Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Jun 1907, p. 8

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til-flyiPACKlNGVBUTTER. i ' “ ' 1 i -- a o ,r, _ ........ .. v initiator Ludo use 'l‘lie Trent Valley Navigation 60., Limited. . . tractively. , The market is more and more recog- onizing the quality of neatness as ap- "plied 'to the package in which goods -:are delivered, and no product handled “by farmers is more susceptible to an j'increase in value by its attractive ap- ‘Epearance than is butter. ‘ When butter is put up in tubs, pains should be taken to see to it that it is packed solidly throughout its entire Lmass, says the Iowa Homestead. In many cases it is put in the tub in such -a way as toleate large holes in the body of‘the butter. When the tub is "full, it should be neatly covered with a ‘parchment paper' lining, and this 5L. fizik‘ififlu'eiâ€"‘rii. '»’:“;;-,,â€"'_ ma 1-." r. :3 0- ._r_.‘.~.-_ n r . s-.. .. .. _ - - . .-... ,. -- . ‘ 1! . ._ 7 - . {5,541 -, c. figuffxxy; .3 .v. t.*‘._.-: -<,t)_,-. ~_g- 1:.,>La~v_‘-."»EI_,::\‘-'1‘?5:$‘;1:i§.:_E‘hi;f5’ ,.;.u1::_-"..;.~.~.' ,~z::‘.’;' COMMERCIAL ELM-PLANT.- ..ea or “THAUMATURGYâ€"consists in first making a stranger feel at home, and then in taking that home away, without his knowing it.” Trade mark parasitism is a modern example. LINDSAY, STlfil illllh' P'l‘., liflBCAYGEON.‘ “l£5'l‘llll101\'.” ‘ June 1 to Sept. 14,â€"Daily except Sunday. .‘ a. in. p 111. p. in. p 111.». Lv -â€"â€"â€" 2-15 Bohcaygeou arr 2.00 “ G 10 3 45 Sandy Point “ l 15 7.15. .i_ 5 What Willi 4 fifl‘filfiifktfl-‘iiil‘l‘ I c “ 6 30 3:) Sturgeon Pt. “ 1‘2 45 7AM art-7.45- 45 Lindsay 1v 11.30 5: Noraâ€"Saturday’s boat will await arrival of evening: train from Toronto and Port. Hope, giving connection with Sturgeon- Poiut and Bobcaygcon. ~ ill' . ‘Kii‘nlfiifi‘éfié'fl‘fl‘zfi. drill}? ’ should be cut sons to exactly fit the “P. , _ "top (:31 I thet 1patckal‘ge, l33:11 ttillaen hay: ;: "7 vv’ alter Baker, Of Worchester, perfects a Cocoa, . J 11"};111“ to 15, 0\‘C‘I‘yIMGIElaylmorn- "some mg a appeas 0. 9 eye a , ' '1. _ t ‘ v o a I, . [UK “"1 Cilve ' ‘0 caygeon 'or in say at pone-e” and when such a tub is opened - mvests aforturie in advertismg 1t, and begins to make 9.409.. m. _ rior psethit Strands iglslpttaclionffrom 1tlhe two fortunes out of itâ€"on merit. imitation-sit, Lirrisu, CGBllllilNii. 7 “,top 0.. e 0 omâ€" a 1s,i care as g 7- " , Str.”.\lA\7l'l‘A.” 'l‘ii- 'FIKL'SI‘ ' 3-}. i l 1,90,, taken in packing, it solidly £- Enter now, Vvaltei Faker, who calls liisiactory ,. June ,0 ,0 gm 1 4 \,l,,,:‘dL.:...\ T3315; “.5 'x :4- a- ' a . 1- “ l . ‘2; I - . , A -J. : a .; “vhr°“=h°:t' d P t P I a Village. and dubs 1t Worchester also, why accxdent. R , , “"d Sammie- 1 . oun rin s opu ar. - . a _ p , _ ’ ' I (.m- ,,,._,.,,_ Read up. , The pound prints or Squares are ex, V Soon he sells the Retailer, at a 10W er price, a seeming duplicate lav 9.30 n m. l‘lnlicaygeon arr 8.00 p.111. 2 peedmglrnpopulgoggiiaiogeedfigpefitg of tne standard goods of Walter Baker, of Wrorchester. m. ‘51} ’,‘,‘,‘ mflfiffifl? 1V “00 p' m‘ , )e grow1 g In 1 . J‘ ~ ‘1, c ‘ .7. .. . .. .1. ' V~ ; [for making these prints is-not expen- [lend the Render puts them {OWN 10370133173 because Of the 10.80 :i 3.314 v if“. . ‘ N r: I a ' , . . . i hit (I. I- <' 0”", and 11° farmed Who niaertS 1"“ 3’ 1011ng pront in the untried substitute. - lv 11.15 a m. Fenclon ring or 4.00 p, m_ a fitter can well afford to be Without one .e - . Iv “‘45 a. m. Rowan,“ M 3.00 p. “L or 12.45 p. in. Cohoconk 1v 2 ()0 p. m. 4‘ No'rnâ€"Jl‘mnsl‘cr at Sturgeon Point to Esturion for Lindsay, and awaits her return of these prints. Of course