Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Dec 1897, p. 3

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p ‘ -. "ABOUT THE FIRST UMBRELLA. â€"â€" Almost no Years Ago Join» llanwny (‘ar- rlcd One in London. The umbrella is a comparatively modern feature of European civiliza- tion. in 1750 Jonas Runway. 3 Quaker. first went through the streuts of Lon~ don carrying an umbrelia. Three years from now, in 1900. it will be meet to :elebraie the sesquicentennial of this most useful implement. Vin tth is an age of celebration. it is not likely that so good an opportun- ity will be missed. Already in London they are. discussing the proper manner of doing homage to the umbrella. Mr. Hanwny was a man of strong character, but it required all his courâ€" age to brave the London crowd, with his strange rain shield. The inhabiâ€" tants. of that great metropolis received him with jeers and even more substan- tial marks of disapproval. But he was imperturlable, and in consequence of his example the umbrella came very rapidly into general use. lianway had travelled much in the East, and there he had noted the great benefits derived by the natives from the umbrella, both as a protection against 'l‘llE- SUN AND RAIN. The East. with its infinitely older civâ€" ilization, has been familiar with this, as with many other useful articles. at a. time when Europe was sunk in the wildest savagery. Umbrellas were known to the Egyp- Thoroughly Grateful. MR. STEPHEN 531.151.: GLADLY TELLS now as was CUBED. _~ Afler Other Remedies Failed to Help ml). Dr. Williamh' Pink l‘llls made Him I lullhy Kan. From the Montreal Herald. Down on ’William street the bulk of the butter and cheese trade is done and it is there that the Montreal cold storage and freezing company‘s mam- moth building is located. In the sum- mer time, when extensive shipments are being made, the big block is a veritable beehive. Several well known exporting firms have their warehouses in this building and one of them is Wm. '1‘. Ware & Co. Their head ware- house man is Mr. Stephen Belisle. who as his name. indicates. is aFrenchâ€" Canadian and in the prime of life. If ever there. was a grateful man on the filt'! of the earth to-day that man is Stephen Belisle. After suffering in- describable agonies for several months he is now the picture of health and [feels that it is his duty to tell all the uworlll how he was restored to health {and happiness. Mr. Belisle explained ihis troubles, now fortunately a thing {of the Inst, to a reporter of the ‘Herald recently. “My work called gme to all parts of the warehouse." said he, "and sometimes I went into .the freezing room without my coat ior cap on and then back to the other j parts of the warehouse to the warmer ’atmosphere. About a year ago Ibe- came very ill with a complication of ! diseases. l was suffering withindiges- 3 tion, biliousness and the resulting 'nervous disorders such as sick head~ l ache and loss of appetite. I began doc- itoring, but I seemed to grow worse I l l l l l is l E tians and were certainly used by the ' every day. I Slept very lune and as ancient Hindoos. The umbrella is a time went on. I was not able to do mentioned in a, poem of sakuntaia. i any work. and even the exertion of . - - - . - l moving about would tire me out. Ihad “nth m the suth century' Md It i a very poor appetite and what food figures in various hasâ€"reliefs among I ate did not agree “ml me. I also the Nineveh sculptures discovered by suffered from a. severe. pain in theback Sir Henry Layard. The Chinese “Book and Side- During. that time I had tried many medicines but they gave; of the Rites of Tcheon," printed about u me no relief. I had become so weak 5 PARIS STREETS. â€" Pedesirians Are Being more and lore “dam” Hamper-ed on the Pavements. A plaint is going up that the Paris pedestrian is slowly being ousted by an increasing mass of impedimenta from the pavement into the toe existence is already disputed by cycles. cabs. busses, automobiles per-ambulat- ing advertisements. et hoc genus came. The impediments of the pavement con- sists of kisques. trees. "Morris col- umns," benches. the little edifices which serve a necessary but unsavory social end. and last but most important of it, cafe terraces. It is alleged that the encroachments of the last are becom- ing more and more threatening from the point of view of the safety and convenience of the pedestrian. Cer- tainly cases are not rare in which the terrace monopolizes the whole of the pavement, and in narrow streets one often forced on to the roadway, where a recious share look-out has to be kept or iuggernauts of omnibuses and cabs. t may not be generally known. by the way, that it is to M. Lepine, the prefect of police, who the other day made his adieu to the muniâ€" cipal council, that we owe the policeâ€" man, a bad imitation of the London Robert, who stands with a milkwhite staff attempting to control the traffic at congested points of the city. Nor is it. generally known that M. Lepine sent _a score of picked policemen over to London to learn from the police of that well-policed city this very art of controlling the traffic, which, however, seems to have been imperfectly learned. A NOVEL IDEA. â€"â€" Five Hundred Dollars Offered for Testi- monials by the Proprietor of Schiller-'5 Sarenpuriiln Pills- To introduce into this country this 01d and wellâ€"tried German Pill. and to Obtain Canadian and American testi- anomals which will greatly aid them in selling this admirable tonic and blood remedy here, K. H. Schiller.