Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 12 Sep 1893, p. 1

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QP‘Wood, Webster, & Stewart $ W ' mm" a...~ ...«.......r m........... VOL. 1x. N0. 36. , H E0. We ore still to the fore with our Summer Bargains. 14) white and colored Blouse and Shirt Wnicts left out of our large stock oi: culls, but patterns, which we have repeated, and are of our best selling lines. The reduction: are as follows :â€"â€"Nice quality \Vuistl 500 for 400. 76 for 60c, 95c. for 75c, 81.20 for 900., 81.60101“ $1.15. 81.75 for $1.25, $1.90 for $1.40, 82.25 for $1.65, «to. These are from the best makers, nnd well worth buying for future use. ‘ HUToSON " C. NEW STORE IN DURHAM BLOCK OPPOSITE COURT HQUSE AVENUE. SEERSUCKER be ynrd I . A for the bargain hunters. GINGHAMS from 50 yard up PRINTS from 60. yard DRESS GOODS away down. PARASOLS at cost. Come in and see what we are offering. Telephone 149. BED. ii. HUTCHESON & 00. NEW GOODS. . J not in the nick of time for fnll re- ; . .4? ‘ ‘ w» 77:73:??- quiremeuts. Lyn Ag'l Works I have, ready for delivery, a large stock of CULTIVATO us ,; IIURSlC-IIUICS AND ‘ \VINGIHl SIIUVEL-I‘LUWS 1’ 0 FESSIONA L CARDS. Dr. 0.1K. B. CORNELL, BUELL STREET. nilUCKVlLLE uuvsumm. uUnoEuh’ or Acooucnnon. binders and Promoters of Low Prices. Dr- Stanley 8. Cornell MAIN STREET. ATHENS. ril'ltomixi'x' DISEASES or Womm. Otlioc Doyurlno afternoons of ’l‘uosdnys. ’l'hurnilnys und Sniurdug‘c. School Boys' Suits. If you Want the be“ and selling out all our boysZnnd 3 piece J. r. Harte, M.D., C.M., l’linilt‘'iuHfiuN x .‘gt‘i‘llL‘It'lIQC‘lI _ % (il‘lIlllt’llu ltoyul l'l)llt';.(\' (Quin-Mini Inn orally“ i .J anbt-r of l'olll-gu ul I'll)hll'litll’v tutti hur- gt-otm. Hut. Ulllt‘t‘fi .Vitiln :ll..uleUHli|' humble liousc Athena. '.'.lr.'r.'. W“ Dr. F. H. Koyle [licenses of the lips, lfiur. Nont- null ’l‘hmut. At the olllot: of Ur. i‘uI‘m-ll. .iJ Muell Direct. lilitli,‘ K VILIIH. i) n. III to l‘.‘ In. 4 p. In to 139.1“. ‘22-'93 Improved lIili'ful' IIUL‘b and :t of m... busing... "hovell’imv, two distinct tools, always ready to hitch to. I sell them for $12 the pair. l o Lndies' German Tailor-Finished . MANTLES. For 1'.»artiutl:tt‘s, cuts, etc, udtlrees t G. P. McNISH 'I‘ciophonolll. l M. A. Evertts, I 7'“ AllllIS'l‘ldli, monorron, hil'i‘AllY l’L‘liiJ", o'er. Money In loan on ouey Uiiiccin l‘urish Block. Athens. Imported direct. Nothing like our assortment for err, 1 terms. FINISH AND VALUE. Fraser. Reynolds 8r. Fraser. ' Altitlfii‘ifilts. Stillit‘l'i‘tllli. ltl'I'c. (Mitre 35 t‘oiustm-k liiu-‘k, l‘onrt lion-m .\\'clluc. liroekvmts Uliitzt~ hunk-I l} .mu. lo a [MIL Home! LOAN ox NAVY ‘i‘muts. Hm. I”. r‘. lr'nismc. (LC. 15. .l. lil‘.\.\l)|.iis. U. l\. l’It innit. .Z,i_l Iiuy tho (:elvlirnix-(l, fitting #w.w.â€".._ ._.__.. N...‘ -- _.-w,..._‘ F... li.\l:l&l5’l‘l;l{$. ctr. lilii)i’i{\’ Ab“ ATHENS One member of tha- llrIn in Allu-tm ’I‘uostln)‘ ‘th-dnrmin) llil‘l 'l'hIIr-um) of oi or) \\ uck. Money ll) loam Hit may list IIIri. som- i". Worm. 4.2.