Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Dec 1904, p. 4

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m“ acmnâ€"Mvm . Gazette. =~ i , lies, satin, 19-34., W m. M f , J Roiâ€"i and W ll. We wish our many friends a very mm corn-SLJILM l1. Dr‘yuiaz., it? 713‘: U55. l Merry Christmas and Stimson _ W a G. H liilentna, by 'ihflrz'. ‘BK‘EQEEZD and E. F! z~..'el'.i§d G. H MCGS‘U, J Kerr. Thus. Robsoii, McCalluiii Thns. Austin, by F. hchtiiieszit? and Gen. Martin. I M. H MeCnlluui. by A, Fountain and W. H Kcarns. Dr. Sims, by J. H. Brandon and W. Burgoyne. . W. H. Robson, by W, Burgoyne and J. H. Branden. ‘ T. Scott, by P. Dcyman and Garrett Barry. be Dr. fit-(mid 53-35: if. A utilitarian reeerncus NEW YEAR, and in doing so heartily thank them by E... Pearce 25.1317: ii. for paSti favors and Support, I and anticipate, by strict attention to busi- FOR COMMISSIONERS. Geo. Martin, by G. H. McGee and J. J. Nevison. R. M. Mason, by John Jeans and W. Burgoyne.- FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Dr. Wilson, by G. H. McGee and F. A. McDiarinid. I 4 R. M. Mason, _by E. A. McDiarmid and J. J. Nevison. J; L. Arnold, by J. J. Nevisou and L. Dcyman. ness and a careful study of the re- quirements, to. not only retain, but increase, our pleasant business re. , lations. ' At the conclusion of the hour duringr whtch. nominations could be madeâ€" that is to say, at 1'o’cleckâ€"Mr. Junkio was asked, and consented, to occupy the chair, and the speaking commenced. It was very brief, and the chief interest seemed to centre in the doings of the Board of Water, Light. and Bowm- Commissioners. 4 Mr._ Edward‘ Fitz. gerald complained because the auditors’ c a w. suneovus. Departmental Store. The reevc and solicitor held' that the matter. Com missioner Martin reported as to the financial transactions of the Board as far as possible at the present stage of the development work. The Chairman of the Commissioners report- ed tliat in his opinion electrical energy could be furnislied‘thc citizens of. Fan- clon Falls at $8 per h. p. withoutlosq. and that contracts for supplying 155‘ h. p. had been made with the Sandford Furniture Co. and the Fcnelon Falls , Milling Co. Mr. McArthur thought. the power could not be sold for less than a@@@@@@@@@@@a , WE ARE THOROUGHLYTPREPARED with a large stock of What is right and proper for Holiday Gifts. G L 0 ll ES. Ladies’ Mocha not be developed and distributed for aggmeam ~ . . ,. less. Some further discussion took Gloves: 511k llned ‘ place as to the action of the commis- $1.25 and $1.35; sioners in purchasing,r the 100-h. p. . , water from tho Sandfo’rd Co. I ' Ladles fine Achange in the municipal election t , Mocha Gloves, law makes it incumbent upon a person who is nominated and who intends to run to file an affidavit of qualification with the returning ofliccr before 9 p. m. of the day succeeding the nomination. The new requirement was read in a distinct, voice at the nominations by Mr. Junkin, yet it was forgotten or dis- . brown & gray, $51.50. Ladies’ Mocha Mitts, lined, brown . . .90. CUSHION reps. Fancy lithographed Cushion Tops inees for the recveship and four for the council, and they were declared elected as follows :; . ' Fancy scrim turii«. .75 over Collars . . ' ' Reeve _â€"Joseph McFarland. Coun- F r e 11 ch tapestry ' Silk stock Collars, °‘”°”_L°wԤ D°ym“"' G"°' H: L"“°‘ , , ‘ r. ton. Geo. H. McGee and Dr. Sims. TOPS u .60 2‘0 3nd H .50 Some-other papers were given by . . . rox to tho rcturnirw oflicer'_ but as Japanese CuShwn ' Flue emb‘PIdered Flicyywere neither swbrn to ndr signed Top-s, .30, .50, .60 and .75, Neckwear, 60 and .75 by the candidates, they were ofcoursc disregarded. The school board will be the same as before, as the three retiring trustees were all nominated and re- elected without opposition. It is yet undecided whether there will be an I Japanese Silk Drapes, .50, .60 and . . J ap. Table Covers and Piano Drapes,$2 &. 