Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Jun 1907, p. 8

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. ..-.. .... «our; more "1‘ . Want Something Better. ‘ Before the people of Canada will sur- render the government and the policy under which so much prosperity has ‘come to the Dominion, they must be fshown something better in place of it. The fact that a few affairs in the bulk of .the people's business may be susceptible to criticism,will not justify a condemna- l1on ol‘ the whole Liberal party, or a re- versal of its policy. if a few wrong acts rrccp into the business of a great gov- fernment conducted upon certain lines, what guarantee have the people that the :- a2ne and worse might not happen should 1h 2 government of the country fall into inexoerienced hands? It must be asâ€" vrumezl that the same policy would be followed, the same methods of doing bu *riness would obtain, and, outside the government itself, the affairs of the “country would be transacted by the same oilicials. It is asking too much of an intelligent people to throw over a government that has done so much, and instal in it's place untrained and iueXpe- \*â€":‘iexced men, who have outlined no no- cessary changes in the policy that should govern the country, and who have sug- .g1"st:.-(l no improved methods of conduct- aing public business. ‘ K Blended “Flour.” I We clip the following from one of our ’- country exchanges, which possibly took it from an agricultural paper; and, as it is worthy the attention of farmers, we T'transfer it to our own columns : “ About the poorest economy our farm- 'ers can practise is to give up, raising, ., ‘their own wheat, and to spend their . ‘money for Manitoba flO'llI'. It is down- ' ‘ ' " right extrzwagance, for they lose money bath ways. In the first place, there is a steadily growing demand for blended flou rs, which are milled of Ontario wheat :~an:1 Manitoba wheat. No‘ilour, milled of one kind of wheat, can be as good'as blended flour. For instance, Ontario 'wheat lacks strength, although it makes line, white bread and light pastry. Man- itoba wheat makes a big leaf that is very nutritious, but the bread is coarse and yellow. But a blended flourâ€" containing both Ontario and Manitoba wheatâ€"supâ€" plies what each single kind of wheat 3‘1 mics, and contains the good qualities of '1) 3th. Then, look at it in another way. If our own. farmers buy Manitoba flour, they are making another province rich .at the expense of their own. The money which they earn in Ontario is turned over to the Manitoba farmers and millers. " What 'all our farmch and what all mur housewives should do, is to get to- ..gether on this flour question. Every farmer in Ontario should raise winter '\\'licat~as big a crop as his farm will justify. He should not only raise Onta- rio wheat, but he should also make it a Cpoint to buy ablended flour, made partly of this same homeâ€"grown wheat. The " money is made hereâ€"and should be spent here and kept here. ‘ " Our women-folk can help this cause along hynsing a blended ilour for all their baking. rl'ho more they use, the greater will be the demand for Ontario wheat. As this increases, natuaolly the farmers will go in more for wheat. Ev- erybmly will thus share in the rejuve- nation of a failing industry, and rejoice in the greater prosperity of our farming pcpulation." considered _.“.â€"__â€".â€"_â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"-â€"- "â€"~~â€"«..-.-..... ~ -_ n-.. . Salt for Live Stock. The horse prefers salt Where he can fget at it at will rather than have it "forced upon him in his feed at irre- :,gular intervals. Some make a. mistake «‘in putting salt in the horse’s trough .each time they feed him. The best may to provide salt for the horse and other stock as well is to place a. small 'box for that purpose near the. feed ‘E't-rough. ll 11/ "" .. . ill Ilsa/7m. '7 Keep clear water before the hogs :ell__the time. _ ' in” BRETISH QERIGAN m1 1 g sosnasss coLLEoE, E Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. TORONTO. The school that gives the best busi- - 11055 and shorthand training. Spo- (:ial rate for the SUMMER TERM. Privileges of Y. '-.