HATES TO GO HOME. WALKER MADE FIRST MATCH. â€"â€" The lover can’t help showing But the Druggist's Invention ‘Was Not a Success. In the nineteenth centuryâ€"the cen- tury in which so many wonderful ‘ , ._ things were doneâ€"the fourth step in betwixt? tguflshi’c‘ï¬f ,£§,$,§§°h,f,zg‘â€ï¬r: the development of the match was subject. than men, becomes so acute in taken. In 1827 John Walker, a drug-l some subjects that they are “tori-I PW‘ gist in a small English town, upped {1‘ struted. lhe stomach refuses food, L‘X‘Hi The girl he’s calling on That when he’s slow in going He’s positively “gone.†' - - there is a constant and distressingr rfâ€" splint With sulphur, chlorate of potash fort. to free the stomach from oile win I: and sulphid of antimony and rubbed it has beculme uxitltlly,,ï¬esre§c<1 theâ€, ""‘l‘ on “mmâ€? and it .meSt' into flame†{diffilfef nitli‘tliéallizlang Eli‘gmel’i'elni; 'The druggmt had discoverea the “ml of the intruding bile relieves the ores- friction chemical match, the kind we sure on the‘ nerves which cause the use today. It is called friction chcmi- l‘cudacm‘ My them' cal, because it is made by mixing cer- tain chemicals together and rubbing them. Although Walker’s match did not require the bottle of acid, it never- theless was not a good one. It could be lighted only by hard rubbing, and it sputtered and threw fire in all direc- tions. In a few years, however†phosphor- ous was substituted on the tip for an- timony, and the Change “’0?de W01?“ there are things in life better than mon- dï¬l's- The {Dal-Ch 00?“ “OW PG lighted ey." Young Friend: “Yes, i know that, With very little rubbing. and It wash!) but it takes money to buy them.†longer necessary to have sandpaper upon which to rub it. it would ignite Thos. Sabin of Eglingtmi, says: "I when rubbed on any surface, and thercl have lemme“ “3" “0""3 from ’“ feet “Why have you never married, Miss Antitnie?" he thoughtlessly inquired. “You never asked me before," she said coyley, as she gave him her hand. Lingering. stubborn old cores are erased from . ‘ b Weaver’s Cerane. The good ’work of lilgdilk-glealuing is completed until Weaver 3 Syrup. Rector: “Remember, my young friend, . . . L , i .‘ n . i . .H 1. was no longer any sputtering match, gguthgï¬ï¬‚gfzï¬ï¬:13.1%.?†mm†the match With which we are so fa- â€"â€"â€"-â€" “111m?- . , _ . "Papa used to call me an angel," said After the Invention 0‘ “m 035113’ lighl' the bride of six short months. “No ed phosphorous match‘ there was no wonder,†rejoined 1119 man, “you are a]- angel P56 for the d‘p'spl‘m 01‘ the ways harping about something.†strike-a-light.‘ The old methods of get- ting a blaze were gradually laid aside Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator and lionization. The first phosphorous hlasllno CW5“ ï¬â€˜flï¬tsdeï¬goyi’ga' {mm‘s “a ma eies were sold at 25 cents a blockâ€"â€" '5“ “'0†9" m ‘ ‘30- m you gc _ . v e w i 'l ‘ l . a block containing 144 matchesâ€" and the 501mm he] pummbng they were used by but few. . ACCEPTED. Now a hundred matches can he . . bought for a cent. It is said that in the M“- Pmnc (Who ‘5 for-d 0‘ dogsl‘M‘SS United States about l50,000,000,000 Waite, don’t you think you ought to (1 matches are used a, year. This, on an have an intelligent animal about the average, is about ï¬ve matches a any house that would protect you and for every person. Miss Waiteâ€"Oh, Mr. Planet This is to sudden! TIâ€"IE SPAN OF ANIMAL LIFE. Pile Terrors Swept Awayâ€"Dr. Ag- Thc Span of human me seems“ onnew’s Ointment stands at the headas late to have been extending under a rchever’ healer and Slim gum it†Plies favorable conditions, and it exceeds, “' an folms' one qpphcahon WI“ glve that; of most animals. Camels liveiE‘LCfnfgrL ,m 3' imrmmums’ '2‘“ “We? to for forty or ï¬fty years. cattle, atibr‘ (mys- apphcmmn uqcordmg to direc- tions wxll cure chronic cases. It re- most, thirty, sheep eight or nine, and . - - - ' dons . I _ I ‘ Ilieves _all itching and burning skin dis- .3 aoout fourteen. Instances aie cases 1 a day. 33 cents. 