“ HM). it. Wiensruit, ILA. * ii. A. Simsntr. D & A Corsets. l ‘ROBERT WRIGHT to co. Piano Tuning WILLIAM A. “WILLS is prepared I0,Ii\l‘\0 orders for l'uuurfm‘le Tuning and lit‘lllill‘llig. ‘L'rtlerrt may he loll rll ihi-t oliivv m" |:l,lll|!lllilllCli~ ‘ we .ulill'emt-tl to lli)\ 007 lirm-iti llIU. Jill- Is on his way to DENTIST. After mort- than fllyt‘ul‘s oxporl- elit'u Mr. lutlnh in pvt-porno to rennin-r ~Ilto best 1T0 get till-x» liltcst lll I’Iillr CUI, ets‘rvlcos in both incclmuicul l\|lll etit'git'ttl dt-nl- and u good Clean Shave, "A‘nn_ as ry. mzwmâ€"w etrong lltiuse. next door to r Todd Reading Room, Athens. VETERINARY Hl'ltlll'ZUN illlll Equine iitantial. Ui‘tulonlt- oi' Unturin "ploriuury college. Honoring tut-Inlui' _ol‘ Unit-m0 \ cler- lnttry Medical T‘ilt'ii‘l), Regina-rm! nit-Inherof \‘4-uu‘mnr)‘ .‘.:=.~mci:v' Inn of i‘;~...= ‘ l I'm-.lp nil dimnwosof llUlIlI.‘:-lii‘tllilli iiiliilH=.l by :no' noel ll‘jlllL‘il) known. All culls ,m, titlt'ilillltl to. lflurgmmoth-ruin ‘ _ ()Fv‘n‘x: King in. EustJlmL'p coin: opposite iho Albion llmt-l. J. 1’. Lamb. L.D.S., from every source. to have SLOLl-Lt: just right. The Gamble House, A'I‘il Eli's. ’l‘lllrl i-‘INE NEW Iliiit'K boon t-lvguully llll'lllwlll'll throng-hunt in ilu‘. luu~st all 'li‘ii. [ivory lllll'illiflll gin-n to this wants () gin-sits. (iooals yur-lu and sl‘nblou. , 22. ly Fulfil) l‘liiiil‘lm l’rop r SOC l E'I‘l E6 courtesy make friends. Iiu'l‘l-Zi. li.-\.~l ---~205 King Mantle Cloths. Tel. 161 -Ii‘ul'morsvillo Lodge No. 177 A. O. W. Moots Isl unal flvd Tucsdnyu of much month. in Lomb's linll. (.‘mtrul lllm'k, Mnln Mu Athens. m a .1. cf“ nwmrs a. no. I \ihona brunch at the W. i'.'l‘. l'. nun-ts on llfu'lndund llli Fridtly of each month in tho 9.. T of T. hall, m 3 pun. Mill-l. ELLIOTTY Pros. M [H5 ri'l‘UN E. Sec y. . .-__â€"-â€"â€"- Merchant Tailors. Am hotter than m t: prepared to turn out fit-oi.- cloos work. They are going out of flood Mylo Nothing. llrttzt. 't‘upn and Fun and wlfl devote their Wlluli‘ time and attention to the Ordered W ork ln‘pnrtmont, which lc now un‘ dot the nu rvisitm of Mn. iixttliNOIB. form- oriy with l r. U. H. .\v4lilry.of (bin town. which in a sufficient gurrnntcc of the quality of work We will turn out. VV III'FIC 31; CO Opposite the Market BilOCKVlLL ONTARIO aw G. 0. G. I". Addison Council No. no (.‘Mindlun Order of (‘houon Friends lIH'i'll-I the 2nd mud lih Mondays of each month in the Tom do “all, Addison. . tto: f‘r‘vndahi . A d and 'rotcction. 0“ M0 LEVI MI‘NRO (thief Councillor DI. n. HERBERT l-‘Irznn. Recorder I. Court Glen lIucli, No. 378. Ind mics! Order of Forult-rc, moot in Bingo No l. Glen Buoll. on 2nd and 0th Friday in ouch month. nt 7.”. ‘lfilltors Ilwwfl welcome. . J. A B. NDIRSON F. J. GILROY. ll. WANTED ‘ reserve. to. spectal prices made. 9A. 0. U. W. 353 cod Keep in mind that we are now cheapest outht, get one of my sum. Going out of this depumnem ~ we we tom-3 ROBERT WRIGHT & cos R. W;& CO New Dress Goods. Tweed Snitingl. Shot Whip Cords. Plain Whip Cords. Bl col: and Navy Serges v urious makes. i New M i l i fury Druids All widths. Black, Navy and 3 Grey i Flannel Cloth ‘ Dress Goods 1 100 and 12g: ‘ yd. i All shades i Cambridge A; Suitingn 42 inches wide 3 20c yd. l gBI W. i l l l l l l 1 piece ofgoods thit we offer thepublic extra good value. outsiders realize how much brain effort is put forth every season MISS VANCE is again in charge of this your order will have her careful attention. Street is: the place to buy your Ma LEWIS 8: PATTERSON P. S.~»All Mantle Cloths bought from us cut and fitted . R. W.