Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 8 Aug 1893, p. 1

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Out w ll receive 3 a" “tuition. ’ .4 a.--" f VOL. 1X. N0. 31. vacuum~ l “GEO. G. HU M. /. KEHOE. TC ' ’ ' BLO‘USI: WAISTS. We no showi As to see them. remarkably little money. a. very nos-t stock of IAdles’ Waist: in loco and embroidery rimmodkplentsd. lonthe best fitting goods on the market. white snd colored. lsiu. or Ibud for PARASOLS. Full assortment of Parnell laid out on our trout. tubles for oceanswctiou. plsln. or with ono. two. or three frillsubluck. colored. or shot silkâ€" All kinds. m 25cts to .0 such. CHEAP DRESS GOODS. 0.,”- Chnap llmss floods am meeting with chopwom or half cotton goods. but are some of t ulte udemnnd. Remember. these are not 0 nicest summer dress a in the store. which we nro oti'oring for less than oust to clout. A SNAP. " On our bargain counter we have ' use. size ixb lncborl, contamin and itionsnros one for your child or your own writing desk. SSIUNA l. CARDS. .M .,._.._._.n. PRUFE Dr. 0. M. siliconNnLL, BUELL STREET. BitOCKVliJJE .zz'ncizot: 5; acccccxmt‘m l'H \':,'ll‘.l.‘..‘: . W- . r . . . .. Dr- Stanley S. Cornell MAIN STREET. ATHENS SPECIALTY lllHl-ZAHEB or \VoMicN. Utlice 1min: inc afternoons or 'i‘ursdoys, ’i'hurstinys nnd Sitturtlnys. J. F. Harte, M.D., C.M., l‘ll‘u'?§li‘l.\.‘.'.ril'lltl l‘21).\' 3;. .\t,".‘_()‘!li€li. Urminntu ltoutl‘fullt-gv {uncut-i l illll‘l‘sll) y Molnln'r of (Huh-gt- n-I‘ l'l:}-ilt‘‘i and goons. Uni. Ultlcc; Mnin 31., opposin- Umuhio Money Athens. :3 .32 ”Dr. F. H. Koyle llismsitw of tin: Eyv. Mir. Noni: nml 'l‘l‘iront. At the ulllct- ol' llr. i'otnt:ll, LCS Bucllb'lruci. llltlJUl‘L‘v'iLLE. From 9 it. in to it: ill. “ t p.1uio o in. in. 2‘59; Telephone “I. M. A. Everttc, ,Xlililfi'i‘léll, NILIi'l'i‘iI‘lt, SU'l'AIiY l‘tlilJa. (u‘. Moury to lull!) on on») terms. Utilccln i‘ni'isli iilock. Athens. Fraser, Reynolds 6: Fraser. Allllllj'i'l‘illfi, SULIi‘l’l‘Ultr‘. l'i'ro. Otllt‘o j ‘1)ilislilt3k Him-k. i't-nii Hausa Atomic. lirimlu'illo Ull‘lcc boom Linux. to a pm. Muth Lan o\' l‘imr Tums. lion. 1'. l“. Flush“. Q. L‘. ill. J. lilik’thlllfi, i). ii. Muslim. . Wood, Webster, & Stewart n \ltnm‘rEii-a. lieu. BROCKVILLE AND ATHENS Um.- mmnbor of tlu‘ lift" in Athens 'l‘uvedn) \l‘otlncsdn) nnd Thursday of every u’m'lc, Jous l“. Wow). (,1. t‘. (into. it. Woman's. ii. A. STEWART. PianoUTunlng wu.i.t.\M A. WELLS is prvlmrod .: ordorsfm‘ l‘iunot‘orto Tuning and livpnirmg. (ll‘tli‘i‘rl "my be let! M this other or‘conuuitmt'nv lions nddrosscd to liox lit}? Broom lllt'. J)". J. P. Lamb. L.D.S., liEX'l‘lH’i‘. A {H‘r mort- lllllll tint-um oxpori Cllt‘l‘ Mr. lnuuli is prrpitrml In vendor ‘t ill; lwsl m't'viccn in both inoclumicnl nnd eurgieul dcntv . . . Eu“) . Dr. J. H. C. Todd VETERINARY Si'lltW‘AiN mul Equine Dirniist. Ut'mlmtlt- ni’ Holm‘io YMcrputr) (follows. lionornr) lllt‘llllll'l at Hixtrtrio \nlrb inury Milillcfll Fm‘u'ly. lit‘gleli'i't‘il minim-r or thvrinarv Anson In: mu of i‘i:.u.u'.n. '1 Toni» llll «iisrnscfi. oi (iolnt‘slioniml unmith by lln- brat system known. All mills pron-pily intended to. i'lmrgosintuit-ruin. ‘ Urru'n: King 51., l'lztsthroc-k Vlllc the Album llult'l. oppouit r ATHENS. 'l‘lllfi FINE Nil“? liliii K Illi'l‘lil. Bit-Hi (-ivmuitly furnislu-tl ihruuulwut 2- 1H- inteet swim. Ext-n; :itlvillinu gin-n in tin- ‘vvnnts ol'irutysts. (inmin yards nmi stables. I 2:3. ly i’ltlll) l‘iEltiUli. l'rop r 50(‘1 l-l'l‘l ES Fttl‘lilCI'SVlllC Lodge Mont s In! nnd 3rd 'l'ut‘winys of vat-ll "tooth. in Lamb‘s linll. ('ontrnl “lot'h. Main git... Athens. Visi'l‘ous \\ EMU)”. -...â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-- W. G. '1'. U. Athmis brmu-li of the, llll‘ 2nd and ith Friday of :‘l. 