It MrfGeo. H. Littleton, and is to have a Spring overcoat of fresh paint. The boiler, which weighs about 6.500 lbs., is what is called a “pipe †boiler,"in which the lire goes between and around the pipes or tubes, and more steam can he got with a great deal less‘ water and fuel than has hitherto been used. We hope to b.- able to announce in next Week’s Gazette the arrival of the ï¬rst steamer oi the season at our new wharf. Navigation. between ltosedalc and the Falls W'IS opened on Tuesday by Mrs. James Dickson and her daughter, Miss Agnes, who came down in a skiff, and tl 0 current of Gull river was so rapid that there was nothing to do but steer until the mouth of the river was reached. his a new boiler, which was put. in- by‘ TERRILL BROS. Iwmmsrxsrwsmrwww WWW“: . Why Delay Longer? If you are thinking of getting a new spring suit, come in and let us show you through our large stock We are positive that the more you know about our clothing the better you will be pleased. VVe’handle the famOus “ Piccadilly Brand†clothing, the best ï¬tting clothing in Canada. you all the newest designs and styles in stripes, checks, navy blues and black, at prices which we .‘__ a x ,. . W,____,____~ . ~-'- . - 1.1 .7’ BURNBD TO DEATH. ' .a-x 9.... 13-foot Old Girl's Awful Booth I!) _ flora-wt". Carnival], May 4.â€"-A fatal accident took place at Mills Rochcs Monday afternoon. Fred. Fountain of that place was burning‘some grass and leaves and his 13â€"year-old daughter was playing around the ï¬re. Sudâ€" denly her clothing took fire and in a minute she was wrapped Several people ran to her assistance, but ere they could extinguish the blaze her clothing had been reduced to ashes and she was terribly burns ed. She was removed to the Corn- wall General Hospital, where she died yesterday morning. l. ,__ ,4 x. . )in .- noy Drowned at Toronto. Toronto, May 4.â€"-The spring tour has already caught the small boys. The Don-River is the favorite, resort 0! many of them, and it claimed its ï¬rst victim of the swimmingseason yesterday. Kenneth Casselman of 36 St. James avenue, with some chums, went in swimming. The wat- er was cold, and the little chap, who I was only twelve years of age, was seized with cramps and drowned, - t Killed By Lumbar. Ottawa, May 4.â€"-Ambrose Barret, aged 10 years, of Redpath street, was killed yesterday by a lumber pile falling on him in the lumber yard of the W. 0. Edwards Co. With a. little. boy named Charlie Harris, he â€".was sitting- beside the pile, which . was slanting, and evidently the up- set was caused by snow and frost leaving the ground. Killed 190 Atchllese. Amsterdam, May 4.-â€"-A despatch to The Handelsblad from Batavia, Java. in flames. . ‘wsseessssasesesssesssssosoe of clothing. know will suit you. #â€" Men’s high grade Spring Suits, consisting of fine Scotch and Eng- lish Tweeds in fancy and fashion- able stripe patterns and ï¬ne blue and black clay worsted made up in the latest single breasted sacque style. Good value at $10. Our special, $7.75. Ladies’ white Blouses of Muslin, Linen Lawn and fine Persian Lawn, trimmed with fine Valenciennes Lace and Insertion and Clung Lace and Insertion, at 75c. and $1.00. Ladies’ ï¬ne ’white Waists, with lace yoke and fancy worked fronts, at $1 50 to $2 50. Cheaptash Store. _ \Ve can show Your Chance to get a Rain-coat. We have a few. Rain-coats left; to clear at greatly reduced prices. 2-1 pairs men’s tweed Pants in all sizes, at $1.00. ‘ Men’s Colored Shirts in all the leading designs. All sizes. 50c. to $1.00. Ladies’ Night Dresses of ï¬ne nain- . sock, trimmed with ï¬ne embroidery frills and insertion, and ï¬ne embroid- ery beading and washable silk rib- bons, at 75c. to $1.50. Lndies’ black sateen and mercerâ€" ised waists, nicely trimmed with up- plique and buttons, at 75c. to $1.75, . imprantrapezium:swrriggnriepprnwr 1.3315531" pr).153prnggruuwz:‘ixgpgrrqurivpgnr'nmrnepW mprzrggramurnggr TERRLL EROS. . Fpenelon Falls. 