as»: “arm u,_ ‘W.Nl~h . 1'» .. Undertaking. ¢\'-';‘¢‘Ni‘€r<'€w Just received this week an- Trent Valley Navigation 00., LIMITED. :7" i . " nice Bab Car- . _ "‘nel lot 01 y Bohcaygecn, Sturgeon Pornt, ‘ï¬iages that are QEBEEESEE statue... _ ‘ Also Extension Tables, Side- Bobcuygeon . Lindsay. “ESTURION,†June lst to Oct. lst. 1v 6.15 am. and 3.10 p.111. The Paint lit Sell-- fr. 1:2“: k? Furniture and KAWARTHA LAKES - " sâ€..â€"_â€"___s §OCIETIEO. Ermenrs or TENTED MACCABEES Diamond Tent .\'o. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in licAt-tlzur’s Block on the it? all Paper. ï¬rst and third Tuesday in each month. We have a large r‘jCIiAs.WIsn,Com. J†u ': a r I G V.’.Ecr.oov:m R. 1'. Stool. of Colin 1101 1- HMDMO D ’ \- ‘2 t :7 T 1 I ‘ y g l ' 1". EROF ODDFELLOWS . thin 8 wall has ‘1, the C 'rrer-"dleyLodge 71- New“ the Orange hall on Francis street west- on only paper made the ï¬rstand third Mondaysin each. month . _ . ' St ‘nt “ 7.1" “ 4-10 “' woards and Bedloom States. Liï¬ggggn For an 8.43 “ ~ 5.30 t: i ‘E 1 o D l‘t JOEL; L152, N. G. .. “was? 1 r r 1: _ .} ‘ .,‘_ ‘ J'T'T ‘P i “- f‘w‘ï¬w . Stu‘rgeon 1,1111]. ‘1 3. e‘I o I O . A Kaiâ€"J SON J! '1 S\ Ll; l carry 111 stock a full 11ne Bobcuygeon arr 1.15 n 8.10 ‘= -' be p61 Suafled E0 buy IL.“- 090' mm m THE ORANGE ' I . hall on Francrsâ€"St. West on the second of Parlour Suites Lounges, “Chairs, Etc. Picture framing Specialty. if you are in need of a Sew-I ing Machine be sure and see any styles before buying. 1.. ensuring llllllSll hilltllll lllllllll. During June, July, Aug. and Sept, Sat- urday’s boat will wait arrival of evcmng train from Toronto. ‘ _ June 15th to Sept. lst, leave Lindsay at 6.30 p. m. instead of 0.45 p. m. Meals served on board. Gobocenlr, Pension Falls, Lindsay. “ MANITA†June 15 to Sept. 5 or till notice I Coboconk 1v 6 00 am. Arr 7.40 pm. Rosedale lock 4‘ 7.00 “ Lv 6.40 “ Fenelon Falls arr 7.40 “ “ 6.00 “ “ lv 8 30 “ Arr 5.15 “ Sturgeon Pt. “ 9.00 “ -‘ 4.45 “ anv thing. Just’as Tuesdayin every mon‘thw , o L h J. T.’ll»10131’s0:-:Jn.,W.M. 3 well get the best. . S. D. BARR, Roe-Sec. ._____._. _i MPIRE LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODC‘l“.~ E a . ‘ - . ‘ No. 198, meets ï¬rst Friday of each . velythlng t at} 1E, month in Orange hall. Visiting brethren J 17 b H 1 always welcome. ’l‘nes.‘Jozntsro:v, WM. . .3131: y an up-toâ€"t ate ’ Geo. Knox, Rec. Sec. hardware in stock. NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS. Court Phoenix No.182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. D. GOULD, Chief Ranger. Tues. Ausrm, R. S. 1 Lindsay arr10.15 “ Lv “ Ef' 3 Connection made at Fenelon Falls with ‘ANADIAN ORDEP 0F FOP-E ‘ l ï¬nh’i. $E§ï¬Â§ï¬‚heï¬n3 morning tram for Toronto, and atLindsay (j Fenelon Fans Lavage N0. 6§GIST£§§§ “ . . for Port Hope. Time at Fenelon Falls for in the orange Hall on Francis Street we“ 1. ls prepared to furnish th: peoplehoag§lg breakfast and tem ' on the last Thursday of each month '. so. and surrounding coun ry Wit 1 . - ., n 1761‘â€. _‘ . ;I N i :uEN'rS and HEADSTONES, both Marble Bobeaygeon, Gnemong, W.SllgTilé-ij’lggzefhanger, n:- .snd granite. Burleigh. I I ll: Estimates promptly given on all kinds or “OGEMAH†J mm 15 to Sept. 5, or till C‘xlfqd’kNDIIï¬ES 163111}: Naniglalxlnb‘. t F_ENII;‘.( cemetery work. notice. T ) ‘ _ - ~ , ee 5 mt " Bobcaygoou h. 7.00 am. an 7.45pm. ï¬gure“:1&1:ehétllin McA‘rthuvs Block the . Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Chemoum Pk “ 9.30 “ M 4351‘, 5.15 a a s ay 111 every month. nieces, etc., a specialty. Buckhofn ,, “.30 “ IV 2.45 ,. Beluga practical workman, all silicz‘uld Buglelghli‘tnlls arII‘ZJiO.“I .fl‘l‘u I11.30 “n . 1 f “‘1 In . , ecremr)’. see his designs and compare prices e ore onnec ion at our org 1 W1 . - impress , g , " ‘- v F_ AND A. M. G. R_ C. ' purchasing elsewhere. ï¬r 1Lakefiellrl agd Cilntermedmle pomts, 14 tons 0 b (1111 “111k equal . Lodge No.466' Meets EELLMSPEISJC ‘ - ‘ ‘. ‘ . . , . . Wednesdav of each a WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on GI? s 59,1“. on or“. . . ‘ , _, , . month,on or before the , . . . ' ‘ ear 5 line of bus es Will we Petel- f 11 . ' Cambridge-st, Opposue the packing house boroug‘i connection“ with mogming and New fOlL Call-veg Ol- Plgs~ gunnggggszléoglléclku the lodge room in . evenian boats at Chemong. ‘ F ,L "ICDIANUD W Ft CHAMBFRS ° -â€" I . . , . M. ' "' .. .' (:1- , 3 .- - j E-FITZGERALD S, t . Burlelgh» “tony, Lake 1 011133.. It makes Whey valuable as a food for ’ “W “Y . v ‘ ' ' ' Calves r1nd revents all scourich VCHURCHES' " ' v - « 1 - N. ’ ‘ l3 , ' - APTIST CHURCHâ€"TQUEEN sr., REV. , r 1 Gomg Stead down. (xomg read up. J. H. Hannaha Munster. Preaching I | ' ' 1" m- 9- m~ 94' m‘ P' ’1“ services ever Fu ‘. 3 1 N Y ‘k Lv 6.00 1.30 Burlcigh ar 12.30 9.30 _ . ‘ 1d. . . , I 7 p. m. BibleYélaztsl’lgngtSIlgd5y gcfpéosltn‘t: T0 Montrea’ 01‘ GW 01 “ 6-25 L55 Mt- Julian “ 12-00 9-00 It requires no sea mg , gives better re- 2.30 p. m. psi... and as... m... 3.. «for Choice patterns 01- 10W “ 6.50 2.20 Brecze’s “ 11.25 8.40 ‘ Thursday at S p. m_ ' ‘ . . u 7.10 2.10 Juniper Id. “ 11.00 3.15 , up fl r d C l, - . EDUCGS 1n “ 7.20 2.50McCracken’s“ 10.50 3.05 S11 .3 13.11 3131 ee 01’ l a x6 B ETHODIST CHURCH__.COLBORNE " ‘ (- 8.10 3.40 Young’s Pt. u 10.00 7.15 ' Streebpev John Garbm Pa â€" ~ - ‘ . .'- - - . ' . . " ~ . sto. t11.1'8.;)0 31.10 Lakeheld §lv 9.15 0.30 and lnuch gummy serwce M 10.30 a“ wand 7 p. H:- Meals served on board. Sabbath S°h°°l at 2- 30 D- m EPWOI‘lh We have them here DOW Calling on signal at Brownscomb’s, 2535,“ Of tcgrifitifmfmifmor 0‘1 TueSda)’ o ' Sheriff Hall’s and Baptic’s Island. ' mg a 0'0 00 '. rayer meeting on "01 your seled’lon' *Counle’cts igith (morning and atternoml) F0}: sale Thurs‘l’ly 01’» 7-30- - . ,_ 5 train to cter oro. g ‘ __. s! (301‘ after arrival (morning and evening) - T. ArNDRE W’S CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE LENBSAY} train from Peterboro. I, 7, ' Serviggetglig. C. H. Slionclair, Pastor. ~» 7 . f? ' un 11 at 30 .. . ’NEIXT TO For Informahon' ‘5 @sn A R L " r_ M Q 7 p. m. Sunday Schzol every gunrdayhci {; ’EIMPSON HOUSE. Tickets to any points on the lakes and ' ' 2, 30 p. m, Christian Endeavor meeting all information can be had rat the] ofï¬ce of every Â¥ucsday an s p_ m, prayer meeting ,M the Fenelon Falls agent, D. on . every ' hursday at 7.30 p. m. ALVATION ARMYâ€"BARRAGKS ON l L. Bond West-ECaptain Stephens any i . leutenant rass. ervice ever Wedne - 4,. day, Thursday and Saturday agen'ings n‘t ', ï¬ 8 07010013 519131 on Sund:.y at 11 a. 111., 3 : p m. an 7...) m. ‘ ‘ rr. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Lf RUMORS 0? LAND BATTLE. é streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Leary Pastor. 