Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Jul 1904, p. 3

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,'W**“'*W**”“i EMiNITnULIN on ' ‘ ' 1m HEB. PART SHOWING THE GOOD WORKS ' nonn’s KIDNEY PILLS i THE MOO-COWâ€"MOO. g ARE DOING. "My pa held me up to the moo-cow- : ‘ moo Mrs. Thomas Rumley one of ther So clost I could almost touch. ; Many who Found, Heauh in thd En I fed him a couple of times, or ; Great Canadian Kidey Remedy_ two. 1 En I wasn’t a. fraiciâ€"catâ€"much. l Silver Water, Manitoulin Island. H _ lJuly 18.â€"(Speciai).â€"-Every part of. But ef my papa €095 lino the house Canada seems to be testifying to the En mamma she goes In. too. good work Dodd’s Kidney Pills are I Just keep Still: like a little mouse, doing and there is no reason why: Fer the moo-cow‘moo mlght moo ! ,Manitoulin Island should not do her , . . :part. Many a man and Woman here "The moo-cow'moo,s g°t 8‘ tall like 'blesses them for adhes relieved and. ~o-+-oo§-o-+ a F9139 'health restored. Take for instance En grztwssraveled down where it {the case of Mrs. Thomas Rumleyf. ., . ' . . . She says:â€" En 1t s Just like feeling a piece of u i ' soup I doctored for years and did not (seem to get any better. It. seemed’ ,to be my kidneys that was the trouâ€" 'b1e so I thought I would try Dodd’s’ -.Kidney Pills and they helped me very ‘much. “I cannot say how many I have All over the moo-cow’s nose. "En the mooâ€"coW-moo has lots of fun i . Just swinging his tail about: En he opens his mouth and then I . . runâ€" taken for my house is never With-V 'Cause th'at's where th‘c moo comes ‘out them and whenever I don’t feel out I might I take a few. My husband al-I so takes them once in a while. 1', “En the mooâ€"cowâ€"moo’s got doors on. lfind them a splendid medicine td his head, ,have handy.” ‘ En his eyes stick out of their place Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the great- En the nose oi the mooâ€"cow-moo is 3est family medicine of the age. They, _ spread lcan be. taken by young or old with' All over the end of his face. fperfect safety. They cure all kidney H _ . :ailments and nineâ€"tenths of the sick- - En his feet is nothing but finger mess of the, present, day springs froni 1111115 ibad kidneys. " En his mamma don’t keep 'em cut- ' -â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"---â€"-:=-_____ l En he gives folks milk in waterâ€"pails ‘â€" Ef he donrt keep his handles shut.“ motherless little chickens. There in one corner of the bin hung the big feather cluster, and gathered under it were all the little chickens! “I thought the duster could be a. mother to them. mama." said ‘Ar- thur. So Mrs. 'Allan let the duster hang in the bin, and the thirteen little chickens gathered under it until they were old enough to roost on a bar. “’Cause of you er me pulls the han- dles, why The mooâ€"cow-moo says it hurts; But the hired man he sits down clost ' by ' En squirts, en squirts, en squirts!” EXPERIENCE WITH 'A LION. Lions, it seems, take to man-eatâ€" ing only as a means of self-defence, “ .~ or when they become too old to be WATCHES TEE RAILS‘ a match for the wild prey, the flavor w of which they so much prefer. Old Machine Which Provides for Safe- hunters declare that they never knew a lion really to “stalk” a man; that. as a rule, they rather ‘turn up their American railroad development has noses’_ at civilized flesh, and are reached the point where a man can more or .less easily diverted from the sit comfortably in a private car and scent. In “Days and Nights by the see recorded on paper before him Desert’.’ Parker Gilmore tells US .Of a every imperfection of the rails QYer trle he once Played 011 one Of these. which he is riding, says World's an‘lfnalf- _ H ‘ Wcrk. Twenty years ago, a track In I Was huntingostrichesr fie saQ’S- walker with a hammer (yr-impel We it“: a bend in a“? ,mvme the bud cross-ties to find out this same thing. d‘sappeamdv and I was about to £01? The track Walker’s Work and much lImlv it, when, by the merest chance, more is now done by the dynogmph’ wig: 2:11 dbihgf‘lglfnza ‘3“,‘31‘29 amy 1:31: a mechanism which not only records “on was not ver S v It,” r-d bi the deviations the rails make from 0 0 cl 3 ya a a straight and level line, but autoâ€" hind me, and evidently stalking me. . h â€"» . . as carefully as I had been Stalking matically computes t ese devxations ' in feet and inches. It is the invenâ€" i . “the bra tion of Dr. P. H. Dudley. The in-l ty of Travellers. “If hav ‘aii‘ . ‘ e I I coum e g led q' he vention is attached to his private should certainly hays climbed it in a , , , hurry; but no tree was near. To Car» WhICh has ooen his home for make a 1.1m for it would have fifteen years. The dynograph tests bI‘Ollght the lion upon me at once. l‘ails- It. is a maChine 4-2 inches I kept steadily along the edge of, the high and looks like a hand Printing ravine till I came to a place that, press. It Tinakes records on the roll promised shelter; it. was a. drop '61? of paper attached to the machine, four feet to a ledge abOUt thirty made through. power gained from the inches wide, and afterwards a per- rolling of the wheels of the car over pendicular descent of fifty or sixty the track. The paper is unrolled by feet. terminating in a quantity ‘of a shaft attached to the axle of the broken, bowldel‘fl and gagged stone’s. car. The paper is thus mOVcd slowâ€" “W'ith Rd little appearance of ly as the car travels. Suspended alarm «'15. I Could assume I sat down over the paper are a number of glass on the gage 0f the precipice, eWI' tubes, each containing red ink. They and mum taking a careful glance lie- __ hind. ’10 see where my foe was. About Wy'anty rods beliin'd‘me were a few ‘ragged bushes. ‘ RACE DONE ? w-â€" Behind the‘Se the lion had taken shelter, and was . h ,,_ keeping a careful survey 'upon my N01: a 311; .f . 1 every movement. Darkness was rapâ€" 'A man who thought ms race was idly coming on When I slipped from run made a food find that brought my seat and droppedthan to the him back to perfect lira-11th. ledge. Instantly I ’slipped off my "One year ago‘I was unable .to coat and hung it :on the muzzle of perform any labor in-‘l‘aict was told by my musket, "and fsi‘ioved it up over my physicians that they could do the upper ledge Where I had so lately nothing further 501‘ flare. I was fast been sitting. sinking away, for an attack of grip 'had left my stomach so weak it "Scarcel‘y was this done when my- _ . _ V_ . coat 'w'a‘s ‘toa‘n away and my gun: ‘could not digest any food sufhcrent {hurled to {no bottom of the gully.' to keep me fall-'We-_ . hut 't'he'y are not go alone. No; “There {Iwa‘s Just wastms away. my assailant was with them, and sI‘OWms‘ thinner every day and. yea-k- them he remained all night. grumâ€" er. really ‘bemg snuficd out Simply bling 'o‘ve‘r his disappointment at not MGM“??? ’1“de “0t 8’“ any nOUFISh' having *me for supper. mc‘n‘t from food. «A Wolder night I never passed'_ ‘ Then :my sister got after me to 'but_‘-I had to make the best of it. - ‘In ‘the morning I found my assailant Ehad smashed his fore leg in'his fall- The musket was not much injured, “and I soon ended his suffering.” much ‘good for her and she. finally food lirad ad‘oneime‘th‘e' least bit of Nu‘t's from the first and this supplied AN the nourishment I had needed. In 'three months I was so strong I Arthur Allan was a very tender‘ moved frhm Albany-to San Francis”- l . 1 We offer One Hundred Dollar’s Reward -l 1 try 'G'rafpesNuts food which had done. persuaded me and although no other good my stomach handled the‘Gmpe;. l 24/ £4/ g2 MM'Acfi'de SUNLIGHT - - ’JW M 39532 2:35:55 flrWflâ€"éâ€"e m. - ~- .. “â€" What shrunk‘your woolens P Why did holes wear so soon P You used common soap. BETTER QUALITY are really glass needles that makes a continuous mark on the paper. There is one needle for each track, one for the gauge of the rails. an- other to measure the distance the car is travelling. These needles are all connected, first, by shaft attach~ ed to the side, and then by delicate mechanism attached to the shaft. If the car is travelling over a perfect level track, these glass needles make a straight line. If there is an unduâ€" lation in the track of a fraction of an inch, the sensitive mechanism wavers, and the line becomes broken. Since no track is perfectly level, tile-£3 record for the best road-bed in Am- erica is wavering. esters...