Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, C4

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday, February 16, 2000 Community Update An Oakville Beaver Feature Contact Wiima Blokhuis: 845-3824 Ext 250 Fax: 337-5567 Email: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com Please fo rw a rd announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, F ax 33 7 -5 5 6 7 or email to blokhuis@ haltonsearch.com BEFO RE NO O N M onday to be included. Enjoy an evening o f fun and m usical entertainm ent at T heatre Sheridan during its 'Catch a Rising Star' show case, w hich highlights song and dance perform ances by Sheridan's M usical T heatre students. T his variety show case opens 8 p.m. and contin ues W ednesday through Saturday in T heatre Sheridan's fully licensed cabaret style the atre until Feb. 19th. F or tickets o r inform a tion, call the box office at 815-4049. involvem ents o f a friend, partner o r fam ily m em ber. Call A D A P T at 639-6537 betw een 8:30 a.m . and 4:30 p.m ., M onday to Friday. Halton W om en' s Civitan Club m eets first T uesday and third W ednesday o f each m onth at O akville R am ada Inn, 7 to 9 p.m. Call C hristie L angevin, 844-8070. / Deserve Better, eight w eek self-help program for w om en w ho feel they are w alk ing on eggshells and constantly criticized, 9:3 0 to 11:30 a.m ., W o m en 's C entre, H opedale M all, Ste. 210. Free, 847-5520. Oakville Strutters are back. Fun fitness w alks, dow ntow n to G airloch G ardens and back, 60 to 90-m inute walk. Pub visit after w ards. M eet at O akville C entral Library m ain doors, L akeshore and Navy, 7:15 p.m. Call Patti C richton, 338-2751. Wednesday E vening Fifn R u n s , for beginner and veteran runners, m eets 7 p.m., at T he R unning Com pany, 118 T hom as St. Free. C all 815-1952. 1999 CAMPAIGN s HOncj o U n /te c f W cjy o f O tffa s/ffe W E D N E SD AY F E B R U A R Y 16 Joshua Creek Ratepayers Inc., annual general m eetin g , 7 :3 0 to 9 :3 0 p .m ., Oakville-T rafalgar Secondary School, 1460 Devon Rd. Special guests: A1 B arnstable, Sithe Inc., talking about proposed natural gas pow er generation plant to be built on W inston C hurchill R d, south o f R oyal W indsor Drive. M ayor A nn M ulvale and Councillors Keith Bird and Tedd Sm ith dis cuss their view s on the future o f O akville, and issues o f interests to local residents such as com m ercial expansion and truck traffic on C ornw all, Ford and L akeshore roads. Election o f board o f directors. A nnual m em bership dues o f $20 per household will be accepted at the door. John Reynolds, R eform M P fo r W est Vancouver and justice critic in shadow cab inet, speaks about three current topics: refugee landings on the W est C oast, young offenders law s, and birth o f the C anadian Alliance Party, at C anadian C lub dinner, O akville R am ada Inn. C ash bar 6 p.m ., din ner 7 p.m. Cost: $27.50 ($37.50 non-m em bers). To reserve seats, call 845-2862 - pay at the door. T H U R SD A Y F E B R U A R Y 17 Self-E steem Program , Learning to Like Myself, offered by W om en's C entre and C a n ad iaif M ental H ealth A ssociation, at W om en's C entre, H opedale M all, Ste. 210, T hursdays to M arch 9th, 1 to 3 p.m. Cost: $35 per person, call 847-5520. HEADS SHAVED FOR UNITED WAY: Six sta ff at Royal & Sun A lliance sh aved their heads to help the com p an y's em ployee cam paign raise $40;000 for the O ak ville U nited Way. Show n at fron t, from left, are Bruce K irk o f R ico A nthony H air Spa, A llison M acin tosh , G eraldine K irch, Eileen K idney, and C live Sm ith, president and CEO, Royal & Sun A lliance. Show n at back from left are: B ruce W ilson, B ruce Pow ell, D arin Stahl, Derrick Sm ith, Thom H opkins, and M arco M azzei. The em p loyee cam paign realized a 100% increase over last year. O akville H istorical Society. Election o f officers, annual reports, all m em bers w el com e and en co u rag ed to attend. Refreshm ents, door