Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Nov 1897, p. 3

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_.__...,- __.e. . _......v.. . _...__â€"..____ NEW DISCOVERY IN AFRICA. Interesting Facts Tint Sir. Cavendish Brings from the lake lndelf Region. It was reported about three weeks ago that a young man named 8.8. H. Cavendish, who has titled relations, a fortune and prlxliviiius as a sports- man. had been murdered in Somali- land. The story of the tragedy was spoiled the other day. wh'n Sir. Cav- endish turned up in London with an acvount of his extensive travels in East Africa and the interesting dis‘ coveries he had made. He was away only a little over a year. and he. and the eighty men in his caravan had ex- citing adventures with the natives. who gave him some hard fights. Of course, the Gallas got the worst of these encounters. and Cavendish did not lose a man during the year’s jourâ€" ney, which is a. remarkable record. He says he found coal both east and west of Lake Rudolf that burned well, and there was a good deal of it. If his report is accurate. this news is interâ€" esting for coal has not ' been found hitherto in any part of tropical Africa. except for some distance along the Zambesi River. Most of the region around the two lakes, Stefanie and Rudolf, is pitted with ancient craters and Cavendish found the most remarkable crater that has yet been discovered in the district. The natives call it Sodigo V0. and it is about a mile and a half wide and 1,800 feet deep. His predecc-isors in this lake region were Telcki, lionaldson, Smith and Bob- tcgo none of whom have given the world any idea of the country to the west of Lake Rudolf. It may be. how- ever. that the records of tho Bottego expedition a. part of which were re- covered after the massacre of his party will contain information about the west side of the lake, for it is said Ellilllill‘lé‘NElivoUSllE‘sé FREQUENTLY BRINGS lTS VICTIIII 1'0 THE VERGE 0F INSANITY. __ l'he (‘ue of a Young Lady in omnih' Falls “he Suffered Severelyâ€"Given tp B, Two Doctorsâ€"Dr. Williams' Pink Pun [lave Restored Ber Health. From the Smith's Falls News. )Iamy cases have been reported of how invalid: who have suffered for years and whose case had been given up by the attending physician, have been restored to health and vigor tlirou ii that now world-famed medi- cine. r. Williams’ Pink Pills, but we doubt if thereisone more startlin or more convincing than that of gliss. Elizabeth Minshull. who resides with] her brother, Mr. Thos. Minshull,off this town. an employee in Frost 6; \i'ood's A riculturai \Vorks. The hews hear of this remarkable case. and meetinng. Miushull asked him if the story was correct. He replied: “filllknow is that my sister had been given up as incurable by two hysiâ€" clans. She is now well enough to 0 any kind of housework and can go and commas she pleases. and this change has. it is my honest conviction, been brought about by the use of Dr, \Vilâ€" liams' Pink Pills. Mr. Minshull than related the following story to the Newszâ€""My sister is twenty yearsof’ age. She came to Canada from Eng-i land about. ten years ago, and resided, with a Baptist minister. Rev. Mr. Cody, at Sorel, Que. In April, of 1896,i she took ill and gradually grew worse“ She was underaiovai physician’s cure for over five months. The doctor said1 that she was suffering from a compli-l cation of nervous diseases, and that hel could do little for her. The minister; with whom she lived then wrote me. of my sister’s state of health, and l I had her come to Smith’s Falls, in the I hope that. a change and rest would do her good. When she arrived here she was in a very weak state and a local physician. was called in to see her. He attended her for some time, ' but with pour results, and finally acâ€"l knowledged that the case was one which he could do very little for. My l sister had by this time become a pitâ€" lable object; the slightest noise would disturb her and the slightest