Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Feb 1899, p. 5

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r‘v'r Great Britain, and even South Africa, I have been Secured. so that not only var- . ions phases of thought. but many can. trcs of Presbyterian activity. will be represented in its columns. Among the names on the list of special contributors ‘ are those of the Revs Dr. Robertson, Winnipeg; Dr. A. I}. )IacKay, Mont. real; Principal .‘Iachcar, Montreal; “l. I). .‘lruistrong. I‘h. 0.. Ottawa; Donald 'I‘ait, .‘I. .\.. Quebec; Dr. John Crombic, Smith’s Fails; l W; Garden Blaikie, I). 1).. L. L. ll, Edinburgh; Dr. Cuyle. Dr. J. ll.,.\liller, Dr. George l I Dana Boardrnan, Dr. Newman Hall. Count A. Bernstorf, Berlin; F. B. Meyer, Andrew Murray, Cape Town. Such an array of names, and it by no means exhausts the long list, shows that during this year the Presbyterian Re view will lack neither ability nor variety; and when it is added that the editorial columns will be as heretofore under the able management of the Rev. Professor Scrimger, D. D., of Montreal, and Alex andcr Fraser, M. A., of Toronto, it goes without saying that a cordial welcome will be extended to the paper every- w here. M 3.... in..." (Correspomi'encc 0/ the Gazette.) The basket social held here on Fri- day evening last for the purpose of founding a library in the public school was quite a success. Though the house was large, the crowd was almost larger, and we are sorry to say that the receipts Were not largest. However, as they netted $35 or thereabouts, we see no reason to complain, but rather much reason to be thankful. Mr. Staples and Mr. lIetherington as auctioneers were unimpeachablc, and for singing we cer- tainly are blessed in )I r. Paul and Mr. Gillis, both of whom kindly contributed to the entertainment in this line. Though the sum realized will not go far towards making a library, it will lay a solid foundation, and this will be increased from time to time. _________......_.._â€"- 'Pensonar.s.â€"-Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford 0f Ros-scan have been visit- ing their relatives at and near the Falls since Friday last....:\Ir. Alfred Scwell and Mr. Wm. Avery left on Wednesday afternoon for Deserouto. REFORM MEETING. â€"- The annual meeting of tho Reiorm Association for the electoral districts of North and East Victoria will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, on Friday, 24th of Feb- ruary inst., commencing at one o'clock p. m. A large attendance is desirable. A splendid assortment of Walking Hats and Sailors cheap at Mrs. lll'Dougallls. A PRIEST ASSAULTEDâ€"On Bond St. west, last Tuesday evening, Father John Nolan, priest of this parish, was knocked down and struck several times in the face by a young man who is a member of his congregation. No Catli- olic ever raises his hand against a priest except u‘nder the most extreme provoca- tion; and in this case the provocation was so great that the young man’s act is applauded by the whole community. On Wednesday morning Father Nolan loft Fcnelon Falls, and in the afternoon Father Scanlou arrived from Petcrbo- rough to take his place; but whether permanently or temporarily is not yet known. 33%;?“ Eider-down Hats for 59 cents, at Mrs. lchongall‘s. Axorunit Wisâ€"The Fenclon Falls junior hockcyists drove to Lakeficld on Tuesday and defeated the Lakeiield team by a score of 13 to 4. The first half of the game was exciting, the fig- urcs being 4-3 in favor of the Falls, in the second half the visitors “ got onto " the. ice and played all around the Lakeiield team. .Iiakeiieldâ€"Goal, New- bury ; point, Grey ', cover polllt.’Sli‘lCI\'- land ; forwards, Ridparh, Stablor, Bloomfield, Watson. Falls-«Goal. Gra- ham; point. I'lllis', cover point. Iioycu; forwards, Betcau, Ingram. C. Deymnn. ll. Devman. Referee. V. II. Ackert. Fenolon Falls. IUmpires, R. Corbett and G. W. .