Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2000, Classified, C8

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 12, 2000 EFFICIENT W AREHOUSE PERSON W ANTED Burlington Distributor has an immediate opening for a F/T warehouse person. Responsible for shipping/re ceiving, packaging, inventory control, stocking shelves, etc. Successful candidate w ill have a high school diploma, computer experience, good organisational skills and be a team player. Please submit resumes by Apr. 10/00. P A R T -TIM E position week days only, 8:30am- 3:00pm. H ousekeeping dutie s with r e s id e n tia l c le a n in g com pany. Drivers licensee an a s s e t. P le a s e c a ll D u n c a re C le a n in g (9 0 5 ) 681-7600_________________ M A T U R E responsible per son, w ith v a lid d riv e rs li cense for shipping and de livery duties. Some lifting is required. Ideal for retired person lo oking for steady part-tim e work. C all 905335-1559__________> J U B IL E E Fruit M arket re q u ire s fu ll-tim e C a s h ie rs and P ro d u c e C le rk s , a v a ila b le to w o rk fle x ib le hours including weekends. Starting Salary $9 - $10./hr. A p p ly in p e rs o n w ith re s u m e : 104 A lle n S t., Oakville (905)842-0378 TIM H O R T O N S - Now hiring All counter shifts and night s h ift b a k e r. A p p ly : 2 3 1 6 Royal W indsor Dr. at Ford Dr- O a k v ille o r p ho ne/fax 338-1966__________________ JA N ITO R IA L C le a n in g Company requires P/T help, 5-7 d a y s w e e k in M ilton. Midnights. $8.-$12/hr. Ken, (905)274-4164_____________ W A IT Staff for luxury retire m ent re s id e n c e in Burlington. Fax resume to: D ia n e Y o u n g , M a n a g e r, Food Services: (905) 3330596______________________ L A W N C are c om pany re q u ire s la n d s c a p e m a in ten a n c e la borer, M ust be a b le to d riv e 1-ton dum p truck. $9/hr. 335-9469. R O O F IN G L a b o re rs re quired. C om petitive w ag es, based upon experience. C a ll (9 0 5 ) 6 5 9 -1 2 2 6 , or cell: (905)616-8911 BROKERSnee d e d for M is s is s a u g a c o u rie r company experienced with c a r o r v a n . F lu e n t in English. C all W ally (905)820-5522__________________ G O L F course help wantedSuitable for university stud e n t. W a g e s n e g o tia b le . C a ll 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -7 7 5 0 (O a k ville) F U L L -T IM E Sales Help re qu ire d fo r T ha t Aquarium P la c e . F ax re s u m e s to: 639-4353__________________ L A N D S C A P E R S required im m e d ia te ly , fu lltim e , by O a k v ille b ase d com pany. C a ll C h ris a t ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 8 6767 I telemarketers ! sudscrlbercentral.com M a c L a c h la n C o lle g e LAWN CARE TECHNICIAN Required immadiataly for our Burlington Area Location. Qualified applicants should be highfy motivated. independent and customer oriented, Prior lawn care or turf knowledge an asset. Must have valid Drivers License. Interested applicants should forward their resum e to: subscribercentral.com is an Internet Portal matching trade publications across North America to qualified subscribers. Our Web site makes it convenient for professionals across a wide variety of industries to identify and subscribe to numerous publications within their market sector. The company provides competitive remuneration and benefits package. Private School has the following office administration positions available: FULL-TIME BOOKKEEPER/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT · Proven accounting and secretarial skills. · Quickbooks experience is a definite asset. W A N T E D m atu re expe ri enced part-tim e sales help for ladies clothing store ap ply w ith resum e to Magic M ountain, 67 Bronte Rd., Unit 9, Oakville, L6L 3B7 Ener-Gard Energy Products Inc. 1325 Heine Court Burlington, Ontario L7L 6A7 Fax: (905)336-1507 We require: Telemarketer (s) You are a telemarketer with a difference - able to build rapport and comfortable navigating the Internet. Provided with a targeted database, you will support and enhance the efforts of our sales team in