Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 3 Oct 1893, p. 4

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ieoo scrutinise NORTH Bfiiiiss AN MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDINBURG â€"â€":â€" i I load once for Canada - “trod .â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600,000 Funds Invested in Canada 4,482,752 Total Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . 55,706,475 Insu res all kinds of property against Loss or Damage by Fire or Lightning at Current Rates. E. A. BUCKMAN, BBDCKVILLI .g DISTRICT Anew , V"-.. ’7 ._., fl“... COUNTY NEWS. INTERESTING LETTERS 1‘30! on STAFF 01' OOBEBBPONDENTB. ABudgct of News and Goulp. Potions] Ilflefll‘OIOOr-L Little of Ivory- chlrut won Irma up. FAIRFAX FRIDAY, Sept. '29.â€"Mr. James P. Lappin is a happy man. It's a girl. Archbishop Cleary paid the hand- some R. 0. church a visit on Monday, attended by Vicar-general Gauthier. Archdeacon Kelly and Rev. Father O’Gorniiin. He proposes erecting a new church. Mr. B. Gavin spent Sunday in Montreal. Quito a number have gone to the Kingston fair. The (lavin brothers have purchased the famous trotting horse, Rambler. .- .. V7. M. . -7 --,..- F0877 ERVJ LLE blooper, Sept. ‘25.~â€"Threshing all ,fiinpluied and farmers are digging their potatoes and filling their 91103 The steamer Janice Swift passed through here on Friday with a large excursion to Jones' Falls. A large number from around here intruded the Delta fair. W. Dennison has again from Sand Lake, iiiMBl’lCQ ol three weeks. Capt. Fleming is improving his rust-lento by clap boards: and paint. Visitors: ter, Kingston; Miss Katie Mu Delta; Miss Sarah Doyle, Cha 6 Lock; Miss and Mrs. Timlin, Jonec’ Falls; George Fleming and son, Hugh l‘lcrnld, and Miss 0. Kingston; Miss Joyce, Ganenogce; J. b'vvoiirds, Kingston. W TOLEDO. returned after an ~..â€"â€"- SATURDAY, Sept. 80.â€"'I‘bo Frank- villo show fair was a decided suooeSs this year. A number from here attended the Epwnrih League concert at Frankville on \V'cilncsdtiy night. A large number were confirmed here on Thursday. it being cenlirma- tion in the R. U. church. Mr. M. Fowler, of Kingston, in here at present, calling on old friends. Anaccidcut which migbihavc proved very serious happened here yesterday. when little "t’i'illic lleggerty fell from his horse while it was going at ashurp pncc. lie was picked up uncou ecloun, but noon recovered on ekillul treatment of Dr. Reeve. was not inucn hurt, beyond a few bruises and ii bad choking up. Mr. and Mrs. T. Singleton are in Ottawa at present, attending the fair. Mrs. A. A. McLean and Miss Leah Strutton are also in Ottawa this week. _.._...... .. ...- W'JEX FORD. Murmur, Oct. 2.--Fathcr Kelly will get all the necessary material for the new church to be erected in Athens on lhu church prepcrty this winter, and the new ohurc will be begun in earl spring. All parties who unbr-cribe amounts to the build- ing fund of said church are requested to make their payment. to tho Rev. J. .3. Kelly. 1’. I’.. by the 25th of Oct. 1803. Father Kelly is now engaged erect; in , a now chimney to his church, and wi i also in early spring build a voctry 26x22 to acid church. A mortuary vault will be erected in this street during this autumn. Miss L. O'Connor has, to the mom- or" -"her rec octed parents. erected a antiful on costly monument. 1“ Leader has secured the con- tract 'ldinc a turkey coop for N. Shea. Mr. Orchard Ville. Nollie Gifl.. rind Ropbia Pro-ton have gone to the World a Fair. _...â€".-- an. 5015‘: is It XCINTOOII HXLM. Simeon, Bopfl-DOrâ€"Tlo Birch brothers on visiting friends in Kings- m. Molnar. Out. on. Wight lo bulldlngtbomwall for ‘- copu- uto school. Father Kcllv wul [guest at Ir. 1’. Gobcy'u loot weak. Illa Maggie flu arrived he. the won. last week and looks very well. P. Bloke had his indcx finger amputated :1 Kingston loot week. Mr. Ed. Koycu. an. is not expected to live. It is rumored that Mr. Ed Key“. an, will donate to the Cutbolio church in Athens the sum of .900. W L". Moumv, Oct. 2.