Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 3 Oct 1893, p. 1

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.v WM" ' you NIX. N0. 39. u. . 'G E0. G. HUTCN & .4». w .s‘umu «momma >- iv. 1. ire-Hon- 4 C. NEW DRESS GOODS. Our new to Dresses are “1% my other ioneble materials. links up in any fuhionnhle style. half there is to any about the new Dress floods. usual exosllencc. and my things on here that you will no show you through. glaotlo Cloths us Always the nobbiest. I CLINT in charge of the cutting room chre already selling and cuttin our niilocnt stock of Silk and Wool Bea cttcc. 9 make the finest flittiuu Costs to he had. affirm“? 1‘“ Simian" “h‘li’m‘li 0 es s cc n n. e so “on Be ore buy see our stools. lines are codflnod to II ll) l Ulla No two alike. We have them in hnoyJiopsack and gy are extra long l t cw stock Navy an , with pew material to look Borges. e connot tell you that the stock in up to our We can i sec elsewhere. Always Kind to Our new l‘sll stock of KID GmVEB is all We carry the best line of gloves in the market. See the fashionable loves with con- trastina binding nnd Pearl Bu tons to match. The finest stuck of WHITE BLANKE‘I'B we have ownâ€"cu risin value, also. DOWN slid B Dill F‘im'l Willi. Now is c time for warm bedding. Wcscll the bestcOcmsck mmmwmmm this region; equal to;7ilc goods- Twclvc down Just in. Ask to â€"_-_-._.__.h ._ i .H Dr. 0.1!. B. CORNELL, BUILL STREET, BitOCKV’iLLE rursicuu. common a ACOOUCBIUR. Dr-Stunley Trash & 831536.18 “Bay you' MAIN STREET. - - ATHENS Buctsmv UlBEArllB or Wounn. omcc Daysz-«tnc Afternoons of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. .0..- J. F. Harte, M.D., C.M., I’ll k'SlCIAN.5UliU HUN 8:. ACC'OUCIIER. Graduate lioynl Cilili‘gt} (Queen's L‘uivcrsiiyn Member of College of l‘iiyslciniin_iinil Hur- veoue. Uni. ‘Hllt'i‘l Main 51.. oppor-iio; iimuhlo Junno Athens. 2302 -W Dr. F. H. Koyle I as of tho lb 9, Eur, Nose and Throat. A: inguinal; oi lid. \,H)I'Iil:ll. 3.5 liiicll bite-cl. blii WK VilliAil. From 9 n. in to i‘: In. " 4 p. In to ii p. in. ‘22-‘93 M. A. Evertts, A Aullls'l‘l‘lli. hl’liliilrrou. I l'L'mni', can. Mom-y to icon or. Uilicuin l’nrich liluok. Athens. 'l‘clcphono lil. NOTA liY ouny terms. Fraser, Reynolds 8; Frown: ~w Office} ARRISTEILS, SULIi'l'l'Ulth‘. lt'i'c. B Uoinsiock IllOlflt, L‘ourl ileum Avenue. Brock villi: Office hours 79 NJ“. to o Moxie}! LOAN on line! 'l‘icitiuis. ‘ HUN. (1. l“. Finnhit. Q.(.. E. J. ltnvsoims. U. K. li‘iusrzn. ~good, Webster, & Stewart , ll.\iiltil$'rEKF, 8.20. c BILOCKVILIA‘. A Pill ATHENS One member of the {firm in Athens Tuesday Wednesday niid Thursday of every week. Money to loan. on on” mnna. JOHN F. WOOD. tut. (hm. It. Wnnsrnn, lS.A. ll. A. S'riswswr. Piano Tuning ' f'AM A. Within; is prepared to inkci W “A” ’i‘nninir uiid Repairing. } orders for Piano-forte _ Unions mny be left n! llllfii office or Cililllillllllfifll‘ tione midroescd to Iiox iii)? llruckvillo. 11in. J. P. Lamb. L.D.S.. Garden, Field and Flower A full stock just received-Al A L80 â€"â€" LINSEED MEAL AND GROUND OIL CAKE For Feeding purposes, at the Lowest Market Price. Pnriios requiring quantities of Remit; wll find our prices niuil'r, zuni we invitu i'nquiry. ALLAN TURNER & C0. Chemists and. Dmggists KING urine ."i‘, iiiiOCKVILLE. IS on his way to McLaughlin’s DENTIST. After mori-ihenmycnrsoxpcrl- 1 To get the latest in flair cut render the lac-Ml once Mr. Lamb in xlrcpdrod in ‘ ."wg-rnl dunt- I servicea in both mechanch or} islry. Dr. J. H. C. Todd VETERINARY SITILUEUN and Equine Dentist. Urndunto of Ontario \cicrinary