& CO. Lndies’ Kid Gloves Immense clsortmout ncw full shades nnd Block, 4 qualities. Block Cashmere Hosiery :11 our popular makes for Ladies. Girls, Millinery novelties in Lodies’ Felt Huts Selling out Men's Suits. Going out of this department of our buriness. LEWIS & ‘PM‘TEilSON Merchandise for the fall season is commencing to pour in \Ve have taken extra care to have every Few To-day it is Mantles and Mantle Cloths. We have re- ceivcd most of our fall importation of cloths and we are now prepared to execute all orders promptly. l’romptncss and department and Make no mistake mics and WING to the severe accident which happened to C. M. Babcock. he has decided to sell his stock of Dry Goods, Mantles and Millinery rices fora short time and reduce stock. It is asserted in every department with the finestgoods brought to the country. No Bargain Day every Tuesday and at wholesale 0. fl. BADGOGK, BROCKYILLE nclméfurtlc'l‘krowloutkc Moulcunrc. SALISBURY ENDS THE DEBATE. A Ion-cubic “on. In the Upper Ion. won-mo Ipoohco by III-dot- h it won gon- ouce of lords night :uutil oft-r tho pulcr interest confining in tho lorqulczof Sfillbbfl occtcd to rlcc until tow the House dinner hour. tho cpccch who was not ox mlan ht. In t c mcnntlmc Boron Robbin-y. Boron Herschel, Boron Monk-well And the Mop f Ripon had spoken to hnlf cmpty I nchcc, Aftch o'clock the cccoc out- side the House bod livcncd up no mcmbcrc cud visitors begun stunning in. The poet-emu, strangers nod diplomntio gnllorloc cbowcd fcw vcccnt coats. Con- cpiououcly occupying n portion of the cm of the House won 32 bishops nttircd in their ccpnoiouc robes with lown alcoves. The debate in the House ruched the some of dullness in the Earl of Katie ’c meandering cgnlnct the bill. A num r of other peers were on the roll to speck, but a sense of wenrinocc cflcctcd them a well u the House generally, no Lord Snlic. bury, seizing c chcncc during at momen- tary pause, roan ct 10.30 o’clock nmid rapturous cheers and began his speech. lie said he felt that there was some not- isfnction in occupying the Intuition he occupieduâ€"tlint of the lust person to speak against Home Rule in the course of the present session. But although it I” A position of much distinction it had many inconveniences. In particular, the ground of debate had been so fully occupied that there was little new left for him to soy. T hroughont the debate one question con~ ctnntly present in his mind was, why bod the Government introduced cuoh n bill? 011 this point the Home hnd received no sufficient enlightenment. Some peers who had defended the bill bod nmvlo nblc speeches without much reference to the real nnturn of the bill. The Lord Chancellor, Lori liwreobel, had virtnnlly told them that hr \‘III not quite believe With the (loveruxnent on one subject. In dealing with the retention of Irish mem- beru n‘t "is'eatntieler, which was an outrage on England so ennnuouu und grotesan that it was n surprise that it ever found a plum-in u proposal emanating frnnnaraâ€" eponeibloGovernment. Tho Lord Chan- cellor had declared that he was not in- oliuetl to mociute himself with w deeper at» a clsune, but would prefer n zine other arrangement. Then in deahng with the nlmndonmentn of the landlords, the Lord Chancellor had admitted thnt their fate would be terrible, but said they hnd hi it on themselves, Finally the nd flniuhed his own not Intellectual poeition ly sincere, ing to know opinion of any Cabinet member upon a Cabinet bill. The ' Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Lord Rancher-y) nlno had avoided the burn- ing subjects underlying the Government s licy. The problem which the Foreign gzcretory seemed to have