“2251:3222 a: Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples of an inch or more, the mechanism opens a hose attached to a can of Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will blue paint on the tracks, the paint 885 you good pi‘icefl. is-splurted on the rail and the (le- co, leitOd. feet is thus plainly marked for the ‘ r - w . t_ ' ‘ Cor. West Market and coil; r . section gangs. lovery time the paint ' a "e .t" Tong'NTo' is thrown on the track a mark is “Woman,” said the dejected young made by the glass needle, giving a man, “is a disappointment and a record by which to check the work fraud." “Indeed?” spoke. one listen- OAN BE HAD IN ~ Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c Any Flag-Clans aroer Gun Supply Yen. INSIST ON GETTING E‘DDY’S- â€". .- _....._.. . .._.. . BUCHANAN’S UNLOADXNG OUTFIT of these track repairers. er- “Yes. I saved up all my ’00- Works well both on At the end of a test trip a perman- bacco money and lived on porridge , stack! and in burn! out record of the roll is made and tWO Weeks to treat Miss Truelove to . i '4” :nloads all kinds 0* copies printed for the various mech- the opera and a supper. Then I “3017,53 an“; #911, 10113235232333?" anicul departments of the road. By Iasked her to marry me, and she said Sondforcataloznoto this record the road is apprised of |5he Was afraid I WES tOO eth‘aVagant u. T. BUCHANAN&C0., lngersollflut. the actual condition of its road- [to make a good husband.” __ __ __.___.._. For over Sixty Years bed. F...â€" Mng. WrssLow‘s 8001mm: Srnur has been used by _______..._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- millions of mother: for their children while teething. “d “dad suns would look ham and. n 0 "cm THE PENALTY. Kipling once described the Sunday £113?:gffofgfgflg&fgfiggfim “nfififiuaf’x‘d was at our: in your town. write direct Montreal. or. in 3 fl mornin T service of “l. battleshi on best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a hot :5 c p Sold by druggists throughout the'world. Be sure and Burns“ fizEH'B 00‘ which he took. a cruise, It was {1 pakfor"Mns.Wxnsnow'sseormseSraur." 22â€"01 f very Well~attended service, eVery sail- ' w Small Tommyâ€"“The teacher wantâ€" HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAMEg 3-9:. I: or not on duty being there, and after it was over KiJlinrr said to 1 r i 1:» 01° Qt ed to box my ears this morning- h ‘ . ' u . . - fegdlacéflgfé :lrhimgu fifedqm dat' Grandmaâ€"“How do you know he‘Attractions for Sportsmen on tho morningOJ “girlish ,‘ H: “n did?” Small Tommyâ€"“Cause he Line of the Grand Trunk. or “not” ‘ t1 {)1. ' c 5"“ ‘ wouldn't have boxed ’em if he hadn't The Grand Trunk Railway Company ’ exac y 0 ‘36 ’ but our wanted to." has issued a handsome Publicafl‘mt grog would be stopped if we didn’t." , . _ promsdy illustrated with half-tone A bushel of flies have actuallyiengi-avings, descriptive of the many . been killed by one packet of Wilson's :attrantive localities for sportsmen on The following matterâ€"oi-fact ad- Fly Pads. No other fly killer comâ€" ltheir line of railway. Many of th' vertisement recently appeared: pares with Wilson’s. regions reached by the Grand Trunk “llranted‘A really Plain. but ex~ ---'â€" seem to have been speciallyprepared Dal‘ienced and GmCient governess for IT HAD A. HISTORY. for the delectation of mankind, and ., ‘ . . _ ' V d the cares of three girls, oldest eighteen. Musm, Auulrhut’s rather a umque ash_l:::i:feafs°r :reb’gsétpzs‘ize and life in Frendh and German required' bril- . . . . - ' . , ~ in 1d . Where did . - liancy of conVersation, fascination oi g; {3:} 