promoting subscribercenfral.com as you work to record/ confirm and contact a variety of business-tobusiness pu blica tio ns across North America. Minimum of 1 year telemarketing experience, strong command of the English language, knowledge of database management and MS Office. (FjYIiiif SijsfiMiio Vj U* ResioersmAL. commeroal 2 0 2 5 Guelph Line, Suite 4 1 2 B urlington, O ntario, L7P 4 X 4 PART-TIME ACADEMIC SECRETARY ·Experience in administration of a computerized student information system or similar database program (training to be provided) ·Advanced computer skills, proven secretarial skills These are permanent full / part-time positions with regular business holidays. Competitive salary and benefits. If you possess the appropriate skills and experience & thrive in ' a fast paced, challenging environment, please submit your resume and reference letters in person or by fax or email to: ON CALL COORDINATOR for Oakville Nursing Agency Ideal for Local person! Exceptional customer & communication skills, needed for every 3rd weekend & 1 evening call per week. Assemblers Required Up to five new p o sitio n s o pen . H o u rs 3:45-ll:45pm . full-tim e. S tart $8.2 5 /h r. Benefit package available. Training p ro vided. No heavy lifting required. W ork is to start in two weeks. P le a se a p p ly at: 5320 D o w n e y S t., B u rlin g to n fo r jo b a p p lic a tio n . Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz E x p a n d in g w h o le s a le lu m b e r c o m p a n y in M ilto n area p re s e n tly a c c e p tin g re s u m e s fo r th e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s : Please fax resume with salary expectations to (905) 8 1 5 -9 6 05 , or email: jobs@subscribercentral.com Exp. Lift Truck O perators · Building material background an asset · Full-tim e/part-tim e Lisa M. Duranleau, Director of Finance & Operations 337 Trafalgar Rd.,Oakville, ON L6J 3H3 Fax: 9 05-844-9369 em ail: registrar@ m aclachIan .on.ca ________ No phone calls please!________ Fax re s u m e (905)-338-5616 D E N T A L O F F IC E located in Oakville requires F/T Fax resumes to: (905) 854-3259 Admin. Asst./Receptionist Oakville financial planning firm seeks an individual with excellent communication skills & personality. Must be capable of working in a fast-paced environ ment and handling different tasks simultaneously. Excellent computer skills (MS Office) are a must. Experience with investments and insurance an asset. Please send your resume with salary expectations to Claire Hoff C/o Mail Boxes Etc., 200 North Service Rd. W ,, Unit 1, Ste 850, Oakville, ON L6M 2Y1 CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT Fax resume to: (905) 338-8523 or call 845-6023 S U R FA C E PART-TIM E R EC EPTIO N IST Mon thru Sat.Must be well organized. Position is available immediately. Includes filing duties. Apply by fax to Lynn @ 905-845-3477 or apply in person to 300 South Service R d ., W . Oakville. P R E P A R A T IO N "' ^ RN's Fulltime Experience in a nursing home environment is preferred. GROW W ITH US USF S urface P reparation is th e w orld's lea d er in p ro v id in g e q u ip m e n t fo r in d u stria l surface preparation. D ue to rapid gro w th w e are offering excellent op p o rtu n ities f o r highly m o tiva ted in d ivid u a ls to jo in the USF Surface Preparation Team in o u r n ew state-of-the-art 100,000 square fo o t e n g in ee rin g /m a n u fa ctu rin g fa c ility in B urlington, Ontario. We have the following positions to be filled immediately: We thank your tor your interest but only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. sales help & agents sales help & agents PART-TIME SEASONAL WORK W e need m en, wom en & kids to fill a variety of roles available in: catalogues & flyers, fashion shows & hair shows, m agazines & brochures, T.V . Com m ercials & extra w ork, film work etc. B e g in n e rs w e lc o m e . If a c c e p te d a g e n c y agrees to cover full training & reg. costs. 