s I M “alum m‘ flaL . - . â€"- F ' h. I Drafsiii‘rormr. CANADIAN ()iilliglli Uh1 ODDFELLOWSQ. 'l‘.'out Vullry Lodge No. 71. Meet it‘n ihclr lodge room in the Cunningham blocl-ZJ. ‘. on the ï¬rst and third Mondays in each: WORK HAMBURG FOR * month. A E Hour}, N G. I J rrI THOMPSOX JR I Sch. . ALBERTA Aim SBSMTCBEWAN éâ€"flM % H l O L V0 996 \ilIF'l‘ IVl‘IlEORiVC‘i“ . ‘ - .L . i l .‘ L t A 1".- EC (“ d5 1 f T k ' Garry 9" 531319 Of g01d, ï¬lled, L. hall on Francis street wast on the~ SP 1A3. r . VB USHER; I A iliona or the Return ic ei ‘ â€" - - - I . . I second 'l‘ucsdu ineverv month. ‘HCURSEQNS TRH’ lï¬n under Conditions as below. ' 5* Sliver RIC-K13 03.3535 111 the latSSlJ (13531911. . y H. Sruoxo W. hl. ' ' “J H \ ’ R S » .i’ELsou, cc.- ec. ‘ '4‘ __.____â€"â€"â€"‘â€"- - r -‘~â€"»~-2x '- T - ‘ 603m DATLS . we fit any case ch either a. Vifa’cham or ~â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"+ ‘ ' a" h ' ' ‘: -â€" 1'. n '-v-\1 51 r . - l J 1‘ i ‘. ‘ .iS,. Aug. 27 5:23:35:2§°p$“d-Pé;§ï¬iԤ'flex??? mm“ W?" °f "‘3'" ""e of Elgin mOvemeiiés as in efeued, 111 any grade Nlï¬iflï¬â€˜PRIï¬fnT‘0333g3f ' 33133319 . ., - . . . _. I '.' i . .4. i ‘ ‘ A From Toronto to Snrnia on G.T.R. and all stations north to and in- . degll'ed, 3,1111 ELDSiL‘lutely guarantee every 151“ Mommy Uf 011011 m‘mlll- 11g. 1 ciuding Can. Pac. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound. I‘I It h W S “Ms-WWW D GOULD, C. R. F~.T.~ t dast.i d' id"'rSh 'th dK' t - vac 9‘ ’8 . I ‘I .I Sept-‘0 4‘ alszqhorflhégfqi‘EZOnio $nd°naorithuog léalpciawellaja? onaG?T.aF?. anggri‘ogili d II '1 ADMIN S“: I f Bolt ' J ti an. F '. ’ . w _ ° °" “"9 °" °" 3†IIIIIII II E Q E T ‘gfl N g ANADIAN ORDER OF ronnsrsus ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TIGHETS mm. on 501.!) TO w. mi: . ONLY in 5," , a ' trench... [runs 1 d . \r 696 ‘1. I... _,__I a ._ . I I .o gcio. _ lie- _ .__,_,___._................. ______._._.._â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-I I ’ in the Oddi‘cllows’ hull Colbornu strcct Representative farmers. appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Governments, @ tNSPECTORS on llll' hint TI .=.I I . ’I I l "11 t d (:3 hb o in " 1 “W i eg. ‘ - . R. Tm: SERVICE. FOOt 0f Kent St. LINDSAY. 3 "1141“) l" “"01 "10"“- Freovllaxiégagrtgiiozfli‘viliggc inï¬ghhei‘l’latrrlvi'llnrï¬peg Iiglinoints on Can. Pam. and Gun.