjustments. Whether you like to work out front with our loyal customers, or in the kitchen as part of the production team we have a position for you. Fully paid training period · · · · HEAD CASHIERS & CASHIERS DELI AND GROCERY STAFF BAKER/PASTRY CHEF WAREHOUSE MANAGER We are hiring: ·Cooks and servers - part-time ·Day cooks - prepare our products & cook to order over the lunchtime ·Shift Managers - excellent people skills & being a team leader are a must All applicants must be able to work flexible hours Visit our website at www.HALTONNUTS.on.ca for a testimonial from a long-term employee. German language an asset. We offer an excellent benefit program and competitive remuneration. To apply forward your resume to: F IT T E R / W E L D E R S In this role, you must possess strong b lue prin t reading and w e lding skills and the ab ility to fabricate custom machinery from shop drawings. Fam iliarity w ith using liftin g equipm ent is also required. Human Resources 284 King St.E., Hamilton, ON L8N1B7 JOB FAIR Thursday, April 20, 2000 Milton H RD C M A C H IN E A S S E M B L E R S You possess good mechanical knowledge and skills and are able to w o rk from fabrication and assembly drawings. Some w elding skills are a must. Familiarity w ith using liftin g equipm ent is also required. If you r am bition is to grow w ith an international com pany whose mission is to be the foremost producer o f Surface Preparation Equipm ent, then w e w ant to hear from you. P le a s e fo r w a r d y o u r r e s u m e to: 1 2 1 9 C o r p o r a te D r iv e , B u r lin g to n , O n ta r io L7L 5V5; Fax: (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 -7 8 8 1 . E -m ail: s s to d u ls @ b la s tc le a n in g .c o m Apply directly to these locations: Burlington -380 Plains Rd Oakville -290 North Service Rd/Dorval -1505 Guelph Line -2379 Trafalgar Rd -- A B S O LU T E LY NO PH O N E C A L L S *** 310 Main Street E. 9:00 a.m . 12 noon We have temporary and permanent positions (with benefits!) available R a te s up to $12 per hour S 9 /H O U R + bonusLeads & training provided. U ltra m a tic re q u ire s a p p o in tm e n t s e tte rs . 5pm 10pm, M onday to Friday. Mrs. Farr 333-1737 after 1pm. Must have reliable transportation and steel toed work boots. Bring your resume, SIN card & two references. Registration takes approx. 11/2 hours For info c a ll (905) 842-5173 a new world a t work. I hair, beauty salon help Manager Trainee Positions and Store Staff Join our growing company in a management position. We will train you the operations of a Taco Bell Restaurant. Position could lead to possible advancement. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. We are also looking to hire store staff. Please apply in person to : Taco Bell 546 Trafalgar Road, Oakville or 270 North Service Rd, W., Oakville OR fax resume to: 1-519-746-2526, Attn: Chad Strassburger AdeCCCT Energetic HAIRSTYLISTS Wanted for b u s ie s t lo c a tio n s in th e a re a ! C o m m is s io n gua ran teed hourly, excel le n t b e n e fit p a c k a g e , advanced tra in in g & e q u ip m e n t p ro v id e d , no c lie n te le re q u ire d . Som e m anagem ent p o s itio n s a v ailab le. F u ll/ p art-tim e, fle x ib le w o rk h o u rs . C a ll F irs t C h o ic e H a irc u tte rs , R o b e rt o r B re n d a : (9 0 5 ) 319-3155__________________ U P S C A L E S alon in O a k v ille re q u ire s p e rm a n e n t P/T Receptionist. Evenings & Saturdays. Also, expe r ienced Hairdressers, full or p a rt-tim e . P le a s e fa x resume (905)844-3913 I l Y H I v office-clerical P A R T -T IM E R e c e p tio n is t re q u ire d fo r B o s le y R eal E state in O ak v ille . S a tur day's and som e evenings. Must be com puter literate. Excellent perm anent parttim e jo b . C a ll S h irle y (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -9 3 5 0 or fa x resume to (905)845-4051. P/T R e c e p tio n is t/ Adm in. Assistant fo r busy financial planning company. MS Of fice experience a must, ex perience in financial serv ices in dustry w ould be an asset. C ould lead to fu ll tim e, if desired. Send re sum e: H e a th e r G ran t, 84 C h is h o lm S t., O a k v ille , L 6 K .3 H 7 , e m a il: ppg. inc @on. aibn.com R E C E P T IO N IS T required full-tim e fo r a hiah energy B u rlin g to n a d v e rtis in g agency. Must have excel le n t p h o n e m a n n e r, W P skills, the ability to work in d e p e n d e n tly a n d u n d e r p re s s u re . F ax re s u m e s 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -3 5 0 5 , e m a il: sendmyresume@mail.com BUSY Veterinary Clinic reuires Receptionist/ Animal are Attendant, for 20-30 hours/ week. Must be avail a b le d a y s , e v e n in g s and weekends. Experience pre ferred. M ail resum e; 3060 Lakeshore Rd.W., Oakville, ON L6L 1J2_______________ www.usfilter.com sales help & agents NANNY required part time, Mon-Fri, 3-7pm for balance of schoo l year + full-tim e 8am-6pm for summer in our s o utheast O a kville home. Children, 6 & 8-yrs. Vehicle a n a s s e t. N o n -sm o ke r. Senior/ student. (ECE prefered). (905)337-9089 E X P E R IE N C E D N annies/ h o u s e k e e p e rs in P h ilip pines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931. RESPONSIBLE nanny (live in/out) required for 5 month old in M illcro ft area. Nonsmoker, housekeeping, pet friendly, lots of TLC. References (905)319-0913 R E S P O N S IB L E ca rin g helper required, 3-5 days/ w k., to c a re fo r 3 young children. Light housekeep in g. N o n -s m o k e r. 8476415._____________________ E X P E R IE N C E D part-tim e liv e -o u t N a nny req u ire d . R ive r O aks hom e fo r 22mos. old & 7-mos. old. Nons m o k e r w /c a r. P re fe r French-speaking. Flexible hours. (905)257-4019. EXPANDING fam ily hopes you will share in raising our newborn. Live-in/ out, non s m o k in g , s o u th e a s t B ur lin g to n hom e. (9 0 5 )6 3 1 6091._____________________ EXPERIENCED live-in Nan ny required. May 31st. 3 children. North Burlington. Driver, non-smoker. Legal only. 332-6882 after 6pm NANNY for 17 mos old boy, full-tim e. References. Call after 6pm (905)319-1059 LOOKING for mature Filipi no Nanny. Preferably Capampangan. 339-3644 N E E D IN G a N anny? P le a s e c a ll My S p e cia l Nanny Services. We have s o m e e x c e lle n t n a n n ie s ready to place in Oakville. A ls o h om e D a yca re available. 845-2017 Cathy C H IL D C A R E re q u ire d to start immediately to care for 2 and 3 year old. 40 hour/ w e e k. M y ho m e , nonsm o k e r a m u st. A p p le b y Line/ Lakeshore area. Re sume & references required Please call (905)633-8598 F IL IP IN O N a nny (live -in ) a v a ila b le . No fe e to e m p loyer. P lease ca ll Amah In te r n a tio n a l. (4 1 6 )2 2 1 3303 Free Admission - Trade Show C anadian Plastics Industry A ssociation JOB FAIR 1 - 8 pm T he International C entre Fashion Boutique Oakville We are looking for a mature ORDER PROCESSING /CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Is required for a busy packaging warehouse in Mississauga. We are registered to QS 9000 and ISO 9002 and require a capable employee who is custom er service oriented, willing to learn and enjoys work ing in a tast paced environment. Duties will include: Order processing, Invoicing and Inventory Control. Experience with ACCPAC an asset. Please forward your resume with salary expectations to Box 1748, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd,, Oakville, L6K 3S4 April 26, 2000 SA LES A S S O C IA T E for P /T position. 