Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 26 Sep 1893, p. 3

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A scram Couch Ball Back with Mirror and Brass Books A Badstaad with Wash Stand to match A handsome Bookcase. or 12 good strong kitchen chairs -LOBD- THE WHITE“ Ill cht Morrison's Hotel BROCKYILLI IROCKVILLE Business Doings snowmanâ€"T BPEBIALTY Commercial Course Thornton TERMS REASONABLE Send for Illustrated Catalogue bo- loro deciding where you will go. GAY &. 'MCCORD, Principals CRAIG- FOBXIELY T. SULLS & CO. The, Hatter ls selling TAM O' SHAN- TERS. Worth 60c for 30¢. just the thing for the river. and for BOYS BOA'E‘ING BASE BA l. 1.. CA l’S 25c, worth 25¢ each. ’5 4-. EDon’t miss this opportunity. I AM, AT THE OLD STAND. EVERYTHIN G To those who wait. Now. illl who have horn \yuiling for tho (lrnml Midminiuicr (‘learing bulb of limits, Show. 'l'rtiiiks :md \‘nliscs at D. \V. DOWNEY'S HNE lilill‘li) BARGAIN SHOE lllll all can conic right in and get lmrgulnc that are n lltllc (tutor lllllll wv llith) m or shown before. orlhuncnn b4: found in tiny other store in llrocltvlllo. note Are A Few Snaps : Ladle‘a' Vim" A nil-rii mi llvmgtiln Oxford Show (or‘SlJiO. rrgiilur pl'i-‘r‘: $1.25 and 82.50. - Inn Fine Him «3 l; in ,ton limils.1~‘lniitl nrvl tit-row Hotiiimn, .-t:ild Lumber. "H" worked button linlcn. for $1.00. dios‘ llciiulnc iwngoln ’{l‘l lilition Boots. for 5 ' COMES lid Limiter Pulith Button Boots for 7 Child‘s Htilill Lt-iillit‘r l‘dilill‘ litillun Boots for 65c. Mon'sk‘inl. liufl' Loco Boots. wholc romaclid lcailior. sowed solos. for 3LT). Men‘s do., (10.. ('ongrlrss. for $13!». SPECIAL Goutlonu-n's host Kangaroo l‘ongrocs Hoots in \Vnukoiiiplinst, (Hobo. French unii l'iwn~ dilly lasts. Only M, n- ulnr ll’it‘t‘ 5. Those Eggs are inunufncluroil by ion. ' .Slntcrfl ,of Montreal. the finest Shoo Nous".- in America. tit-cum n puir hoforo lht'ynrcull sold. We haw only nliinitcd number todis- Wit w. uowucr The One Price Bargain Shoo Bouu' Brookville. ARE PRlElN'ltl-‘l ’l‘O THIE Farmer and Builder l‘hcy havc tho host Assorth of Hardware. 'l‘inwarr, Paints, Oils, Varnishcs, ()ulcimincs, Glass, Silver- ware, Filming Tackle, data, in town, and prices to nxiit tho times. The Dnin (.7hliriis»~â€"l)ciit in the marke" ~â€" 1‘ Itlws.yii in stock 4nd at lowest prices Guns and ammunition of best quality See them. COAL OIL Besthality. Low Price I‘ARIJE" BLOCK A'I‘ {ENC M A.M.CHASSEL Til! Ill mm 02130880! 08]! DOLLAR & MARIE ms ~Isflflv.fl FIIIEIO’ It)". MIT“ lin , . Mil or. 1". B. Blsncber. ' of1898, W. Miller, Chas. Miller W. Miller. Ewes] 8, raised lambs o! 1898). l, W. liner, Blanch». Ewes, 2. shearlings, 2, W. Miller, B, Chas. Miller. 2, lambs “1893. l and ti, W. 3, Chas. Miller. Pen 01‘ Shropshircs, W. Miller. JNO. PRINOLI Manager. W ._.___.â€"â€"._...â€".â€" __.. lull It... Below will bc round quotations of the load Bank Stocks which the Reporter will publ weekly in future for the union-manor: of its readers:-- um 83'! 