- Nor. .. . . I . . _ . , , . . . .. . ‘7 KWLY, Q R Rye. where laborers are needed. cast of Moose Jaw. Kamsack and Swan River, (includ- H LI'I‘T IEvi-Og Rec Sec, ingIbIXIILCth-‘li, and at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Saskatchewan O- O _ _ r ’ ‘t . I e. ._ . - A cell-liliicote fsifllll‘i’llghed nIinth caith Eiclcett. (ï¬nd this certiï¬cuï¬ebwhï¬n eermIited tfarrneié “ping LOYAL TRUE BLUE LQDrgE'I ! "- ' t t .. -. owe cur 335 or more.w1 e onorec mm a my ,, 7 II ~ .II II. I I I . iofwziniecéiid Pclgggrtizie‘: lbaék to gaming points in Ontario, at $18.00, prigifmtlo ' v .‘ ii ' 5’! 5 ‘J M. 198' M‘W‘ ms" Tf-fld.‘ 0r 04°“ V Nomgmh, 1907, i ibï¬j 13's ~ . mouth in Ornngehull thiug hrcihrcni Tickets are good only on special Farm Lnborers' trains and will be issued to women as weii .. x. ul\\':l\'s welcome. ‘ as to men, but will not be issued at half {are to children. ‘1 \VIII‘ \I I II'RFRS 01 ‘ “r B BR wmw \V M l 1 l . ‘1 l“ a 1‘ ‘. . r A r , . . Homggggigfsfgéigsfsions For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. indent. or R C. JUNKIN. R. S. ‘ i with 70hrists’eepers. write (3. B. FOSTER o P A. (i r n TORONTO E“ ' ‘ ' Aug. 27, Sept. 10 and .4 i ' - i I, F. AND A. ii, G. R. C. THE SPRY‘Z :.-~ 3 ‘ If . Lodge No 406. Meets on the first, IIII Votlncsduy in each month on or bsf‘orc tho I in†of the moon, in the lodge room in Rio-- I thud ‘41 -‘i .I r », ..., III gEAgopq 1907, iiiiliiiliiiiiii LAKES Lii‘iE. ‘ 5 W“ t ‘Iilqï¬zigggï¬gg'ég- ‘1 - - - - LE xVE YOUR, ORDER Now. ‘ ‘ ’ ' Hanging; Finis, Rosanna-2, The Trent Valley Navigation (10., Limited. ‘ _ I ..I I" . ‘ ANADIAV ORDER CHOSEN FRIENDS-i “33%;... :$\ A. " Fcuclon Foils Council No. 189A .. Commencing Tuesday. June 231)), O m 0 Meets in Orange hall on second Monday or m III (I _I ,, I 3557‘â€""‘=-“ â€"-â€"- ~‘-A~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" each month. Jonx ALDOI'S, C. 0. L119 Sill". Kaï¬rartha .-.... R J Moonr Recorder Ti-I I .- - . 1, I ._ will make daily trips (except Saturdays I it and Sundnzï¬) between the above named LINDSAY,STURGEON rr.,norc.ircrcri. FARM LABGEERS g I§IIRCIIIJEIsa O‘LS "‘2 a" ,r 1 VI ' ‘ L . ' . ice 5». p i , a o o“: I I “Lb FUJIQN.’ flND DflIï¬EEï¬TEEESS. on the ï¬rst Wednesday of cnch month. Leave Feni‘lon Fall-H 4.00 i) ‘11- June 1 to Scpt 14.â€"-Duily except Sunday. _____ A I . MRS u M GIIUID I I mdc _I Leftâ€? Rf’sl'dflleIséig.)p'In“ “' m' “3' l; m' l’ m I have been abpointoilhyi‘hc Dominion ' Maggi .V,.Jm:v1.;1:[,; slug, 1‘. ï¬;:I1I:’IeéJI:%’I:’IILI?I?k(7'n,‘I . 6 IO 9:2" 7 15 Government to pliIico Immigrants from - 'â€"â€" . ‘ I I - ‘ -‘ ' ~I U- U ‘_ ‘ the United Kinmom in positions as 9 , 1121593335532:iii’is’s‘iep . 4.16.19, ii; Pt .: a“: is 2‘1?) 