Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2000, Classified, C5

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Wednesday, April 19, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 T he Oakville Beaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C l a ssifie d 100 houses for sale HaltonSea employment wanted The site your community clicks on! . 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. :R I1 TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - F 161 franchises Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 - Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 161 franchises 170 apartments & flats for rent 190 townhouses for rent 192 townhouses for rent 325 auctions, sales 325 auctions, sales 460 505 S IT E S u p e rv is o r for Invidiata Homes, a high end custom home builder based in O akville fo r 10 years+. M ust h a v e m in. 2yrs. experience, be passionate about hom e construction, p o s s e s s g o o d co m m u n ic a tio n , & p e o p le s k ills . Company vehicle and wage n e g o tia b le fax: 905 -33 83254 carer training PRIVATE, River Oaks. Ex ecutive 5-bedroom, desireable W in d in g W o o d s. 6 0 'x 1 3 0 ' lo t. T a s te fu lly decorated. F orm al liv in g / dining, fa m ilyro o m w /gas F.P., s tu d y . 3 -1 /2 b a th rooms, large kitchen, w/o to 28 ' x 16* deck/ la ndscaped yard. A/C. security. Walk to p riv a te / p u b lic s c h o o ls . $393,000. (905)257-0938, to view A T T R A C T IV E w e ll-k e p t 3-bedroom raised ranch on 1/2 acre lot near C a rlisle. Great view of mature trees. $245,000. (905)659-3331. r jr T T T r a T T T F T OPPORTUNITY Exceptional Locations N.Qw Ay a Nab] g -i n DakyjMg Complete Turnkey Program Full Training & On-going Support No Franchise Fee Financial Assistance Available Min. 55K Liquid Cash Required Member: Cdn. Franchise Assoc. Call Curtis Evans for more information (800)239-5852 _____ Take Control With v« « G one Hollywood Video| 2 -B E D R O O M a v a ila b le . Burlington, June 5th. $863 all inclusive. Call (905)3357929 or leave message BA CH ELO R apartment in cludes utilities, cable, laun dry, parking.. No pets. No smoking. $600/mo. Single. May 1st. (905)333-5415 DO W NTO W N O akville, 2b ed roo m s a va ila b le June 1st. $1050/mo. Call Forbes, ( 4 1 6 )4 2 0 -3 9 5 2 o r (9 0 5 ) 842-9275_________________ W a^M rentals L A R G E 1-b e d ro o m , s p a cious living area, rec room, full bath, garage entrance. Immediate. $675/mo. B.O. (905)335-1393.____________ S M A L L o ffic e or sto ra g e area for rent, $150 sq.ft. Al d e rs h o t area, (905)528-5828 PROFESSIONAL Typist for / F a m ify IftH K p ! Auction Sale All New Furniture & Designer Access. Inventory Blow Out To be held at the Optimist Club 311 Commercial St, Milton (off Main) Friday April 2 1 .10:00am. Preview 9:00am 15 Sofa Sets, designer Bedroom and Dining Suites. Fabulous accessories and accent pieces, too numerous to mention. Special Feature: A few signed, numbered, museum mounted and framed "original* prints by such artists as, "Bateman*, 'Parker* and "Solberg". CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B e d r o o m s · 3 a p p lia n c e s s · E a t- in K it. B a s e m e n t · P la y g r o u n d · P a r k in g C o n v e n ie n tly located near schools a n d B u r lin g to n M a ll A rea Shelter Canadian Properties Limited a ll y o u r h o m e & o ffic e needs. Fast reliable work, g u a ra n te e d to s a tis fy . Affordable rates, no job too small or big. Single sheet or f u ll m a n u s c rip t, p re p a re re s u m e a ls o . F o r fre e c o n s u lta tio n , c a ll R o b in (416)832-4344 carer training SubifiCtto Additions and D e le te C U M B E R LA N D / New St., B u rlin g to n . 2 fu rn is h e d ro o m s . K itc h e n / la u n d ry privileges, cable, parking. N o n-sm oking responsible individuals. 1st & last $375 & $415/m onth (9 0 5 )3 3 3 4300.______________________ ROOM in s h a re d hou se. $400/mo. including utilities. La n c a s te r a rea, c lo s e to Sheridan College. May 1st 339-0754, 616-8439 B O LEN S 17hp lawn tra c tor, Koler engine, hydrastatic drive, 4' m ower deck, g o o d c o n d itio n . $ 19 00. P h o n e 6 3 2 -0 0 6 8 a fte r 6pm.______________________ S 10/mo. extends your local calling area. Talk forever.... whenever! Share the long d is ta n o e sav in g betw een friends. A b ility Tel, since 1994. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -3 7 3 8 , (905)631-8202_____________ SIT On I t - Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t foam fo r c u s h io n s . R e s id e n tia l/ c o m m e rc ia l. F ie ld s U p h o ls te ry , 9 -9 , 7 d a y s / week! 632-9090___________ CA R P ET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new S tainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 CORNER Cabinet for sale walnut (bought from Stoney C re e k F u rn itu re ). $800. Call 632-2645_____________ DINING Room suite- M is s io n s ty le , O ak. C irc a 1930-1940. Table, china c a b in e t, b u ffe t, 6 c h a irs , $ 3 ,5 0 0 . O BO . 9 0 5 -6 3 9 0197 after 6pm____________ D IN IN G R O O M set, te a k veneer, 4-chairs, table w/2 le a fs , h u tc h and b u ffe t. N eeds refinish ing. $150. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm E.C.DRURY Annual Spring C ra ft S a le. M ay 6 & 7, 2000, 10am-4pm. 215 On tario St.S., Milton. Over 100 vendors. Admission $2.00. $1,00 off with ad- children free._______________________ FR EE-W EIG H TS 200Lbs. $150; King waterbed $199; 4 -p o s te r s o lid oak bed $250; (905)335-2769 after 5pm______________________ LA D IE S m o u n ta in b ik e . "Raleigh Inferno" 16" frame. 2-years old, like new, $275 (905)681-6319.___________ LAWN tractor, Sears 8hp, e lectric start, good c ond i tio n . $550. P h one 6 3 2 0068 after 6pm.____________ LAW N tractor - John Deer STX-38, 4years old, 12.5 HP. Kolher, electric every thing. Barely used. $1500 obo. (905)616-1292. L E A T H E R s w iv e l ro c k e r re c lin e r, O x b lo o d 4 4 x 3 7 x 4 0 H $ 2 ,5 0 0 ., se ll $1,150. New from model home (905)-336-0786 LOVESEATS (2), excellent c o n d itio n , lig h t c re a m . N o rth B u rlin g to n . $1 2 0 0 (905)319-6452____________ M O V IN G - GE m icrowave. $50. 13" c o lo u r TV. $40. New ta b le to p g r ill, $25. M origeau white dresser & sw ivel end unit, excellent c o n d itio n , $15 0. P e re g o h ig h c h a ir, $40. S tro lle r, b a b y m o n ito r & m ore . (905)331-0806____________ PENTIUM 100MHz comput er w/keyboard, monitor, CDROM , m ouse, 2 8 .8K M o d e m , W IN 9 5 , $ 5 0 0 firm . 632-7207_________________ RIDING mower, Craftsman 15.5 hp., 42" auto., Briggs & S tra tto n , D is c h a rg e s or mulches. Like new. $1200. 333-0945._________________ SO LAR heating panels, 7, Ideal fo r pool. $500 obo. BM X b ik e . $15 0. 3 3 5 8112._____________________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G S T! Lo ve y our fu rn itu re ... h ate y o u r c o lo u rs ? S o fa & m a tc h in g chair from $788. Loveseats fro m $ 4 4 8 . C h a irs fro m $ 1 9 9 . F re e E s tim a te s . S e n io r D is c o u n ts . F ie ld s Quality Custom Upholstering. 9-9, (905)632-9090________ TW O Numark Direct Drive Turntables, excellent condi tion. Less than 1 year old. w /s ta n to n 680 c a rtrid g e s and needles. Slipm ats in c lu d e d . $75 0 O BO (905) 827-1799._________________ W O O D S to v e F ire p la c e cast iron Nestor Martin 39 wide X 18 deep X 32 high., $100 obo. Roto-tiller electric $20. obo. Wheel barrel all s te e l c o n s tru c tio n g ra d e $20. obo. Call (905) 6913835______________________ ANTIQUES & Collectibles, doors galore. Color moni tors, toilet/ sinks, gardening supplies, movies and tapes. Crutches. Great deals! Re use C entre, 3335 N.Serv ice, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm; Sat-9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. This is a very large, must see sale!! Fabulous quality from start to finish!! Auctioneer: Norm Webster (905-873-7633 For more info: (519)821-9331. Payments accepted, VISA, MasterCard, Debit Card and check with proper ID. PINEDALE/ Appleby 3 bed rooms, 1/12 baths, finished b a s e m e n t, g a ra g e , $127,500 No agents (905) 335-3032 ' TRAIN FOR m THE NEW MILLENNIU Certified Courses: · Micro Computers MS O ffice Intemet/E-mail m FO R E S T C h a s e - 2 0 3 0 Cleaver. Spacious "B rent wood" m odel, 2-bedroom c o rn e r u n it, lo w e r le v e l, quiet ravine setting, 5 ap pliances, a/c. O ne un d e r ground parking. $127, 500. 331-8673.__________ ___ O A K V IL L E - large 3 b e d room. 1.5 baths, fireplace, storage, near highw ays & GO. $ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 . P riv a te . (905)339-1943____________ G LE N A bbey, 1901 P ilg rim 's W ay, O a k v ille . L u x u rio u s 1 4 4 9 s q .ft. 2bed roo m c o rn e r s u ite . 5 a p p lia n c e s . $ 2 3 8 ,9 0 0 . (905)803-9476____________ WE s p e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium Sales. Lin d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333-4347. 