530 530 Fax re s u m e to : 1 -9 0 5 - 332-5871 F U L L -T IM E Dental assistant required for busy Oak ville practice. We are look ing for an individual who is e n th u s ia s tic , s e lf m o ti vated, frie n d ly . M ust be H A R P C e rtifie d . P lease fo rw a rd re s u m e s to: Dr. S im o n P o ng 187 C ross Ave. #6 Oakville L6J 2W7. Attention Kelly_____________ D E N T A L O ffice has entry level position available for Dental Assistant. Should be Harp certified or about to receive certification. Full tim e d ays. P le a s e ca ll (9 0 5 )8 2 7 -6 1 0 2 o r fax resume to (905)827-4235 S T O N E Y Creek- Dental of fic e s e e k in g fu ll-tim e re ceptionist with at least 3 yrs e xp e rie n ce . A B E L Com p u te r s k ills re q u ire d . P le a s e pho n e w e ekdays 905-664-5533 or fax: 905664-3886_________________ R .P .N . required part-tim e fo r lu x u ry re tire m e n t re s id e n c e in B u rlin g to n . M ust be a v a ila b le for all s h ifts . Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts fa x re su m e : M ary Turnbull, General Manager, (905)333-0596.____________ Dental Hygienist required Monday-Thursday evenings and Friday & Saturday for O a k v ille p ra c tic e , call (9 0 5 )8 2 7 -6 1 0 2 or fax (905)827-4235__________ __ D E N T A L H y g ie n is t and C .D .A . re q u ire d for East O a k v ille o ffic e . F le x ib le hours. Please drop off re sum e to: Dr. E. Ber, 511 Maplegrove Dr., Oakville M E D IC A L A ssista nt parttim e e v e n in g s and w e e k e n d s , e x p e rie n ce d , ECG, PFT, Venipuncture, N o rth O a k v ille . Fax: (905)338-3144____________ R N required part-tim e for o ra l s u rg e ry p ra c tic e . E x p e rie n c e n e ce ssa ry. Please call (905)333-5601 'LLJflMSON tC ·BUICK· GMC LTD/ / INTERMEDIATE DETAILERS Assigned to a G roup Leader, you will utilize your proficiency w ith AutoCAD to effectively draft and design com ponents in accordance w ith industrial engineering standards. Knowledge of mechanical assembly, m achining practices and strong com puter skills are key attributes o f th e preferred candidates. Required Immediately MISSISSAUGA 905-803-9040 Online: W W W .shopcanada.com/zaidi.html e-mail: zaidi @ shopcanada.com. NEW & USED SALES CONSULTANTS Very busy w est end Mississauga dealer requires motivated sales consultants high volum e auto mall We offer: · Excellent pay plan · Com pany car · Benefit package · GM career builders For a confidential interview please fax resum e attention: TE C H N IC A L SYSTEMS C O -O R D IN A TO R In this role, you will assist in th e developm ent, im plem entation, training and docum entation of o u r new managem ent system software. W orking w ith AutoCAD, d o cu m en t m anagem ent softw are and AUTOLISP, you will assist in fu rth er developm ent and m aintenance of the system. M eray Motors Mercedes-Benz AUTOBODY T E C H N IC IA N ·3rd year apprentice minimum or Licenced ·Must be well organized ` Possess positive attitude ·Company benefits ` Position available immediately for busy Authorized Mercedes Benz Collision Centre Fax resume to Phil Mansford 905-842-0303 or apply in person to (QEW & D0RVAL) 300 South Service Rd., W. Oakville. U L T R A M A T I C re q u ire s a p p ointm ent setters M on day to Friday, 5pm -10pm . $9/hr + bonus. Leads/train in g p ro v id e d . C a ll M rs. Young 333-1737 after 1pm. M A TU R E Telem arketer re q u ire d - evenings & som e days, Oakville. Salary + Bo nus. Call (905)330-4141 for more information T E L E M A R K E T E R - experi e n c e d , to c a ll fro m ow n home on existing customer list. No cold callin g. 1215hrs/week. Good hourly rate, call Bill 905-338-6564 PROJECT SCHEDULER You will be required to track multiple projects, m onitor time-line GANTT charts and generally assist the Senior Project Manager. Strong Microsoft Project 98, Word and Excel skills arc required. Working know ledge in AutoCAD w ould be an asset. P aul Barry, Sales M an ag er AIR BLAST & PAINT ENGINEERING T E C H N O L O G IS T Candidates must be familiar w ith the airflow dynamics associated w ith the design of Air Blast Rooms and Paint Booths. Working know ledge of NFPA and EPA Standards, as well as AutoCAD 14, is required. All