6900 Airport Rd., M ississauga French Room Call Anna (905) 845-0655 IMM EDIATE position avail ab le fo r Lie. R e al E sta te S a les R e p re s e n ta tiv e for ne w h o m e s a le s in th e O a k v ille a re a . M ust be able to work flexible hours & weekends. Call Shireen P re k s ta /(B ro k e r). D irect line 416-347-6223, office#905-338-1515_____________ RETAIL help required parttim e for children's clothing store, downtowr> O akville. Friday evenings, Saturdays and S u nday a fternno ons. S u it m a tu re p e rso n . C a ll (9 0 5 )8 4 4 -1 4 4 4 or fa x re sume: (905) 844-2142 WANTED Students, Trainees, Pre-A pprentices & Graduates: m ould m aking, tool & die, m anuf. engineering, precision m etal m achining, m ech. technology, C A D /C A M /C N C , industrial design technology, industrial m anufacturing. Som e Em ployers on site - Extra jo b s posted * Sponsored by Mould Makers Council MANAGER TRAINEES Join ou r grow ing company in a management position . We w ill train you the operations o f a KFC restaurant. A p p ly in person to KFC 1235 F a irv ie w Street, B u rlin g to n KFC HALTON HELPING HANDS Serving The Elderley A nd Disabled SEASONAL MAINTENANCE WORKER STUDENT ONLY POSITION Temporary (April-September) Approx. 35 hrs/wk Must have own transportation. References & Halton Police check will be required. Forward resume: ATTN: JONATHAN GUEST TOOLMAKER The su c c e s s fu l ca n d id a te m ust have to o l and d ie e x p e ire n c e in in je c tio n m o ld in g . W o u ld be re s p o n s ib le fo r maintaining, repairing and upgrading all e xisitin g to o lin g . R esponsible fo r PM program of molds as per Q S9000 pro cedures. Experience in machine shop preffered and must have good org an i zational skills and be able to comm uni cate with Engineering and Quality Con trol. Please send resume and salary ex pectation in confidence to: HALTON HELPING HANDS 250 Wyecroft Rd, Unit 2 Oakville, ON L6K3T7 or fax: (905) 844-5656 PERIW INKLE Landscaping is now hiring Summ er Em p lo y m e n t. P le a s e C a ll Ja m e s E. E th e ls to n @ (905) 403-9020____________ STUDENTS - earn $3000$6000 this summer working o u td o o rs . A c tio n W ind ow C le a n e rs is lo o k in g fo r 3 students. No experience is n e c e s s a ry . If in te re s te d please contact Rob Cloke at (905)338-5355.__________ NE ED a s u m m e r jo b !!!!!! S atisfaction Student W ind ow Cleaners requires Pro d u c tio n m a n a g e r (c a r req'd) & W indow Cleaner. B u rlington, O ak v ille , M is s is s a u g a . F ax resum e: 905-338-3829, Phone 905842-3581._________________ Q U A LITY critter cops- in te re s tin g w o rk fo r 68months. Suitable for an yone that enjoys outdoors. Clean driving record. Per fect for early retiree. Flex h o u rs . C a ll m o n -T h u rs only. 9am-noon. 905-3321224______________________ S A N D W IC H A rtis ts needed-Subway Sandwichs & Salads- 4490 F airview , (corner of Appleby) Above m in im u m wage fo r experienced person. Call 905 -33 3-97 73 or a pp ly in p erson (n o t betw e e n 122pm) or 905-336-1998 after 3pm_______________________ *## Mobility Cellular Plus Center is currently seeking NEEDED in O akville need h o n e s t, re lia b le , h a r d w o rk in g n o n -s m o k in g woman for la undry/house w o rk ,2 -d a y s /w k . M ust speak & und erstand E n g lish. Must have references. On bus route. (905) 8 4 9 0511,$12/hr. E C E 1 0yr e x p e rie n c e in hom e d a yca re . P o s itio n s a va ila b le . Infa n ts - 5yrs. B ra n t H ills a re a . C indy. 336-7109_________________ I f m L jM daycare wanted W ATERDOW N- 3 days per week for 3yr. old girl. Light h o u s e k e e p in g , nons m o k e r w ith e x p e rie n c e . 