'l‘. (T. h I‘l. .‘ll 3 pm. 0 H MHH. ll. WINNER, Pros. MISS STONE. Sec 3'. -Mr 74...“... ..._ a..-“ v. G. 0. G. F. ‘ ,‘,uinril No. 156 Canadian Order of Adamo“ ‘ mt‘cts tho ‘Ind nnd ith Mondays ‘n Nu: Tum do il'tll, Addison. lit and Protection. t'hown Friend: of (‘iu'll numili - . ‘ ~,-1rlnhl . .0"" M""".,'..~,‘i-'l‘ M radio, ('hiof Councillor R. HERBERT HELD. Recorder I. 0. F. i‘oufl. Clan lluoll, Va. 37$, Order of Formtvru. moot lnde ' in teams. 7.”. Hatters iith Ic.‘NlmR80x u“. r. ‘J. GILROY. n. s. llddison Lodge A. 0. U. NO 858 at r communicator: on curt ruddy of each new . is T! Kins st.. Addison. Ml brethru w etc. all of whit: 1 Wu ofl’or tor the ridiculous 9 \V. t'.’l‘. L'. tm‘r‘ls on ouch month in tho ndcm in Bingo Ha I. ("on Bush. on 2nd and Nb Friday in each month. at W. cud mpsnncr Al qunlt odvlsitlnfl WA cs“ I laid Webster's School Dictionary for home or school over 30,000 words. also toreigulphrnsos abroviatloushwel hts co of live cents esc \I! Telephone 149. EH]. 6. HUTOHESON & 00. Ag’l Works I have, ready for delivery, a large stock of CULTIVATORS HURSE‘HUEH Al'l) \Ythll-Jl) suovuanow’s if you want the bust and cheapest outfit, got Ollt: of my improved llorsc-llocs and a lShovolâ€"l’low. two distinct tools. always rundy to hitch to. i sell them lor $57» the pair. For particulars, cuts, ctc.. ztddrcss G. P. McNISH is on his way to McLaughlin’s To get tht: latest in Hair Cut and a good clczm Shave, Arm- strong House, next door to Reading Room, Athens. ‘ ‘ M. WHITE 8t CO. Merchant Tailors. Arr- lxt‘ll"? Ihn’n «wcr propnrvul to turn out first Muss ‘llll‘k' Y‘hvy um uoing out of Road ' Mudri I:»1hmy(,llnts,i'nps nml l-‘urs,nnd will tli‘l'llll‘ thnir whnlt- limo and attention to the OrtIt-u-d \\ ork ltnparimcnt. which is now on» drr lht‘ «in r-. isimmt Mn. llnvxmnonmtorm- nrly “'llh . tr. (i. E. Aahlcy.ot this town. which is n RllfllCiCnl urmntcc oft ' w" wm mm 0.1:”. he quality of work DI. \VIIITE Opposite the Market BROOK V 1 LL ONTARIO 100 000 BEACON , AND cfisms “Ed, retail, steadily through ' Linens, 85 0% *â€" Athens, County, CHEAP - SALE Continues with daily increasing interest to every MIDSUmR purchaser at ' OBT. WllIGHT & 00’ New Store in Dunham Block 7 OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE AVE. Black Cashmere Hose, an immense range for Women, Boys, and Girls just put into stock New assortment \Nidc Loaf \Nhitv, Navy and Block Sailor Hats, Numerous bargains are now being rapidly disposed of in Flannelcttes, Shirtings, Fancy Shirtings, Cotton Shirtings, Towellings. Table Linens, Napki ns. \Vhite and Colored Quilts, Etc. Etc” Etc, Rob’i Wrighi&Co. 80 cents each Beautiiul Fancy Cushion filled with choice, clean l Feathers. l Pretty line Girls: lKnit Wool Polka»: ifor cool days at 69 and 89c each. l Novelties in new shades Bengaling and Epengalinc Silks for Dress Trimmings and Black Navy Serge Dress Goods. [Several bargain qualities in goods just put into !stock. Telephoma) 138 O I July Aot1v1ty. This is a time to make mon- ey by spenping it. It is a time for caution as well, but the caution is to be shown in choos- ing what you buy, and the bar- gains you make. Those who watch the daily news of this store will be the gainers. From Our Linen Stock. You will find you will go more square inches and finer threads for your money than you'll get from others who do not import direct. \«Ve confident that we the year, Linen goods at smaller advances over cost than the wholesalers get. Not a speck ofproht does anyone get on Linen Towels, Napkins, Table Toweling Linens cw ccpt the makers and ourselves. This ought to put the right goods on