exertion almost make her insane. It required that Bottch visited that district. Cav- someone to be with her at all times, endish supplies the first information of that region. He ascended a moun- tain' 5,000 FEET HIGH. at the north end of Lake Rudolf, from which he had on extensive view of the country to the west. He says it is a mass of mountains, eutirel uninâ€" habited. and exceedingly diff cult to traverse. He journeyed west of the lake and traced the whole of the west shore. hitherto unplotted on our maps. For a width of about fifty miles it is quite flat. when the land rises sudden- ly into the mountains. It is subject to very great variations, often floodâ€" ing the countr}v all around. Count Teleki ound at the south end of Lake Rudolf, the only active volâ€" cano then known in Africa. Two years ago. Dr. Donaldson Smith found this volcano still in a state of erupâ€" tion but Cavendish nowreports that it has been shattered by a great conâ€" vulsion and wher/e it stood there is now a plain of lava. He discovered another lake south of Rudolf in which was a volcano that had also been shut- tered. killing the fish in the lake. whose bodies covered the shores. Round the shores of Lake Stefanie the explorer had some excellent sport. and it. was here that he was caughtby a. wounded elephant. "My escape."said Mr. Cavendish. "was nothing less than miraculous. The grcatbenst, mad with rage. was charging me, when. at the critical moment. my gun failed. and I had to run. But the elephant soon caught me. and. going on his knees tried to pin me to the ground with his tusks. Failing in this. he caught me. with his trunk and flung me round under his body with the idea of crush- ing me to death. How I escaped I do not know. as I was in this situation for half an hour. 'At the end of that time the great brute. got up and kickâ€" ing a piece of wood. which he doubtless tOOk to be my dead body made off to his retreat. Curiously enough. I had no bones broken. but I was covâ€" ercd with blood." ’Mr. Cavendish is only 21 years old. He has certainly had some remarkable experiences and has brought hnmein- formation of value. A STUDY LAMP. ‘ruestâ€"“hat. sort of a lamp istllatl’ Hostâ€"A siudy lamp. Guestâ€"«Ab! (Killed that because it is for the study. i presume. Hostâ€"No. called that because it takes I great deal of study to run it. ONE OF THOUSANDS. ~ Bi Orders and Words of Praise Prove the erth of Dr. Agnow’s Ointment. “Kindly all enclosed order at once. Dr. Agnew's Ointu‘eii has given the greatest of satisfaction here. It is one of the best sellers we ever handled and is magical in the cure of nkin disease: enviRilu. Yours truly. Lurelm Drug 00.. liauch hunk. P's. Onion like this accompanied bv jiut such words of crane, are the commonest occurrence at headquarters for this (real remedyâ€"proves the people's faith in it and prove: its pewor Io relieve and cure piles and all itchin and torturing akin troubles. MATH l MON IA L DISCUSSION. Sheâ€"l presume you have forgotien. you outrageous bruie. that you once promised me I should be the queen of the household. Beâ€"Mebbe I did. but I didn't intend that you should be the loss. too. Karl's Clover Root Tax. is a leasant laxative. Regulates the ltowe s. puri- ties the blood. Clears the com lexiop. .Euy to make and pleasant to aka. .5 well... id by all droggiste. The" is e hi h motif in substitu- tion. aided by on lic indifference. There will he no profiu at all if people. al- ways and everywhere. refuse counter- {cit articles. and often after a fit of extreme ner- uousness she would Lecome uncon- scious and remain in that state for hiours. \Vhen I wont: home 1 had to .take my itpots off at this door-step .30 as not to disturb her. When the dultbor told me. he could do nothing for her, I consulted With my wife, who 9 had great faith in Dr. Williams‘ Pink lPills. as she knew of several where they had worked cases wonderful cures. and I concluded it would do no ‘harm to try them anyway. and men- tioned