13°“ met that I have CHURCHES- ) 1 .. . . l†I/‘ 3 I. 9 _.I 7.. . III II -I- II II I fly†I I I II 3’ I I I this ucmiIty. Any poison mooning a ï¬rst class Planer and am APTIST CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE ST. Ti“ t' t ble subj ct to change with Num'â€"Samlday°boat WI“ mum mum] Snell help Shomd notlfy me by mum" Rev Albert Uook \Iini'icr P e chi :- â€5 ,mm a '3' ' ' 0f evening tI't'till from TOI‘OMO and P011 [ statinn‘ fully thekind of help required a ' . ' .' ....c ~. " a .' ’ l 5" ouLInotice. I II III II Hope, giving conncciion with Sun-gem} when ï¬â€™vanted and wages Om)de The’ prepaued t0 do all WOI'k 1n IsIciv1I<IzIea 13;;Il35IiilnI2-ly gtsiodio p1. iImil. l‘ol' t'CkeItsw “Weâ€! Cl“: “PM a ‘8 Point. and Bobcnygeon. . number arriving may not be suiiiciont to this line in the best St.le o 2 ' m lamp}: as; Vim .ny .0300 a?" general Stow Of r m ,r v gov June 13" t0 Seiit- 15: eVeI‘)’ Monday morn; supply all requests, but every effort Will V ’ r11111~ggiq .qt 8 3m 11' yel $e†we 01: ll" BU Wfl‘gge‘g‘y’m’] F‘al’ls llli’: Will leave Bobcoygeoa for Linqu at be made to supply each applicant; with also to make ‘ y ‘ P ‘ ' 5.45 n. in. help required. ' - . , ' < H 1‘ -dt oint , I II E’IHODIST CHURCHâ€"cowomna onciigiiilssuppms d9 17m 0"†p BOBCAYGEON, i.IN:iSAY,Ci)Bi)00NK. IThcs- Bahama, 5A3“ i Streetâ€"Rev. W.J M. Crugg, I’u:t.;r._ ' Sir. " M ANITA.†Tm-wnumv Snnvxcm. Cilll'dtllall Govt. Employment; Agent, Sunday servxce at 10.30 a. m . and 7 p. m. M" June 10 to Sept. 14,.Monduys Thursdays FENELON FALLS, ONT - Sabbath School at 2.30 p, m_ Epwomh and Sitilii‘diu's. ’ I_____________..___â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€" League Of Chl‘iSiian Endeavor on Tuesduy ' nnr a Read down. V Read up. 3 " f’IIVCHHIg M 8 o’clock. Pruyer meeting on HUTiCE TQIEEEEW lis- iI.Iv a 1n §:bC:L}'g0iII))rIiI Im p m. III In†I . Your patronage solicited. "es "3' “t 7‘30' , '( 1 ¢ . I . ' Notice. is hereby given, in pursuance m. 8215:2121: “ £23322), v " p' m. __ Six ANDREV‘S CUURCH_COLBORNE of the Statutes in that IbchalfI Ithat an W 9:00 III: “II Lindsay MI 543 p “II '3' , ‘ I Streetâ€"Rev. R C. H Sinclair, Fusion. .purtics having any claim again“? the iv 10 00 3.111. Sturgeon Pt. or 4.301) m.‘ ~. SerV‘CCS every Surldny M 10 30 3- m flnd' “State “E James Pkl'ttmlson’ late 0f the. iv 11.15 EL. m. Fenelon Polls or 4.00 p. m. ' .- . ' 7 p m' sundfl-v SChOOl ewr-y sundny a“ township,“ vorula’ms 111 the coulIltY 0‘ 1V 11I45 “I m_ RQSOGMO m. 3I00 pI mI. The undersigned ngS to 111- - - 2. 