Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Oct 1904, p. 5

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season with the following ofiicers: Pres- tdant, Mr. 'l‘hos. Sadler; vice-president, Mr. W H. Robson; scc.-treasurer, Mr. W. A. Bishop; representative members, Messr‘sfd. H. Brandon and J. D. Flav- elle; managing committee, Messrs. R J. Moore, Thos. Graham and F. A. MoDiarmid ; skips. Messrs. T. ’Gaham. W. H. Robson, R A. ,Robinson, J. Twomcy. J. H. Brandon, 'l‘hos. Sedler, F. A. McDiarmid». and \V. G. Ellis. The membership fee for the season was fixed at. $5 00, and it was decided to join the Ontario Curling Association. Some needed improvements are to be made at the rink. and everything points to a good winter's sport. A Poon SHOW.â€"â€"-We didn’t; go- to the agricultural show at Coboconk on Tuesday, and probably a good many of those who went wished they hadn’t; For, as far as we can learn, the show was a very peor one. especially in poultryvthe Only tenants of the coups being, we are informed, two pairs of' fowls, a pair of turkeys and a pair of geese. But there we»: a good display oi politics, Col. Sam H ughes and Mr. Carnegie both being.r present ; and an eye witness tells us that the affectionate manner in (which Sam fairly embraced some of the free and independent electors was extremely di- storting. In Fact, Conservatism was so rampant that every judge on the ground , and in the building belonged to that political party. A Roasrnnfâ€"Not long ago, Mr. Washington.N-nthcy set up an elaborate and neatly. soda water: fountain in his restaurant, and: now he has a. peanut roaster. which. at a little diStance, looks something like a diminutive fanning mill, and wliioh,,it is needless to say. is the“ observed «if all observers." it is run by a gasoline engine of probably about one hundred mouselpowcr, which can 'be stopped in a moment by laying your hand on the fly wheel, and rel'uscs to go on again until you give the wheel aashovo. 'l‘he peanuts are roasted in a sheet iron cylinder, which slowly rc- volves over a gasoline lamp, and when done are putinto paper bags, each of whichtcontains five cents’ worth, and deposited in a sort of glass cupola at the top of the machine, to bc-kopt warm until wanted. Since the roaster came to town the consumption of peanuts has 'i'itut'cascd at least one hundred per cent. /" I ~ ,A. r y 2: . Am m gage BIR.’EI~I§. BARKLEY.â€"-â€"At Feuelon Falls, on Sunday, October 2nd, the wife of Mr. George Bark- ley of a daughter. 3’? azzml W . i SHAW’S SCHOOL, E THE incu' or TORONTO, g Solicits the chance to send a copy of‘ its prospectus to every young man anti woé- . man who would like a little piece in 1"”e. Your name and address on a postal. Do it NOW and send it to ' w. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. Yongc and Gerrard Sts, Toronto. m mar-.nmv'mm a: Si‘OOEl‘iTS llllllllTTED'llN‘i TllilE. ' TORONTO, our. -' Reported by the Worm DMH‘ Roller Mill 00, Wheat, Scotch or l-‘it‘c . Wheat, l'oll:»1H‘l' lJllb'llQl- - o - 95 1 -C0 Paper Hanging, Kelsomining, Whitewash- that, spring - ~ -- - --v 90 95‘ ing, Painting, etc., in first-class style. Barley, per bushel....-.... 40 1!. Estimates given free. Orders left at the Buckwheat“ . . . . . . . . 37 4-5). Gazette office will receive prompt attention iOats, “ . - - . - - - - g9 , 31) Residence south of river. I i - Ask for free h .‘l ” .. tassel TERRILL irate Given with every cash purchase. They are valuable. will be alOng presently. BROS. v SO .will the Bills. WWWWWWWWWVWWWWWW GOOD SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS, GIRLS AND CHILDREN. The-man who buys his Shoes from us needs judge only of the fitâ€"â€"we protect him in points of style and . a 0 w 111 addition 10 Ser‘qce' It IS to oul 1.nâ€" You can furnish saving10t015por terest to sell you a satls- your home with Ct-bybuylngyour' . beautiful silver- good, from “a, factmy shoe, and few WW absomelv you set beautiful know better than we the free of chmg, by 1 '1 - . . ,. - filffig 3‘ Yer requirements of shoe sat- dealing W11 115- é? isfaction. When you don’t know what you uni-ant, g Opposite Post-oifi_ce_ G3 (is C} Tax Save enough money to pay your» tax.