-â€"Mr. and Miss Clara Cuming have so for recovered as to be able to be out for I drive. All other cases of fever have ved of a milder type, and fears 0 an opi- demic are at an end. ‘w’ The family of Mr. A. Boot bavc Mrs. Green and duugh- a g :Iphy, Mra. L. brings with her many objects y'e of curiosity from about her foreign been sorely bereaved within the put few weeks. a daughter used 18 bud a son about five having died within that time. Business is rather dull in the fac- tories just now. The lust-factory is closed during part of time and the woodenoware factory is closed down. The woolen mill is idle a port of the lime owiugto want of water. The flooring mill and foundry are bulb busy. Mr. and Mrs. '0. S. Gardiner and Mr. Neilcon have returned from the World’s Fair, which they describe in glowing terms. advising everybody to go. « 4 o >-A-â€"-â€"â€" HARD IS LAND. THURSDAY, Oct. lidâ€"Miss Minnie Merriman. of Elgiu, ia a guest of Miss Jennie Robeson. Mr. A. Robeson who has been at Easton's Corners for a few months has returned homo for the purpose of gathering in his a ple crop. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston are at- tending tlie Ottawa fair. Early one morning recently, as one of our young farmers was driving the cows to the thorn had something about her nose which seemed to trouble her. Further investigation, however, proved it to be u lot of porcupine quills. some of which had gained such adepth that it was necessary to obtain a pair of nippers to remove them. visiting friends in this vicinity, being nest of her father, Mr. Win. Foley. l i Mrs. J. Lawson. of Colton, Call. is l home. The weekly prayer meeting in the Brion, } future will be field on Wednesday ‘ evening, with leaders changing alter- der tbe\l He l nately. FORFAR. SATURDAY, Sept. 80.â€"â€"Mrc. Wilson, of Manitoulin Island, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Dowaett. Miss Susie Lambert has returned home to Cardinal. after visiting friends here. Mrs. N.,Dowsett, of Rat Portage, who has been visiting her arente. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, as reâ€" turned homo, accompanied by Miss J. Smith and Mlsn L Tackaberty. Bert Dotnett has returned from visiting his brother at Msrkdale. Goo. Dowsett and Geo. Johnson at tended Ottawa fair last week. A very pleasing event occurred on Wednesday evening in the Methodist church, when Miss Maud Myers and Mr. Ron Cannon were united in marriage. The ceremOny was per- t'onned by Rev. Mr. Jumiesou, B. A., in the presence of e large circle of friends. The bride was assisted by Miss Eva Leggett and the groom by Mr. Edward Myers. After the core mony the happy couple, accompanied by a host of riends repaired to the home of the bride’s father, Mr. Thus. Myers, where a. sumptuoul supper was awaiting them. The young couple loft for New York on Friday and carry with them the boot wishes of many friends. “NW FRONT Ol' YONG I. MONDAY, Oct. 2.-â€"-Bil|io Lee, hook. keeper to Mr. William Torrance, of Cuintown, passed through here last week to the Kingston fair. Wedding bells will soon be heard in the precious of J unctown. Mr. O'Bryon, of the McIntosh mills, is doing a very lucrative bun- ness in custom hiding for farmers. Mr. Bryon docs rot-elm work. ‘ Fat-mm have commenced to ship their up lot to market, which will be a short ob. Mr. Loucko. of Redwood, visited his line! in Junotown last week. We wonder if u man but yet been found, with brains enough to write poetry for the queen. all? mm...“ .38... b suction. a Isa-Laud many lgiibz yondihc nacho! tch. 1’ ' of them any h v oppose-In. in Wou- t AM, yard, he noticed one of 5‘. MW (in weaver at J. 1. Gordon‘- woolen mills. Athena. wave 810 yards of‘dkotb in six consecutive days [at w You can got the but value in 25c. 86c. 400 and Black Tea at Mott & Rebecca's. Tbio morning Mr. Heber Kilboru returned to Toronto to enter upon his email you of studies at noun-m college. Atthc store of Phil. Wiltse & 00. you can buy 20 lbs. yellow sugar for $1.00. 