Oakville Beaver, 9 Apr 2000, A19

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Sunday, April 9, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 19 · \VNATIONAL v o l u n t e e r w eek ^ y i Volunteers... Our greatest natural resource! Celebrate National Volunteer Week April 9-15, 2000 A D A P T w a s e sta b lis h e d in 19 7 5 a n d o ffe rs p ro fe ssio n a l o u t-p a tie n t a s se s s m e n t a n d tre a tm e n t se rv ic e s fo r in d iv id u a ls e x p e rie n c in g p ro b lem s w ith a lc o h o l, d ru g s o r g a m b lin g . S u p p o rt is a ls o a v a ila b le fo r re la tiv e s o r c lo s e frie n d s o f su c h p e rso n s. A D A P T p ro v id e s th e fo l lo w in g s e rv ic es: · A c o m p re h e n siv e a s se s s m e n t to d e te rm in e th e e x te n t o f an alc o h o l, d ru g o r g a m b lin g p ro b le m ; · O u t-p a tie n t tre a tm e n t to h e lp re s o lv e a lc o h o l, d ru g o r g a m b lin g · · HALTON ALCOHOL & DRUG ASSESSMENT PREVENTION & TREATMENT p ro b le m s; · E d u c a tio n , in fo rm a tio n a n d c o n s u lta tio n re g a rd in g a lc o h o l/d ru g u se a n d p ro b le m g a m b lin g . A ll c lie n ts at A D A P T b e g in w ith a n a s se s s m e n t to id en tify th e ex te n t o f a n a lc o h o l, d ru g o r g a m b lin g p ro b le m . A sincere Thank You to our many dedicated volunteers W e ek ly g ro u p s e ss io n s o ffe r o n g o in g su p p o rt w h ic h h e lp s in d iv id u a ls lea rn to liv e w ith o u t d rin k in g , u s in g d ru g s o r g a m b lin g . S e p a ra te g ro u p s a re a ls o a v a ila b le fo r sp o u ses, fam ily m em b e rs, a n d a d u lt c h il d re n o f a lc o h o lic s. A ll o f th e A D A P T s e rv ic e s are p ro v id e d to b o th y o u th a n d a d u lts a n d a re c o m p le te ly c o n fid e n tia l. T h e re is n o c h a rg e fo r a n y s e rv ic e at A D A P T . T h e fu n d in g is p r o v id e d b y th e O n ta rio M in istry o f H ealth. T y p ic al re fe rra ls to A D A P T c o m e fro m th e h e a lth c a re co m m u n ity , sc h o o ls , s o c ia l a g e n c ie s , p lu s s e lf refe rra ls. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t A D A P T , c a ll 8 4 7 -6 5 4 7 w e e k d a y s b e tw e e n 8 :3 0 a.m . a n d 4 :3 0 p.m . Improve Your Reading and Writing Skills! call The Oakville Literacy Council is a non profit volunteer group dedicated to supporting adults in their quest for better literacy skills. We have qualified teachers, each of whom works with a student on a one-to-one basis. The service is free and confidential. If you know an adult in Oakville who needs help, please call us. We w ill match a tutor to the individual needs of the student and help him, her, achieve their literacy goals, with dignity and pride. If you are interested in becoming a tutor or a student, please contact us at (905) 469-8528. O a k v ille Literacy Council Woodside Library, 1274 Rebecca St. Oakville, Ontario L6L 1Z4 Oakvilleliteracy@yahoo.com 847-6547 469-8528 The Halton Regional Police Service has long been supported through the efforts of many Burlington citizens, who have donat ed their time volunteering for the Police Service. The Service would like to recog nize and thank the members of the Victim Services Unit, Police Auxiliary, Citizens on Phone Patrol Neighborhood Watch and the Community Consultation Committee, and other individuals who volunteer their time. The dedication and work performed by these people certainly enhance the ser vices provided to the community by the Halton Regional Police. VOLUNTEER SERVICES UNIT HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE 878-5511 ext. 5035 BOX 2700 OAKVILLE, ONT. L6J 5C7 Altruists Living and Acting for the Good of O thers For over 10 years the Altruists, a group of about 50 individuals have been helping raise funds for the Halton/Oakville Community. In those 10 years over $350,000 has been put into our community. Some endeavours include Seneca Seniors, Ian Anderson House, Oakville Hospital, Oakville Transit Care-AVan bus #940, high school bursaries, and minor sports teams to name a few. The executive of the club would like to thank ALL our hard workers and invite anyone who is interested in joining our group to contact Diane Pade 845-4184. Our major source of income is bingo so if you have a few hours a month to give we'd love to hear from you. ~ T r~rr~r m u s ts O A K V ttl* "IWmmACTMFM IRTHRIGHT Pregnant and need help? Suite 209, Hopedale Mall Oakville 825-1216 BIRTHRIGHT VO LUNTEERS For the past twenty years, a group of caring volunteers has been looking after the needs of young women in our community who find themselves pregnant and requiring assistance. Birthright offers young women an alternative to abortion, and provides practical help such as ; free pregnancy testing, doctors' appointments, maternity and baby clothing, educa tion guidance, labor coaches, adoption information, referrals to other community