there may {be times when the butter will be put in tubs, but‘when the cream supply Oi cour e, \V alter Baker suffers, but VJ alter Faker can’t afford co recognize that. " . o -0. - . . unfiugodmlréllkills,iiiwéfilrlélelléiifééa . emu? lovtv an?) only a terw. pounds 3);: He makes the public f‘feel at home?" by the similarity of name, trig, kiwi"??? for Boliéolm‘lw at 7 00 r m. ,‘g imace a a c urning ere is 110 pac - .1_ \ u I. ,3 ‘ I . _ , ’ , n "nest:in ant Frigiin thi‘ bout is ? rage-that looks so welland shows off. and then I takes home avg 1317 {01863138 to put into his opcnforspecial charter. ° i =one’s product so favorably as the substrtutethe more costly Items; when made theoriginal article, antinuclear,cannons. urination-3 “ Ogemali.” June, 10 to about Sept. 14. Daily except . Sunday. Read down. Read up. Lv .7 00 a. m. Bobcaygcon or 7.45 p. m,'. “ 9 30 a m. Chemong Park 1v 5 00 p. m. “ 11.15 a m. Buckhorn “ 2.15 p. m. or 12.301). in. Burleigli Falls “ 1.00 p. in. Calling at Oak Orchard and Indian Vil- Iago on signal. Connections at Burlcigli with steamers for Lakeficld and intermediate points. Meals served on board. Bar‘ieigh Falls. Stony Italic, Lakelicld. . Slrs. " EllPRlCSS,” Etc. Scrvico daily except Sunday. Single daily service from June 31‘1‘li0 June 15th and from Sept. 16:11 to Sept Elsi. Double daily service fi‘omJune 17th to June 2911], and from Sept 'antoSept.141h.' Triple daily service from July Blst to August 3lst. ’ Read down. llead up. a,m. p.m p.m. p. m. a. m. p. m IV 9.1."; 1.15 l5 Lakclicld {11:6in 0 0') ~1.15 ’) :pound print. . It'iis the custom for appearance’s “sake as well as for the sake of cleanli- , ‘ncss’to wrap prints in parchment pa- t ,per. Then some prefer to go one step further and place each pound or square .‘into a pasteboard box by itself. Wheth- -er this should be done or not depends .csomewhat upon one’s market, though jwe have in mind instances where but- "ter was marketed in pound prints in the pasteboard boxes and 502:1 for at least 2 cents a' pound more then the »same quality of tub button. ___________ . Salt For the Cow. ‘No two dairymen in the country will agree upon the amount of salt that .shouldbe given to each cow every day, says Denver Field and Farm. The most- succeszul dairyman we know sg‘ives four ounces daily to each of his icows mixed with the feed. They eat famous and worth substituting. V These abstracted items, through people’s confidence in another’s brand, he expects to transmute into a fat pocketbook. By and by, consumers begin to admit a surprising difference ‘ between “ Baker” and “Faker,” Cocoa, but not till they have royally paid for the privilege of sampling the Thaumaturgic kind. Beware of Thaumaturgic Shoes. No shoe is a genuine “Slater Shoe,” unless it bears these identical wordsâ€" “ The Slater Shoe ’f -â€"â€" set in a‘ slate frame, and stamped ESEâ€"the soles. a Goodyear Welted, $4.50 and $5.00. iterate-Lil”: twaioorrt:.au -ginormousharmoniousszlrsriiemummummw‘ . ' 6 6. i'tllell‘ food better, and the owner thinks “ ' ' 9’ “ 9.45 1.4. 43 Young‘s l’t IV 5.30 8 15 3.30 "they do better when given this amount . e a, “ 10 15 2 3m7.30.\1njosiic Id “ 4 15 7.30 3.04) *than when the allowance is smaller- . ‘t 10 302 45 6 4') ‘l‘l’Crnckcu’s“ 4 30 7 l") 9 ‘15 "i‘he cows are fed three times a day. ,, . ., . ‘ , , “11.00 3.00815 Junlpcrld “4.00 7:002:30 ‘ m ' r * 1 Jew-est. w’r m-â€"â€"â€"â€" 5.00 0.00 Breezc’s H 3 00 0 00 2.00 ~iand‘the salt is divided equally in the "three feeds. 'Fine table salt is invaria- bly used, for the cows prefer it to fcoarse salt. 