827-7728 K t j l dumpsites DUMPSITES wanted: clean fill or excavation materials. W ill grade. Call 634-2684 or 844-4330 EHIH cars* orsale 1988 T O Y O T A C o r o lla SR5, 250K, very good condito n , em ission test pass $2,000 obo. Call (905)3994389______________________ 1999 FORD Mustang Con vertible, V6. Yellow, black top, black le ather interior, C D M ach S y s te m , s ta n dard,A/C, 30,000 km. Very well taken care of. Excellent condition. Oil changed al ways with Synthetic. A sk in g $ 2 5 0 0 0 or b e st o ffe r (905) 333-9171____________ 1991 PONTIAC Grand Prix, 6 c y lin d e r, 3.1 L, 4 door, a u to , m a rro o n /g re y , a ir, cruise, power windows and d o o rs, A M /F m , c a s s e tte , cellphone, certified, em is s io n s , 186K, $4100. (905)847-0398.____________ 1991 Miata Roadster, white, 80K only, tru ly e xce lle n t. $10,500 certified. (905)8251408______________________ C H R Y S LE R S ebring LX I1995. S a fe ty & em issio n certificate, fresh tune-up & tires. Asking $10,400. 6 3 2 6965______________________ 1992 BMW 325 i- Low k il o m e te rs , b e ig e w ith tan leather, auto, great shape. A ll BM W fu n c tio n s , $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 . neg . 9 0 5 -4 6 5 2892______________________ 1990 Nissan Pulsar- red, Tro o f, tin ts , 5 sp e e d , excellent running condition, 1 owner. $1500/as is. (905) 331-6493_________________ 1997 W in d s ta r GL 85,000km's., Quad, seats.; h ig h c a p .a ir; C e rtifie d . W ell maintained. $14,900. 905-542-3300 ext 212 1991 Ford Escort LX 4cyl., 2-doors, auto., A1 c o n d i tion, 77K., air, cruise, AM J FM c a s s e tte , ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 8489.______________________ 1990 Chev Tracker, under 100K, As is... $2,500/obo. Call (905)827-8803 1993 Chrysler Dynasty- ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n , 134K, safety & emission certified. $6500. (905)681-7540 1991 A cu ra I n te g r a - 2 door, 206,000km, excellent c o n d itio n . $ 5 6 0 0 . C a ll (905)815-0841____________ 1994 M azda 626 C ro n o s (S ilv e r) w e ll m a in ta in e d , m in t c o n d itio n , c e rtifie d / emission test, new tires and rust proof. $9500 obo ask for Anthony (905)633-9824 I I L T l cars wanted 403 A u to p a rts --- C ity o f B u rlin g to n B u s in e s s Lie. environm entally com pliant. S cra p c a rs w a n te d . W e pay cash. 905 -6 3 7 -2 3 1 9 Pick-up/Drop-off. M-F. 8-5 trucks for sale 1 9 9 5 G M C J im m y S LT 4X4 - Green with charcoal le a th e r in te rio r, auto, V6, PW , P D L, P /S e a t, P /M irro rs ,a ir, c ru is e , tilt, overhead com pass/exterior temp., keyless, trailer hitch. 127,000km $16 ,900 (905) 849-1934 BURLINGTON M all- 2 bed room , ground floor, 4 ap p lia n c e s . $82 0/m o. 6 3 2 5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. · · · · Accounting Office Administration Medical/Legal Asst. Dental Receptionist 5200 Lakeshore, B urling ton Spacious 2-Bedroom Apartments with magnificent views of the lake! I condominiums for rent (905) 681-7126 Professionally managed by L.T. Greenwin Property Mgml F O R E S T C h a s e - 1-bedroom with den. 5 applianc es, parking. Available June 1st $925/m o+ utilities. 1st & last. (905)335-1086 LUXURY condo for rent. 2bedrooms, solarium, 5 ap pliances, 2 bathrooms, C/A, full gym, outdoor pool. 24-hr security. Non-smokers only. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $ 1325/mo. includes every th in g b u t p h o n e . C a ll (905)339-0162, Burlington 3 b e d ro o m , 5 a p p lia n c e s ,u n d e rg ro u n d p a rk in g $1350 /mo. Call Paul 3373201. Leave message T A N S L E Y G ardens- June 1st. 1 bedroom + den, 4 appliances & cable includ ed. Utilities extra. No pets. $950/mo. 319-1533 K l i l r l houses for rent VERY la rge E x e c u tiv e 4bedroom hom e, Exclusive neighborhood. Many recent u p g ra d e s . D unvegan Street, Burlington. $1950/ m o. + u tilitie s ( 9 0 5 ) 6 8 1 0070______________________ BRICK b u n g a lo w , c e n tra l w e st O a k v ille . $1 ,350 /m o. + u tilite s . 3+2 b e d ro o m s . 2 b a th s , rec. room, private treed lot. June 1st. Call Maria, (905)8440314______________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing availab le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. B roker, (905)6395258 Re/M ax Escarpm ent Realty Inc.. Realtor________ C O T T A G E by th e Lake , p re s tig e o u s s o u th w e s t O akville, rent (s h o rt/ long te rm ) o r s a le . 