College. Honorury member of Unlnrio \cicr- lnary'Mcdicni Socioly. lic‘is‘iii'l‘ifli nmnibor of Voterinar Assoc‘mi ion of i 'unniiu. ‘l‘rcuis all diseases 0 domesticated animals by ilmbcst syatcm known. All culls promptly attended to. (lhargcsmmlorntc. Orricn: King 51.. EMi.lirockvillc 7 opposite the Albion Hotel. The Gamble House, ATHENI‘S. BIS FINE NEW liltlffli HOTEL HAS boTeu olopmntiy furnished throughout in the latest st ion. Every attention irivnn to the nests. (loads yards and stables. ‘ wgtfyo K Fitl‘ll) PIERCE. l'rop r SOCIETIES 7 -WFI-‘rai'inci'svillc o(.lge N o. 177 A. O. ‘U. W. ' -s of ouch mouth. in Hosts lot and 8rd Tuesday Md“ 3‘“ Am"... ' ll C ntrai lilock ‘ I‘m" ' H-“Visirons wnLcou i. WI a- TI Us Athens branch of the the Ind and uh Friday It. 'I‘. of 1‘. ball. at s p.m. MRS. ELLIOTT, ‘Prec. M1518 STONE. Dec y. " 0.0. a. r. l Council No. lfifl Canadian Order of “trig-lent? mind‘s th'o hdlmg‘ililh 3:33ng “a , l he 1.3.11 0 . at h mm“ n . A d and I‘rotectlon. Katie; Friandch LEVI “[7. ll. HERBERT I. 0. Court Gian Bnoll. No. of firestorm. most In I. Ind anld 0th Frida in letters A {olefin e. N P. J. oftno . R. 0'" to Chief Councillor Record him). or 1‘... 0| 7.“. Addison zero 380 a too A ‘W. (LT. L'. moon on of each monih in the ill “m i,_,'W.ANTED... month. at Lodge A. O. U. W. and a good clczm Shave, Arm- strong i'lousc, ncxt door to Reading ROom, All“:an ... comâ€"ion-magnum-m...» .amu. .> ROBT. WRIGHT e Co. NEW '70.! ll DNA. ILOCI. OPP. COUQT HOUIB AVI. To be Sold at Once At Art Silks, Art Sittceiis, ' Art Muslim; Fonther Cushions. z Boy's Scotch (laps l lenthcr bound. l Nice now :tnysoi linviii- 303's Cloth Cups, “PM, stylish goods, at linrgnin prices. l I i Big Bargains - 15 pieces ~â€"-â€" comprising six qualities of Bleached Cot- tons, over 800 yards, wet by leak from water pipe during Thursday night; the quality or appearance not injured, only too wet to risk keeping in stock.l See this lot early. Embroidery Silks, Knitting Silks, Knitting Wools, (.‘ut’hionu and (Jessica filled with Down nil ready for covering. Stumped Linen Goods, Embroidered Linen Goods stamped free ; nll Linen Goods for fancy work bought from us. novelties Finn it will} i Headquarters for Stylish Millinery. Show Rooms now open for season's business; filled with latest novelties. You are invited to call and inspect this display. Rom. WRIGHT & C0,, Telephone 138. Saddle Bags, Chair Bucks, Cradle Quilts filled with Down. (lents’ Furnishings now well unsorted with latest BIG BARGAINS IN WHITE WOOL BLANKETS Every pair new, fresh goods of this year's nmnufacturc. Window Shades, Vii: lake .xtrzlcrs for and give continues on Window Shudvs for 1,)wcllings. Stores, (ilfficcs, Lodges. Churches. cic. Lcttcrcd, Datloed. Fringe or Lace : bargains in Lace Curtains, Tele. 138. hr‘ rimmul. Ask to scc our ROB’T WRIGHT 6; CO. A Few Self-Evident Facts. The people of Brockvillc and vicinity are realizing the fact that our Mantle section can be relied upon. The extensive variety of cloths and style of garments turned out are inducements for people to buy here. You have: noth- ing to fear regarding lit md finish, and our aim is to load with the style, quality and variety, and it stands to reason we would not succeed if our prices were high. Sealcttc mantles a specialty. Lewis & Pi arson BROCKVILLE “owmum c M. BAGOCK’S Mercha. .t Tailors. Ara better than r :m creamed to turn out first- cla- work. Thi‘y are going out of Read Mode Clothing,linin,0aps and Fun}. d wirl devote their whole time and atteuti tothe Ordered‘Ilork Department, which is new on d the so rvision