212i 113 1 asxsnl 145 mi m 163 165 155 156 139 ' iii 104 SOUTEWWNI. Rain, F. B. Blancher. Ram, inboar- ling, 1 and 2, F. B. Blanchcr, 8, John Imerson. Ram lamb of 1898, l, 2 and 8, l". B. Blancher. Ewes. 2, (raised lambs of1898), 1 and 2, F. B. Blancher. Ewes, 2. shoal-ling, F. B. Blancber. Ewes, 2. lambs of 1893, 1 2 and 8, F. B. Blancher. Pen of SouthdoWn, F. B. Blancber. OXFORD DOWNS. Ram, Jss. Neilsou. Ram. shoarling, 1 and ~l3, Jss. Neilson, 3, I'. . Blancher. Ram lamb 0(1898, 1 and 2, O. P. Arnold d: 00., 8, Jae. Neil-ion. Ewes, 2, raised lambs, l and ‘3, O. P. Arnold tit 00., 3. Jas.,Neilson. Ewes. 2. shearliugs, Jas. Neilson. Ewes, 2, lamb of 1893, 1 and 2, O. P. Arnold 62 00., 8, Jul. Neilson. ~ Poo of Oxford Downs, Jae. Neilson. BERKSHIRE SWINE. Boar, one year and Over, F. B. Blunchei’. l). J. Gilroy. Boar pig of 1893, C. J. Uilroy, E. Wcstlake, Henry Roburtnuii. Sow over one your, C. J. (lilroy, Alvin Gilroy, (J. J. Uilroy. Sow pig of 1893, E. West- lalm, ll 8. McConnell, E. Westlake. YORKSHIBES. Boar, 1 yr. and over, Kincaid. Boar pig of 1893, Alvin 00” 5X4- Selli'llurlilosen JW' (3- Mom'e' Gilroy, Chan. A. Kincaid. Sow over Allerblsoui 0- 3- Barber; C0” 8‘4. 1 yr., Chas. A. Kincaid, John I“. draught" Joli" Smgg' Lmeus Blues: Percival, John Forth & Sons. Sow Stallion 2x3,carriiige, Dr. and chi Pigonags' Alvin (filmy, Chas. A. Robinson, A. Ccad. Stallion 834. Kincaid. carriage, John H. Tenniuit. Stallion “as”? wmms. 2x3, druught, John Macnamnm. , V Stallion 3&4, draught, E. G. Davis.l , B‘m" 9‘3 Of 1893' A' Manl‘a‘rd' Stallion, draught, A. J. Wults, Suni bowrf’ver 1 .VY-s “Wham. Ramon Towriss. Sow pig 0! 1893, 1, Ben, lingers. Stallion, gen. purpose, A. J. _ Waits, Bruck Davis. Stallion, cur ls‘m Town“; 2 “ml 3! Mil-“hard- (l‘amworth, Diacrciionnry), rmgo in liurncsis. A. Herbison. Stul- ,Sow l‘lg- , lion, roadster in liurnosn, C lit Smith, “‘“S' Dawson- . “’iii Spence. Mutt-hell leum forl POULTRY. draught, icnj Brown, Levi MOP-['09, Cochins, null, ll L Kerr, 3*. Win Pciinock. Mulchcil loam, geti.,F,-ig(,3y, For-hing, partridge, R E purpose. 0 l5 Mdu‘lv ' Fowl-i“, .llrllll llodluw. Cocliins, Jacob llcrhiccn. yrs lll;“llll", ll. li, Kerr, ll. 1‘}. For-tor. llarlll‘SPi JUllll (“BA-:95. 0- E. lil‘ullllllll'00l1'53,(l&lk. F. L. Moore, llurbcr, llr. Giles. Matt-licd‘lt, E. Foster. lirahmzi Foothill, twin, enrrhigc. 15$ EmmlS. llt‘llSOIl , light, B. E Foster, ll L- Kcri‘. Black TOWFiSS. ~l- 3- lllchHhi Fred 1 Spanish, John licdlcw. (lame, John Mott. Matched train, r-wlrtel‘fi, Bedlow, John Forth 3i Sons. Golden Jonas Hagerman, R, B. Enemii, Polandg, 13nd 2,1] L Ken, Silver Nathan Witikor, Curriuge. horse 01' Polands, 1 and2 H L Kerr. Hou- miu'c.l{ufu>: liniic, John Collins, N. dons, ll. E Foster, John Bcdlow. G. Williams. Romlntvi‘, homo mil, White chhorns, H L Kerr, R E 1112519, John Hunter, E. \Vcstlnkc, J. 1 il‘ogter. Brown Leghorn“ H L Kerr, E. litiddick. Brood mane carriage, [ 301.“ Bedlow, Del-king, colored, (Wood's), Wellington Stagg. Bi'oml ‘ John Bedlow. R 1‘) Foster. Hum- mnre gvu. pni‘posv. (\VOOd'"); E-iburgs, black, 1 and 2, R E Foster. Davis. Brood mare draught. (Wood's). Hamburgs, golden spangled, 1 audit, 0. 