79 on record in which elephants havel l‘va‘d 1’0 ‘ ' v‘ . . .. vim“, OE) ugfgéfmmaggpgévï¬gt “31$; A Queer-looking Customer inserted ms of their capture and it h believ d head into an auction room, and, looking that they may, reach 300 ycafs gravgly all the knight 9f rule hammer’ Whales have, it is thourrht a stiii mqqlred’ can 1pm†511.2, 'Cermmly‘x donger span, and there :5 the well- ileplmd thenauqhonecr’ you can bld; :known instance of longevity in the '..,VV§]l’ them sald-theilVflg' walkmg OH’ ï¬ortoise which was captured in 1693: K 30“ gmd-mght' iand was killed by an accident in To Those of g'dmm . . A A 0' l. .â€" il753. Among birds the eagle aiidlh‘lon who follow Zeaémï¬y 8:333ai?gns. the Swan seem to enjoy the 10n,,est| which .dcprive them of fresh air and lit- a croise. are more prone to disorders of 513911 0f aetivc life» and among flShl the liver and kidneys than those who the record seems to be held by carp, lead active. outdoor lives. The form:- w i,c ,. e 1' v M will find in Parmelec's Vegetable Pills a h h hmve b en \no‘â€) by authentic restorative without question the most records to live 200 years' Pike and efficacious on the market. They are river trout may attain respectively easily procurablc, easily token, are; ix' to ninety and ï¬fty yew-S_ pï¬ditiously.d and alley are 1surprisingly ' c ea consi ering ieir excel en:e. +___.._._. P Mrs. Littlewit (proudly): “Only just ““ i think! Charles has gone to address a DEA-r“ TRAPMNGS STOP WEDDING public gathering.†Friend: “I didn't â€" know he was a Speecmnaker'" MPS- Bridegroom Regarded Them as Augury minutesâ€"75 Littlewit: “Nor l; but he has been called . upon to make a statement before a 0‘ Bad um" I meeting of his creditors.†A funeral, a wedding that was to â€"â€"â€"â€"~+â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" be, and a broken engagement are the i r 1 ~ rincipal features of an extraordinary mmmu‘T CONSUMPTION lawsuit which will shortly be tried in the Paris courts. flow Food [leaded off the Insidious In the will of Mme. Marris, an eccen- Disease. trio old woman who died not long ago, ~ was a proviso to the effect that $14,000 The happy wife of a good old-fosï¬- should be spent on her funeral. The toned Mich. farmer says: heirs spent all they could, but found ,“In the spring of 1902, I was taken when they had concluded the arrange- sickâ€"a general breaking down, as it ments that they had a few dollars still were. I was excessively nervous, could in hand. To get rid of this they gave not sleep well at night, my food seem- orders that the black and silver drap- rl to do me no good, and I was so weak, cries put up over the door of the house I could scarcely walk across the room. on the occasion of the funeral should “The doctor said my condition was be left for five days. due to overwork and close confinement Another resident of the house, whose Wants to throw them at." and that he very much feared that con- daughter's nuptials were to be celebrat- sumption would set in. For several ed, objected to the trappings of woe, months I took one kind of medicine after and asked the concierge to remove another, but with no effectâ€"in fact, 1 them, and when the prospective bride. seemed to grow worse. groom saw the funeral signs he saw, "Then 1 determined to'quft all medl- too, he said, an omen of ill-luck, and cines, givo up coffee and see what Grape. broke off the engagement. Nuts food would do for me. I beguan The father of the disappointed bride eat Grape-Nuts with sugar and cream has now begun