30 p. in. Christian Endeavor meeting- VicbIorlrttli‘argmu GIOICQESECKFI? or 12.45 p.111. Coboconk 1v 2 00 p. in. form the public that he has ' “Very gï¬esdgy “ï¬rs-0m Prayer meeting:- or a Jun 19 ..c' 1 (:3 ‘I1 i )‘I II , I ~ II . I . I every urs uy a p m. the township of Fencion, m. the saici E:IIElI‘iIEI‘“ELES‘ESI;“:IIZ‘::;§§f:lIg°:EfIII: bought out; the grocery undl . , r-’- -. :5 m H): S ‘, ‘ .. ’ “’ ' ,_ - _‘ . I I -.. 00‘3"†oâ€â€˜Â°â€˜f°3l-“’ mo..h°.1°b{-l.°qmilï¬ trip, leaving for Boliooygcon m 7 001) m. boot and shoe busmess oi Mi. lALVATION ARMYâ€"I-BARRACKS ON. to send full poi Liculzus of their clump, . . . Bond St \Vcstâ€"Lieutenunis Puih r- dulv veriï¬ed, to the undersigned, the 3;:‘I‘ftel:"‘d“3'5.““§ hm“ ‘3 George Martin, and respect- - - ford and Boynion. Service every “reduces-o -;a I ' '\ T. ‘ y‘r‘ : . l ‘ l a. " ' ' " ' . r n v' ‘ p . ' .- ezrccntOiIof 1.1.0 lostIVi 1Ill aiiId ifstliIiIlIcIui: III I I II I I I II I I SOhCltS aI conunuflnce of . day; Tilliiadu}, and batuidny evenings at, 01 the 511161 deceased: ill? mile on i 3‘ 5 BGBCAlul‘th, Liiiï¬iONG, Bthlihliill. . I E 8 o clock, and on Sunday at 11 a 1n , 19.0., on orbeforo the 2nd daiv 0f Ever; i. ogemhn the custom enjoyed by Mr. p.--m and 7.30 p m. tcmber 1907, as the said unc ersignIei I I I I . I I a . win, aiier said (luto,_ proceed to distrib- June 10 to about Supt. 14. Daily except. Min “11- ALOYSIUS n. o' CHURCHâ€"LOUISA,- Ute “If Mimi? the sim'd eSbi'LtC’ih'gliiiiï¬ Re (i do“ n gummy. Re id ' Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Lem-v, i'astcw. rowan on ' ‘0 .iosoc aunSO' wn . . n ' . 1 up. i ‘ S.‘ ' .. ' .i > . ‘ -: 7; " ~ Slizll at tan-it; time have received notice. hp 7 00 a m. BObCiiygeon or 7.45 p. m, Siï¬upi4?Eq.. We carry a well selected stock % afgfcpguiifn? gciiggi‘tgvggflgï¬dg, -I.. _ 1I I » . . ‘ | . r I . I . or. -'. ..'N‘ i, - -I '_ -'- r“ _ .Il 27_3I Executor. 211‘ 12:39r-m. mime“ Wis “ 190 on. a‘°,°w' I I . . ‘i'l‘ JAMES’ CHURCH BOND 81‘. EAST W Coiling at Oak Orchard and [udmn Vil- “0 1333' 513'sle attention to Rev. W. H A Freiich Rt ctor Sun: lilge on siguul. to make room for new stock. am, services. m'nugs H, 30 ’a m I ev'ensmm: ‘ l ’ h " ‘ ' . “ " I‘ A D . t ' I ' - ; i-‘ENELUN l A A Connections ill, Bilrltigli ‘vllll stemIncrs Snaps for \VldGIIaywaIke buyerqI R A 7 pI mI Cclehmtion of “01); Communion Fonelon Fails, Friday, Aug. 23rd, 1907 for Lukchela and inicrmcdmie ' pomts, I I E an} :32 wan-ii Iii Rav- ï¬i-si; Sumhiy of every month at 1030 a m Reported Dill/19 “0â€â€ MW “0110" Mm 0" Meals éel‘ved 0†bom'd' bee thexn..bef0re you buy‘ Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Bible Class: Wheat Scotch or Fife 78 to 80 Bill’lï¬igii mills, Siiili)’ Luke, 1103011010. every Thursday cveiiingut 7,3()._ ‘ ‘ . . ~ r Strs.