0 man iglllven Irip )tlo egloylfnerg-t £1133 oggg’sei‘; . . . ' ” ' s n a {nanne's’ “(.1 Siymineit 15: 9f £01m Db' B_"W9“’ there's 9“ “We “ism” Ihniivalllegd] fdhilitizs for'both hunting. iecteq to' asht‘le at 191‘ ls much at attached to that. You remember an lashing, and camping but we 30,000 ‘0m0 and t me are gmwn‘up Sons' apple-tart I told you my wife made 15181138 of the Georgian Bay. Thou. ‘_ l ' I, seen after .We Were married?” sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv. WEAL‘lll HAS NO CHARMS. A__..Yes.. ler’ Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St. Fredâ€"*"There ape times when I care Bâ€"“Well, that’s the crust. My IJohn and the many attractive 10- nothing for riches-*when I‘ would not dear wife has often tried to smash caliti’es in Maine and Vii-low Iâ€"lamp‘. 50‘ mud“. {ls [Nit forth a hand to 1'0' lit, but she can't.” ,shirc, present equal opportunities in?“ 0613? l}111110l15-’ ‘ Ihealth, pleasure and sport. All 13.19336- IXItlie‘â€"“.llld0'edl 'l‘lmt must be localities are reacth bv the Gila-ml: when you are tired of the world 'lTl-unk nanan systém, and on. and its struggles and vanitiesâ€"when .tmms‘ unequauéd on the cmitinent. your soul yearns for higher and Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan; Que" noblgl‘ thins-9- 1-5 it not?” bec, New Hampshire and Maine. fish “N"'n01 you f”? Wrong-H ." Bat-[deck June 11 1397_ iand game laws are inserted! in. the “Then when is it?" ; , O. C. R[CHARDS’ & CO. ’ H lpublication for the guidance. 0! “when rm Sleeping_n_ H , Dear Sirs “MINARDqS LINIMENT {sportsman rlThe Grand. Trunk Rail-a I - . . - ~ descriptive il‘ ' ,d f ' NEURALGIA. EWay has also issued ' I _ lsItnzel‘ieelvlgs 3ht Oclmce. lustl'aterl matter foneacb district sep« w ' . ‘arntely, which are sent free on ap- A' b‘ MCDONALD ‘plication to the agents of, the Coma pany’nnd to Mr. J..D. McDonald. District Passenger Agent> 6%. T. Union Station, Toronto. l _.,_...r.._+ Much amusement is being caused .in South Africa. by the adoption by :ladies of young calves as pets. This ’ -â€"â€"â€" TAKING NO RISKS. How’s This Roi- any case of Catarrh that cannot be hured by Hall’s Cami-r11 Cure. , l“. J.. CHENEY 8:. 00., Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned, kayo known F. \ . J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect-1y lrolnorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made . by his firm. WALDING, {INNR'N &MA1-’.VIN, Wholesale Dre'ggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's L‘aYUSIrr‘h ‘Ou‘re is taken internal- . f « â€". VERY S’O’OTITINGc. The driver of the stage, which was I _ U ‘ rolling down the Rocky Miountains as I lass”strainers; insures: rust six the. gallop squid i moniaq}. sent: price, 75¢, per ~l-2ccp ahead of it, may have noticed 1 bottle. Sold :by all Druggists. - that 1 was (writes a correspondent) ’l‘ake Mail’s- Eamiiy Pills for constiâ€" a little nervous, for after a bit hei patlon' soothin'giy said :â€" l 1 "No use to grip that railing so! “Sir,” said the haughty individual! mighty hard, stranger. We sha’n’t with the unbarbered locks, "there is, come to the danger p’int for a. while poetry in everything.” “I’m sure: yet.” there is,” rejoined the village‘oziitor‘.» “Then it’s still ahead?” I queried. "Even our stove is full of it!” vety . ...â€"/â€".- l J alckâ€"“W-lry wouldn’t she marry you? She loves you to distraction. I know it, because she told me so.” iGeorgeâ€"-â€"“‘She insisted on my prov- ing that I am not already married I because she says there is a great nit-is worth '0 cents to clear! The cheapast ply Kine" deal (of bidamv nowadays. Well, it ' is easy engug'h to prove that one is your h°use 0f mesv and (me paCketimade are Wilsons Pad. "Id married, but how the dickens am l[ 'Of Wilson’s Fly Pads will do it. {Phfizatf'e 5501‘} eV'CTyWhGI‘e- Beware o! to prove that I am not?” ‘ 1m. ion . You should keep your old loveâ€"let- Altgough water isn't intoxicating; There is only 0110- Genuine tel'sf One of the; famous Lord Nel-iit makes barrels ugh-t" Fly Pad; that’s Wilson’s. Avoid son’s has just been sold under the ,.oor imitations. ‘Ihammer for $5,133). . p g , .1 ‘ ~â€"‘-â€"~ MInard'sLlulment-Isusede Physicians ...;.