\1’. C. A. treeto our students. Drop card for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, PRINCIPAL. E- dam. and noon. The undersigned is prepared to deliver 1coal (zr wood to any part of the village 211‘ any time. Hard or soft wood 4 feet long or cut to order. A. heavy stock of the best Scranton «foal always on hand, also charcoal. mm 1 ltAddGii .-\11 kinds of green and dry wood thought at highest price. 41‘». ' M. WilflLEY. .__- I.» E g3 % l; R E NOW 15 the time to have 1‘ I them made. Spring is just around the corner. Bring your wheels in now so they will be ready before the rush comes on. PLAHING done on my new, up-to-datc planer and matcher cannot fail --*' to give satisfaction. L. mm, 1 F. 0. CHAMBERS. ' 'n a Surname and "Miami" 9 cornonxlasr. orrosi'rn HEARD‘S Picture Framing a Spccmlty. FEEELSEE FALLS“ A complete stock of Furni- ture of the best and newest designs always on hand. l’riccs the lowest. This means selecting leathers, months ahead, so as to x" uniformly good grade. It means hiring, and kc Then, the Makers’ trade-mark, on the lining. of each sh’oc puts for the hidden wear, and comfort, directly upon the shoulders, of the manufacturer. ' ‘ " ‘ When a genuine TERRILL BROS., SOLE AGENTS, F'E J OS. HEARD - am; flunllhrflmuflim warm: fir Mhuiifiwuc Jillliimilimil‘hmflm xiii '1 , n SEE THAT SIGN? -â€"_ f T swings from over 31:13 shop now! \- It means more comfort for you, better shoes, surcr value, safer buying. It is the symbol of the “Slater Shoe,” and a :â€" duplicato of the trade â€"mark on the lining of each pair where the Makers’ price is also branded. a , » . “The Slater Shoo,” is the only Canadian shoe made in a factory which makes n_o grade, price, nor kind. _ ‘ It is the result of specialism, of making ,_ but 929 thing at its very 133% and at its lowest possible cost, quality w «313% i this statement %Hmdiinnri0imlilhmilliumdlim JiillinmiIlillilrailllimjullim gallilmiil'lhr. stilllim anillinLulllinrmilliumiillinn million-flirt ixillllrr. .Jzil‘liir. nillinsul‘lluil’lucgulllu Juli'lluu Low Prices This Week on the Following: Screen Doors from 750. to $1.50 com )lete. l . aLawn Mowers from $2.75 to $4.00. Grass Shears 250. pair. Screen Windows 150. to 25c. Good longâ€"handled Shovels at 50c. 14 inch Garden Rakes at 25c. Handy Washing Machines $8.25. 5-tine Manure Forks at 700. Good No. 9 heavy galvanized iron Boilc ‘ at $1.00. We have just received a earload of the celebrated Monarch Brand Portland Cement, which we will sell at the lowest price. other be sure of oping, the best shoe workmen in the market, because, only a "very good workman is quick enough on such critical work to get profitable results for us out of Lusing our costly machinery. ' ' ‘- f“; It means charging against" the salary of each wor - . “ any pair of shoes he makes which is r_io_t up to Inspectors’ 'l_ standard, so as to maintain uniform quality. ..i..-.z. .5 . own price being Stamped, with his responsibility “ Slater Shoe” goes wrong, you know that the Makers stand ready. to make it good, up to the price they themselves, valued it at. ' Isn’t this shocninSurancc of. a tangible land? There isn’t a shoe on. this market with so much style. combined with so much wear, comfort and . fit, as the “Slater p Shoe,” which. is stamped on the lining with the Makers’ price, viz. $4.50 or $5.00. VVc want you to come in and see our new stock of “The Slater Shoe,” and let us prove in 1h-...~(zN-'n‘.K-hu.‘i. “mild-N: «aha-"1.: 51:,4- : a... . .n,; .5' Jun “new: .'aim he... .1 u a an; :fll‘fl‘m‘IhR’T-‘RL‘J' sziaflqbrx‘fizixflzi .iu'ES-‘Lfi'fii'v'lb IN}! ,5. . “LHhJs'tJ N ELON FALLS. r 9 E. .i. '2.- W31: MFWivmumuworwwmrwr ‘ ‘1 m Fenelon Falls. ray ‘lflf': '" .: y k... .i .V-flrrrptzr m . SEWE'JF‘HEI'C 'li‘fl‘fflf ‘l'ifll'llfifih'lwfil KAWABTHit LAKE“. {in The Trent Valley Navigation 00., Limited. SAILINGS 0F STElllllEilS, 1907. LINDSAY, STURGEON P’l‘., BOBCAYGEON. “ ESTURION.” June 1 to Sept. l4.