& Company have determined to give five hundred dollars in cash, divided among the senders of the ten best testimonials received from those who use their Pills. 'lhey_ reserve the right either to give the five hundred dollars in one or two dnvhm rue MONSOON TEA co.. 0L3 Canadian Postage stamps wanted. Good l SAUSAGE CASINGS.-â€"Ne\v lmportations. finest E Reliub'e goods at right prices. a (20., Limited, Toronto. bite out of the candle and setting the forget it. , this afternoon to have his hair cut. 0‘ his. \V‘hen John the barber got all in the chair. please." If you do not In “ruin your “a nervous mun CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAflNES GBMPANY . I ~ l Subscribed Capital ........ .. .. . 38,000,030 Paid-up Bantu! ..... ............ 9.0“. 8mm Onionâ€"TORONTO SB. TORONTQ Branch ochIâ€"WL\RLI‘RO m. m _‘ _ mecm; 8. O» ~~ - l . M The ample resources of this Comp enable dߢ its Directors to make advances on on! El- tato. without delay. at low rated of intero- and on the most favorable unn- of mpayxncn “£11: “a” A PURI "(90. Willi £5. 30. to. 50 and me a pound. Black and Mixed. land 1 lb packages. 7 \Vclllngtan St. \Vu T0305 ll.‘ Th0 DEWBOH Commission 80.,“de lied. on rovg'l Yuma on to no vo own 11 rd Donut rm: Market and Oolborne 8L. - renown). g“). “d uufiwngmmfi. Application- will be received at the one)! 1 flit Comm. J. HERBERT MASON. flaming Dino. “rm u WE 01mm." Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can b a plied with genteel and very PROFU‘IR‘ singing-minor. industry 1- the essenihl N Is A l to secure GOOD RBHUNBR (HON. Can give rho addres- ntronrnoutatlvd who has just. cleared 3115 in 21 DAYS. 3! on be made right AT your own HUME. J. L. NICHOLS a 00.. 83 Richmond Wat. Toronto. D3. GOODI'S PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PILLS A Specific for Female 00m lain“. are l. true boon to every lady who luff-n in opener- ance of nature's offout. They at once one the pain and restore natural and healthy action of the ovarian v.- scis. For young and developing womanhood they any remedy which can be used. They are col-pou- solely from the active principles of vegetable who“: and are perfectly safe and reliable. Ask your drug for them. and if he does r 0: keep them in stock in col rocure them for you. Price 81.00 per Bottle. 01““ ~5.00. Miolnsale Agents: The Taronte Pharmuoal 60.. Limited. Tonnes. V‘IONEY CAN BE DOUBLE!) in a. year. Those ,L having money to inv e-t would find it to their advantage to communimre with F. J. McIn-rosn, 93 McCaul St, Toronto. *â€" .â€" prloea paid. Dr. Mason, 131 Mutual “Toronto viglieh sheep and American hog casings. Park, Elackwoll ___________________â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 50 AND 100.com mortgaged farms in the counties 0 Middlesex. Essex, Kent and Lambton for solo very cheap: small amount down. balance at a low rate of interest. For list. aBply to WILLIAM F. BULLEN. Manage! ntario Loan a Dobentuu 00.. Londom -.~- wu‘W‘I-‘M‘u a.» w W WPCS95 THE THOUG H'l‘FUL DOMININE. You know how absent-minded our new parson is? Uh-huh! i remember his taking the apple down on the table. Never will w. G. HARRIS, William Street, Toronto. "7" COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. REFanNomzâ€"IMPERIAL BANK. Good Men Wanted \Vell, he went into the barber shop Lord a’masseyl you don't say so? Uh-huh! mighty fond of that hair done. he gave him the hand-glass. "All ri’ like that i" he says. Parson looks at it a minute. then sets himself back “ No. not quite so short, townshiptouiioni N. Futefl. «lien in eve C H U Sample 83.50. or stamped envelo o for rt.‘ 'r. arouses, 10 King SJIWif|isghta the year 300. contains 8. description of and my System was so run down that :persons’ or to divide it amongst the DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED a. veritable gamp. And it is on recrod n. veritable gamp. And it is on record that when the son of the Emperor off China was captured in the second Tar- tar invasion he was made to carry the umbrella of the Tartar chief when he went. out hunting. 