2.25 u- \ rng w - ’ Commissicueas. \Ve Wish all our friends and customers a very Merry Christmas, and invite you meant andex- amine these goods, and we will prove to you that~ our prices are lower than the lowest. ~ ‘ New Books at the Public Library. a l . l The followingnew books have been received at the public library : ' Stray Papers .. .... . . . . . .. .. .. Thackeray. Three Hundred Things aBright , . ' Girl Can Do.................Kelly Choice of Books. . .. r- . . .. . . . . Richardson Alice in Wonderlandand , ‘ ‘ Through the Looking-glass. . Carrol The Crossing . . . . .. . . . . .... .. .. Churchill . Old Gorgon Graham ......,......,Lorimer "LThe Masquerader .'. . God’s Good Mah..'.. .... ...... ....Ccrelli The'Prospectc'r ,‘,.... ,;,,., ..., uConnor. The :..... ...... vac-o. Ib‘o’czmascm '- . .‘Sh m“w report had not been published by them. Board had complied with the law in ilic‘ 510 per h. p., as in his opinion it could " regarded by all except one of the nom- . election for the board of W., L. and P; , ... ......,....Tliurston, ‘ pens-tion for 23} rods of firm; ‘ Sir Mortimer ...... ......‘Jolhqnstbcn at 70°. A. i; would ‘00“ more to buy ; The'Geoigmns . . . . . ...". ...... 112‘ In the y‘nd ‘0 make the ro‘d wid‘h' Eastbynne . . . . . . .................Wood . .. Mr. Munchausen .................. Bangs u“, clw‘ w“. allowed on mom") Of' Lad’s Love...... . . . . . . ...Oreckctt Messrs. Tiers and Brooks. Whitehouse S White was allowed 81 for a day's . ‘ .q....t ....Wiléon work shovnlling snow and returned by ')l ._i.n nne ............ 8y _ in: Lwewu . n n O . H. “nsnwy” path master as a day short. Wesley Oliver's similar claim was.laft with ............Weyman . . Commisswner Brooks to get path-mu- rli ..o ~..’. .IoII. ......WiSter Dis c;weries.. .... Kipling ter's order. q lg‘g‘.c..i‘.f;l.i(.l. Wm. Logan reported 'that he had. m! M KingdBB-Cégelnmx completed 65 rods on. his Job, 40 on, : ML... . ' . _ . ‘ . . ” "Hucuine south end and 25. on north end-next. .. ,. a slime ... ..... ....Crocketts qlmnor lino“ . .; 1,: at... Sea... _ , , , , , . , , , Duncan On motion of Maseru. McFarland soda ‘ Sword: ..:._E’i\rkel' Brooks, the collector was allowed a re- ?! Ci)!"llllcl.0r.... . . . . . . Williamson bate of 8106?") T. Haustonvs an”, Passes .....,......... “ 17-94,? ....oa-ooeoo...-~-Whiie inc Frens’vnin . . .... ... Harr-nden a zr'. and Courage .... . .... ....Henty Life of i=r John A MacDonald, ' and 20c. of error in A. Lambert’s taxes. The collector, Wm. Green, theatre-- turned- his rolltfully paid;, and without ‘ the assistance of a bailiff; which on me»- BWT “"d tion of Messrs. Brooks and Tiers was. i {is ..m to Qiiebec , . . . . . ......Codman duly accepted- On motion of Messrs. Davitt and Me... .. F~hrlandg an order of $15, passed Oct-... w 20th. in favor of John Fell, wasrascindn ‘ ed, as the work hudznot been performed. ' ' M'cFarland~â€"Brooks--'l'hat|tlie mat-at. I ten-of- cutting brush on the 5th and 6th,. , lines opposite 31 and 29; belleft with the pathmaster, W. Green, to be let to. the best adVantage.â€"-Carried. ' On motion of Messrs. McFarland and? ' 1 and Dcvitt'thev following orders were i ' passed : Thos. Cosh, work on roads and to pay. others, $13.75; Johnston Patter-'6 'son, building culvert, $22.60;- Tlios.'