17 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00. 250 too for 200. Mica Boo-lo Wright left Athens last week for Ottawa. having accepted a position in the analytical branch of the inland "Venue department. All school. in East Leeds wil close on Thursday and Friday next to of- ford teachers an opportunity of attend- ing the convention to be held in Brookville. 7‘. Wm. Pierce, of Athens. has just completed the brick w0rk on a fine residence for Myles Lockwood, Phil- ipsvllle. He also had the job of pen- ciling the walls of the Methodist church in the some village. I am overloaded with Dress Goods. You will find a great stock here. We are Selling some choice lines at panic pricesâ€"25 pieces heavy double-fold Dress Goods, 230; 20 pieces albwool eel-gee, newest shades, 30c.-â€"~at G. \V. Bi-nch’s. 'A visit to Charleston lake during the afternoon of one of those \Vlll'l“, bright days Is a dulightful experience, and a perfect revelation to those who never saw the islands and woudmlf heights dressed in their autumual‘ robes. Go before theleaves full. I On Tuesday lust, 26th ult., John Ross Was working on a barn in course of erection for Mrs Elliott, when he fell from the roof and broke his arm. Despite a serious disability, Mr. Ross , him always been an industrious citizen and should, and no doubt will, receive substantial aid and sympathy from the people of the village. burr) is now. Athens is contributing its fair share of Visitors to the While City. Lest‘ week the following citizenu started for l Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. i'lvurtts, Messrs. '1‘. Bernoy. Nate McVeigh, 'l‘. Percival, J. Knapp, Chas. Itowsomh Sheldon Bullis. This week Mr. andi Mrs. Irwin Wiltse, Miss 13. Loverin, and Messrs. Curzon Lamb and E. Glow leave for the World's Fair. l l The Brookfield (Missouri) Gazette of: a recent date says; “A. W. McNish i and wife returned Friday morning i from the world‘s fair, accompanied by ' Mr. James F. McNish, grand non of! Goo. McNisb, who has long been a resi- dent of this vicinity. Mr. McNish is an enthusiastic oung photographer and , will be emp oyed by O. l. Doan, oi"i this city." Our Lyn readers will be pleased to learn that J amen F. is safeâ€" ly located in his new home. The annual meeting of East Leclls l Teachers' Institute will be held in the l collegiate institute, Brockville, on E Thureday and Friday of next week! Oct. 12 and 13. The rogrummo will. l include an address by resident U. J. l Flnoh, B. A... and papers by Maul Welford, Miss A. Hutcheson, Wm. Purvis, R. H. Field, J. S. Copeland, B. A., and Geo. Sherman. 0n Thurs‘ day evening, in Victoria Hall, F. J. Brown. of tho Delsarto College of Oratory, Toronto, willgive a series of readings. Dr. H. 0. Bates, a former well known resident of Leeds (70., writes rter under date of the 30th I the Rope Sept., “1 take this opportunity of writ- ing you. wishing to pay my subscription for the most welcome paper which comes to my office. It keeps me thor- oughly conversant with old, friends and laces dear to days of my childhood. lam wondering every day why we do not see more of the Canadian people - from your locality at the World's fair. It is the greatest collection of mar- vellous curiosities. manufactures, arts. M. of this centuary. Only one month more and much of it will have been re- moved. Many will regret if they do not see itâ€"the opportunity of a life- time." The Dr. is located at 208. South Belated at... South East corner Van Buren at, where he will no doubt be pleased to have any of his acquain- tances call and renew old friendships. a “mum D a tol cord to Mr. Gcnrgol Bocerygf Pmrbornu h. and ask him what Mombny’s idnoy and Liver Cure did fovhunln relieving