3 -b d rm s , plus finished loft. Walk-out to deck, in mature 52'x170` lot. M ay 1st. $15 00./mo. 634-1201; owner 705-6848258 (705)684-8259 BR AN T Hills 3+2 bedroom e x e c u tiv e , im m a c u la te condition, pool. $1600/mo. J u n e 1st. No p e ts . 3 3 2 9760______________________ O AKV ILLE, River Oaks. 3bedroom house, 1.5 baths, fam ilyroom , frid g e , stove, $1,300/mo. -futilities. Avail able M ay 1st (416 )8 1 7 0790._____________________ MAIN floor house, Burling to n , 3 -b e d ro o m s , 3 a p p lia n c e s , 2 p a rk in g s . N o n-sm oking ad u lts only. No pets $10 50 in c lu s iv e . May 1st. (905)637-8682 4-BE DRO O M older home. C L o s e to e v e ry th in g in Bronte. June 15th. $1,350./ -·-utilities. C all (905)-8273340 M A T U R E n o n -s m o k e r to share executive residence. Burlington Lakeshore. First/ last. No pets. $475/mo. inclusive. (905)639-8974. SH ARE 3-bedroom house with professional male. All a m e n itie s . N o n -s m o k e r. P a rk in g . $ 5 5 0 /m o . in c lusive. C ollege Park. 905842-9895_________________ B U R L IN G T O N la rg e house, 4 level, 2 fireplaces, private bathroom & parking, h e a te d s w im m in g p oo l, J a c u z z i b a th , a/c. P ro fessional male. $600+ half u tilities. A vailable im m ediately. (905)516-9041 C A R LIS L E farm house all inclusive, furnished, 10x18 be d ro o m . F e m a le p re fe rre d , $ 47 5. P e ts w e l com e. non-sm oker. 6 8 9 0442______________________ PROFESSIONAL responsi ble fe m a le , to s hare fu r n is h e d 3 -b e d ro o m to w n house b o rd e r. Q u ie t. B u rlington/ O akville. S ep arate im m aculate, unfurn ished renovated nanny suit/ ba th . S h a re d la u n d ry , k itc h e n , pa tio garden. 1 p a rk in g . 5 a p p lia n c e s . A /C . $55 0/m o. in c lu s iv e . First/last. References. Nonsmoker. No pets. May/ June 1st. (905)333-3115 H A LTO N BUSINESS IN S TITU TE ( 905 ) 637-3415 460 Brant St., Burlington J Registered Ministry of Education and Training (1 9 S 2 )^y careers 505 careers Burlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · · · · F u r n i s h e d D e s ig n e r A p a r t m e n t s F u lly E q u i p p e d K itc h e n s M a g n if ic e n t I n d o o r P o o l S a u n a & F itn e s s C e n tre 505 www.FlowerBuyer.com MARKET LEADER IN B2B INTERNET FLOWER SALES ACCESS FLOWER TRADING INC.. (owner and operator of the websites "FlowerBuyer- and TheAmericanClock") is looking for dynamic people to join our team in Oakville. If you are interested in the Business To Business Internet sales please see some of our current job openings: 1285 Ontario St. DOW NTOW N O akville In v estm ent... P rim e C o rne r Com m ercial. 8 units, fu lly leased.. $155,000. net in come. Asking $1,500,000. C o nta ct T e rry H u tchison, A sso c. B ro k e r, R e /M a x Aboutowne, (905)338-9000 P V V 3 industrial/ commercial space 639 ·8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam -5 p m www.ontim.com · btowers@lara.on.ca C u s to m e r S e rv ic e /S a le s : These associates will instruct our existing and new clients in the use of our Internet system and will provide customer service to their entire group of clients. All this is done over the phone. Knowledge of flowers is helpful but not necessary. Internet training provided. C le rica l S u p p o rt S taff: They will support the office manager in meeting the daily deadlines. Excellent computer and Internet skills plus basic knowledge of Spanish are required. Alternate working on Sat. is part of the job. Asst. Buyer: Assisting the buyer with collecting data and buying product. Basic knowledge of flowers and fluent in Spanish (written and oral) is required. 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted PH · Lofts · Studios · 2 Bdrms · 1-Bdrm + Den DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE ·325 s.f. m odern office b u ild in g , fa s t p o s s e s sio n $47 5 p e r m o n th . Gross rent includes util ities. ·2100 s.f. office space $ 14 .50 p .s.f. g ro ss in cluding utilities. ·1400 s.f. R e tail, busy Burlington Plaza $12.50 p.s.f. O wner w ill finish to your needs. Call Gor d on C ra w fo rd R e m a x 842-7000 M anager Q u a lity C o n tro l: Responsible for setting up and managing quality control in all our ports of entry worldwide. Includes working with sophisticated scanning system and contact with buyers and growers. In-depth knowledge ol flowers and experience is required. Entrepreneurial spirit is a must. Logistics Manager: Responsible for all logistics worldwide. Experience with air freight and reefer transport required. A ccounts Receivable: Although we have an advanced