prize. Call 815-5966. and w eek-long festival in O rlando, Florida. E ast Oakville Com m unity A d u lt Centre m eets at M aple G rove U nited C hurch, 346 M aplegrove at 1 p.m. for cards, gam es and refreshm ents. T helm a Perras, 844-5584. Close the Gap Between Rich and Poor w orkshop, A ppleby U nited C hurch, 4407 Spruce Ave. Free registration 9 a.m ., pro gram 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Practical tools for churches, groups and individuals to con tinue progress o f past tw o years in tracking T hird W orld debt crisis, sw eatshops and prom oting Fair T rade (ethically produced T h ird W orld goods). F a ir T rade Fair, Sw eatshop Fashion Show, sponsored by Ten D ays for G lobal Justice, Burlington com m ittee. C all 637-3110 for m ore details. Trillium Photographic C lub holds annu al Photographic Exhibition o f three area photography clubs including audio-visual presentations, print d isplays and digital imagery, at Burlington Art C entre, 1333 Lakeshore, B urlington, 8 p.m . T ickets $12 each, including refreshm ents. A dvance sales only, call M erle Souci, 845-4068. Oakville Trafalgar School Council, 1 p.m ., in school library, 1460 D evon w est o f M aplegrove. M eeting open to all interested parents, teachers, students and public. W ISE - Women In Support o f Each Other (m ature w om en's netw ork), stim ulat ing interaction, 10 a.m. to noon, W om en's Centre, Hopedale M all, Ste. 210. Topic: Sym bols o f a Presence - angels and m ysti cal synchronistic happenings, with Barbara Schejbel. Call 847-5520. H alton VON F oot Care C linic, Oakville Christian School Open House, 10 a.m. to noon and 7 to 8:30 p.m . T our classroom s, m eet teachers, and learn about schools academ ic and e xtra curricular focus, C h rist-cen tred e n v iro n m en t, c o m m u n ity outreach, full day ju n io r and senior kinder garten, before and after school program s, sum m er cam p. School at 112 T hird Line. O akville Seniors R ecreation Centre, 263 Kerr, 1 to 4 p.m. M ississauga Camera Club, 8 p.m ., Port C re d it L ibrary, 20 L akeshore E ., M ississauga. P resenter: Juraj D olanjski, T he M ovie. Call 625-3071. SA TU R D AY F E B R U A R Y 19 Oakville Choral Society one night per form ance, St. Jo h n 's U nited C hurch, Randall and D unn, to perform John R utter's Magnificent and P oulenc's G loria with well know n soprano soloist Peg Evans, and guest o rg an ist, in te rnationally renow ned Ian Sadler. Tickets, $15, call R ienna Delouw, 847-7469, or Penny Johnstone, 845-5359, or at the door at church. Blood D onor Clinic, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (new hours), G len A bbey R ecreation Centre, 1415 T hird Line. Single Adults Alive fellow ship group hosts a cross country ski day and sleigh ride event Saturday Feb. 19th. F or details con tact inform ation line at 844-2801 ext. 47. A rt o f the Baroque - Young Artist Series fundraising concert, organized by O A C student A lexander S chuerm er and fea tu rin g 20 m usicians from H am ilton Philharm onic Youth O rchestra, Ham ilton E ast C h am b er E n sem ble and T oronto S ym phony Youth O rchestra, for T. A. Blakelock m usic program , at St. H ilda's C hurch, 1258 R ebecca, 8 p.m. A dm ission $6 adults and$5 for students at the door. P roceeds to send B lakelock W ind E nsem bles to three com petitions in GTA Gallery Shop in Gairloch Gardens, 1306 L akeshore E., has received new w ork by re n o w n ed C an ad ian p o tte r K ayo O 'Young, plus other hand-crafted Canadian item s for sale. Shop open T hursday to Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m ., project o f O akville G alleries Volunteer A ssociation, 844-3460. H alton Central Chapter, B N I, m eets every T hursday at the D ynasi R estaurant, 399 D undas W., 7 to 8:30 a.m ., visitors w el com e. F or inform ation and reservations, call John Seaga, 257-9463. " Veterans A ffairs C anada. Cost: $3 per person, 338-4400. 