him of thciutonu polo caused by the poo-t logo of stone or celiiuh from the. bladder. Hypodennu‘io injections had whom to in order to relieve thou coiling pain at times but the use 0 Monkey‘- Kidney, and Liver] Ourc enabled the kidneys to wash out the and and debris from the uymm, old'loutnfllcd the odd formations. In“ l'bcHlowlu loo ileum marks to of Alanin'c :uinl repairing sugar furnaces is l Driscol's Lady extemporiz on the ground. We are p able to announce on behalf of the management that before another ex. hibitiou takes place they will have new and commodious cattle, sheep, swine and poultry sheds erected. and will l also be able to show the stock to those l visiting the fair on the second day.l Another very im rtaut improvemeutl very much neede , is the driving track. : At present it is not in as good oou- ’ dition as it should be. being very rough and uneven. This. too. will be reme- died before next fair. A large wing was added to the exhibition building last year, but if the exhibits continue to increase in like proportion to this ear, they will soon have to put on ergo additions to accommodate the ex- hibits. 0n the lower fist of the main l building the grain, roots, fruit and vegetables were exhibited. The dis- play was large and the quality excell- ent. The butter, choose and dairy ‘ products were there in large numbers, while the display of honey made by l“. L. Moore, W. D. Livingston and Wm. G. Lee was very large and line. Each of these gentlemen did a large retail business in honey, nearly half a ton having changed hands or was con- ; tractod for during the fair. ; ()ii the upper flat the ladies had ' their products in large quantities. I Quilts and fancy work, paintings and l artificial paper work took up large space and was carefullv Scanned and favorably commented on by large crowds who constantly throngcd that part of the buildings. l Out on the grounds the usual quanti- l of agricultural implements were shown. l l i A sulky plow exhibited by If. ll. Brown, Addison, received more than the usqu I amount of attention. In those days of labor-saving machinery, it is not very hard Work to convince the progressive , farmer that ii sulll'y plow is a very necessary adjunct to a well conducted a farming outlit. (loo. 1’. lift-Niall, Lyn, hurl ii. wry cheap and handy cast 3 sugar furnace front and griito on ex» 5 liibition. As the season for buildingl at l hand. these castings should be exuiu- ined by every one who runs a large l sugar hush. l THE SECOND DAY. I opened bright. and clear, and at uni early hour the grounds were eliVo with l bustling activity. Fakirs were thcrel with their oily tongues to beguile the unwary into partinp with their hard- . earned dimes and dollars, and one hard working farmer of Kitloy is said to now mourn the loss of nearly $100 I in a vain attempt to get smoothing for l In the horse ring the num- l nothing. ‘ her of horses was quite large, but g there seemed to be a falling oil 111 the I ' quality of the double and single driv- l ing llUl‘SL‘fl, although there were u l few really line horses on exhibition l Slioitly after noon an exciting game ofl football took place between the Harlem l and Athens clubs. which was won by I Athens club. 3 ii: the foot race, E. Brest-0 got let, , I). Randolph 2nd, and C‘. Nash 3rd; prize. Smoking race, E. Thomas, R. Jokes and C. Thornhill. Wheelbarrow race, Frank Fowler, (3. Thomas and E. Bresee. Barrel race, C. Randolph, E. . Thomas and E. Bresee. Sack race, E. Bresee, F. Fowle‘. and , C. Thomas. , Thbce sports caused any amount of merrimcnt, all being kept in good ! humor by the antics of the contestants. ? As before stated, the race track was ‘ in poor condition. consequently no i time was given. The heats were as, l follows '. l 2 ; GREEN RACE Z. Purvin' Lady (Iomstock .3 I J. Vanusletines' Mark Twain. . .l Pattersons', Midnight . . . . . . . . . ‘2 ' 3 : riiiuzs Mimtrr. man. I McGibbon's Black Filly . . .2 ’ 2 Lyon‘s Bayonet. . . . . . . ..1 1 , Forth's Indirect . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 Wendlit-ipfs French Boy. . . 8 L was»: FOR ALL. C. Lumber-tn Marshall France? 1 A. Wendling's French Boy. . .3 8 J. Hunter‘s Honest Billy . . . .4 4 D. J. Lyon's Bayonet . . . . . . . l 2 RU NNING RAGE. Hampton . . . . . . . . Jackson's Bay Nellie. . . . . . . . . ...3 Monroe's Birdcatchcr . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 l The prosperity of the fair is, per- i hope. best measured by the receipts. and through the kindness of the score- tary we are able to give the following I figures. which are said to be under rather than over the exact amounts : i ate receipts, G300 ; new members, 58 ; horse-tickets. grocery and fak- irs, $35 '. making a total of $380, about $80 more that lost your. The success of the Fraukvillo fair can be truly attributed the soul and hard work of the oficcrs nd directors, but upoclully to D. Do lay. the gem ill president. who was ' I on -1 13 443 ‘82 . a 1. 33“ 2 4 0: il‘ 2, l fatally. do not abut recent W of North German Aufl- Scutt- Nc programme found unanimo- occoptunoo. Among the ted and was t tablddlu Koban to have German lor- vunts. T. c congress declared a now do- sarturo on the port of the AuttScmltuo in onounclug an alliance with Conservatives wtthwbom tho party at one time outlined. A resolution adopted, declaring that the Auti-Somltou should up all ludlrcot taxation that burdened the lower and mid- dlo clauses. proved the desire of the party to split with the Conurvutlvcu. Another section of the Autlfiomlhu hold a meeting at Chemuitz and by their - ceodlugc up ed to be less luclln to desert the ouurvutlvcc on hearing from Barren Unborn-nu and Von Sonucnbcrg that with the pledged support of the Con- servative. their faction would obtain place! on the Reich-tug committee; WI“ Nov-r In Friends. BlluJN, Oct. 2,â€"Tbc newspaper discus. clan of the Emperor’s relations to Blo- mnrok doeu not abate. Although the pub- lic have been dlslllusluned u to the prob- ability of their becoming friends, the official opinion as explained in last week's letter never shared the popular illusion. Ro- poru are still rife an to exchanges of Incl- sugeu brtweeu the kiln mror and Bismarck and the Empress Fro erlck as the mediaâ€" tor through Count William Bismarck and as to the Empress planning a visit in Friedrichsruhe. The truth is there is no present plan of reconciliation. Neither the Einp~ror nor Bismarck ever intended a reconciliation to be achieved in any Way 5 except by the utlier'u complete submission. With the growing strength of the Prince l the lliunmrckliiu nowapupl-rn uni lncreuulng the olfeneivcneuu of their criticisms of the (luvvrnim-iit. lils‘illlil‘ltli Kiming- n. weak to leave in Mill too (ruiiw-ntlun Hf Mil-lid Democrat». llEIUJN. Ul't. ‘3. ~ The congress of Social llriniigiw'a will in ‘Iiit‘lll‘ll mi Ul-tuhcr ‘33. The «lull-gators Will hon-1r the executive com- niittwe's report an the rm'out iii-iieral eleoV tion and \\ ill ilrbaito plans for May Day of next year. ltelntlonn of socialism to anti- Seinitinn, and the subject of strikes also will be discussed. Editor Liuiilau, leader of the Berlin Anarchists, advises his com- rades to join the Socialists an as to reform then). The Socialist leaders are on the l watch and will throw out any Anarchists who try to take art in the congrims. The credentials of a] delegates will be ucunned clonoly and no Buspvct will be admitted. The Anarchists will havo to «to their re- forniing, therefore, outside of the organi- zation. ' To Aid Armani-n Prisoners. Lowboy, Oct. 2.