p o sitio n s require a minimum o f 2 to 3 years of practical experience along w ith a diplom a in Mechanical Engineering Technology. (905) 007-4002 ASSISTANT M ANAGER Required for an exciting concept in retail. For our M ississauga Home & Design Centre location. THE CRAFTERS'S M ARKETPLACE Is seeking an Assistant M anager with basic accounting, visual m erchandising and retail m anagem ent knowledge. Com puter skills are essential. M ust be available days, evenings and weekends. Please drop your resume off in person during store hours between Thursday, SUN SH A D ES D E C O R A T IN G C E N T R E S SALES PERSON for drapes, preferred, Hourly Fax blinds, shutters but will train. plus commission re su m e : LICENSED B0DYPERS0N required for Ford Lincoln dealership. Apply with resume to If your ambition is to grow w ith an international com pany w hose mission is to be the foremost prod u cer o f Surface Preparation Equipm ent, then w e w ant to h e ar from you. P lea se fo rw a rd y o u r r e su m e to: (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 -7 8 8 1 . E-mail: sstod u ls@ b lastclean in g.com w w w .u sfilte r.co m 905- 713-2842 April 13- Wednesday, April 19 at 2575 Dundas St. West at W inston Churchill. Clark or Joey af 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville Ph. 905-844-3273 Fax. 905-844-2450 E m p ir e Tra n sp o rta tio n Ltd . is Looking for Experienced Ein Stein Brew House P/T position available, Evenings & weekends. Mustbemin. 19 years. APPLY IN PERSON WITH RESUME TO: 481 N. Service Rd.W. OAKVILLE Call (905) 825-2337 S A T I S F A C T I O N S tu d e n t W indow Cleaners requires university students for pro d u ctio n m a n a g e r (ca r re quired) & W indow Cleaner, positions. Burlington, Oak ville, M ississauga. Send / fax resume: 257 Gatestone Avenue, Oakville. L6J 2G2 Fax: 905-338-3829. Phone (905)842-3581.____________ O A K V IL L E based la n d s c a p in g com pany re q u ire s im m e d ia te ly an e x p e rie n c e d c o n s tru c tio n fo re p e rs o n and tw o c o n s tru c tio n a n d m a in tenance labourers. Only ex perienced individuals need apply. Please fax resum e: ( 9 0 5 )8 2 7 -1 1 3 8 o r c a ll (905)825-5642 for interview A R E you a University/ Col lege Student with painting e x p e rie n c e ? W o u ld you like to run your own paint ing business? Full training provided. Earn $8,000 this s u m m e r & b u ild y o u r re sume. Apply Now 1-800361-9877, w w w.studententerprise.com P A C K A G E R for nutritional products manufacturer, full time, Oakville location. Fax resume to: 905-825-1367 P E R M A N E N T p a rt-tim e custom er se rvice & office help, 20hrs/w eek (4hrs on Sat am) Interest in pottery & ceramics an asset. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Apply in p e rs o n , P o tte ry S u p p ly H o u se , 112 0 S p e e rs Road., Oakville Company Drivers and Owner-Operators lanS Oak-land Ford Lincoln L A N D S C A P E c o n tra c tin g com pany requires foremen a n d la b o u re rs . S o u n d knowledge of hard and soft la n d s c a p e in s ta lla tio n s , equipm ent operating, c a r pentry, experience in gen eral c o n s tru c tio n / renova tions an asset. Good driv ing record; clean, neat ap p e a ra n c e , In d e p e n d a n t, team pla ye r. P a ram oun t L a n d s c a p e C o n tra c to rs ph # 9 0 5 -6 9 0 -0 2 6 7 , fax: 905-690-0612_____________ R E Q U IR E D im m e d ia te ly Licensed light duty D iesel T ech fo r b u s y B u rlin g to n d e a le rs h ip . R e cent Ford exp. a must. Please con tact: Gary Croxon, Terrace Ford Lincoln M e rcu ry.900 W alkers Line. 632-5671 H Y D R A U L IC C y lin d e r Technician- Experienced. C o m p e titiv e w a g e s and benefits. Start im mediately at Burlington location. Fax resume to 905-335-5994 A P P R E N T IC E E le c tric ia n re q u ire d 2 n d , 3 rd o r 4th year. (Com m ercial/ Indus tria l w ork) C all M cC leary Electric- (905)-634-7634 P H Y S IC A L L Y fit DZ Driver, heavy lifting required. Ben e fits, no w e ekends. Fun! call 905-822-2377 Who enjoy interesting and Challenging