689-9000_________________ FU LL-T IM E care required for 2 g irls (3 & 5) N elson H ig h S c h o o l a re a . 7 a m 3pm. 631-7041.___________ MY hom e- S itte r required fo r 3 girl's. Approx. 30hrs per week. 681-2699 leave message.__________________ S P R IN G B A N K C h ild H o m e c a re S e rv ic e s is seeking people in B urling ton to provide D aycare in your own home. W e have children to place. Sharon 825-3433 ext. 1 ____________ S T A Y -a t-h o m e M om s! W e e W a tc h (u n d e r new m a n a g e m e n t). U rg e n tly s e e k in g P ro v id e rs in O akville. Im m ediate. 3379221 Donna RECEPTIONIST/ SALES Required for busy retail Optical Showroom. Well groomed, fluent English, retail experienoe an asset. Please call Jeff: S RETAIL SALES RESPRESENTATIVE Full-time Please fax your resume to Tiercon Plastics 565 Arvin Ave., Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 5N7 Fax: 905-643-3431 office · clerical EUROPEAN ladies will help you do Spring C leaning. If you have a party- you can order very tasteful, decora tiv e co o k ie s . V e ra . 6 9 3 9721; Katerina 631-5211. For an appointment at Burlington location (905) 637-3807 R E C E P T IO N IS T S (tw o )required to answer phones, book a p p o in tm e n ts & general office work. Parttime, Must be willing to work evenings & weekends. Must p o s s e s s p le a s a n t ph o n e manner, Fax qualifications (905)-639-3771____________ CLEANER required, flexible h o u rs , a p p ro x . 20 h rs / week. No fees. No e q u ip m ent required. Exerienced w ith h o u s e & o ffic e an a s s e t. C a r a m u s t. F ax resume: (905)847-5509 O P T O M E T R IS T S A s s is tant* reliable , frie n d ly , re q u ire d fo r W e s t O a k v ille p ra c tic e . O p tic a l e x p e ri en c e p re fe rre d . F ax resume 905-842-1738 PART-TIME Office Staff re quired for busy retail loca tion. Please fax resumes to Operations M anager (905)332-7076 (905)-629-0831 Attn: Administration Dept (Please, no phone calls) R E U N IO N o f C o n s o rt Cres. Gals looking for Nan cy (M other of Michael, Jo hanna & M athew). Please call Mary. 332-1109. YO U don 't have to spend the year 2000 alone. Misty R iv e r In tro d u c tio n s , O n ta rio 's tra d itio n a l m a tc h m aker, has m atched hun d reds of peo p le fo r lo n g term relationships in 1999. In Toronto (416)777-6302. S o u th / W e s t (5 1 9 )6 5 8 4204. General Labourers required for steel warehouse. APPLY IN PERSON: Crawford Metal Corp. 610 Harrop Dr., Milton FAX: (905) 693-9936 Office Clerk required immediately for general office FAX RESUME: (905)693-9936 C C S-C A B LE CONTROL SYSTEMS INC. Is currently hiring experienced individuals in the CATV industry for Aerial and Under ground con struction. Wage based on Experience. JU B IL E E Fruit M arket re quires perm anent full-tim e Produce Clerks, available to w o rk fle x ib le h o u rs S A L E S h e lp n e e d e d im in c lu d in g w e e k e n d s . . m e d ia te ly fo r B u rlin g to n S ta rtin g S a la ry $9 a nd O a k v ille M a lls . A ll - $10./hr. A p ply in person h o u rs . F ax re s u m e s to: (905)-643-9656 with resume: 104 Allen St., Oakville (905)842-0378 PO TTERY Supply House, 1120 Speers R oad., O ak v ille re q u ire s P e rm a n e n t part-tim e custom er service & office help, 20h rs/w eek (4hrs on Sat am) Apply in p e rs o n or fa x 9 0 5 -8 4 9 - INSIDE Sales Representa tive needed. Must be out g oing, frie n d ly , s