_ f Junkie, do., 822; John Bickfon roads. " and't'o pay ethers,‘ $13.75; Rf Bick,‘ . ‘ do., $13.; E. Prescott, do., 310; A. _._ Campbell, half cost of contract, 894;, W.J'. Killaby, do.. 394; Thus. Devitt, moving grader, $1.75 ; John Bell, work. on roads, 85-10; J. R. Mitchell; wire-5;; fencing. S‘Zi ; Win. 'l‘iers, do'., $12.25 J’os. McGee, do., $12.35;; 8. Thurston, ' do., $20.50 ; w. Hotlierington, do.,. $16.45; Jos. Taylcr,’rebuilding culvert, .' .-_ 316 ; W. C. MOOI‘O, lumber and repairs, 3914; W. Hogue, gravol. $3.45; '1‘. ~ Kittie, movi ig grader, 351.25; S. Whitef, ' ' rebate statute labor, 31; W. Logan, " .Swazmp read, 3120-; W. English, keep U of T. Salter, 8'10; A. Dunseath, undcr- ; '- brnshing road, 36?; W. Green, culvert, ‘ 86; R'. Vt”; Brien, sheep killedf'by dog-s,~ ‘ ‘ $43-56"; Di Loean. do., $2.66; R. Mic-1 " , chell, axe. $1.25; Independent. printing and advertising, 35015; Home for. _ Aged, CuKelly, $18 40; E. Junkin,'_ postage, $2.45; W. H. Hamilton, eta-u. tionery, $45.71; W. Stevenson, gravel: and pit, $280} This Ball, gravel,., . 84.41 ; W; Green, collector, $70; Tress-y , ‘ , urer, 370; Clark. 3139*; A. Dense-atha :. 1. selectingjurors, $lr; J. D. Hunter, scs- ~ sional . allowance and commission,_ $34 50; J. J: Devitt, do., $25, G._ ~ ' Brooks, do., 336’; D; McFarland, do.,f . ' 332.50; E. Tiers do; 337; J. l}? Hunter.stone forEmily bridge, $113.61, . . for'Emily boundary. $83.08; C: Bell,. ‘ -.‘ gate at Houston’s, $4; County 'l'reasr ‘ urer, stone and men, $21.55; J. Mara. tin, breaking stone, $7; Collector, re-n bate Houstou and Lambert, $1.252; Rent of town hall, $30. llll'li'l Latiricr and the Liberal Party, Vols. | and'2'. ...... Willison. Christmas Eire on Lonesome ....-.. . . .F‘ox. Biz-bi, Son of lillllle . . . . .. . ... . . .. Oliphant Beauties of Nature ...... . .....-...Lubbock Life of Shakespeare . ..... .... . . ...-u L09 Notion’ilies and Trusts . . . ... . . . . . . . ....ElY. Peuole of the Whirlpool ...."....... u... History of the United'Smtea . . ...... E130“- Social Unrest ...... . . ...... . ... ....Bl‘00k8 ‘Rtib‘n Hoar... ........Pyio “Sir . How to Teach History .... ......Hinsdale The Plensuresot‘ Life . . .... . . . . ..,,Lubbock- Presentation and Address... On Thursday last- week Mr. Thomas 'Warlt. who is leaving 'Powles’ Corner for Toronto, after having held the po. sition of to Icher in the school for sev< eral years, Wits presented by'his former pupils with a handsome chair and the following address: _ V_ ' To Thomas Mark, Dear Teacher, . .We, the pupils of S‘. S. No. 4. Fenclon. hearing that our very pleasant relations of teacher and pupils are to be broken by your departure from our locality. feel that we cannot sever that connection without bestowing upon you- scme token ofâ€"our esteem». During the years of our intercourse as teacher and pupils you-have continually striven to teach us not. only the public school course, but youshayc al’i’io strilven tovlay the foundations of character ’- a-right, which is the true measure of success. The coming years will show how suc- cessfullyyoit-bave wrought, and we are. sure that-your name and' efiorts in our behalf'wil-l be long and‘ afi’ectionately remembered. We trust- that some of the beautiful pictures retained by your .memory will be recollections of days spent in, No. dâ€"as instructor. We ask you to accept this chair as a memepto of those bvgonc days; and in concluSion we all wish you and Mrs. Mark it very happy and prosperous future. ‘ Verulanr Councit. s ..'.. .. The statutory meeting of council was held on the 15th inst. at the town hall, Bobcaygeon, tho reeve, D.