A/R system, our client base is growing so rapidly that we need an experienced A/R person working together with the accountant. In addition to a competitive salary, you will find an environment committed to diversity, challenge and growth. Interested parties should fax a resume to 1-905-847-8561 or e-mail hr@theamericanclock.com Please indicate for which position you are applying. W e regret that we will be unable to respond to each applicant. Only those selected lor interviews will be contacted. Access Flower Trading Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor.pool & saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm W H IT E O a k s . O a k v ille . S p a c io u s 2 -b d rm + d e n , $1190- $1290/m o.; Im m e d ia te . W e ll- m a in ta in e d com plex, full rec. facilities in c lu d in g in d o o r p o o l, sunken livingroom ... som e w ith fir e p la c e ! C a ll Jeannette. (905)815-1628 BR IG H T 1 bedroom base m e n t a p a rtm e n t. S h a re d la u n d ry and g a ra g e . Non sm oker. Available May 1st $750 per month. In W est Oakville. Please call 8253100 WANTED: Cottage to rent for 3-4wks in August. Muskoka or Lake Simcoe area preferred. Clean quiet Bur lin g to n c o u p le w ith 12yr. old girl. 633-9325_________ I C l l V J items under $100. BED frame, adjustable, twin to queen size with casters & headboard brackets. $10. 336-2219_________________ BICYCLE, girl's 16" Lead er, like new, $99. Call 8 4 5 8865._____________________ 2 N o rm an R o c k w e ll c o lle c to r p la te s b o th fo r $35. 631-5145____________ DINING Room Chandelier, ` G old to n e (fro m th e 8 0 's) $35.00. Call 637-3444 DSS cleaned Heards $50. Call 335-4735_____________ F R E E Z E R , 14 cu. ft. 46"x22" excellent condition, $100. (905)335-6078 G IR L S m o u n ta in bik e , b a re ly us e d , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n ,$75. (9 0 5 )3 3 5 9952______________________ H E N R I s w in g s e t - 2 s w in g s , 2 se a te d s u rfe r, g lid e rid e . 6 ft s lid e and safety padded legs. Regular $220, asking $100. 3 3 2 6853______________________ M AR B LE slap 33"X80" X1 1 /2 "lig h t g ra y , $75 (905) 274-0468_________________ P IA N O U p rig h t, fre e to good hom e. Phone 3 3 2 4148______________________ R O L L E R B la d e s, B auer, never used, still in box, size 8, men's. $75. Call 6320068 after 6pm. STAINLESS steel sink with d e lta fa u c e t and 7 ft. counter top $35. Call 6373444______________________ T .V . c o lo u r, 17" E le c tro home, very good condition, $100. 336-5859.___________ TW O 30 inch vanities with sinks and faucets, including toilets $50.. Call 637-3444 TYPEW RITER- Xerox 610 m em oryw riter, 9 extra rib bons, 6 print wheels, $75. 332-9508_________________ U T IL IT Y tra ile r- 40 x 96, s te e l fram e, w ood sides, s pare tire . $50 obo 6346194______________________ W ASHER GE heavy duty. 7 programs. Excellent con dition. $100,639-4917 R EASO N ABLE A ll In c lu s iv e O ffic e S p a ce ! Im m a c u la te c o n d itio n . A pprox. 4 0 0 s q .ft. Lots of p a rk in g . C e n tra l B u r lington. P o ssible rent e x c han ge fo r B o o k k e e p in g Services! (905)541-2343 , leave message____________ 18 7 0 S Q .F T of p rim e modem office space. Clean, a ttra c tiv e , g ro u n d flo o r ac c e s s , fre e p a rk in g . D o rv a l/ Q E W $12 all inclusive. By O w ner (905) 338-3444_________________ W A T E R D O W N - C e n tra l s trip p la z a , b u s ie s t Ham ilton St., 1 34 5sq.ft., available for office or retail, call 416-823-4697 TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors Irpm $6S9.` 1-Bdrm Irom $779.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 "(2% disc, included) G LEN Abbey. 1-bedroom basement apartment, avail able Ju n e ls t, separate en tra n c e , p a rk in g , n e a r a ll a m e n itie s , P re fe r fe m a le non-smoker, no pets, $700/ m o. u t ilit ie s in c lu d e d . (905)825-5487. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 18.2 BDRM APTS Avail. May & June Ravine View! Includes utilities. Parking Available Patient Registration Clerk Working from our Milton district hospital site, you will register patients using Meditech software and perform general reception duties. Fluent in English, you have a good understanding of medical terminology, computer proficiency with Win'95, WinWord, and Outlook, and accurate data entry skills. TTiis is a part-tim e position o f 15 hours p er week. P le a se apply to: (905) 690-1896 BURLING TO N- Basement bac h e lo r- M ature, p ro fe s sio n a l, non -s m o k e r, m ale preferred. $550./ inclusive. N o v .1st. C lo s e to Lakeshore. (905)631-5884 O L D O a k v ille - B e a u tifu l building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 1bedroom from $925./mo.; 2bed roo m from $ 1 125/m o. C all (905)845-8254, leave message.