a le s -o riented. $10./hr., Full-tim e/ days. T o a p p ly c a ll M ichelle at 905-827-8230 T a ll T re e L u m b e r C o m p a n y is a w holesale lum ber com pany located in Oakville that has an opening in the Traffic Department. The ideal candidate will have five years of recent office experience, and provide as sistance to the Traffic Department. Duties to include freight payables, monitoring rail cars, faxing, switchboard relief, filing and various other office duties. This is an ideal opportunity for an individu al who would thrive on the challenges and excitement of a busy team environment. You will be computer literate, have food problem solving abilities, superior commu nication and interpersnal skills as well as an excellent aptitiude for figures. An ac counts paybale background would be an asset. V \/e otter a competitive salary and benefits. Qualified applicants are invited to deliver or mail their resumes: Tall Tree Lum ber Com pany 481 Morden Road Unit 2 Oakville, Ontario L6K 3W6 ATTENTION: Office Manager LUNDSTROM RETAIL Be part of a totally connected enterprise! We are looking for a committed, highly motivated and energetic person to join our sales team at Lundstrom's Oakville retail location. This is a part-time sales position, with commission and bonuses. Retail experience required. Direct all correspondence to Lesley or Sandi: *« *« **# ***# CONNIE Grinbergs, Regis tered M assage Therapist, n o w a c c e p tin g a p p o in t m ents. C all (905)691-0121 (Milton). 94 George Street, Town Square Oakville, L6J 3B7 (905)338-3344 ,o s t &fou nd F O U N D ; m a le , ta b b y , Plains/ King. We call "Marcos". Call 637-7325. LO S T : "C u jo ", m ale Jack R ussell terrier, April 14 at W o o d la n d C e m e te ry . Needs medication. Reward. 389-9447._________________ FOUND: man's beige jack e t, F a irv ie w / W a lk e r's / G u e lp h L in e a re a , A p ril 12th. Call 639-8604. L O S T : Y e llo w b u d g ie Green chest. If you see him please call: 337-0938 L O S T : B ra c e le t S u nday April 9th. Reward. Please call 336-8337 FR E N C H s tu d e n t (F ra n c e )- 16 y r o ld g irl wanting live-in baby sitting jo b w ith E n glish-sp eakin g fa m ily fo r s e v e ra l w e eks this summer. Contact (905) 338-5307 for more information, mmasini @home.com M O N E Y P ro b le m s ? G a r n ish e e s? T o o m any pa y m ents? O p tio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631 0600 K-NET GOLF IS GROWING! F /T & P/T help required for our neiv Square One, Mississauga location MATURE PERSON W ITH GOLF KNOWLEDGE, RETAIL SALES EXP. A N ASSET. P le a s e fax r e s u m e to H e le n @ 905-470-7765 Employment Oakville Beaver R E Q U IR E S SENIOR ACCO UNTS PAYABLE CLERK Small construction comiipany, requires senior accounts payaiDie clerk for busy accounting departm ent. Duties also include banking and telephone relief, experience in the construction industry required. Salary based on ex perience. Reply t o : P.O. Box4240, The Mississauga News, 3145 Wolfedale Road, Mississauga, On L5C 3A9 Brand NEW Tim Horton's ·Assistant Managers · Night Shift Managers D E N T A L O F F IC E MATURE, reliable, full-time e rso n re q u ire d fo r Tim o rto n 's O a k v ille P la ce Mall. Fax resume 905-6899302 or call 689-3131 ADU LT C A R R IE R S PLUM BING Repairs. New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tio n s . B a s e m e n t d ra in s , b a th rooms, drywall, framing. til-_ in g . No J o b T o o S m a ll. Frank. 639-3874 R located in Oakville requires F/T 0001 · Now Hiring FT/PT MAINTENANCE / JANITORIAL STAFF Please mail/fax to: The Oakville Club SHIPPER required for auto m otive warehouse. O ther Duties- load, unload, pick up/ deliver, stock shelves, b u ild in g m a in te n a n c e . P h o n e fo r a p p o in tm e n t M o n -F ri.