Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, A5

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weunesusay reoruary 10 , zuuu 1 Hfc, U A K V ILLfc, bfc-AV fcK N e w Q E W c a m e r a s to tr a c k tr a ffic h o t s p o ts H ighw ay safety continues to go high-tech w ith the expansion o f the pro v in ce's CO M PA SS traffic m an ag e m en t sy stem alo n g the Q ueen E lizabeth Way (QEW)". A ccording to O akville M P P G ary Carr, the technology includes installa tion o f fib re -o p tic co m m u n ic a tio n sy stem s, v eh icle se n so rs and 10 closed-circuit television cam eras on approxim ately 10 km s o f the Q EW fro m ea st o f G u elp h L ine in B urlington to east o f T hird L ine in O akville. "T he Q ueen E lizabeth Way is a m a jo r tra n sp o rta tio n ro u te to C a n ad ian and A m erican m a rk e ts," e x p la in e d Carr. E x p an d in g traffic m anagem ent technology on this key freew ay supports and encourages jo b cre atio n and b u sin ess in v estm en t, m aking O ntario m ore com petitive." T he $4.2 m illio n c o n tra ct w as aw arded to G uild E lectric Ltd. o f Toronto. "Im proved cam era coverage, for exam ple, will m ean quicker and m ore effective help for stranded m otorists and em ergency services will be dis patched to the location o f incidents m ore quickly, enhancing safety fo r all road u sers," said Carr. T he project is part o f a m u lti-year program to im prove traffic m an ag e m en t b etw een O ak v ille and the B urlington/H am ilton area and is slat ed for com pletion by late fall. "U pgrading the CO M PA SS system w ill reduce delays and keep com m uter traffic m oving on the Q ueen Elizabeth Way, especially at peak rush hours," said Carr. "T his is im portant as our highw ays co ntribute so m uch to our econom ic prosperity and quality of life that w e enjoy in O akville and O n tario ." Raffle cou ld see w in n e r loun ge in new `library The Reading R oom Raffle returns to O akville Place for its third year. In 1999, the event w as a great suc cess, raising m ore than $5,000 for Friends o f the Library in ju st over tw o weeks. This tim e around, m em bers o f the organization w ill be selling raffle tick ets until Sunday, Feb. 20 in the centre court o f O akville Place. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5. T he R eading R oom setting, w orth $5 ,0 0 0 , com es co u rtesy o f C o m p u cen tre, S ears W hole H om e, E nglish Butler, C rafters M arketplace, Rob M cIntosh and The Bay. It features a desk, hutch, office chair, w ing back chair, rug and a full com puter system, including printer and softw are. T he w in n in g tic k et w ill be announced on Feb. 20 at 2:30 p.m. by m ayor Ann M ulvale. F rie n d s o f the L ib rary b rin g to g eth er volunteers w ho share the b e lie f th a t the O ak v ille P u b lic Library is a cherished resource for inform ation and inspiration, ed u ca tion and entertainm ent. T h eir goal is to foster aw areness, und erstan d in g and enjoym ent. T hose in terested in jo in in g the group can call 815-2042. G> O A K V ILLE N otice for N ew spaper 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 T he T ow n o f O akville is p a rticip atin g in a dem onstration project, initiated by the M inistry o f M unicipal A ffairs and H ousing, to illustrate how a developm ent perm it system co u ld be im plem ented. A d evelopm ent p erm it system w ould blend the e xisting system into o n e seam less process. T he W inston P ark W est E m ploym ent D istrict has been ch o sen as a p ilo t p ro jec t area to show how a developm ent perm it system could w ork. You are invited a to an Inform ation S ession to leam m ore about the process, how it c o u ld be im plem ented, and identify issues and objectives regarding the project. DUNDAS STREET EA ST Three blood donor clinics in February Three blood donor clinics are being held in Oakville this month. The first clinic is scheduled for Sat. Feb. 