__________________ CENTRAL B u r lin g to n S p a c io u s , c a rp e te d 2b e d ro o m , q u ie t lo w -ris e . Balcony. Im m ediate / June 1st. $825/m o. all inclusive 905-466-6032_____________ CENTRAL B u rlin g to n a v a ila b le M ay 1st. big 2bedroom apartm ent. Fresh p a in t, n e a r G O , p a rk , s c h o o ls . F re e p a rk in g . 2043 Prospect St. No dogs, $725/mo. Seniors discount. (905)637-3988.____________ A P A R T M E N T S : O a k v ille P la ce A rea- 2-b e d ro o m s, s m a ll b u ild in g , n e a r all a m e n itie s . $ 8 4 0 ./m o n th . M ay 1st. Heat, hot w ater, parking included; Bronte, 1b ed roo m , $6 9 0 /m o .+ u til itie s . M ay 1st. (9 0 5 )8 4 7 1138_________________ ' O A K V IL L E , B ro n te / Lakeshore. Adult 6-plex, 1bedroom basem ent. $575/ m o. 2 -b e d ro o m , balcony. $ 7 5 0 /m o . + h y d ro . C re d it check, No pets. A va ila ble April. 827-2230.____________ O A K V IL L E - 2 b e d ro o m basem ent a p a rtm e n t, M a y ls t. $ 7 0 0 ./m o n th .; 2 bedroom apartm ent in d u plex- June. 1st. $800/month (905)847-3564____________ 2 -B E D R O O M S u ite s am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu x u ry b u ild in g s c lo s e to B urlington Mall. C all ` The Princess", 639-8009 or "The Regency* 681-8115._______ 2 bedroom apartm ent very clean quiet building, near dow ntow n O akville. $850/ mo. inclusive. 337-0497 B A S E M E N T - 1 bedroom , B u rlin g to n . P riv a te e n trance. $550/m o. includes parkin g. Im m ediate. Non sm oker. Suit w o rkin g female. (905)524-3672 1 -B E D R O O M b a s e m e n t apt. separate entrance. Suit m ature, non-sm oker w ork ing lady. Ideally located for bus, ra il, h ig h w a y , s h o p p ing. A ll in c lu s iv e . $ 6 0 0 / mo. R eference s required. (905)842-4058.____________ CO UN TR Y. Luxury 2-bedroom, fireplace, sunken liv ingroom, marble foyer, ap pliances, A/C. fenced back yard. $ 9 5 0 /m o .+ u tilitie s . F re e lto n area. (9 0 5 )6 5 9 2747______________________ 2-BEDROOM apartment at 110 S o u th F o s te r P a rk . Oakville. May 15th. Utilities in c lu d e d e x c e p t h y d ro . (905)849-8411, C*m-8pm H IG H LY s u c c e s s fu l B u r lington restaurant available immediately. Turn Key op eration! Owner re-locating! $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . M ike R u sso , Broker. Sutton G roup In novative Realty Inc. 905575-7070______________ FLO W ER Shop - w e ll es ta b lis h e d tu rn key, g re a t o p p o rtu n ity . G a ry R eed, B ro k e r C a ld w e ll B a n k e r (905)825-7777. Human Resources, Halton Healthcare Services, 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville, ON L6J 3L7 Fax: (905) 33&4137 e-mail: hr@otmh.on.ca s# / Halton Healthcare > · i · K · V · I · C · K · S We thank all applicants; however, only those to be interviewed will be contacted. W aterdow n 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1,2,3 Bdrms * All Renovated * New appliances, etc Walk to everything - From $695 (905) 690-4454 (905) 689-1647 T H R E E b e d ro o m lu x u ry apartment on Marine Drive. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $1,250/m o. including u tili ties. S co tt P rip r. R e /M a x Blue Springs. 878-7777. FR ESH LY Decorated 2&3 Bedrooms available May & J u n e . L o w -ris e b u ild in g , Garden like setting. Private la n d s c a p e d p a tio s . Tyandaga T e rra c e . B u rlin g to n . 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 or 336-0016__________________ S P A C IO U S 1,2*3 B e d ro o m s . F re s h ly p a in te d , b rig h t. C o m p e titiv e re n t. Burlington high-rise. W ellm a in ta in e d . C o n v e n ie n t lo c a tio n . (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm O A K V IL L E . Q E W / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $779.; 3-bedroom from $959/m o. P a rk in g in c lu d e d . W e ll m a in ta in e d b u ild in g . (905)338-2276_____________ 1-B E D R O O M , June , from $ 7 7 0 .