'l‘he parasol was invariably carried by the high-bred flames in Greece, and a white parapline was borne by the priestvsses of the goddess Athene in the annual Scirophoria. The fashion migrated also to Rome, where the umbraoulum carried by the women and even by some of the men. was ‘MADE OF LEA'llHER. and could be opened and shut. This fact is mentioned by Martial, Juvenal and Ovid; while the latter also speaks of “a golden umbrella which wardcd off the keen sun." In Siam the umbrella has been regarded as a mad: of distinc~ tion. and M. de Loubere, in his work on that country, tells us how the use of the umbrella was only granted to certain of the King’s subjects. The King was invariably protected in his progresses by an umbrella appearing as three separate protections against the weather had been mounted on one 4 stick, one over the other. ’l‘avernier speaks in his "Voyage to the East." of the throne. of the Great Mogul be- ing supported on either side by an um- brella. The princes of the Mahratta provinces in India bore the title of Chatrapti. lord of the umbrella; while in Ava. to this present day the title of the ruler is “King of the White Eleâ€" phant and Lord of the Twentyâ€"Four Umbrellas." YOUR. HAN'UKERCHIEF. One of the most important details in the toilet of a fastidious woman is her handkerchief, and that. whatever else may be lacking. is sure tobe of cob- webby fineness and of snowy purity. Fashions change in handkerchiefs as in aid other things. but the all-white linen am sure to be good taste. and am ultwuys a safe purchase. A novelty at present is the small squam of linen edged with: an inch and a half rufro of footing. which gives a pretty finish and luunders remarkably well. The narrow hem edged with lace. or trimmed with two rows of narrow in- sertion. is altvays in good iaste. and such a handkerchief ranges in price from 25 cents to $2 each. the difference depending upon the lace usedâ€"whciher heal valvnriunncs or imitation. . Colored handkerchicfs are agum in fashion. the French slyle being the p.0in-r0lored centre. with a border of u cmiinuvfing shade. _ . 'l‘ho marking of a handkerchief is an important item also. indelible ink is considerui bad form. and is never rea‘ly necessary. as a single letter in script [my be quicklv and easily nui- l-ined in 0 simple cnsington stitch. Men of fashion. too. for thc time are (creaking the pure white handkerchief, affecting the very fine. iiucn with a. small figune scattered over the centre and a canned border of the same shade. A favorite style of marking men's] hamdkcrcbiefs is to reproduce the Sig- nature. of the owner in a‘ript. a much mom masculine style than the unde- ci; lM‘rillll‘. mom-gram or the single iniâ€" lull. ‘l‘lm pure llil‘.\h‘\lriug “llh a narrow of the uutqrmph in ancient . always - while linen handkerchief 23 inches square. finished hem and embroidered as suggested above. with the fac similu considered the life was a. burden to me. I vised to try Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills. : which I did with extremely bene- zficial results. I commenced taking 'the pills about Christmas time and now I am feeling so good [thought it. my duty to write the pro- ‘prietors of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills and let them know how extremely grateful I am for the cure their medi- cine has effected in me. I had taken- only six boxes when my condition of health was a paradise to what it had been for some months previous. Mr. Belisle. is a. quiet unassuming man and evidently not given to over enâ€" thusiasui. but there was no mistaking his earnestness when recounting his experiences to the reporter. He will .always a firm believer in Dr. 'Wilâ€" 3 liams' Pink Pills. Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills cure by goâ€" iing to the root of the disease. They irenew and build up the blood. and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imita- tions by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a. wrapper ,bearing the full trade mark. (Dr. VVilâ€" , liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. i ___,___v.__â€"â€"-â€" HEALTH TN HOBBIES i that I ’ I was adâ€" isenders of the ten best testimonials. K. H. Schiller 8:. Com any are to be the _sole judges of whio are the best testimonials, and will award the cash accordingly. This offer will remain open until the ' lst March next. You will not find these Pills in drug stores at present. nor until a demand 18 created for them; at all events. ' Schiller does not in the meantime wish I to risk . the druggist offering you "somethlng just as good" on which he { Evguld make four or five times the proâ€" 2 1 . Be prompt in sending in, for the' testimonials will be considered as they i come to hand. but the award will not: be made until the let March next. The price of the Pills is fifty cents per box, but Schiller & Company re- iquires each person to send for two I i i l l .