of Mn. "KCKIJNOIRJM’M- .3, win. r. o. E. Ashley. of this town. which is a samclent gin-romeo of the quality of work we will turn out. M. Opposite the Market BROCKVILI. ONTARIO W11 [TE Jr. 00 MILLINEiiY OrENING FALL .1 AND WINTE” Is said to far excel any M illinery display ever held in Brockvillc The show of Imported Huntleniaker. If you want to get best ct Bahccck’s. Bead quads Mantles and 'Mantle Cloths. Sealetics. Our-ls, kc, is very large. All coths cut and fitted free by a fir-sue]... a nice dress, the people say you will get the nervth Bury class of Dry Goods will be sold very cheap for cash. See the Bargain Counter. 0. n. nucleon. mutton in. ,BROCK VILLE . m... .wu».uha-uu «am-MW IRELAND’S OWN DAY. The World's hi: on Saturday Devoted which called from this to the Emerald isle. EDWARD BLAKE'S S P E E C H II. Arm-soc Enthusiast- by Reading 0 Ian. Letter From (lladstonoâ€"‘l‘hc 0. 0. I.'s Utter-noon on the Present Home lilo Ntutiol. CHICAGO. Oct. ll. â€"8aturdey was Ireland’s day lit the World’s Fair and it was a rod letter day, the greatest the Fairhas yet seen. Every possible feature thai'conld be evolved was furnished by the committee and the number of paid admissions exceed- ed 800, 000, the largest since the gates were thrown open. The experiment of focusiu of Lord Mayor Shanks of cloud by means of n gigantic sesrc ight could hardly be called a success. 'lwo Irish members of Parliament were present and delivered addresses, U'Driscoll, M. P.. South Mouaghm, and Edward Bloke, ME, for South Lougford. They were wildly cheered. When the Hon. Edward Blake’s turn came to address the great Irish gather- ing he rcccivod a flattering endorsement of hit patriotic course in leaving his Cannâ€" diau home to tight for Ireland in the British Parliament. Mr. Blake. who is n fluent and forcible political orator, sold: “A‘few weeks ago, after seven years of struggle on new lines and a debate in Parliament. more severe and prolonged than any which have pre cede-d it, you have seen the people's houso in Parliament. pass it measure of Home Rule by n milieu-tit majority. We expect to see it a low at no distant. day. This lilt‘filiul'e means that All things which affect the nmteriai and moral interests of he lmnl are to be controlled in the future by thrmsclves. There are defects in the bill. “'0 don't claim it is perfect, but we hope to eliminate the errors in time." in i-onclueion llr. Blake read a most important letter which Mr. Gladstone wrote to him on the eve of his departâ€" ure for America. This letter was rend for tlm ilrst lime in public and around great (enthusiasm. It is as follows 1 the features ublin u u a " Dmvmm. Wnrrrnsni, Sc'plt'lnlflil‘ 2. 1893. ” lJEAit Mn. l?‘,\i\li) : 11mm with great. plennure that ll; ‘iv in to ho an Irish llny during the “will”. ii'wi'.‘ M. i‘liicngo; nor inn 1 loss nub. mil in l.i:4l\’~' ilinf. you have nmlerhiknn ,‘n when} Lim gntlim'ing on lwlmlf of i'..' iii". in-opiu and of their inpi’cswntntinr ii‘liltl not be u inorw intuit-still; nor, a sci-pl, on tho (lay of iln- Ilnul vivtmy. i-nvonmging oc- Cir-lion, “ After eon-n llit‘lh :i lllill'U wealth of clinic land sus- lnini-(l Hiring!» thinngiinut tho country a Home of i‘oinnmns was «loch-d met your which has penned, nftur HL’. Llnyn of ill-bate, a bill for conferring upon lrn-innd the nmnng-inrnt, through a frle elected parliament, of her own dilnlt‘hilf‘ nfl'nirs. Ami when at the Close of lll‘lll. “wk the bill be rejected by a large majority nf the llotiseof Lords we shall know, tin; peoâ€" ple of lrolnnd will know, the world at large will know mnlevun