-$ 7 8 0 ./m o .; 2 -B e d room , June, $ 87 7./m o. (+ $30/car). (2% prompt pay ment discount) Sunken liv in g ro o m , e a t-in k itc h e n . Quick QEW access, Guelph Line n e a r N ew S t., B u rlington. (905)637-9725 BIG b r ig h t 1 -b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t, $ 8 0 0 /m o . utilities included, M ay 1st. 50 S p e e rs R d., O a k v ille . (905)339-1154____________ B U R L IN G T O N . L a rg e , c le an 3-bdrm tow nh ouse. H a rd w o o d , p a tio , fe n c e d y a rd , la u n d ry . No d og s.June 1st $ 85 0./m o. 336-7207_________________ B A S E M E N T a p a rtm e n t for rent $600/per month in clu ding cable, u tilities. No sm oking, no pets. Hoped a le M a ll a re a .C a ll (9 0 5 ) 827-0108__________________ SHERIDAN College - avail a b le in S e p te m b e r, s p a cious, attractive, clean, 2bedroom basement apart m e n t. P riv a te e n tra n c e , kitchen, bathroom , cable, a ir. a n d h y d ro . N o ns m o k e rs . $ 7 9 0 /m o Or $ 3 9 5 ./m o n th fo r ea ch . Call (905)844-5179. With roots going back to 1710, the com m itm ent we have always sh ared at 3-Bdrm 2-Level Royal & SunAlliance stays with us as we explore Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Call new horizons. We rem ain wholly com m itted to the custom ers who look to us fo r excellence in service, accountability and a strong sense of ethics. We still hold the sam e tru st in o u r people, and su p p o rt them in creating success. Join Royal & SunAlliance, and explore new d irections in the following role: F U L L Y re n o v a te d b rig h t lo w e r le v e l, $ 8 0 0 ./ a ll inclusive. C entral B u rlin g ton, Non-sm oker.(905)6395743______________________ R E F U R B IS H E D A p a rt ments. Downtown B urling ton. Elizabeth Manor, 477 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1.2& 3 Bedroom Apartm ents w ith spectacular view. 634-9374 DO W N TO W N O a k v ille . Nice, clean building. 2-bed room $875/mo. 2-bedroom, $925/mo. 3-bedroom $1050 /mo. Utilities included. Avail able immediately. (905)8423076.______________________ 2-BE D R O O M in 6 -ple x on N orth S e rv ic e R d ., n e a r O akville Place. (905)3383480, evenings____________ 2 -B E D R O O M A p a rt m ents $790. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 DOW NTOW N, Burlington. 1&2 B e d ro o m s fre s h ly painted with new cabinetry a v a ila b le M a y ls t. W e ll maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321____________ G EO R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . May/June/July, 1,2&3 Bed room s. H e a t/ h y d ro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BURLINGTON Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. N ew ly d e co ra te d 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments w 'th s c e n ic v ie w s . 632-1643_________________ 1&»' Bedroom Suites avail able June 1st. QEW / Trafalg ir Road. Indoor pool. Froo $850/mo. 844-1106 75 S te w a rt: 2 -b e d ro o m , M ay & Ju n e . Near dowi own O akville/ QEW. W e ll m a in ta in e d c le a n building. Call (905)844-4294 B U R L IN G T O N . 383 St. P aul S tre e t: 3 -b e d ro o m , $835/m o. J u n e ls t. In c l udes heat, hydro, parking. For appointment, 634-6903. Well maintained by Jordan >& Geisel 639-9212 It's about S O U T H E A S T B u rlin g to n . 3 -bedroom , fenced patio, garage, 5 appliances, c/air, availab le J u ly 1st, $1050/ mo. +utilities. 632-8237. B U R LIN G T O N : J u ly : 2b e d ro o m fro m $ 9 1 5 .6 0 /mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 b a th s . O ne o u ts id e p a rk in g . N e a r s c h o o ls , shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190._________________ B R O W N S T O N E S to w n hom e- Burlington. 2-bedro o m s , F/P , C /A , 5 a p pliances, garage, June 1st. $990/mo.+ (416)462-3800 staying on course while exploring new directions. COM E S E E US AT OUR JOB FAIR We offer a generous compen sation package including a salary commensurate with experience, a flexible and comprehensive benefits program and the opportunity to work in an environment that both recognizes and rewards merit. We invite you to join us at our Job Fair. Please bring your r&um£ with you and enjoy a tour of our call centre. Tuesday, April 25* and Wednesday, April 26* from 6 to 8 p.m., 2225 Erin Mills Pkwy., Ste. 1000. Take QEW to Erin Mills Pkwy., north to Sheridan Mall. The call centre is behind the Dominion on the 2nd level ramp but there is no sign indicating the location. Underwriter (s) Property, Casualty and Automobile We have several opportunities available for individuals interested in joining o u r Mississauga call centre team. Ideal candidates will be logical, self-motivated professionals who have o r are working towards their AI1C designation