1’. Al‘IlOld &r CO. Best COlli sired E‘ogteh I'lgmbufgs, silver by A. Ilcrbison‘s stallion, 'JM.lppangled, R E Foster, H L Kerr, Cughan. Stallion for camagt'. Langsliane, John Forth & Sons, F. L. (Forth'a), Adam llct'hison. General Eamoora Plymouth Roch, F, L_ purpose stallion, (Weatlicrhead'sl, A. E Moore, R, E Potter, Bantams, R E .l. Waits. Draught Million. UOm‘iFOSler, Wm llillie. Wyandctts,Jnlin Bank at Toronto . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . l pank 0! Montreal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mperisl Bank of Canada . . . . . . Standard Bank of Canada. . . . . Moisou's Bank . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Merchants' Bank 0! Canada. . . . Bank of Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Bank of Commerce .. Ontario Bank Union Bank of Canada . . . . . . . . . HORSES. Brood mare carriage, W. Stagg, J. H. Loucks, A. Goad. Brood more gen. purpose, E. Davis, Chas. Miller, A. llvrhisou. Brood mnrc drsuuht. O. P. Arnold & Co” 8. Hawkins. Foal of 1893 carriage, H. R. Webster, A. Goad, Wellington Miller. Foal of 1898 gen. puipose, E. Davis, Chris. Miller. A. llerbison. Foal of 1893 draught, O. P. Arnold 6t 00., S. Haw- kins. Colt. 1x2,cnrriu_uo, H. R, Web- ster, Jail. Cughan. Colt 1x2, gen. purpose, Jns. (l. Moore. Jolt 1x2, draught, S. Hawkins. Colt 2x3, carriage, Wm. Davis, John F. Peru rival, John Collins. Colt 23x3, gen. purpose, Willoughhy Miller, John Stagg, E. Davis. Colt 2x8, draught, J. W. Wiltsc. Colt 3x4, carriage. A. Manhard, It. G: Lutimor, John Stugg. Chas. A- 37/ (fat-neil, ‘fv'ni min 1% stock’s), A. J. Waits. Carriage team, Bedlow, F L Moore, Chicks of (Fraser and Fulford's). lat. J- R | 1093,51} varieties. John Bedlow, H L Mchfih, 8rd, Levi Monroc licathen_ Turkeys, Bronze, 1 .nd 2, single turnout. (Rudd and Coolidge'l, John Forth & Sons. Goose, Talouac, Rufus Lanc,J. E. Davis. John Bedlow, W G Lee. Goose, AYRSHIRE CATTLE. Embdcn, John Bedlow. Wellington 3,111.3 ,5. ,md u wards. Henry Miller. Goose, any variety, John Robertson.yl.iull,2x3,pJas. Simpson. l‘k‘llowv Wm B 301mm. D‘wl‘sv nun, 1x2, rim], 0. r. Arnold c. (30.. llouen- U L Kerr. F 11 Moore- 3 1'} e“ t,‘ Cow .1,” milk. trucks, Aylcsbury H. L. Kerr. n2 inaoguvhimpfiimpmu' flak: 215% Ducks, Pekin, R: E Foster, Ezra G‘eorgc M’olt Jan. A. Neilson, Jim. hemml- Dl"Pl3Y 0f lfi'eomi (Dilcm' Simpson. H‘eiter, lid, 1 and ‘2, Joe ltlmlm'l'lv glam Bedow- _ Gum“ Simpson, Hean Robertson. {cifei ' fowl» (Dmcmlloual'xlv W'noughb “1,0,1893‘ “émy Roberison. B”, Miller. Rabbits, Discretionary, O herd of Ayrshire‘s, James Simpson. Arno“- (lAl.LOWA ‘18. Bull. 1x2. Jan. Ncilcon. Bull call of 1893, Joe. Neilson. Cow giving milk, 1 and 2, Jan. Noilson. Heifer, 2le, Jan. Neilson Ilcifcr, 1x2, Jas. Neilson. llciicr C'lll of 1898, Jas. Noilson. “Ont herd of Gallownys, Jae. Ncilcnii. HOLS'EHSS and inwards, Thom xii. .. H. Loucks, C. J. ('lilroy. .