our counters at right pl'lCCS. M”â€" THIS WfiK we are offering a special line Na kins full size {1.25 per doz, of Linen pure linen at l Housekccpcrs bargain. You are asked to King So, when in scorch of Linens any kind. LEWIS & PATTERSON. T EL. should see t these Napkins as they area. 161. SALE WING to the severe accident which happe tied to C. M. Babcock, he has deeded to sell his stock of Dry Goods, Mantles and Millinery at wholesale rices fora short time and reduce stock. it is assorted in every department with the finest goods brought to the country. No reserve. special prices made. Bargain Day every Tuesday and 0. 1w. nucocn, TELEPHOHE 197. BROCKVILLE tar-lo, y, August a, 1898. visit :05 nor on THE so. The Sin-cu Blockade ternsliy ' Raised by Agni Home. BRITISH SHIPS NOT WITH DROAWN A Decision roves-ebb se Could. fluid so love no.- touchedâ€"the new. Io. Arbutus“!- - I’M llvnl Ibo-unfit Over - 'l'h. . Defenders Win. “BAIGg‘O‘I, Aug. 7.-â€"-Rstidcstious :1 g snoo- mess mime” an on Frldny. M. Psvls, the French liais- ter, will resume his post here to-dsy. The French M has been hsuled down st Koh-si-Obsng, sud the Biomass customs oflcinls hsvs been allowed to return. Rest-Ade Hum-nu, commanding the French squsdron, remslns st. Koh-sl- Chung sad is in oonstunt couunuuiesslon with the patrol. the Acceptance Confirmed. PAR“, Aug. 1â€"K. Psvie has cabled to Kiuister Develle the report of Bism's ofliclsl acceptsuce of the French ultima- tum. This confirms eve thing mooted through Prince Vsdhsm, lsmcso Minister ~ toFrsnce. Britain's Wmhipe Stayed. Loxnou, Aug 7.~â€"Sir Ellis Ashlnsud Bsrtlett. uked the Government in the House of Com mono if the British warships in Siamese waters hsd withdrawn ouisi e the limits of the blockade of the ileum River under directions from the French Admiral commanding the blockade squad- ron. He further uked if any British wor- ship remains at Bangkok. Sir Edwsrd Urey, Parliamentary Swretary of the Foreign Oflcc, answered that no demand hm been mode by the French Admiral for the withdrawal of British warships from the blocksde limits. Their removnl out- side the limits, he added, would never have been permitted by Her Majesty's Government. This statement was greeted with loud cheering. Sir U. Kc Shuttle- worth, Socrotsry to the Admin y, added that the gunbost Linuet still remains at Bungkok. There Wu 5 Fight. Nuw Yonx, Aug. 7.â€"~Thc Herald prints the following cable from Bungkok : " The Scigon papers say thore was some severe lighting betwrou the Siamese and the French on July ‘3’l ifli the Mekong river. It. is Mid 300 Siam-w were killed, while the French losses wm-u slight. Thclatter have occupied several more islands. " "nnnrs for Du Net-in. PARIS. Aug. 7. mlt in .«tutvd the! the Marquis of DuiL-rin line in on offered the order of the (inrtI-r vucnnt by tho dent!) of tlu- Furl of Derby, in recognition of tho skillful snd successful marrow in which ho conducted the delicate negotiations with France on the Siamese question. Nuvuhoe nests tho Cullnnn. Lormou, Aug. 7.â€"A new open for yachts sbove 40 rstlng took plncc 0n Hutur day under the auspices of the Royal South» um ton Yacht Club. The course covered a lstauce of 42 miles. The start was msde at Netley, three miles south east of Southampton. The yschts flflllf‘il down Southsmpton water to and around a bout anchored ofl Lymington, and than $0 and around the Warner lightahip to the cast- wnrd of the Isle of Vight. The prizes wen: £75 to the winner and s silver medal tothe captain of the winner. Only two of the big yachts, chnhoe rind Celluna, started. The stsrt was mode at 10.45 o'clock in s stiff south west wind. Nuvm hoe got away first and soon lml Callous by 50 seconds. Tho Nnvalmo W011 with cove: ml minutes to spare. CANAbA Wins- All Points in the net-ring Sen Dispute Dot-Mod in Her Favor. ! Lortnox. Aug. 7.