'We always had an old fashioned notion that the cows them- selves should settle this matter of quantity by being allowed to run to a :big 'lump of stock salt and thus help themselves just as they pleased, and in .like sophistry the animals should have ifree access to as much water as they unay care to drink. ‘ .. . Mt Julian . , _ "11.30 4.00 9.00 & Viflmgde “ 2,000.11) 1.30 “ 12.00 3.30 8.45 Burlcigli “1.30 6 4312.45 * Transfer to Sir. Majestic for Breezc‘s and head of Lake. Calling at South leach, E. D. Hall‘s, Baptic’s Island, Actou’s and Idlcside on signal. Boat connecting; with 4.40 train from Lakefield will call only at scheduled points mentioned above. #5 . Daily connections made with Sir Ogct f at. Burleigli Falls for Chemong,r and l ’ ' cnygeon. Meals served on board. . Any change in these time tables will l) noticed in all the local papers, but the company reserves the right to cancel with- out. notice. , For information apply to Fenelon Falls agent, C. W. Burgoyne, or to the company's offices, Bobcaygeon, Ont. - l L_L_ B'ROS” SOLE AGENTS, F'EZN ON FALLS. Jiliiiimiélllit :zililnr. how @rioes This “siesta on the Following Run It Right. Incomplete separation may be caus- gcd by insufficient speed. Since the :speed of a cream separator bowl is ireally the force that separates the :crcam from the milk, it becomes very jneccssary that the machinebe run at =tho proper speed, as indicated by the {manufacturers for their own particular make. Another cause which frequent- Ely occurs is the clogging of the sep- iai'ator bowl, which may be due to an Funclcan bowl or to sour, ropy or vis- tcous milkâ€"Professor Oscar Erf. Screen Doors from 75c. to $1.50 complete. Lawn Mowers from $2.75 to $4.00. Screen Windows 150. to 250. , _~ Grass Shears 2-50. pair. Good long-handled Shovels at 500.. 14 inch Garden Rakes at 250. Handy “Washing Machines $3.25. ‘5-tine Manure Forks at 700. Good No. 9 heavy galvanized iron Boiler at $1.00. "We have just received a carioad of the celebrated hfiopnarch Brand Portland Cement, whion we Will sell at the lowest. price. ture of the best. and newest designs always on hand. Prices the lowest, _ a? 53. “g A complete stock of Furni- "1 :3 SEASON 1907’. FEiiEtllii FALLS, BGSEBALE, 00000000. Commencing Tuesday, June 25th, The Star. “Kawartha”' will make daily trips (except Saturdays and Sundays) between the above named ports, as follows: ' Leave Fenelon Falls 4.3?) p. in, Leave Rosedale p. m, Arrive Uoboconk 6.31) p. m. Leave Coboeonk 7. 30 p. in. Leave Roscdule 8.30 p. m, Arrive Fenelon Falls 9.15 p. in. T317134?" L. Eh iihAN, Furniture and Undertaking. Picture F tuning a Specialty. ‘ -l iiiliiii ilill iiiiiii is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. _ Meal 'For the Calf. Hoard’s Dairyman gives the follow- ; ing recipe for calf meal: One part pure r. ground flaxsecd, two parts finely ground cornmeal, sifted; two parts the , ly ground oatmeal, sifted, and the ' whole we'll mixed. Then boil and a1- . low to stand for twelve hours covered. é Begin with one-fourth pound per day .for calves a month old; new milk for Ellie month previous and no solids. In- ‘-crcase the allowance as the calf grows older, but not to exceed a half pound in day. Keep fresh, sweet second cut- iting of clover or alfalfa hay before i them. I‘ n u‘. .v v . . p. rum-.1: :iilli:t_izliiiti.;hizu;rfilzin :rtl‘lrrnililuc ' L.“ ..." -.'. ‘- ‘. r ‘ f u thur‘llilzat’ lama: uppnimrrrmnrnppr :u‘igprmgrrzqflmngiiprangmiz'nmimwprmpr 30,5,qurMyriam:nymphâ€"nightimr awaiting-E reg, first) - - _ Fender Falls. '"Full'ifimll‘: 31139111121331 ' "" remit 11min.an Monday morning trips, liosedale to Fenelon Falls. _ On and after Monday, July lst, the “ Ka- wartha” will leave Rosedalc evory Monday at 7.00 a, m,, connecting with morning train at Fenclon Falls. SUBSCRIPTION 3 s1 00 A thin, in ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. 