‘ bill by buying your new Coal or Wood; Range or Heater from my selection Of' the finest makes in Canada. v ‘ GEO. H. Moose. f ask our advice. It will not healtogether selfish. ________,____.__.___â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- THE ‘_‘,HAWTHOBNE” SHOE FOR MEN. (E v“ ' KW how's? XAVAWEVWAV @5375 5 l ‘ VJ Men’s Bufl" Bals with solid insole double shank English back. . strap, full flexed, at ..... . ....... .. ...;.’. ...... 31.25 63 Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. . Men’s line Dongola Boots in lace or goiter. Regular price $1.75 ' to $2.00. Ourprice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 .‘ ' p H Men’s Dongola or Vici Kid Bale, a. nice dress shee. Extra value at $2.00 /' c6 ' ' . ‘ ' 0 Men’s Box Galf‘Bals, solid insole, English back strap, a good 4 "d R E S T A U R A N (D serviceable shoe for fall and winter wear at. . . . . . . . . . $2 00 .3... O ' I -‘ o - Men’s Box Calf Bals, Goodyear welt, sleeper insole, at. .. . $2.75 U2 - - ‘ ' ‘ E? .r ' Men’s Box Calf Bals Goodyear Welt leather lined the best shoe. ' I" i ‘ ‘- ‘ ‘ . . I a t; on the market fbr the money All sizes from to ‘10 at. . .. $3.50 _ N . I a II‘l‘Ve you tl led 0m Ice Clemn: thh IS lnd’de g ' “ t as from the best cream that can be purchased, and B j g, .______â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"lâ€"â€"-â€"â€""‘- . p - H - 3), not from corn starchand separated milk. - ~ THE ' GAINSBOHO ” SHOE FOR WOMEN. -- O ‘ . ' lg)- Womeu’s Glove Grain Boots, plain toe or with tip, a very service- ' a) 0111‘ Cream SOHO-S are the I'lCheSt, and Of . Q] I, able shoe for every daywear at $1 00 and . . . . . . . . .. 5'31 25 ' O ., ..., ‘ , , 93 ' Women‘s Dongola Eels, all sizes from 3 to 8, at $1 25 to ;‘. . .. $3.00 H uncountable fld'vm 5' _ - A complete stock of boys’ girls’ and children’s boots and shoes atallpricesfrom350.10................................ $2.00 We are al'So receiving every day/“fresh Fruit, to be sold at the lowest prices. Tenant. :1 nos. CHEAPEST cnsa sroar- ' at THE ceurnr. F ell-310on 113- The line of Chocolates we handle is of the highest quality, and sold at prices to suitall D. srtrsor. ' LEADlNG CDNFECTIDNER. FENELDN FALLS. "tapes among) so; V 8 Cream. "It. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. ‘<.’A . .14; Buggy For Sale. For sale, a very nice light-running top buggy, in first class condition. It is newly painted, has new tires and a movable seat for children. Apply at the Gazette uilir'c. BOOTS AND serous in all the latest andupâ€"to-date -. yles., rsnvrsorrs. -_ or cl Winter iiiiinery Opening SEPT. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, ’04. In no other season have we ‘ displayed such extensive lines of high grade novelties in Mil- linery Materials gathered from all sources. Our advanced styles in untrimmed and ready- to-Wear ell'ects will meet the approval of the most exacting buyers. We will be pleaSed to show our goods whether you purpose buying or not. ' The attendance at this excellent school is increasing every year, last year being the best in its history. Why not attend a school where office help is in demand? More applications were received than could be filled last year. Write for handsome circular. 28â€"6111. WM. PRING ’ , Eggs taken in exchange.- .. Principal. ' '50.; YEARS“- EXPERlENGE .