â€"â€"It is doiinltel stated i lhhi the Behring Sen limrd of Ar itrutlon 1 has dt‘i‘ltletl in favor of Canada's conten- ’ thm on all the legsl ints involved. The regulation of seal fls ing will be subject to international convention. The Siege of La Pinto. Stew Yank, Aug. 7.â€"-Ths Herald's Vul- , pnmiao correspondent cables: Kurd fight. log is eccompsnying the seige oi Ln Pints. A correspondent in Buenos Ayrec tele- gru he first the provincial forcoc have m it re ted efforts to cut their way through the lines of the Clvico Notion-10s, but have failed. During those engage. merits 400 men have been slaughtered. The siege has not yet been reload sud the situation at La Plots bus not chsnged. Another revolution hes been started in the Province of Corrlentss against the governor. It is reported the nstlousl gov- ornment bu decided to continue its policy 90f nonlintervention for the present and l give the people of the province every up 3 portunity to overthrow corrupt loccl gov. ernments sud put honest men in attics. Defenders Rnrnsasfu’l. LONDON, Aug 7.â€"-â€"-The um iron in tho nsvsl contest between the fleet, corn- mnndod h'VloerAdmirul Fairfax, and the Blue fleet, undo: the command of Rest Admit-cl Fitzroy, hove decided thst the lied fleet, which was assumed bobs the fleet of so enemy, failed in its object, and have swat-dc" the victory to the Blue, or defence 9' cc This is the first time in the history of Bri h msnmuvres of this kind that the defensive c.3511... won. In!" WM on Steven, Sun Funcrsco, Aug. 7.â€"~Advloes by the Austrclisn steamers state thst s report ' has reached Sydney that s Quesnssud . "labor" vessel while man in root-nib : ing of! the coat of Mcls to woo “tucked sud coined b the not you The white crew was kill sud the teen] first looted sud then flxfi “Aha (Moon Board Brokers. Louow. Aug. 7. -â€"‘I'hoi Ester-t Bim:rok pocuedthe Needles st . pm, in. in. the from New York in six dsyu, fourteen hours and thirtyrnve minutes. booting the Mord of the steamer P whiohwsssls dsys. nineteen hours four minutisu An Ispmlve “Isle. Lrvsurnou, Aug. 1-4110 broke outer: Saturdsy night in s timber ynrd “joining the Hersey docks. on the boundnry be- lsnd Bottle. Timber and tween Liverpoo other eev three sures were Ed. DIOer In In sum owl-muses hug“? ,mnm-fl sin ran-sum on ' hut s0 ‘ ss‘wfi‘ ' ‘ fbw'flvnsnyld‘ I. vest-sushelcas-u ‘ V w”. I. .J. "k. s, . dbl-sap“: m. ~mâ€"m “aw... ._ M_. «.4 .W mu... “m... MOI] N CORNER“ Y. lows eds-o Minion Fue- I‘ss ml Is. in n'ew flue "WAY. JUL! as. The Ounce Grand Lodge of sou North Alerts. will use. at Inn“ Its. Enrich-narrow. wow 3. Tooter. sh cinnm specular, was drowned y u a host at W” yesterday. ’ ‘ ' fiery. Inndou. w- 60- strayed b In . The ion is “I. 000, employees are temporally out of work. One hundred sud thirty 03.8. cm. pioyses at liontrssl, to when notices! dis- misssl wus given a week ago, were dischsrg~ ed Saturdsy. Wesley Busting of Adslsids. while threshing on Win. Neil's fern nesr Strolli- my, had his left hand torn o! by coming in contact with the cylinder. who lived about Ive ‘ l l James Walker, miles from Bram-bridge, wss run over aid killed by s train user that place yulsrdoy morning. He fell asleep on the truck. By the destruction of the Csnsds Pat- rnt Brurh Company's works at Windsor on Saturday mornan so hands are thrown out of employment and a loss of 818,000 caused. IUEsDAY. AUGUUI‘ l. The North-west Legislature hes been called to meet August 10. Quite a number of burns in Ontario