- d a y s . O a k v ille 905-844-8063_____________ A T T E N T IO N : S tu d e n ts / H o m e m a k e rs . E x c e lle n t earnings for permanent P/T T e le m a rk e tin g p o s itio n s . D a ys o r e v e n in g s h ifts a v a ila b le . H o u rly w a g e plus above average bonus package. 905-681-8103 DELIVERY and Lab person required full-tim e for O ak ville Dental laboratory. Du ties include Deliveries, and learning to perform lab procedures. Call (905)-847-6948 REN O VA TO R / C arpenterall types of renovation. 4 yrs+ experience. Dryw all/ carpentry s k ills e ssen tial. O wn tra n s p o ra tio n / tools. R e fe re n c e s . G o o d pay. Call 905-682-0038_________ W A L -M A R T n o w h irin g F u ll-tim e N ig h t C rew and A fte rn o o n U n lo a d e rs & C a sh ie rs . M ust be a v a il able weekends. A pply at courtesy desk. Hwy.5/ Trafalgar Rd., Oakville________ BURGER King. Now Hiring. F ull/ P a rt-tim e -M anagers ·C rew -D ays -N ights. W ill train. C ontact Joe or Kim, 1120 Brant Street, Powerc e n tre , B u rlin g to n . No phone calls please.________ GAS Bar Attendents need ed* e v e n in g s / w e ekends. M ust ha ve ow n v e h ic le . A pply with resum e: Esso, c o rn e r of B ro n te R d/ Speers, Oakville.___________ G REAT Full-tim e position, D ays- M on-F ri., B e n e fits / training/ transportation pro vided. (D.L. required). Re liable, mature. Call Molly Maid, 905-681-7484_______ SHIPPER/ Receiver, Mon.Fri.. 8:30am - 4:30pm . W ill train. Apply: Elk S hipping S u p p lie s , 5 0 4 Iro q u o is Shore Rd. Unit 6, Oakville, Tel: (905)845-7544________ L IT T L E C a e s a r's -- N ow h irin g p a rt-tim e in -s to re help. Please apply at 1235 Fairview St., (Longo's Pla^ 0 or call 9 ^ -6 3 7 -3 3 3 4 CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT Fax resume to: (905) 338-8523 or call 845-6023 D E N T A L A s s is ta n t. W e nee d s o m eone s e lf-m o tivated and people-oriented to jo in o u r b u s y g e n e ra l practice in Milton four days per week. Must be HARP certified. Forward resume to: Dr. D.Johnson, 550 On ta rio S t.S . # 2 0 1 , M ilto n , O n ta rio L9T 5E 4 or fax to 905-876-3278._____________ O P T IC A L e x p e rie n c e re quired for an Optom etrists office, no weekends, 36 to 40 h o u rs per w eek, w est e n d M is s is s a u g a . S end resum e to: Box 4244, c/o T h e M is s is s a u g a N ew s, 3145 W o lfe d a le R d.. Mississauga, ON L5C 3A9 F/T, P/T Certified Assistant for progressive Mississauga Orthodontic office. Car nec essary. P e rson able, s e lf starter required. Experience preferred. Fax anytim e: 1905-628-9315_____________ DENTAL A s s is ta n t required fo r busy O akville practice. Applicants should be friendly, ene rge tic and self m otivated. Please fax resumes: 416-635-4406. D E N T A L A s s is ta n t re quired for maternity leave in O a k v ille fa m ily p ra c tic e . Send resume to 1235 Tra falgar Rd. Suite 307, Oakville. L6H 3P1._____________ C .D .A . required pa rt-tim e f o r b u s y O a k v ille o ffic e . C o m p u te r e x p e rie n c e an asset. Flexible hours, some e v e n in g s and w e ekends. Fax resume: (905)815-8209 M E D IC A L A ss is ta n t parttim e e v e n in g s and w e e kends. experienced. ECG, PFT, V e nipuncture, North Oakville. Fax: (905)338-3144 DENTAL Assistant required part-tim e for busy O akville O ffice. Must be available days, evenings, Saturdays fax: 416-783-9185_________ RN required pa rt-tim e fo r o ra l s u rg e ry p ra c tic e . E x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . Please