Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Dec 1907, p. 4

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7'0 ., â€" ,mazette. ‘ Friday, Dec. 20th. 1907. . her an advance upon all that has gone before. “Three Hours in a.Bear Trap," is a vivid description of a misadventure L “ in the backwoodS, while Indian Cooking ‘ in Northern Canada supplies another view of life in Canadian forests which_ , prove so attractive to all students , of outdoor life. For variety and inter- est this number is unsurpassed and should be the one magazine no sports- man means to miss. Every article is in- tcresting and many are of special inter-r est. ‘, A e- t ,. , - O Qmfloflflflg _.r cg I, . 3‘ I: i i «339. . ,Ifi‘ml‘r‘vlg,® 4%. '71, A“ .9“ I . @\ IM\ V“ \zun‘ -fi-rgmnif'rmx‘aé‘r .- \ewmr ' I W. BUBEOYNE & SUN. , There’ll be great doings at this store the next four shopping days. .8 . ‘ With the very limited Space we have here it would be useless for us ’ H ,. g , t. C, S H , ' " . I a ) )1‘030 1111 e cc 1011, 0 . fllll ‘ 11g 105 t0 attempt to describe the Inagfilflcent array 0f and useful E, Secured the nomination with a vote of Gift-’3’ much tune now for store talk. You Want facts #0 330, which was 280 more than the next SAM'S THE MAN. At the Liberal-Conservative Conven- tion held in Lindsay yesterday, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the l. X if. ’i 'k. Powla‘s’ Corner. m- highest, Dr. Vrooman. the services. about useful things, which can only be had by coming to this store._ (0 d N G H ) k ' ~ : ' - . ' ~â€"-- - ~â€"~- orrcspon once 0 w (126 ,e. :_ * r ‘ I . ' - l We 13 1eady With ezgfiafillielp; tokgwe yfmli1 careful and gum]: serv1ce, and o Wage Comm Simw,.,,i,,g he, week eno,,g,,.c,, “a, ’ e S ()0 1n S u r ' 1 ‘I' beautiful has fallen to make n'ood sleig ' ’3 you 1]: fl"an you can , g , e all-d Cheaper thls yea; than " . Fenelon Falls, Dec. 16th, 1907. ing for Christmasâ€"if we dozii’t have an-r ever 1f You do your Chrlstpmas shoppmg at 131118 Store. Don’t walt until ‘ Connoil met at general meeting, as per other thaw. ‘ f; d ' %9 statute ; all the members present. There Is an epidemic amongst the ii the last moment- come to" ay- ' - 5 Minutes of previous meeting read‘ and $01865 of gills section and other places. . . . J , . approved. , , ’_e hear 0 one farmer in the township on]. 4: more ShO 1n D8: S 13111 C h 1' 1 S t m a S . Ver httle t ‘ l A by-law to regulate cemetery charge. of Ops losing five head. Several animals ‘ lme ‘1 ' t 1 c 1 l d l: t t'D lave been sick '11'01 d l c '1 d M ’ - . ‘, was in rm u cc ant rea a 11's une. 1 - . in her , . n v r. - for even plannlng your purChaseS' Every day finds the throngs be- "~ By-law read a second time in committee R. E. Jollmtslton Ifist one last 1:80;. lit: is o ' ‘ ' ’ of the Whole without amendment Mr. L. reporte lat t 0 cause is co ing 00 ’1 COInlng larger and brlSker' Deymau in the chair. By-law ’having much oat straw, which appears to have 11 mi 0 > been read a third time mldfpamce‘, was: been contaminatec by the-grasshoppers: . ' f. And- the greater t e ' ylng 8 more gete ned we air-6.110 glve 32$) signed and sealed by the reeve. ' Thencwill be a Christmas tree and en-- “ g, you cash reasons for domg all your bqug here. The price tick- ' . Mr. Sims gives notice of a. bar-law to tertainmmlthere 0.