were struck by lightning and burned yesterday. Edward liobrrts, aged nineteen, son of John Roberts. contractor, of Ssruis, was drowned while bathing at that town yesâ€" lerduy. llurt lrelsnd was found dead in the woods on his father's farm, near Trenton, on Sunday. llPlD thought to have. been incidentally poirmnrd. Jose-pl) Porter, aged eighteen, was drown- ed in the rive-r near Tholnuslmrg, and his ' brother. who tried to save him, nearly l shared the some fetc. Mitt-hell Franks, the Indian on trial st. limoebridge chargrd with killing another I lndian in order to marry the lsttsr'e wife, has been committed for trial. Alex. McKenzie. only son of A. J. Mc- Kenzie. Aylmer. while bathing in the her- bor at Port Burwell yesterday sfternoon was drowned. The body has not yet. been recovered. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3. lngrrmll's rste of taxation for this your will be ‘22 mills. The now normal school for Manitoba in to be oreciml ut Brandon. Emancipation day was celebrated st t'hutlizun yesterday in grand style. 'l‘ho rim of salmon this your on the FrnsA or river, litfi, is ahead of all previous "i"‘.l“ " wwlnrs entered the «atom of (l. “L Mcr ‘ --t \l'nmlsiock, but timy got no Money. l «twp, tlu» (“anmlimn cycling champion, um llliplnt‘ml at lintroit yesterday. He _ was third in a mile beat. .\lr, toppling J. White, box runnufsctur f‘t'. 0i lit‘ilfllllli'. fell iii-ml ll’l ills factory yesterday from heart disease. A dwpstrh from Mumford says Mr. J .tlit‘n Ste nrlninuh, of Jerseyvillo, was in- umrh killed by lightning on Monday evening. Mrs. Blanchard, wife of a Congregation- a‘: ntznirtJ-r. rcceimd injuries from burn- ing on Saturdny waning, when visiting iriondn in Etobimltc Township, from which she (lli'd on Monday evening. 'll'lfil'RSDAY. AUGUST 3. Wheat hurveating hss begun in several parts of Manitoba. George Steers, is well-known mldent of. Strnthrny, committh sulfide yesterday morning by hanging himself with a piece of clothes line. R. A. Smton of Montreal made tho so- qnaintance of two men in Hamilton, who, after A couple of hours’ sinusement, rob- bml him of Si l0. Thnw- ndditionnl lines were im iosed st 'l‘ilsonlmrg yesterdny in connection with the illicit sale of liquor at the race moot- lnq in that town. In the once of (hit against Goody et cl, charged with throwing the stones which crusth in the skull of n girl named Knight. the defendants were yesterday no. quilted. Edward McDonsld. sized fourteen, s student at L'Assumption College, Saud- wic-h, wus drowned at that town while in swimming. His relatives live in (hives- ton, Tcxss. FRIDAY. AUGUST 4. About 200 fsrmers from Addingtou and Frontenac visited the Ontario Agricultural Cullrgs, Guelph, yesterday. Min Beasts Fleming of Brsmpton was drowned on Wednesday while bsthlng with a friend at. Yarrum islands, ncsr Cleve. lsud's, Luke Rousseau. John Sullivan, the eight year-old son of Timothy Sullivan Harriet street, Hamilton wns struck and killed by a trolley on Smart «street, that city, last night. Engineer Brennan of Toledo. Ohio, rep- resenting; some Detroit. cupitalisis, but de- cided to make on offer for the loose of the londcu & Port Shirley Railway. ’l‘lw- boan crop of Kent County has been almost completrl‘ ruined by excessive drought. 