-â€"-Dospntchen from ConA stanlinople say that the fiiillun him been greatly moved by the agitation in England on behalf of the Armenian prisoners in Asiatic Turkey. He has order-ml that all the pnpurs bearing on the recent trial of Armani-ins in Angouira be» lulll before him. especially those. cOlii'i‘rning the charges against Professors 'l‘houinayan and Keys Yen, of the American College in Marni)» van. Abstracts from them: document» ware made a week ago and were (leupntclr Ptl on September 26 to Rustvn: l’ushu, 'l'urk'iolh mulmaaador in London. A courte- ous autograph letter from the Sultan was sont with them. Coal Mrllle Causes Deutltnllou. lemm‘, (but. 2.--In the cotton trade factorii-s are ugly Working short time and more than 10,000 upemtlvon have been made idle owing to want of coal. Many relief fund» lluve been started for the miners' stnr'ifugr, families. In t‘lieinteli’ll-iil nlone L700 children are fed cvrry morning and 1,700 families are anointed with food. The Mayor of Sheffield haa convened a nine-ting of the Mayors of Leeds, Bradford, Nottinghnm, Derby and llurnsli-y todis-~ cuss the situation and endeavor to forum- lute some sclwluc likely to be acceptable to minere and employers. No Foreigners Will Ito Needed. LONDON, Oct. 2. â€"- Justice John M. Harlan, of the U. S. Supreme Court and one of the arbitrators of the recent Behring See tribunal of arbitration, otutod in a private conversation in St. Jomea Hall at n .‘lnnday intuition meeting, that be per- nonally believed that on occasion of a future difference between England and the l Llnlft‘ll States the intervention of strangers would not be invoked. but an oqyial numr her. of judges of the highest courts of both cl; rim would be appointed to letth the ill U “V?” n ".0". .â€"r~â€"~v<o>-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Fraukvillo prize list will appear in next issue of the Reporter. The sudden death of the Rev. Mr. l iSirrell was more sad from the fact that ho lindjust returned from Eng- land. where he had been recuper- utc hir health, and had onl returned it few weeks apparently quite re- stored to health, and was anticipating work for the Master when he was I stricken down. i A .0. WIMGI. 4 Svaovnr-GnlunpAt Athens. on Soul. '17. im. y Rev. Wm. Wright. vector of Christ churn . Robert Jith Seymour. Faun. merchant, to Caroline. voungcut daughter 0 the late War. Eli-con. Esq. l News. Jamison. -At "Trinity church. Lansâ€" llowuc floor. on the 17th instant. in ltov. Wm. Wright. rector. Albert. Edward Nonmofthc Trmnshlpor Yongo. to Edith Emllv,duiighlcr of Ogle Johnson. Esq" of Lanedownc Roar. “h-w.fl. Servant Wanted. vi to do plain housework In a email 0 children. Apply at thll once. Y on. Dmssâ€"thing Removal Mrs. A. sumn he: moved Incl-null" business from or ‘ . . atom of Phil. I.” u m. Furni" ' for 85.13. lbwflnmhocoolm mo, ne‘wfim“ w..... ._ ._. U" â€"....W- .‘uâ€"M Movement of W ‘30: lot-mu 0 oh . i - " a moblgclock-woteh mush-t1 -' - " .,,.â€".....°"""i-.n“" .“mxme g?“ ed tench 'm on Win, m [m .r... hum. p...” ‘ cxporlmeu In out} to g «on 0 litre at the km» on poulblc ‘ the run It to the Wm!!! to!" vlvllilcb to a m o o nfltdlfl- bit-lit; and cm) or lcadslnquallt ,Itylc nub audprloc on accurate time on r. Ono maple admin. tum-winder “Wonder” ’stcbu above (hugged. express charge! papilla to apart or the nixed States. on rec pt of . tortur- wcocbeo for 68.50. For 75m. extra wow! and In [file t Satin Lined Plush C can- tnlnluc this Wino i, also a handsome Gull! lated gbdnh ()lhurm gilt ls wprrmnedb fillgorfiw u or or. '0 camp on sent . . . m not tound exuctl as represented your money will be cheerfully refunded. 1am. “wanted for of: let bad or Gen ll‘lllfln. a “for agents on Others lulllng our "Wonder" Watch. no sale will be ‘pl enormous.“ it h the only reliable W sum on the mum hr the price. 