the fact to the dector. The doc- tor did not oppose their use. .but said he thought they might do her good. as thov were certainly a good medi- cine. in September of last year she began to use the Pills. and before ltwo b0sz had been used. she began ! to show signs of improvement. She has {continued their use since, and is toâ€" : day a living testimony of the Curative . lower of Dr. \V'illiams' l’ink Pills." { Ir. Minsh'ull has no hesitation in Esaunding the praises of a remedy that : has worked such a change in the health lof his sister and cheerfully gave the “News” the above particulars, and when asked to do so most willingly signed the following declaration:â€" Smith's Falls. Sept. 11th. 1897. I hereby make declaration that the statements in above as to thecondltioni of my sister. and the benefit she reâ€" ceived from the use of Dr. \Villialms' Pink Pills are absolutely correct. Thos. Minshull. thness, J. H. Ross. A MODEL WIFE. There is a. man in Hamilton who has such a. good wife. that in all his marâ€" riel life he can't remember that he ever found the salt-cellars on the ta- ble empty once. Cure the Cough with Shiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last. year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by all druggis’ts. HER BA D AIM. \Ilewittâ€"Does your wife, miss you when you are away:f Jewett-She misses me \\ hen I am at home. Hewittâ€"\Vhat do you mean? .leu‘l-ttâ€"She can't straight. throw a cup Be Not. Deceived. A Cough. Hearse- nors or Croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Fhiloh's Cure will save vou much trouble. Sold by all druggists. EVIDENCE. That young Dr. Pillsbury. He takes life very easily. I know it. He killed three friends of mine. HEART SCEPTICS ARE CONVINCED IN 80 MINUTES. Dr. Agnew'l Cure for the Heart gives relief in so minutes in most acute cue: of heart disease. on“ dore is all that is needed to con- vince lhe most sceptical. Thou-ands of llvoa have bre'i -aved through its timely use. It l' OI. or Hm NCRdB?! of modern "‘"u’ll'ftli scion-:0. DREADl'UlLLY NERVOUS. Gents:â€"I was dreadfully nervous. and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root. Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tioxru'Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea. soon cleansed my system so thor- o lily that I Segaidl regained health 32% strength. rs. . A. Sweet. Hert- ford. Conn. Sold by all drugguts. REFORMING THE WORLD. Caller-I supposed I would find our parents at home this time of day. th out. are they! Smell Boy-Yes‘m. Mother ain’t got back yet from the women‘s ever af- ternoon temperance meeting. on p.- n‘s no to Ginsllng's free lunch so- nor) a get his lupper A NOVEL IDEA. Five Hundred D liars Offered for Tesll monlnls by me Proprietor ol Schiller-N Sanapnrilla Pill-i. To introduce into this country this. old and well-tried German Fill. and to obtain Canadian and American testiâ€" monials which will greatly aid. them in selling this admirable tome and blood remedy here. K. H. Schiller_ & Company have determined to give five hundred dollars in cash. divided among the senders of the ten best testimonials re:eived from those who use their Pills. They reserve the right either to give the five hundred dollars i) one or two Persons. or to divide it amongstlhe senders of the ten best. testimonials. K. H. Schiller 3; Company are to be the sole judges of which are the best testimonials, and will award the cash accordingly. This offer will remain open until the lat March next. You will not find these Pills in drug stores at present. nor until a demand is created for them; at all events. Schiller does not in the meantime Wish to risk the druggist offering you "something just as good" on; which he P'guld make four or five times the proâ€" 1 . Be prompt in sending'in. for the testimonials will be considered as they come to hand. but the award will not be made until the lat March next. The price of the Pills is fifty cents per box. but Schiller & Company