“ Christmas EVG- T'HS' 2' t h that ' % ~ be introduced at this meeting to extend will be an- approplate1 , tune to remember‘ 8 S S 0W - ‘ 2 the time for the return of the collect- .loved ones'an‘d sweet learts. awe or's roll. Mr. Levi Wagar and his daughter‘ '37" The'by-law was introduced? and read '1. went to Coboconk the first of this week‘ \. s I. . 7‘ ' i first time. By-law read a second time, to attend the funeral of Mr. A. Hartwick. T H E N - ~ . in committee of the whole, without a- Mrs. Frank Jackson, of Enterprise, lâ€"A D R U S H . .. meudlnent, Mr; Austin in the chair. By- will spend Christmas Day at Mr. J. 0.. 8 PEG I AL_ TOY EX PE RT | N C H A R G E o F' T H IS D E F37T_ FaW' read a third time and passed, and Wagar’s. ' ‘ Was signed and sealed by the..reeve_ - _. . .. - . . ’ _ . . ., A communication from Mr. Geo. Ruth- B,\ZAA1{,__The bamar held], the ladies Happiness to a youngster costs very little. Disappomtment is awful, partrcularl y crford in regard to the flooding of his 0mm Baptist church on meaty and Sat- at Christmas. Bring the children to this store this week and let them tell San ta f,?’fil.2‘..°c§:s$.3§e‘fif1323;? Claus what they want him to bring. Come this week because the choice is bestâ€"â€" ““g‘fggg-mnicat,on from Messrs Stew :The sumuof’$80‘was realizedi- - ’11 u l ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ~'~ - ' . . ,n _ ' .' art 95 0‘00 0- ' , .1 t ‘Ll ‘. v SKATINGâ€"The skating r.ink opencd'for’ ‘ :Ve ldbfe bt 5 e1 cveiy day from now till Chi 1st1nas and of com se the best articles u 111 onfimten01:“,127W;f;5° mm season 0,, fSafuriagmft, 112qu th? e S0 'll‘S .. Shusfiqp, ])eynmn.,___r1qmb the reeve 1,, management 0 1\' r. r . . loun am, anc‘ , ‘ sign orders for the following accounts : ' {5 b?”.“gil‘§§(11 as usual" The ‘ _ z e .9, Clerk, postage account, $1.52; R. 001- 10015 11 8' 1 -* " I . , -‘ "’01" work 011 IGOR-Up. $7; T. P0111501". CHRISTMAS Tarnâ€"A Christmas Tree}. r S H I ' A I fl 5%. work on“ lock-up,‘ $2.10 ; McDiarmid & in connection with St. Andrew's church, 0 , 'â€"â€"‘â€"â€"‘ ”"“‘â€" \V 001‘s: 5.519.12-“0311‘16‘11- will be held in the lecture room of the i900 Dolls 3111 tsttyles, drctsslfif agidtpndlressedé $1 Photo Frames in; large variety of shapes and styles at Mr. H. Austin addressed the council church on Monday, Dec. 23rld. gaood Pom ‘0 1' e '0 S Size 3 0- 0 10 “€95 . 100. and in regard to his boat house on Water-St. programme is being prepare: an . 1. is; child‘s size at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. u ' .- SmSNI De ,1 “Trqb M ‘ IL d be expected that it will be a deem-qu i: 0 .ggom h ‘ 1-1‘ v ' 1 (1' (r E1 1 1 t». Cl "". $111.1?acqllllc: I ' ' ' ' I $20" ang alloiwed forfit'lizdnclcani‘ng oflhis'ii'latCh isucccss- I fiver ‘ ec anica s,1nc. 11 mg Tep ian‘s,‘ onus ass ewe oxcs . . . . .2. . . . c., .Ic., an 0c. closet, and that he put the said closet in CHRISTMAS SERVICES-élnvine service‘ orses,})ogs,Automobiles, (.hinamen,l\cgroes, Cannons LadLeSvHOSO Supporters m $11k and Sat“), er mil. n.0, . ram. ,1 .b - __C .o d. T v. - . . _ _ , -. . ., - , . , . .. ,, p I l [61 0 0k SDI‘IHE- Mlle - - will be held in St. James church om ] olicemovn, Soldiers, etc-., all at the surprismgly 12W 35mm $11“; Austin voting. .. Nay." _ Christmas morning at 10 30 ddock Tho‘ price each . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 150. and 200- Infant's Silk Bibs, each in Fancy box . . ...... . . . . . .500. Sims __])eyman,__rmmt the Financial church is beiqg decqmjce? {or the Gear " ' ' _. 1 . ( 1,, Perfume, each bottle in fancy box. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .2 c. .'