‘i, 13.2, C. J. Gilroy, Thos. llavisor. ilull calfol' ' 2. l, 2, and 3, J. H. Lunch. Cow giving milk. J. H. Loucks, Thos. Davison, J. H. Loucks. Heifer, 2x3, J. H. Loucks, Thou. Davison, J. H. Lcnoks. Hcii'cr, 1x2, J. H. Loucks, Thom. stison. Heifer calf oi '92. J. Il.' Loucks. Dust herd of Holsteins. J. H. Loucks. Holstein heifer calf, (Recordcr), J. H. Loucks. Herd Grade Holstein, (Shield's), C. J. Gilroy. GRAIN. \that, fall, 8 Y Brown, A Herbi- son, Abel Scott. Wheat, spring, Wm Pcnnock, Wm G Lee. S Y Brow'n. Barley, six rowed, Wm Pannock. S Y Brown. Barley, two rowed, Wm Pcnnock, SY Brown, S M Duclbn. Rye, Wm l’ennock, Jas W Wiltsc. Poss, large, Wm Pennock, Abel Scott, S Y Brown. Peas. small, Wm Pcnnock, A Manhard. 8 Y Browo. Oats, white. Wm Peacock. S Y Brown, Jae Rudd. Oats, black, Wm Pennock. Buckwheat, Wm, Hillis, Abel Scott, Geo. 1’. Mult. Timothy seed. Wm Pcnnock, Chas E Barber. ln.. n corn, while. 8 Y Brown. with corn, ellow, H L Kerr, S Y Brown. ndian corn, p0 ing,SYBrowu, Jss W Wiltso. J llme-d. Indian corn, sweet, Geo P Mott, Rich Arnold. Beans, large, 8 Y Brown. Abel Scott. Beans, small, Wm llillis,S Y Brown, Abel Scott. Jaassvs. W. 0 , Bull, 8 yrs. and upwards, J. 1'). PM“. 8",, 3,)“. B Y nm‘wn. R°lldi°khaem w' aniline" 90' John Bsppcll. Potatoss.Bsrly Ohio. giving milk, J. E. Ruddick. Heifer, 8 Y Bro'n’ J“ w Wm... John 2‘8.'1'2""d 3' G” w‘ “’6'?” Rsppcll. Potatoes, Beauty of Bob- Heifcr,lx2,1snd 2, J. E. Buddick. m B Y Rm". J“ w Wm”, Heifer call of 1893, J. E. Ruddiclt, 0m." 1"." Am Geo. W. Gardiner. . Bosihcrd of Jar- Man . pom”... m, H“. “or, says, Geo. W. Gardiner. Win...“ Y an" o n Bub". D""‘"'~ Carrots, 1 bush. white. J yrs. and upwards, John Msnwlds. rod. Joli!“ & Forth l. Sons. Bull calf M1890, Sons, W “swell, S Y Brown. John Forth & Sans. 00' lying Globc.Jsbs filth. Sons, milk, 1 1nd 2, Jobs Forth O . W Will, I Y Iowa. hmips, Heifer, 112, Jobs’ Perth O Bell. whiterlcfl .Wlltss, John Paul! & Mimamrmzmm I Sosa. Jcbii Bast: Bass. Hard at Grads Dubs-s. “mass «hunts». mitts), sham I loss. Dar. Mild-s. Bull, 8 yia Dnviscn. liui" Bull. 8 Inflows... Wm Billie. cam. aria". to. Buttes, crssmery msds. 26 lbs.. R Barlow. Butter. in firkins, 60 lbs, (arm dairy, John Forthb Sons. But- ter in crock. 20 lbs., Jss Budd, John Forth 0 Sons, G W Gardiner. Butter in rolls or prints, Wm Hillis, May Tsplia. Jan udd. FactOry cheese, white, 8 Y Brown. C J Gilmy. Mun- acll Brown. Factory cheese, colored, Jose Jones. Wm Henderson, Jas W iltse. Hone in comb, 10 lbs.. F L Moore. W D iiviugston. Honey, jar or can, W D Livmgston, l“ L Moors, Win C Lee. Honey, best display, (special), F L Moore. J B Checklc . Hivooi working bees, W. G Lee, L Moore. A iarisn appli- snccs, F L Moore. Br . two loaves. Abel Scott. Mort Wiltse, A Manhard. Butter. 50 lbs., (Gilmonr & Stuart's), J Forth iii Sans. Best 10 lbs. butter, Colbert's special, J H Baird. 5 lbs. butter. (R. Davis ll: Sons), R Barlow. 5 lbs butter, John A Barr's special, (retained by donor), Abel Scott. l0 lbs butter, (Dr. Horton's). Thus. Davison. Cheese, 3 white. (Wilkin- son's). C J Gilroy. Best home made buns, (O’Donohoc's), Cyrsnus Stowe". 