tlw Home of lnuls will know that this rejection will menu no more harm tlnin 2i 'lilulm'v vote. “ You are about to ailllrrns Ann i'li‘llIlB, who, in all ranks and in all pnrtu of their magnificent country, hove shown an active and nlnu-st universal sympathy with he land and more especially with Irish' Anmricmm, through whimv energies and inn-xhuustiblo oi w-tiun for Ili‘lnlltl has been effected thc- Mont remarkable oocanic migration ever known in the history of the world. “ And _\‘nll nr~~ in ni‘oziclition to out to tin-m than two things: First, the distzunv whii h hns been actually travelled mvr lmtwenii the physical misery and the pnliticnl depn-ssion which marked the mrly yt‘i'lf'l'l of the country, and the victor n-muimi last night is immeasurable. Second, the distance between that record- ed \ioiury to the dual investment of Ire llillfl with full solf~govcrnlng control over iwr domestic affairs is not only messurable, but short. It was unanswereny observed during our debate that the recent success bus been brought about by chsnge of point opinion where opinion has been meet hostile, viz., chan c of opinion in England. Scotch, Irish sur Welsh votes were with us in 1886, but we stood in a minority of nearly 120. It hes been the signal and favorable change in England that has con- verted this minority into a majority of 40 for Home Rule. Yet England still exhibits ho-r reduced majority to intercept one of the greatest benefits evor conferred on“. only upon lrelnud but upon her. In t attitude she is alone canons: all. ponploa of Um English speaking mot. She has not yet quittcd but she in quit- ting. Yet the last struggle still romaine. and like the former struggles it. will be great, and it will demand the friendly effort: of oil those wherever placed, who, under (ipd. have lifted this great cause out of then yss and not it on an eminence from which there remins but a slight stop in.o the promised land. I cherish th.a moat unguine hope that the conduct of 0“, 'Tllh nation when their great object has inn attained, will fulfill every reason- able hope cherished by those who have aidul and will convert its present enemies into friends. Very inithfully your-n, "W. E Gunman." " God speed the day when the Irish will govern Inland. "claim-2%. Mr. Blake. for. vently, rutirin to his seat amid a storm of cheers and and plsudits. _ a...” ......_._J. _...._..._... u .. ii‘r: A :- Ortonnarian Dali-Ides. Pmm,i)nt..0ct, 2 wllra Fletcher, a lady about MP. years of age, not her death on Satonliy night at her mn-in-law's house in thin town. It appears during the night or only ysctsrdsy morning she awoke and inrin (ironed hemlf and came noicslcaaiy . ownrtairs. liftl'tl the eoWr 08 and pin “remit into the cistern unknown to say i “man of the house. The unfortunate ' woman was not missed till her daughter, . L'lemmt. called to her levies and found she was not in her rem. A search was immediately made and flnelly . (‘lnncnt with others omitted the cistern. whm he found the old drowned. Her mind had been derail-ail late. N Br 0st,“ - Istan- ugrln' immanent» I l ' 0st. I.-'l'hc dosing Janciroand sum. 3 «Aug-u 18. with use ts. has arrived at Cm dc Too in the return voyage. Ohclcn her during the outward voy 25am:th rs at the Brasilisnh. to t or wagers the time of her arrival st San were 138 cues‘of cholera on M deaths. She is still infcs omeers say that the return vo . Glues, believed to luv” among the cm to. The oflcisls at Santa Cruz prov cloned the Reno and suficient coal on board for the not of c voyage hack to this port. 'Ronmania’s Board. BUOIABIIT. Oct- B.