“.‘i.véf"12°v?§m§°’i $033.63; Mlnard's Llnlmenils used by Physicians i ' spect you. I am sure you would, hearted little boy, and there were co and now on my three meals of! tears in his eyes when he came into Grape_Nuts and cream every day I the kitchen of” mommgv carrymg in am strong and Vigorous and do fliâ€" his arms a big brown her": which had teen hours work, “I shall be married to Dick next lweek!” "I thought you said you'd l INDIAN ETIQU ETTE. he the last person to marry him!" been tun 0"” b3. 9- fia-K‘Wagon and “I believe the sickest person-in thei . _ u _ ,, _ . i i u H .killed. . _ ~ , world could do as I do. eat three. .A'.'1et.ter Sent to afaufle If”.an m Well" I no!” I Shall be! uwhat Will become or Brownies meals 0f nothing but Grapeâ€"Nuts and _ India isphoftgnpa very elgtbilllyatemttlf; ._ - a1r. ’ e a u" is spc-ia _ little ChiCkenS. mama?" hb 'afikedm cream and Iqs‘oon he on their feet at“ “They are out under a current-bush. again in the flush of best health like‘ women the most charming?” asked all ‘peeping’ for their mother.” 1m_ Mrs. Allan went out in the garâ€" little chickens. “I‘ll take care of them myself.” friends well and strong. He brought a basket, and put all about. » The next morning, when Mrs. 'Alâ€" Mich. lan went out to the barn to tell There’s a reason. Arthur to hunt for some eggs. she Look for the .litile book, “The stopped at the oat-bin to look at the 1 Road to Wellville” in each pkg. 4 "Not only am I in perfect physicals uncertain yew-s. den with Arthurtoiook at the poor health again but my brain is strongâ€" woman who askes the question an- Thel‘e were thirteen er and clearer than it. ever was on swcred’ the man who wasfl diploma- of the yellow, fluin little things. the old diet. I hope you will writeI tist ’ and they were only three days olzi. to the names I send you about ' “They mustn’t die," said Arthur. Grape-Nuts for I want to see my] Lever-s y_z (Wise Head) Disinfect, . “Just think that a year ago I was home the. little chickens into it, then he dying but to-day, although I am the s'ame time carried them oil to an cmnty oatâ€" over 55 years of age most people ' . bin in the barn. Where there Was take me to be less than 40' ‘md I , 1 - ’ , ,', ‘. . .z is on what plenty of room for them to runlfcel just as young as I look. homeEheAdgggn‘3itfiufigsfiu:135;,“ lgivcn by Postum Oo., Battle Creek,E -' " what a a do you «consid r ‘ g ’ e“ Summer Croup , .A. orou cough i-' a dangtroua thing for the rhyme folks in summer time. The fever that accompanies it is liable to cause serious.iilness;. Uivothern for the purpose and is sprinkled with gold leaf. Only the last few lines 4-; of the somewhat lenrti document At ihe age (3,! thel contain the purport 13f 3the. letter, while the remainder is made up of the usual roundabout and complimenâ€" tary phrases. It is folded in a peâ€" lcuiiar way, with the flaps outward, and placed in a muslin bug, and thisl the inquisitive female of more or less ant Soap Powder is \a 'boon to any . , . , latter into one of crimson and old It dismfects and means at g tint, with a slip-knot ofgold’ thread, $heié-ung on It is pleasant to take, will cure them quickly and has no unpleasant after effects. , I At all (lruggists, 25c, 600 and 81.00 I bottle. ‘ “‘2 attached to ‘which is a ponderous seal. The address, written on a shy of parchment, is attached to the loutside bug. These details are very ‘ ‘ . _, - gimportant‘, for polite letter-writing ! It PHYS to buy t1“ 139“: and wn" ‘ in india, and if any one of them were. son’s Fly P1135 41"“ u“ 'beSt fly km" ‘] omitted it would be an insult to the lers made. [person addressed. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€". ‘does not mean the two-legged vari- ’. D, .' l. u nos-s; fir-A‘s‘af.

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