Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2000, B3

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Wednesday April 12, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 COMMUNITY UPDATE Pleaseforward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, OnL L6K3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, Fax 337-5567 or email to blokhuis@haltonsearch.com BEFORE NOON Monday to be included P int A nnual Oakville Super Cities Walk fo r M S needs volunteers on April 15lh and 16ih. three to four hours, momingjjor afternoons, to help with registra tion. breakfast, checkpoints, route patrol, finish line, barbecue lunch. Call Theresa. 847-7744. or Betty. 842-1996. Oakville Parent-Child Centre presents Musical, Magical Tea Party with Lenny Graf at Appleby College on April 16th. Special appearance by the Easter Bunny. First sitting. 1 to 3 p.m.. and second sit ting. 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets S I 5. chil dren under 2 free. Advance tickets only. 849-6366. Through Spiritual Means. Call 507-2200. Oakville Fibromyalgia Support Group hosts Dr. Reynold, rheumatologist at T oronto W estern, at St. D om inic's Parish, 2415 Rebecca. 7 to 9 p.m. Call Brenda. 847-2620; or Anette, 257-1841. Conference to identify Key Issues o f Holton's Current and Future Seniors, April 14th. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and April 15th. 9 a.m. to noon. Halton Regional Centre Auditorium, 1151 Bronte Rd. Free. Refreshm ents, light lunch. Call Trina McLeod, 825-6000 Ext. 7149. Gallery Shop. Gairloch Gardens. 1306 Lakeshore E.. holds Shades o f Spring annual spring open house and sale. April 14th. noon to 5 p.m.. April 15th and 16th. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Handcrafted items by renown Canadian artists, 15% discounts. Call 844-3460. A project o f the Oakville Galleries Volunteer Association. Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion. Normandy Room. Church and Navy. Admission S10. Proceeds through Branch 114 to charities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refreshments. Dress code. Call 845-6271. Bereavement Self-Help Group for parents grieving loss o f a child, meets Fridays, 9 to 11 a.m., at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. Call 845-3152 or 844-0573. THURSDAY APRIL 11 Hockey MOMS, 8 p.m .. M OHA office, 1026 Speers Rd.. open to moms interested in hockey. 842-3038. Schizophrenia Society Family & Friends Support Group, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., CM HA O akville office, 488 Kerr at Speers. Call Bonnie Grant, co-ordinator, 815-0070. Red Cross Basic Life Support CPR Basic Rescuer Level C CPR Retest, 6 to 10 p.m. Cost: $30. Call 845-5241. Mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding babies invited to attend Oakville La Leche meeting, 8 p.m., at 2190 Carpenters Circle. Call 842-5983 or 849-4138. and crafted goods. Tea will be served for S3 per person. Raffle prizes: $50 cash, afghan. and Millennium coins. Raffle tick ets $1 each, draw at 1:45 p.m. W alton M em orial U nited Church, Lakeshore and Bronte, holds 22nd annual Auction Sale, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Doors open 10 a.m. Items include cruise for four, moterhome rental, artwork, furni ture, sporting events tickets, and gift cer tificates. Red Cross Babysitting - must be 11 or older, April 15th and 16th, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $35. Call 845-5241. THURS., APRIL 13 11 a .m .-7 p .m . Beate from Lejaby will join o ur fitting team REFRESHMENTS, G IF T W ITH PURCHASE and a CHANCE TO WIN a $ 1 0 0 Lejaby m SUNDAY APRIL 16 Oakville Wind Orchestra annual spring concert, A Tribute to Sammy Nestico, 2 to 4 p.m.. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. Tickets $12, at Oakville Centre box office, 815-2021. For information about the Oakville Wind Orchestra, call Jacquie Holmberg, 338-8114. Halton Women o f the Year Awards, May 2nd. 7 p.m.. Glen Abbey G o lf Club, gala to honour four wom en. Speaker: Angela Jackson, author o f Celebrating Anger. N om inations close A pril 14th. T ickets $25. Visit W om en's Centre. Hopedale Mall. Ste. 210. or call 847-5520. Tulips, Tulips, Tulips: O akville Royal Canadian Legion is selling tulip bulbs. 