agencies, and non-professional counsel lors who listen with a non-judgemental attitude, and offer young women friendship and support. We are very grateful for our wonderful volunteers, who give so freely of their time and talents, and also for our many friends who support us financially and with donations of clothing. In October of this year we will celebrate twenty years of volunteer work in Oakville. This event will be marked with a joint banquet and fund-raising auction You can reach the Birthright office located at Hopedale Mall by calling 825-1216, or our Hotline at 1-800-550-4900. H alton W o m e n 's Place THANK YOU! To our many volunteers fo r the im portant contributions which they make to enhance services f o r victims o f v domestic violence. Halton Women's Place provides the only crisis shelter services in the Region of Halton for women and their dependent children who are vic tims of domestic violence. Halton Women's Place is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There are two shelters, one in Milton serving Halton North, and the other in Burlington, serving Halton South. In 1999, 200 families (200 women and 229 children) stayed at Halton Women' Place. More than 1900 crisis calls were made in 1999 and Counsellors at both shelters fielded more than 27,000 information calls. Help had to turn away 241 families because we did not have available space. More than fifty active volunteers support Halton Women's Place. They fall into three categories; residential or shelter volunteers, committee volunteers and special events volunteers. Shelter volunteers, at both locations, might help babysit, drive mom;s to appointments, assist the front line with answering phones and receiv ing donations. Committee volunteers include the Board of Directors, the Fundraising Committee and the HWP Business Advisory Committees,v All of these volunteers are important. Halton Women's Place would like to salute the wonderful volunteers, past and present who have made this organization a safe alternative for victims of domestic vio lence. The time that they take builds "A Safer Tomorrow" in partnership with Halton Women's Place. Call Cheryl Taylor (905) 332-1200 ext. 242. Volunteers are the backbone of every agency and the Halton Rape Crisis Centre is no exception. Much work has already been accomplished in the promotion of awareness and advocacy toward .the prevention of sexual violence: however, there is still much more to be done. With your continued support for the numerous committees at the Centre, we will move forward in this cause. The management and staff of the Centre wish all our volunteers a heartfelt "thank you" for your dedi cation time and energy, and we look forward, with you, to another busy and eventful year. ( ® THANK YOU> to all our volunteers who make a difference in the lives of people in our community THE HALTON RAPE CRISIS CENTRE our mission is to provide free confidential, non-judgmental 24 hour crisis intervention, ongoing peer counselling and peer support to all victims of sexual violence and to promote social change to prevent sexual violence. 1515 Rebecca St., Ste. 227 Oakville, Ontario L7L 5G8 8 25 -3 62 2 \ j 2 4 Hour Crisis Line (905) 8 7 5 -1 5 5 5 ^ / A History of Volunteerism For over 20 years, volunteers have been instrumental in all key accomplishments at Nelson Youth Centres. Thanks to a dedi cated core of community activists, a youth program began in a local church basement in 1978. Since then volunteers have raised essential funds and established key relationships in the community enabling programs for youth aged 10-16 to flourish in a century old farmhouse on New Street. In 1997, volunteers initiated a successful campaign to create Nelson Youth Club, a new program for 8/9 year olds. In 1998, volunteers launched a successful capital campaign, which led to the construction of a 3,600 square foot addition to the Centre. Volunteers generous ly donated their time, materials, talent and funds to this project. Last year's campaign "Maximizing the Potential" raised funds for additional programming ensuring the full use of the expand ed facility. Volunteers spearheaded the fundraising initiative and received significant financial contributions from local business es, corporations and individuals. Thanks you to all those who have volunteered their time, ener gy and their money to the Centre. Your generosity has touched many lives - youngsters and their families, Board members and staff. The difference you have made will last a lifetime. Nelson Youth Centres is located at 4225 New Street, Burlington. Should you wish more information about the Centre, please contact Betty Anne Hill, Executive Director at 681-2611. s . . t . . . ... . . . . . . ........................................ . , THANKS TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS THE DIFFERENCE YOU HAVE MADE WILL LAST A LIFETIME

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