â€" Hunter, Esq., in the chair, and councillors Geo. Brooks, J. J. Devitt, E. Tiers, 1)?ch- Farland present. The more reported on the Middleton swamp road as follows :-He had lot 108 rods to W. J. Killabygand Archie Camp- bell to grade and ditch for $160, and "two culverts for 315‘, and T. Germyn to clay, stone and build one culvert for 840, and also let to Wm. Logan by auc- tion the repairing of quarter liue144' rods at $1.50. 50 rods north from where T. Germyn left off at $1.75, and the balance at $2. ‘ On motion of Messrs. Devitt and'Mc- Farland a .by-law was. passed establish- ing a 50 foot road from 2nd and 3rd con. line to Dunsfcrd station.“ Communication was received from the solicitor.- rclating tothe 3'1‘7302rail- way debenture refund of interest for '01, ’02" and ’03, stating that, as the ‘ money had been raised: for a definite purpose, it Would be safer to put the money to a special account to pay de- bentures of ’05 and '06 and balance on ’07. and encloscd a by-law.cOVering the- same, which was accordingly passed on motion of Messrs. Devitt and Brooks. A petition signed by Alex. Robertson and 46 others asked thnta road be open- ed from the Bobcaygeon road to the Dunsford station, which would require about 12, acres from Silas Thurston. Brcoluâ€"i‘llcll'arland-â€"-That the pc- 'tition be laid over till next sitting, in the meantime the recve to ascertain the price of the required land, and obtain the approval of the railway Co.â€"C‘il. The reeve, reporting on the Thos. Salter case, reported that he had ar- ranged with Wm. English to take him at $lO-n year, not, to include medical attendance, which was approved on mo~ tion of Messrs. Dcvitt and .Tiers. Mr. Robt. Thurston applied for 'com- pensation for 42% rods wire fencing, which on motion of, Messrs. Dc-vitt and Brooks was laid over for the new year. the claim not having been presented within the time prescribed'by byâ€"law. " Wm, Iietliegingtcu applied forcom-v Miss Alice N-ie came from Bobcaya geon to. spendâ€" Christmas at home. Mr. S. Green, of Bracebridge, was at: the [falls from Saturday until Tuesday. _ MISS-Mai.th Robertson, of.;Peterbe-. rough, is visiting her relativesat thew Falls. ’ Mr. Bey Burgess came home frOmv. Braccbridge cu Saturday, and will re- turn on Jan. 4th) Mr. t’ercy Knox is home from the- Victoria University, Toronto, for... the-a Christmas holidays. . Mr. James Diclreon,D‘: 111.8,, came «r hpme on Saturday, but we have not seen . himsince he returned. Miss L'.,Sproats and Miss I. Sprouts, of Toronto, spent Christineasunder the-i parental roof at the Falls... Mr. J::J.‘_Townley left an choesm day for Toronto and Montreal, and will a. be home today or to-morrow. Mr. and :Mrs. Albert Inkpin and-Mr.â€" John Inkpin, of: Petarborougli, spout.- Cbristmas with relatives at the Falls. Miss Nellie Heard came home on Fri- day from the Lindsay Business College,- and will remain until Tuesdaynext. T 7 ‘ Mr. James Bud, of Toronto, paid a. flying visititc the Falls on Tuesday, and: took dinneriwith Mr. and Mrs. Thosqn.’ Smith... , ' Mr. and Mrs. W'm.- W'c'od and famil . of Fell’s Statioa, spent Christmas at thyc :' Falls, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John. T. Thompson, Jr. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. London and Mrs. Joseph Pogne, of Petcrborougli. spent: Christmas at. the Falls with. Mr and: Mrs. Thomas F. Smith. .. ‘ ‘ ' Mrs. E..Stoddard and Mr. and Mrs. M. J»: Wilson, came lront Victoria “an. ’ her on Saturday, accompanied by their~ ’ children, to visit friends and relatives: stand in, the vicinity of the Falls. Mr. Donald Gt Campbell, who left! the, Falls about two years ago, camet . a home from Calgary, Alberta Territoryp L oniStiturday, with the intention of re- ' . maiuiug "untilthe 'middle‘ of next weeks

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