.‘ Statement as presented by the treasurer sion and special music is )eingprcparm .. A L‘ali'ge Ring? Of Hm C-hm‘bnlg Tgys’fitmng ) {mi}? ' v' rr ' - - . 5 be accepted, showing a cash balance on Thc’scrvme Will be short,.andlloly Comm no spungs logct out of eidei, ,ltubbu tires on u let s, Shanna Murcis .. . “H.153 to 250 , . . . . . .. .. . . spreading} val-[Qty of Stlyes each , . _ _ _ . , . 75c to $200 I d. ‘ .. P, C n 1 . 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ '- hand of $4,444.44, and assets over liabil- munion- Will» be admnnstcred for the last- ‘ ° ' I ‘a “5 "311(3), 0. “rs” em I “1‘ 30h f ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " "506' ‘. itics of $â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€", and that two hundred time this.yeaa:-.. A large congregation is; To), Dogs 150; to 250. Toy Horses 108. to 250,” Box containing nickel pemand‘. penci'li . . . . .. . . .. 15c. ' : copies be printed for cireumtion._0'd. expected; Tin Horns. 5c. to 150. Trapeze Performers 50c. Ladies" Nee]: Emir?” in‘ box} 1’91"]30x- - ' ' ' - ' ' " ' '250- g 14- Defi'mmlâ€"Wm- Deymimrf'l‘hut M 1‘- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES.â€"~Tlle anui’ver~ Drup “)r'c “(1 r0 . gets T00]S 158 New silk Beltsyimdainty styles: of colorings including 31;: H- A [1311111 be allQ‘VCd to let his boat and sa-ry services of St. James' church, Feuâ€" . '9 "a. . 0 L' . i i - I black. .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 25c and 500 boat house remmn‘ 0” Willie” Street 1mm elon Falls, will be held on Sunday, Dee Trams-Sconsmtmg of engmc and two Icozlichcs 2oc. ‘ ' ’ """ ' " ' ‘ _;_.'_”_ ‘ ° ' Dizzy 15g, arog'idcdf lie-gilvifis a gluar- I comber 29th. The. Rev. Canon O’Mearny. “ .‘inoothinm. irons with stands cam ‘50. .,. A an cc 0. ~.:. 1a no ire w: )e a ow- ‘ principal of Wycliffe Conege Toronto, I, V Rubber Dolls that can't break each 151-... and 2513.. t 69 int 1:31:11?” theé’Q“? 011‘ boat 1101150 du- will preach morning and evening, and! I Bears. that, dance 25c.“ Clowns that DOME“, 259 503., Oanshcwing of this beau iful, work never was so large 1111:: a “De-‘- 111mm- there Will no doubt be an exceptionally- I ' ‘ ’ _ . , . - , . .- . , y . l w as )resent. .. large congregation to hear such a (115‘ T Watches. Rubbc ,3. 1m :- , .00 1. and \ mud and 0111 pllccs 11m 01 SO 0 1 __-_w_ m __¢___»_,_____ _ . g 03’ ' " ' 1 ‘1 00' 00' Popular and lasting, it makes ae most acceptable gift to r 4 tmguishcd' preacher. The Rector, the. 3', I . ' any woman. Table Covers with borders of Battenburg Personals. RBV- W» H- A. French; “711121551513 at bOth‘ .xii’lx. sfilrgflmflmfir; flit. ' Xmas fictionary. Our trade in this department is rapidly increasing 5 andlead pencils from one cent up. $1.25, $1.50. Sideboard drapes with centres and_ bor- ders of Battcnburg $1.25. Dollies in every Size ice. to 500. so lowly priced, over 100 dozen to choose from. Initial I‘landkerchiefs in white Silkalinc with opcnwork hem Mr. John Earle, who went from the township of Somerville to Manitoba over thirty years ago, is the guest of his bro- therâ€"in-law, Mr. Adam Rutherford, in ‘ I Fenelon, and will remain for some time. sence of several months; ACCII)EN'r.