an action against the and bread and butter three times a landlord. holding him liable for the day. conciergc‘s action in not removing the , “The effect was surprising! I began draperies. ,to gain flesh and strenth forthwith, “ad‘â€" AND THEN I-IE WENT. my nerves quieted down and grew nor- :mally steady and sound, sweet sleep :came back to me. ln six weeks’ time 1 Little Brother (to sister who is sitting discharged the hired girl and Commeuc. with her fiance “Do you know what 1 ed to do my own housework for :1 Iain. think?" lily of six. This was two years ago, and Sisterâ€"‘fNo, what is it?†it am doing it still. and enjoy it.†Nnmé “i think if I were not in the room Mr. igiven by Posllsn (30., Battle Creek, M'ici’i, Jones would kiss you." I There’s a reason. Read the mite “You impudent boyl Leave the room book, “The Road to Wellville,†in pkgs, instantly." Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. , Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if" washed in the old/fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. v: Equally good with hard or soft water. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto :53 YOUR MONEY’S wonni Of fragrance and full rich flavor is in every pound of Kept there by proper handling from plantation to store. Just TRY THE RED LABEL. Only one best tea. Blue Ribbon’s It. .___________________________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"____ s ‘ nles LOCKED ON ALL FOUR SIDES. :fl STRANGE. “I don’t suppose he meant anything unkind,†said the young woman, “but it was a very startling coincidence.†“What do you mean?†“Just before Harold and I got married his friends persuaded him to join a ‘don’t worry club.’ †' vaniz d or aintod rod on both sides. Most durable and economical coverl for Roofing Efgidingemr lasing-noes, limes, Burns. Elevators, Stores. Churches: Pou r: Houses. Cribs. etc. Easier to lay and will last longer than any other covering. Chen or ham Wood shingles or slate. No experience necessary. A hammer and ships are the on y tools requir- " ed. It is semi-hardened high grade steel. Also Corruguted Iron. Ralnled or Galvaniz d. in sheets 96 inches long. Buch and Embossed Ceilings. V bray!de Roofing. 2000 desiv'ns of Rooï¬ng, Siding and Ceilings in all grades. Thousands of building: through the Dominion are covered with our Sheet Metal Goods, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING PROOF . So din our order for as many squares 10x10 feet) as you require to cover your new or old C. building. yThe very best; rooï¬ng‘for this climax. We can supply Say: Trough. all nine. . Corrugated or Plnln Round, conductor Pipes, Shoes' Elbows, Spikes, Tubes. All goods shipped day other order is received. We are the largest; concern of the kind under the British flag Established 1861. I Write for free samples and Catalogue of our Oshawa. Shingle. Wnto to-day. TEE PEDLAB PEOPLE, B M. US. ("TINA cm". YMNTC. ONT. MNNlI’EG. VANGOUVII, LG. “g‘S'JOEalK’ gt- 423 Sues,“ 6t. 50 Yon‘o SI: 70 Lombard It. 915 Nadir It. WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE. HEAD OFFICE AND wonKs-OSHAWA, ONT. e cutter-Tuscan ‘Y‘ " MACHINE co. ~' g HAMILTON, - our. l-le'. “Did I ask you to marry me last night at the dance?†She: “Good gra- cious, not Why?" “llc: “Wellâ€"erâ€" you know, I got excited, and I often do silly things when I’m like that.†M Leï¬fï¬iclcgmphy rubidium rims Great oppormniâ€"ii; in the U. 5. log Grand Tosuï¬l: Paciï¬c Canadians as telegraph operators. 