'thut s very beckwsrd in that county. and tumors sre disqmrsgsd. Tbs remains of Thou. Johnston, flremsn of the steamer Jones. who was lost over- board on July 25, have been reoovored,snd reached Wisrtor: last evening by the steam- er Atlantic. The reusin- will be taken to Holstein for interment. SATURDAY. AUGUI'I' 3. Winnipeg is infested with trumps. Rnports show tbstou the whole the cropu in «,inoboo this your are but» than lost your. ' iwuyosr-old doughter of In. In ' P 4 I: fell in a pull of whey st Con-soon and was drowned. l'rrr-y Birch, sold .0 hevebeeu s Toronto "runnlst. was drowned in Lake Rossecc yestvrduy while bushing. Mottlth the Alleged for'srof shoe, or. Boston "Sun... was gain in court cud secured his distill“... Se m's horse Athulo, which took mun place to llo M lb. Queen‘s Mate this your. led st erloo yestcr. day. in m htysstaia‘rebbeustoio fill) illisre Pom store on the principal ssvsst ea Wood- stock. £5? mar“. ."; to; ' "ms: in M ' 2'." ts.- rd, . doubt extend th 1 resolution passed by the_Grsnd I missing ‘sre interested. Some torty- ht News» so... maid-u m tkeOrdcrlissBeeuso. ‘mcsr FROM OUR OWN LAND. ......â€"_..~._ 0. A. A. o. loose as mucusâ€"nous ed Justice Davis. of We. - sou Jere-0's It. tireâ€"I‘m Won’t Pu: to! Us”. thee-s Ines. Tclom. Aug. 7.â€"-A wsr is brow in tbs Orange Order in this city. it no roughest the country. The Lodge at the use lust week _ wer to the Grand to withdrgalmspowsmni of say e which criticises his notions sd- verssiy the esuss of the trouble. It was said by a member of rotuincnce in the order the! s considers ls section of the Grand Lodge were Dominion Government ofllcisls. and the order was used to still further sdvsnce the personal nterusts of the Controller of Customs. who was unions to secure u cabinet position. The retention of one men in the position of Grsnd Sovereign for seven yem be cher- sctsrlzrd as on outage, especinlly was this the case when sble men were svsilsble. Xuch indi nstion is being expressed among the c ty lodges. DIED IN THE WOODS. The “annulus of Mrs. turrets Found In flosoduleâ€"«Dled of Exposure. 'i‘ouos'ro, Aug. 7.-~The body of Mrs. R. (l. llnrrett. the aged lady who has been for schrcl days from her home, 187 Bloor strut-t. east, has h «11 found in the woods of Cliorley Park, the summer residence of Aid. Hullnm, near Rosedals. The deceased lady had been in feeble health for some time and bud wondered from hrr home in s fit. of sbsent-tnlndednew Per- ai lent search was made. but with no suc- ctuo until 1th night, when Hebonrcr dis- covered the body. The unfortunate lsdy had evidently died of exposure. She leaves a husband and six children. ROWING AT HAMILTON. Cnnndinn Association of Amnteur Ours- mon llold Their Huron. llamtmm, Aug. 7,-â€"Al>ont 5,000 people witneueod the final more of the C. A. A. (l. i-r-znttu. Tim races were rowed on the lnku side course, ll; miles straight. away. The water was in splendid condition. The first race was the junior doubles. ; 'l‘lmn crows started-.Athe Argonauts, To- rontos and Dons. The Dons led the way fruit] the start. but got into the Toronto water, whore thuy fouled the Torontoa The bouts were ntoppud and Referee Stuart disqualified the Done. The race was start ed again. The ’i‘orontos finished two lcngtbs ahead outside the course. The referee gsve the race to the Argonauts. The senior smiles hsd four starters. Ryan. Hedloy, H. Thom son and “Bush” Thompson. The use ended in a muddle. Tho men had not rowed Over 800 yards when there was s foul. The referee started again. Hadley 0t sway first at s fast psoe. “Bus " Thompson finished first. Rysn and Hed- icy fouled about a quarter of s mile from the finish. The ’unlor singles brought out Russell, Jury, mohr sud O‘Connor. Romohr soon headed the p. cesslon sud lead ell tbs wcv. Russell tin second sud 00*.- nor third, with Jury seversl lengths swsy. Time 9.57; Senior doubles â€"â€" Summry : Vespers, Philadelphia, 1 ; Argonauts, Toronto, 9: Stars. Buffalo. 