Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Mar 1912, p. 5

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VPowles' Corners. tip-respondents of the Gazette The time has come when, if any rate- 3 payer in this school section takes excep- tion to the business methods of the trustees of this section, they are told that they go to the school meeting to find fault The trustees think that their actions are above criticism. Dinner pails can be kicked through window glass, broom handles broken and the handle of the carctaker’s garden rake broken and no fault found. An item appearingin the Gazette in tho- corres- pondence from Powles' Corner of March 15th was branded as a slur on the school. Mrs. M. A. Hopkins oi‘ Petcrborough returned to her home last week after spending about two Weeks here with relatives. Mr. Levi Hill left here last Wednesday morning for Spragge in Algonia district. Mr. Jno. Newborry of I’cnetang, and Mr. Herb Ingram of Toronto called on friends in this locality first of the week. The Epworth League of Fenelon Falls entertained the League of here on Wed- nesday evening. Refreshments were served after the programme. Mr. E. Kendall is a very busy man this winter. Assisted by Mr. Sam Moore they cut and drew over two hundred saw-logs to Sturgeon Lake, besides a lot of wood he has taken to Lindsay, and nearly one hundred cords cut and piled up for 1913. flASliflf wn' ._ accountâ€"Atlantic Star. pretty sharp ears.â€"-Renton Express. per’s Magazine. Boston Transcript. ~ It’s small consolation for a. man might be.â€"Peorla Herald. Honesty is the best policy. but me watchedâ€"Hoosier Post. ‘ -Philadelphia Ledger. than wordsâ€"Indianapolis Star. by her husbandâ€"Smart Set. stantly looking at iLâ€"Rexton Leade bx 4 yards Embroidery for 10 cents at ,LlDPmCOtt'B Magazma Burgoyncs’ Sale. _. 'W’HAT GOVERNOR HUGHES THINKS “[l' we had, throughjhe misfortune of war, or the suddenrise of pestilence, or through some awful ca‘amity, the dos- truction of life that annually takes place n account of the spread of this disease (Tuberculosis), we should be appalled, and mass meetings would be held in every community and demand would be r made that the most urgent measures i should be adopted. It is only because , we are accustomed to this waste of life, and 'are prone to think it is a dispen- sations of Providence, that we go on , about our business. little thinking of the ‘ preventive measures that are possible." 'Btar. ;York Times. :take it too much to heart. halvesâ€"Re ck Gazette. leaâ€"Health News. 3 _____.-. , , l Children’s Wool Hose ion pair at B'urgoyncs’ Sale. : 'ever since.â€"-Evansville News. l i â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€""- one never knows how many steWed » , - prunes there are in the worldâ€"Can- , Peterborongh Review: A quiet wed- for! Herald. ding was celebrated in Douro on the . The independence of the modem '_ I ovoningoi March 6th, at the home of bachelopgirl amazes and shocks the .I Mr. and Mrs. Francis Arscott, when grandmothefs of the race. but of 3- their adopted daughter, Myrtle Rose, ' ’ was united in marriage to Mr. Sidney amazing and shocking its grand lumbarâ€"Sydney Bulletin. R. :voy, oi’ Peterborough, in the presence of a number al’ relatives and friends, Rev. 'J.- E. F’eo officiating. The bride was attended b'.‘ her sister, Miss Ethel May Nurse, of Emily, while the groom was supported by Mr. HMVQNI Arscott, of Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Rovoy will frcside in East City. sale on Saturday and every dayto the end or the month. levery unto-date factory. Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed. 1 f' _ lic'suro you, go to llnrgoy‘no’s Big 1 l i i loyalty. , u“? I i Fancy Prices for Dogs , Farmer-s Attention ! Owing to the light delivery of grain this season, we are not keeping a man permanently at the Railway warehouses. We are’in the market for all kinds of grain, however, at the mill. and prepared to pay the high- est prices therefor. It will pay you to call before selling elsewhere. J. H. BRANDON. Stray Hound. Strayed on to'my premises, Lot 3, Con. i. Soniervillc, a hound dog. Owner is requested to prove property and pay ' charges. . Mrs. A. M. liillyer, Silver Lake P. 0. 