set himself to solve was how in an hour's speech to avoid giving pledges that might be inconvenient in the future, and he had solved the prob. lem with absolute success. The Foreign Secretary ‘ ' dawn of the hiutory of (ilndsmuc 0 Home Rule bill in 1885 with a brilliant atmo- sphere of legend that would doubtlm do. light poetic critics in the future. He had implied that in 188-5 the Connervnli‘vec had suddenly intrrrnptml the current of coer- cive legislation and bed You; the ground from under the feet of the Liberals. rench- ing it ii‘nfmon‘lble for them 40 memo that policy in future. But in June 1885, when tho division was token tbct termluetcd th. existence of the then Lib-arm Gov- ernment, they bod not produced . single clnueo reviving or perpetuating coercion. During the short cubccqucnt Conunstivco their intentionh w: {uni hood to strengthen the Iris 0 m n. If: These, therefore, who bod pme o chungc of opinion become the Conun- otivcc bod not been mfiiolcutly prompt in enforcing the criminal law, hnd M. most mimnblc oxcuccc Inch bod bun said of the benefits of autonomous govern. ment, but bod there been for a century a outcsmnn bold enough to propose um m autonomous colony nhoul ccnd eighty members to the Zmpcrinl Pnrlinmcnt rcp- rcscuting no interact in England, .nd bound bv no responsibility with respect :0 the possible application of laws that For. llnmont bod (H The nbcurdity of such 3 position was enough to and c man to Bedlam. How could they t rid of Irish questions in prcccucc of mambo” cooking to make them-ivo- msrkctabi. egotistionl with tho ministers? cont by Archbishop ' of religion 1 tht cppccrcd to shine viciny through All moments wu um. Home Rule Vol I pone, of dflpur. Th9 LIWI You bovc foiled, we do not know how, to “a. but will i something MM. MI we M30." What motel or flourished on c This policy wool with ordluory men and no" ndnclc in dnlinrwilh o no. n,» for centurion bod holed Englnnd. um) Salisbury reminded tin lion-c of tho 091“. ion the country hold bolero thic my» change occu when the [AW rty was solely in the bonds of (locum on he cut with the “buck. """fl MM'IIlthoOon- .4; 4 RIOlU ON [WWII mum-Wham“, Whom ' h" Bottle magic At y n bully bruised while reading wcu ccllcrl for not-why by on oath the u rioterc hcd 3M non tho townmd thewllccwccctoo weak to dogma thcm. ortly cflcr noon c mob of strike!- nntoplllcgcchopc cud tcvcrnc Inthc cu urbo. Tho troop- hnd not arrived. out! the ilcc wcro scattered by tho riotcrl. The whole dictrict cround the town is low in the bonds of the minors. Anolhol‘ Dead. ‘ Mme, Sept 9.-â€"â€"Lntcr.--Alothct of the strikers has died of wounds received in the fight st Poutclrwt loot night. Tho ctrikcrc throughput. Poole-from. no in c sullen sud d-ngmun mood. Ugly mobs hcvc been gathering st more! points do- cpitc tho cflortc of polio. cud troopIio disperse them. Ava Imperial Fedcrntlonllt. Manon, Sept. 9.â€"--Col Howard Vincent, ALP. for Shofliald, ohicf promoter of tho United Empire Trude League. who intend ed to pay Canada a Vii". lhln autumn and who bod nctunlly planned to soil by the Locnnin lost Sntnrdny. hu changed hic programme. Col. and Mrs. How-rd Vin. cont will leave on the 213?. imsinnt for Brull Illtl the Argentine. If circumstances prr- mil they hill cross the Andes, and, not-inni- ing the l‘ncnlo mum of .