10 for 56. or a box o f 100 for $55. Call Bill Allan at the Legion. 845-6271. o r at home. 847-2626. M E Association o f Halton & Hamilton-Wentworth, support group, 7 p.m .. T ansley U nited C hurch. 2111 W alker's Line, north o f Upper Middle. Burlington. Call 319-7966. Toronto Parent Finders, search and support group for adult adoptees and birth relatives, m eets second T hursday o f month. 7:30 p.m., Huron Park Community Centre. 830 Paisley W,, Mississauga. 416465-8434. Halton Central Chapter, BN1, meets every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant. 399 Dundas W,, 7 to 8:30 a.m. Call John Seaga. 257-9463. Q ueen' s Avenue Retirement Residence, Services for Seniors Seminar, 1 to 4 p.m., at 1056 Q ueen's Ave. Tour o f facilities, get acquainted with services offered to seniors. The Power o f His Love, dramatic E aster m usical dram a presented by Evangel Pentecostal C hurch, 1450 Rebecca. April 16th. 6 p.m.; April 21st. 7:30 p.m.; and April 23rd. 6 p.m. - 400 free seats. SATURDAYAFR1L1S Spring Rummage Sale, Hopedale Presbyterian Church. 156 Third Line, 10 a.m. to noon. Book Sale, Oakville Historical Society. 110 King St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Over 1.000 books including classics, nov els and how-to books. Spring Craft Bazaar at The Kensington. 25 Lakeshore W,, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Golden Age Age Club Dqffodil Tea, II a.m. to 2 p.m.. at Oakville Seniors Centre. 263 KetT. White elephant, books, jewelry, home made preserves, plus baked, knitted Oakville Legion Sunday Brunch, Legion Hall. Church and Navy, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds to charities. Oakville Museum at Erchlcss Estate, 8 Navy, has Easter Fun drop-in family day with games, crafts, and activities. Face painting by Squeaky the Clown. Make Easter bunnies, chickens, flowers, dye an egg. and egg rolling. Call 338-4400. Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 114, Oakville, is asking m em bers in good standing to run for O fficer and/or Executive, and have another m em ber act as a sponsor and subm it your nam e at the next general meting. April 19th. 8 p.m., at the Legion Hall. Church and Navy. Call 845-6271. ty u v c S x f ie r r f a , FRID AY A PR IL 14 Jonathan's o f Oakville, Beringer Vineyards and Lifford Wine Agency, together with the Oakville Unit o f the Canadian Cancer Society, are hosting a fundraiser at Jonathan's Restaurant. 120 Thom as, to raise funds for prostate cancer aw areness and research. An evening o f gourm et food and wine begins at 7 p.m. Tickets. $200. C ancer Society, 8455231. ABCDEFGH1JK WEDNESDAY A P R IL 12 Oakville-Burlington Anaphylaxis Parent Group, support for families living with life-threatening allergies. 7:30 p.m., St. C hristo p h er's C hurch. 662 Guelph Line, Burlington. Call 829-0786. Share and Support Night, Bereaved Fam ilies o f O ntario, Halton Peel. 190 Britannia E.. Unit I I . Mississauga, with Sharon Lowe, psychotherapist. G rief & S pirituality. H ealing From T raum a 107 R ey n o ld s S t., (north at Lakeshore Rd. E.,) downtown OAKVILLE 845-1210 (IF YOU LOVE LINGERIE... LOVE THE BEST ) YM CA of OAKVILLE certificate of participation. The I k Challenge was added to the event last year and proved very popular. The Challenge is for young people under obtaining pledges is not a requirement fo r participation, great prizes will be awarded to those submitting the most pledge monies. Bands and cheerleaders will add to the festive atmosphere, free refreshments and child care will be available and lunch can be purchased at minimal cost. May 6 will provide a challenge fo r the serious runner, but there will be plenty 12 years of age and for all members of for Special the family to do and Olympians. All see. Brochures can Challenge be picked up at the participants will Y's Customer receive a Service Desk at 410 commemorative Rebecca Street,The medallion. Running Company at New this year is 118 Thomas Street the opportunity to o r The Invidiata