“E\iPR'CSS†Etc ‘3‘ __._ “illenԠtall, p81 bllbllel- - t- ‘8 I I i I - _“____________-____________ v . -'~. .... 75 80 Scrwcc daily cxccpi Sunday. . II “ him? 52113113615116] . . . .. 50 5']. Sin crie daily Service frun June 3rd to June & gï¬gl ~ . sealsfme m allfhm'c’ms' Evc’i'fl’r’ly‘ EiuIeéiIie-‘IIIII ' -' I 45 48 mm ISM fIIIIm SIIIII IGIII to Sept Inst ' 5 s. J I ’ invited to attend. Sirngcrs cordially welcomczlj 1 C(v ; .....c-- . i l. . . t -. D‘A‘SI H . ... 40 4‘1 Double duin service l'rom Junc l'i‘ih to ’ I]- I 4 . â€â€™ â€"â€"â€"aâ€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" â€"â€".â€"_ muse, “ . . .. . . .. 70 ' 5 JuIiIie 2i)th,danIu from SeptIIZud toISfpt. 14th. ' 0 ewellei " " .LlildSEly. BEISOELL‘AINEOUSI 0 :5 i ‘ri e iii service rom u ' ist to Rye, u §_ . p y .i 99 Kent Street. . . Potumesi “ - w '0 Augustmst- I PUBILIC ILIBRARI-I-nIRS M E. CAL im- Hotter, )cr “7...... 20 22 Read dUWH. lend Up- . _ , WW ? _ Libi‘ill‘lmi. Readinv Room open daily- _ . 50““ ll‘lfl‘ doze“ '- 15 ‘6 a'm p'm p'm' . p' m' “'m' p' m 6 LE I I I i ' éwngulu" Sunday excepted, fromblO o’clock n. m iili 3per ton . . . . . . .. . 7 00 9 00 V 9.15115 6 l5 Lokchcld or 6:10 9 00 4.15 ’4 I I 10 o’clockp,1n. Books exchanged on Tues.†I I I I I I I I I II I II 5 00 6 5:. “ 9,451.45 6.43 Ynungs Pi 1v 5.30 8 15 3.30 I II II -I ‘ I ‘ ~ days, Thursduys and Suturduys from 2 p. 3 I; " '8‘ III" IIIIII II 6 Or) 6 TI.) n 1015 23:,e7I3031njU51301'di; 4 15 130300 I ': .-.‘. I I -I> I I ' I in. t0 4 p. and in the evening from 7 t0 9. $1.846» 7 00 8.00 “ lo an 2.45 G 4-7 )l’Urucken's“ 4.307.15 2 45‘ . .. .-, ,2 -' _ I II SECOND 'DIVISGN CGURT ’ mi ...... . .. 5 0-9 6.00 I‘_11.<i0:§.gii§ ieJiiInI.1,(:I'I{d 1:4-00 109230 ‘ ' w -' ’ . â€"OF THEâ€" POSTâ€"UFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTM.\S- Sheepskins. . . . . . . . .. ‘3†9†“1 "' l’ “M F’C“"1f° 3 00 G 0'" “’0 i County of Victoria. ‘81“ Ulie“ daily; Sundays BXCi‘DN‘dz. Wool . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 15 24 N 11.31) 41:09.00 ARK/fl†'“lnI “2,006 151.30 i i from 7 30 n. m to 7 p.111. Mail g"!ng souih- Flour‘ Brandon's Best ' ' ‘ ‘ ' 2.62).. 2 .i 19 00 3 30 8 4,- MHIISIHII-ufbu 1 906 4,-1.7 45 5 .The next sittings 0f the above Court Wil Closes 9'“ 7 p' m' Leltvrs for l‘E‘ngU'OllUli‘ Flour, Silver iJlHli.‘ .- 33‘; J' " ' J ’ I Hg] N 0 " i be held in Twomey’s hall, Feneion Foils m“3tfb3 lifted lmllfim I‘0“1'P1'cvxons 10 ille- Fimir, Victoria . . . . .. 2.7'3‘ m0 -' * Tmnsï¬-r to so; Mnjnsiic for Breezes f (I. ‘ ‘ ,I ,_. time or c osiug tic mails. . , .. . . , , . . ~ 3“" iili l907 lilour, New P1060» . . . . . . ~ 3" 2-10 and head of Luke, TUâ€"hLA{7 dâ€"PT- 2- , , M.