and possess 2-3 years of related underw ritin g ex p erien ce. Q ualifications include stro n g inter personal, organizational and com puter skills, a solid custom er service orientation, the ability to set priorities and follow through with prom ises, and a dem onstrated commitment to continuous improvement. If you are accepting of change and willing to work in a structured environment that includes day and evening shifts, w e'd like to h e ar from you. FOR rent: $385, male only (9 0 5 )4 6 6 -4 8 0 4 a fte r 5pm daytime (905)469-3122 FR E E E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6 3 2 9090______________________ EGAN visual board, asking $ 5 0 0 ; b ab y c rib and dresser with change table asking $350(905)849-7961 A IR -C O N D IT IO N E R , Kem o re , 6 2 0 0 B T U , b ra n d new, used one season, call (905)825-2338 after 5pm A L M O N D p o rta b le d is h washer $125; Harvest gold se lf-c le a n in g stove $100; Harvest gold 18 cu.ft. refrig erator $100 (905)827-5683 after 8pm._________________ A N T IQ U E re fin is h e d 19 3 0 's M a h o g a n y s id e board $1,500; New Classic C h ip e n d a le 8 c h a irs , $2,200. 905-631-9895 A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e , 2 d o o r; S to v e ; a u to m a tic w a s h e r & d ry e r. A ls o , apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 B E D S , N e w - C o m p le te : D o u b le , $ 22 0; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free D e live ry. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496______________________ B IC Y C L E , 'M u d s lid e r', b ra n d new , n e v e r used. Won in draw. Asking $175. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm. ROOM for rent. Furnished Q ueen size room room in e x e c u tiv e hom e. H e ate d pool, all inclusive. Respon sible Individual . $450. Trafalgar/upper middle. 338-5956 TW O clean furnished rooms near O a k v ille P la c e / Sheridan C ollege, on bus ro u te . L a u n d ry , k itc h e n , p a rk in g fa c ilitie s . F rom : $310.Ken. (905)842-0789 LA RG E furnished room in e x e c u tiv e tow nh om e with e n s u ite . N e a r S h e rid a n C o lle g e . Q u ie t, N onsm oker. C lose to am eni ties. Kitchen and laundry facilities. $575. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 6322.______________________ ROOMS available in town house. near Sheridan Col lege, use of all fa c ilitie s , $300/m o. C all John. 6 3 3 9711.______________________ F U R N IS H E D b e d ro o m , share kitchen, bathroom & sitting room, Sixth Line/ McCraney, on bus line. 3 3 8 7635.______________________ FURNISHED room for rent in large apartm ent, Board available- Burlington near GO. 631-9400 AN TIQU ES wanted- furn i tu re , g la s s c h in a , s ilv e r, je w e lry , c lo cks, w atches, p a in tin g s , o ld p h o to s , canes Best cash! (905)-522-4727____________ W ANTED All-China, Silver, Crystal, Singer Portables... D o u lto n , M o o rc ro ft, Beswick, W atches, dolls, es tates, C ollectibles. John/ Tracy (905)-331-2477 K j / | 1 pets, supplies FREE- Dwarf Bunny to a loving heme. 331-7122 R o y a l & \ y _____ yjSUNALLlANCE Forward thinking since 1710TM www.royalsunalliance.ca Previous applicants need not re-apply. W O R L D W ID E vid e o conversion. To or from any c o u n try . T o p q u a lity . R e a s o n a b le ra te s , c a ll Sharon 905-335-1211 Ea professionals professionals general help wanted . a general J f l help wanted The Royal Canadian Golf Association is seeking Goliger's T ra v e iP iu s requires a Part-time SENIOR LEISURE/ CORPORATE CONSULTANT with a min im um o f 5 ye a rs G a lile o e xp e rie n c e . K now ledge of E -m ail and In te rn e t an asset. RESUMES TO: GENERAL LABOURERS lor summer help lor the Bell Canadian open. Candi dates must be able to start in May and work through to September 15, 2000. Interested candidates should hand deliver a resume to: W* | | T | | cars for sale 1991 Range Rover, green, on ta n in te rio r, to w in g packa ge, good c ond ition, w e ll m a in ta in e d . $8 5 0 0 obo. Call Kim (905)337-0973 1991 A c u ra L e g e n d LSLoaded, v e ry cle a n , new tire s , b lu e / b lu e le a th e r, 180K . c e rtifie d . $ 9 ,4 0 0 . 469-8411 / Personnel, RCGA, 1333 Dorval Drive, Oakville, On L6J 4Z3 Resumes must be received by Apr. 28,2000 No phone calls, email, or laxes will be accepted. ***The RCGA is located on the grounds ol Glen Abbey Golf Club Fax: (905) 336-1671 E-m ail: burloak@goligerstravelplus.com

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