â€"Daily except Sunday. a. m. p. m. p. m. p m. Lv 2.45 Bobcaygron arr 2.00 -â€"-~ “ 6.10 3453 Sandy Point “ 115 7.15 “ 6 30 4.30 Sturgeon Pt “ 12.45 7.00 arr-745 545 Lindsay 1v 11.30 550 Noraâ€"Saturday’s boat will await arrival of evening train from Toronto and Port Hope, giving connection with Sturgeon Point. and Bobcnygcon. ~ June lst to' Sept. 15, every Monday morn- ing will leave Bobcaygeon for Lindsay at 5.45 a. m. BOBCAYGEON, liINllS.lY, COBOCONK. Str. “ MANITA.” Tinâ€"WEEKLY Snnvicn. June 10 to Sept. 14, Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. . Read down. Read up. [N 6.30 a m. Bohcaygeon arr 8.00 p m. “ 7 30 a. m. Sturgeon Pt 1v 7.00 p. m. or 8.45 a. m. Lindsay IV 9.00 a. m. Lindsay 9.1- 5.431) m. lv 10.00 a. m. Sturgeon Pt ar 4.30 p m." lv 11.15 a. m. Fcnelon Falls or 4 00p. 111. lv 11.45 a. in. Rosedale or 3.00 p m. or 12.45 p. m. Coboconk 1v 2 00 p. m, "‘ No'rn â€"-’I‘ransfer at Sturgeon Point to Esturion for Lindsay, and awaits her return trip, leaving for Bobcaygcon at 7 00 p. m. On Tuesdays and Fridays this boat is open for special charter. EOBUAYG EON, CHEMONG, BURLEIGH. “ Ogemah ” June 10 to about Sept. 14. Daily except Sunday. . Read down. . Road up. Lv 7 00 a. m. Bobcnygcon or 7.45 p.11]. “ 9 30 a m. Chemong Park lv 5 00 p. m. “ 11.15 a m. Buckhorn “ 2 15 p, m. ar 12.30 p. m. Burlcigh Falls “ 1.00 p. m. ‘ Calling at Oak Orchard and Indian Vil- v lagc on signal. ' ' Connections at Burlcigh with steamers for Lakefield and intermediate points. Meals served on board. Burlcigh Falls, Stony Lake, Lakcl‘icld. Slrs.“E\1PRESS," Etc. Service daily except Sunday. Single daily service from June 3rd to June 15th and from Sept. 1611] to Sept let. Double daily service from June 17111 to June 29th, and from Sept 2nd toScpt.1-lth. Triple daily service from July 313i to August Bist. Read down. llead up. am p.m p.m.' p. m. a.m.p.m 1v 9,151.15 615 Lakeficld ar 6.00 9 00 4.15 “ 9451.45 6.45 Youngs Pt lv 5.30 8 15 3.30 "‘ 1015 2 30*7.30Mnjcstic ld “ 4 l5 7.30 3.00 “10302.45 6 4') M’Crackcn’s“ 4.30 7.15 2.45 5‘ 11.00 3.00 8 15‘Jnn1per Id “ 4.00 7.00 2.30 at 5.00 9.00 Brccm’s “3 00 G 00 2.00 l\lt Julian - ,, “11.30 4.00 9.00 & Vinmode “ 2.00 6191 J “ 12.00 3.30 8.45 Burlcig‘h “1.30 6 43 l2.45 t Transfer to Str. Majestic for Breeze’s and head of Lake. Calling at South Beach, E. D. Hall’s, Baptie’s Island, Acton’s and Idlcside on signal. Boat connecting with 4.40 train from Lakcficld will call only at scheduled points mentioned above. Daily connections made with Str. Ogemuh at Burlcigh Falls for Chemong and Bob- caygeon. Meals served on board. Any change in these time tables will be company reserves the right to cancel with- out notice. For information apply to Fenelon Falls agent, 0. W. Burgoyne, or to the company’s offices, Bobcaygeon, Ont. SEASON. 1907. FENELON FALLS, R08EDALE, COBflCONll. Commencing Tuesday, June 25th, 'The Str. “ Kawartha.” will make daily trips (except Saturdays and Sundays) between the above named ports, as follows: ‘ - Leave Fenelon Falls 4.30 p. m. Leave Rosedalc 5.30 p. m. Arrive Uoboconk 6.30 p. in. Leave Cobocouk 7. 30 p. m. Leave Rosedale 8.30 p. m. . Arrive Fcnelon Falls 9.15 p.111. Monday morning trips, Roscdalc to Fcnclon Falls. On and after Monday, July lst, the “ Ka- wartha” will leave Roscdalc every Monday at 7.00 a. m., connecting with morning train at Fcuelon Falls. This time table subject to change Will]- ont notice. For tickets, rates, etc, apply at the general store of ' W. BURGOYNE & SON, Fcnelon Falls. Campers supplies delivered to any point on the lakes. ’______________________â€"â€"~ Blankets, Rubber and Woollen Rugs, Robes and Mitts at bottom prices. Single oak-tanned Har- ness, hand-made, at $12. Rawhide Whips 350. A good stock of Trunks, Club Bags, Suit Cases etc., on hand. J, rill‘llttll 5 .hoticcd in all the local papers, but the

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