2 loa7es bread, (Cummings), Abel Scott, M‘Wiltse, A Munhard. Best doz. doughnuts, (Athens Reporter), J HBaird. Best doc. buns, (Knowl- tou’s), Mort Wiltec. whlaple sugar, W. l Peunock, R Barlow, Benson Towriss. ' Maple molasses, R G Latimcr, S M Duclcn, Ezrn Earl. Vinegar, Mort. Wiltse, Willovighby Miller, May Topliu. Hard soap. R E Foster, Wm Hillic,J ll Baird. Soft soap, Cl E Barber, Jas. Rudd, J W Wiltse. , DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. 9 Cotton stockings, Rich Arnold,l Abel Scott, John Singleton. Wolilon stockings, Rich Arnold, S Y Brown, John Singleton. Woolen socks, O. l P. Arnold dz. 00., S Y Brown, Abel Scott. Cotton socks, John Mackic, John Singleton. Rich Arnold. Mit- tens, gents', SY Brown, Abel Soott, J W Wiltse. Mittens. ladiea’, S Y Brown, Wm IlllllS, Rich Arnold. Rag carpet, H B Brown, Wm Penâ€" nook, Abel Scott, Woolen carpet,. Wm Pennock. Union carpet. Win ‘ Pennock, it C Ltttimar, Jan W Wiltm‘. l l‘lanncl. Woolun, colurcd and prctl-Iml.l Wm l’i-iinock, Abel Scott, Jay W l Wiltsc. Flannel, woolen, not proceed, Jug W Wilt-so, Alicl Sciitt. Flannl‘l. , cotton und WOUl, Jus W Wiltse. S M I Duclon. limiting yurii, wliitc or| dycd, H Y Brown, Win Hillis, Jun W . Wiltse. Blankets, woolen, notinillcd, Win Pcnnock. Abel Scott, Jus Rudd. Blankets, cotton and wool, Wm Pen- nock, S Y Brown, Jas W Wiltse. llorsc blanking, R Barlow, Wm i Spence, Abel Scott. Union covcrlet, ‘ 2,F B Blanchcr, 3, Vincent Booth. Counterpimc fine quilted, Wm Pon- nock, John Singleton, Win llillis. I Counterpsne, knitted, Abel Scott, E J Sufi‘t-l, W A Edgcrs. Countcrpcnc, knotted. John Singleton, Phil Brown, Colc Bros. Quilt, patched or pieced, E Ireland, E J Sufl'ell, Wm l‘cnnnck. Quill, silk, Mrs M Spry, Phil Brown. Quilt, crocbctcil, (,‘olc Bros , U B BroWn, Abel Scott. Quilt, crazy, Mrs John Palmer, Mrs. M Spry, T G Stevens. Home madc flannel shirt. Jae W Wiltsc. S Y Brown, Abel Scott. {‘loor mat in yarn, Wm Pen- nock, B" if Brown, Abel Scott. Floor mat in rags, Mrs M Spry, Abel 3.3 ott. R E Foster. ' i..\nics‘ wonx. l, i l Pillow Bllfllnél. Mrs Omar ll 0 v... l~ B Blancher, Rich Arnold. l‘iiyl crocheted in cotton, Phil lit-own, Mrs ‘ M Spry. Abel Scott. Tilly on atair, linen, John Singleton, Ahcl Sciiti. Ezra Ireland. Sofa Pillow, Lottie Webster, Jim. 0. Brown, Mrs. Geo. Weatherhcad. Worked slippersp soled, A Manhard, John Singleton, Wm Hillis. Embroidery in silk, Mrs 0 Brown, E Ireland, Lottie Webster. Embroidery, cotton or linen. John Singleton, Mrs M Spry, E lreland. Embroidery, crcwcls, Mrs W Molt, Mrs C C Slack, Mrs M Spry. l‘lm- hroirlory JaVa canvas, John Singleton. E J Sutl'ell. Abel Scott. Berlin wool work, it Barlow. E Ireland, E J Sufi'ell. Bead work, R Barlow, Mrs C C Slack. Bend and Berlin work, Mrs D Brown, R Barlow. CollectiOn of CI'OClJt‘t work, Rich Arnold, Abel Scott. E Ireland. Braiding on linen or worsted. S Y Brown, Wm Hillis. Phil Brown. Toilet sci, Mrs. C C Slack. John Singleton, Rich Arnold. Suit of underclothiug all hand made, John Singli-ton, E J Sufl'cll, Abel Scott. Coll. of wax work, Phil Brown, R E Cornell, Mrs M Spry. Card Receiwr, Mrs Wm Mott, Wm Hillis, Mrs C C Black. Maurine or twine work, Mrs C 0 Black. Jss Rudd. Darnbd net, 000 Corncll, B Earl. Abel Scott. Lace Work. E J Suflell. John Singleton, Min. 0 C Black. Gents’ shirt unwashed. 