‘Jorth America, re- turn to Pnnann and the West Indies. The ltcword of Loyalty. Min-x, Sept. llnâ€"Elnpflrot Willium hnc onion-d that in View of the loyalty moni’ fouled by the people of Alsace nnd Lor- raine during hit. visit all the exceptional lnwc enforced in the two provincoc since the war uhnll be abolished. After the on- nouncelneut of the order Chancellor Von Cnprivi and Pl‘lllt‘e Von liohcnloho, Gov- armor of Alsace and Lon-nine, held I. Ion conference, pneumony no to the details 0 it! execution. The Panha‘u Booth Curtain. Innoon, Sept. ll.-â€"-I.cttern just received In England from an officer of Bruin Pnehn’l expedition continue the report of the mnr~ tier 01' Rollo, end. announce the finding of abort of Emin'» tlmpntchea written just before be With It‘llirtlo‘ri'tl. Tbic box is now on the way is England. The letters de- scribed the capture of Nyunque, which i was stormed on March 4. The Amhs lont Mill men, while onlyy two Europeans were killed. .__... q...»- . now: Not a Partisan. LONDON, Sept. il.â€"~Al the rece lion ten- dered Lord Aberdeen by the layer of Liverpool, the new Governor‘Genernl of Ccucda cold his oflice was one that im- plied, as rcpreeentlng the Queen, recogni- tion of the divergence of common feelin , and whatever might be his .iliticnl foo - lugs he was for the time roe from all wartimnship and was actuator! by the solo hceirc to serve Queen and country. ' Nnvnhoe Give: Up. R791, Isle of Wight. Sept. 9.â€"-Thc third tncc between the Britcnuin and the Nova- hoe, for the international gold on was to be called eclerdny over a fifty ml 0 course out from ydc. The weather was equally from early morning. The Nnvnboc got into difficulty while roofing hcr mnlnncil. and gave up the race, nod eventually the contest was abandoned. 7 .mmâ€" “A... More Trouble in Boone: Ayroc, 81":an Avnns, Sept. 9.â€"â€"Newc has been received here thus a revolnlinn has broken out in the Province of ’l‘ucumnn in conse- quence of alleged f nude in connection with on election recently held there for governor. The insurgents attacked the barracks in the Capital and seized n quan- tity of munitions of war. (inning Down “in Time. QUllflm‘fiI’N, Sept. 9.-â€"â€"‘i‘he Unnnrd llnc steamer Cnmpnnin arrived here from New York at 8.06 013le yesterday morning. Her limo woo 0 days, 14 hours. 55 minutes. The boot provionc record on an Mttwnrd voy mode by tho Compnnln Incl. Key was dnys, i7 lmnn, 42 Ininutcc. Wynnâ€"n...“ _ .- .. . â€"~._.r mm... -rrv _. To Prov-rut an Aline-It. PARAb. Sept. 0.-â€".". diszatrh from Rio Junie-re onyn tint iii; the inclon of the French cmnmnmlw. the fircign Admirals In Brazilian watt-m have decided to pre- vent the bivmhnrdoiz‘hl of the city by the revolutionary squrtti mm. mm “minialuc m MOM, LONDON. Sept. ‘D.--Thn Into-It advice. rc- ocived here show that the cvcrngc of the number of new cones of cholcrn and deaths from tho disuse in ltnly nnd Holland is mointsincd. Tologmphio 'l'iolc- Ex-Klng Milan of Servin has been otrickon with upopioxy. Belle Potts. daughter of A former ct Wuhiugtou, Ind., committed suicide with c rnmr. kilos omwn, of wmmuu. Pl. wnc struck and killcd by c Cumberland Volley train. William McNaill, c jealous orcolc.brniucd his wife with on no while she who asleep bl. Mobile, Ala Thoma Clerc}: an elderly former of Du- huquc, lawn. Accidentally discharged bio rifle end was killed. Bcnjcmiu Gnmbrill, A Now Yolk cotton broker committed suicide by shooting him-elf in the hood. lire. Jennie leCcckc (lo-lull st Buflnlo. “or from on nlcohol lamp. Edvard Fox. n former of Eillnghcm,ln.. whilc ridin in n out, who killcd by occidental incl-urge at In shotgun. In n fight nmong tho-Minna holld moonshine" won seriously but not wounded ct Choctaw. Go. Infill.