-â€"'I‘hsrc have been 54 fresh cases of cholera in Boumenio in the last two weeks. The Scourge on lion-of-Wnl. Runs, Out. 2.-â€"â€"Eight fresh cases of cholera and one death were reported in Leghorn to-day. A despatch from Naples says that cholera a printed yesterday among the marines of t 0 Italian ironclads Affondatere and italic. Cholera Loses Ground. HANBI'M, (let. ‘3.â€"â€"-'i‘hree fresh cause of cholera and one death were reported in tin city during the 24 hours ended at noon yesterday. No fresh cases have developed in the suburbs. Sim-e Sept. 1!) there hove been 119 cases here and 58 deaths. The epidemic is losing ground rapidly. lloupur‘s Move-twins. il'ruws, Oct 2.â€"<’l‘he whereabouts of John R Hooper. who in now at Port Hope utidi'r arrest, since he got leave of absence from the l'omtcflice department, in ub- llshcd licrc. ii in he follows: Satin ay, Sept. 0.â€"â€"liooper got: leave of absence from the pontoflicc department. Monday. Sept. l.-â€"lioopor nrrives in Montreal, meets Miss Htaploy. Wednesday, Sept. l8. ~â€"-Ilonper in Montreal, but tells Miss Stap- loy thnt he has been Louisville, Quc.. on private business. Sunday, Sept. 17.â€" ioupcr in Montreal at church with Mics btnplny, tells her that he has been hav- ing it holiday in Quebec. Dotectives say he has boon at St. Ambrose de Kildere and eiulnnvoring to errauue to put his wife in a lunatic mylum. Mon- day, Supt. 18. w Hooper back to St. Ambrose. (lets his wife and starts for Montreal. Mrs. Hooper dies. Tuesday, Hopi. 19, n llonpnr token the body to Port llopu. Thursday, Sept. ‘21 ~~â€"-Mra. Hooper buried iii. Port Hope without medical ('cr titimto or funeral si-rvicc. Friday, Sept. 22:.»liimpi-r in Monti-ml nzniu, calls on Minn Strapley, Saturday anilriuuduy, Sept. 213 and 2~i.â€"lio<qn;r in Montrernl; at church Willi Miss Sinplvy. Monday, Sept. ‘25.â€" lloopcr returns to Ottawa. With Miss Stop lcy. Tuesday and Wednemlny, Sept. Li and 27.-Hoopur in Ottawa Thursday, Sept. 23.-â€"-llrmpor guns to l‘ort llopeto div-inter hin \vii‘e's body niid unibalni it. inquest bi-gun. Saturday, Sept. Win-â€" lioupcr's arrest ordered. a A Murderous Assault. liimnnhzmx, ()nt., ()ct. 2.-â€"~Yeetcrdny morning :ont eleven o'clock Andrew liinec attempted to take the life of Joseph Snicaion, n former of Moulton township. it scenic that Louis Hines is employed Working for Snieaton, and Andrew, his brother, kept coming there frequently. Mr. Sinenton, who was. somewhat afraid of the brother. told Louis that he’ did not wish his brother about. the place. When this wan repeated to Andrew he become furious, nnu' inking u long bladed jock- knife, went up to Suwaton in his orchard and acid. "You lmve bot-ll talking about mo,” at the some time opening his knife. Mr. Smmton said. “No,‘ when he was struckin the fame with the knife and lillllf‘k”il IlO‘NIl Hint-s thcu stablml him savored times: about the bend, cutting him badly, and kicking him nnd stabbing him uni-e in the tiirun’... lIllliill,‘ a serious wound which may prove fatal. Hines left him for dead and Want over to his brother Louis snyinu. "I here killed Smeston and will kill you‘" lmuic ran awn and gave the alarm. Smcutou is an 01 man and his wounds are dangerous. but it is i ht he will recovor. Hines was over- ken by two constables and in new in risen. Ila ssyn that Smuton hud been telling stories about him to the neighbors. After Uncle ilam'u Upper lloitsr. Nrmuu FALLH. N.Y., Hot, 2.