5; Q % SPRING is HERE What about buying one of those easy» running msLoTTE CREAM. SEPARATORS ‘ Also cream cans and dairy pailS.‘ A few snaps left in last fall’s Wall Papers, cso. H. McoEE..-, , I? WEAVWAWNAVW Wwï¬â€˜wwg “ Ice Cream. Ice Cream. able flavors of th forget about our Jumbo Chocolates at any price We are now ready to serve the following? d1shes, as our fountain is in spinning order: ice Cream and ice Cream Sodas, with uncount- Now, because ice cream has come in,» don’t I We handle a full line of Bon-bons and. lVe have oranges which can not 111 Size, quality or flavor. Our prices are right, and as a penny is spent a penny is saved when you are dealing with us. . D. STINSOll. THE LEADING CONFECTIONER. Ice Cream;- 6 highest quality.‘ Peanuts. 'epog was:ng so: to suit the buyer. p be downed, “eposumeao 901 FENELON FALLS. rea _«.,, 111. ..‘~ 1 says that a Dutch column captured the Atchinese position at Tjantoe, Ice Cream. Ice Cream. the plow. It is supposed t at death . was by heart failure, _ a , FOUND. Begins Tuesday, Sept. Ist. ._ ""â€" ‘ ' ' " ' I - . . fr _...___ Found on road between Cameron and s “111231011 Einstï¬trfmiggc‘iï¬lkm2:221:35 Fenelon Falls about, two weeks ago an i _ ' . ‘ a - . _‘ , . . pBIRTHS. Over-coat. Oivner can have same by piov- . don t buy untll ) on 113' ve T R U N S aginzplï¬ï¬gdofl(galsggsspgtï¬ . Marxismâ€"10 the township‘of Fenelon. 011 ing l’l'ollel'tl'md PWF‘E%;§PI°{ISBSEY v1s1tecl lily factory on Fran- leges. Fees are lower than in most ' .2. TlleSdfl)’: AD“1 26th: the W’fe 0f Ml“ Rom†9 I ‘ ‘ 3 6 F‘ I . . schools. Write for particulars. " Mom 0“ daughter. Ma, 2,, mi. Lot-1 ,cou. , enc on. 01S street cast. I am selling AT NEVISON’S. w,“ Paws“: ’ Sraoivrr â€"At Fenelon Falls on Tuesday . v _ M . .2 ' V April 26th, the wife of Mr. William Sproatd Trent Valley Navigation Go Without regard to cost, and . principal“ . ,5, 1‘ of n' son' . I7 C1111 ~Ou 1n - i ‘ MCGEE -â€"In the township of Fenelon, on . LIMITED. ‘- o y ‘ ,3 ~ 4, Thursday, April 23th, the Wife of Mr. R S. . 0, a , , p , s: - . , McGee of a d,,,,g,,,e,_ than you can t,et elsewheie., ‘50 YEARS, L .1 ' Essmsn â€"At' Feuelon Falls, on Friday, . - EXPERIENCE ‘3 April 291h,_the wife of Mr. Joseph English . F G V _ ., , _f-;‘ :11, of.» daughter Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Pt, Lindsay. - - . l. ,. ___..___~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"eâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- .1; ‘ """' ‘ ‘ ,_ . sru. 'ESTUMON 0a MANITA. .g. , l FENELON FA IJL‘S'M‘ARKETS, May 2nd until further notice. F d I » , . , Bobca ecu lv 6.15 am. and 3.10 p.111. is printed every tl‘i fly at the ofï¬ce . i I Fenelon Falls, Fl‘ldfl), May 6th, 1904 Sturgggl Point n 7.15 n 4 10 u corner May and Francis Streets. , ‘TR‘Bagsrglesm‘sw . Reported 01/ we 1V0an mar Rolfe-r Mill 00. Lindsay arr 8 40 “ 5.30 “ 5 SUBSCRIPTION . I . COPYRIGHTS 8m. = When SW“ We ‘85 ‘° 90 St“ pond? {5‘33 ' f: TAILOR R I 'D ~ mattressesgranattenuates ' - A . o . - u . . . .- _ - . _. , . .A; - e 32; i ’ $100 A YEA : A A VANCE 2 lieu. aSDrl a. .. , . , . u re- 5 “may meow 31st on s- c ’ ‘ . . v bushel.... 38 40 Calling at Sandy Pomt on morning up F E p . 0,. one cent per week W111 be added, Patents tuken t rough Munu to Co. receive :_~ L. l Balm): Per .- - d -' a 3: 1 n as it remains 1111 mid Spccmmome' Without ehnme’ mule ' " g Buckwheth “ .... .. .. 37 40 tup and evening own trip. as o g t . 1 . S , .- a V .. ' p i J “ concrete -â€" U ' . i 0M? u 58 60 CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIRED - ~- ‘ Peuge’ . . . . . . . . Advertlblng Rates, Ahapdsomely illustrated weekly. Largest (pr. 1 1-. e H , , , , _ , , , 45 47 AND PRESSED ON SHOET NOT- ' _ A culntlcpirof nnytecleuflflc ournnl. ’l‘erms. $3 a , ,M, I J5, ’bes u ,,,. 35.. 