2 -â€"â€" i We“ mm WW WOW WHITE sass: , wereâ€; of Paraguay Government Troops u . - - . .v very un ayn ler~ I g But No Conï¬rmation. ’ § noon at 2 O'CIOCk- 1 WW“ Ayms’ ME 24-“Thm are 'Sllgar and Creams, Sugar and Creams, VT.JAMBS’ CHURCH, BOND senosr 3 perSIStent rumors that a. land en- Tea Pots Cu 8 fmd Sauce 1“ Rev. A. s. Dickinson, Rector. Sunda; '4‘ gagemcm’ has been fought . hem/Pen don’t. buy until you have ’ p ‘ “ 1, 1", service: Matias 10.30 a. 111.; evensong at 7 v 21110 gags-graft: tig‘ézlsutlgggfltgngniï¬ Fern Pots, Rose Bowls, phi Celebration ofHoly Communion ï¬rst; 1" 0'0. n ’ r ' ' ‘ i 1 4". .. u . . Sunta ot’everr- 11 ,3 a othc defeat of the latter and the cap- VISIted nly faCtOIy 0-1 Plan % AbllBOWlS, F8111 Pots: :hird gummy (ff-1:32,; 2130,13,} in 'Sméar“: "' . . p, I 0 _ . I ‘ ‘ J_ V ‘ , . i tUIL, of 400 men. _ . 018 Street east. I am selhng P111 Trays, etc. Mugs, etc. Sunday 8011001230 p. :13. Thursday every ‘I The rumors cannot be conï¬rmed. week as follows: Cmecmsing or children There is no deï¬nite news regarding the progress of the revolution. M Attempted Suicide. Hamilton, “Aug. 24.â€"â€"Last evening. an unfortunate young Woman about :24 years of age was found just in- side the gates of Dundurn Park. P. C. Reynolds stumbled across her about 10 o’clock. He tried to rouse her, but without success. When he tried to lift her up off the bench and stand her on her feet a bottle label- ed “Opium†fell on the ground. No Without regard to cost, and can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. F. ii. llllllllllllit. % Lindsay Coat of Arms, and range in price from. 500. to 5% BRETTOE BROS. % Foot or stem en, Lindsay. M7 1). m., evensong at 7.30 p. 111., choir These goods are beautifully enameled with Town of pmmmmgwpm. . Seatsjrgzs in all C/l‘lé."C/1CS. Everybody ezzmlen [0 «Hand. Sim/Wars cordially welcomed. BIISCXEJLIIAJNEOUS. UBLIC LIBRARYâ€"~31RS. M. E. CALDER Librarian. Rending'l’ioom open daily Sunday excepted, from 10 o’clock a. m. till 10 o’clock p. in. Books exchanged on Tues~ days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 p. $Efl®ï¬ï¬‚ Wiï¬lflfl @EBUET m. to 4 10., and in the evening from 7 to 9. â€"-OF THEâ€"- l ll‘iAVE PURQHAOED - ,. Wu WGKEQ’WNï¬ t . commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. NEW,,E.~A-.:-p;p W one appears to know her name. The only clue the police have is a hand- kerchief bearing the initidls “H. I.†At, midnight the whole staï¬' of docâ€" tors at the hospital were Working over her, but did not succeed in bringing her, around so that she could tell her name. OST-UFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- I ter. Open daily, Sundays excepted lrom 7 30 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mail going sent}; closes at 7 p._m. Letters for registratiori must be posted halfan hour previous to the time for closing the mails. p County of Victoria. be next sittings of the above Court wil. be held in 'l‘womey’s hall, Fcnelon Falls ON MONO“, OCT. 13hr, 1934, S. l. Petty, the lender. illil’l‘illllhllllilli’l‘il’d LElllJ-ll‘lli JEWELER. We are making the greatest effort in. our historyto make the holiday season of 1903 surpass anything we have ever attempted. We are showing the best Thursday, Sept. 2911:, will be the last day M“ ’“AW' of service on defendants residing in this 1 A .01 m1 ' - _ , . . - sster 1 v u - county. Defendants livmg in other coun- Lice byietier (tremr,,?,,;eggél:gllo g'veine- v r Canada and Newfoundland. , St. John’s, Nfld., Aug. 24.