#_.__._._.__-,H- Flour, Family, (Nippon... '2 '75 2 Culling at South Bench, E. D. Hull’s, commencing at i O’cioei- in the afternoon- .~. . .1 .. BIrun. pcrIIlUO . . . . . . I. . lI lI BI‘lillltI'JS IIslund, Acton's and IldIIlcfldc on Erma)“ Sq“ 13â€.II Wm ‘bo the last day of ND‘NE’PAPL- ' L1 ‘V‘IL S iOTlS: - ' " “‘, Sign“ - 30“ ("Olinf‘t‘ilim “'lil . “ li'flm service on defendants residin in this . -, , - Alixmi Chop “ .... ... - l 40 l-J’†fi'i)IiilL:1l(cii(:lfi will Call 3111) iii. scheduled county. IDchnduan living in Higher (5mm. I. I1; bAI FOIISI‘Iâ€"IInuIbItIerI I1? :quIurflbIdItOI $1“: no: fl..- _____ -...__w._â€"â€" pmnts monume above. Lies must be served on or before Sutur- 33;“ :I “max; “‘31â€; V" “'1‘â€; "0°,"°“~ ‘_ ' ‘_â€"" “uâ€"rfl Duin connections mode with Sir ()gcmu‘i I v ‘ ' I , l ' i w i 2‘ " n Isull’i‘m‘ I†“095' mmmjmmnngam-W. at Burlcigh puns 11,1. Chomung mm Bub‘ (143’: sei‘t-Ihhi not tukc his paper out oi thoIoiiicc, :Lud . E murrw T.) my], ; (..NVHI, n mmvwmg wwwon MOMS wrvod on board j ~. ..., I _ fig“ Uihcc hours from in a m. to 4 p. in. state ihc reasons for its not living lakeâ€. I I ‘ . x r 4 , u.. . r . . sun ...» - . h ~ , i n . _ - II ..r I I 1 I I I I‘ I I II I ' ' Epi‘ttjx'i‘iiix :v'O‘v'.’ 'i‘ii.\.\i vzsu Any chungc in these time tables will be - ‘ ' ’ " ,J‘fl ELISHA MARK, E. 0- HAND, Anv‘ mgh‘ct m do 5‘) "l‘ll‘eb the plmml‘lntcr' “H. HIâ€) I.II,.,.I,IR\‘.I\R.,I¢I nmiccd in I.“ the Men] papers but the I_ Recently Enlargedï¬ Builiii. (“MIL reSIpoIpIsible to tho pnhlIisIthrIforpuymIf-Int. . n . a _ I_ c m 1,1' , 1. 1.501..» [10 .iwl t to c n .31 u“ _ WITH .1 . . q , I L .. any person org 01's 'iiS paper iscona. i lipi. 3. guitlggtg‘LeIL “3 1 Ial u u “I l " New Words -1_ Fendon Full“ June 26â€â€œ 1907' tinned he must pity nil urrcurgcs, or the ‘ , publisher muy continue .to send it until ‘ New gazetteer 0f the world payment is nmdcmud collect the whole ‘ .\ 'u \' ‘lig, . . “H‘ “1 t a For information apply to Fenclon Foils ll With morethan 25’000 titles‘basedonthe amount whether the pupcr is taken from, “i .-: "7 ' a cor, C. W. Bun-«rovne or to the com "‘ . oigiic-s,Bobcuvm:.:n;On’t pun) D ‘ late“ census returns' "" ' ' 1 3- t T} i 1 l -'/' ,v 2/1 A r" K a? 3 ‘c ' NewBiographicalDictionary . 5‘35 i?» " 3-}‘3 0‘90 01‘ “0- _ We 03Ԡ7"“- {10 "SW W; 3 containing the nnineeofoverlomo noted xxï¬â€˜a FL“ dlb‘IcojI‘mlmncé-lmifl ilmIIlmym CM TGRGHTO 0gp? I - persons, date of bnth.death,etc. . for Fenelon Falls and adjoining country “I: :th‘:}hic0III:i:Ix0§II16Ii) II iInIiIiII. « v ‘- -° “If Ag “$53333 Ec‘otedbyW.T.HARRIS,Ph.D..LL.D.. to represent; 1 7. . .. . .