0 l , offers for cheap sun dials, «ten, and send order-dim! to us and get ur money. You may have the same Watt- in a fine Gold PM 1'0 t m” we NOVELTY 00., 192 King St arm, m T( in )l ito, Cantu} a. MILLINE'RY OPENING OCTOBER 5th and 6th AND FOLLOWING DAYS. A la a dis lav of all the Latent Novoltlcl will be ound n the Mllllnery ltoomu over the l’cot Office on, above dates. .uiin l’ Miss ADDIF. llAhNA ware value for outta. l NOT Ito-Opening of Schools. "twin derided to reduce our large stock of School I coke and Si hool Stationery. we will this launch, mnkc discounts ranging from ten to twenty wr cont... nocordliv lo the quad Litton Her mind on nll pure-Hives from us. Both 'ublk: School and lllgh School llooliu will be sold at Ihc sauna low mics. Orders by mull promptly Illll-il mul nil i-nqulrlne by letter at once answered. MCMUI.LEN 5; C0. Brookvlllc August 21m. 1893. V‘\. ' l funk», um mm. ATM KARLEY & SEYMOUR lluvo purchased afullllnc of tho ('Ult'lll‘lllt‘ll >1 JCCHLClCP! from B. LAURANCli‘l. retina-frames I per-font ill by the hill of 11. lummnro's HMS. um will sell them from 50 CENTS PER PAIR. You will hnvc imrfoot fit and not hm‘u lo plly three times as much as you would if you pur chased elucwlmrc. For Sale. The undersigned has the following useful ar- ticles that he wishes to cell at private sale. Viz. : Organ Bureau Corner (.‘upluim-il A lot (if Choirs 2 (‘luvkn Sauna c Mill 2 Tool (.Ylicslu H litm lil Exl'n Tabb: llorno l arrow ’l‘np lluggy llmlstead Set Slliglu flux-nose Eloth l‘ullcr nnil llobou. \\ icolluirrow Lampsund Silverware Cookstm-u ncurly now and .1 lot of cooking Utensils First clues Spinning \thcl. tool and Swifts. All the above Wlll he sold chomp for ouch or on short credit at (l per cent. interest. ll. ROW’SOM. ~ One reason why Scarf; Emulsion of Pure Nor- wegian C033: Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because , it is “Almost palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh builds up the entire system. Sunni lhndnmi Square Table ('ciilro Tliblc Sitil lionl Elgln SL, Alhcnr. Ont. THE CHAMPION SUEAR PUENACS FRONT AND GRACE Boott’ho' Emulsion cum Coughs, Golds, flan-mph“, Scrofula and all Anaemia and. Wasting Diseases. Prevents wanting in children. A 1- moot u palatable u lllk. act only the genuine. Prepared by Scott Ar Bowne, Bellcvlllo. Sold by all Druggiets, 50 cents and $1.00. ...._.._..._....__..____._V. . A ._ _-.4__._.._.._..._~-. w..-m~.m_ THRESHERS USE LARDINE MACHINE OIL The. Champion Gold Medal Oil. which cannot be Excleiled, McCOLL’S (IYLINDE R OIL HAS NO EQUAL. MANUFACTURED BY MeColl Bros. 86 00., Toronto Ask your Dealer for “Lardine” and beware of imitations. lANl'FACTV'REI) AT THE Lyn Agricultural Works I"! "ll IIPII'IIII‘H: 1. Deep flaring fire-box, with nar- row grate, by means of which you al~ ways have a good fire, as it settles to- getheras it burn: down. 2. The doors ope. each indepen- dent of the other. letting in as small an amount of cold as possible while re- plenishing the fire. For sale by all leading dealers in the country 3. Swinging damper to govern the draft. lVbolen ill. These castings cost no more than the â€" Y M» old style, and save fucl, time, and al- v» "2 -: r . r ’ ~‘ :5 . V . L. ways give satisfaction. Order early to ' ” ~ avoid delay. .Alaoa omiml puma. Plow, warranted boot cast. utcc mould, stool beam. collar and. land- slle for tcnvlollare. Fair lrlal allowed. Points &0. for almost any plow in use. clump. Send 9. c. for prices. G. P. MON ISH thyhhu H '3- , ‘7 Itadam’s Microbe Killer A mono/rot All. numu OF THE BLOOD 03 8!!! Has been Sustained in the Supreme Court of New York before a J udge and Jury Al the molt wonderful'hmudy of this Having purchased the stone building near our old remises and moved our machinery into it and thoroughly refitted and add to it, we are pro- . pared to do Custom Spinning and all brancth of work. 'We have in stock a good line of fine Tweed: and Flouncls and our ow'n ivkc of heavy Twudl and llhmkcting to exchange for wool. for which the highest price will be paid Alsohlgheat price paid in cash for wool. JAE. _F. [GORDON .»' Athens. May I. I”. r... .-..n....-.‘.. 4...... -4...“».-. m..~â€".-..... . ARE YOU A HUNTER? mrmmmriummu'

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