Team obtain pledges to office at 83 Reynolds support the Y's " It's Street. O r call Your Move" building 845-3417 for campaign. While information. Halton Elderly Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) M illennium I Ok Run Goes May 6, Rain o r Shine There will be something for everyone at the Oakville Y's I Ok Run on May 6. Entertainment, refreshments, free child care, free parking and baggage check will all be available for participants. The I Ok Run leaves theY on Rebecca Street and covers a relatively flat course through downtown Oakville, returning via Lakeshore Road. There are some terrific prizes to be won, courtesy of The Invidiata Team, Brooks and The Running, Company. Free t-snirts will be given to runners who pre-register by April 29. The 5k Walk is non-competitive and is designed to make it easy fo r families to enjoy. All walkers will receive a BR#NTE * TENNIS CLUB « REGISTRATION Saturday, April 8 & 15, 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. jfc # A T THE C LU B H O U SE 2310 Bridge Rd. (between 3rd Line & Bronte Rd.) " RATES Junior/Student Adult C ouple Fam ily ...S40 .. .S80 ...S125 ...S140 # fBv We Encourage New Members $16,500 for VON from May Court The Halton VON has recently received $16,500 from the May Court Club, money raised from its Festival of Trees. The Festival of Trees project was started 12 years ago specifically to help fund the Victorian Order of Nurses Hospice Program in Halton. To date, the May Court Club has been able to donate $126,500 to this worthwhile cause. As well as the annual Festival of Trees, May Court members and friends put in many hours of enthusiastic vol unteering in the Nearly New Shop at 200 Kerr St., call 845-4932; and the club's third annual Arts and Artisans by the Lake show, taking place April 29th at Appleby College. This past year, the May Court Club was able to distribute $58,000 to 23 needy causes in the community. To become a member and reap the rewards of volunteering, call Eveline Dear, 331-7126; for sponsorship of the Festival of Trees, call Margaret Featherstone, 827-1472. There is also a social side to the club such as bridge, gourmet lunches, hik ing, and monthly' dinners. Anne King, left, of the H alton VON accepts a $ 1 6 , 5 0 0 Active membership, ladder, leagues, lessons, Sunday Socials, excellent teaching pro. For more information, call Lynn Kirk: Barb Sellars: 847-7838 847-6609 cheque from Margaret Featherstone, p a s t-p re s i* d ent of the Mav C ourt C lub of Oakville. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1985, CHAPTER N-22 M cC o rm ick R ankin C o rp o ratio n , on b e h alf o f the C orporation o f the Town o f O akville, hereby gives notice that an application has been m ade to the M inister o f Fisheries and O ceans under the N avigable W aters Protection A ct for approval o f the plans and site o f the work described herein. U nder Section 9 o f the said A ct, M cCorm ick Rankin C orporation, on behalf o f the Corporation o f the Town o f O akville, O ntario, has deposited with the M inister o f Fisheries and O ceans an d in the Land Registry Division of H alton (No. 20) at M ilto*. O ntario, under D eposit Num ber G -50, descriptions o f the site and plans o f the proposed bridge to be constructed over the Bronte Creek at Rebecca Street, betw een M ississauga Street and Bronte Road. W ritten objections based on the effect o f the work on marine navigation should be directed not later than one month from the date o f this notice to: Regional Director, Canadian Coast G uard, D epartm ent o f Fisheries and O ceans. 