69:51. and fiflfi. The undersigned is prepared to doll vcr coal or Wood to any part of the village at any time. Hard or soft wood 4 feet long or cut; to order. .‘leCflVX stock of the best Scranton coal always on hand, also charcoal. All kinds of green and dry wood bought at highest price. 46. u M. WHALEY- Now is the time to have them made. Spring is just around the corner. Bring your wheels in now so they will be read y before the rush This time table subject to change with- out notice. For tickets, rates, etc, apply at the general store of W. BURGQYNE (it SON, Fcnclon Falls. Campers supplies delivered to any point on the lakes. How to Sew Flax. Flax seed may be sown from the wheat sowing season on until. the middle of June. All things .conmder- ed May is the best. month in which 'to sow: A well-worked and line seed bed should be made by usmg disk .and harrow and sometimes roller also. Not making a seed bed is one of the commonest. mistakes of flax growers. The seed is best sown usually With a press drill and to the depth of 11â€"2 to 21-2» inches ordinarilly according _d - attire of the land. About. n tillrdldmperdks of seed per acre are 911- 55353553 Lap-533583 JOB PRINTING executed neatly, corâ€" ctly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor Blankets, Rubber and Woollen Rugs, RobesQ and ,Mitts at bottom ,, v til: being sown ‘ - C011] CS 01]. . gliblivzmih 11:;ng tlcilililrzimonyland in good ' ' B" E“ Q B @355 E $11 6 S ' 13331083. conditionfl l have been appointcdbythc Dominion P L A E I fl 3 oakâ€"tanned Ear- Government to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as . ‘- - 1- borers or dome-silo servants in .. . roduces VGI'Y Hull“ 3* k > _ , fUOdL‘t’ufi“ fed the shape of tins Vicinity. Any person requiring mlllfjhtpmm {$1,311 fed for beef it is seen such help should not.in me by letter. 1111 K nan w . - ~ st-xtinrr fully the, kind of help required. I . - 1m rt- - ‘ a - _ . “by the (hwy industry 15 so p0 when wanted and wages oilered. The ant. AS Plated in the wink on feeding number arrivino‘ may not be sulliciont to 53' Pmiessof H‘“R' Smlt’h 2f tilemlgfé supply all rcqugsis. but every effort will braska 531M403 ((134 dpiry 0236' Steel, in be made to supply each applicant With or ' is ex n e t )( lirYL :lhbgiating killed in the form of meal. 11°11) 10 11 LL - .‘ - Thus. Robson, noes, handâ€"made, at $12. Rawhide VJliips 850. I A good stock of Trunks, Club Bags," Suit. Cases etc”, on hand. TRADE MARns done on my new, up-toâ€"date DESIGNS Copyasems ac. planer and inatcher cannot fail Anyone sending a sketch 31111.1 dcscri tion may , _ _ . quickly ascertain our opinion free w tether at: to (rlve satisfactlon. invention is probably patentnble. Commuiilca- D . tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents . sent. free. Oldest agency for securing patents. 11.81;“? Bier-an 350% larllh'lriilill &0Co. receive “stilts honor- it 0. Gilliam. Alumdsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr- CCLBCRNE ST. OPPOSITE HEARD-S culatlon of any scientific ournal. Terms. 83 n Dal Cows Economize Feed. Wheiirilt is considered that the same than 15 expended by the (30W in 813/- g ‘ t . , ‘ reu‘r: four months. $1. Sodbyall newsdcalers. J J N I S 5 harming the same quantity m the Canadian Gm l1. Employ mont Agent. & 361Bm'adway, FEHELGH FALLS. I I I l form of milk.» or course it must be Fiihhron FALLS, OM. Branch 011106.525]? SLAVMh‘anD’D.“ understood that the kind of cowoo do < > ‘ .ghismustbeoithedmm -l ‘

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