Work Company Drivers ·Empty Miles- Start $0.311 up to $0,380 ·Loaded Miles- Start $0.35# up to $0.42# ·Premium of $0.03# for all U.S. Miles ·Paid Loading & Unloading ·Paid Layovers ·PLUS 0/0 LOAD PREMIUMS UP TO $0,300 PER MILE Owner-Operators ·$1.05 per mile when EMPTY ·$1.35 per mile when LOADED ·Premium of $0,030 for all U.S. Miles ·Paid Fuel Surcharge ·No Paint Code Requirements ·PLUS 0/0 LOAD PREMIUMS UP TO $0,400 PER MILE P E R M A N E N T - part-tim eReception (days, evenings, weekends) Previous Real Estate experience an asset. C o m p u te r lite ra te in MS Word/ related software. Ex cellent interpersonal skills. Fast paced envh-onment, be w ell organized. M ail/ Fax resum es to A n gie, R oyal LePage, 2072 Lakeshore, Burlington, L7R.1E3, (905)637-3781 O F F IC E C lerk needed for p ric in g and c o lle c tio n s . M ust know W ord & Excel. Full-time $10/hr. To apply fax resume to Angela 905825-2163 skilled & technical help o re n t ^ ssnsfi© _______ .C IT Y . C .D .A . wanted- Experience r e q u ire d . P le a s e ca ll (905)632-8332 Experienced Print Advertising Representative Required P L U S : Full Benefits · Pension Plan · Safety Incentive Fuel Bonus · Steady Work with Guarangeed Income. HIRING LANDSCAPERS & PAINTERS FT/ PT Exp. necessary Phone Bob Kirsch or Sam Kingma at 1-800-263-0240 2 o f Canada's leading vertical publica tion s require fu ll tim e experienced advertising sales representatives. Com pensation includes, com petitive salary, m ileage and com m ission package Please forw ard resume to: COFFEE TIME Immediate Openings New location at 640 Ford Dr., Oakville COUNTER HELP BAKERS SUPERVISORS/ MANAGERS Director of Advertising at 467 Speers Rd Oakville, ON. L6K 3S4 or fax (905) 337-5571 Deadline fo r subm issions is A pril 15th skilled & technical help 525 skilled & technical help 525 skilled & technical help 525 Call to arrange an interview. (41 6 )9 1 8 -0 6 8 3 C O O K S r e q u ire d - P arttime. Breakfast experience an asset. Nickels Restau ra n t2 3 4 5 T ra fa lg a r (H w y .5 ), O a kville , p h :(9 0 5 )2 5 7 -9 8 8 8 , Fax: (905)-257-1615___________ J O E Y 'S Only Seafood Res taurant requires Full-timeHostess/ Server. Must be a va ila b le days/ evenings. Experience an asset. Drop resume at #3480-3500 Fair view, Burlington. W H IS T L IN G M ounti Now hiring- Cooks, Buspeople, waitstaff, Host & Hostesses. D ays or nights available. A p p ly w ith in : 5353 Lakeshore Rd. East or fax 631-5253_________________ C O F F E E Tim e Donuts is looking for full & part-time s h ifts . M onday-S u nday. A pply within 667 4th Line Speers Rd._______________ ES K IM O Joe's Sports Bar, O a k v ille . A ll p o s itio n s & shifts available immediately. Fax resum e to: (905)8456054_____________________ Wait Staff- required for new restaurant in Oakville. Ex p erie nced an asset. Also D ishw a sher. C all (905)845-0729 lm 905-690-3859 (Burl. & W aterdown) Cell:330-1822 (Oakville) The Town of Oakville, w ith a population o f 140,000, is a high-profile, fast-growing community in the Greater Toronto Area. STOREFRONT Full/ Part-time -A ll ShiftsEnjoy a friendly, caring fast paced environment. Apply in person, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville Courier/Brokers with own car required by A.I.S. Couriers to sort & deliver Canada Post mail to Super Mail Boxes in the Oakville area.Mon - Fri Start 6:00 am. Phone 2pm-5pm TUnHotteHS. BOOKKEEPER/SECRETARY W o rk in g in a te a m e n viro n m e n t, you w ill p ro vide fin a n cia l an d a d m in is tra tive s u p p o rt fo r th e M u se um o p e ra tio n in th is 3-month temporary position. You w ill oversee and c o -o rd in a te all aspects o f fa cilities rentals, as w e ll as p e rfo rm b o o k ke e p in g , e q u ip m e n t m a in ten ance, o ffic e recep tio n, and pro vide clerical and p u b lic relations su p p o rt. Y our p ro file includes post-secondary courses in A c co u n tin g , several years o f related experience an d th e a b ility to o rg a n ize an d process a h ig h v o lu m e o f w o rk , o fte n to tig h t deadlines. You m u st be p ro