40 . Professional or busmess cards, 50 cents Yem'v 01" “0011 15-$ o SOdbynll newsdenlers. .33 4 l 1 01:! (. ’el. 11, . , u _ _ , , ,, 15 16 ICE. SATISFACTION GUARAN-J per line per-annum. Casual advertisements, & 69.35‘3r03dwayy , But 01 , Dr doze}; . I H. n 12, TEFD__PRICFS RIGHT 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F st. Washington. D.C. 3.2, l ton. ' "H . , 9,00 1200 f ' J J ' 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- l ‘ '.~ ’ ‘ "n." I H I" .50 5 50 ' ' _ ’ ' tion. Contracts by the year half‘year or l 331221.591; I “H H :50 4 75 o I SHOP - FRANCIS STREET WEST- less, upon reasonable terms.’ 7 , ’ i D , .-,-9!0,-aoct 3!. r - , 7 ‘I l H s Dressed) 5 0° ‘ . . AGENT FOR STOCKWELL, HENDER- . r «4; i Bgcgff. . . .. . . . . .. ,. . . . .. . . 4-.50 Reliable goods at reliable SON & CO DYERS TORONTO JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- L - I, ,4: ‘ -‘ - ' . - " ' . : '~ 1. r, 2;; Sheepskins . . . . ... . . .. 50 1: 31.1068. ’ ectly and at moderate prices. p E I t " W001 8 65 E D HA‘ID » r ~-~ i. , glow, ' 22 3:155 2.55 Tailored Hats, Sti eet Hats . _. Prdprietor Rom.- chambars a! f, 1,3,. l “1‘ soot-09.“ . ‘ ~ .- c r . I I 1? fl. ‘ (“I i Fiber", Family, Clipper.... 2.19 2-39 and Readyâ€"to-weai 1n. the lat- 1. ,, ‘ Bran per 100 lbs . . . . .. . - -_ 90 1 m est ideas ' ‘ . ' Is prepared to furnish the people of Linda-‘â€" i Shoris, “ “ . . .. . . .. . 1 10 ' ' . , say and surrounding country with MONU- 5: . r I . ’ V , l ‘ 4 y‘ Mixed 011°!) “ ' U" 1'“) In Trimmed Hats we pro- To Montreal or New York SEED GRAIN. MEWS-ml“ HEADSWNESr both Marble ~ - after a desperate ï¬ght, in which 190 Atchinese were killed. The Dutch casualties were seven men killed and. ï¬ve oflicers and 38 men wounded. Dead Between Plow Handles. Mitchell, ' May 4.-â€"Thos. McPher- _ son of Logan, aged 50 years, drop- ped dead on Moï¬day while plowing. He was found with thclines around his shoulders. and standiu against M House Decorating. I desire to inform the public that I,have returned to Fcnelon Falls, and am prepared to do all kinds of house 00.00111“!ng such as Paper Hanging, Kalsominmg, \\ lntcwash- ing, Painting, etc., in ï¬rst-class style. Estimates given free: Orders left at.the Gazette oiiicc will receive prompt attention. ' th frivcr. Resulcnce son 0 ALFRED MILLER. l-Zarchl'lth, 1904., _ 6. ‘ Txvo Iâ€"Iouses to Rent. One on Fidler’s hill and the other one mile South of the village. They are both good-sized, one and a half stories high, and each has an excellent garden. Apply to MRS. ELLERY, Bond St. East. Fenelon Falls, April 14th, 1904. 10-t-f. duce the most practical med- ium and low priced patterns, consistent With style, shown anywhere. See the New York veil. A full line of ladies’ and misses’ Corsets on hand. MISS M... WASHBURN. ii an A Milli, HARNESS, for choice patterns or low prices in WALL PAPER. BOOTSAND SHOES in all the latest and up-toâ€"date styles. We have secured almost the entire option on a new variety of seed Outs, which yield over 60 bushels per acre under .ordinary conditions and weigh about.40 pounds to . the bushel. We desire to have them grown We have “19,111 here now especially for the oatmeal trade. for your selection. ' ‘GDODWEH’S, LINDSAY, NEXT TO SIMPSON HOUSE. We are letting out large quantities of the “ Velvet Chaï¬â€˜â€ and “Blue Stcm’,’ var- ieties of Spring Wheat, and all the varieties of Seed ‘Pens now available, AT THE Fnusnon FALLS ELEVATOR. W. P. EYRES, Fcnelon Falls. . J. G. EYRES, Lindsay. The Fan Term; rsreassaeaasr BusmE-ss causes: [ and granite. Estimates-promptly given on all kinds ’0: ; cemetery work. ‘ ' , Marble Table Tops, .Wesh Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. Beluga practical workman, all should. see his designs and. compare. prices before purchasing elsewhere. . WORKSâ€"In the rear of.t11e. Market on :-, Cambridge-st, opposite the.pncking house a. CHAMBERS-i