“ Booworth. a format of Smithâ€" cil his wife. chm child- wcc burncd to all-cc conght arc Y damn-unmoun- 3......» 'mvoimu - â€"'-â€"-- IGNORANQi l8 AGAIN FATAL. Aflth to the Industrial Inhibiti- Whomcolm I.”â€" laid my not. at AMONG...” my Doc-'0. I! “lend the hhlb tlou. About nlno o’clock they m the Poo- cock Houcc cud cu mum Tho anrlotor showed than how tho gel was motion-ml off. They me that they hpwdlcboulhik “I m mud-{w on c not cppccrfor brookch ho proprietory surmised that something wu , nocomponicd by Joesph wrong cud wont to inn-ti- Smlth. At they knocked ot the bcdroomdocr. cud rccciving no cucwcr they forccd it 0pcu cal to and William Outhwoltc, who is cboul rode, Corr. in Xcdlccl old wu immediately your: old. dccd. cud his com- cn unconscious condition cummoncd, but only succeeded In bflnglng Cm mound. Their efforts to rccuclhtc Outh- wniic being on U mulling. n investigation it woo found thnf the mm" was open and had it not boon thnt the window was 0 pcu n couple of Inchcc both undoubtedly would have been cuflocntod. It In thought that the men blow out the go: upon retiring. News of the Capitol, O'rrnvA, Sept. 8,â€"Il is thought rob: able that the bank: of the Ridenu through the city cribwork this winter. nve Accelerated land slips, which oiled I) rains lnnnl will have to be strength- The heavy have been rather frequent lately. .Thc work will cost A rchlhnld Immpmnn, the $20,000. poet, hitherto third class clerk in the Poctoffios Donut ment, has been promoted to the second class with the minimum cutlery, Farmers are iinuul rains and (o‘tl wenther. jum'. ore lwlly in cmntnenclng lo Encoded. 1,100. much ulnrmcd or the con- All groin: and root crops are rot. Dry wmtber is badly An interview is published by the Journ- al with Louie Joseph Pnplnenn at Monteâ€" hcllo, in which that con of the great lr‘rcnt-lrtfnnntlian Liberal, while refusing togivc the details of the causes which have led him tojoin the testnnt Church. says that they are not of ecent origin, and that it was not merely on account of n henv y " I bovc my church, and in public. c assessment for the Cothollo church at Montebello. proponed now lie “id : reasons for luving the due time I will rank. them 7 Al for no the qucctiou of money concerned I do not consider myself in yo dcblor of the church, tether hove given our family built the church moncy frccly But the church question bod no do with my obnn my min to 9 ch mode u of religion as 1 before the rebuild ng of the church was cpokcu of. I will publish n sous. Mr. Pcpinccn, who is over 70 ycnrl of ' ago u been under the hon of the . o urch for your: in concoqucucc of min- - bio connection with tho excom- 110' Mining letter coon giving my new , mumioctcd Institute Ccmdicn of “antral. M A Trying Adventure» HALIFAX. Sept. Joseph Mouse, 8.