3. Time 9.01}. First hoot, junior foursâ€"Four crews started. Tecumsebs. Wulkerville, i, To- rontos 2, Mutusls, of Detriot, 3. Time 8.53}. The Ottawa were disquslided for fouling the Torontos. The senior four-cored race wss declsred of! on «want of rough water. .mwfi... Quebec's Fine Stock. Mom-nun, Aug. 7. -â€"Hon. John Mc intosh, M. P. R, Provincial Commissioner to the World’s Fslr, has just returned from Chicsgo for the purpose of making final arrangements for the transportation of cattle and horses from the Province of Quebec to Chicago The stock exhibit will leave Montreal for the west on Tues- day, the 15th inst. Although the cattle are not required to be on the grounds until August 21, they are being sent on esrly so as to give two or t roe days for rest before being put on exhl it. All the cattle and homes will be insured both against lire sud accident. In all the rovlnoe will be re presented by fifty suit. 9, including re re» acntntlves of the following breeds : ers- tord, Ayrshire, Aberdeen-Angus, Short- horns and ('lnomseys. Nuthenn Pleuds auiity. Io .Aug. 7.â€"-The mun, Matheon, who mas ouch 3t. desperate sttem t to murder his wile Friday, ploudrd sullly in the Police Court before Fudge Ange end was remmded for ssntmso. He is a sad- dler by truds sud only about 30 yours of age. It up rs that wind: he entered the house he as ed his wife to take him back and live with him, and us she did not re ly he stably-d her four times with s c p knife. Dr. Poitrls thinks that she may cousiny recover, unless the shock due to her being ancients brings an unexpected complications Polo-l Fence Tomm, Aug. 1-11.33.- of Leeds county bsve a cause cslebre. They are I using an American patent from and the restrain them ("intsrio scent is trying.” 1 refuse to y ludlyidusll been. the fee of About fort writs us. form have been Issued the bw dsys st 0 Ball by Alum Psksn. the Ontario scent About 1.000%... O 0- resolved to nuke s stand us no. ’. right. and have entered into a bad so tight the nutter to the Eu routs Court. Some are fighting their i ividusl soul sod spending my times the originnl, he. i madam.“ Nun Guides, e., A 1â€"ch9 .h .. "‘ Davis, of laden, New Codi-ls es Ssturdsi from heat discs-st He is: bou- . e I , have worry» 0 leashch , moo-visitiqu ‘- ‘ Thefiisuuseflovmt hes sought Ihsfulltsunsofthel’rsselM‘ ThsWorld‘sl‘sls m.mmm - “as. man ‘ltoJulll so: bsnki Wh’wu stun, Emperor‘Willlsxu. on board ht t ' Hohensclleru, arrived a the u. of on Suturdsy. Wheat sold lower in China. on Bahr- duy than AI any time in the hint!!!“ the Chicsao Board of Trade. A powder mill at Booth Aston. I... blown on Bsturdsy. sud Win. Glen 0! wood}. wss instsntly killed. , The miners of the Consolidated Cool Company at Donvllle, Ili.., hs‘ve deeisred their long strike e! sud returned to work. A special cobls to the New vm‘w rid foruhadows the decision of the tn. tors in the Behrin Ses one. It snys ps- lsglc muesli}: fl result; but ‘ - cans no ven e roped: rights clsirnsd. p sunspot. Allin!“ 1. Russia has still further raised the tori! on German pmduots. A despntch received in New York stubs that. pesos has been restored in Nlcsrsgus. The ltsllsn Catholic mission st lion Hyena. 90 miles from Hsnkow, Chins. but been destroyed by nstive rlotsrs. At Syrsouse, N. Y., yesterdsy 0500! Harvoy attempted to arrest Geo. Barnes when the utter shot and instantly killed Hervey. The exchange banks of India have up pooled to Great Britain against the refnsul _ of the Indian Government to modify the tonne granted them. John Stevenson, the well-known csr builder, died vesterdsv morning It New’ Rochelle. N.Y. Death was the result of a general dissolution caused by old age. Bill Thompson sud Tani Preston, color- ed, were lynched near Columbia. 