8 Y Brown, Jss W Wiltss, Abel Scott. Lamp inst. displa , Mrs C 0 ack. John Singleton, ll. Ireland. per case. Mrs C (l Slack, Wm Hillimii’ohn Singleton. Knitted or cfoohot shawl, Hrs C C Black. Knitted or crochet jacket. Phil Brown. Knitted or crochet hood, Abel Scott. R Arnold, Mrs W Mott. Pincushion, B Inland, Mn 0 Brown, Miss A Bowsy. Arrsscns work. It Barlow... Abs! 300“. 3 Ireland. Coll. of drawn work. HrsOBrcwn,IJ Balsil, Mrs John Pallet. Coll. of fancy M. HrsO Brown. In V's uctt, Iliss Imilfl'glli bag. Imi- l Eicnpc Ladders, Wm Hickoy. luso of GNP lwm 31' bye 3 or 'at'ing, an In t. Barlow. Peg?“ drswi ’, lssdsfips. 1. Mrs 0 Brown, 8, E Foster. Pencil drawing, say subjsst.» '1‘ 0 Brown, Mrs C 0 Black. B B Poster. Photographs. collection. I. B Barlow. Coll. 0(1ch birds. 8 Y Brown, Jas W Wiltse. W G Olds. Boat singing birds in separate cage, S Y Brown, Jss W Wiltsc, W G Olds. Coll. of aiming by amateur, R Barlow, Geo gttatton, G Stevens. Chins paint- ing, Discretion-r , B Barlow. Hand aimed window a ades, Discretionary, H Arnold. Coll of trimmed and untrimmcd millincry, Miss Adds Hanna. CARRIAGE All) LEATHER. Pleasure sleigh two seats, Cole Bros. Covered carriage one seat, Henry Boyd. Oclc Bros. Open car- riage one scat. Cole Bros. Single cutter. Oole Bros. Phaeton. covered or open, Cole Bros. Bob sleigh, lumber, Cole Bros, Henry Boyd. market wagon, Colo Bros.. Henry Boyd. Road cart, Discretionary, Cole Bros. Road wagon,, discretiow ary, Cole Bros. TOOLS, IKPLIIINTI 6w. Plough, Bulk , J H Bail-J. Plough, iron beam w handles, H B Browu. John Loverin, H B Brown. Horse hoe, l and 2, Geo P McNish. Drag Cultivator, H B Brown. Corn sheller. J S Webster. Fanning mill, 0 J Gilrcy. Root cutter, J H Baird. Uorn planter, J S Webster, 0 P Arnold & C0,, H B Brown. DISCRETION A BY. Potato digger, Gcc P McNish. Wing plow, Henry B Brown. Castinrs for sugar arch, Geo P MoNisfi. Honey can“, H A Evertls. Milk Act-eater, H A Evsrtts. Mow- ing machine, [I B Brown. Fire Apple rec pruners, Wm Hickey. Butcher knives, Wm Hickey. .W Itch of every kind, on huiiiar of animals, cured in 80 minutes .iy W'oolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Warr- aiitcd by J P. Lamb. English sztvin liinimcnt removes all liui'tl, soil. or cztllousod Lumps and l’iloniishcs from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone. Sweeney, Stilloc, Spy-nine. S-irc and Swollen Throat, Coughs, ctc. Siivc $50 by iiotllo. \Vurruiited by J. P. Liinili. Rill-LUMA’K‘HV! (‘l'RED in A DAY.â€" South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgiu radically euros in 1 W3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkablc and myster- ious. It removes at noon the cause nudthc discuss immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bonvfits. 