-\ \vcii-miown doctor is convmce'l of" ,the health value of a hobby. "'If you cannot find pleasure in the. lstudy of the very many wonders that. ‘ surround you. if you care not for geo- '1ogy. natural history, or astronomy, He. says : ' 3collect walking-sticks. buy and cher-r boxes so that the pills can be given a fair trial. Get the Pills and try them, and, if you find them good, write Schiller your Opinion in as few words as possible. and, if your testimonial is the best of all sent in, you will get the five hun- dred dollars; if ten others are as good. fifty dollars will be given to each of' the ten. Testimonials must not be longer than fifty and the shorter the better. Schiller & Company say they have thousands of foreign testimonials, but they want Canadian and American ones, and take this plan of getting them at once, and, of course, they want testimonials only from those who have given the Pills a fair trial. The Pills are a sovereign remedy for words i i811 01d “ml CraCked'Chinaw fill up, 51" I all blood impurities and one box is equal bums and scrapâ€"books. or even gather to any don“ bottle of sarsayarma. together V autographs and postage Remit direct to K. H. Schiller & Com- slamps; anything sooner than be idle.’ i pany. Toronto. Ontario, ’._.â€"__._._.â€"â€"._. .â€" Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 250. hot- ‘ tie of Shiloh’s Curd may save your 1 life. The tradesman who resorts to imi- l tation and substitution deserves no consideration. Show him none. Get lwhat you ask for when you go to Â¥buy. I Shiloh's Consumption Cure lwhere others fail. It is the leading 'Cough Cure. and no home should be : without it. Pleasant to take and goes , right to the spot. I I file cures \VHAT DR. A. E. SALTER SAYS. Buffalo. N.Y.â€"â€"-Gents :â€"â€"From my per-' sonal knowledge, gained in observing ' the effect of your Shiloh’s Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, I am pre- pared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly savâ€" ed many from Consumption. If a retailer found that every atâ€" tempt ai substitution cost him a cue- tiomer, he would 5mm be. tired of it, and would supply what the publicnsks for. aily ii die (Morning Edition) INCLUDING“ l Only “L 4. up-.. H...“ ‘- a...»~ . â€".~m .w. .. The 24=page Saturday illustrated Edition 1.9 a. Var an... .. Order direct or through newsdealer or post- master and secure TH: CHRISTMAS EDITION by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. way to cure deafness, and that is b ' constitu- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearâ€" ing. and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflmnmz.ti..~n can be taken out and this tube restored to its l years ago. There is only one tional remedies. Denineseis cmse by an in-' lu~t1chlan Tube. \V'hcn this tube is inflamcd AGENTS WANTED.â€"nos'ron emulsifiedâ€"i»?- RIM Co.. 130 King St. W., Toronto. “70 have six or mqu of the tin- pormal condition, hearing will be destroyed I can houqehold “1.0,” w” . forever; nine cases out. of ten are caused by .... ' . ‘ ' w Catarrh. which is nothing but on inflamed com for panicm""" ROBIN”ON 8‘ PARboNg' dition of the mucous surfaces. 34 1 ongc st Poll '1 omiuo‘ We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by camrrh) that; can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh (lure. Send for circulars ; free. 1“. J. CHENEY 8; CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Mills, Mills 8: Hate Barristers. o'c..ri move to choy Bldgs., Riel» mond St. W.. Toronto. ALL ROYALTY RELA'I‘ED. Nearly all the royal pcrsonages of Europe are cousins. and not very far removed. as it has been laid down by a German genealogist that every crowned head of Europe, excepting Tur- key, is descended from one or other of two sisters who lived about 150 fl .1: f THECOOBT FRIEND LARGEST S‘LE IN CANADA. NO ONE BE BALD A GLERGYMAN’S LETTER. LONDON, ONT., October 20%, 1.397. JOB Coon MANUFACTURING Co. GENTLEMEN,â€"-I have personally examined the heads of ten respon- sible citizens of London, Ont., who have given sworn testimony to the effect that by the use of “ Amberine Hair Producer" they have succeeded in growing new hair where they were formerly bald, and I found their state~ ments to be correct. They also speak of it in the highest terms as a cure for dandruff, itching of the scalp and falling out of the hair. Had it not been for my personal investigation, I could not believe such results were possmle' I remain yours truly ’ ’ REV. MARTIN LOVVRY. “Amberine” PRODUGES new H‘A-IR. ounes DANDRUFF m on: WEEK. N EW THIN G l PERHAPB YOUR DRUOGIST DON'T KEEP IT! Preparation, with full directions, mailed-on receipt of v.00. JOB COOK MANUFACTURING 00., LONDON, ONT. givesrBack Original Luster. Prevents Broaklhz and Falling Out. er a goo h.o if ,- o“ serous c is we'll sacs:th my... ‘ ~ US‘CéW is mu’zzle'd in her hone ofTryft-one map your house cleaniAll grocers keep it~ Cleanliness and neatncss about a house are necessxry to insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can’t find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and arms of good l:L~.(‘ by the fastidious man who avouis anything ultra in his dress. FREE. THE GLOBE, Toronto. For Constipation take Karl's (‘luver Root Tea. the great Blood Purifier. . . . Cures Headache. Nervoos‘ness, Erupâ€" haPPIMSS? Try SAl’OLlO and you Will be surpnscd It «Jo: ion: on the Face. and makes the m m“ “°”‘“ “"' BEWARE or IMITArioua.

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