19th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, 1415 Third Line. The second clinic is at the Croatian Parish Hall, 2110 T rafalgar Road North from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m . on Wed. Feb. 23rd. The third clinic is on Thurs. Feb. 24th at O akville T rafalg ar H igh School, 1460 D evon Rd., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. C lin ics open to h ealthy donors between 17 and 70 years o f age. The Toronto B lood C entre needs to collect an average o f 650 units o f blood per day in order to m eet the needs of patients in the 59 hospitals in central Ontario. A single donation can help save as many as four lives. Each unit o f blood is broken dow n into red cells, platelets, plasm a and cryoprecipitate. E ach o f these com ponents could go to a differ ent recipient -- an accident or bum victim, a cancer or organ transplant patient or a person undergoing surgery. This road show is for Heroes only H eroes, an aw ard-w inning risk awareness road show, will be present ed at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts from Feb. 21st -- 23rd. This show is especially beneficial to parents and teenagers aged 12 and older, and although thousands of H alton students, prim arily from Grades 9 and 10, will see one o f the performances, others are welcome to attend a free public performance on Monday, Feb. 21st or Thursday, Feb. 24th at 7 p.m. Seats can be reserved by calling 338-4379. Heroes gives young Canadians the tools they need to make smart choices about risk. It tells kids that they are in control o f their own lives and gives them the power to recognize risks in everyday situations such as walking to school, riding in a friend's car, or ski ing. This show offers choices kids can make to predict and prevent injury, and it gives them back the control to make personal decisions about the risks they take. For example, they can choose to buckle up, drive sober, look first, wear appropriate gear, take lessons or train ing course. Heroes is presented by Smartrisk, a national non-profit organization dedi cated to helping Canadians see the risks in their lives and learn to take them in the smartest way possible. It is aim ed at high-risk groups, from teenagers to the elderly. W H E R E : T he Town of O akville M unicipal B uilding W H E N : W ednesday F e b ru a ry 23, 2000 2:30 p.m . - 4:00 p.m. B ronte Room 7:00 p.m . to 9:00 p.m. O akville Room F o r further inform ation please contact B ob Z sadanyi (ext. 3 0 4 1 ) o r H einz H echt (ext. 3027) at 845-6601. E dw ard C. S alisbury D irector o f P la n n in g Services, T ow n o f O akville *MSHs U PPER M IDDLE RO A tfj§I W TOW N OF OAK VILLE C O N TRA C T NO. EC-26-99/EC-28-99 SHO RELINE PRO TECTIO N AND ENHANCEM ENT PROGRAM SEALED TEND ERS, on forms provided will be received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2L1 until 2:00 pm Local Time on: TUESDAY, FEB RU A RY 29, 2000 for the following work: C O N S T R U C T IO N O F A PP R O X . 140 m O F L A K E O N TA R IO S H O R E L IN E P R O T E C T IO N including the following m ajor items: A pproxim ately 2,400 tonnes o f Armour Stone. Approximately 3,900 tonnes o f rip-rap and stone materials. Approximately 1,800 sq .m . o f geotextile material. Approxim ately 500 sq. m. o f topsoil and seeding /sodding Excavation and minor storm sewers. Plans, specifications and tender forms will be available on or after Monday, February, 14 ,2 0 0 0 and may be obtained from the Department o f Public Works, 2274 Trafalgar Road, for a non-returnable paym ent o f THIRTY-FIVE dollars ($35.00), GST included, by cash or certified cheque payable to the Town o f Oakville. The Contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to post a Perform ance Bond satisfactory to the Town Council, equal to 100% o f the Contract Price and a Labour and M aterial Payment Bond totalling 50% o f the Contract Price. A certified cheque, a Bank/Trust Co. Draft or a Bid Bond for the amount specified in the tender docum ents must accompany each tender. Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting o f the Tender Opening Commit tee at the Oakville M unicipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 2:30 pm Local Time. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. R. G. Green, P. Eng., Director Department o f Public Works IFYOU H AVE NO T RECEIVEDYO UR Spring & Summer oakville Y our Tow n 2000 Power plant details up for discussion at ratepayers' m eeting A proposed natural gas pow ered electricity-generating facility for west M ississauga w ill be the topic o f tonight's Joshua C reek R atepayers Annual M eeting. Guests include Sithe Inc. represen tative Al Barnstable, w ho will talk about the plant w hich his firm w ants to build on W inston Churchill Boulevard south of Royal W indsor Drive. The meeting takes place from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at O akville-Trafalgar High School, 1460 D evon Road. Also on hand will be m ayor Ann M ulvale and W ard 3 councillors Keith Bird and Tedd Sm ith. They will discuss their views on the future o f Oakville and issues such as com m ercial expan sion and truck traffic on Cornw all, Ford and Lakeshore Roads. Election o f this y ea r's Board o f D irectors takes place at the end o f the meeting. The annual m em bership dues o f $20 per household will be accepted at the door. All those interested in w h at's happening in southeast O akville are welcome to attend. T he Oakville Beaver Please call 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 , x281 u r i | p a d - " mm ar - r T v -- 1-- I CRIME STOPPERS Call 825-TIPS or 1-800-668-5151 B iff T h ie v e s m a k e off w ith clo th in g A break-in at a m en's clothing store was lucrative for thieves. The break-in occurred Jan. 22nd at the Oakroom M en 's Shop, 1011 U pper M iddle Road. The thieves entered by sm ashing the glass door at approxim ately 4:23 a.m. A n alarm w as received and police responded. By the tim e police arrived, over $5,000 worth o f goods w as stolen. This means that 30 or 40 pieces o f clothing were rem oved from the store in a very short period o f time. Unfortunately, there have been no witnesses to com e forward. The clothing stole is located in a strip plaza. The store front is m ade entirely o f glass and is situated at the north east corner o f 8th Line and U pper Middle Road. If you think you know w ho did this break in then Crim e Stoppers w ants to hear from you. If you have any inform ation that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your nam e when you tell us your inform ation and you will rem ain anonym ous. Crim e Stoppers does not subscribe to the tele phone call display feature. Call 1-800-222-TIPS O R 825-TIPS (825-8477) 1 9 9 8T O W N C A RC A R T IE RS E R IE S With all the options Incl leather tnm and a power moon roof. Fin. in ivory with only 40.000 tons. Stk./2238 J O Q f l f l C A L E P R I C E .* 0 0 , 9 9 3 1999 ESCO RTSE 4-door sedan w ith air cond.. autom atic and m ore, only 43,000 km s.S tk.#2256 M O Q Q C S A L E P R IC E ..' 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Stk./2253 $O C Q Q C S A L E P R IC E ... 1 3 , 9 9 3 1999W IN D STA RLX's 1994 PRO BE G T 1996TAU RU S LX W ith leather trim and loaded with options. 1998 W IN D STAR GL Finished n tan with power windows, power totfc oust control, traction LOK, oveihead console & mote, only 38,000 kms. Stk.#2224 S A L E P R IC E .. M hqalseflniP.arar(M ,p wrdowsp kicks, 6-cylinder, automatic, loaded with rase am troll wheel J towtons Stk.#2258 65.000 kms and fully re-conditioned 4 to choose from. J O O Q Q C Stk #6946 S A LE P R IC E S A L E P R IC E . >23,995 ^ 1 2495 Stk.#7281 S in Q Q C S A L E P R IC E ...* I U , 9 % ) 19,995 KENNEDY Original in Ford Country 280 S outh S e rvice Rd. (a t D o rv a i Dr.) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -1 6 4 6 W W W .K E N N E D Y F O R D .C A Ad Disclaimer HOT LINE 845-1646, ext. 210

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