201 N. Front Street, Suite 703, Sarnia, O ntario, N7T 8 B 1. D ated at M ississauga, O ntario this 9th day o f April, 2000. Jam es Sherlock, P. Eng. __________________________ M cC orm ick Rankin C orporation Entire In-Store Stock! BROADCLOTH OVER $100,000. WORTH OF PRIZES TO BE WON! CONTEST RULES AND BALLOTS AVAILABLE AT PARTICIPATING FABRICLAND STORES FROM , APRIL 10-30, 2000. FASHION POLYESTER PRINT EXPLOSION! - SOMi WITH SOLID C00BDIMATB 1 T V , Special Selection! CHIFFON PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% polyester. Assorted designs & colours. Our Reg. 10.98 m NOW Special Selection! KNITS-KNITS-KNITS 4.99 m 4.99 m 3.99 m 3.99 m 3.33 m Special Selection! TEXTURED PRINTS A SOUDS 'EARS CORRECTION E For our 48 page Sears Days Final Week Pre-Print (Sale Dales; April 10-16,2000) (C042F500) Page 16-Save 25% on Women's National Brand Shoes. Should read: Choose from Naturalizer and Unsa. Aerosotes is not included in the savings Page 38 -Ai Putters and Drivers; 3-Iron not included tor this promotion Page 46 - Craflsman 65 amp, & 5-amp 41/2" Angie Grinder (#26647 & 26649) are not auaiable torHis promotion. Wfesincerely apologae lo r any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers. _115cm wide. Our Reg. 12.98 r 115cm wide, polyester/cotton blend. Our Reg. 3.98 m NOW 1 .4 4 m Special Selection! SWEET PRINTS Assorted solids in thermals, lacostes, ribs, interlocks. Our Reg. 4.98 m NOW 1 .1 1 m Special Selection! TUSCAN UPHOLSTERT COLLECTION NOW Solids -115cm wide. Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW JUST M O V E D ? 115cm wide, 65% polyester/35% cotton. Our Reg. 6.98 m NOW 1 .9 9 m Special Selection! CAPRI COLLECTION Special Selection! FA1LLI PRINTS A SO U D S 115cm wide, 65% polyester/35% cotton. Chambray look prints & coordinating solids. Our Reg. 5.98 & 6.98 m NOW 3 .9 9 A 4 .9 9 m Special Selection! 140cm wide, assorted contents, chenilles, jacquards, textures. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 4 .9 9 Special Selection! DRAPERY LININO T115cm wide. Our Reg. 12.98 m - NOW Solid* - 115cm wide. Our Reg. 9.98 m B R D E -T O -B E ? NOVELTY SUITINO Assorted widths & contents. Our Reg. 8.98 m NOW 4 .4 9 Our Entire Stock of CRAFT PRINT FABRICS NOW /^ 7 Y Y V 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 1 .9 9 m Special Selection! LIFESTYLE U N EN -LO O K SUITINGS 115cm -100% cotton. Individually priced. NOW 1S% OFF O u r R ag . P rlc a Special Selection! Our Reg. 10.98 m Special Selectionl TEA TOW EUNO DECOR DRAPERY 115cm wide. NOW 4 .9 9 m C o lo r Your W o rld ' 'v S X Z Z 7 The One and Only NEW BABY? For fre e inform ation and gifts. C ALL 1. SOUTH EAST Anne Phillips 3. NORTH EAST Pat Fairfield 150cm wide, polyester/viscose blend. Solids in all the basic & fashion shades. Our Reg. 12.98 m NOW 4 .4 9 m I Special Selection! ARCTIC FLEECE PRINTS Entire Stock of BATTINO PRODUCTS Includes packaged and by the m NOW 30 % OFF O u r R ag. Pri<« Special Selection! TRENDY FASHION BRAID TRIM 50cm wide, cotton/linen blend. Our Reg. 5.98 m NOW 3 .9 * m Special Selection! TABLETOP PROTECTORS ONE DAY Includes Igloo, Promotional Prints & M & M's. Our Reg. 19.98-22.98 m NOW FROM 4 .9 9 n Our Reg. 1.50-2.50-3.50-5.50 m NOW 30 % OFF O v r R ag . P r k a 150cm - 2 quilted styles lo choose from. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 9 . 9 * m Sale Saturday April 15th, 2000 C heck your white p a g e s for th e location n earest you. Paint HUFE SPECIAL SELECTION! Special Selection! NEW SPRING 2000 FASHION COLLECTION Solids, Pnnls. Basics & sew much more1Individually priced FABRIC FEST 90-115-150cm wide. Assorted qualities, textures &colours. Our Reg 2 98 m 842-2385 338-3456 * 842-1560 4. GLEN ABBEY Cathy Woloschuk 2. SOUTH WEST Carol Hagen BUY 1 m at Our Rt.j Price, gel ilie m l m (ol equal value) for ju\i $1. A SUPER BUY! NOW 847-9157 Full metres only Buy 1 lull metre at Our Regular Price, get the next full metre (of equal value) lor $1. Not valid with any other discounts. Offer valid til Apr. 10-30/00. 1.99 m Or tall toll free; 1-800301-1104 Toronto Area; (416) 497-8111 Internet www.welcomewagon.ca Sale in effect April 10-30,2000, on selected in-stock merchandise only. Most items available in most stores. Look for the red sale tags. Please Note: In some locations some items may be sold at a price lower than Fabricland's regular chain-store price. Where this competitive pricing' occurs, the advertised savings will be off Fabricland's regular chain-store price. COM e * A G O N lt d . 1990 A N eighbourhood T radition Since 1930 O P E N SU N D A Y S 12-5 1 4 0 R e b e c c a St. O A K V I L L E 844-77 28

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