Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Nov 1907, p. 1

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volâ€"1'3. XXXV. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22m, 1907. 'No. i...- Hfl _ .. hr g I I r . I V V, V, a - , ‘1. - .H...“ H ,1‘...‘ iv" VA 77 r r . H“. - “ "" "5".” '~ “‘ ‘ u"' "“ ' " r l r ""' “fr-5'" “ I r ‘ '»' "- W V - ~ > ~“" v 3 ’ ~" n 4' W- _i.- - ' . . - 3 closures of railwav graft or wholesale IJrOicgsmlonal Cdl dfi. , i ' “0000000 oooooooooog timber stealing. From top to bottom the V entire exploiting world is stinking with‘ ‘ its own rottenness and corruption. ls‘ronr the big fellow who engineers his milâ€" lion (lollarswindles down to the little. cockroach whose petty thefts are meas- ured by pennies, all are “tarred with the same stick." All follow the sam.) moral code of graft and swindle. The moral degeneracy of the Slums has its counterpart in the uppqy crustel’ mod- ern society. The low vi‘ccs of the one, are duplicated in the other. With all of the grandeur of modern achievements, in spite of the huge vol- ume of’ wealth made possible by modern capitalist industry, the fact stands glaâ€" rineg forth that social health and wel- fare are not being .conserved. lloth c E O i ll 6 3 . Q physically and morally the race. is deâ€" E O .Q o 9. O Q 0 9, O tâ€"â€"â€"â€"_- W0 g 0 F. A. ‘M CDT Alt.“ li). ARRISTER, SOLICITOR,Etc., FENE lon Falls. Ollicc, Colborne street opposite Post-office. 1393“ loney to loan on real “estate at lowest current rates. FENELON FALLS. HEAD OFFICE ' - MONTREAL‘ ESTABLISHED 1817. INCORPORATED av AcT or PARLIAMENT.. CAPITAL - $14,400,000.00. REST - $11,000.000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $922,418.31 snares BANK DEPARTMENT. INTEREST ADDED FOUR TIMES A ‘IEAR Deposits taken of $1 and upward. Deposits can be withdrawn on demand. MohAUGHIJN, l’El‘ll. &. FULTON. ) ARRIS'I‘E‘IH, SOLICITORS AND NOT- I) aries. Offices over Dominion Bank, Lindsay. Branch office open at llobcaygeon every Monday. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. » I lit"- a. J MCL'AUGHLIN, K. o. A. M. roman. A. Jas. A. Part. M G. n. HOPKINS, " ARRISTER, 52c. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at owesf rates on terms to suit the borrower. Offices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. generating. 1t- is being forced into phys- ical and moral bankruptcy because of the fearful price it has to pay for those achievements of which the average man is so boastful. Slavery is the price man is paying for' all this. The achievements of slavery have, in the past, been great in their way. The slavery of Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome expressed itself in arâ€" chitectural achievement that has left its mark uiito'tliis day. But these ancient- civilizations perished from their own- rottenness and corruption-~a rottenness and corruption arising from the slavery upon which their greatness in achieve- ment was built. Slavery is a subtle poifi R H M l N son that, once injected into the veins of' u I [‘0 ’ human society, renders social peace, health and well-being impossible. Eith- er it must be eliminated or society will stagger to collapse in the corrup- tion and rottcnncss which it inevitably breeds. Slavery is the mother of all crimes. It" is the one fundamental crime from whose I’M STEWART 8.: O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTAKIES, Sac. MONEY to loan at lowest current. rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Oilice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. I ' T. S'rnwaur. L. V. O’Connor, B A / MOORE St JACKSON, )ARRISTERS, SOLIUI’I‘ORS, 8L0. 0f- I) licc,William strccf,bindsay. F. D. Moons. A. Jackson MANAGER. 6 § @0000. 00000000000 M!â€" ,_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""'-â€""‘"â€" . is" It ‘w3iiiii‘fi1‘3i5n‘c’é 2 AUCTIONEER- - :r 0 ~ I mâ€" Erin.