This Sale has become so widely known that we have already hadcustomers from as far south as Lindsay. and north from Haliburton, which proves beyond a doubt that our prices must be right. gains to offer than have been since the big sale began. This week we have still greater bar- Many new line-s of Spring goods havearrived this week, and these of course will go at the WW Black Sateen Ureershrte. 5 dozen of these arrived this week. They are bought specially for spring trade and are bargains at their regular prices. We offer them at just about wholesale cost. $1.00 Underskirts for 690. each. $1.25 Underskirts for 980. each. $1.50 Undersk-rrts for $1.18 each. DOWâ€? FA“. Tilt BEE THESE. Ledies’ Underwear at Half Price. A table full of ladies’ and misses’ Vests and Drawers, worth 25 to 500. Sale price, each I 10 and 120. \Vrappei'ettes, 90. yd. 25 and 350. Hosiery, 190. pair. 50 and 750. Corsets, 10c. pair. $1.00 and $1.50 Sateen Waists, 080. each. . 20 and 250. Ribbons, 140. yd. . 10 and 120. Towelling, 90. yd. Heavy 140. Shirting Flannelette, 110. j‘d. .1 Clittliihlil. White Plates, per dozen, 200. Colored Plates, per dozen, 480. \Vhite Cups and Saucers, per dozen, 580. 3 only colored Dinner Sets, regular $10.00, Sale price, $6.98. SEE runs sr-eAP. GRttERlES. Soda Biscuits, 3 lb. box for 200. 11 bars Soap for 250. 250. Tea, per pound, 160-. Corn, per can, 80. ‘ Tomatoes, per can, 90. Force, per package, 50. Vim, per package, 50. 6 tins Sardines for 250. 4:1,â€" lbs. fresh Ginger Snaps for 250. Choice Pickles, per bottle, 100. Tomato Cat-sup, per bottle, 100. 4 packages Corn Starch for 250. Laundry Starch, per package, 60. bargaln prices. 550 pairs Flannelette Blankets 880. per pair. Goodlarge size flannelette Blan- kets, nice soft ï¬nish, worth $1 and $1.15. Sale price per pair I Extra large ï¬annelette Blankets, worth $1.25 to $1.40. Sale priceâ€, per yard White Wool Blankets (only 8 pairs left). Large size, 7 pounds weight, worth $3.50, $3.75, up ere-r- $2.98 Further Reductions in all lines of Dress Goods. Ladies’ Jackets, only 6 left, to clear at 98c. ea. Big Slaughter in Men’s Hats. We have not overlooked this important section, but have been kept busy going carefully through our Hats and marking them at prices that are sure to make a big noise in this department. The Hat season is: almost here ; the shapes are newâ€"just the style for spring. Come in and try them on, anyway. LOT No. 1.â€"Worth 500., 750. and $1. Sale price 390. each. LOT No. 2.â€"Worth $1.25 to $2 eacl. Sale price, 790. each. Ladies’ $4.50 and $5 silk louses,‘. Another big list of bar- Saie Price $3.19 each. & . gains in Shoes this week. Our big spring shipments are beginning to arrive, and we must have more room. Every pair of Shoes reduced inlprice all this month. 25 and 501:. Men’s Neckties for 180. each. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN ELUTHlNG. Boys’ Suits 980. Men’s tweed Suits $3.89. Overcoats less than makers’ prices all this month. a ‘ Partner Best English Prints Crum’s make) worth 14: and 150. Sale price, per yard -. 18 Heavy Canadian Prints, worth 12 and 130. Sale price I 50 pieces only good heavy Print, Worth 8 and 100. Sale . II - price, per yard lllll till] lifltill liltllii. Regular 750., for 480. [a pair. Regular $1.00 for 680. a pair. Regular $51.25 for 780. a pair. w Men’s 750. Work Shirts for 580. Men’s 750. Overalls 580. Men’s $1.00 Overalls 790. Tweed Pants, per pair, 890. $1.75 and $2 Pants, per pair, $51.19.; Colored Art Muslins, 70. a- yard. 350. Table Linens, 240. a yard. Boys’ 50 and 600. Sweaters, 440. Boys’ fleece lined Underwear, 25c. suit. V Men’s ï¬ne Cambric Shirts, regular $1 and $1.25, for 790. each. till i tilt liliS ltil. We offer the balance of our Fur stock at less than wholesale cost to clear them out. Don’t fail to See them on Saturday. ltl titliliii ll] titti. The greatest of all sales is this Big Reduction Sale. Pins, regular 50., 20. a paper. Handkerchiefs, regular 50., two for 50. Dress Trimmings, regular 10 and 150., 2 yards for 150. Men’s 10 and 150. Linen Collars, 50. each. 25 and 350. silk Belts, 190. each.