‘Iasou. lluhv Bonnets. at )Irs. llelhngall‘s. from 185 cents up, .-\coiiii:x'r.â€"~Last. Monday evening Mr. Ilobert McFarland ef Somerville met with a painiul accident while on- ;gaged with his son Joseph felling a nee The tree. which was :1 small one. I'ad been cut half through on one side and partly through on the upon the lam]. 3%” All the ready trimmed Hats to be old at half price at Mrs. McDougall's. (Ii STOCK Sores. â€"- There arrived on the afternoon train of Thursday of last week, for Mr. Wm Isaac of Feuelon, a fine thoroughbred yearling Galloway bull. purchased from Mr. Robert Shaw of Branti'ord, and winner of first and second prizes in his class at Brantford, Burford, London, Paris and Toronto. This animal will be a valuable addition to the stock of this part of the country, as it has been proved by actual tests that the Gallow-ays make the best of beef at the lowest cost. Recently at the Christmas show of the Smithiicld I ‘iub of London, England, the directors made a new departure and ofl'ercd prizes for the best and most valuable carcass of beef. In the ring, judging i'or the Sweepstakes, the Galloway entries alive were hardly looked zitâ€"the cross bred ShorthoruGalloway blue-grey steer ran neck and neck for first place, but the real Galloway's hardly got the second glance from the judges. The same aniâ€" mals when killed and hung up captured four out of five prizes offered. Galloway beef is of the best quality. They are not as smooth as the Aberdeen Angus, not as massive as the Shorthorn, but they kill better than either and on the table are second to none. For Galloway grades Mr. Isaac has received from Mr. Bowes, the buyer, of Oakwood, 100. per cwt. more than 101' Shorthorn grades... Mr. John Evens-on called in on Monday to inform us that he had just sold to Mr. Jas. McCallutu. near Bobcaygeon, a line Buff Cochin cock, the second sale he has made to the same gentleman. Mr. Everson reports his poultry doing well. CLEARING SALE of Hats, Millinery, Millinery Novelties, Gloves, Hosiery, etc, for 15 days, to make room for Spring goods, commencing Friday Feb. 10th, at Mrs. McDougall’s. A Sunderland lady writes Dr. Neclands that he had made her a successful lit after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and elsewhereâ€"43W _________.____.._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" DIED. Wnsr.â€"In the township of Fenelon on Thursday, February 9th 1809, Sarah West, relict of the late John West, aged 75 years, it months and 4 days. ____.___.__..__.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Slar Roller Mill Co. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Feb. 10th, l899. Wu. Wheat,Scotch or Fife .... 70 to 72 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 70 72 Wheat, spring .... 70 73 Barley, per bushel. . .. . . .. 45 50 Buckwhcut “ . ...‘. . . . . 45 47 Oats, “ 28 29 Pause, ‘ .... 60 62 Rye, “ 50 50 Potatoes, “ . ... 35 4o Butter,perlb............ l4 l5 Eggs,pcr dozen.......... 15 17 Play, per ton.. .... ...... . 4.00 5.00 Hides . 7.00 7.50 Hogs(live) .............. 3.50 4.00 Hogs (Dressed) 5.50 5.75 Beef....... ...... ........ 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins....... 50 1.00 Wool ..... 1’3 17 Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 2.10 2.30 Flour, Victoria .. .. ...... 2-00 2-20 Flour, Clipper . . .. ... ... 1.80 2.00 Bran, per ton...... 1300 15.00 Shorts, H 16.00 18.00 Mixed chop, per ton . . . . .. . 