fic ie n t in processing an d spreadsheet s o ftw a re , display a h ig h level o f discretion, an d p ro vide excellent custom er service. This po sitio n w ill require you to w o rk a fle xib le schedule o f 3 5 hours pe r w e e k, Tuesday to Saturday, in clu d in g som e evenings, Sundays an d holidays. To be considered, a p plica nts m u st in clu d e a p o in t-fo rm a tta c h m e n t w ith th e ir resum es, d e m o n s tra tin g h o w th e ir skills an d experience correspo nd to each o f th e q u a lific a tio n s and a cco u n ta b ilitie s o f th e jo b . W e in vite you to fo rw a rd y o u r resum e, by A p ril 18, 20 0 0 , to th e Human Resources Department, The Corporation of the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, P.O. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6. Fax: (905) 338-4425. No agencies, please. LINDOS RESTAURANT N O W OPEN Experienced h elp w a n te d for b usy restau ran t SHIPPER/ R eceiver/ C u s tomer Service required full tim e . T ra in in g p ro v id e d . Resumes to: Factory Shoe O u tle t, 2394 F a irv ie w St, Burlington. Tel: (9 0 5 )6 3 2 9688; Fax: (905)632-9689 D ELIV E R Y and warehouse person required for m anu fa c tu rin g and d is trib u tio n com pany, Burlington. This job is a fulltime position re quiring som e heavy liftin g and an e x c e lle n t d riv in g re c o rd . F ax re s u m e to: (905)332-0251_____________ W H O L E S A L E N u rs e ry : Seeks tractor operator for p a rt-tim e p o s itio n , d e p e n d a n t on w e a th e r. Id e a l fo r r e tire d p e rs o n . R e s p o n d in w r itin g to C o n n o n N u rs e rie s , 1724 C o n c e s s io n IV, R o ckto n , O N LOR 1X0 o r fa x to (519)647-2951_____________ W H O L E S A L E N u rs e ry : Seeks te m p o ra ry help fo r s h ip p in g sea s o n ; 8 w eek d u ra tio n . M ay le a d to fulltim e seasonal position. Send resum es to C onnon Nurseries, 1724 Concession 1V, Rockton, ON L0-R 1X0 Fax: (905)647-2951________ P A R T -T IM E Delivery helph o u rs fle x ib le . Id e a l fo r s tu d e n t o r p e rs o n w ith another part-time job. Sat urdays nece ssary. Som e heavy lifting. Training pro v id e d . Im m e d ia te s ta rt. C a ll S w iss In te rio rs 905 844-3530__________________ L O T p e rs o n w a n te d fo r busy new ca r dea le rs h ip . Duties include: W ashing & cleaning of cars. Full-time. A p p ly in p e rs o n , G a ry Croxon, T errace Ford Lin coln Mercury, 900 W alkers Line or call 905-632-5671. G E N E R A L L a b o u re rs re quired fulltime. Burl./ Oak./ M iss. a re a . C o n c re te experience an asset but not required. Call for interview, (905)849-6966 D in in g ro o m Staff & C o o k - F/T & P/T for lu n ch & d in n e r A p p ly in p erso n to: 252 D u n d as St. East, W aterdow n. M A IN S T R E A M One ot Downtown Oakville's fastest growing ladieswear stores seeks a professional SALES ASSOCIATE flexible Full & part-time position requires Some sales experience, competitive wages. Ph/or fax resume to Darlene Vanderberg Ph: 905-338-7771 Fax: 905-338-5844 Little Caesar's Burlington Location N OW HIRING: (905)276-3221 MANAGERS re q u ire d , Boston Pizza, suit e xpe ri enced servers seeking in creased r e s p o n s ib ilitie s . Fax resum e to: (905)8778590 or d ro p in to 319 Guelph Str., Georgetown. A IR B O U N CE Amusements has the following positions: 1-W are house m a n a g e rfull-time. Valid driver's lie. Irregular hours. Duties in clude Truck loading, Ware house m a in te n a n c e , equipment repairs & more. 2- Summer jobs- A m use ment Operators, and ware house work, call (905)-4654111______________________ W A R E H O U S E P o s itio n safety supply com pany re quires goal oriented, m ulti task team player. Shipping receiving/ some heavy lift ing/ occasional deliveries. Mon-Fri days. Experience help fu l. R e p ly to M ike Maas, B 2 -1 1 7 5 A p p le b y Line, Burlington. Fax 905319-0870. _________ S E A M S T R E S S - fu ll-tim e required to work in our Bur lington Factory. Experience with Industrial sewing ma c h in e s re q u ire d . G u a r anteed h o u rly