â€"B. Jacques and natives of Yul-mouth, but ceiling out of Gloucester. crrivcd from St Pierre Miq, yesterday. They got coir-y on Auguct 6th from the schooner Ettic L. Ncwmnn, of Gloucester, on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, It 8 o'clock in the morning. Tint dny J went a distance of two mi. ucc cud Home on from their vocal in c dory to collect fish from lrcwlc. Af shut down cud rcndcrcd their sur- roun logs totally obcourc. They rowed for thc remainder of the tiny night end the chonl wnlcr. Next day day, without food free-l: winter, they until mid- n nnchorcd, being still in and tho foilowi and only hslf cnoug chm“ o'clock on the nftcmoon of August 8th, when they boiled the French schooner Goldwntl cud wore taken on bond in nu exhausted condition. Words trnucfcrrsd to They were After. cnothor French schooner and subsequently londcd ct St. Pierre, from whence they ccmc hero by steamer. Leonard Robotic is on thin of the Rule L. Newman. which had coon five months (but from (Hourth when those two men got "tray. and lml then l00,000 pounds of oodfich. consul is sending The United Stolen them to Yormonlh. He will Also get thorn o full chore of tho pro- cccdc of the trip. Elmo-h Thief not" n Haul. Momnsn Sc t. 8.~â€"-Johl Shinnick. n cloth 1;. the cm p oy of Chcrln Meredith & Co. owmincut broken hero, woo robbed of $5,000 in I peculiar manner. lie was interviewing the tailor of the liochelngc Bonk in reg-rd to American parcel containing laid o exchangocnd that amount in bills beside him. When he turned in rc- lckc the pnrccl he found it gone. cud no trace of it has cicce been found. .â€" ._._‘__...~._ .-...._ HM“-.- Illa Roms Wore Fatal. “Amml. 8o . film-Arthur Nie. tho 8‘ year-old con of ovcuuc. who Saturday cv with m. r. A. J. Nlc, 328 Victoria WM co badly burned loot no A recoil of phylng of his injuries yo“ More Probabilities. Olen-um“. Totem Sept. e.-â€"A m otcdin 33:3" thunderstorms at?” r in In situ- ch ad mother (Incubus ccvcn tho Show-I cud occurred iccnllv m rowed lnccccnntly until . mmumm_ MANY REFORMS ASKED FOR' 0.0-! “trim Youâ€"m “command-hm ~Mm comm finl “mound II Wm 'I o Ion-nun. 80]». 9. -- The Dominion chcmmcuc will be naked by the 'l'rcdcs cud 14h»: Oougrccc to op t c “cpl mechanic cs cup-flown Dominion printing bureau cl 0th“; tho. wcmcobcgivcnthcnmcrlghttoc: ' the lnnchicc on the some quolilc II that under which on vote. " A committee who nppolntcd. to at with the Pntrouc of Industry for tho purpoll of devising n scheme to form 3 union ‘0 ulvoooc tho laterals of both bodice; Mr tho chml nod vaiucinl Governmch cud mnulcl ukcd to give the pruning to firm: where tho ctoudntd rote of wcgco is .pcid; to mom! the Municpcl Act: giving the right to tho cntlro elector-etc d munloi to vote on All money - lswc; t the Dominion Gonrnmcut rcqncctcd to reduce the rctc of to two cents Ind to one cent in all cities in the Dominion. A resolution was moved coking the Do- minion Government to submit to popuch vote the qucctiouo of Imperinl Fodcrction, Ccncdinu iudc endcnoc, political union with the Unit States. ~ A resolution for Conndinn independence was defeated by n lnrge majority. Al. the afternoon session the secretory was instructed in have printed the result? lions givng 'Lfie Patrons of industry, Granger: and Single Tex Association three ropresontntlvou to the Congress. and for- ward the some to the loonl bodice cud re- port at the next Congress. The election of oniocrs tool: place at two o'clock and resulted as follows :â€" l’rooidentâ€"Gcorge T. Boolecfiof Toronto, by ccclnmation. Vice'Prelldentâ€"P. S. Joblm, of Quebec, by neclnmction. Secretary and Wurorâ€"»Goorgo W. Dower, of Toronto, by coolemntlon. Executive for Guthrieâ€"~13. A. Carey, To- route; R. Giuckling. Toronto; Alex. lino donnld, Ottawa. Mr. Lnurlcr Sea the rolls. NIAGARA FALLS, Ooh. Sept. 0â€"303. VVilIrcd Laurier arrived here on the re- turn specicl train from Welland. end drove in company with Mr. Jnmec Lowell, M. P., whore gusset he wno while here, to Mr. Lowell's reoialence nestled in n clump of mnple trace in the beautiful little village .;.f Drummcndville. After his arrival there he retired and was 11 early yester~ day morning and drove wit Mr. and hire. Lowoll to all the points of interest on both side: of the river, spending a good deal of the time in Queen Victories. Mk. After luncheon he took the 8 pm.