â€"»â€"While engaged in cutting: istraw for Mr. Robert Braden, of V‘eru- lam, on Thursday of last week, Mr. Ron-- ben Moore, of the Falls, lost part of his. left forefinger. He was pulling a bit of” ' -â€" no wonder when V011 see the values we oils-Lr Haud- . ' ' ‘ ' __ . . - . ~ v . I , . _ 7, . . , ~- . .. _ straw out of the maelnne wnen his finger- somc boxes. contamin 2 bunches envelojes um} 20. , .1 . E , _lIe called at the Gazette oihce on Tues ' , Sheets paper, ruled 1mg unmled 150 and ‘ You.” 3113' . any to renew om acqumntmwes. became caught between the roller and: pay double the price 1:0,. these anywhere Scribble“, Never such a chance to procure dainty l‘landkerchcifs Mm Stanley Ellis, .0: New Liskem-a, the feed chambtllld was so badly mangled. ‘ Out, is home at the Falls, after an ab- that DP- Graham, t0 Whom he WOM, found it necessary to amp utate it at the. I. ,N . , ., 1 , .- each 15c. Gentlemen's Colored borderle‘or 25c. Law *‘,, My, Amen; Whymn of Gamma out second joint. (’HOICFST MIXED CANNES '3 LBD' FOR 2"c' dics’ Lace and Embroidered edges at 50. to 750. White (nem- Amprion)” is viéiting his pgmntg THE NEW :pHONE mefconshmctionfi NEW negro Nth PER 1.1;; 2m swam cannons PER noz: 25'0. CAhHanmu NAVAL QRANGES PER DOZ. 350. p» . t . ' .- . . r, . . ., i} 'j-‘el 34%: nflumlllirml‘limdtimxfltufllufllhmflu: nullimulllhm‘l‘inmamlr. :xillzvudllllml..am.rll’lnr.nfiimfdmnllliadhuillinaflu Wadi; darn. Every lady in Fenelon Falls and vicinity should. see; my! stock of Winter millinery. and l- 5 «1 runs it Sill; Handkerchiefs both plain. and initial 150. to $1.90, Handkerchiefs in: fancy boxes from 1'50. per box to :32. .9 new we 6 99‘ omow 0‘ HNO A. G. BARKLEY. â€"OF THE- County of Victoria. THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES, {at the Falls. Mr. Jas. L. Arnold was in Toronto, on i“ :business, from Wednesday of last week , i WQOOOMOW 99”“06 MQOQMMON W SECOND DIVISEOH COURT The next sittings of the above Court wil until Saturday. Miss Vina Fell has resumed her po- sition in Mr. J. L. Arnold's store. Mr. W. T. Junkin, Grand Master of the C. O. O. F., went to Toronto on Tuesday 'iafternoou on business connected with - the Order, and returned on Thursday. His eldest son, Ivan, accompanied him. Miss Sabina Martin returned home on ; Tuesday from a two weeks‘ visit at Mr. 'j John Thompson's in Peterborough. Miss Nic, who went to Guelph as a district Women’s Institute delegate, rc- turncd home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller made a visit to friends in Cameron and Lindsay 011 Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Swanton, of Longford Mills, is at the Falls in consequence of the ill- ness of his uncle,Mr: Tlmmas Roberts. i work on the line of the Burnt River Tole~ phone Co. from Burnt River to the Falls. by way of Bury's Green, is practically- completed. The wires will reach the y Falls to-day, and by to-morrow, or early“ next week at thelatcst, the new com» pany will be ready for business. For-the present their local office will be in the- Bell Telephone Co‘s central office in. Gould's drug store. District N oles. The Lindsay Poultry Association will: hold its annual exhibition on January-- 21st, 22sd and 23rd. - At a meeting of the Sturgeon Point council, held in Lindsay last week, it _ was decided to hold the municipal: elecs. tions at the Point in June instead of in. j January. A cow owned by Mr. Isaac Mclnroy- be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Fans .Mrs. J. H. Brandon and Miss Brandon . L k _1.“ l 1 f 11. m . t Ready-to-wear and untrimmed Hats and ON TUESDAY, DEC‘R17th,1907, £233.24 relut‘ves 1“ Pem‘mm" 1““ gfwiieiilovgroioita; réletétdeje’ia.