-â€"Chaou- ccy M. Depew in an interview said regard ing the action of the Senate on the repeal notation ; " Nothing hns happened since t e organization of thin governmmit that_ has brought. the Senate into aucli disrepuls { M their Mlluzi on the silver question, and f i lhinlt Him. uuirus tlivv m‘t. appellin H. in going to load to n serious agitation for the changing of the structure of that body." An Operate r‘a Death. OTTAWA, Oct. 2.â€"-Willtam Johnson. a C.l‘.R. telegraph operator at Mahoriy, a small station r. few miles wont of Perth, was picked up there yvnicnlsy morning a mangled corpus. After cumin off duty Saturday he wmxi. in Sherbet .akc. He seems to have taken the track on his way back during the night and woe run over by a train. Weather Probabilities. Oaalnvnon}. 'l‘rmoxro. Oct. 2.â€"â€"Ths low pressure system 'tnvrrifi the western portion of the oxiitiiwnt Fri ny last, after causing rain an pain in the upper lskc region, became tiliimlnurlnnt, but the other disturbance n he miiilivnrd of Nova Scotia redeveloped great nun-“try, snd hae since iveu ascmnil series n‘l lit-av (ale. overt a Maritime provluoan, nttsn ed by much rain. Probabilitisa : Lakesâ€"Winds, mostly easterly; line to day; ntsiinnary or e little higher temperature, Fr )er Ht lAwre-nccâ€"Finc; ctctlonuy' are l tile higher trm,vcratnrs. Lower St. lmwnuceâ€"(lsnrraily fair 3 stetimary or a li'tlc low-yr temperatuns. Golf and Maillime provincesâ€"m noteva to northerly winds; on . with local lilac. temperature about the , the lll»fated bottlenhip nrws'rorrcc cum WAN? WT.“ "W m ' POI OW moons. Amino-rd clielnu'ovld's Immune-commend!“ mumpmsmmuu “moisture... nnuw-sm s 's arch downths polo police “In. Billeltcnaadhis arose to boathgeaa.l.T.m W Ald.Lli.Pcttitt,8aak0catu,lian.. ismissisgwithmflilo. haves-lull Police in untitics of lot and Oct-m austere. Express companies in the States are taking measures to combat any attempt st train robbery. minuscule! The Freeman. the Helium-Rankin, of etham. will he tried at London. l‘ivs murderers were on oncscsflol st lount Yemen, lookou- cry County, Ala. Clark Royce, treasurer of the Veterans’ Rome, San Francisco, has been convicted of embezzling funds. A man fired five shots“ random on the hicago Board of Trade. Three people were wounded. Alfred Thomas. the boy who is accused of murdering lire. Martin at Listowcl, has been committed for trial At St. Louis, Mo, Train Robber Hedge- psth has been found guilty and sentenced to 35 years in the penitentiary. Twelve no indicted for partici- sting in or nrrnn ing for rice fl htsin flozgsnd, Ore. p called guilty so were u . F. Smith. who plandsd guilt st Chicago to the charge of attempting to be jurorc in the Cronin trial. has been sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Tmin-wreckefl placed a rail across the (LRR. track west of Quebec and shad smashAup was narrowly averted. Ex rose messengers and train hands on that lvis- ion will hereafter be armed. Miscnumxnovs. The first See line train made the trip from the coast to Minneapolis in 67; hours. Toronto's assessment returns show a de- crease in population of 2,000 as compared with last year. John A. (‘ownn of Toronto has lwsn elected (lrnml Coziimander of the Knights of St. John nnd Malta. Atnlinellng of the London Coal Er- change the price of cool was further ad- vanced fire shillings per ton. Fiierst Bismarck made an eastern trip screen the Atlantic in 6 days. ll hours l4 minutes; half an hour better than the record. The United States Senate hos confirmed the nominations of Chas. N. Daly, Bay onnc City, N. J., as concul at Guelph, and of Thea. Keefe, Windsor, Vt. at St. John’s l Que. Lord Armstrong, whose firm constructed Victoria, advocates the