75 cunts. VVarrantcd by J. P. Lamb. Rebccca Wilkinson, of Brownsvnllcy, lnd., says: “1 had boon in a distressed condition for three yours from Nor vousncss, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsiaand Indigestion until. my health was gone. I bought one bottle of South Amcriim Norvine, which done me inoro good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy." A trial bottle will convince you. \Vnrrantcd by J. P. Lamb. 8m 1 Ive:- Get Well, I Wanda-1 Rather a plaintive. even sad, sort of , question to put, but one that is often spoken by one unfortunate one or ntllul‘ every minute of the day in this big, bustling world. The proprietors of Mombray'a Kidnsy and Liver (furo- can point yen to testimonials from happy and healthy people who felt as hopeless as yOu are. Keep, up your courage therefore, and tryl this simplc and safe cure. low to Get a "sultan" Imus. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrsp‘gers grappcrs bearing the words " by cos a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bram, Ltd.. 43 Scott SL, Toronto, and you will re- ceivc by pot a pretty victory, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrap- ors, if you lenvn the ends open rile your address carefully. E :L‘IV .vu .‘fi‘v v» AT 0 ’ D E L LS TELEPHONE iss WATCS The best makes at the lowest pricesâ€" Gold, Silver and Filled cases. JEWELRY Latest styles in Broaches, Bracelets. Fancy Cambs, &c. PLATED WARE A fine selection of the nicest and newest patterns, Extra value in Spoons, Forks and Knives. En- graved Free. , STATIONERY Note paper, Envelopes, Blank Books, School Books, Sunday School Library Books, kc. Discount to clergyman and Sunday Schools. All. auons mitt-iii“ a limit Our Specialty.â€"â€"~Correct fitting of Spectac es by graduate of Ophthal- mic'Schools. vm; cums arson JEWELERS d OPTICIHS 220 King Street, Brockville NOTICE All persons holding coupons or tickets of ours requested to bring them in and then] re- deemed before October tho lst, as it is my intention to discontinue the prize giving system and adopt a strictly cash system. Remember we give tickets from now till Oct. the 1st in order to give our customers a chance tosocure the article they want. I will expect to have all the tickets in early so as not to cause a rush on the last of the month. I have just passed into stock a choice lot of New Dress Pins, arc lli't'i'C: Goods, New Silks, New Velvots’ New Flannels and New Underwcar. which I will sell at very low prices from now till Oct. lst. Call and see my goods and prices. ing Emporium. King Street West, Brockville. W. J. BRADLEY, .105. LANE, Main St... opposite Malcy‘s Boot I 81100 Store. IBOCKVILLB Carriesthe Milli“ 8700! UP WITH“ of any house in town ms stock 0! Clocks. JGWOIH.M Spoc- mcs. Etc" is complain in evm document WILL BE SOLD RIGHT Inputs; by lulled Work-o. Our lpscialy. Gin us a call whcn wanting anything in our llno. We can suit you. ._ . -.._ -mw-” ..._ ..