‘ inhiâ€" gcn Central train for St. 'K‘homce, where he spoke last evening. Several prominent Roformcrc culled on Mr. Lourlcr to y their respccte to their great leader. is coming not being known very few people were ct the lotion when the trnln arrived. outside of the 100 thnt arrived with him. When he stepped off the cur those present gcve him a heuty cheer. ..__..._.- ____. amuhup Nonr Button. inn-run, Out, Sept. 9.-â€"â€"Yeeterdny mnm~ lug two MGR. trains were badly wrecked. A freight train consisting mostly of heavy beef can, on route to Detroit was bully demolished by r. first express train on route to Chicago, which nu into the root- end of the freight train. The engine of the express was badly wrecked also the baggage cu. Both engineers EMIpod by jumping but the fireman on the expres- woo slightly hurt. Four large cars were Inndoinlo kindling wood. Soon After the accident Rnodmnsier Hickey and Acct. Supt. McDoncld arrived on the scene cnd ct once, with A large gun of section men, alerted to elect the true . In four hours they haul the trains moviu again. All the psmngem were badly clan on up, but hn ~ plly no one woo seriously hurt, whichiin marvellous. All trains on the division on For n United Ohm-ch. Ufi'AWA, Sept. 9‘-â€"Aroh deacon Lender and Rev. J. J. Bogart go to Toronto on Monday to take art in a big meeting coll- cd for chn cy for the purpose of taking step. to consolidate the Church of England in Canada. Bishops. represente- tlvc clergy and lolly from the Atlcnlio to the Pacific will be preocnl. This move- . moot has been before the Church for tho . last six your: end has ct loot culminated in the calling ' Synod. together of the first Gcnernl it is sold that it will be the most im mm meetln that ha ever been held in .cncdc in the Interest of the Church of Englcnd, nnd must cvcutnnlly ctrcngthcn her by the unity which it will crook in hot gcucnl working in this country. Didn't Got Knoll Booty. C‘nmmmmt. ,Scpi. 9. -Bnrglcrc color cd this piece early this morning and Mentor! an entrance into the drug store of A. Dowstry 4k 00.. when they occur-d o In! wntoh, novel-cl other nrtlolcl cod 0 three dollnrc in cilvcr. Tiny thou broke into Ifincy's hordwnm store and made away with cover-l bones of rumors. knivcu, etc. Other slam wcrc tried. but it is believed the burglars become fright-mod cud made their coon . The police on- thoriticc in tho ucig boring towns hove been instructed to kocp c lodoct for the guilty parties. A cum acorn-tho. so“; D.-â€"Thc l of wi coforoc tho ninety doyc' Ontario cudflucbcc can. will be qumtincd cl Sonic or Window, while would» cud North-Wont cul- mmclcwlll be looked cftct ct hollo- co OHAVA, Agricultofl detention. no Wooster. 0mm", Tocom Gm 0.â€"-‘l‘hc Gulf of Notice coor- is m but tho Noribwccldicturbcncc lo cull input. 6 mike- % pclltlcc And School Boards be ,‘ _ cndblnding only ~ t W

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