- Deere} 'x flékier‘i V l House Decoratino‘. FENELO N FA LLS MARKETS. ‘1 ua . lls F"da' Oct. 7th 1904. - Fendon Fa ’ u ‘l’ ’ Idcsire to-inform the public that it have _ returned ‘to Feuelon Falls, and empreparcd 9:) to 1.00 to do all kinds of house decorating, such as , TRADE MARKS , .. .' . DESieNs , - '- ' COPYRIGHTS 8L6. Anvmie sending a. sketch and desert tion may qnlclily ascertain our. opinion free w tether an invention is probably putentnblcr (‘ommunlm-. . A HIGH. GRADE COMMERCIAL SCIIOOL 'pewe H I , H _, ,. (18:: GO ALFRED MILLER; (“13” , a i tions etrictlyconfldential. IIaJidboOkon Patents: . ~ ) __ - " . lg; , . t rr, - -‘ - 1 -' 1 . H STRICTLY rtnsr CLASS IN. ALL, nn- Rye, H 48 50 March 17th, 1904- , _ 6-? ' 1311*“) ’ ill .1“S * B “iiitloriitcs'9&3:ifiiiifiiiioidfiill‘Egclollfoélgiw PARTMENTS. MAGNIFCENT CATALOGUE FREE. WRITE FOR'ONI‘L. W. l. ELLlDTT, â€" Principal. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXAXDER STS. EVER N YOU: ‘11? a pound Ol honey 3n n glassgflg Flour, Emmy, anpcrm. 2,4,, you pay, generalry,about in 13mm, pcr1001l13......... 95 cents for it. The extra- price is to pay for; the glass~you linow that. When _ you} hit y honey in .the comb you paylécents a-pound for it, too.. and you .wonderavhy. Yvouare paying» for- the packageâ€"dim comb the honey. is 111., _ The; DIOStl economical way- is to. buy. extractedfvhoney. in. cans. of,5 lbs. or more... E... G“- I L‘. Potatoes, “- Lliuttcr,perlb~...... 18‘ Eggs, pcrdozen- . . . . . . . . .. ll)» 17 W ‘KAWABTHA LAKES. The Priceis high? Trent‘.Valley Navigation 00., Bob'caygeon; Sturgeon-Point” 3 35 20 ~-,â€" epccinl notice, without charge, in the §1€if~iliiiii£ ‘ theories-s. FenciOn; Falls. . ton - - . . -~ . 7 0° 8 0° . . . . . staturesparse: rant: .. Hides . . . . .. . .. . .. u .. . . -. 4.75 5 ('0 . _’ E " yepr: four moguls. $1..Solcl byall :iewstlealers. :H‘ogs (live) -. . . . .. . . . . .. . . 3'30 5 g 115:; a; at, ‘ ' . g: “3:3618roadway, ‘ Hog?“ (Dl'essed) - ' ' - H - = s t '3 ‘10' 6' ‘ _ - " ‘ ; . ' f, Branch Office. 625 F St. Washington. D. 0. Beef; ..... . ..... . .. 450 5.59 a , I _ ._ ,. ~ .. . p , I V_ s...,.............. 5.3 _ :3 S J petty the Jews 3p. , Wool: ‘ _ .p . .i ‘ v. a I , v - ' - u » . Flour, Five Thistle ... . . . .. 2'175_â€" 2-93 a V ' I I , i E- . . Flour Silver Leaf . .. . .. .. 2-60 23" Forwthcclast two ordinee weeks we a a I i Fictit"Vi'ctorizt .... . . . . - . 2-55- 2-75 W’Wiw- have been getting in new $00ds f0” 1 I 3%5 I the fall season. and are fl10\\’fl‘llgfllt;](3.l'y is printed 1 every Friday at the office, 1 5 ‘ " v - v - ‘ ‘~‘ fine s'election of Watc res or a res comer)“, and Francis Straws. Shorts “ “- . . .. . . .. . 9-) 1.00 “If Ou want 3‘ SOQd- and gentlemen. Our stock of'gemaud. y , Mixed ’01,”, u, _ . H . , H , 1.15 . 1.25 Rlilgz, Bracelet. Chitin, . 01‘ {L wedding. Rings cannot be surpassed. sunncmp'rmzq, ; , Ladies' long guards, gents’ double chttins, chitin bracelets, and an endless . variety that we have not space. to men- tion. We ~nre making a splendid «lis- play duringtlie three days of the Fair. Beautiful ~Silverware and Cut Glass just received. suitable for wedding: presents and birthday gifts. Remem< her that we are doing the largest re-. pair trade in the County. Remember the place, Milne’s‘ block, near .the post-.- office. . $1.0M YEAR, In ADVANCE. . orzoue ceut'per week-Will 'be added, as-lougzas it remains-unpaid. . 4 I good reliable -\Vatcl1,- either \Vultham- orv Elgin, nickel, silver-or goldfilled, go to. Slatcr.. Also a, large assortment; ' of Autoharp, Mandolin,- Gui-- tar. and _V.iOl-in Strings. . Advertising: B ates. . Professional:'orzbusiness cards, 50 cents per line-per anuum.‘ Cusnni advertisements, . 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and' ‘3 cents per line for every subsequent loser-- liou.- Contracts by the year, halftyear on less, Vupon reasonable terms.. 8. J. , 303*PRINTING executed ‘neatly, corn I; ,.I.. . r .1 ectly and aatmdernte. prices. " I ‘ Ed D..'- HAND,- v Proprietor . LIM l'l‘ED or. eightieda-y.-striking Clocks. .Nickel‘A'larm and oneâ€"day: ‘ 'l LindSay. . “ESTORION,”Oetfist-untu'notico; JHSLATEBQ, FOnelOn FallS;. Nextidoorrto the post-Oflice.. Lindsay, Thedpewelilers. ._n -./.«.

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