call (905)333-5601 (Some exp. required) · Bakers · F/T Store Front Apply at: 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington CO O KS, w ith experience, and daytime Dishwasher re qu ire d fu lltim e . C h u rc h ill/ D undas. C a ll Jany, (905) 607-4810; Fax: (905)6075422______________________ P A R T -T IM E L u n c h -tim e help required. Seniors or se m i-re tire d w e lcom ed to apply in person New York Fries. Oakville Place_______ G E R A L D O 's a t L a S a lle Park requires experienced W a it S ta ff. B a rte n d e rs & Dishwashers. Fax resum e to: (905)631-8432__________ KITCHEN help/ dishwasher required part-time/full-time . fo r busy re s ta u ra n t. ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 7 3 9 6 b e tw e e n 2pm-5pm. leave message. C O O K S - ( e x p e rie n c e d ) Prep and Short O rder and D ish w a sh e rs, fu ll & parttim e. W ill train! C all (905) 847-1566 PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estim ates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 routes available throughout Oakville Great for stay-at-home Mom, retired person or shift worker. Pick-up or have papers dropped to you. Lim ited inserting required. Wednesday, Friday & Weekend Delivery Please c a ll T he C irc u la tio n D ept. (905) 845-9742 leave message ST U D E N T S W AN TED for Wednesday, Friday and Saturday deliveries Shifts: 3:30 to 7:30pm & Sat. 10-3pm C a ll A n d re 844-0577 leave message NOW HIRING · F/T-P/T STAFF (Downtown Oakville) 4 Lakeshore Rd.,W 56 Water Str., Oakville, Fax-(905)-845-3186 Attn: Doug Brennan or email: dbrennan@cgocable.net AE RA TO R S fo r OutdoorA p ril to June. P h ysica lly d e m a n d in g , lo n g h o u rs a e ra tin g law ns. T ra in in g provided. Must have valid Driver's License. $8./hour + bonus. Possible employ m ent into July. Send/ fax re su m e to K e vin M ike t: # 1 5 -4 0 8 7 H a rv e s te r Rd., B u rlin g to n , O N, L7L.5M 3 905-632-1522_____________ W O R K From Hom e. Earn huge income with the Inter net! Successful people in c lu d e te a c h e rs , n u rs e s , h o m e m a k e r s , e n t r e p r e n e u r s . www.freedomresources.org/ 2 1o entu rylifestyles. G et a valuable free gift just for vis iting or call 1-888-338-8492, code P 2 0 (3 m in u te recorded message) DOMESTIC required for 35yr quadriplegic man approx. 15 hrs/w k. No experience necessary. Duties include meal prep., personal care, some travel possible. Early m orning & late afternoon s h ifts . $ 1 2 /h r. C a ll 9am 5pm ; 3 1 9 -7 6 5 2 ; e -m a il: dant@globalserve.net SPEC IAL events company in O a k v ille , re q u ire s s e a so n a l p a rt-tim e p ro d uction workers now to early September. Working hours variable. Must be able to lift 5 0 lb s, h a v e ow n to o ls / safety shoes. Ability to drive 24' truck an asset. $10/hr. Fax: (9 0 5 )8 4 ^ 7 7 8 · P/T STAFF (Hew Bronte Location) 2441 Lakeshore Rd.W Apply in person: CUSTO M -M ADE valances, draperies, sheers, com fort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / c h a ir a c c e s s o rie s . C a ll S h e rry, 6346706. Full-tim e Adm inistrative Clerk Required tor a leading Distributor of labora tory instruments(401/Mississauga Rd.) Requirements: * Purchasing and Inventory Knowledge >» Good Communication skills >- Proficient in Windows 95 Brinkmann Instruments (Canada) Ltd Fax resumes to 905-826-5424 "TCevr The Bram pton Guardian requires a full- time PET lover w a nte d fo r o c cassional pet sitting in my h o m e . C o ro n a tio n P a rk a re a . Id e a l fo r s e n io rs . 5-2638._________________ v / l i tutorial TRUM PET le s s o n s (private), in your hom e or mine. 32 years experience, $20/ 30min. (905)827-8186 (Oak./Burl.)