___... ‘ people, especially the ladies, go where tlioy got tho Golden Crown Dry Goods md Cloth. to know how the Cash system operates at our store, ‘3 3. low 3...... we have the coafideacc of the buying and are determined to maintain our reputation for ,. supplying the best goods at the lowest possible price. We respectfully solicit pa from thou who have ' > not heretofore done with us as 'wel as from old friends who have for years given us their trade and confidencc. We do not consider it any trouble to show you our Come in and look through, if only for comparison. e aim to make our Customers’ interests our own. Fall Stock now complete in every line. " E. E. ARNOLD, ch’l Merchant Sept. 13. 1893. Central Block, Athens, Ont. iiuiusctocm We Always Lead. We Never Follow And we have struck it hard this time. During August we will sell at following prices 2-â€" 4 lbs. best Valencia Raisins for 250. Stone, Butter and Fruit Jnrs, all 4 lbs. Currants for 250. sizes, at reduced prices. Soda Biscuits, 23¢ per box. ' Never were such bargains offered. to Muscavado Sugar. all grades, 20 lbs. the trade in Tin before. light for $1.00. Our space will not do to quote prices 4 lbs. Starch for 258. on other lines, such as Baking Powder, Mixed Candy, “100. per lb. Canned Goods, Extracts, Etc., but Boneless Fish, 60. per lb. call and inspect our hook and get Soaps, all kinds, at icduced prices. prices. “C”'Flour 81.95 per cwt. The Athens Grocery w When in Broekville It will Cpa%you to call and in- spect . . LeClair’s stock of Ready-made Clothing, Gents’ Fur- nishings and Hats and Caps. 0. W. LeGLAIB Directiy Opposite Buell Street. It Operalg' Since we'adoptcd the Cash System many have asked us how it warketl. Well, we are satisfied with it. On the start our refusal to give credit ofi’cnded a few long pay customers. We expected that. But they are all coming back and bringing their dollars with them. The reduction in price we made on first of July was genuine and cmbraccd every line of our great stock. The best valuc, and if you wish read the following :â€" Mott Robeson \. How :3 Go home Sit down Think it over Know town. 14 Best place Found yet Coma again You bet. 15 Pleased them ‘ Very true You buy _ Please you. 16 Good goods Stock largo All calli No charge. l 9 Big bunn- Cash 59.16; Our prices Never fail 10 Bill ready Man takes Figures up Great snakes l 11 33 left Buy more Great placc This store. 12 Both pleased Very nice Fine Goods Low price. J. H. McLAUGHLIN The Great Bargain House Athens, Ontario m--.“__ M 5 Comes here Sees clothes Ovcrjoycd Home goes 6 Bring Pa He too Sees now What to do 7 Doubts vanish Var clear 8S ew Buy hers ‘ 8 We supply 1 Man Wife Contab Strife. 2 She vexed He mad Hard words Too bad. Clothes old Big row What to do 4 Boy reads Our ad Tells Ma She’s glad. r “4" the-sum is Atlas-s. They cm W O. .0 II mm... .m“. .nnfi milnwnsunltthshuiM-m. . 'W‘. l‘. loll". M '2 ‘0 . A ‘ . ‘. , .r . u . . , . Buy the favorite brand [of Machine Oil, via: s v , 1 . i "y " ill"- inv i’ I', .i ,i

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