Oakville Beaver, 23 Apr 2000, p. 15

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Sunday, April 23, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 15 OAKVILLE ACNE CLINIC Debby Badowski M .D . Evan M onkm an M .D. Linda Zimm ering M .D. HEALTH & WELLNESS Advertorial MSM levels in foods drops with exposure (Continued from page 1) ·Acne Veins * Warts Moles · Cysts · Peels And other skin problems Maple Grove Village Mall · 844-1900 ensure growth and proper function of the human body. · Sulfur is needed for the proper struc ture and ultimately the function of cysteine. · Sulfur is needed for oxidative phos phorylation to occur. · Sulfur is needed for the production of glutathione, an antioxidant that neutralizes peroxides found in the body. · Sulfur is a component of the antico agulant heparin and the glycosaminogly- can chondroitin complex found in bone and cartilage. MSM is found in most natural, unprocessed foods. However, once this food is exposed to any degree of process ing, the level of bioavailable MSM is drastically decreased. With this under standing and the fact thaumost peo ple consume processed foods varying in amctStt of processing (pas teurization of milk and cooking and/or drying of grains and vegetables), it is possible that many individuals may be deficient in this important com pound. ^ ? 0 a k v il ie B eaver PERM A.N E N T H A IR R E M O V A L - It's not Laser R egular S hiatsu th e ra p y co n trib u te s to health and w ellness. D on't w a it u n til sm all aches and pains becom e serious. Please call o u r c lin ic to d a y to b o o k an a p p o in tm e n t. F A IR W A Y S DRUG STO RE COMPLETE PHARMACY ALL MAJOR DRUG PLANS ACCEPTED ' PHOTOFINISHING POSTAGE STAMPS COSMETICS COUNTER 1500 Upper Middle W. at 3rd Line in the Abbey Plaza · It's not Electrolysis - It's not Waxing N o w th e re is a w a y to re m o v e unwanted hair gently, safely, perm anently! B U Y1· G ET 1 OFFER VALID ONLY FOR We lo o k fo rw a rd to seeing you. S hiatsu lim b e rs the m uscles, » N o Needles * N o Pain s tim u la te s the c irc u la tio n o f body S a fe r · Ea sie r CompSmenlM'f flu id s , regulates neural fu n c tio n s · M o r e Effe ctive and c o n tro ls the en d o crin e system . \ \5i foimile m · N o T ra u m a to th e skin Call or v is it FREE ILARITIN® 18's + 18's Thumbs Up 4 Shiatsu 2464- L a k e s h o r e R d . W . (B r o n t e V i l l a g e ) Demonstration Demons' · C a n a p p ly m a k e -u p rig h t a fte r tre a tm e n t Free Delivery Service OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Call Today For Appointment * Expires M ay 31/00 17" SAVE ( 905 ) 465-0445 2 4 6 4 Lakeshore Rd. W . Bronte Villa ge __________ ( 9 0 5 ) 4 6 5 - 0 4 4 5 Celebrating 10 yrs in business 847-3130 Entertainment NEWS & SPORTS Health & Wellness M A R Y iv is w . 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