________________ Part-time Diningroom Su p e rv iso r FULL & PART-TIME HELP HIRING STUDENTS AdoIv in person to: 2410 Lakeshore Rd, BRONTE or 699 Guelph Li., BURLINGTON For Luxury Retire ment Residence in Oakville. Two years supervisory experi ence in hotel/ restaurant dining service and a certificate in The Sen/ice Intervention Program is essential. Interested applicants submit resume to: Simon Jarvis Manager, Food Advertising Sales Representative The Guardian is a successful community newspaper, publishing three times weekly. We're looking for a sales-driven individual with a desire to succeed as a member of our team. Responsibilities include servicing existing clients, cold calling, ad layout, selling feature sections. The successful applicant will have at least 3 years of sales experience along with an abundance of enthusiasm and self-motivation. Media sales experience would be a definite asset. A generous compensation package will be offered. Please reply in writing by April 26 to: Peter W inkler Retail A d vertising Manager The Bram pton Guardian 685 Queen St. W. Bram pton, Ont. L6V1A1 Fax (905) 454-4385 Email: p.winkler@thebramptonguardian.com W M i i l daycare available MOTHER of one available to bab ysit 5 -yrs.+ in yo u r home. School pick up okay. 632-2707._________________ MOTHER of two available for full-tim e daycare in my A ld e rs h o t ho m e . RP N , CPR. Receipts. 631-5455. LO V IN G c h ild c a re a v a il a b le in m y hom e. CP R , First-aid, nutritious meals, c reative a ctivities, in door/ outdoor play, lots of TLC. A ges 6 m os. + fu ll-tim e . R e ce ip ts. A p p le b y / New Street. Call 631-6236 WANTED: Your kids in my home. Half days, before & after school. Near M ohwk G a rd e n s. C a ll 6 3 7 -8 9 2 6 / 510-4202__________________ REG ISTE R E D hom e da y care FT spaces a vailab le 1 8 m o n th s -5 y rs . N e ar Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, ABC's, 123's, outings, fenced yard. CPR/ References/ receipts. Kim (905)-319-3826 CASHIER-RECEPTIONIST Perm, part-time, Mon. to Thurs., 5pm-9pm; Sat., 9am-5pm, for busy automobile dealership. Must have cash and phone experiece and be eager to learn. Suit Burlington resident. Previous applicants need not apply. Please fax resume and a hand-written covering letter to: BURLINGTON TOYOTA (1993) INC. 1249 Guelph Line Maclean's Attn L. Neville DtAUROf Fax: (905) 335-4048 E X C E L L E N C E FU LL & P A R T-TIM E KITCHEN STAFF Apply at ^prvirpc Fax:(905)842-9229 E-mail: ko.fs@lrc.ca Oakville Town Centre II C O O K S - P /T -/F /T , a lso W ait S ta ff/ H o s t/h o s te ss, e tc. N ic k e ls R e s ta u ra n t2 3 4 5 T ra fa lg a r (H w y .5 ), O a k v ille . p h :(9 0 5 )-2 5 7 9888, Fax: (905)-257-1615 THE Rude Native Bistro is lo o k in g fo r c h e f's , s o u s c h e f's , coo k s , and d is h washers. For 2 Oakville lo c a tio n s . F ax re s u m e to (905) 465-0681 sS > 0AKV,LLE V l § / MAZDA r t f f t PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST ·Computer skill essential »For Sales & Service Dept · Approx.15hrs/wk to start, hours will increase during summer · Friendly working environment. Apply by phone or fax to Maureen 905-827-4242 or fax 905-827-0409 1291 Speers Rd., Oakville ------------- P A R K V IE W C h ild re n 's C e n tre is a c c e p tin g re sumes from qualified Early C h ild h o o d E d u c a to rs fo r s u m m e r and s u p p ly p o sitions. If you are creative, enthusiastic and can work as part of an established, experienced team. Fax re sume to Attn: Director 6349850

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