'high prices. .1103- . Tell, and the sum offered might be 4....WM .Teli is worthy oihis famous name, but ithis is not all. The dog belongs to Sergeant Decker, who refused the tempting offer, Observing that his dog lshould not quit Germany at any price. Tm: "arm antennae. ROOFING is made. in soil, hand- some shades of Red, Broivn and Green, as well as natural slate color. These colors are an integral part of the exposed surface, not painted on. Cannot fade out or wash off. Let us show you samples. 77 Sole Canadian Mfrs. THESTANDARDPAINTCO. ‘ I. oiCanada.!Jmiled.MonireaL mnfifim Jos. lieard, - Fenelon Falls. 1. L. Cook& Bros” - Cohoconk. Hopkins Bros. & Marks, dismount. . m . so veneer j, «.- sxrssisucs i. Tags: Manse R. Murrow. - ' lili‘llilclil. cszons Consumers ac. Trees that will Grow. \ Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quit:th ascertain our opinion has Wactbnzan invention is probably patent. in geranium» tions strictg’comlucntlnl. Hill BERG“ on Fluent: sent frost ides: azcnry for securing patents. Patents taken thrown 11min it. Go. rczcirc cpeclal not without charge, intho Seniors fimgrgga . masonic! illustrated weekl . r. on» g‘nlation of oily scientific journal. Termii tor mm?!) a you. postage prepaid. Sold. by * all new calers. *fiiiiitus'mduiu see to it that you buy oi~ a firm whose trees have the right sort of roots and have been handled correctly in the unr- a reason. Take an agency: send for- terms. Out~ fit free. Then. W. Bowman &Son Co., Lid., Ridgeville,,0nt :.,. ‘i‘u-vm-x . 1’1: aspâ€"v . i «can i Love is never blind to a his bank The man who always follows the dictation of his conscience must have There is nothing more cruel than the fun of barbarians or of boys.â€"Har- Some men show that they are bad eggs the moment they are broke.â€" realize that he isn't as bad as he of it is the result of being closely It is sometimes better to keep your 0WD counsel than to engage a. lawyer. A shrug of a woman’s shoulders can blast a reputation more effectively The fiction most dear to the wo- man’s heart is not of the sort supplied Tell a girl she has a pretty nose and she Will become cross-eyed from con- , If you want money, go to strangers; if you want advice, go to trends; if you want nothing. go to relations.â€" " When a woman drives .a nail she should always have a man near to do the swearipg tor henâ€"Borsville Most of~ the articles on how to choose a husband are written by wo- ’men .who never had a ohance.â€"New i If you make a. fool of yourself, don't CALF MEAL which contains just the The world proper proportions of Protein, Carbro Sis full or people who are kiclrlng‘ them- ‘- A pessimist is simply a person who 3 afraid to have a sunny disposition- i‘for fear of giving other people freck- , The fall of man dates back to the Garden of Eden. and he has been tak- ing a tumble to himself pretty much , We live and learn. Until one be- pomes an inmate of a boarding-house, course, the world progresses only by - m- ... . :.J g LUNCH-ROOMS 'FOR WOMEN Lunch-roams for women employee are rapidly growing in popularity in I ' A short time ago this was looked upon as an um, inecessary luxury, but-the progressive5 {employer of toâ€"day realizes the advan-' tage gained by considering the com- Efort and health of his employes, and sa'bright, clean lunch-room is a stimu: line to a higher standard of service i . It is not only in England and- Ameri- 50a that fantastic prices are paid for dogs, but in Germany fenders will pay At the recent exhibition of dogs at Cassel a Frenchman offered 12,000 marks, about $3,000. for a. police The dog rejoices in the name or considered as conclusive evidence that l When buying fruitor ornamental trees, A I \E I Q 0 U L D series. Our trees will grow;.-â€" there-is I Best Place in Canada For superior Business or Short-hand Education is the great and popular ' ’\ 7‘? .- . J iy:&:.ia;.\31hil l TGRONTO. O‘NT. v Graduates readily obtain good posi- : tions and the demand is fully three ’ times our supply. This collegois '~ open all year. Students have lately ' taken positions at $50, $80, $75 'and $100 per month. Enter now. Cata- ' loguo free. W. J.'.' ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. to st international Calf Meal 2‘. It is a well-known fact that calves that are allowed to suckle their moth- ers develop into larger, healthier and more vigorous animals than those that are raised on skim milk alone, unless the Protein, Sugar and Fat that is removed in the fonn of cream is-re- placed. This can be done at a small cost by the use of INTERNATIONAL Hydrates and Fats to produce the ‘ Ideal Calf food when mixed with skim milk according to our directions. , International Stock .Food Is a good thing to feed your stock in the spring. Acts just like a spring tonic does on a man. It saves its cost many times over. It improves digestion and given life, strength and vigor and tones up horses and cattle .11 great shape. ‘ A‘hybody can kodak. No fuss, G. F. VECAR$ Drnggist and Optician I FENELON FALLS, ONT. y We Excel - We have the most modern, the ,5 most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern On- tario. The courses are thorough '-' and fascinating. An entirely Canadian-Business Procedure '5 for the training of the ambitious " young people of our country. Our graduates are successful. ,5 Ask a student or ex-studentâ€" they are our best advertisements. HOME STUDY CQU'FISES. iindsay HUSlHBSS College ~C. R. Bower A. H. Spotton ‘ ;,~ ' Principal President if." ENTER ANY DAY. ENTERHANY DAY I 33315.! :: For a thorough coursc'in Business, Rhorthnnd, Telegraphy or English 3 in one of snows sonnets . '.rt‘é'~‘."?vl€-'."lfli" 4.2-." TORONTO um, WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. : é Write for catalogue. Address W. H. Shaw. President, Head Oflices, Central Business College, Yongc and Gerrard Sis, Toronto. Mm Nursery Stock. ‘. ‘ l l a -‘¢'-’.i:<"ir.':5i.‘.‘irli>94’lr" Before ordering trees, write us for our catalogue and prices or see our nearest agent. we are the largest growers of trees in Canada. Full line of Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry and Plum. Our trees are noted for fine root system and largest limb growth. Our Nurseries are patronized by the largest and most pro- gressive fruit growers of Canada. Write for an Agency. Brown Bros. Co., NurserymenLtd., Browns Nurseries. Welland Co Ontario. : Thet'shoeld come FIRST in any First Class Drug Store. ' p , Our Drugs are the Forest that . . can'bc obtained. -' ‘ A message for our Lady;- ' _: Customers : We havcaHomc '5 Dye that Al." - 5 ONE can use. ? Dyes cloth of % ANY KIND : Perfectly with the SAME Dye. in your home . No chance of _ i using the Wrong - Dye for the goods " you have to color ‘ A complete assortment of all Colors always on hand. lasts a lifetime. ’ i Endorsed by the leading physicians and health oiiicials the most prominent architects and adopted by. Over 15,000 have been installed in Cana Kodak Pictures Are Worth While. no bother. No dark room for any part of the work. Kodaks $5 mini-"Browniecameras $1 io$i2. Let us help you to double the pleasure of the outdoor days. .3... H. STANTON. ,WWMMW' ’ ,nutuminsn, illusion ” " and LAME BACK can be Cured by the great fruit kidney and liver remedy, » ‘ FIG PILLS Brantford, Ont, Aug. I3, Ion Your mcdzcmc, Fig Pills, has worked wonders for me. The rheumatic pains have entirely left me and I owe every- thing to yourremedy. You are at liberty to publish this. R. H. GAILMLN At'all dealers 25 and 50 cents or mail:- by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Out. 1% Sold in Fenelon Falls by A. J. Gould, Druggist. FARM T0 RENT. Lot 21 Con. 9,, Ops, containing 100- acres. Soil clay loam. Two miles east of Lindsay, one mile from school house. Large brick house, two barns, with stabling ; wells and pumps ; some ploughing done. Possession March ist, 1912. Apply to Patrick H. O'Connor.. 86 John Street, Toronto, Ont., or to- John O’Connor, Lot 21 Con. 8, East Ops. fie You Own a “ PARKY‘E‘E ”' 0R ARE YOEE A SLAVE TB ILL-HEALTH ? d “Miidil’h 5" Sanitary Chemical Closet is the strongest kind of insurance 4 against the germs of (licence. It is a pi'cvcnluiive against epidemics and contagion in the summer, UH - and an absolute necessity the year round. . Requires neither water nor sewerage 5 can be I placed in any part of your home; cests less than one cent a (lay, and ; specified by whole municipalities. dian homes in less than a m . . . year. Ask your dealer for prices. *‘lggISt and Opt101a'n- The Parkth Sanitary Chemical- Clcsct‘ is made in Canada by _ . PARKER \VHITE LIMITED, \Vinnipcg, Man. " FOR SALE. Good White Leghorn cock-i crel. Apply at Gazette Office. I ‘ F. KELLY, - Branchesâ€"Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by FENELON FALLS. ;. .. , . _._-...._.-~.i.-,w__-.,.l .‘ av." . r ._¢‘MJ..A”',, Arms-ea 1, am!

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