construction of smellcr vessels, which would be less expensive and more coolly managed. RAILWAY FATALITIIB. Brahman Schsiev was killed and two other train hands badly injured b the wreck of the Harlem milk train st ills- dale, N.Y. By a wreck on the Louisville & Nub- villc Railroad at Gulf Port. kiln, four negro tramps were killed and a number of train hands very bsdly injured. Two trainmsn were killed and several injured by the collision of a paseengsr train and a freight on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad near Haul Patch, Ky. Two freight trains collided on the Chl= cage, Burlington k Quincy Railroad three and one-half miles north of Stmtor, Ills. Engineer William Gribble was killed and ten others were injured. Ono Chicago & Grand Trunk train ran into the roar of another at Bellcvuc. Kick, early lyntcrda morning. demolishin s specie car. res none were ki ed Ind seva others y injured. DIHINOUIOIID III. Lord Ahcrdcsn's household numbers 33 pcrnoua Gladainne Hawanlen. Bismarck has resumed his daily driven, and is looqu better. Aid. George Robert Tyler has been elect- ed Lord Mayor of London. Dalton McCarthy will cddrgss a meeting 32'» Lintowoi on. October 12 Mr Dinion Mailerth has consented to address it public meeting in L'healsy some- time during October. The Bosnian Grand Dukn Paul and 8ch ziua, brothers of the Czar. have arrived in London en route to Balmoral to visit the Queen. The Queen Regent and the boy King of Spain wore accorded a hearty reception by the populace on their errival all Madrid from San Sebastian. has left Edinburgh for FORBIUN POLITICS. France will appoint a special Mai-cry for lie . lonica The \ otican would like to have s is!» inanent Andean diplomatic representa- live. The outlook for a peaceful settlement of the dispute between France and Stami- _ considered more hopeful. Salvador will agree Central American "pin is made the federation csntvs. Robert Louis Stevenson Ran Freedom from Samoa slain there are still on precarious condition. The Philadelphia protectionist members of the Nannfastursls' Club want to units with the Silvcrikc to try to stave 08 taril Morin. They want Congress to spec not totonch .heudflfovtwemm I!“ 0' A 'IIK. Thom Ions-skits- 'l'ckio. wag-sad. P“. s arrived at 0 mm the! ad and la a to in the unionof = in if her capital Vq'”. k. helm. almis Bobs-t Isak... "has. loom-s4 EMA-ably, ll IOU“ um Inc Government have ‘ m“... a...” "’ Brasilia rebels vc ca nails-tone. the capital cfths def ta Cothsrinc. Admiral Hello q firing on Bio Janslro gen requested to do ubythofcnlco war F r amt-10s. . Cholera in spreading in Italy. ' Cholera in Russia is decreasing. Bmil will carnation all European vessels. q i There is s large increase of Ilcw fever in Georgia. One hundred and fourteen aga- on the Italian strum Carlos died of cholera between Brasil and Germany. DUANE“. Thirty people wen killed by a boiler cl- plcsion on a spsncsc coast steamer. Ono hundr and seventy nine lives were lost in t linodsring of the Bunion warship a She was known to he nnscaworthy. ‘ Fears are entertained for the safct of the bar usutine Skobelofl. at Portion ; It is thong t to b her wreck that was sight- ed by the Valkyrie. 'I'III WORLD Ol‘ LABOR. Seventeen hundred miners struck in Bel- ginm. Louisville end Nashville switchmeu are on strike. The strike among the coal miners in the Charler district, in Belgiusz extending. Ten thousand men are now out. The trouble of the firemen on the Big Four railroad has been settled and tho threatened strike will not inks plum. BEL!