ra te p lus goo d b e n e fit p a cka g e . Bring resume to Royal Mat tress, 5041 F a irvie w St., Burlington, 8am-4pm or fax 905-681-2294_____________ AZ Driver required for exca vating company. Please call (905)466-7736 Management Positions Interviews to be held: Sat. April 15"1between 11am- 4pm at 1235 Fairview Street (at Maple) Inquire: 905-637-3334, Bring resume Fashion Boutique Burlington W e are looking for a m ature S P A R K L IN G clean hpuse by Elizabeth. Professional house cleaning. Excellent references. Friday Opening availab le. Call 9 0 5 -5 4 5 8894._____________________ R E A S O N A B L E , reliable & available full-time cleaning lady w ith expe rience w ill clean your house. Serving O akville and M ississauga 822-8622 S ALES A S S O C IA T E for P /T position. Call Jan (905) 3 3 2 -6 6 9 7 IM M E D IA TE position avail a b le fo r Lie. R eal E s ta te S a les R e p re s e n ta tiv e fo r ne w h o m e s a le s in th e O a k v ille a re a . M u s t be able to work flexible hours & weekends. Call Shireen P reksta, (B ro ke r). Direct line 416-347-6223, office#905-338-1515_____________ D O W N TO W N la d ie s fashio n bou tique requires full-tim e & part-tim e Sales H e lp. R e -ta il e x p e rie n c e preferred. Fax resume to: 637-7721 or mail to: Village S p o rtiq u e 375 B ra n t S t., Burlington L7R 2E9 IN S ID E Sales Representa tive needed. Must be out g oing, frie n d ly , s a le s -o riented. $10 ./hr.f Full-tim e/ days. T o a p p ly c a ll Michelle at 905-827-8230 G> OAKVILLE Personal in fo rm a tio n fo r th is a p p lic a tio n is c o lle c te d u n d e r th e a u th o rity o f th e M u n icip a l A c t, R.S.O. 1990, C h a p te r M 4 5 (as am ended). We thank all candidates fo r JO IN T H E C R EW Now Hiring F/T P/T their in te re st however, only those applicants selected fo r an in te rvie w w ill be contacted. The Town is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer. BROILER/PREP LINE COOKS, SERVERS & DISHWASHERS We offer good wages & a great atmosphere. A pply in person or call (905) 639-4084 950 Walker's Line, Burlington SECRETARY»RECEPTIONIST Oakville professional firm requires an excellent com municator who is energetic, innovative and detail-ori ented. Your positive out-going attitude and keen or ganizational skills are key assets to compliment our high level ol client service. Strong computer skills with experience preparing documents, reports and correspondence are essential in this busy environ ment. Reception and executive assistant responsibili ties also include scheduling client meetings lor our senior executive, maintaining client files, assisting with A/R and various office procedures. We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an inter view be contacted. Please reply to: Box 6264, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 Bookkeeper/ Admin Assistant Required by group of 3 small companies total 19 employees. A/P, A/R, payroll, bank reconciliation, EHT WCB and GRSP admin, personnel records, and other admin. Minimum qualifications: 5yrs, Bookkeeping experi ence, & excellent computer skills including MS Office and preferably Simply Accounting. Fax resume to 905-849-9734 or email to psims@simsmoelich.com SIMS M0ELICH ASSOCIATES LTD. 277 Lakeshore Rd.,E,,# 408, Oakville, ON L6J1H9 For more Classified see Page C3 L IV E -IN / ou t (W /C ar), to care fo r elderly person in r u ra l W a te rd o w n a rea. E x p e rie n c e / re fe re n ce s, n o n -s m o k in g / likes p e ts/ Long fle xib le hours, legal only. W rite with resume to Box 1747, Burlington Post, 2321 F a irv ie w S treet, Burlington L7R 2E3 I personals R E U N IO N of C o nsort Cres. Gals looking for Nan cy (Mother of Michael, Jo hanna & Mathew). Please call Mary, 332-1109. S P R IN G is here! M eet som eone nice to spend it with. Misty River Introduc tions, O ntario's traditional M a tc h m a k e r. T o ro n to (4 1 6 )7 7 7 -6 3 0 2 . E a stern (6 1 3 )2 5 7 -3 5 3 1 . W estern (5 1 9 )6 5 8 -4 2 0 4 . C e n tra l/ Northern (705) 734-1292

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