re- quires each person to send for two boxes so that the pills can be given a fair trial. Get the Pills and try them. and. if you find them good, write Schiller your opinion in as few words as possible. and. if your testimonial is the best of all sent in. you will get. the five hunâ€" dred dollars; if ten others are as sood- l Reliable goode r ht riooe. Park Blackwell fifty dollars will be given to each of ' £00., Umlt‘ WP ' the ten. Testimonials must not be longer than fifty words and the shorter the better. Schiller & Company say they have thousands of foreign testimonials. but they want Canadian and American ones. and take this plan of getting them at once. and, of course, they want testimonials only from those who have given the Pills a fair trial. The Pills are a sovereign remedy for all blood impurities and one box is equal to any dollar bottle of Sarsaparilla. Remit direct to K. H’. Schiller S: Comâ€" pany, Toronto, Ontario. 4 AFTER INFORMATION. Mr. J impson. severelyâ€"Tbmmy. nev- er let me hear you use the word sling again. Always say throw. Tommy J impsonâ€"Yes, paw. And did David really put a. stone in his throw and kill Goliar? How's This ? WWW me __ __ _.- n”. m ..__ _. .,___n.- .sczs Gill'le Piniullnir m. COPPER, lLilllll & SAWS gallium! Shel-lbw un......‘.......‘. 000.co- BRASS: stools---...........‘::....... LEAD. Ase-ti ................. ..........12.000.000 nurnannom:â€"1MPERIAL BANK. Hun OFFICE-TORONTO 3’15. TORONTQ Branch Officesâ€"“'nxn‘to. MAIL. AND Apples, Poultu, Fresco‘s. VAXCOUVRR. B. C. --â€"-â€"l The Dawson Commission 00.,”mm‘ Oor. of West Market and Dolborne 8t, - TORONTO, The ample resources of [hit Combos one its Directom to make advances on cal tate. without delay.“ low rates of inure: rmd on the most favorable term! of repay-men Loans granted on Improved Farms and Product vo Town and City Properties 3! {ages and Municipal Debentures Par abused. A plicatlons will be received an the offices of 0 m n o m M ’ J. usaasar MASON. Managing Director. Toronto DR. GOODE'S PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PILLS A Specific for Female Complaints, are a true boon to every lady who suffers in the pol-lo; -gâ€" _ ;~: ' 59- silli‘lillilslaiéW595!!! EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 50 AND ifs-acre mortgaged farms in the counties 0 Middlesex. Essex, Kent. and Lsmbtou for sale very cheap: small amount down, balance at. low “rate of interest. For list. asply to W IA 3‘. BULLEN. Manager nterio Loan 8; Debenture Co.. lLoudon. AGENTg' '- s». e: a an. ‘ mm... . . ‘o‘ii‘t. 33m Mills, Mills & Halos A Paggistgrs. etlcgn‘emfiyeld o as ey ., c \- mond St. “g. 'Fgronto. slice of nature's eflort. They at. once one the pain restore natural and healthy action of the ovarian v eels For youn and. developing womanhood they any remedy wh ch an be used. They are compouu solely from the native principles of vegetablesubnhn and ne perfectly late and reliable. Ask your drugm for them. and if he does not. keep them stock he procure them for you. Price $1.00 per ottle. or6 or $00. “'holesale Agents: The Toronto Pharmaosl 0... leltod. Toronto. roa TWENTY-BEVEN rains. OLD Canadian voodoo stem 3 waited. Good y Prices paid. Dr. Mason, 131 .iutunl stTorcnto E U N N BIONEY CAN BE DOUBLED in a year. Those having money to invest would find it B N G THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND F'. J. Mol rosn, 95 McCaul St... Toronto. LARGEST S'ALE iN CANADA. NO ONE usurs WANTED â€" Bo TON rainstorm»: Pin RIM Co.. 130 KING Sr, W., Tox'Onto. , until Bullionâ€"Now Importation; finest English shoe and American hog casings. A GLERGYMAN’S LETTER. LONDON, ONT., October'zofla, 1897. l J03 COOK MANUFACTURING Co. 1 GENTLEMEN,â€"-â€"I have personally examined the heads of ten respon- Wo ofl‘er One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case pf Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Oatsrrh Cure. F. J. CHEVEY & 00.. Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned. have known 1“. J. Cheney for the last 16 y are, and believe him perfec 1y honorable in all business tr nsactiois and financially able to carry out any 0 ligations made by their firm. Wrisrsc'l‘aUAX, Wholesale Druggism.'i‘oledo,0. WALnuvc, Emma 85 Muivm, Wholesale Dru ists. Toledo, 0. Ha 's Catarrh Gore is taken internally. act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous our faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. HIS ONLY HOPE. Why are you trying to get your friend a. public clerkship? Because he hasn't a particle of busi- ness about him and I can't afford to give him employment in my office. CATARRI-I’S HARVEST. â€"â€" Will be Bountiful if the Simple Cold in the Head is Neklected Now â€" Dr. {new's Catarrhal Powder is Nature‘s never. This is the seeding time for that dread maladyâ€"catarrh. A simple cold in the head, induced by sudden change in the weather, may mean to you years of torment if neglect- ed. Dr. A new’s Catarrhal Powder wil rc- lievc a col in the head in ten minutes. It will allay all inflammation like magic. and pre- ,vent the seating of disgusting catarrh. If on are so unfortunate as to have contracted t, no matter how many years have passed, there is a certain cure in this tested remedy. TlHE GOLDEI‘Qr MEAN. New Ministerâ€"I propose to hold old Moth ags up to scorn. Old Holsterâ€"Don't go too far, my bov. New Ministerâ€"What would you sug-. gest. then? Old Ministerâ€"Umâ€"s’pose you ‘hold him up. merelyl AMUSED THEM. How did your French go in Paris, Mrs. Parvenui . Beautiful! They were really tickled with it. DR. ALLISON’S Kidney “Buds ” Day by day is winning the good will of all kidney sufferers. Have you a pain in the Book, Bladder. or Kidney tron le, just try them once. i'ou willl ovc them. They’re good, 2 full boxes, post paid to any address for 250., in stamps. They are a. high y prized Eaffluh Remodv, cri- domed by thousands. ALL ON MED. BD'Y., lreokvllle, Ont. TOO ATTRACTIVE. Heâ€"Oh. my dear. if they had ladies’ faces on them we never would be able to pass theml 'v .‘rriv'h w r 0394‘“ Wvo’uooo Intel]! eat ladies and gentlemen can be sup. plied a: entesl ag’d‘ve‘ihy PROFil’EAXBFl‘g: e 0 on 'n in a cement a .' N- rflsfi‘i to iocuu GOOD. asuoxsaA- l‘l‘ION’. Can give the address “representative who hujut elo In: in 11 DAYS. 86 can be made right A your Own HOME. J. L. NICHOLS t CO. 8 Richmond West. Toronto. “PL-Isa 7“ "swan m. .’.-D l sible citizens of London, Olit., who have given sworn testimony to the effect that by the use of “ Amberine Hair Producer ” they have succeeded in “growing new hair where they were formerly bald, and I found their state- ments to be correct. They also speak of it in the highest terms as a cure for dandruff, itching of the scalp and falling out of the hair. Had it not been for my personal investigation, I could not believe such results were possible. REV. - MARTIN LOWRY. “Aniberinc” I remain, yours truly, W N EW TH l N G l PERHAPS YOUR DRUGGIST DON'T KEEP IT! Preparation, with full directions, malled on recclpt of $1.00. JOB COOK MANUFAOTURING 60., LONDON, ONT. Gives Back Original Luster: Prevents Breaking and Falling Out. 3 (Morning Edition) iNCLuolNor-W The 24-page Saturday Illustrated Edition duly $4.959. aYa Order direct or through newsdcaier or post- master and secure THE CHRISTMAS EDITION FREE. THE GLOBE, Toronto. e. ' ’ pod ho‘iiscéwifegwho a, 7K 0 Gifts we'll saldyfihe is muzz’l'e‘d mharhon'séfTrylP“ ailscjp your house cleans/All grocers cap it‘- Clcanliness and neatncss about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Mm likes comfort, and if he can't find it at home, be ME seek elscwhcrc for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLK’) makes a house clean and keeps it bright Happiness always dwell: in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be sm'priscd It for)! ‘UCCCSS BEWARE OF IMITATIONQ A,-~A.AMWMW-W ~vv 1 GURES DANDRUFF IN ONE WEEK. l l l !. l l l l --...~n-~

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