“03133.:ra‘afgitrnatures. /â€"â€"â€" " . ‘ The avert 'e )erson is never ' r r ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ b " ’ ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ ', s / . I . ‘ g 1 tued of growths that gnaw at the vitals ct huâ€" boasting about the wondertul achieve- ments of modern civilization. Aitmmgh he may not posmss the second Shirl, to his back, he points with pride to u our H huge factories, tarâ€"reaching railway lines, gigantic ste111115h_ll)5, towering buildings, vast and well-tlucd fields As to “our” enormous wealth production he grows loquacious, and (1110 tes statistics that run up into fabulous figures with the grace and abandon of one to whom billions are a bagatclle and millions but small change. And yet, this boast- ful but impccunious ass is no inventor of Munchauson tales. The hugh facto- ries dot the earth everywhere, polluting the landscape with their unsightly'vom- itings.. The railways encircle the globe. The ocean leviathans plow_cvery sea, man society, weaken its physical and moral fibre and pollute its existence. It . \ . may be true that these achievements .3. " _' could not have been attained without ‘ ' ’ the cnslavcment of Labor. It may bee? equally true that Labor would not have‘ brought industrial development to its present scope and power unless driven under the lash. But, even grant-r ing all this, now that this dcvelopmett has been attained, unless its benefits can be realized by the class whose labor‘ makes them possible, all of this mighiy achievement is not worth the price that has been paid. Far better were it for the machinery of modern industry to vanish, and the laborer revert to the freedom and primitive tools of his ancesr FELIX A. NUR’I‘HEY, PUBLIC AUCTIONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in first- class order. Secure dates before adver- tising. Address, Fcnelon Falls. // STEPHEN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ‘ ONT- l.ive Stock and general Auctioneer. Write for dates before advertising. '1‘ lit) M AS OAS H ORE, AUC’I‘IONEER - FliNELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a‘first- nanncr. Secure dates bci'orc advertlsmg. _4"Is ._.ét~ ~, m. ,..,., ‘ _ , tors for his living, than to stagger alone: a... u Mfrâ€"“f '- â€"â€" "5.1. _ . n T; ' 4 and “10 “'cu'tllICd fields Stretc’h [at under the present, (31311511ng burden (URL down the horizon. Buildings tower to the skies, and the volume of wealth poured forth by the hand of labor is fairly overwhelming in its immensity and incapable of being expressed in fig- urcs less than fabulous. All of these are here as an attestation of the mighty debasing slavery. The benefits arising from modern in- dustrial development can be turned to the account of the workers. This can. only be done by the action of the work- ers themselves. 11’ they will set their“ hands to the task of ending their slavery MEDICAL. f,” DR. n. u. GRAHAM. â€"â€"n. 0.,0 m , M. n. c s. Eng.,M.c.P. & s., UN’I‘., r. T. n. s.â€"â€"- . _â€"_._,_â€" llYSlCIAN, SURGEON 8: ACCOUGIâ€"l- achievements of‘modern‘civilination,rl)pt by “Testing from the capitalists their. eur, Office. Francis Street, Feuelou u _‘ h I g p E the question arises, ate these ml'ai .\ control of the means of production, it, achievements worth the price that hu- manity is paying for them ? To answer the question it is but necessary to as- certain what that price is; and this may be determined by noting the conditions and circumstances under which the hu- man family is existing, and the physical can be accomplished. Their exploitation can then be brought to an end, and the chains of slavcry will then be stricken. from their limbs. With the end of slayer ry the poison virus will be eliminated from the veins of human society, and. the social organism can again take on l'alls. - /_.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DE. A. WlLSON, ’ â€"-â€"n. 13., M. c. r. a 5., Ontario,â€" ‘ ll 'SICIAN bURGEON 85 ACGOUG )HX Office: Colborne Street, henelon F If“, and moralrcsults lssumg tlliieretl'rpm.1 ‘ v healthy and Vigorous growth a 5. T0 9‘ 013 one Who 13 111° “19‘ 0 "13"" To break the chains of capitalist ruler his conclusions from the facts, it is well known that the vast majority of the peo- ple in all civilized countries lead lives of arduous and illâ€"paid toil that, cannot fail to result in physical and moral doâ€" will require no mean cil’ort. A. class that has been long in power, and is well eaâ€" trcnched behind the but-tress and bul- wark of the State and its allied instituâ€" tions will not be easily dislodged. But, // EYES TESTED. FRAMES TESTED. a v ~ 1 'eneration. That it does so result is at- . , . . . - - . - \Vhen yOUI eV 03 t1 Omble yet 2 r g . . _ . H whatex or the cost, 1t-1s worth the pl‘lC';‘.. ‘ - 1" a tested b v' ever Investigation made into 1.7... - _. _ , , . cause you 138111 01‘ head: . we want 0111‘ fliends and customels the congitionsyof the goof in the con- (I;3:;(ltgpqéil';lig:1)h(p% .1 1 u I ‘_ P. I ". .