3 to 50 p. 0. higher salaries. Positions for --â€"â€" all graduates. Send for free catalogue. . Del. Tel. & ny. School, Detroit, Mich. lime W0 sect-Ions Oiland lorsale entire or in part, on line of Grand Trunk Paciï¬c, now under construc- tion just west of Portage La Prairie. Ploughing in the Northwest will be- Ind [Mud sum would look batten! ad. If an aged‘ gin as early as February. You can 01min your town. write direct cum-l. Box 153 cow oats, potatoes and alfaua on breaking and get big prices from railroad contractors on the Spot. Then hire out your teams for rail- dcaerator Wanted. road grading a. $5 per day. You w.â€" Tlic Poisoned Spring.â€"â€"As in nature so in man, pollute the spring and disease and waste are bound to follow -â€" the stomach and nerves out of killer means poison in the spring. South American Nervine is a good purifier, cures Indi- gestion, I)yspepsia,and tones the nerves. The best evidence of its efficacy is the unsolicited testimony of thousands of cured onesâ€"76 One of the most wonderful things in the world is the amount of good advice we can get along without taking. some" ausmom DYEING co. There is no turning a windmill with a. air of hollows and there is no turning in your 0 air if you have lumbogo or lame back, but; it; would be iiite entry if you had “The D 66L" Menthol Plaster on your back- --â€"â€"-sâ€"-i HE HAD. Life Insurance Agentâ€"My dear sir, have you made any provision for those who come after you? Harduppeâ€"Yes, I put the dog at the door, and told the servant to say I’m out of town. won’t get such a chance for a start . another year.‘ Don’t waste any oi‘DgecboclgRegulliifiloï¬gi'torprélgrr‘eglnshdg 13mg†{85 “18f e isf pracmiany 0mg; . i . . 3.‘ an or sae o equa quaiy 1 lights, must be in llf'St-ClilSSYCOI‘IdlthII. such a situation on such terms and 5- FRAM< WILSON at so low a price. Price $10.50 per 73 Adelaide St... Toronto. acre; six year tar-Ins. J. L. ll. PARSONS, 92 Winchester Street, T oronto, Ont. A gentleman was once invited to a house where he considered the dinner was inadequate, and as he was leaving ‘ the host asked him when he would dine ï¬+mï¬+mwm+ï¬+ï¬m+ï¬ï¬ with him again. “Now,†was the stari- ling reply. M So popular is Bickle’e Anti-Censumpo tivc Syrup as a medicine in the treat- ment. of cold: and coughs or ailments of the. throat, due to exposure, to droughts, or sudden changes of tem- pentture, that. druggists and all deal- ers in patent medicines keep supplies on hand to meet the demand. It is pleas- A Good Medicine requires little ad- vertising. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric' Oi, gained the good name it now enjoys. not, through elaborate advertismg. but ‘ +33%?! need to use every reaction with your stock. By the use 0 our g This is the season of the year when you ant to take, and the use of it guar- - . - i .. on its ieat merits as a. remedy fox ‘ gggsgeéfrccdom from throat and “Hg bodily gains and ailments of the resâ€" g . piratory organs. It has carried its If d m d- h vs the best '7'â€â€" fame with it Wherever .m has gone' and +3“ 0 tier ?l??llsl’istoyogur Stock. HER FAVORITE . it is prized at the iintipodes as well as gumm‘ 9° ° 0" y “ . at, home. Dose small. eerct sure. 3 Vaguablo Advice Free ,_.â€"_.â€" Miss Youngerâ€"“What is your favorite musical instrument?†Miss Elderlyâ€"“The mandolin." Miss Youngerâ€"“Oh, of course; there is a man to begin with." He; “As I sat there alone, Hilda came -+ surgeon. along and offered me a penny for my 3) _ t n - u -The VETERINARY 89mm" 00., I.anth Egggfllï¬i. She ‘ The GXtmvagam 550 permits s12, trouou'ro. our. W WWthmï¬+Wï¬+ï¬ â€œMy Kidneys are. all \Vrongl How W shall I insure best results in the short- Some druggists may not ï¬gure on est time?†It stands to reason that a ‘ , liquid specific of the unquestionable gomenvhams and 9"??? m heaveléafu" merit of South American Kidney Cure they “Peat somemmo 1115l ‘15 €00 - will '0 more directly and quickly to the , seat iii the trouble than the “pill form†snuggle: gill? ggnggdrrg‘gfmmgg“; treatment, and when it strikes the spot gym (,3; “m, uFeerinln for this purpose, there’s healing in an instant.