‘ I 1 . .. ' C(HL‘H-Iii mum: .\..\‘i) Ai.i».X.\_\‘I)Eli 51's. Cumin. lowly-div . I, UnitedStntesComnussiouerofEducation. C IIIO name or auction, Oi \‘rrlifIl‘Illllkil‘II 1c Ilfla alib- â€"_.._. ‘- 233 uarfo a w I . . - ii :5“? '5 F scribcdvor not is l‘L‘SPOliSl ) c or he pay. 0 Q p gee tunic. a cam...†rumours 4_ If‘wsubsg..bï¬r uud you will undouhtcdiy got “ Gou- ; New Plates. 5000 Illustrations. Rich Bindings. . t. -. . . . il'ii" ‘)il:"li‘0.â€˜ï¬ irriniun‘ v not the “ ll‘i- ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ in ' stopped.ut o cerium time and the publisher: 'l‘hc-undcrsigiwl is prepared to (lelivor end it, ,ihc subscriberis bound. cm†01. wood to am. part m- the Yillï¬ge I Needed in Everyflome A permanent- situution l'orthe right. man, 7 for whom the territory will be reserved. continues to s i iiuzion “ kind. Out of two hundin . I III II I II I II and hit ' mills; for l)( il-rl'e i: s; "i â€" a an." “119- ‘11†01'- 50 ll WOW feet a v i . . . . . .i . .... ,L _ , , I 'f, ‘( 9‘ m?'~ .5) 10m- 01- cut to mun-v- ‘ A150 Webster 50°“egiflte chthn"! l’ay wcoklv. Free- equapmcnt.. \\ rite to pay for if he takes it from the post-001%., 0,,11'1Dl1LIH. etc... in, IiIizll‘Ll only iiflCKIl . - a ' .~ 1116 Pages. r 1400 Illustration - ' i' i I -L'~ I. - -'i‘l “ r -ecds u on the mound ti‘ut a cum oi' the positions. Had no one else Ahomv‘. Stack 0f the best Scranton : Regular Editionvxmxaygmcheh aux,de “1 PM RUN-St I list-III;(4IIIII “IIFIII he “8:; I v. ‘o‘Ontly when culls were rocoivcd. ch, 00.11 “WIRE on mud .1190 chime“ De Luxe Edition 6§1x8§§xl%in. Printed from â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"--â€" um: I' J.‘ ' I ’ I I it, pnvs to aimmi tiliq qcimolmit \ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . snmoplntegonbiblopnper.chautifulbindings. - sTQHE & WELLiï¬aTï¬m 5. l‘he courts have decrded that. iciusmg; - ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ . I ' a > ' ‘. . . doublv hairs. Catalogue free“ i All kinds of green and dry wood FREE, “DictionnryWrinklea."Illustratedpnmphleta. . . . . . ... ' ’ ,m mke newspapers and .l’mmd‘cals “tom‘- , †‘ . houo‘ht at; lll'7‘llCSl} 1)rico ' - bouiiliLL l\LiiSlulhiub. the post-office, or rem; ring and leuvmg; i W. .l. Pi‘lilClï¬al l D. b I l h P 13; f: c. Mlgklluï¬midcg" J - 22-3!“ (over 600 “We†them uncalled forz iswrimu lucie cvidcucea I ‘ ‘ ' . I n I l i ~16. m; WHALEY. u ’ “I†Dr 3' ° ' n." [OI-onto -I cï¬zano. Iof intentional frauu., W3; “AAAAAMAAAAAAAA A . AAA‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAA-AA-AAAAA A AAA .AAAAAAAA