“ 8133’ it: 3.011119%, trimmings, 6‘00» 0f every descrip‘ dimmiiiiaifitiieit 33,310 filmian it: if." will?,5%?”2312..3‘;?.EZ‘“5.35.“blind ritiiliiiégtgfui:$53213??? °f th" “in” can, an new and of the latest style. Prices at ..‘ . it: ~ counties must be served on or before Sat- ' "Vluch dOStmyed D' Stmson's tm war”- ‘lé'mrfl'mt mafia. flvmfiizai right. W WIMHK WK'JBIQII‘JHmE‘JlmTL‘ anfgurulwrnqurmir 3353195 mix: y MANUFACTURERS OF: EEN E,th tans retain. an. urduy, N'o vembcr 30 th, ELISHA MARK, 1' Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, Sept. 26-11), 1937. u": earnestness “twee-twelve! firmer rut" r» Fiat. Chambers quote the closest prices. 3%“ Office hours from 10 a m. to 4 p. m. E. D.IlAND, Clerk. jLindsay Marble Works. Dealer in and manufacturer of all kinds 3 Marble and. Grille Monuments Being. a direct importer I, am able to The Christmas Rod and Gun. Extra attractions are the rule for ‘Decombernumbcrs, and in this particu- lar the December issue of “ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CAN- ADA," published by W. J. Taylor, Woodâ€" stock, Out, is by no means behind. The quality and character of the contents are both high and such as must prove attractive to every sportsman, while the Christmas flavor, though not too pro- nounced, is well in evidtnce. Au (xplorâ€" : allon paper of exceptional interest leads ,, off, the traveller with a half breed guide, i making his way from the End of Steel on the Temiskaming & Northern, Ontario Railway to Moose. Factory on, Hudson Bay. Two stories othunters lost in the ‘woods are most, interesting experiences which will come home to those who are house, Mrs. N'orris's brick building and George Grilllth's tailor shop; and only by the greatest cliorts was adjoining ' property saved. The losses were as fol« lows: l). Stinson’s stock, a total loss :- Vrs. Norris, $1.000 insurance on brick- house, nothing on contents ; Goo.lGrillith-_ loss partly covered by insurance; A.__ Laidloy, loss partly eovered;. Masonic. hall. partly covered. Much sympathy; is felt for the Norris family, who dldlnot; save even their,wcaring apparel. DIED. I STILES.â€"Iu the township. of‘-Fenelon,, on Friday, December 13th, 1907, William: Stiles, aged 70 years. , BROWN. In the township of Fouelon, onFriday, l)ec.,,13th, 1907, John L. Brown ,; . I. have lalcly-inslalled a pneumatic pol- xslung macluue, and a pneumatic plant for ILettering.and,’l‘ruqing. Vch are able tewlo R$ig 7 better andldeeper work than. heretofore. . .. . , : Cflll‘Md‘gEldesignsanmpuices. LEAVE_ YOUR QEDER NO‘V-. i WORKS.â€"ln the rear ofthe Market on :Cnmbridge street, opposite .111; Hacking agedltizl years. ESTRAY STEERJ acquainted with our. pathlcss forests. “Some Christmas FoxIHunts, a Christmas ‘ spent in. Marine Zoology on the shores 3 of thePacific in Britile CQhunbia, and a = Game on to the premisesofthe linden. “story of a police patrol under great (1111- :signed, lot No. 12, con. 1, Verulam, about] icultiesinthe far northlandarc all not- ‘June 1st, 1907, ayearling Steer. Owner. cable articles. The story of how an unâ€" fcan have himupon proving property cinch , Al, .. House. , grateful settlermet hisendgon Christ- gpaying charges. ' - BR CHAMBERS .mas Eve, and how a, bearwas defeated ; JAMES SLATER. . ‘ *' ' “ ' 3* by snow balls arespecimcns of the var- .' Fenelon Falls P. O. ‘ ‘ Emfir‘qtm' .iety of, contents which make this num- EVerulam, Dec._1,4,'1,90_7. Afi-fif; {

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