â€" an t t , (-1, . i. g- ache 01'1iyou}‘ glasses 1‘3? ‘ to know that from thls date we make $333:p53;gfégyglgggagégggi“fig price.«~Vancouvcr, 13. 0., Western Clarion. quire Changrmg or, you 011137 0111' 0WD. gOOdS, and We on as they are to the limit of human en- "” durance in factory, mill and sweat-shop, in no case manufac’ture at any and because of their meagre wages forc- price goods b from shoddy ed to crowd into narrow quarters and subsist upon a scanty supply of food of pedlal‘s. our reputation and business the very cheapest and most inferior quality, the healthy, physical and moral need new glasses, go to Ratherfpflilicated. on. re. seems, Eyesight “specialist. (over Neill’s shoe store), The Census Taker: “Your name, it you. please, mum ? ” “ i do at know.” “Beg pardon, mum." Lindsay - Ont' 1 has been built up on the best Of maâ€" glcyelopmpnt of tfhgise victims of nllpderp “I’ve been divorced. At present my . - t -- «ruarantced. Chartres m0( - _ j . - inc ustry 15 out 0 10 question. '.‘ 10 e - name is Mrs. Jones is this state. in sex" BatlShcmon b crate. :3 1531313113 and W01 kma’nShlp:. and-we St'fl-l feet of suclh conditions and surroundâ€" eral states it is Miss Smith, my maiden _______,._0 ' . c o ' ' ' ings upon t ioir offspring is known to cv- name and in three states it is Mrs. ‘ _ WISh to malnta'ln 1t“ Hence this nOt'lce‘ oryobscrver or investigator of the facâ€" Browh, my first husband‘s name.” DEN'IAI» ' tory and sweat-shop districts. This your residence, mum ‘3 " fl J J T The one fact of modern civilization “1 eat and sleep here, but 1 have a \ ' that stands pro-eminent above allothcrs trunk in a neighboring state where l. Dr. S. J. SIMS, QENTEST’ . . ' . is the rottenness and corruption prcva- am getting a divorce from my present“. Ion Falls. ‘ lent among the so-callcd upperclasscs. husband." Fene . .t r M . I Every daily newspaper 1s teeming with “ Then you are married at present ? " _ Graduate of Toronto‘ UmVOI‘SU 1‘ #f/M accounts of graft, chicanery and swind- “I am married in Texas, New York Royal College Of Denmlaurgeons' lingamong the “better clement." At mrl Massachusetts; divorced in South Dakota, Missouri, Alaska, Oklahoma and California; a bigamist in three other states, and a single woman in eight oth~ BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY one time it is a lnwe insurance swindle, Q lfi‘IfimCd “cording to the lutes"l‘l‘l’m‘led. at another a “beefscandalfl Then it IS . H ‘ 0 ' u - I -' - " n ) . _ methods at moderate prices. btandaid Oll leVeIdllOns, 01 a lcnn OFFICE :__0,.er Burgoyne's store, 001- v V ' Sylvania Capitol steal, followed by dis- ers."â€"â€"C}zicugo Tribune. 0"“. Street - You’ll find the shoes that give I DRS. HEELANDS & IRVINE! the beSt SQtiSfatiOn are the mwwwwmmwwsm DENTISTS. - LINI’SH- ones that are easiest. Shoes for 1835 I11; 0f 193‘? Bat iiillifii’l iidiii'i’l dhiifiiilfid. “"311 are What We fit to Y0 “ One of Canada’s Strongest Financial Institutions. feet. You don’t have to buy TGTAL AgsETs DylEB $50,090,0fl6 comfort as well as to wear g foot ease and corn plasters if E SAVINGS ACCOUNTS given Special attention A moosit Natural teeth preserved. Crown and bridge work especially. Splendid fits in artificial teeth. Painless extraction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with great sucress. or: citing as am. LILLIAN G. WILSGN, A. T. C. M. Honor Graduate (piano andyocal) of Toronto Conservatory of Musrc. Gold Medalist of Whitby Ladies’ College. Veice and piano pupils accepted. Apply at studio, Dr. Wilson’s residence, or telephone w L N No. 20. 31'6"] I I n I of $1 or upward starts a Savings Account, on which the highest cur- 37011 wear our Shoes- rent rate of interest is paid or added to the principal every 3 m athS. See our new Stock find buy Deposits may be withdrawn at any time without notice. L a pair. J‘ol N T Aoco U NTS may be opened in the name of two pt sons so that either may deposw or withdraw funds, making a very coven- ient form of account. BA N K] N (3, BY M AI |___â€"â€"Peoplc living at a distance may send in deposits or withdraw cash by mail. Write toripartieulars. FENELON FALLS BRANCH W. A- BISHOP, Manager. MWWWWWWOWW 9661’. owmmmrmommw s I M

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