21st Century Wedding Show, hosted by Patrick E vent Planning, R attleSnake Point G o lf C lub, B ronte R oad (form er Hwy. 25) south o f M ilton, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fashions by D or-M el B ridal & D ress Salon, M arialinda D esign, and tuxedos from Bill M ath ers M e n 's W ear and Syd Silver Form als. Sem inars on Floral Designs and C olours by T he D ove C lassics flow er shop, and C hina and T ablew are Ideas for the Bridal R egistry by D elacourts G ift and Table. T ickets $5, proceeds going to OTM H C h a rita b le C o rp o ra tio n , M ilton D istrict H ospital, and the W om en's C entre, H opedale M all. Jackie Patrick, 257-0808. M O N D A Y F E B R U A R Y 21 S m artrisk presents H E R O E S, m ultim ed ia injury p revention show , 7 p.m ., O akville C entre for the Perform ing Arts, 130 N avy, free. A lso free parking. To reserve seats, call 338-4379. C a n ad ian F e d e ratio n o f U niversity W om en - C FU W O akville, has Maximize Your Energy, w ellness w orkshop, with psy chotherapist Patti W ilson, chiropractor Dr. S andra S im pson, and certified wellness expert B onnie Jackson. W ellness Walk 7 to 8 p.m., business m eeting at 8 p.m. with the E n erg y P anel fo llo w in g , at O akville T rafalgar High School, 1460 D evon west o f M aplegrove. C all Ann, 849-3962. Living With Cancer support group, 7:30 p.m., C ancer Society office, 635 Fourth L ine, U nit 51, call 845-5231. South Peel Naturalists Club monthly m eeting, 8 p.m .. C hurch o f St. Bride, C lark so n R oad, M ississau g a. Speaker: M ark Peck, Shorebirds. Call 279-8807. SU N D A Y F E B R U A R Y 20 Celebrate H eritage D ay at O akville M useum at Erchless Estate, 8 Navy, Feb. 20th, 1 to 4:30 p.m. D isplays, videos, activ ities and special guests. D isplay o f W W II m odel airplanes m ade by D ick M arshall, w ho constructed the m odels from airplanes he repaired during R C A F days, view video featuring long tim e O akville resident Lt. C ol Jock A nderson, and excepts from video series N ever Again, C anadian perspective o f W W I and W W II. In recognition o f Black History M onth, special display, and resident A lvin D uncan talks about his m em ories o f lesser know n aspect o f O akville history, as a stop on the U nderground Railroad. Kids can m ake airplanes from com m on household item s. First 30 m useum visitor received spe cial co m m em orative poster courtesy o f Myasthenia Gravis O ntario Chapter (includes O akville), m eets 6:45 p.m . - e arli er starting tim e, to exchange experiences and hear W endy T am m inen speak about how body's im m une system affects balance betw een health and disease. M eeting at for m er office o f E to b ic o k e B oard o f Education, 1 C ivic C entre C ourt, E tobicoke - take Hwy. 427 north to B urham thorpe, go west to W est Mall and south to C ivic C entre Court. Call Bob L anglois, 827-1957. G am bling P artner's G roup: D oes som eone you care for have a problem w ith gam bling? Beginning Feb. 16th A D A PT w ill be running a G a m b lin g P a rtn e r's Group. This six-w eek group is open to all those con cern ed a bout the g a m b lin g F R ID A Y F E B R U A R Y 18 Feb. 18th is last day to register for O akville Suzuki A ssociation's 8th annual C ham ber M usic Festival, M arch 4th, Glen A bbey U nited C hurch, U pper M iddle and N ottinghill G ate. All local m usical ensem bles invited to participate. N on-com petitive e v en t, c ritiq u es by adjudicator. C all M argaret Taylor, 849-6911. O akville Seniors Centre, 263 Kerr, annual general m eeting. Speaker: Harry B arrett, fo rm er m ay o r and m em b er o f Open House Hopedale Montessori School OPEN HOUSE · 156 T hird Ln, Oakville S at. F e b ru a ry 1 9 , 10am -1 pm ·160 W illiam s St., O akville S at., F e b ru a ry 2 6 , 10am - 1pm W e are n o w a cce ptin g re g is tra tio n fo r S e pte m be r 2 00 0. L im ite d spaces available. Ages 2 -1 /2 to 6 years. Deaths Deaths M c C O R M IC K , M a rle n e E m ily (n e e S ta rc h u c k )- With great sorrow the family announces the passing of Marlene Emily McCormick, on February 11, 2000, at the age of 67. Born in Toronto, Ontario, she was the daughter of James Sr. and the late Emily Starchuck. Dearly beloved wife of Raymond. Beloved m other of Sherri, Trent, Dawn, Paul and Hope Ogilvie and the ir spouses. G rand m othe r to G rant, Lauren, Sean, David, Alexandra, Emily, Sam, Megan, Trent and Bridget. Loving sister to the late James Jr. and his wife Joan, step-sister Sandy and nieces and nephews. Dearly loved by all and will be greatly missed. Friends were received at the Ward Funeral Home, "Oakville Chapel", 109 Reynolds St., on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service was held in the chapel on Monday, February 14, 2000, at 2:3 0p.m . M em orial d o n a tio n s m ay be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Card of Thanks The Family of the late Howard Cullingham wish to express their sincere thanks to all their friends and relatives, for their support during our recent loss. Your donations and flo ra l trib u te s were g re a tly a p p re c ia te d . T h a n k you to Reverend Morar Murray-Hayes for her support and th e M aple G ro ve C hurch Ladies for their lovely luncheon. A special thanks to all the staff of OTMH and Kopriva Funeral Home. "GRANNY" AIKENS, VI01A MARIE - It is with great sadness that the family announce the passing of Granny on Fri day February 11th, 2000, in her 92nd year. Devoted grandma of John and Irene Aikens and their spouses Anita Aikens and Frank Maiurro. She will be missed by her great-grandchildren John, Bianca and Taylor. Nicholas. The lives of those Granny touched w ill be enriched with a piece of her that will be remembered and carried with us for the rest of our lives. Friends were received at The Ward Funeral Home- "Oakville C h ap e l' 905 -8 44 -3 22 1 on Tuesday from 7-9pm . D o n a tio n s may be m ade to Seneca S e n io r Day Program, 53 Bond Street, Oakville, L6K 1L8, and would be sincerely appreciated by her family. For information call 847-1165 or 338-5247 Funeral Directors OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family Tenders © 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·Duncan Way »John Murphy M INISTRY OF M UNICIPAL AFFAIRS A N D H O U SIN G on behalf of Ontario Housing Corporation (An agency of the Province of Ontario) IN V IT A T IO N T O TEN D ER FOR: SFT-01/00 REM O V A L A N D REIN STA LLA TIO N OF C O M M E R C IA L K ITC H EN EQ U IPM EN T at O ak v ille O H -4 O ak v ille S en io r C itiz en 's R esidence 2220-2222 L akeshore R oad W est, O ak v ille Sealed tenders for the project will be received until 2:00pm lpcal time M arch 1st, 2000, by the Regional M anager, Southern Re gional Office, M inistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ellen Fairclough Building, 14th Floor, 119 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y7 Tender Documents can be view ed or obtained through the of fice of the Regional Manager, address as noted above by contact ing Lori Christopher at (905) 546-8246. A pre-bid meeting will be held for interested bidders at 10:00am on February 22, 2000. The lowest or any tender not necessary accepted. SarcSPStt& v-..-.. ... M il M INISTRY OF M UNICIPAL AFFAIRS A N D H O U SIN G on behalf of O ntario Housing Corporation (An agency of the Province of Ontario) HUBERT, Richard A rthur - Peacefully on February 13, 2000 at Hamilton General Hospital. Richard, aged 29, succumbed to injuries sustained on January 21, 2000. Son of Arthur and Irene Hubert, brother and brother-in-law of Karen and Kevin Owen and grandson to Adeline H ubert, all of Milton. He will be sadly missed by his many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Contact Ward Funeral Home in Oakville at (905)844-3221 for visitation times. Burial to take place in the afternoon of Friday, February 18, 2000. God has welcomed Richard Home and we look forward to the day we will m eet