“ MIYBDEHH. Willism McCocmbs shot himself before a mirror at Wheeling, W. Va. He had been drinking. Daniel Van Koren. a horseman, shut himselfdesd nflfilchcncvus, N. Y. he was despondcnt over race losses. The bull of James llenrdwell of l-Ismil- ton, need 4. woe found in a field just west of. the city. Two bottles, labelled chloro- form and lcudsnum, were found beside the body. ‘TIIOLEEI'K‘ DEATEB. J cmcs Clerk. son of n Scarboro' farmer, died from the kick of a vicious horse. Calvin Stewart, a negro, who recently murdered a white men near Langley, 8.0., on lynched by a mob. demos Meiji-nth, 5. Chicago despernilo, was shot and killed by policemen, alter wounding three while resisting arrest. George Conklin, former, of Montsgne township, was run over and killed by the C. P. R. express from Toronto at Smith'- Falls. OVER THE BORDER. Si. Louis will try electric ambulances to run on car tracks. A delegate convention of Spiritualist», the first ever held, in in union st Chicago. A national organization is to be forms-l lmmence grain shipments are being mule from San Francisco. The average clearances are equal to a. chip every day. Margaret Shaipscn, colored, died at Jackson. Mich, st 2?: ‘ubs of l08. She was born in Virglfi’bld was sold into South Csrollns as a slave at the age of nine. CANADIAN BRIEFS. The Victoria fleet has brought bouts 50,462 seal skins. The Aner Light Co’c, stock, Montreal, was seized by cucioma British Columbia veacels wb‘l take 10,000 more seale‘rinc this year thanlnst. Hamilton's statue of Sir John A. Mac- donnld will be unveiled by Sir John Thompsone‘hv. l. Pennefethcr, the alleged bank robber. wss acquitted at Uhsthsm, having estab- lishcd c, nelicfectory nlibi. 'K'HE SPHERE 0F IPOB‘I'. The academy ct Lunsnbu , N. S.. wfi destroyed by fire. Linn, $10, ‘00. A match has been arranged between the pacer Saladin, 2.05}. and unmet. 2.04. Tammeny won the est match race at Gutenberg. beating .nmplighter by four lengths. On the new mils track at. ilemilton For- est Boy went a half mile in a trial in 1.09. This beets the Canadian record. H. C. Tyler, the Springfield cycliat, madea new world‘s record for 2 miles. doing the distance in 4. 15 3-5, i‘ uncouth: better than the previous teem-r“ TALES OF HUNDIH'V Edward Leary, a colored dean"? twin, murdered his brother's wife. at Frederic- ton. NIL by striking her with an one. The men Lusk, against whom it. true bill for the murder of Jacob Schoeplin at Tweed has been returned at the Hastings Acsizea. has not yet ban arrested. lna Warman, aged ll years. was fatal] shot by Milo Wilson, a laborer, at Wl - linmsburg, ()liio. Wilson had often said that if he could not marry the little girl he , would kill her. The bodies of J. H. Baisle and his wife w-rc found at Paola, The coroner's jury found that Bnisley that death at the hnnda of his wife. and that .ha two days hm" committed suicide. N...” This! MHBLD’I I'Alll. ir-itrv'io is winning almost every prize at he Chicory) live clock show, Amerinou "million got nearly all the slwtririty prim-e ct the World's Fair. EJE‘Mdeut Garrison was tendered a Welcome at the World's Fair on lndians day. 'Un ('hicago day he World's Fair will be ire: from debt, except the stock sub- scriptiora 'l'he (humor-000ml and Lady Abor- tlesn will lcnvs Ottawa for Chicago on (htnbcr 5th. to visit the World's Fair. Sir Richard Webster. in , c! the Ontario educational alibi! at m “'0 rm. ssid’it n. the only nhihlt the! sp- proschsd his Ideal of what an duodenal Ammtnmgm mucus. . as". dihm w-epiavfllcd by h MW e m" ' was .20 a “tutu-st M

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