W ednesdsay February 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 Business Kelsey's donates $80,000 to brighten children's lives Thanks to $80,000 in donations from O akville-based K elsey's R estaurants and its patrons, 30 children from across Canada will have their wishes granted through the Starlight C hildren's Foundation. The children suffer from leukemia, cancer, cystic fibrosis and other serious illnesses. The SCF is part o f an interna tional non-profit organization that focuses on brightening the lives o f seriously ill children and their families through var ious initiatives, including the W ish Program. T he six-w eek p roject was K elsey's ' first national fundraising campaign and it raised twice the amount project ed. ------------------------------------------------------- VOLVO OF OAKVILLE Shop On-line hassle free www.volvoofoakville.com Over 30 pre-owned Volvos 770 Pacific Road (90S) 825-8088 LOOKING FOR EXCITING WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR HOME, IT'S ALL RIGHT HERE IN THE O A KV ILLE BEAVER HOME SERVING OAKVILLE SINCE 1963 I-fandym ari C O N N E C T l O N . RETIRED CRAFTSMEN & OTHER EXPERTS FOR LOW COST HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING UP TO P h o to by R iziero Vertolli DECORATING LTD. COMPLETE PAINTING & WALLPAPERING SERVICE · RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIST · INTERIOR 4 EXTERIOR · CUSTOM COLOUR MIXING · RESTORATIONS · PLASTER REPAIRS & TEXTURING O FF ALL LEVOLOR BLINDS F r e e S h o p a t H o m e S e r v ic e WHAT A DEAL: C arolyn C estnick (right) has good reason to sm ile. S he had h er second child, Sarah, ju st three w eeks ago and on Friday, w as presented w ith an oth er gift. She w on the top prize o f a joint L ob law s-Q uak er O ats prom otion that sees her receivingt $200 worth o f free groceries, every tw o w eeks for a year. T h at's W inston, 18 m onths look in g on asL ob law s' L akeshore Road store m anager Jane King m akes the presentation. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP BY QUALIFIED TRADESMEN Vertical · Venetians Pleated Shades · Wood Blinds and much more DECORATING & COLOUR CONSULTANTS · P lu m b in g · C arpentry · E lectrical · P a in tin g & M u ch M ore 827-5584 AFTER HRS. CALL ... 827-4612 Insured, Bonded, 1 Year Warranty 897-5044 _ K EV IN SM ITH ALVIN T. JONES -1 3 1 MISSISSAUGA 826-0655 m Business & Arts award nomination deadline March 1st T h e O a k v ille A rts C o u n c il (O A C ) is lo o k in g fo r n o m in a tio n s by arts g ro u p s fo r th e 2000 M a y o r's A w ards fo r B u sin e ss and the A rts, in h o n o u r o f the c re a tiv e p a rtn e rsh ip s betw een th e a rts and b u sin e ss c o m m u n ities. T h e A w ards, now in its 11th year, rec o g n ize a `R isin g S ta r ', `R un n erU p ' an d `W in n e r' in each categ o ry . R e cip ien ts are p rese n ted w ith oneo f-a -k in d w o rk s o f c ra ft a t T h e M a y o r's A w ards G ala D inner. T he aw ard s are co m m issio n ed by C IB C and c re a te d by stu d e n ts at S h erid an C o lle g e 's S c h o o l o f C ra fts an d D esign. N o m in a tio n fo rm s m ay be pick ed up at th e O a k v ille A rts C o u n c il, lo cated on th e seco n d flo o r o f the C e n tra l B ra n c h o f th e O a k v ille P ublic L ib rary , 120 N avy S treet. N o m in a tio n s m u st be retu rn ed to the O A C by W ed. M arch 1st at 4 p.m . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , call the O A C at 8 1 5 -5 9 7 7 . n k SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, Sale ends Sunday Our best-selling Kenmore® models S a v e $ 2 6 0 . . . K ENM O RE `SUPER C APA CITY' LAUNDRY TEAM Washer. 3 combination, 2-speed motor, Dual-Action ® agitator. *47662. Sears reg. 729.9 9. 599.99 Dryer. Wrinkle Guard* feature and reversible door. m 662 . Sears reg. 5 2 9 .9 9 . 399.99 PICK OF THE CROP T O Y S \ V B O O K S POC will be closed for 3 weeks from February 21 to March 14 as we make some exciting changes! Pre-Renovation Sale Help us clear o u t th e store ... a t least 40% off everything in stock! Watch for our reopening in March, brighter and cheerier than ever... shopping a t POC will be even more fun! 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE 844-5363 Save $ 200 SM O O TH -TO P RANGE Features an electronic tim er and two sm all appliance outlets. m 29 3 . Sears reg. 9 9 9 .9 9 . Save$ 300 1 9 .9 -C U . FT. REFRIGERATOR With 4 glass half-w idth shelves and 2 clear crispers. #60092 . Sears reg. 1 1 99.9 9. Save $ 140 KEN M O R E D ISHW ASHER D irect-feed wash system and Quiet Guard sound package. # 17772. S ears reg. 7 3 9 .9 9 . 799.99 Self-clean also available; extra 899.99 Available in White. Black and Almond 599.99 Also available in Black H Plus, use your Sears Card and Don't pay for one full year on all major appliances Don t pay u n til February 2001, on approved credit, w ith you r Sears Card. M inim um $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and a ll applicable taxes and charges are payable a t tim e o f purchase. Excludes item s in our Liquidation/O utlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Sunday, February 27, 2000. Ask fo r details. N P0230200 Copyright 2000. Sears C anada Inc. Come see the many sides o f Sears V is it S e a rs O a k v ille P la c e Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9:00 pm. Sat. 8:00 am-6:00 pm. Sun.11 am-6 pm.