~â€"78 Medea, basurobogebvabottk + {E Use it and become your own veterinary g + ii + 35 ï¬t Heart Sick Peoplc.--Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart is a heart tonic that never fails to cureâ€"is swift in its effectsâ€"gees closer to the “border land" and match es from death’s grip more sufferers than any other remedy for any family of dis- eases and ailments in the category cf human sufferings. Gives relief in 80 Sunlight Soap is better than 0th†“aâ€. it is safer to do business with a sell- but is best when and in the Sunlight way. confessed sinner - than with a self- Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directiona- admitted saint. “Now, were you drunk or sober?" en- quired the magistrate of an Irish defen- dant. "Neither, sorr,†replied the de- fendant; “I’m a teetotaler.†._.â€"â€"â€"â€" A Few People can “ wear out a. coughfj huhit is about the moat dan erous experiment imagin- able. The other 99% 0 us weak ones had better take Allen’s Lung Balsam at once and be on the INTERESTING irrEMS. ‘ The wedding ring is worn on the left †_ 1 t ri ht is s. mbolical rf Yq“ Cennotbe atpccted lo have faith in hand because he g y Shilth Consumption Cure. the Lu authorit and the left of obedience. . ï¬ Womgn of to-day are, on an average, Emcmsixtï¬me for Colds,(,¢:‘uglisan€al taller than the were twenty- eascso' e an‘ passages, you a", two makes y not tried it. We have faith in it, and We ï¬ve years ago. . . . . High heels owe their origin to Persia, Guarantee “- "“dwn‘wm Y°““¢°5“ where they were introduced to raise the ï¬mflï¬ng- “itdoes it costs you 25c. “Ma,†said the little boy, rushing in the kitchen. “Mrs. Prime next door wants to borrow your flat irons. Says shr wants to throw them at the cat." the bumm, sands of that ’at's fair. Tryittmday. “'1‘ he nerve of it!†replied his mother. éifl'ntrfï¬m 1’ Shiloh has cured many thousands of the ‘But that ain't the worst of it, ina." While the wedding service is proceed. most0bshnatecascs. andwedonotlicsitale to say that it .will cure any Cold, Cough. Throat or Lung trouble. ll we did not believe this we Would not guarantee it. Shiloh has had an unbroken record of success for thirty years. It has stood every possible teatwnhout failure. Further Woof is found in the many testimonials of those "Wth 6150?†“It is our cat that She ing in Japan the bride kindles a torch and the bridegroom lights a fire from it and burns the wife’s playthings. The invention of the typewriter has given. employment to 500,000 women. It is believed to be bad luck to cut the finger-nails on Friday, and manicurists say their business is lightest on that day. The average age at which‘women marry-in ciVilized COlénlrl'le: 11:; said to be who have med Shack and ban cured. twenty-two years an a a . MIS.A1ChicTaylor'Asapl" Pa" mam“ "Ibo lit bottle lSh'loli' Comu l' C HIS PRESENT. “deï¬cit.†Quail. :lhavehT: 35mg: and had a tarible cough. I govt:th Mrs. Brown: “And what are you go- cvc_ himloopld duk‘ m‘liw enriching: ing to give Maude 9â€â€ ‘0? a Wedding ‘étiioï¬ilitt‘viil u. the .aï¬ifn‘iim‘h. present, Ml‘. VJllllG/I went to bed,and they 5 2 all night. I! cut Mr. White: “Oh! I’ve settled upon Illem (anomaly Icha dwaylkocpil'nlhe something that I thought lovely, and 1 hour:- llfrs. Brown: “What is that? Do tell l me." - 25c. with animate: wherever medicine is cold. _...__._. __...._ M ISSUE N0. 2â€"416. Mr. White: “A packet of letters she wrote to me while in were engaged!" s i." v . ~,: '9' ‘A, T, .; _._. 603. know it is just the thing she wants bod- S H “ 1y" ILOH “W. 4 <_.-_..iau_-.:..;.»~__"4a .. ,.,.. .. . -. o; ‘ v “n. ‘1." . kiwi!" M aw 'uâ€"v' .{v' .nwi‘wï¬Ã©g . U .4». . ‘\_\.. \"xâ€" N'\ F.‘\’£~ “if; S) .‘x.