â€"Bitter Heeling has been aroused here over the @Mï¬ll‘tï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ia does not .action of Canada in deciding to es- tablish a cï¬â€˜stom house in Hamilton and most varied assortment of Gem and will carry a large ties must he served on or before Satur- day, Sept. 24th. answer tbclaw), when a subscriber dOe not take his paper out or" the cï¬ice g and Wedding Rings, Gentlemen’s Sig- net Rings, Gold, Goldâ€"ï¬lled, Silver and Gun-metal Watches, Bracelets in sev- eral designs, the richest in Gold and Pearl Brooches, some elegant goods in cases suitable for presents. EBONY GOODS. Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, holiday goods for the ladiesin morocco cases. Sterling Novelties, Sterling and Plated Silverware, etc. Remember We and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and ' ELISHA MARK, , and Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 17th, 1904-. E. D.HA.ND, state the reasons for its not bcin . . Clerk. Any neglect to do so makes the pogstiiimem reslionsinle to lhr publisher torman after . 2. If any person orders his paper (1"! ‘ tmued he must pay all le'l‘EIil'wcs “noâ€- publisher may continue 10 Sega 7km the payment is made, anu collect the uhnmj umountwhe‘lhcr the paper is take Wf 01“ the cities or not. There can he n2 his: Inlet, Labrador, which Newfoundland claims as her territory, by reason of 1101' occupation of it for the past 100 years, though Canada, in recent years, has advanced a claim to the region. The Government is being I urged to prevent the erection of the 1 station, and it will protest strongly to the British Government against druids Trude, TAILOR, l alleged encroachment. do the ï¬nest Repairing in watches and _ '3 ' " a discontinuance until ll) r - - : jewelry, and in Engraving we have no Emepa’lntlnb’ 3_ Any Person Wm 12kg? $052513 mingle. Kmed BY Runaway. competitors. Come early and give us a v ‘1 , the post.of[,ce whenr ..I . er tom . I “Timon, Aug. 24,...013 Saturday a chance by buying your goods and. I, and ’00 make may“, 0,. anodler: or :vgetllijléfclgdh‘te,lhis .155. Forest of the second of Mary- hams i119“! engraved before the T115“. ‘ - ‘ p sembed or not, is responsible 1'01 'h‘ls sub“ huro was driving his team through Ln mlcl‘ld we headglularters for CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIR-ED 4-. If a subscriber orders his ,..C,.§.-p,‘j)yg a 0 e5, 1cm an lemon ringwrb AND PRESSED ON SHORT NOT- iglllli‘lifgeislltg time and the publishe: t , l L, ' {minor in wetche‘ and ï¬ne en ravin . I l P a g g g t 2 f ‘. ) the subscriber is bound 0 pay .01 1fhe lanes d from the post-om This proceeds upon the ground that a must pay for what he uses. mam 5. The courts have decid to take newspa “at to the village of Glenallen. strikâ€" i t 9 ‘ms farm gate when they ran away i Pinning skim-3 Em ICE. SATISFACTION GUARAN- ahnrt notice. anewâ€"PRICES RIGHT. So 8. SHOP: FRANCIS STREET WEST. 'ug- a retired farmer. Charles Crapp, in the back. breaking his ribs and r.1l:erwisc injuring him 80 badly‘ that he dies! yesterday; . _ ._ I ed that refusi peers and periodicals frgngi ng and leaving m facie evidence '3. .l. rel-.1 . The Jeweller. the post-ofï¬ce, or removi them uncalled for, is prz'n of intentional fraud. AGENT FOR STOCKWELL, HENDER- SON St 00., DYERS, TORONTO. Hwy-H»... . .. .. Lindsay.