5.0., on Saturday for assaulting Mrs. Archie Sight~ ier, is white woman. .The negroes were flayed by Sightlor with s harness truce until tlu~y moaned. Then they were hung- ed and riddled with bullets. - \VEDNI’ZSDAY. AUGUST ll. Cholera hue appeared in Ewyk villqo Province of (lildorlund, Holland. A Board of Finance has been appointed to mnuugn the monetary affairs of the “’orld's Fair. in Chicago yesterday the price of ti: dropped from $19 to $10, rallying to ll.â€" 50, however, before the close. The American yacht Nsvshoe won srsoe oil 00on yesterday, but the Valkyrie and liritsn .lio were not selling. A son was born to the Duchess of Spur. ts, wifcof the Crown Prince of Greece, and sister of the German Emperor, at Athens yesterday. At New York yesterday Jen. Mitchell threw the 56~pound weigh: 3 feet. ll~2l itu‘hvn, lliree let-t further loam the prev lous world's record. At L’ticn, Licking County, (thin, John Knttln, two men nomad Bell, Mr. Bowers and Mr, Skillen wore killed and. Joseph Shipp was fatally injured by the explosion of the boiler of s threshing mot-blue en- glue. 1'" llllSDAY. AUGUST 3. Mario Uchnrd, the French inivellst and drumstist, is dead.“ Champion Cyclist Zimmerman was de- feated at Detroit yesterday by W. C. Sanger. The dopmsslon of the silver market bus giver. a decided impetus to gold mining in Utah and Novnds. Lady Duffel-in hue come into possession of u legacy of £60,000 from bar deceased uncle, Rowan Hamilton. It is expected that. President Cleveland's mar-align to the special session of Congress will deal only with financial matters. Some 500 Indians from reservations in Northvrn Minnesota and Wisconsin, have congregated near Shell lake, um] trouble is feared. The section of tho (leery lew providing for imprisonment. at herd labor has beer, declared unconstitutional by Federal Judge Ross, at Lou Angeles, Cal. 7 The Ewrctt woollen mills ct Uncut Bum. rington, Mam, amploying 250 bands, will shut down Saturday for n month to await a. more settled financial situation. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1. Thin lifnharsjnh of Knpurthulln arrived at Chicago Fair yesterday. Tho srmy worm has been rsruging the grain fields in parts of Minnmtg, Tho Russian Government is closing all schools in the South of Russia on account of the prevnlenco of cholera. 'l‘hore how- born 6,866 deaths from cholors in Mecca and 2.31“ in Jeddn since tho present rpidemic broke out. Michael For-sham loft Watertown, NZ,” Wednesday, to walk to Los Angelou, (A1}. fornia. lie expects to accomplish the feat in 1'35 days. At liierck, in tho Government of 0m. burg, lint-sin, W0 houses have been burn pd, Seven persons were killed and s’lsrge number injured. (‘hnrlel do Lumps, mom’le demtivm,wi\a token from the Wednmlsy snt“r.llowed to visitils wife, who is dsngemunly ill. After the intar- view he won token beck to the prison hos. pitsl. three on SATUBDAY. AUGUST 5. A financial panic prevails in Cost. Rico, duo to the Condition of the silver lurket. The Pope has ordered the Catholic in- habitants of Naples not so fast so long so the chalet-s prsvslb. A Danish en inset of a vessel hes been Cohen to the capitol st Grimsby, Eng, "Bering from choices. Bytbe‘sl gunmen-m Lake George s Pros . . yusu twelve lives was lost“ ' "h, A despsteh full BI“ up that the vice-govm of m ewus killed by the rebels ysslsvday. Frank You lose. “I Oohuhm Glove bunk moaned-sullen. unsung-dot Columbu. 0., M”. " ' Ir. (3. s. lloflsk a of on Jam: . [Acksw no Ircu died In luhlrph, The World's N! in”! -W sws florids's goes ‘ ‘ ' «belch-m buns-s u midispluy. .. - , b 4 We: broke en two-ashram! med-them " O-D.‘

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