again. Until then he remains forever young in our hearts and memories. K0TULAK, Anna (nee Danko) - Peacefully at the Extendicare N ursing Home, (Henderson H ospital) Hamilton, Ontario on Thursday, February 10, 2000, Anna Kotulak of Burlington in her 95th year. Beloved wife of the late John Kotulak. Loving mother of John K otulak and h is w ife Pat, Anne D iL e llio and her husband Lawrence and Edward Kotulak and his wife Irene, and m othe r-in -la w to George M atyasovsky. Loved grandmother, great-grandmother, and greatgreat-grandmother of many. Dear sister of John Danko of Slovakia. She w ill be fondly remembered by her nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her daughter H elen, her s is te r M ary and her b ro th e r Andrew . V isitation at SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, 485 Brant Street (one block north ot City Hall), BURLINGTON (905-632-3333) on Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral M ass w ill be Celebrated at St. John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church, Brant Street (at Blairholm) on Monday, February 14,2000 at 11 a.m. Interment Holy S e p u lc h re C em etery, B u rlin g to n . If d esired expressions of sym pathy to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario or a charity of your choice would be sincerely appreciated. Vigil for Anna Sunday 8p.m. at the funeral home. McELHERAN, George A lfred - Peacefully at home on Thursday, February 10, 2000 at the age of 73. Born in London, Ontario and married to Freida Irene (nee Faulds). Beloved dad of Elizabeth McElheran and father-in-law of Fred Gabrsek. Survived by his brother Richard McElheran of London. Friends were received at the Ward Funeral Home "Oakville Chapel", 109 Reynolds St. (905-844-3221) on Sunday from 2-4 and 79 p.m. and on Monday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. A Funeral Service took place in the Ward Chapel on Monday at 11 a.m. with b u ria l fo llo w in g at T ra fa lg a r Lawn Cemetery. Donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation in memory of George. · 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Family Services A lc o h o lic s A nonym ous If you drink, th at's your business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631 -8784 Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities METROLAND INTERMEDIATE SALES REPRESENTATIVE We have an immediate opening for an experienced sales representative who is highly motivated and can achieve results! Be part of an award winning sales team with an attractive compensation package, including salary, commission, bonuses and gas allowance. Your responsibilities include: IN V IT A T IO N T O TEN D ER FOR: T.S. B04-01/00 IN STA LLA TIO N OF K ITCHEN SAFETY FLO O R IN G at O ak v ille OH-4 O ak v ille S en io r C itizen 's R esidence 2220-2222 L akeshore R oad W est, O ak v ille Sealed tenders for the project will be received until 2:00pm local time M arch 1st, 2000, by the Regional M anager, Southern Re gional Office, M inistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ellen Fairclough Building, 14th Floor, 119 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4V7 T ender Docum ents can be view ed or obtained through the of fice of the Regional Manager, address as noted above by contact ing Lori Christopher at (905) 546-8246. A pre-bid meeting will be held for interested bidders at 10:00am on February 22, 2000. The lowest or a n y tender not necessary accepted. -servicing and growing existing accounts -prospecting for and acquiring new accounts -preparing formal written and visual presentation Your qualifications include: -2 years + proven sales record -a keen desire to succeed and advance -the ability to manage several products concurrently -good communication, organization and team skills Reply in confidence to: Daniel Daird 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 No phone calls please

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