20.00 22.00 wimp names; 2,000,000 feet of llaliburtnn and Omemeo. enquire at the \Iunsion Falls. December 3th, 1808. New Toys, Eieav £30113, Slew Games, New Books, New Shine. A Choice Stock of Fancy Goods, Fancy Work and Swamp and Grey Elm Logs at '1‘. II. DcCew & Sons’ mill at Fenelon Falls, or at. convenient points on the lakes, or at any Grand Trunk station between Logs to be cut the following lengths: 10 it. 8 in ;13 ft. 4. in. and Ill it. ‘2 in. For turl'ner particulars House, Fenclon I l I l l I i l l l l l l soluter correct to scale; saves seed, as every kernel is deposited at a proper depth to Purchase only the best and you will be satisfied. . We also manufacture Binders, ReaperS, Mowers Rakes, Cultivators and Pulpers, us Send for illustrated catalogue. NOXON BROS. Mfg. 00., Limited, in e 5011, Ont. THGS. GRAHAM, AGENT, FENELON FALLS fiKEitY WE ELASS JEWELRY, grow. good as the best. fl; 0 I “n. r n]! 4 If you need anything in these line all AT IiEVSdil’S MAM. Furniture, Doors, Sash, â€"---A'ND-â€"-- ' drâ€" . . . . ~.‘<'siâ€",’»';:R‘$.Sr:x hails.“ :I'ELL 113:51LR CELL The BUffalo All-Steel- Disc narrow} This is the only Disc liarrow made or sold in Canada, having independent. ad- justable spring pressure nnon iln- inner ends of the gang discs, allowing any ain- ount of pressure to be thrown upon the in- ner ends of the gangs, by the fool of the operator. By this means a perfectly flex- ible action is secured and the ground can be worked to a uniform depth. Examine this machine carefully and compare with others. THE No. 12 EJL'rIVATon IS A MARVEL OF SUCCESS. The only Cultivator made that both lines of teeth will cut an even depth in the ground. Ex- nminc it and you will see why. The only Cultivator with a. moveable tooth set so that the angle ofthe teeth can be regulat- ed to suit any condition of soil. Pressure can be regulated to act ditlerently on every section requiring it. The teeth are carried between the wheels instead of trailing be- hind, as in other machines, thus securing lighter draft. This machine is furnished with grain and grass seed box when requir- ed. It has reversahle diamond steel points for the teeth; also extra wide thistle cut- ting points can be furnished. Examine it and you will buy no other. THE BEST DRILL MADE. TIIE IlOOSIER NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION. Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our manufacture in use in Canada. The only Drill made with lever for instant and per- fect regulation of depth of hoe in all kinds of soil. while team is in motion. Sons ab- in, CNDEETAKTNG, Méfieamlnfisg FRANCIS ST. WEST, [FENELON'FALLS. HIGH? (SI-SSS Headquarters FARM IiiiPiEhi EMS at the Iron Warehouse, Corner of Golborne and Francis Streets, Fenelon Falls. HUGH IiiICDGUGALL, AGENT, Frost & Wood. Smith’s Fails. Conlthard Scott 00.. Oshawa. Watson Manumcturing 00.. Ayr. Chatham Manufactuiing Lou Chatham. REPRESENTING Goold, Shapley & Muir CO»; Brantford. George White & Sons‘ 00., London. Stephenson Electric Carriage W prks. ‘annmgtcn Cockshutt Plow Co.. Brantford, | t l 1 l l and other leading firms in the latest specialties in farming implements. lillAN'I‘l-‘Oltll S'I‘I'IIIL (i.»\L\'.â€"\.\'l'/.I'ID WINDMILLS, roller and ball bearings. the mill in the market. which may he sci'ti at Mr. .lo:t~pii \I'atsnn‘s, best and most powerful 8001 FURNlTiIRE Is always cheap furniture in the long run. 1.0oks better. Wears better. iivcs better satisfaction. I have the. best. and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manuiitcturers in the province, consisting of â€"DlNl.\‘G noon FURNITURE. -â€"BEDR00.\I sr-z'rs ' . -â€"E.-\SY CHAIRS, â€"1tOCKERs. â€"LUUNGES. _SIDEno.\uns, _srai.\'os AND MATTRASSES, â€"â€"lilTCliE.\' FURNITURE (all kinds), and prices are away down. chalrlng and all ordered work promptly aitcnded to. WUndertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. lies. qua in IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR ileum Paper and Picture Frames -â€"IS. ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker Block.Kent-st.,Lindsay. lArtists’ Goods a Specialty, Machine Needles. Al’abastine and Di?” Works Agency . Call and see my 5 cent Paper. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free at tether at; invention is probably putcntnbla. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook ortl’ntnntc sent i'ree. Oldest agency. ionsccurlnnpntenm. Barents. taken through Munn & (0. receive oriental notice, without charge, In the Scientific Emerita". A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr«. cuintlon of any nt-lnntitic journal. Terms. 83 1.. year: four months. $1. Sold byall newsdenlers. IIIIIIIN. 8. 80.36'3'mm New York Branch 011100.025 F St... Washington. D. b. Pli’flTSS‘R‘APHS. â€"â€" “ O ! wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorscls as iihi'rs see us." above Wish is ensin realized by having your photos taken at STANTON’S STUDIO. Will guarantee all work equal to tho best city work. and prices to suit the iinws. Family groups a specially. (live me a call. Life sine Work in the Ii!‘.~l style oi‘ihc art at moderate Iil'lt'l'.«'. J. H. STANTON. I’lzotogrnpin- r Pent-Ion Falls. .llliy I‘I.1897.-â€"â€"‘Jl.:'i'.l l The IlAT'l‘l‘IN DOOR“. \I’Iltll IHH lltx J. T. THOMPSON, J12, . (JA.I€.I’1€N'.5‘1CI€ * .L.1,l,1ng attr-n'liul to. Wall Iiraekcis and Easy ‘(llmirs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street. .\' 'ar the (i. T. it. Station. l‘cnclon l-‘alls. c The “ Fcnelon Falls Gazelle“ I ,.«.~ 1. .-;~ .( r «LN» -v-.‘.~w-dw A \JUUU.. i) A A' .A - M‘J‘k ‘y19‘M' ‘ 1." I .II‘ \ . 3.3;,“ “1;, . . 0- . ‘ . , ‘ 'g)‘ , , '31., . .. n in“ l.‘ MM F]th hll‘ “kl .u ‘th 't‘li 1 Materials SomerVillc. Mr. John (‘ullis’s and Mr. John '0 illuclis, l‘CI‘C'lOI’v l” Ul"7”““’”' A3" "3'35" I llriurltfili-lrlli‘ll‘k‘l Prim“; [:3 “(lupifiul h.” ‘ll"-‘>x-“'”f-31‘"-'tz“'lniq u‘ A 1"“ l Gil: iflin N 1 P leading,r farmers their opinion before purchnzing. ““ r" - 1‘. M“ mums siren-is. i in tent o its axe. n ma '0 a r . . ~ ~ - lsrnmlmrnoxm “ “Mk I“ . i i H the desired dirrt‘iiou. and his son was I 8“ a1 apel Also the STEEL KING PL’MI’ER and the famous MAPLE LEAP Gillhlilult. Prices? . - U lint", ~ Just Ill. and Wm“; an applicmiom or one cent pvt "ii-ti: will he added as long as Uri-mains unpaid. Stlll chopping. the young man's axeâ€"I from some cause that our informant; could not clearly cSpIain-â€"-Struck lzl$~ . Trimmed Millinerv 1‘: le '9 left arm on the outside. just, hnl I _ ‘ " Idlvlthe ellmw. inflicting an ugly ’o-xkin: I LOSS than COSI’, gash about three inches ling and law!) 1 to the bone. .‘lr. .‘Iel’arland imnieli-I atcly drove to the Falls, where Dr. \\ ll , sun put several stitches Into the edgesl of the wound and bound it up. F rin hate it was the. long way of the arm ; had it been across the limb, it would i have been much more serious. l WATSHX FRICTION l-‘EED TL'IiNIP DRILL. PLANET JI’SMR CITLTIVATORS. FROST & WOUI) CULTIVATORS. CtH‘KSlIL’TT PLOW Ct). C1'I.Ti\'AT(IP.S. STEEL and WOOD LAND DIIL'XI ROLLERS. Samples cl :1 number of the leading machines in stock and will be pleased to show - at any time. . The new FORCE FEED BINDER is a marvel of simplicity, with improved roller bearings. and is without a peer for lightness of draught and ease in operating. See it. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS. . HUGH MCDOUGALL, Agent. JX(1V'(..'I'[ fixing; lattes. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Cnsuul :ulvt-rti-rcincnia, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and '3 cents per line for evrry'siihgeqnt-nt£11.”. tion. Contracts by the yt-ar, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and at moderate prices. 1). HAND, l’ropriut'r h to clear out balance Of stock. Fags taken in exchange. MRS. HEELEY.

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